TITLE_MAIN=Install AOpen Windows NT4 Display Drivers
ERROR_TITLE=AOpen Display Drivers Setup Error
ERR_MSG_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
ERROR_USER_CANCEL=User had cancel this Installation
TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=AOpen Windows NT 4 Display Drivers
PRODUCT_NAME16=AOpen Windows NT 4 Display Drivers
ERROR_INTERNAL=Internal Error.
ERROR_USER_CANCEL_REBOOT=User had choice not to reboot system.
ERROR_NOT_NT4=Setup detected that the operating system in use is not Windows NT4.\n\nThis setup program and its associated drivers are designed to run only on Windows NT 4.\n\nThe installation will be terminated.
PRODUCT_NAME=AOpen Windows NT 4 Display Drivers
WELCOME_MESSAGE=Welcome to AOpen Setup. This will install AOpen Display Drivers on your computer.
ERROR_NOT_ADMINISTRATOR=This setup program requires Windows NT 4 Administrator privileges to function\nproperly.\nPlease consult your system administrator or Windows NT 4 User's Manual for\nmore information on Administrator privileges.\nThe installation will now terminate.