Amiga Format 26
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407 lines
* Muzak Replay-Routine *
* Version 1.2 (.23) *
* *
* © copyright 8/1987 by Karsten Obarski *
* 3000 Hannover 61 Anderter Strase 1 *
* Tel.: 0511/584293 *
;effect (1) appregiato form = 1.halfup , 2.halfup
;effect (2) pitchbend form = 0-f down , 0-f up
* main program-loop
;org $xxxxxx
;load $xxxxxx
;start: bra muzakstart ;startaddress +0
; bra preparemuzak ;startaddress +4
; bra enablereplay ;startaddress +8
; bra disablereplay ;startaddress +12
start: jsr preparemuzak
move.l $6c,framirqsave ;set frame-flop irq
move.l #frameirq,$6c
jsr enablereplay
main: btst #6,$bfe001
bne main
jsr disablereplay
move.l framirqsave,$6c
clr.l d0
end: rts
* first settings before muzakstart
move.l #snd1,sounds+0
move.l #snd2,sounds+4
move.l #snd3,sounds+8
move.l #snd4,sounds+12
move.l #snd5,sounds+16
move.l #snd6,sounds+20
move.l #snd7,sounds+24
move.l #snd8,sounds+28
move.l #snd9,sounds+32
move.l #snda,sounds+36
move.l #sndb,sounds+40
move.l #sndc,sounds+44
move.l #sndd,sounds+48
move.l #snde,sounds+52
move.l #sndf,sounds+56
lea.l samples,a0
move.l #geslaenge,d0 ;code or endcode samples
docode: eor.b #$55,(a0)+
subq.l #1,d0
cmp.l #0,d0
bne.s docode
move.l #sounds,a0 ;clear first longw
clr.l d0 ;in all samples
clrsam: move.l (a0,d0.l),a1
clr.l (a1)
addq.l #4,d0
cmp.l #60,d0
bne clrsam
lea.l muzakdata,a0
move.b 470(a0),numofpatt+1 ;save #of patts
* enable replay routine
move.w #$ffff,playmode
move.w #00,$dff0a8
move.w #00,$dff0b8
move.w #00,$dff0c8
move.w #00,$dff0d8
clr.l timerpos
clr.l trackpos
clr.l patternpos
* disable replay routine
clr.w playmode
move.w #00,$dff0a8
move.w #00,$dff0b8
move.w #00,$dff0c8
move.w #00,$dff0d8
move.w #$f,$dff096
* complete muzak replayer (muzakstart > muzakend)
;datach x format
;w +0 current note
;b +2 sound#
;b +3 effect
;l +4 sndstart
;w +8 sndlen
;l +10 repeatstart
;w +14 repeatlen
;w +16 last saved note
;w +18 volume of sample
;w +20 dma-bit
datach0:blk.l 5,0
dc.w 1
datach1:blk.l 5,0
dc.w 2
datach2:blk.l 5,0
dc.w 4
datach3:blk.l 5,0
dc.w 8
patternpos: dc.l 0
trackpos: dc.l 0
timerpos: dc.l 0
muzakdata: blk.b 2,0 ;patterndata
sounds: blk.l 15,0
numofpatt: dc.w 0
playmode: dc.w 0
enablebits: dc.w 0
dc.w 856,808,762,720,678,640
dc.w 604,570,538,508,480,453
dc.w 428,404,381,360,339,320
dc.w 302,285,269,254,240,226
dc.w 214,202,190,180,170,160
dc.w 151,143,135,127,120,113
dc.w 000
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
addq.l #1,timerpos ;control timing
cmp.l #6,timerpos
bne.s effecthandler
clr.l timerpos
bra replayhandler
* handle possible effects
eff0: lea.l datach0,a6
cmp.b #0,3(a6)
beq.s eff1
move.l #$dff0a0,a5
bsr.s effcmp
eff1: lea.l datach1,a6
cmp.b #0,3(a6)
beq.s eff2
move.l #$dff0b0,a5
