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ATP Utilities V1.60
(C) 1992 Simon Hradecky (CIS: 100031,336)
The ATP utilities consist of: Career Assignment Editor, Logbook Editor,
Career Results Editor, Flightplanner with Display/Print of Routes and detailed
Fuel Calculation, Node-, Route-, Primary Airport- and ATC-Center Editor.
The ATP utilities are free to be copied to everyone. If you are satisfied
and/or want to support further development, you may send US$ 20 cash in
envelope to:
Simon Hradecky
St. Julienstr. 2/406
A-5020 Salzburg
Another way of registration: I am able to collect fees via Mastercharge,
Eurocard and VISA credit cards. In such case send Name, Adress, Credit card type,
Card number and Expiration date to above adress via mail, fax
(Fax No.: 43 - 662 - 877 689/14) or email (100031.336@compuserve.com).
The charge will appear in your account as "NOMISSOFT G.m.b.H., Salzburg".
Due to differences of exchange rates (when i present the charges in local
currency and when you will be charged) the US$ amount may vary a little around
US$ 20.
With those fees you support development of version 2.0 with following features:
- Scan scenery for nodes and put them into the nodes file
- Edit VORs, NDBs and ILSs within scenery
- Airway database for ease of creating Routes
- CISAIR support
If sufficient support is done, version 2.0 will appear until end of 1992.
Hardware: (PC XT),PC AT 286/386/486 running DOS 3.x and above
minimum 560kB of free main memory
harddisk (minimum space 2MB)
optional mouse (recommended)
optional math coprocessor
Installation: All Files of the ATPUTIL must be copied into the
------------- directory of ATP.
CONFIG.SYS must contain line:
FILES=20 (or more)
Start of Program: make your ATP directory the default directory, then
----------------- type ATPUTIL [print device [/nff]]<CR> at the DOS prompt.
print device is an optional parameter. You may choose:
any regular device (LPT1,LPT2,COM1,COM2,COM3) (Note: no ":" at
the end!) or any regular filename including path. All print data
created by ATPUTIL will be sent to this device (Hardcopy still
works as before). If no printdevice is given, LPT1 will be used.
Examples: ATPUTIL LPT2 prints to LPT2
ATPUTIL TEST.PRN /NFF prints to file without
ATPUTIL COM1 prints to COM1
ATPUTIL prints to LPT1 with
The option /nff (NO FORM FEED) turns off printing of formfeeds
(all text on one page).
Configuration of ATPUTIL:
ATPUTIL is now able to read sceneries for being completely
compatible to ATP, when calculating directions. ATPUTIL needs
to know about the used scenery. Therefore the file "scenery.dat"
was introduced. Line 1 identifies the complete path of the
scenery including the name of scenery, but without extension.
If the scenery consists of more than one area files (GB1,GB2,GB),
a wildcard may be used. Line 2 identifies the coordinate
transformation between ATP coordinates and Lat./Long coordinates.
A 0 sets up for default transformation (USA,scenery F1) and a 2
sets up for GB scenery collections transformation. 1 and 3 are
unknown at this time. For use of GB transformation, "LATLON.BIN"
must exist in the default directory.
If no "scenery.dat" is available, standard transformation is
used, but no north deviation will be calculated. If "latlon.bin"
does not exist in the default directory, only standard transfor-
mation will be used.
Example: Configuration for Standard Scenery:
Configuration for GB Scenery collection:
Configuration for IPS Scenery:
General Rules of user interface:
End and Leave a form with ENTER or ESC, while not editing a field.
If you want to edit a field, press F3. Press INS for inserting or DEL for
deleting data. While showing Informations, you may scroll down and up using
Page_dn or Page_up (or click arrows with mouse).
Special Handling for Showing Career Results: you may alternate between
normal flights and checkflights by pressing SHIFT-Left or SHIFT-Right. This
also applies for showing the frequencies of ILSs and Centers.
Special Handling for Lat/Long Coordinates: In the Node, Primary and Center
Editor you may press grey + ("+" in the number block), when editing a
coordinate field. A second window will be brought, containing the Lat/Long.
Coordinates, which may be edited. (see below, too).
The flightplanner is open for every airport. It uses the routes info of
ATP, if both airports are primary airports. Otherwise it will find an
ifr route, based upon the nodes info of ATP. The goals of the route finder
are: There must always be contact to a VOR (if there is any chance). The
route should be as short as possible (but due to timing problems the finder
will not find the best, but a good route, which may last up to 30s [486/25]).
The route finder does not know anything about airways or types of VORs.
