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/ GameStar 2005 January / Gamestar_69_2005-01_dvd.iso / Programy / enpm800retaildemo.exe / Setup / PMagic.cab / PMagicNT.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TFRMDATAKEEPTAKESPACEFROM / TFRMDATAKEEPTAKESPACEFROM.txt
Text File  |  2002-09-16  |  3KB  |  121 lines

  1. inherited frmDataKeepTakeSpaceFrom: TfrmDataKeepTakeSpaceFrom
  2.   Left = 489
  3.   Top = 302
  4.   Caption = 'Create New Partition Wizard'
  5.   OldCreateOrder = True
  6.   OnDestroy = FormDestroy
  7.   OnShow = FormShow
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  13.     Width = 473
  14.     Height = 42
  15.     AutoSize = False
  16.     Caption = 
  17.       'In the list below, check the partitions that can donate space fo' +
  18.       'r creating the new backup partition. (If there is unallocated sp' +
  19.       'ace on the disk, it will be used first, before other partitions ' +
  20.       'are resized smaller.)'
  21.     Transparent = True
  22.     WordWrap = True
  23.   end
  24.   object pnlDrives: TPanel
  25.     Left = 9
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  35.     TabOrder = 0
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  43.         item
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  49.         item
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  51.           ImageIndex = -1
  52.           Text = 'Partition'
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  55.         item
  56.           AllowClick = False
  57.           ImageIndex = -1
  58.           Text = 'Type'
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  60.         end
  61.         item
  62.           AllowClick = False
  63.           ImageIndex = -1
  64.           Text = 'Size MB'
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  67.         item
  68.           AllowClick = False
  69.           ImageIndex = -1
  70.           Text = 'Available MB'
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  73.         item
  74.           AllowClick = False
  75.           ImageIndex = -1
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  77.         end>
  78.       OnSectionResize = HeaderControl1SectionResize
  79.     end
  80.     object ColChkList1: TColChkList
  81.       Left = 0
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  98.         '1a|2a|3a|4a|5a|6a|7a|')
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  101.       TabOrder = 1
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  105.     end
  106.   end
  107.   object pnlDiskMap: TDiskMapPanel
  108.     Left = 6
  109.     Top = 60
  110.     Width = 514
  111.     Height = 52
  112.     Cyl1024Visible = False
  113.     Boot64KVisible = False
  114.     Caption = 'pnlDiskMap'
  115.     Color = clBtnFace
  116.     BevelOuter = bvNone
  117.     BorderWidth = 2
  118.     TabOrder = 1
  119.   end
  120. end