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Text File  |  1996-11-14  |  31KB  |  706 lines

  1. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. @ Sample of keywords file for the keywords highlighting feature of EPM
  3. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  4. @  This file is used by EPM to figure out which keywords to highlight
  5. @  It contains all the ANSI C keywords, plus all the #defines,
  6. @  typedefs and function prototypes of the 2.1 toolkit.
  7. @  Since it is huge, it takes a long time to load (8 sec on my 486-33 machine).
  8. @  EPM looks for this file along the EPMPATH.
  9. @  The loading time can be reduced by removing some keywords from the list.
  10. @  The format to follow is described below.
  11. @
  12. @ ------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. @ Format of the file
  14. @ ------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. @ The first character of the first line is the "special" character.
  16. @ If it appears at the beginning of a line after, it is
  17. @ either followed by a space and marks then a comment, or
  18. @ by any other character and is then a topic name.
  19. @ Currently the only topics are :
  20. @  DELIM
  21. @     What's between the 'start' and 'end' delimiters is set to the 'color' color.
  22. @     If no 'end' is specified, the whole line after any 'start' string is colored.
  23. @     If an 'Escape' character appears just before a 'end' string, it won't be considered an end delimiter.
  24. @     An 'Escape' character can be escaped by another 'Escape' character
  25. @     If the end delimiter is not on the same line as the start, no color changes will be done.
  26. @  KEYWORDS
  27. @     They must include only characters specified in the CHARSET section, case sensitive.
  29. @     Same as KEYWORDS except case insensitive.
  30. @  CHARSET
  31. @     List of characters allowed in the names of the KEYWORDS and INSENSITIVE sections.
  32. @  SPECIAL
  33. @     Any occurrence of these strings will be changed to the specified color.
  34. @     They can include any character.
  35. @
  36. @  The background and foreground colors are values between 0 and 15
  37. @  (see the EPM doc). If a value of -1 is given then the default
  38. @  foreground or background color is used.
  39. @
  40. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  41. @ Actual description of the keywords
  42. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  43. @
  44. @DELIM
  45. @
  46. @ Start   Color Color  End     Escape
  47. @ string  bg    fg     string  character
  48.   /*       -1      2   */
  49.   --       -1      2
  50.   "        -1     15   "       \
  51.   '        -1     15   '       \
  52. @
  53. @SPECIAL
  54. @
  55. .  -1  12
  56. ,  -1  12
  57. ;  -1  12
  58. )  -1  12
  59. (  -1  12
  60. [  -1  12
  61. ]  -1  12
  62. @
  63. @CHARSET
  64. @
  65. .abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
  66. @
  68. @
  69. @ -------------------- Netrexx primitive types ----------------------------
  70. boolean         -1      13
  71. char            -1      13
  72. byte            -1      13
  73. short           -1      13
  74. int             -1      13
  75. long            -1      13
  76. float           -1      13
  77. double          -1      13
  78. @ -------------------- Netrexx keywords --------------------------------
  79. class           -1      1
  80. binary          -1      1
  81. extends         -1      1
  82. uses            -1      1
  83. implements      -1      1
  84. private         -1      1
  85. public          -1      1
  86. abstract        -1      1
  87. final           -1      1
  88. interface       -1      1
  89. do              -1      1
  90. label           -1      1
  91. protect         -1      1
  92. catch           -1      1
  93. finally         -1      1
  94. end             -1      1
  95. exit            -1      1
  96. if              -1      1
  97. then            -1      1
  98. else            -1      1
  99. import          -1      1
  100. iterate         -1      1
  101. leave           -1      1
  102. loop            -1      1
  103. to              -1      1
  104. by              -1      1
  105. for             -1      1
  106. over            -1      1
  107. forever         -1      1
  108. while           -1      1
  109. until           -1      1
  110. method          -1      1
  111. returns         -1      1
  112. signals         -1      1
  113. inheritable     -1      1
  114. abstract        -1      1
  115. native          -1      1
  116. static          -1      1
  117. nop             -1      1
  118. numeric         -1      1
  119. form            -1      1
  120. scientific      -1      1
  121. engineering     -1      1
  122. digits          -1      1
  123. options         -1      1
  124. crossref        -1      1
  125. diag            -1      1
  126. format          -1      1
  127. replace         -1      1
  128. strictargs      -1      1
  129. strictassign    -1      1
