Labels:chat room | crt screen | hakham | monitor | person | plant | sky | table | tie | tv | windowpane OCR: PLICATIO T A 2 -21 Pre se nta tio r So ftwa re How do use the compute to create snazzy speeches and presentations? Suppose you are taking an ae history course. Fifty percent of your grade will be based on an in- class presentation there software that can help you? Yes called present ation soft- ware Two of the mos popular applications are Microsoft owerPoint and Lotus Freelance Graphics Figure 2-20 slide typically contains a title bulleted list anda graphic PROJECTED INTERNATIONAL SALES AMERICA EUR OPE VASIA VAFRICA VAUSTRALIA InfoWeb Presentation software provides all the tools you need for combining text graphics graphs animations pue sound into series of electronic slides like the one shown in Figure 2-20. Most presentation software includes collections 0 graphics and sounds that can en ...