183 E-mailov² program nebyl spuatn.\nByl pou~it pYφkaz: %s\nByl zkontrolovßn ·daj v registru: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\%s
184 V²sledky testovßnφ rozhranφ Direct3D:
185 Sprßvnou funkci rozhranφ Direct3D vyzkouaφte klepnutφm na tlaφtko Test rozhranφ Direct3D v²ae.\n
187 Textov² soubor (*.txt)#*.txt#
188 DxDiag.txt
189 txt
190 Soubor %s nenφ digitßln podepsßn, co~ znamenß, ~e nebyl testovßn v laboratoYφch Windows Hardware Quality Labs spolenosti Microsoft. Pokuste se zφskat od v²robce zaYφzenφ podepsan² ovlada.\n
191 Nkolik souboro (%s) nenφ digitßln podepsßno, co~ znamenß, ~e nebyly testovßny v laboratoYφch Windows Hardware Quality Labs spolenosti Microsoft. Pokuste se zφskat od v²robce zaYφzenφ podepsan² ovlada.\n
192 ~ßdnß
193 Tφmto bude na zaYφzenφ spuatn test rozhranφ DirectDraw. Chcete pokraovat?
194 Testy v okn budou vynechßny, proto~e zaYφzenφ nepodporuje re~im prßce v okn.
195 Nßsledujφcφ test pou~ije rozhranφ DirectDraw ke kreslenφ na primßrnφ plochu v normßlnφm (ne celoobrazovkovΘm) re~imu. Mly by b²t zobrazeny ernΘ a bφlΘ obdΘlnφky.
196 StYφdaly se na obrazovce ernΘ a bφlΘ obdΘlnφky?
197 Nßsledujφcφ test pou~ije rozhranφ DirectDraw ke kreslenφ na plochu mimo obrazovku v normßlnφm (ne celoobrazovkovΘm) re~imu. Ml by b²t zobrazen skßkajφcφ bφl² obdΘlnφk.
198 Byl zobrazen skßkajφcφ bφl² obdΘlnφk?
199 Nßsledujφcφ test pou~ije rozhranφ DirectDraw ke kreslenφ v celoobrazovkovΘm re~imu. Ml by b²t zobrazen skßkajφcφ bφl² obdΘlnφk.
206 Tφmto bude na zaYφzenφ spuatn test rozhranφ Direct3D. Chcete pokraovat?
207 Tento test pou~ije hardwarov urychlenΘ rozhranφ DirectX 7 .
208 Byla zobrazena rotujφcφ kostka s logem DirectX po stranßch?
209 Stisknutφm klßvesy jste zruaili test.
210 Tento test pou~ije hardwarov urychlenΘ rozhranφ DirectX 7 .
211 Klepnte na toto tlaφtko a upravte chovßnφ rozhranφ DirectX pro aplikaci %s (pouze pro zkuaenΘ u~ivatele):
212 Nastavenφ pro aplikaci %s
213 Nastavenφ aplikace se nepodaYilo ulo~it.
214 Hodnota obnovovacφ frekvence musφ b²t mezi 40 a 120.
215 Soubor %s nebyl nalezen.\n
216 Nkolik souboro (%s) nebylo nalezeno.\n
217 dxdiag.chm
218 Soubor nßpovdy pro DxDiag nelze najφt nebo otevYφt.
220 PYi pokusu o nastavenφ re~imu High Color pYi rozliaenφ 640x480 doalo k chyb. Poφta tento re~im nepodporuje. Nejde o kritickou chybu, pouze nkterΘ programy nebudou bez podpory tohoto re~imu pracovat.