  130. strictcase      -1      1
  131. strictsignal    -1      1
  132. trace           -1      1
  133. utf9            -1      1
  134. verbose         -1      1
  135. verboseX        -1      1
  136. nocrossref        -1      1
  137. nodiag            -1      1
  138. noformat          -1      1
  139. noreplace         -1      1
  140. nostrictargs      -1      1
  141. nostrictassign    -1      1
  142. nostrictcase      -1      1
  143. nostrictsignal    -1      1
  144. notrace           -1      1
  145. noutf9            -1      1
  146. noverbose         -1      1
  147. noverboseX        -1      1
  148. package         -1      1
  149. parse           -1      1
  150. properties      -1      1
  151. volatile        -1      1
  152. return          -1      1
  153. say             -1      1
  154. select          -1      1
  155. otherwise       -1      1
  156. when            -1      1
  157. signal          -1      1
  158. trace           -1      1
  159. all             -1      1
  160. methods         -1      1
  161. off             -1      1
  162. results         -1      1
  164. @ -------------------- Netrexx string type --------------------------------
  165. Rexx            -1      3
  166. abbrev          -1      3
  167. abs             -1      3
  168. b2x             -1      3
  169. center          -1      3
  170. centre          -1      3
  171. changestr       -1      3
  172. compare         -1      3
  173. copies          -1      3
  174. countstr        -1      3
  175. c2d             -1      3
  176. c2x             -1      3
  177. datatype        -1      3
  178. delstr          -1      3
  179. delword         -1      3
  180. d2c             -1      3
  181. exists          -1      3
  182. insert          -1      3
  183. lastpos         -1      3
  184. left            -1      3
  185. length          -1      3
  186. lower           -1      3
  187. max             -1      3
  188. min             -1      3
  189. overlay         -1      3
  190. pos             -1      3
  191. reverse         -1      3
  192. right           -1      3
  193. sign            -1      3
  194. space           -1      3
  195. strip           -1      3
  197. @ -------------------- RXFile library stuff -------------------------------
  198. rxfile          -1      3
  199. stream          -1      3
  200. chars           -1      3
  201. lines           -1      3
  202. charin          -1      3
  203. linein          -1      3
  204. charout         -1      3
  205. lineout         -1      3
  206. delete          -1      3
  207. rename          -1      3
  208. mkdir           -1      3
  209. mkdirs          -1      3
  210. @ properties conflicts with a keyword above
  211. @ properties      -1      3
  212. filetree        -1      3
  213. setparms        -1      3
  214. getparms        -1      3
  215. addcursor       -1      3
  216. getcursor       -1      3
  217. delcursor       -1      3
  218. delallcursors   -1      3
  219. @
  220. @KEYWORDS
  221. @
  222. @ -------------------- Standard Java Classes ------------------------------
  223. @
  224. @ -------------------- Package java.applet --------------------------------
  225. java.applet.Applet                 -1      3
  226. java.applet.AppletContext          -1      3
  227. java.applet.AppletStub             -1      3
  228. java.applet.AudioClip              -1      3
  229. AppletContext                      -1      3
  230. AudioClip                          -1      3
  231. AppletStub                         -1      3
  232. Applet                             -1      3
  233. @ -------------------- Package java.awt -----------------------------------
  234. java.awt.AWTError                  -1      3
  235. java.awt.AWTException              -1      3
  236. java.awt.BorderLayout              -1      3
  237. java.awt.Button                    -1      3
  238. java.awt.Canvas                    -1      3
  239. java.awt.CardLayout                -1      3
  240. java.awt.Checkbox                  -1      3
  241. java.awt.CheckboxGroup             -1      3
  242. java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem          -1      3
  243. java.awt.Choice                    -1      3
  244. java.awt.Color                     -1      3
  245. java.awt.Component                 -1      3
  246. java.awt.Container                 -1      3
  247. java.awt.Dialog                    -1      3
  248. java.awt.Dimension                 -1      3
  249. java.awt.Event                     -1      3
  250. java.awt.FileDialog                -1      3
  251. java.awt.FlowLayout                -1      3
  252. java.awt.Font                      -1      3
  253. java.awt.FontMetrics               -1      3
  254. java.awt.Frame                     -1      3
  255. java.awt.Graphics                  -1      3
  256. java.awt.GridBagConstraints        -1      3
  257. java.awt.GridBagLayout             -1      3
  258. java.awt.GridLayout                -1      3
  259. java.awt.Insets                    -1      3
