DOS/V Power Report 2003 June
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231 lines
*% NEC Printer Description File
*% Copyright 2003 Corporation.
*% All Rights Reserved.
*% Permission is granted for redistribution of this file as
*% long as this copyright notice is intact and the contents
*% of the file is not altered in any way from its original form.
*% End of Copyright statement
*% Standard Information ====================================================
*Version: 1
*FriendlyName: "NEC MultiWriter"
*PrinterName: "NEC MultiWriter3650N"
*PPM: 36
*PrivateID: 0x4E4B4901
*% Misc Information =======================================================
*DefaultLocalDay: 20030221
*DefaultLocalTime: 0000
*% Flags Information =======================================================
*Flags: 0x00000001
*% Preset Information ======================================================
*PresetFlags: 0x0000000B
*% SupportFeature ======================================================
*SupportFeature: "SET" 0x00000001
*SupportFeature: "TONERSAVE" 0x00000001
*% Memory Information ======================================================
*DefaultMemorySize: 28672 256000 50000 300 3000 3000 1500
*MemorySize: 28672 256000 50000 300 3000 3000 1500
*MemorySize: 61440 256000 50000 300 3000 3000 1500
*MemorySize: 94208 256000 50000 300 3000 3000 1500
*MemorySize: 159744 256000 50000 300 3000 3000 1500
*MemorySize: 290816 256000 50000 300 3000 3000 1500
*% Resolution Information ==================================================
*DefaultResolution: 600
*Resolution: 600 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8500 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8000
*Resolution: 400 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8500 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8000
*Resolution: 300 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8500 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8000
*Resolution: 240 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8500 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8000
*Resolution: 200 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8500 "HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M" 8000
*% InputSlot Information ===================================================
*DefaultInputSlot: "FEEDERAUTO" 15
*InputSlot: "FEEDERAUTO" 15
*InputSlot: "FEEDER1" 256
*InputSlot: "FEEDER2" 257
*InputSlot: "FEEDER3" 258
*InputSlot: "MP" 270
*% InputDevice Information =================================================
*InputDevice: "FEEDER1" 0x000F0021
*InputDevice: "FEEDER2" 0x000D0064
*InputDevice: "FEEDER3" 0x000D0064
*InputDevice: "FEEDER4" 0x00000006
*InputDevice: "FEEDER5" 0x00000006
*InputDevice: "MSF" 0x00000080
*InputDevice: "MANUAL" 0x00000100
*InputDevice: "ENV" 0x00000200
*InputDevice: "MP" 0x000B0400
*% OptionDevice Information =================================================
*OptionDevice: "DUPLEX" 0x000B0001
*OptionDevice: "SORTER" 0x00000002
*OptionDevice: "PLOTTER" 0x00000004
*OptionDevice: "NIC" 0x00000008
*OptionDevice: "RCC" 0x00000010
*OptionDevice: "FIN1" 0x00000020
*OptionDevice: "FIN2" 0x00000040
*OptionDevice: "LCS" 0x00090080
*OptionDevice: "FUT" 0x00000100
*OptionDevice: "HDD" 0x00000200
*% FormDevice Information ==================================================
*FormDevice: "A3" 0x03FF0025
*FormDevice: "A4" 0x03FF0325
*FormDevice: "A5" 0x03FF0125
*FormDevice: "B4 (JIS)" 0x03FF0025
*FormDevice: "B5 (JIS)" 0x03FF0125
*FormDevice: "Letter" 0x03FF0325
*FormDevice: "はがき" 0x03FC0120
*FormDevice: "往復はがき" 0x03FC0020
*FormDevice: "封筒 洋形 4 号" 0x03FC0020
*FormDevice: "A3->B4" 0x03FF0025
*FormDevice: "A3->A4" 0x03FF0325
