57 Property identifying the computer where the message originated.
58 Property indicating the length (in bytes) of the message body.
59 Property containing the message body. It is a Variant type and can contain any intrinsic type and persistent object.
60 Property indicating the administration queue for the message.
61 Property containing the MSMQ-generated identifier (array of bytes) of the message.
62 Property indicating the correlation identifier (array of bytes) of the message.
63 Property indicating what kind of acknowledgement message is returned. Possible values defined by MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT enumeration.
64 Property indicating the label of the message.
65 Property indicating the amount of time MSMQ has to deliver the message to its destination queue.
66 Property indicating the amount of time the receiving application has to retreive the message from its destination queue.
67 Property indicating which hash algorithm to use when authenticating the message.
68 Property indicating which encryption algorithm to use when encrypting the message body of a private message.
69 Property indicating when the message was sent. Type is Variant Date.
70 Property indicating when the message arrived at its destination queue. Type is Variant Date.
71 Property indicating the destination queue of the message. Typically used when reading response messages, or messages in machine journals or dead-letter queues.
72 Property containing the security certificate of a message. Type is an array of bytes.
73 Property containing the sender identifier of the message. Type is an array of bytes.
74 Property indicating what type of identifier is attached to the message. Possible values are defined by MSMQSENDERIDTYPE enumeration.
75 Method used to send a message to the destination queue. Can optionally be part of a transaction.
76 Method used to associate the current security context with a message.
77 Property indicating the access mode of a queue. Possible values defined by MQACCESS enumeration.
78 Property indicating the share mode of a queue. Possible values defined by MQSHARE enumeration.
79 Property referring to an MSMQQueueInfo instance describing the queue.
80 Property indicating the internal MSMQ handle of an open queue instance. Useful for directly calling MSMQ APIs.
81 Property indicating whether or not the queue object refers to an open instance of a queue.
82 Method to close an open instance of a queue.
83 Method to synchronously retrieve a message from a queue. It always removes the first message in queue regardless of the position of the implicit cursor. Optional parameters include ReceiveTimeout (default set to INFINITE), Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction), WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), and WantBody (default set to True).
84 Method to synchronously peek at the first message in the queue, regardless of the implicit cursor position. Optional parameters include ReceiveTimeout (default set to INFINITE), WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), and WantBody (default set to True).
85 Method to enable asynchronous notification of arriving messages. It can use the queue's implicit cursor. The user-defined MSMQEvent_Arrived event handler is invoked when a message arrives at the location specified by the optional Cursor parameter (default is first message in the queue), or a timeout occurs. The user-defined MSMQEvent_ArrivedError is invoked if the asynchronous message retrieval results in an error.
86 Method that resets the queue's implicit cursor to the beginning of the queue.
87 Method to synchronously remove the current message from the queue. Retrieves the message at the position pointed to by the implicit cursor. Optional parameters include ReceiveTimeout (default set to INFINITE) and Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction).
88 Method to synchronously peek at the next message in the queue. When called, the implicit cursor is first advanced and then the message is returned. Optional parameters include ReceiveTimeout (default set to INFINITE) and Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction).
89 Method to synchronously peek at the current message in queue (message pointed at by the implicit cursor). The implicit cursor is not advanced. Optional parameters include ReceiveTimeout (default set to INFINITE) and Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction).
90 Property indicating the identifier of the public queue.
91 Property identifying the type of service provided by the queue.
92 Property indicating the label of the queue.
93 Property indicating pathname (physical location) of the queue.
94 Property that identifies the queue. The format name of a queue is generated by MSMQ when the queue is created, or generated later by the application.
95 Property indicating whether the queue is transactional or non-transactional. If the queue is transactional, all messages sent to the queue must be part of a transaction.
96 Property that specifies the privacy level that is required by the queue. The privacy level determines how the queue handles private (encrypted) messages. Possible values are defined by the MQPRIVLEVEL enumeration.
97 Property that specifies if the messages retrieved from the queue are copied to the queue's journal queue. Possible values are defined by the MQJOURNAL enumeration.
98 Property that specifies the maximum size (in kilobytes) of the queue.
99 Property that specifies the base priority for all messages sent to a public queue. The queue's base priority has no effect on the order of the messages in the queue, or how messages are read from the queue.
100 Property that indicates the time and date when the queue was created. Type is Variant Date.
101 Property that indicates the time and date when the queue's properties were last modified. Type is Variant Date.
102 Property that specifies whether or not the queue only accepts authenticated messages. If the authentication level of the message does not match the authentication level of the queue, the message is rejected by the queue. Possible values are defined by the MQAUTHENTICATE enumeration.
103 Property that specifies the maximum size (in kilobytes) of the journal queue.
104 Method that creates a new queue. The PathName property is required to create a queue. The FormatName property is updated when the queue is created. Optional parameters include IsWorldReadable (default set to False) and IsTransactional (default set to False).
105 Method used to delete queue. The PathName propety must be specified to delete a queue.
106 Method used to open a queue. The PathName property must be specified to open a queue. Parameters include Access (send, peek, or receive) and ShareMode (exclusive or all).
107 Method used to refresh the properties of a public queue from the MSMQ information store.
108 Method used to update the MSMQ information store with the public queue's current properties.
109 Method used to reset the implicit cursor to the start of a collection of queues produced by MSMQQuery.LookupQueue.
110 Method used to advance the implicit cursor to the next element of a collection of queues produced by MSMQQuery.LookupQueue.
111 Property that indicates the underlying "magic cookie" used by a transaction dispenser.
112 Method used to commit an MSMQ transaction.
113 Method used to abort an MSMQ transaction.
114 Method used to obtain a new transaction from a transaction dispenser.
115 Global function used to map a machine pathname to a unique identifier. For example, this identifier can be used to construct a format name for a computer so that its journal queue can be opened.
116 User-defined method invoked when a message arrives at a queue.
117 User-defined method invoked when an error is returned while reading messages asynchronously.
118 Property that indicates who can read messages in the queue. If False, then the queue has the default MSMQ security: all users can send messages to the queue but only the owner of the queue can read messages from it. Otherwise all users can read its messages.
119 Enumerates various hashing and encryption algorithms.