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1DUTILS.ZIP *Deric's Utils* by Deric Benesch Finally, you can
| one ZIP. With SuperDel you can delete entire
| directories and drives
22DSK142.ZIP *22Disk* V1.42 July, 1994 From Sydex, Inc. 22Disk
| is a DOS utility that allows one to read, write
| and format over 400 different CP/M diskette
| formats.
2M21.ZIP *2M* v2.1: highest capacity floppy disk
| formatter; supports default formats of 820/1476K
| and 984/1804/3608K) as well as DOS standard
| 360K/1.2M and 720K/1.44/2.88M
2M21SRC.ZIP *2M Source* v2.1: highest capacity floppy disk
| formatter; supports default formats of 820/1476K
| and 984/1804/3608K) as well as DOS standard
| 360K/1.2M and 720K/1.44/2.88M;
| & NDOS. Does single & marked files. Also edits
| file descriptions. Point-&-shoot file loading
| into your favorite utilities via configurable
| utility
4UTILS83.ZIP *Free utilities for 4DOS/NDOS* Includes: 1) 4DESC
| 1.73 Full-screen 4DOS file description editor
| with mouse support and cut and paste capability.
| Scrollable editing of 200-character descriptions
AMENU136.ZIP *AMENU* A neat little DOS menu system for DOS 6.
| Very small, and uses NO MEMORY to run
| what-so-ever! From Croasmun Productions. Home BBS
| is (717) 633-6447. It is Dimenion and the
| software is Excali
AUTOFT66.ZIP *AUTOFONT* 6.6. Display-Font making program.
| Makes titles in color for electronic publishing
| and BBS. Words become giant, 3D, textured,
| multicolored. Exclusive Magic FonTastik modes.
BMENU10.ZIP *BMENU* v1.0 - simple, easy to use Batch MENU
| system for DOS based systems. Up to 20 different
| menus can be created with maximum 24 items per
| menu.
BOBCAT31.ZIP *BobCat* v3.1. Intuitive file, directory program
| and archive manager. Performs over 40 different
| operations. Enables fast extraction, deletion,
| viewing and printing of single files within an
| archiv
CAT300.ZIP *CAT* v3.0, Replacement for DOS's DIR. Centered
| listing, pausing, redirect to file, lists file
| size in bytes, K-bytes, and M-bytes if =* 1
| Megabyte. Shows how much space used, in how many
| files
CPYPLS21.ZIP *Copy+* v2.1 - Copy diskettes when formats are
| different. Copy, move, rename or erase specified
| files in a directory, entire branch or diskette.
| Target need not be formatted nor have files
| erased.
DCF47.ZIP *DISK COPY FAST* v4.7: Powerful 1-pass diskette
| duplicating utility. VERY fast: 42+% faster than
| DOS, 33+% faster than competing programs ;
| Command line or menu driven; HOT keys for backup
| or multi
DD406.ZIP *DD* The BEST Replacement For DOS's 'DIR'
| Command! - FULLY FUNCTIONAL Shareware! - Shows
| Files In 1, 2, 3, 4, Or 6 Columns, In Left/Right
| Or Up/Down Order! - Sorted By Name, Extension
DELX130.ZIP *DELETE-X* v1.30 The Best Deletion Utility
| Available For DOS. 1000% Better Than The Old DOS
| Del Command. Allows Exclude/Verify Deletes.
| Delete Files Older/Newer/Bigger/ Smaller Than A
| Specified Amo
DISK100S.ZIP *DISK-EMU* v1.00 Floppy drive emulator. Allow
| FAST installation of almost any program. Also can
| be used to convert DXP images into archive files.
DISKCMDR.ZIP *Disk Commander* 1.01 FULL HD utility - ZIP
| support
DISKLF28.ZIP *DISKLEFT* v2.8 1-screen disk profile of all
| drives, correct to the byte. Smart about many
| drive types: fixed, network, floppy (including
| DRIVER), RAM, substituted, unavailable
DLIST40.ZIP *Directory List* 4.0 DIR replacement program for
| DOS dir command
DN2_31.ZIP *DOS Navigator II* v1.31 Shareware. Released June
| 22, 1994. (C) 1991-94 RIT Research Labs. DOS
| Navigator is a high performance DOS shell. Lots
| of features - file manager, disk utilities
DO41.ZIP *DO.ZIP* v4.1 Includes PSORT.ZIP PEEK.ZIP DO is a
| fast flexible text OR binary file manipulator.
| Includes blank line delete, line OR column cut OR
| copy, expand tabs, find
EDIR132.ZIP *EDIR* is just like DIR, only it does one thing
| more : for every file EDIR RECOGNIZES it gives a
| short description!
ELV18EXE.ZIP *VI-Editory* Full-featured VI editor for DOS
ELV18SRC.ZIP *VI-Editor Source* Source code for the DOS VI
| editor
FFG156.ZIP *FILE FINDER/GROUPER* is the best file finder!
| Use multiple date/time/size/day-of-week, ranges,
| attrib., text as criteria to find or exclude
| files and group them for subsequent processing.
FIT312.ZIP *ASTRO DATA FITTER 3* V3.12 Interactive Equation
| to Data Fitter- Fit equations to data. Nonlinear
| regression. Polynomial regression.
FSTEDIT_.ZIP *FastEdit* easy to use file editor & mini word
| processor in some ways better than WordPerfect 5.
| Includes Undo and Clipboard features. Try it!
| You'll find it useful. Dialogs and 3d menus.
