1156 You are about to charge %1 to your "%2" credit card. To authorize the payment, you must enter the credit card's password.
1157 Add a New Credit Card
1158 To edit the information for credit card "%1", you must enter the credit card's password.
1159 Delete Credit Card
1160 Are you sure you want to delete credit card '%1'?
1161 The "%1 - %2" wallet extension is attempting to install the following payment methods to your wallet.
1162 The "%1 - %2" wallet extension is attempting to install the %3 payment method to your wallet.
1163 %1 %2
1164 %2
1165 %1 -
1166 Microsoft
1167 Options...
1168 The Wallet has detected the presence of the %1. Your payment information will be moved to take advantage of it.
1169 Integrating with %1
1170 The "%1 - %2" Payment Builder is attempting to install itself into the wallet.
1173 Password Problem
1174 Microsoft Wallet
1175 New Card Validation Problem
1176 Every credit card has the cardholder's name printed on the front. This name must be entered in the "Name on card" field in order to add a new card to the Payment Selector.
1177 Every credit card has an expiration date printed near the card number. This date must be entered in the "Expiration date" field in order to add a new card to the Payment Selector.
1178 The expiration date is not recognized. Please reenter the date as it appears on your card.
1179 You must enter the credit card number in the "Card number" field in order to add a new card to the Payment Selector.
1180 The credit card number you entered is incorrect. Please reenter the number exactly as it appears on the card.
1181 You must enter a password. A password is required for each credit card to protect against its unauthorized use.
1182 You must enter the password twice to make sure you have typed it correctly. Please reenter the same password in the "Confirm password" field.
1183 The two passwords do not match. Please type them again.
1184 You must enter a display name in order to add a new card to the Payment Selector.
1185 This display name is already used by another card. Please enter a different display name.
1186 The credit card could not be added. Reboot your computer and try again. Please call Microsoft Product Support Services if the problem continues.
1187 Every credit card has the cardholder's name printed on the front. This name must be entered in the "Name on card" field.
1188 Do you want to save the changes you made to the card information?
1189 You must select a billing address for this credit card. You can create a new address by clicking the "New address" button.
1190 Unknown error. Cannot delete this card. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services.
1191 The password you have entered is not correct for this card. Please try again.
1192 Credit Card Validation Problem
1193 Every credit card has an expiration date printed near the card number. This date must be entered in the "Expiration date" field.
1194 You must enter the credit card number in the "Card number" field.
1195 The billing address used for this credit card has been deleted. Please choose a new billing address.
1196 You must enter a display name for this credit card.
1197 This merchant does not accept the "%1" payment method. Do you still want to add it?%0
1198 There is no billing address associated with the selected credit card. You must assign a valid billing address before you can use this card.
1199 The selected credit card is not accepted by this merchant.\nPlease select another card to use for payment.
1200 The "%1" payment method no longer exists; '%2' has been deleted.
1203 This Java method cannot be called on this object.
1205 The credit card could not be added. Reboot your computer and try again. Please call Microsoft Product Support Services if the problem continues.
1206 The "Expiration date" %1 must be later than today's date.\n\nNote: If the expiration date is past the year 2000, please enter the date with a four-digit year (for example, enter 4/01 as 4/2001).
1207 The DisplayManagementUI method is no longer implemented. Access Add/Edit/Delete operations from the PaymentPicker button or right-click menu.
1208 No payment types were found in the Payment Selector. The Payment Selector will not function properly.
1209 Your Payment Selector may have been corrupted. Attempting to restore your data. You may need to reenter your payment information.
1210 The credit card you are attempting to use has an expired date of %1. If you have received a new card you can update the expiration date by editing the credit card information. To edit the card, click the "Change Card" button and select "Edit %2..." from the menu.\n\nNote: If the expiration date is past the year 2000, please enter the date with a four-digit year (for example, enter 4/01 as 4/2001).
1211 Your Payment Selector has reached the maximum of 40 cards. You must delete a card before you can enter another.
1213 This merchant does not accept %1.
1214 Microsoft Payment Selector is using the payment information in another place. You must close any Payment Selector dialogs before you can continue.
1215 The credit card control mask cannot be more than 24 characters.
1217 Microsoft
1218 New Credit Card Method Install
1219 Support for the %1 Card in your wallet has been upgraded.
1220 The %1 card was not found on the system.
1221 Unable to find the Java Runtime Library. Creating the Payment and/or Address Control will fail. Please use the down-level page.
