OS/2 Shareware BBS: 22 gnu
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/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "display.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "io-generic.h"
#include "io-abstract.h"
#ifdef __STDC__
static void
put_eps_header (struct display *dpy, float scale, float wid, float hgt, FILE *fp)
static void
put_eps_header (dpy, scale, wid, hgt, fp)
struct display *dpy;
float scale;
float wid;
float hgt;
FILE *fp;
int dpy_wid = display_width (dpy);
int dpy_hgt = display_height (dpy);
struct font_memo *fm;
fputs ("%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n", fp);
fprintf (fp, "%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
0, 0,
(int) ((float) dpy_wid * scale),
(int) ((float) (dpy_hgt + 1) * scale));
fputs ("%%Creator: oleo\n", fp);
fputs ("%%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman", fp);
for (fm = font_list; fm; fm = fm->next)
fprintf (fp, " %s", fm->names->ps_name);
fputc ('\n', fp);
time_t the_record_of_the_time = time (0);
fprintf (fp, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", ctime (&the_record_of_the_time));
fputs ("%%EndComments\n", fp);
#ifdef __STDC__
put_ps_string (char *str, FILE *fp)
put_ps_string (str, fp)
char *str;
FILE *fp;
fputc ('(', fp);
while (*str)
if (*str == ')')
fputs ("\\)", fp);
else if (*str == '(')
fputs ("\\(", fp);
fputc (*str, fp);
fputc (')', fp);
#ifdef __STDC__
psprint_region (FILE * fp, struct rng * rng, float wid, float hgt, char * font)
psprint_region (fp, rng, wid, hgt, font)
FILE *fp;
struct rng *rng;
float wid, hgt;
char * font;
struct display dpy;
int rows = rng->hr - rng->lr + 1;
int cols = rng->hc - rng->lc + 1;
int dpy_wid;
int dpy_hgt;
float scale;
build_unscaled_display (&dpy, rng, 0, 0);
dpy_wid = display_width (&dpy);
dpy_hgt = display_height (&dpy);
scale = wid / (float) dpy_wid;
if (scale * dpy_hgt > hgt)
scale = hgt / (float) dpy_hgt;
put_eps_header (&dpy, scale, wid, hgt, fp);
fprintf (fp, "/min { 2 copy lt { pop } if } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/max { 2 copy lt { exch pop } if } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/fed { exch def } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/gget { cvi get } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "%% Some basic facts about the region being printed. \n");
fprintf (fp, "/CharsWide %d def\n", dpy_wid);
fprintf (fp, "/CharsTall %d def\n", dpy_hgt);
fprintf (fp, "/Cols %d def\n", cols);
fprintf (fp, "/Rows %d def\n", rows);
fprintf (fp, "%% The scale is just the point size of the default font. \n");
fprintf (fp, "%% The value here is just an initial approximation. The real value\n");
fprintf (fp, "%% is computed below.\n");
fprintf (fp, "/Scale %f def\n", scale);
fprintf (fp, "/PointsWide CharsWide Scale mul def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/PointsTall CharsTall Scale mul def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "%% font setup\n");
fprintf (fp, "/pair-sub \n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " 3 -1 roll exch sub 3 1 roll sub exch\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/font-box\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup /FontBBox get /font-box-box fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " /FontMatrix get /font-box-matrix fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " font-box-box font-box-matrix transform\n");
fprintf (fp, " 4 2 roll font-box-matrix transform\n");
fprintf (fp, " pair-sub \n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/DefaultFontName /%s def\n", default_font()->names->ps_name);
fprintf (fp, "/BasicDefaultFont DefaultFontName findfont def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/DefaultFontSize Scale round def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/SizeDir 1 def\n");
fprintf (fp, "{ \n");
fprintf (fp, " DefaultFontSize 4 le { exit } if\n");
fprintf (fp, " /DefaultFont BasicDefaultFont DefaultFontSize scalefont def\n");
fprintf (fp, " DefaultFont setfont \n");
fprintf (fp, " DefaultFont font-box\n");
fprintf (fp, " Scale le exch Scale le and not\n");
fprintf (fp, " { /SizeDir -1 def } { SizeDir 0 le { exit } if } ifelse\n");
fprintf (fp, " /DefaultFontSize DefaultFontSize SizeDir add def\n");