bsr.s effcmp
eff2: lea.l datach2,a6
cmp.b #0,3(a6)
beq.s eff3
move.l #$dff0c0,a5
bsr.s effcmp
eff3: lea.l datach3,a6
cmp.b #0,3(a6)
beq.s eff4
move.l #$dff0d0,a5
bsr.s effcmp
eff4: bra muzakend
effcmp: move.b 2(a6),d0 ;compare effect #
and.b #$0f,d0
cmp.b #1,d0
beq appreggiato ;appre-effect (#1)
cmp.b #2,d0
beq pitchbend ;slide up/down(#4)
* effect-module (1) appregiato / timbre
cmp.l #1,timerpos
beq.s trans2 ;1. transposed note
cmp.l #2,timerpos
beq.s trans3 ;2. transposed note
cmp.l #3,timerpos
beq.s notrans ;original note
cmp.l #4,timerpos
beq.s trans2 ;1. transposed note
cmp.l #5,timerpos
beq.s trans3 ;2. transposed note
trans2: clr.l d0 ;2nd note
move.b 3(a6),d0 ;effectbyte
lsr.b #4,d0 ;upper nibble
bra.s starttranspose
trans3: clr.l d0 ;3rd note
move.b 3(a6),d0 ;effectbyte
and.b #$0f,d0 ;lower nibble
bra.s starttranspose
notrans:move.w 16(a6),d2 ;last saved note
bra.s startt2
lsl.l #1,d0 ;transpose-wert *2 ...
clr.l d1 ;b'cause wordlen in table
move.w 16(a6),d1 ;last saved note
lea.l notetable,a0
startt1:move.w (a0,d0.l),d2 ;get transposed note
cmp.w (a0),d1 ;search last note in table
beq.s startt2
addq.l #2,a0
bra.s startt1
startt2:move.w d2,6(a5) ;set note $dff0x6
* effect-module (2) pitchwheel
clr.l d0 ;2nd note
move.b 3(a6),d0 ;effectbyte
lsr.b #4,d0 ;upper nibble
cmp.b #0,d0
beq.s pitch2
add.w d0,(a6)
move.w (a6),6(a5) ;set note
pitch2: clr.l d0 ;3rd note
move.b 3(a6),d0 ;effectbyte
and.b #$0f,d0 ;lower nibble
cmp.b #0,d0
beq.s pitch3
sub.w d0,(a6)
move.w (a6),6(a5) ;set note
pitch3: rts
* replay-module
lea.l muzakdata,a0 ;top offset
move.l a0,a3
add.l #12,a3 ;start of sndpreferences
move.l a0,a2
add.l #472,a2 ;start of tracksdata
add.l #600,a0 ;start of patterndata
move.l trackpos,d0
clr.l d1 ;here was a bugg
move.b (a2,d0.l),d1 ;get patt ptr
mulu #1024,d1 ;with patternlen
add.l patternpos,d1 ;add 16tel position
clr.w enablebits ;no start if no note
move.l #$dff0a0,a5 ;handle chanel0
lea.l datach0,a6
bsr.s soundhandler
move.l #$dff0b0,a5 ;handle chanel1
lea.l datach1,a6
bsr.s soundhandler
move.l #$dff0c0,a5 ;handle chanel2
lea.l datach2,a6
bsr.s soundhandler
move.l #$dff0d0,a5 ;handle chanel3
lea.l datach3,a6
bsr.s soundhandler
bra assume
move.l (a0,d1.l),(a6) ;note, snd# & effect
addq.l #4,d1 ;aha
clr.l d2
move.b 2(a6),d2 ;get sound#
and.b #$f0,d2 ;kill effect number
lsr.b #4,d2 ;shift to lo-nibble
cmp.b #00,d2 ;no soundchange?
beq.s notehandler ;than forget it
clr.l d3
lea.l sounds-4,a1 ;sample ptr table
move.l d2,d4 ;exch soundnumber
mulu #4,d2 ;calc pointer
mulu #30,d4 ;soundpreferernce
move.l (a1,d2.l),4(a6) ;store sndstart
move.w (a3,d4.l),8(a6) ;store sndlen
move.w 2(a3,d4.l),18(a6) ;store volume
move.w 4(a3,d4.l),d3 ;repeatstart value
cmp.w #0,d3 ;sustain-sound ?