*FormDevice: "B4->A4" 0x03FF0325
*FormDevice: "B4->B5" 0x03FF0125
*FormDevice: "A4->B5" 0x03FF0125
*FormDevice: "A4->A3" 0x03FF0025
*FormDevice: "A4->B4" 0x03FF0025
*FormDevice: "B4->A3" 0x03FF0025
*FormDevice: "B5->A4" 0x03FF0325
*FormDevice: "B5->B4" 0x03FF0025
*FormDevice: "A4x2->A4" 0x03FF0325
*FormDevice: "B5x2->B5" 0x03FF0125
*FormDevice: "LP->B4" 0x03FF0025
*FormDevice: "LP->A4" 0x03FF0325
*FormDevice: "UserDefine" 0x03FC0020
*% Form Information ========================================================
*MaxForm: 297000 420000
*MinForm: 148000 100000
*DefaultForm: "A4" 210000 297000 5000 5000 204800 291900
*FormPort: "A3" 297000 420000 5000 5000 291900 414700
*FormPort: "A4" 210000 297000 5000 5000 204800 291900
*FormPort: "A5" 148000 210000 5000 5000 142900 204800
*FormPort: "B4 (JIS)" 257000 364000 5000 5000 251900 358900
*FormPort: "B5 (JIS)" 182000 257000 5000 5000 176800 251900
*FormPort: "Letter" 216000 280000 5000 5000 210700 274200
*FormPort: "はがき" 100000 148000 5000 5000 94800 142900
*FormPort: "往復はがき" 200000 148000 5000 5000 195000 142900
*FormPort: "封筒 洋形 4 号" 105000 235000 5000 5000 100000 230000
*FormPort: "A3->B4" 297000 420000 5000 5000 291900 414700
*FormPort: "A3->A4" 297000 420000 5000 5000 291900 414700
*FormPort: "B4->A4" 257000 364000 5000 5000 251900 358900
*FormPort: "B4->B5" 257000 364000 5000 5000 251900 358900
*FormPort: "A4->B5" 210000 297000 5000 5000 204800 291900
*FormPort: "A4->A3" 210000 297000 5000 5000 204800 291900
*FormPort: "A4->B4" 210000 297000 5000 5000 204800 291900
*FormPort: "B4->A3" 257000 364000 5000 5000 251900 358900
*FormPort: "B5->A4" 182000 257000 5000 5000 176800 251900
*FormPort: "B5->B4" 182000 257000 5000 5000 176800 251900
*FormPort: "A4x2->A4" 210000 297000 5000 5000 204800 291900
*FormPort: "B5x2->B5" 182000 257000 5000 5000 176800 251900
*FormPort: "LP->B4" 279400 381000 0 17780 279400 363220
*FormPort: "LP->A4" 279400 381000 0 17780 279400 363220
*FormLand: "A3" 420000 297000 5000 5000 414700 291900
*FormLand: "A4" 297000 210000 5000 5000 291900 204800
*FormLand: "A5" 210000 148000 5000 5000 204800 142900
*FormLand: "B4 (JIS)" 364000 257000 5000 5000 358900 251900
*FormLand: "B5 (JIS)" 257000 182000 5000 5000 251900 176800
*FormLand: "Letter" 280000 216000 5000 5000 274200 210700
*FormLand: "はがき" 148000 100000 5000 5000 142900 94800
*FormLand: "往復はがき" 148000 200000 5000 5000 142900 195000
*FormLand: "封筒 洋形 4 号" 235000 105000 5000 5000 230000 100000
*FormLand: "A3->B4" 420000 297000 5000 5000 414700 291900
*FormLand: "A3->A4" 420000 297000 5000 5000 414700 291900
*FormLand: "B4->A4" 364000 257000 5000 5000 358900 251900
*FormLand: "B4->B5" 364000 257000 5000 5000 358900 251900
*FormLand: "A4->B5" 297000 210000 5000 5000 291900 204800
*FormLand: "A4->A3" 297000 210000 5000 5000 291900 204800
*FormLand: "A4->B4" 297000 210000 5000 5000 291900 204800
*FormLand: "B4->A3" 364000 257000 5000 5000 358900 251900
*FormLand: "B5->A4" 257000 182000 5000 5000 251900 176800
*FormLand: "B5->B4" 257000 182000 5000 5000 251900 176800
*FormLand: "A4x2->A4" 297000 210000 5000 5000 291900 204800
*FormLand: "B5x2->B5" 257000 182000 5000 5000 251900 176800
*FormLand: "LP->B4" 381000 279400 17780 0 363220 279400
*FormLand: "LP->A4" 381000 279400 17780 0 363220 279400
*FormPortCompatible: "A3" 297000 420000 4980 5000 292000 413940
*FormPortCompatible: "A4" 210000 297000 8000 5000 206120 292020
*FormPortCompatible: "A5" 148000 210000 8000 5000 143890 205660
*FormPortCompatible: "B4 (JIS)" 257000 364000 8000 5000 249300 358060
*FormPortCompatible: "B5 (JIS)" 182000 257000 8000 5000 178180 251380
*FormPortCompatible: "Letter" 216000 280000 8000 5000 211200 274240