  260. java.awt.Label                     -1      3
  261. java.awt.LayoutManager             -1      3
  262. java.awt.List                      -1      3
  263. java.awt.MediaTracker              -1      3
  264. java.awt.Menu                      -1      3
  265. java.awt.MenuBar                   -1      3
  266. java.awt.MenuComponent             -1      3
  267. java.awt.MenuContainer             -1      3
  268. java.awt.MenuItem                  -1      3
  269. java.awt.Panel                     -1      3
  270. java.awt.Point                     -1      3
  271. java.awt.Polygon                   -1      3
  272. java.awt.Rectangle                 -1      3
  273. java.awt.Scrollbar                 -1      3
  274. java.awt.TextArea                  -1      3
  275. java.awt.TextComponent             -1      3
  276. java.awt.TextField                 -1      3
  277. java.awt.Toolkit                   -1      3
  278. java.awt.Window                    -1      3
  279. AWTError                           -1      3
  280. AWTException                       -1      3
  281. BorderLayout                       -1      3
  282. Button                             -1      3
  283. Canvas                             -1      3
  284. CardLayout                         -1      3
  285. Checkbox                           -1      3
  286. CheckboxGroup                      -1      3
  287. CheckboxMenuItem                   -1      3
  288. Choice                             -1      3
  289. Color                              -1      3
  290. Component                          -1      3
  291. Container                          -1      3
  292. Dialog                             -1      3
  293. Dimension                          -1      3
  294. Event                              -1      3
  295. FileDialog                         -1      3
  296. FlowLayout                         -1      3
  297. Font                               -1      3
  298. FontMetrics                        -1      3
  299. Frame                              -1      3
  300. Graphics                           -1      3
  301. GridBagConstraints                 -1      3
  302. GridBagLayout                      -1      3
  303. GridLayout                         -1      3
  304. Insets                             -1      3
  305. Label                              -1      3
  306. LayoutManager                      -1      3
  307. List                               -1      3
  308. MediaTracker                       -1      3
  309. Menu                               -1      3
  310. MenuBar                            -1      3
  311. MenuComponent                      -1      3
  312. MenuContainer                      -1      3
  313. MenuItem                           -1      3
  314. Panel                              -1      3
  315. Point                              -1      3
  316. Polygon                            -1      3
  317. Rectangle                          -1      3
  318. Scrollbar                          -1      3
  319. TextArea                           -1      3
  320. TextComponent                      -1      3
  321. TextField                          -1      3
  322. Toolkit                            -1      3
  323. Window                             -1      3
  325. @ -------------------- Package java.awt.image -----------------------------
  326. java.awt.image.ColorModel          -1      3
  327. java.awt.image.CropImageFilter     -1      3
  328. java.awt.image.DirectColorModel    -1      3
  329. java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource -1      3
  330. java.awt.image.ImageConsumer       -1      3
  331. java.awt.image.ImageFilter         -1      3
  332. java.awt.image.ImageObserver       -1      3
  333. java.awt.image.ImageProducer       -1      3
  334. java.awt.image.IndexColorModel     -1      3
  335. java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource   -1      3
  336. java.awt.image.PixelGrabber        -1      3
  337. java.awt.image.RGBImageFilter      -1      3
  338. ColorModel                         -1      3
  339. CropImageFilter                    -1      3
  340. DirectColorModel                   -1      3
  341. FilteredImageSource                -1      3
  342. ImageConsumer                      -1      3
  343. ImageFilter                        -1      3
  344. ImageObserver                      -1      3
  345. ImageProducer                      -1      3
  346. IndexColorModel                    -1      3
  347. MemoryImageSource                  -1      3
  348. PixelGrabber                       -1      3
  349. RGBImageFilter                     -1      3
  351. @ -------------------- Package java.awt.peer ------------------------------
  352. java.awt.peer.ButtonPeer           -1      3
  353. java.awt.peer.CanvasPeer           -1      3
  354. java.awt.peer.CheckboxMenuItemPeer -1      3
  355. java.awt.peer.CheckboxPeer         -1      3
  356. java.awt.peer.ChoicePeer           -1      3
  357. java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer        -1      3