You may add your own airport data to the file "AIRPORT.ATP", which contains
the data of all to ATPUTIL available airports. The file can be edited with
every text editor. In every line there is described one airport. First there
is the code, then the location of the airport within parenthesis, then the
runways, which are controlled by ATC for landing, then ";" and the other
available runways (but not controlled by ATC). After the "-" there are the
coordinates and the altitude of the airport.
You may choose a flightplan out of a career assignment (if a logbook is open,
the next career-flight will be suggested) or input the airports manually.
After manually input no weather conditions are used within calculation. In
career calculation weather information within career file is used. You may
view fuel results only after viewing routes.
Fuel data:
Takeoff: Fuel/time needed for takeoff and climbing 4000-5000 ft AGL.
Departure: Fuel/time needed until command to climb cruising altitude.
Climb: Fuel/time needed to climb cruising altitude
Enroute: Fuel/time needed from reaching to leaving cruising altitude
Descend: Fuel/time needed for descend to far approach
approach: Fuel/time needed from entering approach control zone to
landing clearance.
landing: Fuel/time needed for final approach and reverse thrust.
All calculations are based upon experiences with ATP and are optimized for
ATP. They must not be used for real navigation.
After choosing Fuel the best calculation will be shown. You may choose other
altitudes with Page_dn or Page_up.
Print Flightplan:
The flightplan can be printed by answering YES to the question "print ...".
You will be given the opportunity after viewing route and frequency
information (route and frequencies will be printed), and after viewing fuel
(the fuel information is printed). There is no configuration for the used print
device necessary, the printer need to support CR (Carriage Return), LF
(Line Feed) and FF (Form Feed). If the printdevice is a file, the output will
be appended to the end of the file (so you may store a lot of flightplan
and fuel informations in one file).
Node Editor:
The node editor may hold up to 1500 nodes (original ATP database has 576
nodes). If your PC has not enough memory, the program may crash (unrecoverable
error in the user interface library). The nodes database is for ATC use only.
Therefore changes do not alter the scenery files (which means, that you will
not see any new VOR, or position changes of VORs, while navigating in ATP).
ATC will guide you based upon the nodes and assume, that given VORs are
located on the given positions and are working properly. If you want to edit
a new NODES database, you have to clear NODES.BIN within Nodes menu.
Route Editor:
The route editor may change only routes between primary airports (altering
ROUTES.BIN). The route editor is not capable of editing two routes between
the same airports, regardless to direction of routing (the file must not
exceed 60k), if there was only one route for both directions (which is
the case in the default ROUTES.BIN). If you want to generate a new
ROUTES.BIN, you have to clear routes within nodes menu (NOTE: ATP perhaps will
lock up, if you try to start with an empty route file. At least the route from
airport 12 (=LAX) to airport 23 (=SFO) must exist, you have to reedit this
route). After finishing the route, ATPUTIL checks the given radials according
to the locations of VORs and yells, if there is a deviation of more than 5 degrees.
Then you may choose ATPUTIL to change the radials by itself.
If there are only unidirectional routes, you may convert them to bidirectional
routes by activating "Bidir. Routes" in menu NODES/PRIMARY. ATPUTIL checks
for existance of one way routes and opens the way retour.
Adapting ATP for a new scenery:
If you want to generate ATC routes for different sceneries, you will have
to do following steps:
1.) duplicate your ATP directory
(you may want to choose to fly within USA or other sceneries)
otherwise you will have to rename the files described in 9.)
2.) Edit Primary Airports
You will have to install airports of the new scenery as primary
3.) Edit ATC Control Centers
4.) Generate a new NODES.BIN and a new ROUTES.BIN
5.) Generate a new AIRPORT.ATP File, according to above description
Be sure to enter the primary airports in the first 26 lines in correct
order, then the secondary airports
6.) Edit the NODES within ATPUTIL
7.) Edit the ROUTES within ATPUTIL (you'll have to edit the nodes and
NOTE: The route from airport 12 (=LAX in USA scenery) to airport 23
(=SFO in USA scenery) must exist, otherwise ATP may lock up at the demo
flight at the start.
8.) Alter the career assignments according to the new airports
just as you like
and the Primary Airport File to ATP Lib (dont forget to PKZIP them)
for the benefit of other users.
Primary and Center Editor:
The Editors are only available, if your ATP.EXE is recognized correctly by
ATPUTIL (i designed that algorithm to be compatible with all known patches
and changes by other tools). If the message appears, that ATPUTIL can not
identify your version of ATP.EXE, be sure that ATP.EXE and FOREIGN.ATP exist
in your default directory. If the error still exists, PKZIP your original
ATP.EXE and FOREIGN.ATP and send it to me via EMAIL. An Upgrade of the UTILs
will appear as soon as possible.
You may change all data of the primary airports. The sum of the length of
all airport names must not exceed 254 Bytes (including a NUL Byte at the end
of every name), also the runway table must not exceed its original length.
