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183 lines
AC935.ZIP *Address Controller* an address and phone list
| manager.
ADRFIX10.ZIP *ADRFIX* v1.0 Adressmanagementsystem, German
| version
ATH201.ZIP *AROUND THE HOUSE* v2.01 Complete home and
| personal information manager. Easily keep track
| of names, addresses, and phone numbers; grocery
| lists; to-do lists; vehicle repairs and
| maintenance
| complete home and personal info manager. Easily
| track names, addresses, phone numbers; grocery
| lists; to-do lists; vehicle repairs and
| maintenance
| complete home and personal info manager. Easily
| track names, addresses, phone numbers; grocery
| lists; to-do lists; vehicle repairs and
| maintenance
BOOKBS41.ZIP *BookBase* v4.1 for Book Collectors! RAD Software
| PO Box 1991 / Columbus, GA / 31902 If you have a
| lot of books, you'll love BookBase! This latest
| version is loaded with powerful features
CASM901.ZIP *CassetteMaster* 9.01 Helping you Master your
| Cassette library.The BeZt tape cataloger on the
| market! Max flexibility,3 user fields & 2 U Boxes
| per title, up to 51 lines of Tunes per side.
CJPOSDEM.ZIP *CJPOS* A complete point-of-sale program for
| small businesses. This file includes the program
| & is an example setup for an automotive shop.
| die Möglichkeit, Daten, die nach dem
| DATANORM-Standard aufgebaut sind, in CTO EHO plus
| 3.0 zu importieren bzw. die Preispflege
| durchzuführen.
CWARE100.ZIP *COLLECTWARE GOLD* v1.00 Software for the coin
| collecting enthusiast. Offers detailed
| information on all Canadian coins since
| Confederation: their value, historical notes and
| even chemical composition
DDUPE210.ZIP *DDupe* v2.10 DOS disk duplicator, formats, more
FONDS110.ZIP *Fonds* v1.10 Manage your Shares ! With many
| features e.g. statistic etc. German version.
GDS30D.ZIP *GDS* v3.0d: graphic display system; intuitive
| user interface; reads GIF87a, GIF89a (incl.
| Comments), BMP, LBM, PCX, RIX and MAC files;
| writes GIF87a, LBM, BMP, PCX, and RIX files
| directly from the screen
GUNCHK11.ZIP *GUN CHECK* v1.10 Storage/Retrieval database for
| a firearms collector. Taylored for Canadian
| Regulations with pop up warnings for expiring
| FAC's or carry permits.
KVV131.ZIP *KVV* v1.31 A Program to keep tracking your
| customs. For all insurance companys or agencys.
| German version.
LABENV.ZIP *Lab&Env* A simple name and adress database
| system uses to print mailing labels or envelopes
LBASE15.ZIP *LBase* v1.5 A very komplex program, to keep
| tracking your book collection. German version.
LOGEQF60.ZIP *LOG-EQF* v6.12 Amateur Radio Logging Program-
| Log-EQF is the total control center for Amateur
| Radio on-the-air activities. Full-featured
| logging with TNC, PacketCluster(tm), rig control
LWMD3.ZIP *Lifetime Wealth Management* v3.0 The Successful
| Investors Program for Saving, Investing,
| Retirement, Net Worth, Mortgages, Loans, Stocks
| and Mutual Funds + Portfolio Management Database
MCAT14S.ZIP *MCAT* v1.4s, CATalog Dir's, recurse Drive Tree
| Display listing to screen or save to file.
| Centered listings with K-byte and Megabyte size
| listings.
MCB11D.ZIP *MCBASE* v1.1D Relational Music Collection
| dataBase system- MCBase is a relational database
| system for music collections, giving you full
| access to your collection, onscreen or on
| hardcopy.
MCOOK136.ZIP *MicroCook* v1.36 Recipe database program for
| DOS. Easy to use menus and editors with full
| mouse support.
MYCARD31.ZIP *MyCards* v3.1 for Sports Cards Collectors If you
| have a sport card collection, get MyCards! This
| latest version is loaded with powerful features
MYCOIN31.ZIP *MyCoins* v3.1 for Philatelists! If you enjoy
| your coin collection, get MyCoins! This latest
| version is loaded with powerful features
MYF452.ZIP *MYF* v4.52 MYF is a complete food manager
| designed for food manufacturers, institutional
| food planners and cooks, restaurant managers,
| bakers, dietitians, diabetics, and the home
| shopper.