1222 Java is turned off in the browser. The payment and/or address control will not work. You must turn Java on and then restart the browser in order to use the controls.
1223 There is no card selected. You must select a card from the list or add a new card.
1224 Your credit card number appears to be incorrect. The first digit of the card does not match the card type. Please reenter the number exactly as it appears on the credit card or choose the correct type for your card.
1225 Payment Method Error
1226 You must choose one of the payment methods to enable. The other payment method will be disabled. You can change these settings at any time from the options page.
1227 You must select a valid card or click Cancel.
1228 Failed to load the wallet extension %1.
1229 Please enter the password of the card you have selected to delete. The card will be retained if you cancel.
1230 Uninstall is removing all %1 cards. Please enter the password for this card.
1231 You will be asked to enter this password before using this credit card for a purchase and before editing the credit card information.
1232 You have disabled all of your payment methods.\n\nTo enable payment methods press the "Methods..." button in Payment Options.
1233 Add card failed.
1234 Could not load the %1 payment method.
1300 House
1301 Display name
1302 Microsoft Wallet
1303 Edit Address %1
1304 Are you sure you want to delete the address "%1"?%0
1305 <none selected>
1306 Delete Address
1307 Warning: This page is requesting the address "%1".
1309 Proprietary Address Book
1310 Business
1311 The address "%1" was entered using a previous version of the Microsoft Wallet and does not have a valid country.\n\nChoose OK to edit the address or "Cancel" to stop the operation.
1350 New Address Validation Problem
1351 The "Name" field cannot be empty. You must enter a name in order to add this address.
1352 The "Name" field cannot be empty. You must enter a name for this address.
1354 This address could not be added. Reboot your computer and try again. Please call Microsoft Product Support Services if the problem continues.
1355 This display name is already used by another address. Please enter a different display name.
1356 The "Display name" field cannot be empty. You must enter a display name in order to add this address.
1357 Address Validation Problem
1358 The "Display name" field cannot be empty. You must enter a display name for this address.
1360 You cannot use the '|', '=' or ']' characters in the display name. Please reenter the display name.
1361 The "Address", "City", "State/Province", and "Postal code" fields cannot all be empty. You must enter a value in at least one of these fields to add this address.
1362 The "Address", "City", "State/Province", and "Postal code" fields cannot all be empty. You must enter a value in at least one of these fields.
1363 A shipping address is required and no shipping address has been entered.\n\nWould you like to add a shipping address now?
1364 Microsoft Address Selector is using the address information in another place. You must close any Address Selector dialogs before you can continue.
1365 Not yet implemented.
1366 Error storing addresses in Windows Address Book.
1367 The "Country" field cannot be empty, and it must be a country from the list. Please modify your entry.
1368 There is no address selected. You must select an address from the list or add a new address.
1500 Change Card
1501 Selected Card
1502 Payment Options...
1503 &Add new card
1504 &Edit %1...
1505 &Delete %1...
1509 Add card...
1510 Click the "Add" button to add your first card...
1511 No accepted cards, click "Add" to add a new one.
1512 To manage your credit cards, click the "Manage" button below.
1513 Paying with card %1!d! of %2!d!
1514 Add a new %1...
1515 Microsoftョ Payment Selector
1516 All &cards...
1517 Payment Selector
1518 (Select a payment method)
1550 Add address...
1551 Address Options...
1552 &Add a new address...
1553 &Edit %1...
1554 &Delete %1...
1555 %1 %3
1556 %1\n%2\n%3%7 %4 %5\n%6
1557 ,
1558 Microsoftョ Address Selector
1559 A&ll addresses...
1560 Select address
1561 Address Selector
1562 (Select an Address)
1600 Version %1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!
1601 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
1602 and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
1604 Microsoft Selector
1605 The field %1 is not found in the post return for this control.
1700 Do you want to keep your address and credit card data?
1701 Removing Microsoft Wallet
1702 This will remove Microsoft Wallet. Do you wish to continue?
1800 The "%1 - %2" wallet extension cannot be loaded into the wallet because it is not digitally signed by it's publisher.
1801 Digital signature verified.
1802 Warning: The Microsoft Wallet is unable to verify if this wallet extension has been digitally signed by it's publisher. Please make sure you trust the source of the wallet extension.\n\nUpdate your browser to IE4.0 or greater to increase your protection.
1803 Please make sure that you trust the source of this wallet extension before choosing to install it.\n\nUpdate your browser to IE4.0 or greater to automatically check for a digital signature each time you load a wallet extension.