  358. java.awt.peer.ContainerPeer        -1      3
  359. java.awt.peer.DialogPeer           -1      3
  360. java.awt.peer.FileDialogPeer       -1      3
  361. java.awt.peer.FramePeer            -1      3
  362. java.awt.peer.LabelPeer            -1      3
  363. java.awt.peer.ListPeer             -1      3
  364. java.awt.peer.MenuBarPeer          -1      3
  365. java.awt.peer.MenuComponentPeer    -1      3
  366. java.awt.peer.MenuItemPeer         -1      3
  367. java.awt.peer.MenuPeer             -1      3
  368. java.awt.peer.PanelPeer            -1      3
  369. java.awt.peer.ScrollbarPeer        -1      3
  370. java.awt.peer.TextAreaPeer         -1      3
  371. java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer    -1      3
  372. java.awt.peer.TextFieldPeer        -1      3
  373. java.awt.peer.WindowPeer           -1      3
  374. ButtonPeer                         -1      3
  375. CanvasPeer                         -1      3
  376. CheckboxMenuItemPeer               -1      3
  377. CheckboxPeer                       -1      3
  378. ChoicePeer                         -1      3
  379. ComponentPeer                      -1      3
  380. ContainerPeer                      -1      3
  381. DialogPeer                         -1      3
  382. FileDialogPeer                     -1      3
  383. FramePeer                          -1      3
  384. LabelPeer                          -1      3
  385. ListPeer                           -1      3
  386. MenuBarPeer                        -1      3
  387. MenuComponentPeer                  -1      3
  388. MenuItemPeer                       -1      3
  389. MenuPeer                           -1      3
  390. PanelPeer                          -1      3
  391. ScrollbarPeer                      -1      3
  392. TextAreaPeer                       -1      3
  393. TextComponentPeer                  -1      3
  394. TextFieldPeer                      -1      3
  395. WindowPeer                         -1      3
  397. @ -------------------- Package java.io ------------------------------------
  398. java.io.BufferedInputStream        -1      3
  399. java.io.BufferedOutputStream       -1      3
  400. java.io.ByteArrayInputStream       -1      3
  401. java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream      -1      3
  402. java.io.DataInput                  -1      3
  403. java.io.DataInputStream            -1      3
  404. java.io.DataOutput                 -1      3
  405. java.io.DataOutputStream           -1      3
  406. java.io.EOFException               -1      3
  407. java.io.File                       -1      3
  408. java.io.FileDescriptor             -1      3
  409. java.io.FileInputStream            -1      3
  410. java.io.FilenameFilter             -1      3
  411. java.io.FileNotFoundException      -1      3
  412. java.io.FileOutputStream           -1      3
  413. java.io.FilterInputStream          -1      3
  414. java.io.FilterOutputStream         -1      3
  415. java.io.InputStream                -1      3
  416. java.io.InterruptedIOException     -1      3
  417. java.io.IOException                -1      3
  418. java.io.LineNumberInputStream      -1      3
  419. java.io.OutputStream               -1      3
  420. java.io.PipedInputStream           -1      3
  421. java.io.PipedOutputStream          -1      3
  422. java.io.PrintStream                -1      3
  423. java.io.PushbackInputStream        -1      3
  424. java.io.RandomAccessFile           -1      3
  425. java.io.SequenceInputStream        -1      3
  426. java.io.StreamTokenizer            -1      3
  427. java.io.StringBufferInputStream    -1      3
  428. java.io.UTFDataFormatException     -1      3
  429. BufferedInputStream                -1      3
  430. BufferedOutputStream               -1      3
  431. ByteArrayInputStream               -1      3
  432. ByteArrayOutputStream              -1      3
  433. DataInput                          -1      3
  434. DataInputStream                    -1      3
  435. DataOutput                         -1      3
  436. DataOutputStream                   -1      3
  437. EOFException                       -1      3
  438. File                               -1      3
  439. FileDescriptor                     -1      3
  440. FileInputStream                    -1      3
  441. FilenameFilter                     -1      3
  442. FileNotFoundException              -1      3
  443. FileOutputStream                   -1      3
  444. FilterInputStream                  -1      3
  445. FilterOutputStream                 -1      3
  446. InputStream                        -1      3
  447. InterruptedIOException             -1      3
  448. IOException                        -1      3
  449. LineNumberInputStream              -1      3
  450. OutputStream                       -1      3
  451. PipedInputStream                   -1      3
  452. PipedOutputStream                  -1      3
  453. PrintStream                        -1      3
  454. PushbackInputStream                -1      3
