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Text File  |  1998-10-02  |  11KB  |  181 lines

  1. MANIFEST for vile, version v8_1
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. MANIFEST                        this file
  4. CHANGES                         Change-log for VILE
  5. CHANGES.R3                      Vile 3.0 change-log
  6. CHANGES.R4                      VILE 4.0 change-log
  7. CHANGES.R5                      Vile 5.0 change log
  8. CHANGES.R6                      Vile 6.0 change-log
  9. CHANGES.R7                      Vile 7.0 change-log
  10. COPYING                         GPL copyright (for 'configure')
  11. INSTALL                         installation instructions for VILE
  12. README                          overview of VILE (read first)
  13. README.PC                       instructions for PC's (MS-DOS, etc.)
  14. aclocal.m4                      VILE-specific autoconf macros
  15. ansi.c                          ANSI terminal driver
  16. api.c                           nvi-like api to perl and tcl
  17. api.h                           interface of api.c
  18. basic.c                         basic cursor-movement
  19. bind.c                          key-bindings & low-level command-completion
  20. borland.c                       BORLAND terminal driver
  21. btree.c                         balanced-binary (AVL) tree functions
  22. btree.h                         interface of btree.c
  23. buffer.c                        buffer-management
  24. buglist                         bug-list
  25. c-filt.c                        VILE attribute-filter for C files
  26. c-filt.flx                      FLEX filter for C programs
  27. chgdfunc.h                      prototypes for mode-functions with side-effects
  28. cmdtbl                          used by 'mktbls' to generate VILE's command-tables
  29. config.emx                      configure-ifdefs for EMX (OS/2)
  30. config.guess                    configure utility-script
  31. config.sub                      configure utility-script
  32. config_h.in                     template for config.h
  33. configure.in                    used by 'autoconf' to generate 'configure'
  34. configure                       Configuration script for UNIX
  35. crypt.c                         encryption (from uEmacs)
  36. csrch.c                         current-line character-scanning commands
  37. descrip.mms                     VAX/VMS MMS build-script
  38. dirstuff.h                      interfaces for UNIX-like directory functions
  39. display.c                       message & screen formatting & display
  40. djhandl.c                       CTL/C & interrupt handling for DJGCC
  41. dumbterm.c                      DUMB terminal driver
  42. edef.h                          global variable definitions
  43. estruct.h                       master include/struct definitions
  44. eval.c                          expression-evaluation
  45. exec.c                          command (':', macros) execution
  46. externs.c                       external data (via edef.h)
  47. fences.c                        functions for parenthesis/ifdef balancing
  48. file.c                          read/write/lookup disk files (high-level)
  49. filec.c                         filename-completion functions
  50. fileio.c                        low-level file I/O functions
  51. finderr.c                       error-finder
  52. glob.c                          globbing (wildcard & environment-variable substitution)
  53. globals.c                       ed/vi/ex style global commands
  54. gppconio.c                      patched console I/O support for DJGCC
  55. history.c                       command-history
  56. ibmpc.c                         IBM PC terminal driver (direct I/O)
  57. input.c                         various input-routines
  58. insert.c                        functions for character-insertion
  59. install.sh                      install-script, needed for configure
  60. isearch.c                       incremental-search commands
  61. itbuff.c                        support functions for wide-character strings
  62. lckfiles.c                      locked-files support
  63. line.c                          line-management functions
  64. main.c                          main program of VILE
  65. makefile.blc                    makefile for Win32 with Borland C++
  66. makefile.djg                    makefile for DJGCC
  67. makefile.emx                    makefile for EMX (OS/2) with gcc and gmake
  68. makefile.icc                    makefile for C Set++ 2.x (OS/2)
  69. makefile.in                     used by 'configure' to generate a makefile
  70. makefile.tbc                    makefile for TurboC (MS-DOS)
  71. makefile.wat                    makefile for Watcom (MS-DOS) with wmake
  72. makefile.wnt                    makefile for Win32 with Microsoft Visual C++
  73. manfilt.c                       VILE attribute-filter for man-page (nroff-output)
  74. map.c                           map and map! commands
  75. menu.c                          menu-support for xvile
  76. mkdirs.sh                       script to make directory-hierarchy
  77. mkprlenv.wnt                    vile-7.4h
  78. mktbls.c                        utility for constructing VILE's command & mode tables
  79. modes.c                         mode-command support
  80. modetbl                         used by 'mktbls' to generate mode tables
  81. msgs.c                          pop-up message support
  82. npopen.c                        pipe-command support
  83. ntconio.c                       Win32 console terminal driver
  84. ntwinio.c                       GUI terminal driver for WinNT
  85. oneliner.c                      commands that operate upon single lines
  86. opers.c                         operator-commands (that use motions)
  87. os2keys.h                       function-key definitions for OS/2
  88. os2pipe.c                       OS/2 pipe support
  89. os2vio.c                        OS/2 video terminal driver
  90. pas-filt.c                      Pascal syntax-highlighting filter