ATPUTIL checks for this and refuses update of ATP.EXE, if an error is recognized.
Data are: Location and direction of aircraft at terminal, Location and
direction of aircraft after autotaxi, several frequencies (approach=departure
frequency), the controlled landing runways and uncontrolled runways. Do not
forget to change the airport data in AIRPORT.ATP, too!
Note, that the airport name may be a center name, too. 10 Centers out of the
primary airports are possible. Each center consists of 4 subareas, which are
conrolled on different frequencies. If the coordinates indicate to be within
one control center, but no subarea fits, the default frequency will be chosen.
Frequency Display:
After displaying the route information, which you left with ESC, a second
screen will be shown with all necessary frequency informations. Even the
Center frequencies, you will be connected to, will be shown. The centers are
identified at every node, given within the route. The frequency display only
appears, if ATP.EXE is identified by ATPUTIL (see above) and both airports
are primary.
Lat/Long. Coordinates:
In the node, primary and center editor you may use Lat/Long coordinates
instead of the ATP Coordinates. Enter the coordinate field (North or East),
then press the grey + key ("+" in the number block). A window with Lat/Long.
Coordinates will appear. Change the data, press ENTER. The window will close
and both ATP Coodinates will be updated according to the Lat/Long. data.
The correct transformation will be identified by Line 2 of file "scenery.dat":
0 .. ATP default scenery (USA)
1 .. unknown at this time
2 .. GB scenery collection
3 .. unknown at this time
Scenery read:
ATPUTIL automatically reads the sceneries for getting north deviation, whenever
it is needed. You need to setup scenery.dat properly (see above) for using
that feature. If ATPUTIL does not find the scenery or has not enough memory
for reading the scenery, no north deviation will be calculated (making
differences of about -35 to +20 degrees).
Possible error messages about scenery read problems:
Illegal Scenery Code encountered ... Contact Author
No matching area found ... There was no area matching the given
location, therefore no north dev.
can be used - continue work
SCENERY.DAT not found ... The configuration file is missing
- exit ATPUTIL and create file
Scenery files not found ... The path or filename given in
SCENERY.DAT does not match
- exit ATPUTIL and correct
Not enough memory to process scenery. 1) Not 560 kB of free memory
- exit ATPUTIL and correct
2) Earlier heavy action causing memory
fragmentation. ATPUTIL is not able
to locate a contiguous memory block
large enough for scenery read.
- restart ATPUTIL
Import and Export of Primary airports:
ATPUTILs are able to interchange primary airports between several versions of
ATP (as well as users) by exporting the primary airports and then importing
the resulting file to a new ATP. This feature can also be used to send primary
airport configuration to other users without sending the EXE-File.
After selecting Export ATPUTIL will ask you for the name of the file, which
will store the primary airport configuration. You may enter a path and file-
name with extension (as in DOS). ATPUTIL will then write all primary data
including center data to that file.
After selecting Import ATPUTIL you may enter the file name including path and
extension (as in DOS), where ATPUTIL previous stored primary configurations.
ATPUTIL will then read all data. NOTE: You must update the file, before the
new primaries come in effect for flights.
Revision History:
1.00 2/15/92 First Release
1.01 2/17/92 some bugs corrected
1.10 3/03/92 flight planner opened for all airports
1.11 3/10/92 bugs corrected
1.20 4/26/92 Node and Route Editor added
1.30 5/09/92 Primary Airport-, Air Traffic Control Center-Editor added
Frequency Display at Route Information
Clear Node+Route Files built in
"DIRECT" bug corrected
Temperature problem fixed
Formula for magnetic north deviation revised
(but there is a difference of up to 4 degrees to ATP
1.31 5/10/92 ATP.EXE Version 12/19/90 supported
1.40 5/21/92 lost cluster bug fixed
Transformation between ATP and Lat/Long coordinates added
Print Routines added to Flightplanner
Memory Usage reduced by 64k
1.41 7/11/92 Bug in Fuel printout corrected
/nff option added (no form feed)
change to Compiler MSC 7
1.42 7/17/92 Change back to Compiler MSC 6 (MATH ERROR in View Route
1.50 7/28/92 ATP-Scenery read for getting North Deviation
(no more difference to ATP)
Full support of all current Lat/Lon coordinate transformations
Make existing routes bidirectional
Import and Export of primary airports
1.60 8/06/92 Bug in Lat/Long Coordinates (seconds) corrected
Bug in scenery read corrected (MATH Error, if scenery not found)
crashes due to Scenery Overrun fixed
Bug in Bidirectional routes fixed (Null Pointer Assignment due
to compiler bug, no action)
Support of FS4 Sceneries added
Hope, you enjoy these tools.