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/ Falcon 030 Power 2 / F030_POWER2.iso / ST_STE / MAGS / ICTARI03.ARJ / ictari.03 / GFA / GFA_CODE / PICUTIL2.LST < prev   
File List  |  1989-07-29  |  964b  |  38 lines

  1. DIM scr$(0)
  2. scr$(0)=SPACE$(32066)
  3. '
  4. ' ** GET RESOLOTION: 0 = Low,  1 = Medium,  2 = Mono **
  5. ' ** Notes: XBIOS(4) is the GFA call to do this      **
  6. res|=XBIOS(4)
  7. '
  8. FILESELECT #"~~~  Select A Picture:  ~~~","\*.PI?","DEGASPIC",fload$
  9. '
  10. IF EXIST(fload$)
  11.   OPEN "I",#1,fload$
  12.   length%=LOF(#1)
  13.   BGET #1,V:scr$(0),2
  14.   CLOSE #1
  15.   IF length%=32034 OR length%=32066
  16.     show|=1
  17.     IF res|<>PEEK(V:scr$(0)+1)
  18.       ALERT 2,"Picture is different|resolution to screen| |   Display:",1,"Yes|No",show|
  19.     ENDIF
  20.     IF show|=1
  21.       BLOAD fload$,V:scr$(0)
  22.       pall$=MID$(scr$(0),1,34)
  23.       bitmp$=MID$(scr$(0),35,32000)
  24.       ~XBIOS(6,L:V:pall$+2)
  25.       SPUT bitmp$
  26.       PRINT CHR$(7);
  27.       ~INP(2)
  28.     ELSE
  29.       ALERT 1,"|  Wrong|Resolution",1," Blast ",abort|
  30.     ENDIF
  31.   ELSE
  32.     ALERT 1,"|  Invalid|Picture File",1," Blast ",abort|
  33.   ENDIF
  34. ELSE
  35.   ALERT 1,"|File Not Found|     Or|Cancel Detected",1," Blast ",abort|
  36. ENDIF
  37. EDIT