OS/2 Shareware BBS: 22 gnu
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# Generated automatically from Makefile.in by configure.
# on SUN under SunOS 4.1.3
## and manually adapted to OS/2 & EMX0.8h by Gregor Buehler (6 Oct 94).
## Sorry, a lot of defs and rules were thrown out,
## because they were not useful in my environment.
## Use following targets with make <target>:
## 'all' - default - does all within 'srcdir'
## 'install' - installs within EMX dirs (if required alter below)
## 'uninstall' - uninstalls off EMX dirs
## 'clean' - cleans produced files afer install
## Rules for producing a standalone version were added.
## This can be run under DOS or OS/2 without having EMX.
# make file for "flex" tool
# Porting considerations:
# For System V Unix machines, add -DUSG to CFLAGS (if it's not
# automatically defined)
# For Vax/VMS, add "-DVMS -DUSG" to CFLAGS.
# For MS-DOS, add "-DMS_DOS -DUSG" to CFLAGS. Create \tmp if not present.
# See MSDOS.notes for more info.
# For Amiga, add "-DAMIGA -DUSG" to CFLAGS.
# For SCO Unix, add "-DSCO_UNIX" to CFLAGS.
# For C compilers which don't know about "void", add -Dvoid=int to CFLAGS.
# If your C compiler is ANSI standard but does not include the <stdlib.h>
# header file (some installations of gcc have this problem), then add
# By default, flex will be configured to generate 8-bit scanners only
# if the -8 flag is given. If you want it to always generate 8-bit
# scanners, add "-DDEFAULT_CSIZE=256" to CFLAGS. Note that doing
# so will double the size of all uncompressed scanners.
# If on your system you have trouble building flex due to 8-bit
# character problems, remove the -8 from FLEX_FLAGS and the
# "#define FLEX_8_BIT_CHARS" from the beginning of flexdef.h.
# the first time around use "make first_flex"
# the path defs are mostly twofold
# due to GNU/UNIX Style '/' and
# OS/2 '\'
srcdir = \flex
srcdir_gnu = /flex
# where the installed emx binary goes
bindir = $(prefix)\bin
bindir_gnu = $(prefix_gnu)/bin
# where the installed emx standalone binary goes
bindir_sta = $(srcdir)\st_alone.bin
bindir_sta_gnu = $(srcdir_gnu)/st_alone.bin
# where the parsers skeletons go
libdir = $(prefix)\lib
libdir_gnu = $(prefix_gnu)/lib
# where the headers go
incdir = $(prefix)\include
incdir_gnu = $(prefix_gnu)/include
# where the info files go
infodir = $(prefix)\info
# where manual pages go and what their extensions should be
# someone should add a rule and program to compile the manual
# to OS/2 INF format
mandir = $(prefix)\book
#### End of system configuration section. ####
# files of binary OS/2 & EMX distribution
BINDISTFILES = $(srcdir_gnu)/flex.exe $(srcdir_gnu)/flexsta.exe $(srcdir_gnu)/flexskel.cc \
$(srcdir_gnu)/flexskel.h \
$(srcdir_gnu)/makefile $(srcdir_gnu)/flexppm.txt $(srcdir_gnu)/00readme.emx\
$(srcdir_gnu)/install.bat $(srcdir_gnu)/install.cmd $(srcdir_gnu)/patch.emx
SKELETON_FILE = $(libdir_gnu)/flexskel.cc
HEADERSKELETON_FILE = $(incdir_gnu)/flexskel.h
# defs for standalone version of flex++
SKELETON_FILE_STA = $(srcdir_gnu)/flexskel.cc
HEADERSKELETON_FILE_STA = $(srcdir_gnu)/flexskel.h
LDFLAGS = -O2 -s
FLEX_FLAGS = -ist8
# which "flex" to use to generate scan.c from scan.l
FLEX = flex