MYHEARTS.ZIP *HEARTS* v5.0 is a very easy card game to play
| and one that will give you many hours of
| enjoyment
MYIDEA23.ZIP *MyIdea* v2.3 Problem Solver Solve problems and
| develop ideas writing project. full line wrap.
| registered version available.
MYMAGS31.ZIP *MyMags* v3.1 for your collection of
| magazines/journals If you keep track of your
| magazines, journal, articles, etc., then you'll
| love MyMags!
MYMUSC31.ZIP *MyMusic* v3.1 for Music Collectors! If you have
| a music collection, get MyMusic!
MYSTMP31.ZIP *MyStamps* v3.1-- for Stamp Collectors! If you
| have a stamps collection, get MyStamps! This
| latest version is loaded with powerful features
MYVIDS31.ZIP *MyVideos* v3.1 for your VCR tape collection. If
| you have a VCR Tape collection, get MyVideos!
| This latest version is loaded with powerful
| features
ODAY420.ZIP *OMNIDay* v4.20 Computer diary program with many
| features and toggles. Has over 10000 encryption
| options & keys. Can handle up to 10 users at once
| and has a full featured text editor.
SHBRIEF.ZIP *SH-BRIEFMARKEN* v3.01 A management-program for
| your stamps. German version.
SHBUCH.ZIP *SH-BÜCHER* v3.01 A management-program for your
| books. German version.
SHFILM.ZIP *SH-FILM* v3.01 A management-program for your
| films. German Version.
SHFOTO.ZIP *SH-FOTO* v3.01 A management-program for your
| photos. German version.
SHMUSIK.ZIP *SH-MUSIK* v3.01 A management-program for your
| cd's, lp's, cassettes. German version.
SHSTRICH.ZIP *SH-STRICHCODE* v1.31 A professionell program to
| design, manage and printout your barcodes. German
| version.
SHVIDEO.ZIP *SH-VIDEO* v3.01 A management-program for your
| video-cassettes. German version.
SHZEIT.ZIP *SH-ZEITSCHRIFTEN* v3.01 A management-programm
| for your newspapers and magazines. German
| version.
SIGHTS.ZIP *Sights & Sounds* v1.2. Database for video tape
| and laser disc video collections
SIPH101.ZIP *SI Phone Directory* v1.01 - the powerful phone
| directory with many great features. Add, Erase,
| Search, Unerase, Print, Dial, Custom Reports are
| just some of them. Very user-friendly interface.
SMPLUS10.ZIP *StartManager Plus* v1.0 Personal Information
| Manager (PIM). Contains phonebook, calendar,
| infobase, todo list, reminder, journal, daily
| planner and more.
SNDX1_0B.ZIP *SOUNDX* v1.0 Soundex codes for surnames. Utility
| for genealogists who use any program that can
| produce a list of surnames, including Personal
| Ancestral File (PAF). It includes both DOS and
| OS/2 versions.
SSELECT.ZIP *SSelect* A program to manage your dog-racings.
| Create your own racingforms etc..
STRK_101.ZIP *SOFTRAK* v1.01 Software Tracking Database. A
| Simple program which will log, locate and track
| all of the software in your company. Sort and
| search by publisher, location etc.
SW23.ZIP *The Software Collector* v2.3 - Software Database
| for keeping track of all software purchases.
| Offers many fields for entering information,
| searching, sorting, scrolling or printing data
| and more.
| cumbersome calendars here. EASY interface with
| quality features for those who: Only need a few
| timely reminders.
UTFN0794.ZIP *UTFN0794* July '94 Dbase IV file of Shortwave
| Util Listeners by Tom McKee
VIDEO20D.ZIP *THE VIDEO STORE* v2.0 REL C A video rental store
| POS system that is very powerful and simple to
| use.
VIDFIL22.ZIP *Wilstar Video Tape Library* v2.2 The purpose of
| the Wilstar Video Library is to allow you to
| store all your video tape titles in a usable
| database.
WHO21.ZIP *WHO-U-KNOW* v2.1 The Ultimate Address Book, PIM,
| Date Reminder, and Mailing List.
XCAT76G.ZIP *XCAT* v7.6g Automated Disk Cataloger for use
| with floppy disk libraries. Includes mouse
| support, pulldown menus, online help and more.
XLPOWR.ZIP *Excel PowerPak* v5.0 Includes 17 Helpful
| Utilities
YDPOP23C.ZIP *YDPOP* v2.3c A TSR Personal Info Manager YDPOP
| store Address data, 3 phone numbers, 3 contact
| names, and up to 200 lines of memos for each
| record. YDPOP exports addresses into your word
| processing program.