Labels:cabinet | computer | fountain | hakham | monitor | rock | sky | table | tree | windowpane OCR: SUM PO Se lecting Sound Syste m InfoWeb What's wave table synthesis and do I need it? With the prolifer: ation of multimedia appli- cations sound system has become an essential part of computer system. basic computer sound system includes sound card and set of small speakers; but if you want your computer-generated tune blow You away You will want to invest t in a more so phis- ticated sound systerm. Sounc System : sound card converts the digital data ir sound file into analog signals for instrumental, vocal, and spoken sounds In addition sound card lets you make your own recordings by converting sounds into digitized sound files that you can store on ".. record your own sounds, you'l need to add good quality microphone to your sound system Digitized sound files require lots of storage spa ...