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/ Personal Computer World 1995 May / pcw-0595.bin / sharewre / utils / fonts / oldeng.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1994-12-07  |  50KB
OCR: ahcdefghiiklmnopgrstuxyz AuE FGJ MNOPORSUUHMAHZ 0123456789 #$% &*0 .OXIN :/? The quick brou fox ouer the dag. 18 ain quick hroun fox jumps ourr the lazy hoy. 24. Uhr quick hrom fox jumps ourr thr lazy dog. 36 Thr quick hraum fox umps nurr esf the lazy dog 48 Uhe esf quick hrn fax iumps nuPr esf the lazy dog esf esf esf quick hraun fax iumps nurr the esf esf 72 quick hrun fax jumps DUP ahedrf ANOOR SUURIXHZ broun ltzy hron oupr houm hrouun lazu hroum guick hrnuun brawn oufr bnrmum brmun mirr hrmu