fprintf (fp, "} loop\n");
fprintf (fp, "/DefaultFontSize DefaultFontSize def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/DefaultFont BasicDefaultFont DefaultFontSize scalefont def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/Scale DefaultFontSize def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "DefaultFont font-box\n");
fprintf (fp, "/Scaleh fed\n");
fprintf (fp, "/Scalew fed\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/CellsUsed Rows Cols mul array def\n");
fprintf (fp, "0 1 Rows Cols mul 1 sub { CellsUsed exch false put } for\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/checkused %% r c -- bool\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " exch Cols mul add CellsUsed exch gget\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/setused %% r c -- \n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " exch Cols mul add CellsUsed exch true put\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
int ri, ci;
for (ri = 0; ri < rows; ++ri)
for (ci = 0; ci < cols; ++ci)
struct cell_display * cd = dpy.cells + ri * cols + ci;
if (cd->unclipped)
fprintf (fp, "%d %d setused\n", ri, ci);
fprintf (fp, "/Rowy [ ");
for (ri = 0; ri < rows; ++ri)
fprintf (fp, "%d ", dpy.rowy[ri]);
fprintf (fp, "] def\n/Colx [ ");
for (ci = 0; ci < cols; ++ci)
fprintf (fp, "%d ", dpy.colx[ci]);
fprintf (fp, "] def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/Heights [ ");
for (ri = 0; ri < rows; ++ri)
fprintf (fp, "%d ", dpy.heights[ri]);
fprintf (fp, "] def\n/Widths [ ");
for (ci = 0; ci < cols; ++ci)
fprintf (fp, "%d ", dpy.widths[ci]);
fprintf (fp, "] def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/to-oleo-matrix\n");
fprintf (fp, " 0 PointsTall neg matrix translate \n");
fprintf (fp, " 1 Scalew div 1 Scaleh div neg matrix scale\n");
fprintf (fp, " matrix concatmatrix def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/from-oleo-matrix to-oleo-matrix matrix invertmatrix def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/rc-to-oleo-xy { Colx exch gget exch Rowy exch gget } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/rc-to-oleo-wh { Widths exch gget exch Heights exch gget } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/oleo-xy-to-ps { from-oleo-matrix transform } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/rc-to-xy { rc-to-oleo-xy oleo-xy-to-ps } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/rc-to-wh { rc-to-oleo-wh Scaleh mul exch Scalew mul exch } def\n");
fprintf (fp, "/oleo-box-to-ps\n");
fprintf (fp, "{ \n");
fprintf (fp, " dup dup 0 gget exch 1 gget oleo-xy-to-ps\n");
fprintf (fp, " 3 -1 roll dup dup 2 gget exch 3 gget oleo-xy-to-ps\n");
fprintf (fp, " 3 -1 roll astore\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/cell-goal %% string just r c -- [x y x' y']\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " 3 index stringwidth pop /cell-goal-w exch def\n");
fprintf (fp, " /cell-goal-h DefaultFontSize 2 add def\n");
fprintf (fp, " 2 copy rc-to-xy %% str j r c xcel ycel\n");
fprintf (fp, " 5 -1 roll dup 0 lt \n");
fprintf (fp, " { pop } %% str r c xstr ycel\n");
fprintf (fp, " { 0 eq %% str r c xcel ycel bool\n");
fprintf (fp, " Widths 4 index gget Scalew mul exch %% str r c xcel ycel wcell bool\n");
fprintf (fp, " { cell-goal-w sub 2 div 3 -1 roll add exch }\n");
fprintf (fp, " { 2 index add cell-goal-w sub 3 -1 roll pop exch } ifelse \n");
fprintf (fp, " %% str r c xstr ycel \n");
fprintf (fp, " } ifelse \n");
fprintf (fp, " %% str r c xstr ycel \n");
fprintf (fp, " 5 -3 roll pop pop pop\n");
fprintf (fp, " 2 copy cell-goal-h add exch cell-goal-w add exch\n");
fprintf (fp, " 4 array astore \n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/layout %% [x y x' y'] r c -- [rlo clo rhi chi]\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " 2 copy \n");
fprintf (fp, " /layout_c fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " /layout_r fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " exch 2 copy 4 array astore %% [x y x' y'] [c r c r]\n");
fprintf (fp, " /layout_answer fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " /layout_goal fed\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer 0 gget \n");
