Const L_AnonAuthExp_Text = "No User Name/Password Required"
Const L_AllowBasicAuth_Checkbox = "Basic Authentication (password is sent in clear text)"
Const L_BasicAuthExp_Text = "Allows client authentication with password sent over the network in clear text using the standard protocol authentication commands."
Const L_SetDefaultAuthDomain_Text = "Default domain for basic authentication:"
Const L_AllowNTChallResp_Checkbox = "Windows NT Challenge/Response"
Const L_NTChallRespExp_Text = "Allows client authentication using Windows NT Challenge/Response. The client and server negotiate the Windows NT System Security Provider Interface."
Const L_EnterDefaultDomain_EditBox = "Enter the default logon domain:"
Const L_ErrorPrefix_ErrorMessage = "SMTP Error:" 'Prefix to SMTP errors encountered on this page
Const L_Help_Text = "Help" 'Help "button"
Const L_OK_Text = "OK" 'OK "button"
Const L_Cancel_Text = "Cancel" 'Cancel "button"
Const L_Edit_Button = "Edit..." 'actual button
Const L_NOTSELECTED_TEXT = "You have not selected an Authentication method, you must select one to save the values."