ja2dmaYA When the ring you wear touches the boulder, you solve the riddle. DM
ja2jar02 You can't believe how good that feels. jarial spoken, with immense relief,
ja2jar03 Just to be able to reach the floor - what joy! Thank you ten hundred times. jarial spoken, exuberant
ja2jar04 null jarial null
ja2jar05 null jarial null
ja2jar06 I am eager to see the world again. May I travel with you? I will gladly take the place of someone in your party. jarial spoken, eager
ja2jar07 I am eager to see the world again. May I travel with you? jarial spoken, eager
ja2jar08 When you have decided who is to stay behind, I will join you. jarial
ja2jar09 Lead on then! Show me the way to this Pool of Radiance! jarial
ja2dma00 Jarial joins your party. DM
ja2jar10 Ah, to be adventuring once more! jarial
ja2dma01 Jarial joins your party. DM
ja2jar11 I will obey your wishes. Tell me, do you know a safe place I might go, and maybe meet you again? jarial
ja2jar12 But you are few, and the danger is great! Either you are very brave, or very foolish. Will you reconsider? jarial
ja2jar13 I think I can get there. Maybe they can use my help. jarial
ja2jar14 I have met Nottle before. He will be amazed to see me, ha ha! jarial
ja2jar15 I will make my own way, then. jarial
ja2jar16 I am a sorcerer of above-average ability. I know a missile spell, an armoring spell, a protection spell - and minor cantrips, of course. jarial
ja2jar17 My possessions are meager - a dagger, a crooked staff, a sling, and a thick cloak. jarial
ja2jar18 I have a stout heart, my mind is keen, and I will not fail you in courage or in judgment. jarial
ja2jar19 Your ambition is great! Azuth help me, I see I am doomed to die young. jarial
ja2jar20 But at least I will die in good company, if you will have me. jarial
ja2jar21 Walk in Azuth's sight, until we meet again. jarial
ja2pro00 Let him join the party Protagonist
ja2pro01 Tell him he might join later Protagonist
ja2pro02 Refuse to take him into the party Protagonist
ja2pro03 Inquire about his abilities Protagonist
ja2pro04 Warn him that you seek a Pool of Radiance Protagonist