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/ Falcon 030 Power 2 / F030_POWER2.iso / ST_STE / MAGS / ICTARI03.ARJ / ictari.03 / GFA / TUTORIAL / COMMENTS.LST < prev    next >
File List  |  1989-07-29  |  1KB  |  23 lines

  1. '     **                                                 **
  2. '     ** Demonstration Of Use Of Comments And Annotation **
  3. '     **  Written By PROFESSOR (April 93) For GFA Basic  **
  4. '     **                                                 **
  5. '     **       You might not want #quite# so much        **
  6. '     **       comment for such a simple program!        **
  7. '     **                                                 **
  8. '
  9. ' ** Input Phase **
  10. CLS                                         !***  Clear Screen   ***
  11. INPUT "What is your name: ",surname$        !***       And       ***
  12. INPUT "What is your age: ",age%             !*** Input Variables ***
  13. '
  14. ' ** Process Phase **
  15. MUL age%,12                                 !*** Convert Years To Months ***
  16. '
  17. ' ** Output & End Phase **
  18. PRINT CHR$(10);"Hello ";surname$;", you`re over ";age%;" months old!"
  19. '
  20. PRINT CHR$(7);                              !*** My Finish Routine, ***
  21. VOID INP(2)                                 !***    Why Not Try     ***
  22. EDIT                                        !***     Your Own?      ***