221 O rozhranφ DirectMusic nebylo mo~no zφskat zßkladnφ informace.
222 Hudba
223 O rozhranφ DirectMusic nebylo mo~no zφskat dalaφ informace.
224 Popis
225 Typ
226 Podporuje DLS
227 V²chozφ port
228 Nebyly nalezeny ~ßdnΘ porty rozhranφ DirectMusic.\n
229 V registru nebyly specifikovßny ~ßdnΘ soubory DLS pro General MIDI.\n
230 Nebyl nalezen soubor DLS pro General MIDI.\n
231 Vstup/V²stup
232 Rozhranφ DirectMusic bude testovßno pomocφ portu %s. PYejete si pokraovat?
233 Volßnφ procedury CoInitialize
234 VytvßYenφ objektu IDirectMusicLoader
235 VytvßYenφ objektu IDirectMusicPerformance
236 Inicializace objektu IDirectMusicPerformance
237 VytvßYenφ portu IDirectMusicPort
238 Aktivace portu IDirectMusicPort
239 Nastavovßnφ promnnΘ AutoDownload na hodnotu TRUE
240 PYidßvßnφ portu IDirectMusicPort do objektu IDirectMusicPerformance
241 PYiYazovßnφ bloku PChannel
242 PYenos hudebnφho souboru do doasnΘho souboru
243 Nastavovßnφ prohledßvanΘho adresßYe na doasn² adresßY
244 Zavßdnφ hudby zavadem IDirectMusicLoader
245 PYehrßvßnφ segmentu
246 Nynφ by mla b²t slyaet hudba. Pokraujte klepnutφm na tlaφtko OK.
247 Sprßvnou funkci rozhranφ DirectMusic vyzkouaφte klepnutφm na tlaφtko Test rozhranφ DirectMusic v²ae.\n
248 V²sledky testovßnφ rozhranφ DirectMusic:
249 V²stup
250 Vstup
251 Software
252 Hardware
253 <Soubor nebyl nalezen>
254 %s (Verze %s)
255 PYi poslednφm spuatnφ narazil program DxDiag na problΘmy pYi pYφstupu k rozhranφ %s. Chcete rozhranφ %s vynechat?
256 Soubor %s nenφ v adresßYi systΘmu Windows sprßvn nainstalovßn a ml by b²t odstrann.\n
257 Nkolik souboro (%s) nenφ v adresßYi systΘmu Windows sprßvn nainstalovßno a mly by b²t odstranny.\n
258 Rozhranφ DirectSound bude testovßno s tφmto zaYφzenφm pYehrßnφm zvukovΘho efektu v nkolika rozn²ch formßtech. PYejete si pokraovat?
259 Zvukovß karta nepodporuje hardwarovou vyrovnßvacφ pame. Bude pou~ita pouze softwarovß vyrovnßvacφ pame.
260 Tento zvuk byl:\n\n%s%s, %d bito %d Khz, z %s vyrovnßvacφ pamti.\n\nSlyaeli jste zvuk?
261 3-D
262 Mono
263 Stereo
264 Vφcekanßlov²
265 Emulovan²
266 VXD
267 WDM
268 NeplatnΘ argumenty
269 ObecnΘ selhßnφ
270 Neoekßvanß chyba
271 Nenφ implementovßno
272 Nedostatek pamti
273 }ßdnΘ rozhranφ nenφ k dispozici
274 Neplatn² re~im
275 Neplatn² formßt pixelo
276 Nelze vytvoYit DC
277 Nebylo nalezeno
278 Podpora rozhranφ DirectDraw nenφ k dispozici
279 Podpora prostorovΘho zobrazenφ nenφ k dispozici
280 NeplatnΘ zaYφzenφ
281 Inicializace se nezdaYila
282 VytvoYenφ materißlu se nezdaYilo
283 Nastavenφ svtla se nezdaYilo
284 Xφzenφ nenφ k dispozici
285 Chybn² formßt
286 Doalo ke ztrßt bloku vyrovnßvacφ pamti
287 }ßdn² ovlada nenφ k dispozici
288 Ovlada selhal
289 otevYen²ch porto
290 ZaYφzenφ je pou~φvßno
291 Nedostatenß velikost vyrovnßvacφ pamti
292 Blok dat nebyl nalezen
293 Chybn² nßstroj
294 Nelze φst
295 Zavad: chybnß cesta
296 Zavad: otevYenφ se nezdaYilo
297 Zavad: formßt nenφ podporovßn
298 Objekt nebyl nalezen
299 Zpracovßnφ po~adavku se nezdaYilo, proto~e zdroje rozhranφ DirectSound a ·roveH priority ji~ jsou pou~φvßny.
300 nepou~ito
301 nepou~ito
302 nepou~ito
303 nepou~ito
304 P&ovolit
305 &Zakßzat
306 &Povolit
307 Z&akßzat
308 Poznßmka: Toto zvukovΘ zaYφzenφ nepodporuje 16bitov² re~im zpracovßnφ zvuku. NkterΘ novjaφ aplikace mohou tento re~im po~adovat a proto nemusφ pracovat sprßvn. PYesto se rozhranφ DirectSound pokusφ umo~nit bh tchto aplikacφ, pokud to bude mo~nΘ.
