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LaTeX Document  |  1995-01-14  |  23KB  |  925 lines

  1. ;; File:
  2. ;;   texmode.mut  -  (La)TeX mode
  3. ;; Description:
  4. ;;   Routines to make (La)TeX input more fun.
  5. ;;   - No attempt has been made to be compatible with GNU emacs or another
  6. ;;     'smart' editor.
  7. ;;   - Based on commands in the "LaTeX User's Guide & Reference Manual" by
  8. ;;     Leslie Lamport.
  9. ;;   - Press 'C-\' for a kind of glossary.
  10. ;;     Example: pressing 'C-\' followed by 'i' inserts '\item '.
  11. ;;   - Press 'M-\' to invoke command completion for LaTeX commands. The
  12. ;;     list of commands contains empty commands, this is visually attractive 
  13. ;;     when the full list is being displayed.
  14. ;;   - All LaTeX commands of the LaTeX manual are known to this program.
  15. ;;     Comment out those commands that you don't need often to speed up
  16. ;;     the search or to make commands unique with less characters.
  17. ;; History:
  18. ;;   940110   M.J. van der Velden
  19. ;;            - fixed documentation errors
  20. ;;            Public Domain (Version 3.1)
  21. ;;   930702   M.J. van der Velden
  22. ;;            - added texEnvironments and changed 'tex-expand-backslash'
  23. ;;              to use it.
  24. ;;            - less info in modeline (the clock is more interesting)
  25. ;;              (LaTeX mode is now a minor mode based on docmode)
  26. ;;            - call command completion for 'M-\' instead of '\'
  27. ;;            - updated to take advantage of the ME30 features
  28. ;;              (mainly completion of lists of string)
  29. ;;            Public Domain (Version 3.0)
  30. ;;   930324   M.J. van der Velden
  31. ;;            - added insert-object now inserts more than one object, this
  32. ;;              results in a smaller mco file.
  33. ;;            Public Domain (Version 2.2)
  34. ;;   930130   M.J. van der Velden
  35. ;;            - tex-popup-cmd now uses query-menu instead of menu-box
  36. ;;            - replaced menu-box by xmenu-box in function tex-error
  37. ;;            - Removed MAIN from tex-mode
  38. ;;            - Changed tex-initialize-commands to MAIN.
  39. ;;            - Commands are added at the end of the texCommands list
  40. ;;              instead of at the front.
  41. ;;                  (insert-object texCommands 1000 ...)
  42. ;;              instead of:
  43. ;;                  (insert-object texCommands -1 ...)
  44. ;;              Now the commands are added in alphabetical order.
  45. ;;            Public Domain (Version 2.1)
  46. ;;   930104   M.J. van der Velden
  47. ;;            - Added command completion for LaTeX commands.
  48. ;;            - This mode is now based on docmode.
  49. ;;            Public Domain (Version 2.0)
  50. ;;   920901   M.J. van der Velden
  51. ;;            Public Domain (Version 1.0)
  52. (include me.mh)
  53. (list
  54.     texCommands      
  55.     texEnvironments
  56. (defun
  57.     ;; Try to guess what the user wants based on the next keystroke.
  58.     tex-expand-backslash
  59.     {
  60.         (string what)
  61.         (int    level)
  62.         (msg "\\")
  63.         (switch (getchar)
  64.             "\\" {
  65.                 (insert-text "\\")
  66.             }
  67.             "\"" {
  68.                 (insert-text "``''")
  69.                 (arg-prefix 2) (previous-character)
  70.             }
  71.             "b" {
  72.                 (ask-user)
  73.                 (what (complete CC_LIST "\\begin What? " texEnvironments))
  74.                 (if (> (current-column) 1) {
  75.                     (insert-text "{\\" what " }")
  76.                     (previous-character)
  77.                 } {
  78.                     (insert-text "\\begin{" what "}^J\\end{" what "}")
  79.                     (previous-line)
  80.                     (end-of-line)
  81.                     (newline)
  82.                 })
  83.             }
  84.             "c" {
  85.                 (msg "\\c")
  86.                 (switch (getchar)
  87.                     "a" {
  88.                         (insert-text "\\caption{}")
  89.                         (previous-character)
  90.                     }
  91.                     "h" {
  92.                         (insert-text "\\chapter{}")
  93.                         (previous-character)
  94.                     }
  95.                     "i" {
  96.                         (insert-text "\\cite{}")
  97.                         (previous-character)
  98.                     }
  99.                 )
  100.             }
  101.             "d" {
  102.                 (insert-text "\\documentstyle{}")
  103.                 (previous-character)
  104.             }
  105.             "e" {
  106.                 (insert-text "{\\em }")
  107.                 (previous-character)
  108.             }
  109.             "f" {
  110.                 (insert-text "\\footnote{}")
  111.                 (previous-character)
  112.             }
  113.             "i" {
  114.                 (insert-text "\\item ")
  115.             }
  116.             "l" {
  117.                 (insert-text "\\label{}")
  118.                 (previous-character)
  119.             }
  120.             "m" {
  121.                 (insert-text "\\maketitle^J")
  122.             }
  123.             "n" {
  124.                 (insert-text "\\newpage^J")
  125.             }
  126.             "p" {
  127.                 (insert-text "\\pagestyle{}")
  128.                 (previous-character)
  129.             }
  130.             "r" {
  131.                 (insert-text "\\ref{}")
  132.                 (previous-character)
  133.             }
  134.             "s" {
  135.                 (ask-user)
  136.                 (msg "\\section Level? ")
  137.                 (level (switch (getchar) "1" 1 "2" 2 "3" 3 default 0))
  138.                 (insert-text "\\")
  139.                 (while (>= (-= level 1) 0) {
  140.                     (insert-text "sub")
  141.                 })
  142.                 (insert-text "section{}^J")
  143.                 (arg-prefix 2) (previous-character)
  144.             }
  145.             "t" {
  146.                 (insert-text "\\tableofcontents^J")
  147.             }
  148.             "v" {
  149.                 (insert-text "\\verb++")
  150.                 (previous-character)
  151.             }
  152.             "$" {
  153.                 (insert-text "$$")
  154.                 (previous-character)
  155.             }
  156.         )
  157.     }
  158. (defun
  159.     MAIN
  160.     {
  161.         (msg "Loading LaTeX commands... ")
  162.         ;;
  163.         ;; Add an empty command after each change in first letter.
