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/ DOS/V Power Report 1996 August / VPR9608A.BIN / del20try / install / data.z / CWG.CNT (.txt) < prev    next >
Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1996-05-08  |  12KB  |  310 lines

  1. :Base CWG.HLP
  2. :Title Component Writer's Help
  3. 1 Delphi Component Writer's Guide
  4. 2 Introduction to component writing
  5. 3 What is a component?
  6. `=cwgFunctionalDefinitionOfComponent
  7. `=cwgTechnicalDefinitionOfComponent
  8. `=cwgPracticalDefinitionOfComponent
  9. 3 What's different about writing components?
  10. =cwgComponentWritingIsNonVisual
  11. =cwgComponentWritingAndObjects
  12. =cwgComponentWritingConventions
  13. =cwgWhatGoesInAComponent
  14. 2 Overview of component creation
  15. =cwgTheVisualComponentLibrary
  16. g=cwgComponentsAndObjects
  17. @=cwgWhatKindsOfComponentsCanYouCreate
  18. 3 Component starting points
  19. X=cwgCustomControls
  20. =cwgWindowedControls
  21. =cwgGraphicalControls
  22. 4 Windows 
  23. =cwgSubclassedControls
  24. =cwgGenericComponents
  25. =cwgWhatGoesInAComponent
  26. =cwgRemovingContracts
  27. h=cwgPropertiesEventsAndMethods
  28. =cwgGraphicsEncapsulation
  29. ^=cwgStreamingAndRegistration
  30. =cwgCreatingANewComponent
  31. =cwgUsingTheComponentExpert
  32. g=cwgTestingUninstalledComponents
  33. =cwgCreatingAComponentManually
  34. =cwgCreatingANewUnit
  35. =cwgDerivingTheComponentObject
  36. ^=cwgRegisteringTheComponent
  37.  OOP=cwgOOPForComponentWriters
  38. =cwgDerivingNewObjects
  39. =cwgDerivingNewTypes
  40. g=cwgAncestorsAndDescendants
  41. w=cwgObjectHierarchies
  42. =cwgControllingAccess
  43. `=cwgDispatchingMethods
  44. ^=cwgObjectsAndPointers
  45. 2 Creating properties
  46. R=cwgPropertyWhy
  47. ^=cwgPropertyTypes
  48. J=cwgPublishingInheritedProperties
  49. `=cwgDefiningProperties
  50. =cwgPropertyDeclaration
  51. =cwgPropertyStorage
  52. X=cwgDirectAccess
  53. h=cwgPropertyMethods
  54. l=cwgDefaultPropertyValues
  55. =cwgCreatingIndexedProperties
  56. =cwgWritingPropertyEditors
  57. =cwgDerivingAPropertyEditorObject
  58. =cwgEditingThePropertyAsText
  59. =cwgEditingThePropertyAsAWhole
  60. =cwgSpecifyingEditorAttributes
  61. ^=cwgRegisteringThePropertyEditor
  62. =cwgCreatingEvents
  63. =cwgWhatAreEvents
  64. =cwgEventsAreMethodPointers
  65. =cwgEventsAreProperties
  66. ^=cwgEventHandlerTypes
  67. =cwgEventHandlersAreOptional
  68. =cwgImplementingTheStandardEvents
  69. =cwgWhatAreTheStandardEvents
  70. J=cwgMakingEventHooksVisible
  71. X=cwgChangingTheStandardEventHandling
  72. 3 Defining your own events
  73. =cwgSpecifyingTheEvent
  74. `=cwgDefiningTheHandlerType
  75. =cwgDeclaringTheHandlerLink
  76. =cwgCallingTheHandlerLink
  77. =cwgCreatingMethods
  78. =cwgAvoidContracts
  79. =cwgNamingMethods
  80. =cwgPublicOrProtected
  81. =cwgVirtualMethods
  82. =cwgDeclaringMethods
  83. =cwgUsingGraphicsInComponents
  84. 3 Delphi 
  85. v=cwgOverviewOfGraphics
  86. =cwgUsingTheCanvas
  87. =cwgWorkingWithPictures
  88. v=cwgOffscreenBitmaps
  89. =cwgRespondingToChanges
  90. =cwgRespondingToMessages