309 }ßdnΘ
310 (sΘrie NEC PC-98)
311 %s%s (%d.%d, Build %d)
312 Ladnφ
313 %s (Mφstnφ nastavenφ: %s)
314 %I64d MB pou~ito, %I64d MB k dispozici
315 Konen²
316 Beta verze
317 Prodejnφ verze
318 (PYφtomen)
319 V²chozφ
320 Vnjaφ
321 Pokud je k poφtai pYipojen externφ syntezßtor, mla by b²t slyaet hudba. Pokraujte klepnutφm na tlaφtko OK.
322 Znakovß sada Unicode
323 (v²chozφ obnovovacφ frekvence)
324 (optimßlnφ obnovovacφ frekvence)
325 (%d procesoro)
326 Program DxSetup.exe se nepodaYilo spustit.
327 Tato verze programu DxDiag je v k≤dovßnφ Unicode a je mo~no ji spustit pouze na systΘmech typu Windows NT. Na systΘmech Windows 95 a Windows 98 pou~ijte verzi, kterß nenφ v k≤dovßnφ Unicode.
336 Re~im jßdra
337 Sφe
338 ┌daje v registru o poskytovateli slu~eb %s schßzφ nebo jsou poakozeny.\n
339 Schßzφ soubor %s, kter² potYebuje poskytovatel slu~eb %s.\n
340 Informace v registru pro DirectPlay aplikaci %s schßzφ nebo jsou poakozeny. Mli by jste aplikaci znovu nainstalovat.\n
341 Schßzφ soubor %s, potYebn² pro DirectPlay aplikaci %s. Mli by jste aplikaci znovu nainstalovat.\n
342 V²sledky testovßnφ rozhranφ DirectPlay:
343 Sprßvnou funkci rozhranφ DirectPlay vyzkouaφte klepnutφm na tlaφtko Test rozhranφ DirectPlay v²ae.\n
344 Registr
345 Soubor
346 GUID
347 OK
348 Chyba
349 PYi zφskßvßnφ sφeov²ch informacφ doalo k problΘmu
350 Testovacφ u~ivatelskΘ jmΘno
351 Testovacφ relace
352 U~ivatel %s se pYidal k relaci.\n
353 U~ivatel %s opustil relaci.\n
354 Volßnφ procedury CoInitialize
355 VytvßYenφ objektu DirectPlay
356 VytvßYenφ adresDirectPlay
357 VytvßYenφ v²tu relacφ
358 VytvßYenφ v²tu hrßo
359 Odesφlßnφ zprßvy konverzace
360 PYφjem zprßvy rozhranφ DirectPlay
361 Nastavovßnφ informacφ s druhou stranou
362 VytvßYenφ relace
363 PYidßvßnφ se k relaci
366 }ßdnß akcelerace
367 Zßkladnφ akcelerace
368 Standardnφ akcelerace
369 ┌plnß akcelerace
370 PYφstup byl odepYen
371 Hrße nebylo mo~no pYidat
372 Relaci nebylo mo~no vytvoYit
373 Doalo k v²jimce
374 Neplatn² objekt
375 }ßdnΘ pYipojenφ nenφ k dispozici
376 asov² limit
377 Obsazeno
378 PYipojenφ bylo ztraceno
379 }ßdn² poskytovatel slu~by nenφ k dispozici
380 Nenφ k dispozici
381 TYφda nenφ zaregistrovanß
383 Tento test po~aduje rozhranφ DirectX 8.0 nebo vyaaφ.
384 PYi pokusu o navßzßnφ spojenφ pomocφ zadanΘho zprostYedkovatele slu~eb nastala chyba. Poφta zYejm nemß nainstalovßn potYebn² hardware nebo sφeovΘ ovladae.
406 Program DxDiag nelze spustit v interaktivnφm re~imu v systΘmu Windows NT verze 4. PYejete si pouze ulo~it informace rozhranφ DirectX do souboru a program ukonit?
407 Soubor je ulo~en. Program DxDiag bude nynφ ukonen.
412 Chcete-li zobrazit soubory nßpovdy, je tYeba nainstalovat aplikaci Internet Explorer verze 5.0 nebo vyaaφ.
413 Povoli&t
414 Zakßza&t
415 Tato akce optovn povolφ pou~φvßnφ portu AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) u vaech zobrazovacφch zaYφzenφ v systΘmu, kterΘ jej podporujφ.
416 Tato akce zakß~e pou~φvßnφ portu AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) u vaech zobrazovacφch zaYφzenφ v systΘmu, kterΘ jej podporujφ.
417 Upozornnφ: Nainstalovanß verze rozhranφ DirectX (%s) je pravdpodobn novjaφ ne~ tato verze programu DxDiag (%s). NkterΘ zobrazovanΘ informace nebudou pravdpodobn pYesnΘ. Je tYeba pou~φt novjaφ verzi programu DxDiag.
418 Hudebnφ port nelze aktivovat, proto~e nebyl nalezen ~ßdn² ovlada zvuku. Zkontrolujte, zda je zvukovß karta nainstalovßna a zda toto zaYφzenφ pracuje sprßvn.