  455. RandomAccessFile                   -1      3
  456. SequenceInputStream                -1      3
  457. StreamTokenizer                    -1      3
  458. StringBufferInputStream            -1      3
  459. UTFDataFormatException             -1      3
  461. @ -------------------- Package java.lang ----------------------------------
  462. java.lang.AbstractMethodError              -1      3
  463. java.lang.ArithmeticException              -1      3
  464. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException   -1      3
  465. java.lang.ArrayStoreException              -1      3
  466. java.lang.Boolean                          -1      3
  467. java.lang.Character                        -1      3
  468. java.lang.Class                            -1      3
  469. java.lang.ClassCastException               -1      3
  470. java.lang.ClassCircularityError            -1      3
  471. java.lang.ClassFormatError                 -1      3
  472. java.lang.ClassLoader                      -1      3
  473. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException           -1      3
  474. java.lang.Cloneable                        -1      3
  475. java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException       -1      3
  476. java.lang.Compiler                         -1      3
  477. java.lang.Double                           -1      3
  478. java.lang.Error                            -1      3
  479. java.lang.Exception                        -1      3
  480. java.lang.Float                            -1      3
  481. java.lang.IllegalAccessError               -1      3
  482. java.lang.IllegalAccessException           -1      3
  483. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException         -1      3
  484. java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException     -1      3
  485. java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException      -1      3
  486. java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError     -1      3
  487. java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException        -1      3
  488. java.lang.InstantiationError               -1      3
  489. java.lang.InstantiationException           -1      3
  490. java.lang.Integer                          -1      3
  491. java.lang.InternalError                    -1      3
  492. java.lang.InterruptedException             -1      3
  493. java.lang.LinkageError                     -1      3
  494. java.lang.Long                             -1      3
  495. java.lang.Math                             -1      3
  496. java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException       -1      3
  497. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError             -1      3
  498. java.lang.NoSuchFieldError                 -1      3
  499. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError                -1      3
  500. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException            -1      3
  501. java.lang.NullPointerException             -1      3
  502. java.lang.Number                           -1      3
  503. java.lang.NumberFormatException            -1      3
  504. java.lang.Object                           -1      3
  505. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError                 -1      3
  506. java.lang.Process                          -1      3
  507. java.lang.Runnable                         -1      3
  508. java.lang.Runtime                          -1      3
  509. java.lang.RuntimeException                 -1      3
  510. java.lang.SecurityException                -1      3
  511. java.lang.SecurityManager                  -1      3
  512. java.lang.StackOverflowError               -1      3
  513. java.lang.String                           -1      3
  514. java.lang.StringBuffer                     -1      3
  515. java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException  -1      3
  516. java.lang.System                           -1      3
  517. java.lang.Thread                           -1      3
  518. java.lang.ThreadDeath                      -1      3
  519. java.lang.ThreadGroup                      -1      3
  520. java.lang.Throwable                        -1      3
  521. java.lang.UnknownError                     -1      3
  522. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError             -1      3
  523. java.lang.VerifyError                      -1      3
  524. java.lang.VirtualMachineError              -1      3
  525. AbstractMethodError                        -1      3
  526. ArithmeticException                        -1      3
  527. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException             -1      3
  528. ArrayStoreException                        -1      3
  529. Boolean                                    -1      3
  530. Character                                  -1      3
  531. Class                                      -1      3
  532. ClassCastException                         -1      3
  533. ClassCircularityError                      -1      3