  91. \ =cwgUnderstandingMessages
  92. 4 Windows 
  93. e=cwgWhatsInAWindowsMessage
  94. @=cwgDispatchingMessages
  95. X=cwgChangingMessageHandling
  96. h=cwgOverridingTheResponseMethod
  97. =cwgUsingMessageParameters
  98. v=cwgTrappingMessages
  99. =cwgCreatingNewMessageHandlers
  100. `=cwgDefiningYourOwnMessages
  101. =cwgDeclaringANewMessageResponseMethod
  102. ^=cwgComponentsInTheIDE
  103.  Delphi 
  104. ^=cwgRegisteringComponentsWithTheIDE
  105. =cwgAddingPaletteBitmaps
  106. =cwgProvidingHelpOnProperties
  107. =cwgStoringAndLoadingProperties
  108. X=cwgComponentWritersReference
  109. 4 TApplication 
  110. g)=vclTApplicationComponent
  111. 4 TBevel 
  112. g)=vclTBevelComponent
  113. 4 TButton 
  114. g)=vclTButtonComponent
  115. 4 TButtonControl 
  116. g=vclTButtonControlComponent
  117. 4 TCommonDialog 
  118. g=vclTCommonDialogComponent
  119. 4 TComponent 
  120. g=vclTComponentComponent
  121. 4 TControl 
  122. g=vclTControlComponent
  123. 4 TCustomCheckBox 
  124. g=vclTCustomCheckBoxComponent
  125. 4 TCustomComboBox 
  126. g=vclTCustomComboBoxComponent
  127. 4 TCustomControl 
  128. g=vclTCustomControlComponent
  129. 4 TCustomEdit 
  130. g=vclTCustomEditComponent
  131. 4 TCustomGrid 
  132. g=vclTCustomGridComponent
  133. 4 TCustomGroupBox 
  134. g=vclTCustomGroupBoxComponent
  135. 4 TCustomLabel 
  136. g=vclTCustomLabelComponent
  137. 4 TCustomListBox 
  138. g=vclTCustomListBoxComponent
  139. 4 TCustomMaskEdit 
  140. g=vclTCustomMaskEditComponent
  141. 4 TCustomMemo 
  142. g=vclTCustomMemoComponent
  143. 4 TCustomOutline 
  144. g=vclTCustomOutlineComponent
  145. 4 TCustomPanel 
  146. g=vclTCustomPanelComponent
  147. 4 TCustomRadioGroup 
  148. g=vclTCustomRadioGroupComponent
  149. 4 TFindDialog 
  150. g)=vclTFindDialogComponent
  151. 4 TFontDialog 
  152. g)=vclTFontDialogComponent
  153. 4 TForm 
  154. g)=vclTFormComponent
  155. 4 TGraphicControl 
  156. g=vclTGraphicControlComponent
  157. 4 THeader 
  158. g)=vclTHeaderComponent
  159. 4 THintWindow 
  160. g=vclTHintWindowComponent
  161. 4 TImage 
  162. g)=vclTImageComponent
  163. 4 TInplaceEdit 
  164. g=vclTInplaceEditComponent
  165. 4 TMediaPlayer 
  166. g)=vclTMediaPlayerComponent
  167. 4 TMemo 
  168. g)=vclTMemoComponent
  169. 4 TMenu 
  170. g=vclTMenuComponent
  171. 4 TMenuItem 
  172. g)=vclTMenuItemComponent
  173. 4 TNotebook 
  174. g)=vclTNotebookComponent
  175. 4 TPaintBox 
  176. g)=vclTPaintBoxComponent
  177. 4 TRadioButton 
  178. g)=vclTRadioButtonComponent
  179. 4 TReplaceDialog 
  180. g)=vclTReplaceDialogComponent
  181. 4 TScrollBar 
  182. g)=vclTScrollBarComponent
  183. 4 TScrollBox 
  184. g)=vclTScrollBoxComponent
  185. 4 TScrollingWinControl 
  186. g=vclTScrollingWinControlComponent
  187. 4 TShape 
  188. g)=vclTShapeComponent
  189. 4 TTabSet 
  190. g)=vclTTabSetComponent
  191. 4 TTimer 
  192. g)=vclTTimerComponent
  193. 4 TVBXControl=vclTVBXControlComponent
  194. 4 TWinControl 
  195. g=vclTWinControlComponent
  196. 4 TBitmap 
  197. g)=vclTBitmapObject
  198. 4 TCanvas 
  199. g)=vclTCanvasObject
  200. 4 TCaptionProperty 
  201. g=vclTCaptionPropertyObject