beq.s sndhan2 ;then..
move.l 4(a6),d2 ;add repstart to ..
add.l d3,d2 ;sndstart to ..
move.l d2,4(a6) ;store soundstart
move.l d2,10(a6) ;store repeatstart
move.w 6(a3,d4),8(a6) ;store soundlen
move.w 6(a3,d4),14(a6) ;store repeatlen
move.w 18(a6),8(a5) ;set new volume
bra.s notehandler
sndhan2:move.l 4(a6),d2 ;add repstart to ..
add.l d3,d2 ;sndstart to ..
move.l d2,10(a6) ;store repeatstart
move.w 6(a3,d4.l),14(a6) ;store repeatlen
move.w 18(a6),8(a5) ;set new volume
cmp.w #00,(a6) ;is a new note set?
beq.s handlerend ;then forget it
move.w (a6),16(a6) ;save note for effect
move.w 20(a6),$dff096 ;clear dma-bit
move.l 4(a6),0(a5) ;set sndstart
move.w 8(a6),4(a5) ;set sndlen
move.w 0(a6),6(a5) ;set period
move.w 20(a6),d0
or.w d0,enablebits ;set enable if needed
assume: move.l #300,d0
ass2: dbra d0,ass2 ;wait a while
move.l #$8000,d0
add.w enablebits,d0 ;enable used dmas
move.w d0,$dff096
ass3: move.l #datach3,a6
cmp.w #1,14(a6) ;repeatsound ?
bne.s ass4 ;eq = no!
move.l 10(a6),$dff0d0 ;set to repeatpoints
move.w 14(a6),$dff0d4 ;set to repeatlenghts
ass4: move.l #datach2,a6
cmp.w #1,14(a6)
bne.s ass5
move.l 10(a6),$dff0c0
move.w 14(a6),$dff0c4
ass5: move.l #datach1,a6
cmp.w #1,14(a6)
bne.s ass6
move.l 10(a6),$dff0b0
move.w 14(a6),$dff0b4
ass6: move.l #datach0,a6
cmp.w #1,14(a6)
bne.s ass7
move.l 10(a6),$dff0a0
move.w 14(a6),$dff0a4
ass7: add.l #16,patternpos ;4*longw further
cmp.l #64*16,patternpos ;pattern end?
bne.s muzakend
clr.l patternpos
addq.l #1,trackpos ;increase pointer
clr.l d0
move.w numofpatt,d0 ;number of all patts
move.l trackpos,d1 ;current pos
cmp.l d0,d1 ;last pattern done?
bne.s muzakend ;no!
clr.l trackpos ;set on top of seq
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
* sounddata behind the replayer
snd1: blk.b 2,0
snd2: blk.b 2,0
snd3: blk.b 2,0
snd4: blk.b 2,0
snd5: blk.b 2,0
snd6: blk.b 2,0
snd7: blk.b 2,0
snd8: blk.b 2,0
snd9: blk.b 2,0
snda: blk.b 2,0
sndb: blk.b 2,0
sndc: blk.b 2,0
sndd: blk.b 2,0
snde: blk.b 2,0
sndf: blk.b 2,0
* interrupt level 3 (frame flop)
framirqsave: dc.l 0
movem.l d0/d1/a0/a1/a5/a6,-(a7) ;save stack
lea $dff000,a0
move.l 4,a6
move.w $1c(a0),d1
btst #$e,d1 ;irq dissable?
beq.s irqend
and.w $1e(a0),d1
btst #6,d1
beq.s lev3vb
movem.l $9c(a6),a1/a5
pea -$24(a6)
jmp (a5)
lev3vb: btst #5,d1 ;vertical blank
beq.s lev3cop
bsr muzakstart ;own rout
movem.l $90(a6),a1/a5
pea -$24(a6)
jmp (a5)
lev3cop:btst #4,d1 ;copper
beq.s irqend
movem.l $84(a6),a1/a5
pea -$24(a6)
jmp (a5)
irqend: movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1/a0/a1/a5/a6