419 Zadejte u~ivatelskΘ jmΘno.
420 Zadejte nßzev relace.
421 d MMM rrrr
422 Nelze vytvoYit seznam relacφ v zadanΘm hostitelskΘm poφtai. Zadan² poφta pravdpodobn neexistuje nebo nenφ v sφti k dispozici.
423 &Povolit
424 &Zakßzat
425 Tato akce zabrßnφ rozhranφ DirectMusic pou~φvat hardwarov urychlen² hudebnφ port jako v²chozφ.
426 Tato akce povolφ rozhranφ DirectMusic pou~φvat hardwarov urychlenΘ hudebnφ porty jako v²chozφ porty.
427 V registru systΘmu byly zjiatny problΘmy. PodrobnΘ informace naleznete v ulo~enΘm textovΘm souboru.\n
435 Vstupnφ port %s ohlßsil chybu programu Connection Manager . %d.\n
436 ZaYφzenφ s tφmto ID ji~ existuje. Chcete jej pYepsat?
437 Datacenter Server
438 Advanced Server
439 Server
440 Professional
445 Nainstalujte nejnovjaφ verzi rozhranφ DirectX.\n
446 Hledßnφ relacφ...\n
447 Home Edition
448 PYipojovßnφ k hostiteli...\n
449 ┌span pYipojeno k hostiteli\n
450 Nedostatek zobrazovacφ pamti
451 DirectDraw
452 DirectSound
453 DirectMusic
454 DirectInput
455 DirectPlay
456 systΘmovΘ informace
457 3D nenφ dostupnΘ
458 Verze nainstalovanΘho rozhranφ Winsock je zastaralß a zposobuje problΘmy se sφeov²mi hrami.\n
459 Je spuatna aplikace NetMeeting. Hardwarovß akcelerace pro Direct3D nemusφ pracovat, dokud je aplikace NetMeeting spuatna. \n