HDM466.ZIP *HDM IV* 4.66 (Hard Disk Menu) MicroFox Company
| Menu and Security System for DOS and Networks
| HDM466.ZIP Menu, Help, Report, Dialer, Manual
| User Log On/Off, Passwords, Macros
MERGE217.ZIP *MERGEFILE* v2.17 - merges sorted ASCII files of
| any size; options: multiple merge keys, case
| sensitivity, remove duplicates, order, error
| checking, & more (5/29/94)
MINIEDIT.ZIP *MiniEdit* easy to use file editor. Only 8K. Fast
| & Easy. Use with batch files and small files. For
| large files & more features, try FASTEDIT also by
NCAV47B3.ZIP *The Norton Commander Archive Viewer* V4.7 Beta-3
| (Public BETA!) - a small utility to manipulate
| ZOO files, lots of options, very easy to use
NE202.ZIP *NE* v2.02 FREEWARE text editor with ALL the
| features. From GDSOFT. (stands for NO EDLIN EVER
| !!) Very good and small Editor with WORDWRAP and
PSEDIT40.ZIP *PSEDIT* v4.0: formerly called BEDIT, easy-touse
| full screen editor for binary (or text) files;
| file is displayed in side-by-side hex/ ASCII dump
| format & you can edit either side
PS_V47.ZIP *Power Scanner* 4.7 -PS is a Directory/File Mgt
| program. Current drive showned in tree form. User
| can dump, delete, rename, add & link to
| directories.
PWRBAT22.ZIP *POWERBATCH* v2.1 A high-level command compiler
| which creates standalone .ZIP programs. Great
| tool for replacing DOS batch files.
QAZ_340.ZIP *QAZ* v3.40a (almost) universal archive view- er
| and file-finder. QAZ can recognize over
| three-dozen types of archive and compressed file
| formats.
READ118.ZIP *Read* v1.18 File viewing utility
RENAME__.ZIP *RENAME* Easy way to rename files! FREE *BUT*WARE
| - Replaces DOS Rename TTW *φ* RENAME! 1) colorful
| interface 2) overwrite prompt 3) overwrite hidden
| 4) rename directory 5) uses errorlevels
RMDIR__.ZIP *RemoveDir* quietly removes a directory without
| DOS messages. FREE*BUT*WARE TTW*φ* RemoveDir!
| Removes specified directory. If it exists NOT!,
| no message will be shown.
SAFGRD11.ZIP *SAFEGARD* V1.1 Backup and File Mngmnt. Fastest
| most reliable shareware BU available. Unique
| database automation simplifies use by needing
| only one type of backup.
SDLAY10.ZIP *ShockWave DELAY Creator* v1.00. Creates delays
| on the PC between the execution of programs in
| .BAT files Delays up to an entire day long!
SEMAFORE.ZIP *SEMAFORE* Handy utility for handling semaphore
| files in your batchfiles. Can create, delete and
| touch semaphore files. In addition it can wait
| (optional maximum time)
SORTDZ10.ZIP *SORTDIZ* FILE_ID.DIZ Sorter version 1.00 Ya got
| your FILE_ID.DIZ editor there? Good. But which
| files do you need to use it on?
SUM21.ZIP *SumDisk* v2.1. Helps you audit your disa
| developing a list of the files on every logical
| drive on your computer, along with dates and
| sizes
TELLME.ZIP *TellMe* Adds date and time testing to your Batch
| files! Can test for day of month, day of week,
| specific dates, anniversaries, birthdays,
| appointments, etc.
TNCOPY10.ZIP *TNCopy* v1.0: takes a file, breaks it up into
| 300K pieces, copies it, then reassembles the file
| at the destination
VEXD110.ZIP *E144* formats your 1.44MB diskettes so that you
| gain an additional 52.5KB storage space. Turning
| your 1.44MB into a 1.51MB disk. E720 turns your
| 720KB diskette into a 750KB diskette.
VIEW30D.ZIP *View* v3.0d Freeware text file viewer
VIEW94.ZIP *VIEW* v9.4 -- FILE VIEWER for WorkPerfect
| 5.0-6.0, Word 4-5, WinWord 1-6, Win Write, Ami
| Pro, Wordstar, ASCII. Text search, print
| functions, etc. User-selectable line width.
VLIST221.ZIP *VLIST-][* v2.1 - A Free-Scrolling LIST clone
| that fully supports all VBBS Heart Codes.
| Features include a Forward/Reverse Search
| Function, Tab Character Expansion
VLOAD.ZIP *V-LOAD* v0.9ß This is a tiny utility that allows
| you to link your own intros to any existing
| EXE-file. The output is a single EXE file that
| contains you intro plus for example a game.
VOLUME11.ZIP *VOLUME* v1.1 VOLUME cuts large files into pieces
| small enough to store on removable media and then
| recomposes the file from the media
VYNCH_2.ZIP *Voynich* is a general purpose file encryption
| program. It will work equally well on both text
| and binary files of any length.
WFF17H.ZIP *What Floppy Format?* v1.7h menu for Christoph
| Hochstätter's FDFORMAT, a PD floppy formatter
| that formats 3" to 1.72Mb. WFF let's you
| establish parameters & automatically use them
| every time you fo
WILLY106.ZIP *Willy* v1.06. Tranforms binary file into a text
| file that can be sent via E-mail