*FormPortCompatible: "はがき" 100000 148000 8000 5000 94360 144700
*FormPortCompatible: "往復はがき" 200000 148000 5000 5000 195000 142900
*FormPortCompatible: "封筒 洋形 4 号" 105000 235000 5000 5000 100000 230000
*FormPortCompatible: "A3->B4" 297000 420000 4980 5000 292000 413940
*FormPortCompatible: "A3->A4" 297000 420000 4980 5000 292000 413940
*FormPortCompatible: "B4->A4" 257000 364000 8000 5000 249300 358060
*FormPortCompatible: "B4->B5" 257000 364000 8000 5000 249300 358060
*FormPortCompatible: "A4->B5" 210000 297000 8000 5000 206120 292020
*FormPortCompatible: "A4->A3" 210000 297000 8000 5000 206120 292020
*FormPortCompatible: "A4->B4" 210000 297000 8000 5000 206120 292020
*FormPortCompatible: "B4->A3" 257000 364000 8000 5000 249300 358060
*FormPortCompatible: "B5->A4" 182000 257000 8000 5000 178180 251380
*FormPortCompatible: "B5->B4" 182000 257000 8000 5000 178180 251380
*FormPortCompatible: "A4x2->A4" 210000 297000 8000 5000 206120 292020
*FormPortCompatible: "B5x2->B5" 182000 257000 8000 5000 178180 251380
*FormPortCompatible: "LP->B4" 279400 381000 0 17780 279400 363220
*FormPortCompatible: "LP->A4" 279400 381000 0 17780 279400 363220
*FormLandCompatible: "A3" 420000 297000 5000 4980 413940 292000
*FormLandCompatible: "A4" 297000 210000 5000 3880 292020 202000
*FormLandCompatible: "A5" 210000 148000 5000 4110 205660 140000
*FormLandCompatible: "B4 (JIS)" 364000 257000 5000 7700 350440 249000
*FormLandCompatible: "B5 (JIS)" 257000 182000 5000 3820 251380 174000
*FormLandCompatible: "Letter" 280000 216000 5000 4800 274240 208000
*FormLandCompatible: "はがき" 148000 100000 5000 5640 142160 92000
*FormLandCompatible: "往復はがき" 148000 200000 5000 5000 142900 195000
*FormLandCompatible: "封筒 洋形 4 号" 235000 105000 5000 5000 230000 100000
*FormLandCompatible: "A3->B4" 420000 297000 5000 4980 413940 292000
*FormLandCompatible: "A3->A4" 420000 297000 5000 4980 413940 292000
*FormLandCompatible: "B4->A4" 364000 257000 5000 7700 350440 249000
*FormLandCompatible: "B4->B5" 364000 257000 5000 7700 350440 249000
*FormLandCompatible: "A4->B5" 297000 210000 5000 3880 292020 202000
*FormLandCompatible: "A4->A3" 297000 210000 5000 3880 292020 202000
*FormLandCompatible: "A4->B4" 297000 210000 5000 3880 292020 202000
*FormLandCompatible: "B4->A3" 364000 257000 5000 7700 350440 249000
*FormLandCompatible: "B5->A4" 257000 182000 5000 3820 251380 174000
*FormLandCompatible: "B5->B4" 257000 182000 5000 3820 251380 174000
*FormLandCompatible: "A4x2->A4" 297000 210000 5000 3880 292020 202000
*FormLandCompatible: "B5x2->B5" 257000 182000 5000 3820 251380 174000
*FormLandCompatible: "LP->B4" 381000 279400 17780 0 363220 279400
*FormLandCompatible: "LP->A4" 381000 279400 17780 0 363220 279400
*% Application Information =================================================
*Application: "APCOMMON" 0x00055600
*Application: "NOTEPAD.EXE" 0x00000001
*Application: "CALENDAR.EXE" 0x00000001
*Application: "CARDFILE.EXE" 0x00000001
*Application: "DRAW.BIN" 0x00000042
*Application: "DRAW.EXE" 0x00000042
*Application: "CORELDRW.EXE" 0x00000042
*Application: "CREODTP3.EXE" 0x00000002
*Application: "NETSCAPE.EXE" 0x00000008
*Application: "HANAKO9.EXE" 0x00000012
*Application: "HAN_PRT.EXE" 0x00000010
*Application: "FEFWIN.EXE" 0x00000010
*Application: "PHOTOSHP.EXE" 0x00000020
*Application: "TARO9.EXE" 0x00000094
*Application: "TARO.EXE" 0x00000094
*Application: "JXW_PRT.EXE" 0x00000094
*Application: "DS70.EXE" 0x00000022
*Application: "DS60.EXE" 0x00000022
*Application: "DS50.EXE" 0x00000022
*Application: "DS40.EXE" 0x00000022
*Application: "HAGAKI3.EXE" 0x00000020
*Application: "ACRORD32.EXE" 0x00000010
*Application: "TARO10.EXE" 0x00000094
*Application: "HANAKO10.EXE" 0x00000012