  91. patchlev.h                      patch-level
  92. path.c                          functions that manipulate pathnames
  93. perl.xs                         Perl/C interface wrapper
  94. proto.h                         function prototypes
  95. pscreen.h                       interface for PSCREEN struct
  96. ptypemap                        perl-interface type map
  97. random.c                        miscellaneous functions
  98. regexp.c                        regular expression functions
  99. region.c                        region-manipulation
  100. revlist                         revision-list for VILE
  101. search.c                        functions for search-commands
  102. select.c                        selection-handling functions
  103. spawn.c                         functions for spawning subprocesses
  104. tags.c                          support for vi-style "tags"
  105. tbuff.c                         temporary-buffer management functions
  106. tcap.c                          TERMCAP terminal driver
  107. tcap.h                          interface of tcap.c
  108. termio.c                        low-level terminal I/O support
  109. trace.c                         development: trace to logfile
  110. trace.h                         development: trace to logfile
  111. undo.c                          support for "undo"
  112. version.c                       version & usage messages
  113. vile.1                          man-page for VILE
  114. vile.hlp                        help-file
  115. vile.spec                       rpm spec file (sample)
  116. vms2unix.c                      VMS/UNIX compatibility support functions
  117. vmsbuild.com                    VAX/VMS DCL build script
  118. vmspipe.c                       pipe-filter support for VMS
  119. vmsvt.c                         VMS terminal driver
  120. w32cbrd.c                       Win32 clipboard support
  121. w32misc.c                       vile-7.4h
  122. w32ole.cpp                      interface for Winvile OLE
  123. w32ole.h                        interface of w32ole.cpp
  124. w32ole.rc                       resource-control for ole configuration
  125. w32pipe.c                       Win32 native pipe support
  126. w32reg.c                        Winvile OLE registration code
  127. w32reg.h                        interface of w32reg
  128. watch.c                         watch file-descriptors & timers
  129. window.c                        window-management functions
  130. winvile.odl                     interface description for Winvile OLE
  131. word.c                          commands that operate upon words or paragraphs
  132. wordmov.c                       cursor-movement commands (e.g., word, spaces)
  133. x11.c                           X11 (Xt, Motif or Openlook) terminal driver
  134. xshell.sh                       wrapper/sample script for xvile
  135. doc                             subdirectory
  136. doc/config.doc                  configuration-instructions for VILE
  137. doc/hilite.doc                  readme for hilite.pl and syntax.pl
  138. doc/macros.doc                  documentation for VILE macros
  139. doc/menus.doc                   description of xvile (Xm and Xaw) menus
  140. doc/modes.doc                   overview of modes/majormodes
  141. doc/oleauto.doc                 document Winvile OLE
  142. doc/perl.doc                    notes about perl interface to vile
  143. doc/visvile.doc                 document visvile.dll
  144. doc/w32modes.doc                describe win32-specific modes
  145. macros                          subdirectory
  146. macros/digraphs.rc              macros for inserting digraphs
  147. macros/manpage.rc               macros for man-page filtering/display
  148. macros/pictmode.rc              macros to support "picture-mode" editing
  149. macros/vile-pager               use vile as a pager
  150. perl                            subdirectory
  151. perl/glob2re.pl                 utility-script for vile's hypertext
  152. perl/hgrep.pl                   utility-script for vile's hypertext
  153. perl/hilite.pl                  keyword-highlighting for perl
  154. perl/manfilt.pl                 Perl filter for man-pages
  155. perl/search.pl                  perl lookalike for vile's search commands
  156. perl/shell.pl                   spawn a shell via a pty
  157. perl/syntax.pl                  syntax-parsing for perl highlighting
  158. perl/tailf.pl                   do a "tail -f"
  159. perl/visit.pl                   utility-script for vile's hypertext
  160. visvile                         subdirectory
  161. visvile/commands.cpp            implement commands for visvile.dll
  162. visvile/commands.h              implement commands for visvile.dll
  163. visvile/dsaddin.cpp             developer-studio add-in support
  164. visvile/dsaddin.h               developer-studio add-in support
  165. visvile/oleauto.cpp             manage winvile OLE automation server
  166. visvile/oleauto.h               interface for oleauto.cpp
  167. visvile/readme.txt              overview of visvile.dll
  168. visvile/resource.h              generated definitions for visvile.dll
  169. visvile/stdafx.cpp              standard-includes interface for visvile.dll
  170. visvile/stdafx.h                standard-includes interface for visvile.dll
  171. visvile/tbarlrge.bmp            large toolbar icons for visvile
  172. visvile/tbarmedm.bmp            medium toolbar icons for visvile
  173. visvile/visvile.cpp             initialization routines for visvile.dll
  174. visvile/visvile.def             declares module parameters for visvile.dll
  175. visvile/visvile.dsp             developer-studio-project file
  176. visvile/visvile.dsw             developer-studio-workspace file
  177. visvile/visvile.h               interface/common defs for visvile
  178. visvile/visvile.odl             OLE definition for visvile
  179. visvile/visvile.rc              resource-file for visvile
  180. visvile/visvile.rc2             resource-file for visvile