fprintf (fp, " {\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup 0 eq { exit } if\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup Colx exch gget Scalew mul layout_goal 0 gget le { exit } if\n");
fprintf (fp, " 1 sub\n");
fprintf (fp, " } loop\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer exch 0 exch put\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer 1 gget \n");
fprintf (fp, " {\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup 0 eq { exit } if\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup Rowy exch gget Scaleh mul layout_goal 1 gget le { exit } if\n");
fprintf (fp, " 1 sub\n");
fprintf (fp, " } loop\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer exch 3 exch put\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer 2 gget \n");
fprintf (fp, " {\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup Cols 1 sub eq { exit } if\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup dup Colx exch gget exch Widths exch gget add Scalew mul\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_goal 2 gget gt { exit } if\n");
fprintf (fp, " 1 add \n");
fprintf (fp, " } loop\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer exch 2 exch put\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer dup 0 gget exch 1 gget \n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer exch 0 exch put layout_answer exch 1 exch put\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer dup 2 gget exch 3 gget \n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer exch 2 exch put layout_answer exch 3 exch put\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer 1 gget 1 layout_answer 3 gget\n");
fprintf (fp, " {\n");
fprintf (fp, " /layout_ct fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_r 1 layout_answer 2 gget \n");
fprintf (fp, " {\n");
fprintf (fp, " /layout_rt fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_rt layout_ct checkused \n");
fprintf (fp, " {\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_ct layout_c lt\n");
fprintf (fp, " { layout_ct 1 add layout_answer 1 gget max layout_answer exch 1 exch put }\n");
fprintf (fp, " if\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_ct layout_c gt\n");
fprintf (fp, " { layout_ct 1 sub layout_answer 3 gget min layout_answer exch 3 exch put }\n");
fprintf (fp, " if\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_rt layout_r lt\n");
fprintf (fp, " { layout_rt 1 add layout_answer 0 gget max layout_answer exch 0 exch put }\n");
fprintf (fp, " if\n");
fprintf (fp, " } if\n");
fprintf (fp, " } for\n");
fprintf (fp, " } for\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer 0 gget 1 layout_answer 2 gget \n");
fprintf (fp, " {\n");
fprintf (fp, " /layout_rt fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer 1 gget 1 layout_answer 3 gget\n");
fprintf (fp, " {\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_rt exch setused\n");
fprintf (fp, " } for \n");
fprintf (fp, " } for\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout_answer\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/add-pair\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/layout-to-oleo-box\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup dup 0 gget exch 1 gget rc-to-oleo-xy 3 -1 roll\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup 0 gget exch 1 gget \n");
fprintf (fp, " 2 copy rc-to-oleo-xy 4 2 roll\n");
fprintf (fp, " rc-to-oleo-wh add-pair\n");
fprintf (fp, " 4 array astore\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/layout-to-bbox\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " layout-to-oleo-box oleo-box-to-ps\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/boxpath\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " newpath\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup dup 0 gget exch 1 gget moveto\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup dup 0 gget exch 3 gget lineto\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup dup 2 gget exch 3 gget lineto\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup 2 gget exch 1 gget lineto\n");
fprintf (fp, " closepath\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/use-font\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " /CellFont fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " CellFont setfont\n");
