; Display Settings. Default 800x600, 0(depth), 0(refresh) (0 for depth and refresh means use best, but this doesn't work for some. other possibles are 8,16,24,or 32 and 60,72,85,etc).
fullscreen 0
; Game speed. Values range from 10 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). Default 45.
speed 45
; Game difficulty. values range from -2 (easiest) to 2 (hardest). Default 0.
difficulty 0
; Darkness, 0 to turn off.
darkness 1
; Transparency (for ghosts). 0 to turn off.
transparency 1
; Text antialiasing. 0 to turn off
antialias 1
; Monster footstep sounds. 0 to turn off.
footsteps 1
; Show the party on the automap. 0 to turn off.
showparty 0
; Boost the dungeon display brightness. Values range from 0 (none) to 32 (brightest). Default 0.