/* Neutron Bomb Script by Gareth Murfin - Part of the "Our future Selves */
/* Compressed with CompressRexx v2.1, (C) 1993-96 Robert Hofmann */
options results;'getmynick';mynick = result;'getchannel';channel = result;'getusers';users = results;parse arg nick wtime;if upper(mynick) = 'GAZ' then do;'say /OP GAZ';end;'getusers';userlist=result;users=words(userlist);'GETMYNICK';me=result;Call Setclip('DFxTIME',Time());DO i=1 to users;us=subword(userlist,i,1);if left(us,1,1)='@' then us=right(us,length(us)-1);if left(us,1,1)='+' then us=right(us,length(us)-1);if upper(us)~=upper(me) Then do;if upper(us)~='COOLWAVE' Then do;if upper(us)~='GAZ' Then do;'say /deop' us;END;END;END;END;'say /BAN *!*@*';"say /mode k /\/\uRFi/\/";"say /me has activated the Neutron Bomb Script. The Channel destroying bomb will explode in just under 10 seconds. - |DWaRFx|";"say /me flicks the little red switch on the TNT and the small green LCD display comes alive";"say Beep.....Beep.....Beep....";"say Bomb innitiated, range set to ENTIRE CHANNEL...";"say Password entered, authorisation complete.";"say CountDown innitiated, Neutron Explosion Imminent";"say 10";"say .........."
"say 9";"say ..........";"say 8";"say ..........";"say 7";"say ..........";"say 6";"say ..........";"say 5";"say ..........";"say 4";"say ..........";"say 3";"say ..........";"say 2";"say ..........";"say 1";"say ..........";"say 0";"say ..........";"say Its Show Time!";"say Click.";'getusers';userlist=result;users=words(userlist);'GETMYNICK';me=result;DO i=1 to users;us=subword(userlist,i,1);if left(us,1,1)='@' then us=right(us,length(us)-1);if left(us,1,1)='+' then us=right(us,length(us)-1);if upper(us)~=upper(me) Then do;if upper(us)~='COOLWAVE' Then do;if upper(us)~='GAZ' Then do;'say /kick' us;END;END;END;END