  164.         ;; You are encouraged to comment out commands you don't need.
  165.         ;;
  166.             (insert-object texCommands 10000
  167.             "abovedisplayshortskip"
  168.             "abovedisplayskip"
  169.             "acute"
  170.             "addcontentsline"
  171.             "address"
  172.             "addtocontents"
  173.             "addtocounter"
  174.             "addtolength"
  175.             "addvspace"
  176. ;            "ae"
  177. ;            "aleph"
  178. ;            "alph"
  179. ;            "Alph"
  180. ;            "alpha"
  181. ;            "amalg"
  182.             "and"
  183. ;            "angle"
  184.             "appendix"
  185. ;            "approx"
  186.             "arabic"
  187. ;            "arccos"
  188. ;            "arcsin"
  189.             "arg"
  190.             "arraycolsep"
  191.             "arrayrulewidth"
  192.             "arraystretch"
  193. ;            "ast"
  194. ;            "asymp"
  195.             "author"
  196.             ""
  197.         )
  198.         (insert-object texCommands 10000
  199.             "b"
  200.             "backslash"
  201.             "bar"
  202.             "baselineskip"
  203.             "baselinestretch"
  204.             "batchmode"
  205.             "begin{abstract}"
  206.             "begin{array}"
  207.             "begin{description}"
  208.             "begin{displaymath}"
  209.             "begin{document}"
  210.             "begin{enumerate}"
  211.             "begin{equation}"
  212.             "begin{eqnarray}"
  213.             "begin{figure}"
  214.             "begin{itemize}"
  215.             "begin{list}"
  216.             "begin{math}"
  217.             "begin{minipage}"
  218.             "begin{picture}"
  219.             "begin{quote}"
  220.             "begin{sloppypar}"
  221.             "begin{tabbing}"
  222.             "begin{table}"
  223.             "begin{tabular}"
  224.             "begin{thebibliography}"
  225.             "begin{theindex}"
  226.             "begin{titlepage}"
  227.             "begin{trivlist}"
  228.             "begin{verbatim}"
  229.             "begin{verse}"
  230. ;            "beginsection"
  231. ;            "belowdisplayshortskip"
  232. ;            "belowdisplayskip"
  233. ;            "beta"
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  236.             "bibliography"
  237.             "bibliographystyle"
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  239. ;            "bigcirc"
  240. ;            "bigcup"
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  242. ;            "bigoplus"
  243. ;            "bigotimes"
  244. ;            "bigskip"
  245. ;            "bigskipamount"
  246. ;            "bigsqcup"
  247. ;            "bigtriangledown"
  248. ;            "bigtriangleup"
  249. ;            "biguplus"
  250. ;            "bigvee"
  251. ;            "bigwedge"
  252. ;            "blackandwhite"
  253. ;            "bmod"
  254.             "boldmath"
  255.             "bot"
  256.             "bottomfraction"
  257. ;            "bowtie"
  258. ;            "Box"
  259. ;            "breve"
  260.             "bullet"
  261.             "bye"
  262.             ""
  263.         )
  264.         (insert-object texCommands 10000
  265.             "c"
  266.             "cal"
  267.             "cap"
  268.             "caption"
  269.             "cc"
  270.             "cdot"
  271.             "cdots"
  272.             "centering"
  273.             "chapter"
  274.             "check"
  275. ;            "chi"
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  289. ;            "cong"
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  297. ;            "cup"
  298.             ""
  299.         )
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  301. ;            "d"
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  331.             ""
  332.         )
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  334. ;            "ell"
  335. ;            "em"
  336. ;            "emptyset"
  337. ;            "encl"
  338.             "end{abstract}"
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  340.             "end{description}"
  341.             "end{displaymath}"
  342.             "end{document}"
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  344.             "end{equation}"
  345.             "end{eqnarray}"
  346.             "end{figure}"
  347.             "end{itemize}"
  348.             "end{list}"
  349.             "end{math}"
  350.             "end{minipage}"
  351.             "end{picture}"
  352.             "end{quote}"
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  354.             "end{tabbing}"
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  366. ;            "exists"
  367. ;            "exp"
  368.             "extracolsep"
  369.             ""
  370.         )
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  406. ;            "gamma"
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  411.             "glossary"
  412.             "glossaryentry"
  413.             "grave"
  414.             ""
  415.         )
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  433.             "Huge"
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  435.             ""
  436.         )
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  464. ;            "Join"
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  467.         )
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  469. ;            "kappa"
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  475. ;            "l"
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  490.             "LaTeX"
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  528. ;            "longmapsto"
  529. ;            "longrightarrow"
  530.             ""
  531.         )
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  533.             "magnification"
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  541.             "maketitle"
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