500 Loading DirectDraw DLL
501 Getting DirectDrawCreate address
502 DirectDrawCreate
503 GetCaps
504 User verification of rectangles
505 User verification of windowed bouncing
506 User verification of fullscreen bouncing
507 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal
508 Creating primary surface
509 Getting primary surface description
510 Colorfill blit to primary
511 Creating offscreen plain surface
512 Colorfill blit to offscreen plain surface
513 Blitting offscreen plain to primary surface
514 Creating test window
515 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen
516 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16
517 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer
518 GetAttachedSurface
519 Colorfill to back buffer
520 Flip
530 Loading Direct3D DLL
531 Getting Direct3DCreate8 address
532 Calling Direct3DCreate8
533 EnumAdapterModes
534 GetDeviceCaps
535 No hardware supported display modes found
536 Creating test window
537 Creating 3D Device
538 GetBackBuffer
539 GetDesc
540 CreateVertexBuffer
541 CreateVertexBuffer
542 Lock
543 Unlock
544 SetLight
545 LightEnable
546 SetTransform
547 SetRenderState
548 Loading texture bitmap
549 SetTextureStageState
550 Setting texture
551 SetVertexShader
552 User Cancelled
553 Viewport::Clear
554 BeginScene
555 SetMaterial
556 SetStreamSource
557 SetIndices
558 DrawIndexPrimitive
559 EndScene
560 Present
561 User verification of Direct3D 7 rendering
562 User verification of Direct3D 8 rendering
563 Loading DirectDraw DLL
564 Getting DirectDrawCreate address
565 DirectDrawCreate
566 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen
567 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal
568 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16
569 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer
570 GetAttachedSurface
571 Query for D3D
572 SetViewport
573 EnumTextureFormats
574 Creating Direct3D Surface
575 GetDC
576 ReleaseDC
580 Loading DirectSound DLL
581 Getting DirectSoundCreate address
582 DirectSoundCreate
583 SetCooperativeLevel
584 GetCaps
585 Loading WAV data
586 Emulated Driver testing
587 Primary Buffer
588 No free hardware buffer
589 Secondary buffer
590 SetPos
591 No sample
592 CreateEvent
593 SetNotification
594 Lock failure
595 Unlock failure
596 Play
597 GetCurPos
598 User verification of software
599 User verification of hardware
610 Call to CoInitialize
611 Creating the IDirectMusicLoader object
612 Creating the IDirectMusicPerformance object
613 Initializing the IDirectMusicPerformance object
614 Creating the IDirectMusicPort
615 Activating the IDirectMusicPort
616 Setting AutoDownload to TRUE
617 Adding the IDirectMusicPort to the IDirectMusicPerformance object
618 Assigning the PChannel block
619 Transferring music resource to a temporary file
620 Setting the search directory to the temp directory
621 Having the IDirectMusicLoader load the music
622 Playing the segment
630 error code
631 Failure at step %d (%s): HRESULT = 0x%08x (%s)
640 Invalid argument(s)
641 Generic failure
642 Unexpected error
643 Not implemented
644 Out of memory
645 No interface
646 Invalid mode
647 Invalid pixel format
648 Can't create DC
649 Not found
650 No DirectDraw support
651 No 3D
652 Invalid device
653 Initialization failed
654 Material create failed
655 Light set failed
656 Control not available
657 Bad format
658 Buffer lost
659 No driver
660 Driver failed
661 Ports open
662 Device in use
663 Insufficient buffer
664 Chunk not found
665 Bad instrument
666 Cannot read
667 Loader: bad path
668 Loader: failed open
669 Loader: format not supported
670 Object not found
671 The request failed because DirectSound resources, such as the priority level, were already in use by another caller.
672 not used
673 not used
674 not used
675 not used
676 Call to CoInitialize
677 Creating DirectPlay Object
678 Enumerating Connections
679 Enumerating Sessions
680 Enumerating Players
681 Sending Chat Message
682 Receiving a DirectPlay message
683 Initializing Connection
684 Creating Session
685 Joining Session
686 Access denied
687 Cannot add player
688 Cannot create session
689 An exception occurred
690 Invalid object
691 No connection
692 Time out
693 Busy
694 Connection lost
695 No service provider
697 Not available
698 Class not registered
699 The tests were cancelled before completing.
700 All tests were successful.
701 %I64dMB used, %I64dMB available
702 %s (Regional Setting: %s)
703 (default refresh rate)
704 (optimal refresh rate)
705 <File Missing>
706 The file %s is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs. You may be able to get a signed driver from the manufacturer of the hardware device.\n
707 Problems were found in the system registry. Details are available in the saved text file. You should reinstall DirectX.\n
708 No problems found.\n
709 DirectDraw test results:
710 To test DirectDraw functionality, click the "Test DirectDraw" button above.\n
711 Direct3D test results:
712 To test Direct3D functionality, click the "Test Direct3D" button above.\n
715 The file %s is incorrectly installed in the Windows folder and should be deleted.\n
716 Several files (%s) are incorrectly installed in the Windows folder and should be deleted.\n
717 The file %s is missing!\n
718 Several files (%s) are missing!\n
719 The file %s is an old version, which could cause problems.\n
720 Several files (%s) are old versions, which could cause problems.\n
721 The file %s is a beta version, which is unsupported and could cause problems.\n
722 Several files (%s) are beta versions, which are unsupported and could cause problems.\n
723 The file %s is a debug version, which will run slower than the retail version.\n
724 Several files (%s) are debug versions, which will run slower than the retail version.\n
725 You should reinstall DirectX to get the latest version.\n
726 DirectSound test results:
727 The input device '%s' reports Connection Manager problem #%d.\n
728 The input port '%s' reports Connection Manager problem #%d.\n
729 To test DirectSound functionality, click the "Test DirectSound" button above.\n
730 The file %s is a beta version, which is unsupported and could cause problems. You should get a final version from the driver manufacturer.\n
731 Several files (%s) are beta versions, which are unsupported and could cause problems. You should get final versions from the driver manufacturer.\n
732 The file %s is a debug version, which will run slower than the retail version. You should get a retail version from the driver manufacturer.\n
733 Several files (%s) are debug versions, which will run slower than the retail version. You should get retail versions from the driver manufacturer.\n
734 No input devices detected.\n
735 No DirectMusic ports were found.\n
736 No General MIDI DLS file was specified in the registry.\n
737 The specified General MIDI DLS file was not found.\n
738 The registry information for the service provider '%s' is missing or damaged. You should reinstall DirectX.\n
739 The file %s, needed for the service provider '%s', is missing. You should reinstall DirectX.\n
740 The registry information for the DirectPlay application '%s' is missing or damaged. You should reinstall that application.\n
741 DirectPlay test results:
742 To test DirectPlay functionality, click the "Test DirectPlay" button above.\n
743 Not Available
744 Enabled
745 Disabled
746 DirectMusic test results:
747 To test DirectMusic functionality, click the "Test DirectMusic" button above.\n
748 Out of video memory
749 3D not available
750 The version of Winsock installed is out of date and can cause problems with networked games.\n
751 NetMeeting is running. Direct3D hardware acceleration will not work until NetMeeting is shut down.\n