fprintf (fp, " CellFont /FontBBox get\n");
fprintf (fp, " dup dup 0 gget exch 1 gget CellFont /FontMatrix get transform\n");
fprintf (fp, " neg /CellFontDescent fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " neg /CellFontLbearing fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " 3 gget 0 exch CellFont /FontMatrix get transform exch pop\n");
fprintf (fp, " /CellFontAscent fed\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "DefaultFont use-font\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "/cell %% str just r c\n");
fprintf (fp, "{\n");
fprintf (fp, " /cell-c fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " /cell-r fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " /cell-j fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " /cell-s fed\n");
fprintf (fp, " \n");
fprintf (fp, " /cell-g cell-s cell-j cell-r cell-c cell-goal def\n");
fprintf (fp, " /cell-l cell-g cell-r cell-c layout layout-to-bbox def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, " cell-g 0 get cell-g 1 get moveto\n");
fprintf (fp, " CellFontLbearing\n");
fprintf (fp, " CellFontAscent neg rmoveto\n");
fprintf (fp, " cell-s show\n");
fprintf (fp, "} def\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
int ri, ci;
struct font_memo * last_font = default_font ();
for (ri = 0; ri < rows; ++ri)
for (ci = 0; ci < cols; ++ci)
struct cell_display * cd = dpy.cells + ri * cols + ci;
if (cd->unclipped)
fprintf (fp, "/S ");
put_ps_string (cd->unclipped, fp);
fprintf (fp, " def \nS ");
switch (cd->justification)
case JST_LFT:
fprintf (fp, " -1 ");
case JST_CNT:
fprintf (fp, " 0 ");
case JST_RGT:
fprintf (fp, " 1 ");
struct font_memo * font = cd->font;
if (!font)
font = default_font ();
if (font != last_font)
fprintf (fp, "/%s findfont %f DefaultFontSize mul",
font->names->ps_name, font->scale);
fprintf (fp, " scalefont use-font\n");
last_font = font;
fprintf (fp, "%d %d cell\n", ri, ci);
free_display (&dpy);
/* Front end to PostScript printing. */
struct page_size
char *name;
float wid;
float hgt;
static struct page_size size_table[] =
{ "letter", 612, 792 }, /* (8.5 x 11 in.) */
{ "landscape", 792, 612 }, /* (11 x 8.5 in.) */
{ "tabloid", 792, 1224 }, /* (11 x 17 in.) */
{ "ledger", 1224, 792 }, /* (17 x 11 in.) */
{ "legal", 612, 1008 }, /* (8.5 x 14 in.) */
{ "statement", 396, 612 }, /* (5.5 x 8.5 in.) */
{ "executive", 540, 720 }, /* (7.5 x 10 in.) */
{ "a3", 842, 1190 },
{ "a4", 595, 842 },
{ "latex-a4", 523, 770 }, /* A4 - 1in margins all round */
{ "a5", 420, 595 },
{ "b4", 729, 1032 },
{ "b5", 516, 729 },
{ "folio", 612, 936 }, /* (8.5 x 13 in.) */
{ "quarto", 610, 780 }
#ifdef __STDC__
static struct page_size *
find_size( char * size, int len )
static struct page_size *
find_size( size, len )
char *size;
int len;
int i;
struct page_size *p = size_table;
for (i = 0;
i < sizeof(size_table)/sizeof(struct page_size);
i++, p++)
if (strincmp (size, p->name, len) == 0 )
return p;
return 0;
static float default_pswid = 8.5 * 72.;
static float default_pshgt = 11. * 72.;
#ifdef __STDC__
set_page_size_cmd (char * whole_str)
set_page_size_cmd (whole_str)
char * whole_str;
char * str = whole_str;
float neww;
float newh;
while (*str && isspace(*str))
if (!isdigit (*str) && *str != '.')
char * end = str;
struct page_size * ps;
while (*end && !isspace(*end))
ps = find_size (str, end - str);
if (ps)
default_pswid = ps->wid;
default_pshgt = ps->hgt;
("Bad page size (should look like `8.5 x 11' or `21.6 x 28c'): %s.",
neww = atof (str);
while (*str && isdigit(*str))
if (*str == '.')
while (isdigit (*str))
while (*str && isspace(*str))
if (*str == 'x')
while (*str && isspace(*str))
if (!isdigit (*str) && *str != '.')
("Bad page size (should look like `8.5 x 11' or `21.6 x 28c'): %s.",
newh = atof (str);
while (*str && isdigit(*str))
if (*str == '.')
while (*str && isdigit (*str))
while (*str && isspace(*str))
if (*str == 'c')
neww *= .3937;
newh *= .3937;
if (*str != 'p')
default_pswid = neww * 72;
default_pshgt = newh * 72;
#ifdef __STDC__
psprint_region_cmd (FILE *fp, struct rng *rng)
psprint_region_cmd (fp, rng)
FILE *fp;
struct rng *rng;
psprint_region (fp, rng, default_pswid, default_pshgt, 0);