call lineout tempfile," DIR_ACCESS is used by !DIR: SRE-Filter's built in directory lister."
call lineout tempfile,' <br> It is used to indicate directories that should be displayed <b>only</b> to clients with one of the DIR_ACCESS_PRIVS <em>client</em> privileges.'
call lineout tempfile,'<br>Notes:<menu><li>DIR_ACCESS should contain a space-delimited list of (relative) directory names'
call lineout tempfile,' <br> You can use * as a wildcard character '
call lineout tempfile,'<li>DIR_ACCESS_PRIVS should contain a space-delimited list of <em>client privileges</em> '
call lineout tempfile,'</ul>'
call lineout tempfile,'</dl> '
call lineout tempfile,' <hr width=40%> '
call lineout tempfile,' <A HREF="#section0"><EM>go to top of document</EM></A> '
call lineout tempfile,' <hr width=40%> '
call lineout tempfile,'<H3><A name="section3"> Access and Auditing </a></H3>'