  534. ClassFormatError                           -1      3
  535. ClassLoader                                -1      3
  536. ClassNotFoundException                     -1      3
  537. Cloneable                                  -1      3
  538. CloneNotSupportedException                 -1      3
  539. Compiler                                   -1      3
  540. Double                                     -1      3
  541. Error                                      -1      3
  542. Exception                                  -1      3
  543. Float                                      -1      3
  544. IllegalAccessError                         -1      3
  545. IllegalAccessException                     -1      3
  546. IllegalArgumentException                   -1      3
  547. IllegalMonitorStateException               -1      3
  548. IllegalThreadStateException                -1      3
  549. IncompatibleClassChangeError               -1      3
  550. IndexOutOfBoundsException                  -1      3
  551. InstantiationError                         -1      3
  552. InstantiationException                     -1      3
  553. Integer                                    -1      3
  554. InternalError                              -1      3
  555. InterruptedException                       -1      3
  556. LinkageError                               -1      3
  557. Long                                       -1      3
  558. Math                                       -1      3
  559. NegativeArraySizeException                 -1      3
  560. NoClassDefFoundError                       -1      3
  561. NoSuchFieldError                           -1      3
  562. NoSuchMethodError                          -1      3
  563. NoSuchMethodException                      -1      3
  564. NullPointerException                       -1      3
  565. Number                                     -1      3
  566. NumberFormatException                      -1      3
  567. Object                                     -1      3
  568. OutOfMemoryError                           -1      3
  569. Process                                    -1      3
  570. Runnable                                   -1      3
  571. Runtime                                    -1      3
  572. RuntimeException                           -1      3
  573. SecurityException                          -1      3
  574. SecurityManager                            -1      3
  575. StackOverflowError                         -1      3
  576. String                                     -1      3
  577. StringBuffer                               -1      3
  578. StringIndexOutOfBoundsException            -1      3
  579. System                                     -1      3
  580. Thread                                     -1      3
  581. ThreadDeath                                -1      3
  582. ThreadGroup                                -1      3
  583. Throwable                                  -1      3
  584. UnknownError                               -1      3
  585. UnsatisfiedLinkError                       -1      3
  586. VerifyError                                -1      3
  587. VirtualMachineError                        -1      3
  589. @ -------------------- Package java.net -----------------------------------
  590. java.net.ContentHandler                    -1      3
  591. java.net.ContentHandlerFactory             -1      3
  592. java.net.DatagramPacket                    -1      3
  593. java.net.DatagramSocket                    -1      3
  594. java.net.InetAddress                       -1      3
  595. java.net.MalformedURLException             -1      3
  596. java.net.ProtocolException                 -1      3
  597. java.net.ServerSocket                      -1      3
  598. java.net.Socket                            -1      3
  599. java.net.SocketException                   -1      3
  600. java.net.SocketImpl                        -1      3
  601. java.net.SocketImplFactory                 -1      3
  602. java.net.UnknownHostException              -1      3
  603. java.net.UnknownServiceException           -1      3
  604. java.net.URL                               -1      3
  605. java.net.URLConnection                     -1      3
  606. java.net.URLEncoder                        -1      3
  607. java.net.URLStreamHandler                  -1      3
  608. java.net.URLStreamHandlerFactory           -1      3
  609. ContentHandler                             -1      3
  610. ContentHandlerFactory                      -1      3
  611. DatagramPacket                             -1      3
  612. DatagramSocket                             -1      3
  613. InetAddress                                -1      3
  614. MalformedURLException                      -1      3
  615. ProtocolException                          -1      3
  616. ServerSocket                               -1      3
  617. Socket                                     -1      3
  618. SocketException                            -1      3
  619. SocketImpl                                 -1      3