YACC= bison -y
CC = gcc
AR = ar
RANLIB = ar -s
ccl.o \
dfa.o \
ecs.o \
gen.o \
misc.o \
nfa.o \
parse.o \
scan.o \
sym.o \
tblcmp.o \
ccl.c \
dfa.c \
ecs.c \
gen.c \
main.c \
misc.c \
nfa.c \
parse.c \
scan.c \
sym.c \
tblcmp.c \
FLEXLIB = flexlib.a
all : flex.exe flexsta.exe $(FLEXLIB) flex.info flexpp.zip
# EMX version of flex++
flex.exe : $(FLEXOBJS)
# standalone version of flex++ for machines without EMX or RSX
flexsta.exe : $(FLEXOBJS_STA)
emxbind -xq flexsta.exe a.out
emxbind $(EMXBIND_FLAGS) -q $(bindir)\emx.exe a.out flexsta.exe
del a.out
copy initscan.c scan.c
dmake flex.exe
parse.h parse.c : parse.y
$(YACC) -d parse.y
sed '/extern char.*malloc/d' <y.tab.c >parse.c
del y.tab.c
rename y.tab.h parse.h
#scan.c : scan.l
# $(FLEX) $(FLEX_FLAGS) $(COMPRESSION) scan.l >scan.c
scan.o : scan.c parse.h flexdef.h
# production of main for EMX with default EMX directories
main.o : main.c flexdef.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(SKELFLAGS) main.c
# production of main for standalone version
mainsta.o : main.c flexdef.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(SKELFLAGS_STA) -o $@ main.c
ccl.o : ccl.c flexdef.h
dfa.o : dfa.c flexdef.h
ecs.o : ecs.c flexdef.h
gen.o : gen.c flexdef.h
misc.o : misc.c flexdef.h
nfa.o : nfa.c flexdef.h
parse.o : parse.c flexdef.h
sym.o : sym.c flexdef.h
tblcmp.o : tblcmp.c flexdef.h
yylex.o : yylex.c flexdef.h
# make a distribution file of the binaries, skeletons, makefile, and manual
flexpp.zip: $(BINDISTFILES)
zip -k flexpp.zip $(BINDISTFILES)
del *.o flex.exe flexsta.exe flex.i*
del flexpp.zip
install: all $(BINDISTFILES)
xcopy $(srcdir)\flex.exe $(bindir) /O
xcopy $(srcdir)\flexskel.cc $(libdir) /O
xcopy $(srcdir)\flexskel.h $(incdir) /O
xcopy $(srcdir)\flexppm.txt $(mandir) /O
xcopy $(srcdir)\flex.info $(infodir) /O
xcopy $(srcdir)\flex.i* $(infodir) /O
xcopy $(srcdir)\$(FLEXLIB) $(libdir) /O
if exist $(libdir)\libfl.a del $(libdir)\libfl.a
rename $(libdir)\$(FLEXLIB) libfl.a
$(RANLIB) $(libdir_gnu)/libfl.a
del $(bindir)\flex.exe
del $(libdir)\$(SKELETON_FILE) $(libdir)\$(SKELETONHEADER_FILE)
del $(mandir)\flexppm.txt
del $(infodir)\flex.i*
del $(libdir)\libfl.a
# make the info files for GNU info browser
flex.info: flex.texinfo
makeinfo flex.texinfo
test : flex
echo "diff should only be on #line directive"
flex $(FLEX_FLAGS) -S./flexskel.cc -H./flexskel.h $(COMPRESSION) scan.l | diff scan.c -
bigtest :
echo "diff should only be on #line directive"
del scan.c ; dmake COMPRESSION="-C" test
echo "diff should only be on #line directive"
del scan.c ; dmake COMPRESSION="-Ce" test
echo "diff should only be on #line directive"
del scan.c ; dmake COMPRESSION="-Cm" test
echo this should fail because there is trailing context in the grammar
del scan.c ; dmake COMPRESSION="-Cfe" test
echo this should fail because there is trailing context in the grammar
del scan.c ; dmake COMPRESSION="-CFe" test
echo this should fail because there is trailing context in the grammar
del scan.c ; dmake COMPRESSION="-Cf" test
echo this should fail because there is trailing context in the grammar
del scan.c ; dmake COMPRESSION="-CF" test
echo "diff should only be on #line directive"
del scan.c ; dmake