OS/2 Spezial
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Text File
153 lines
Settings of HyperMake (earlier version MakeIPF)
//General settings
Registration Code = 0
//possible settings: ENGLISH, GERMAN, PASCAL, C
Language = GERMAN C
//beep when finishing compiling - possible settings: YES, NO
beep = YES
//Format settings
//possible settings: IPF, HTML
Target = HTML
source format = ASCIIHARDRET
//possible Settings: ISO, IBM
source codepage = IBM
//specific characters
List chars = ■-
Index char = #
//highlighted char toggles
//both HTML and IPF: 1 alternate 2 italic 3 bold 4 underlined
//only IPF: 5 red 6 cyan 7 blue
//only HTML: 8 strike 9 big 10 small 11 sub 12 sup
// 123456789012
toggles = ~$*_απΣ
//possible ISO setting: toggles = ~$*_«ñ■°Ñ╜┐¬
//characters not shown in index and duplicated heading
index filter = ().
//language specific letters besides A...Z, a...z, -, 0...9
//english '-
//german äöüßÄÖÜ-
extended letters = äöüßÄÖÜ-/2
//Font characters
//Font chars from A to Z and from a to z (case-sensitive!)
//both HTML and IPF: size Linestandard OmitLinks PRE center
//only IPF: Fontname codepage foregroundcolor BACKGROUNDCOLOR
//only HTML: PHRASEELEMENT Color font1,font2,font3
Font A = 15 Courier CODE
Font b = Courier 12 PRE 437 black Linestandard OmitLinks
Font z = Courier 12 CODE 437 black OmitLinks
Font K = 30 Helv neutral Olive OmitLinks
Font L = 25 Helv neutral Olive OmitLinks
Font Z = 30 Helv yellow GREEN Maroon
Font G = 15 Helv black
Font T = 18 Tms_Rmn
Font C = black Maroon
Font p = 15 System_VIO yellow BLACK OmitLinks Maroon CODE
Font o = OmitLinks
Font c = 12 Tms_Rmn
Font d = 17 Tms_Rmn
Font e = 25 Tms_Rmn
Font f = 12 Helv
Font g = 17 Helv
Font h = 25 Helv
Font k = 25 Courier CODE
Font R = 25 Helv red Red
Font y = neutral Olive
//link specific settings
//endings in english words: s es 's ion ions ing ings
ending of words = e s es n en 's
text for link to subchapters = $Unterkapitel:$ (Font y)
text for link to next chapter = $nächstes Hauptkapitel:$ (Font y)
//only HTML frames
text for link to main chapter = zum Hauptkapitel
//possible Settings: PARAGRAPH, WINDOW
no more links in = PARAGRAPH
//HTML specific settings (not IPF)
//first and last line in file
title in every file = NO
function for first line = BACK FORWARD CONTENT INDEX
text for first line = zurück vorwärts Inhalt Stichwörter
function for last line = FORWARD CONTENT INDEX
text for last line = vorwärts Inhalt Stichwörter
//you can use buttons BACK.GIF FORWARD.GIF CONTENT.GIF INDEX.GIF instead of text
buttons = YES
//enter tags or NO
body tags = NO
entries for extended index = 30
//HTML text file is divided in several files.
//Enter heading level where new file begins (0 means only one HTML text file)
new file level = 3
//Enter heading level up to which has to be divided by horizontal rules
// (0 means no rules)
horizontal rule level = 4
//Enter heading level up to which has to be shown in the HTML content file
// (6 means all levels, 0 means no content)
content level = 6
//pre filename = XYZ* let all HTML files begin with XYZ
pre filename = *
//possible settings: sample.html SAMPLE.HTML Sample.html SAMPLE.HTM Sample.htm sample.htm
filename appearance = sample.html
default frame = _top
//here you can define the text appearing in the browser titlebar
//enter DOCTITLE and/or HEADING and fixed text, e.g. a slash; NO means no text
file title = DOCTITLE - HEADING
meta content = DOCTITLE - HEADING
notes text = notes
//IPF specific settings (not HTML)
Help Subtable Start ID = 7000
//files will be overwritten without warning
Helptable filename = HLPTABLE.RC
Panel ID filename = *.PAN