  620. SocketImplFactory                          -1      3
  621. UnknownHostException                       -1      3
  622. UnknownServiceException                    -1      3
  623. URL                                        -1      3
  624. URLConnection                              -1      3
  625. URLEncoder                                 -1      3
  626. URLStreamHandler                           -1      3
  627. URLStreamHandlerFactory                    -1      3
  629. @ -------------------- Package java.util ----------------------------------
  630. java.util.BitSet                           -1      3
  631. java.util.Date                             -1      3
  632. java.util.Dictionary                       -1      3
  633. java.util.EmptyStackException              -1      3
  634. java.util.Enumeration                      -1      3
  635. java.util.Hashtable                        -1      3
  636. java.util.NoSuchElementException           -1      3
  637. java.util.Observable                       -1      3
  638. java.util.Observer                         -1      3
  639. java.util.Properties                       -1      3
  640. java.util.Random                           -1      3
  641. java.util.Stack                            -1      3
  642. java.util.StringTokenizer                  -1      3
  643. java.util.Vector                           -1      3
  644. BitSet                                     -1      3
  645. Date                                       -1      3
  646. Dictionary                                 -1      3
  647. EmptyStackException                        -1      3
  648. Enumeration                                -1      3
  649. Hashtable                                  -1      3
  650. NoSuchElementException                     -1      3
  651. Observable                                 -1      3
  652. Observer                                   -1      3
  653. Properties                                 -1      3
  654. Random                                     -1      3
  655. Stack                                      -1      3
  656. StringTokenizer                            -1      3
  657. Vector                                     -1      3
  659. @ -------------------- Package sun.tools.debug ----------------------------
  660. sun.tools.debug.DebuggerCallback           -1      3
  661. sun.tools.debug.NoSuchFieldException       -1      3
  662. sun.tools.debug.NoSuchLineNumberException  -1      3
  663. sun.tools.debug.RemoteArray                -1      3
  664. sun.tools.debug.RemoteBoolean              -1      3
  665. sun.tools.debug.RemoteByte                 -1      3
  666. sun.tools.debug.RemoteChar                 -1      3
  667. sun.tools.debug.RemoteClass                -1      3
  668. sun.tools.debug.RemoteDebugger             -1      3
  669. sun.tools.debug.RemoteDouble               -1      3
  670. sun.tools.debug.RemoteField                -1      3
  671. sun.tools.debug.RemoteFloat                -1      3
  672. sun.tools.debug.RemoteInt                  -1      3
  673. sun.tools.debug.RemoteLong                 -1      3
  674. sun.tools.debug.RemoteObject               -1      3
  675. sun.tools.debug.RemoteShort                -1      3
  676. sun.tools.debug.RemoteStackFrame           -1      3
  677. sun.tools.debug.RemoteStackVariable        -1      3
  678. sun.tools.debug.RemoteString               -1      3
  679. sun.tools.debug.RemoteThread               -1      3
  680. sun.tools.debug.RemoteThreadGroup          -1      3
  681. sun.tools.debug.RemoteValue                -1      3
  682. sun.tools.debug.StackFrame                 -1      3
  683. DebuggerCallback                           -1      3
  684. NoSuchFieldException                       -1      3
  685. NoSuchLineNumberException                  -1      3
  686. RemoteArray                                -1      3
  687. RemoteBoolean                              -1      3
  688. RemoteByte                                 -1      3
  689. RemoteChar                                 -1      3
  690. RemoteClass                                -1      3
  691. RemoteDebugger                             -1      3
  692. RemoteDouble                               -1      3
  693. RemoteField                                -1      3
  694. RemoteFloat                                -1      3
  695. RemoteInt                                  -1      3
  696. RemoteLong                                 -1      3
  697. RemoteObject                               -1      3
  698. RemoteShort                                -1      3
  699. RemoteStackFrame                           -1      3
  700. RemoteStackVariable                        -1      3
  701. RemoteString                               -1      3
  702. RemoteThread                               -1      3
  703. RemoteThreadGroup                          -1      3
  704. RemoteValue                                -1      3
  705. StackFrame                                 -1      3