Labels:booth | box | computer | crt screen | hakham | keyboard | laptop | monitor | mouse | plant | road | shelf | sky | stairs | stairway | tv OCR: US ING COM PUTERS ESSENTIAL NCEPTS InfoWeb find in Microcomputers homes and also small known businesses as personal micr ocomputer computers usually are the costs computers about $2,000 you typically andits processor performs abo ut200 million operations Par second. The micro comp uter you use might be stand- alone unit , or it might be connected to other computers s0 you can share data and software with other users However, even when your computer IS connected Microcomputers others t will generally carry out processing tasks for only one user Microcomputers come many shapes and sizes as you can see in Figure Figure Microcomputer 1 Vectra 500 standard desktop microconpute fts on a desk A microcomputer with tower case contains the and runs on power from an electrical wall outle same basic c ...