  202. 4 TCharProperty 
  203. g=vclTCharPropertyObject
  204. 4 TClassProperty 
  205. g=vclTClassPropertyObject
  206. 4 TColorProperty 
  207. g=vclTColorPropertyObject
  208. 4 TComponentEditor 
  209. g=vclTComponentEditorObject
  210. 4 TComponentList 
  211. g=vclTComponentListObject
  212. 4 TComponentProperty 
  213. g=vclTComponentPropertyObject
  214. 4 TControlCanvas 
  215. g=vclTControlCanvasObject
  216. 4 TCursorProperty 
  217. g=vclTCursorPropertyObject
  218. 4 TDefaultEditor 
  219. g=vclTDefaultEditorObject
  220. 4 TDesigner 
  221. g=vclTDesignerObject
  222. 4 TEnumProperty 
  223. g=vclTEnumPropertyObject
  224. 4 TFiler 
  225. g=vclTFilerObject
  226. 4 TFileStream 
  227. g=vclTFileStreamObject
  228. 4 TFloatProperty 
  229. g=vclTFloatPropertyObject
  230. 4 TFontProperty 
  231. g=vclTFontPropertyObject
  232. 4 TFontNameProperty 
  233. g=vclTFontNamePropertyObject
  234. 4 TFormDesigner 
  235. g=vclTFormDesignerObject
  236. 4 TGraphic 
  237. g)=vclTGraphicObject
  238. 4 THandleStream 
  239. g=vclTHandleStreamObject
  240. 4 TIcon 
  241. g)=vclTIconObject
  242. 4 TIntegerProperty 
  243. g=vclTIntegerPropertyObject
  244. 4 TMemoryStream 
  245. g=vclTMemoryStreamObject
  246. 4 TMetafile 
  247. g)=vclTMetafileObject
  248. 4 TMethodProperty 
  249. g=vclTMethodPropertyObject
  250. 4 TModalResultProperty 
  251. g=vclTModalResultPropertyObject
  252. 4 TMPFileNameProperty 
  253. g=vclTMPFileNamePropertyObject
  254. 4 TObject 
  255. g)=vclTObjectObject
  256. 4 TOrdinalProperty 
  257. g=vclTOrdinalPropertyObject
  258. 4 TPersistent 
  259. g=vclTPersistentObject
  260. 4 TPicture 
  261. g)=vclTPictureObject
  262. 4 TPropertyEditor 
  263. g=vclTPropertyEditorObject
  264. 4 TReader 
  265. g=vclTReaderObject
  266. 4 TSetElementProperty 
  267. g=vclTSetElementPropertyObject
  268. 4 TSetProperty 
  269. g=vclTSetPropertyObject
  270. 4 TShortCutProperty 
  271. g=vclTShortCutPropertyObject
  272. 4 TStream 
  273. g=vclTStreamObject
  274. 4 TStringProperty 
  275. g=vclTStringPropertyObject
  276. 4 TTabOrderProperty 
  277. g=vclTTabOrderPropertyObject
  278. 4 TWriter 
  279. g=vclTWriterObject
  280. 4 DrawButtonFace 
  281. =vclDrawButtonFaceFunction
  282. 4 FindDragTarget 
  283. =vclFindDragTargetFunction
  284. 4 FormatMaskText 
  285. =vclFormatMaskTextFunction
  286. 4 GetComponentEditor 
  287. =vclGetComponentEditorFunction
  288. 4 GetComponentProperties 
  289. =vclGetComponentPropertiesProcedure
  290. 4 GetCursorValues 
  291. =vclGetCursorValuesProcedure
  292. 4 IdentToCursor 
  293. =vclIdentToCursorFunction
  294. 4 MaskGetFldSeparator 
  295. =vclMaskGetFldSeparatorFunction
  296. 4 MaskGetMaskBlank 
  297. =vclMaskGetMaskBlankFunction
  298. 4 MaskGetMaskSave 
  299. =vclMaskGetMaskSaveFunction
  300. 4 RegisterComponentEditor 
  301. =vclRegisterComponentEditorProcedure
  302. 4 RegisterComponents 
  303. =vclRegisterComponentsProcedure
  304. 4 RegisterPropertyEditor 
  305. =vclRegisterPropertyEditorProcedure
  306. 4 SetCaptureControl 
  307. =vclSetCaptureControlProcedure
  308. 4 StringToCursor 
  309. =vclStringToCursorFunction