##50 Positions from R. Fine: World's greatest chess games. These are
#among the most difficult combinations ever played over the board, Fine
#seems to imply. It is far from clear, though, how correct they are and
#whether the indicated best move is always unique. Usually is.
#Gnuchess got only 8 right out of these 50 at 1 minute per move setting.
rn2k2r/pp2q1pp/1b1p1n2/3Np1B1/2B1Ppb1/5N2/PP2Q1PP/3R1K1R/b Nf6xNd5 (Fine_WGCG) (page 7. Macdonnell, immortal game.) "Black has 2 pcs and a powerful attk for the Q. Subsequent analysis has never been able to demonstrate... adequate defense."
r1qnk2r/ppp2ppp/1b5n/4p1Nb/2B1P3/BQP2P2/P5PP/RN1R3K/w Rd1xNd8+ (Fine_WGCG) (page 9, Capt. Evans.) Led to mate in the game, but should've led to less. Gnuchess finds the cook Qb3b5+, leading to major material gain...
brk4r/p1p2Ppp/2n5/bN3n1q/2B5/B4N2/P3QPPP/5RK1/w Nb5xPa7+ (Fine_WGCG) (page 38. Kolisch.) gnuchess seems to think the simple Pf7f8=Q, winding up 1 pawn up, is a good idea... Kolisch's move apparently forces quick victory, though.
r1b3k1/pp1n3p/2pbpq1r/3p4/3Pp1p1/PP2P1P1/1BQN1P1P/3RRBK1/b Rh6xPh2 (Fine_WGCG) (page 143. Tartakower.) wins, but quiet moves probably also suffice since black is a P up with better position...
1r3r1n/3b1pk1/1R1N2p1/1P3P2/6P1/8/5KB1/R7/w Pf5f6+ (Fine_WGCG) (followed by ...Kh6 2. Kg3! page 209. Reshevsky.) wins xchg at least
rnb1k2r/pp3ppp/3b4/q2pN1B1/8/3B4/Pp3PPP/1R1Q1RK1/w Ne5xPf7 (Fine_WGCG) (page 224. Keres.) "tears black's postion apart." Also won R+P+P for N+B then forced mate in the game.
r3r1k1/pp1b1pb1/3q3p/3n4/1p1P1RpN/3B4/P2B1PPP/1R1Q2K1/w Rf4xPg4 (Fine_WGCG) (page 226. Keres.) gets an overwhelming attack (resigned in 9)
2r1k2r/2pn1pp1/1p3n1p/p3PP2/4q2B/P1P5/2Q1N1PP/R4RK1/w Pe5xNf6 (Fine_WGCG) (page 230. Lilienthal.) resigns in 6
3r1r2/pp1q2bk/2n1nppp/2p5/3pP1P1/P2P1NNQ/1PPB3P/1R3R1K/w Ng3f5 (Fine_WGCG) (page 244. Smyslov.) resigns in 18
r4r1k/pp2b1pp/n4n2/1bqPN3/1p6/6N1/PBBQ2PP/3R1R1K/w Ng3f5 (Fine_WGCG) (page 279. Kramer.) led to mate and, starting 2 moves later, 12 checks in a row...
2r1r1k1/p2q1pbp/1p4p1/3pPP2/2nP2N1/3Q3R/P5PP/R1B3K1/w Rh3xPh7 (Fine_WGCG) (page 281. Larry Evans. Misprinted: there should be a black B on g7) wins
#(Four other good ones are Evans, diagram p282, and Nadjorf, diagram
#p.251, and Nadjorf's 15...P-K4!!! in his "Polish Immortal" game page
#248-9, and Adams-Torre 18. Qg4!!! page 285. See file "oldpos.wds".)