var L_FramesetInBody_Text = "This document might not display properly because there is a FRAMESET within the BODY of the document. The page author can resolve this problem by<OL><li>Removing the BODY tag.</li><li>Insuring that there is no additional HTML code between the HEAD of the document and the FRAMESET.</li></ol><br><hr>";
function checkReadyStateComplete(objects, reportLocation)
var L_ObjectNotInstalled_Text = "The following OBJECT did not install properly.<BR>";
var L_AppletNotInstalled_Text = "The following APPLET did not install properly.<BR>";
var L_EmbedNotInstalled_Text = "The following EMBED did not install properly.<BR>";
var L_ObjectNotInstalledReasons_Text = "<br><br>This might have been caused by one of the following conditions:<OL><LI>Your current security settings prevent this OBJECT from being used.</li><li>This OBJECT was not properly installed on your computer.</li><li>The page or OBJECT was authored incorrectly.</li></ul><hr>";
var L_AppletNotInstalledReasons_Text = "<br><br>This might have been caused by one of the following conditions:<OL><LI>Your current security settings prevent this APPLET from being used.</li><li>This APPLET was not properly installed on your computer.</li><li>The page or APPLET was authored incorrectly.</li></ul><hr>";
var L_EmbedNotInstalledReasons_Text = "<br><br>This might have been caused by one of the following conditions:<OL><LI>Your current security settings prevent this EMBED from being used.</li><li>This EMBED was not properly installed on your computer.</li><li>The page or EMBED was authored incorrectly.</li></ul><hr>";
var strNotInstalled;
var strNotInstalledReason;
var i, element;
var retVal;
retVal = false;
if (objects == null)
return retVal;
for (i=0; i < objects.length; i++) {
element = objects(i);
if (element.readyState != 4 && element.readyState != "complete") {
function checkNonApartmentControls(reportLocation)
var L_ObjectNotApartmentModel_Text = "The following OBJECT may not work reliably in all circumstances because it doesn't use the Apartment threading model.<br>";