1009 Displays the detail dialog for the payment method used for this purchase.
1010 Displays the details for the address this purchase was shipped to.
1012 Links to the Merchant's home page.
1013 Links to the Merchant's tracking page.
1014 Unable to edit the address '%1'
1015 Unable to edit the payment method '%1'
1016 Unable to edit '%s'.\n\nPlease verify that the address still exists.
1017 Edit Address Options
1018 There are no installed protocols
1150 Display name
1152 %4
1153 %1 -
1154 Edit Card %1
1155 <none selected>
1156 You have chosen to pay with your '%2' card. Enter the password for this card to approve the payment.\n\nCard: %2\nAmount: %1
1157 Add a New Credit Card
1158 To edit the information for credit card '%1', you must enter the credit card's password.
1159 Delete Credit Card
1160 Are you sure you want to delete credit card '%1'?
1161 The '%1 - %2' wallet extension is attempting to install the following payment methods to your wallet.
1162 The '%1 - %2' wallet extension is attempting to install the %3 payment method to your wallet.
1163 %1 %2
1164 %2
1165 %1 -
1166 Microsoft Wallet
1167 Options...
1168 The Wallet has detected the presence of the %1. Your payment information will be moved to take advantage of it.
1169 Integrating with %1
1170 The '%1 - %2' Payment Builder is attempting to install itself into the wallet.
1171 The server did not provide enough data to write a receipt. No receipt was written.
1172 A failure occurred while making payment. No payment was made.
1173 Password Problem
1174 Microsoft Wallet
1175 New Card Validation Problem
1176 Every credit card has the cardholder's name printed on the front. This name must be entered in the "Name on card" field in order to add a new card to the Payment Selector.
1177 Every credit card has an expiration date printed near the card number. This date must be entered in the "Expiration date" field in order to add a new card to the Payment Selector.
1178 The expiration date is not recognized. Please reenter the date as it appears on your card.
1179 You must enter the credit card number in the "Card number" field in order to add a new card to the Payment Selector.
1180 The credit card number you entered is incorrect. Please reenter the number exactly as it appears on the card.
1181 You must enter a password.
1182 You must enter the password twice to make sure you have typed it correctly. Please reenter the same password in the "Confirm password" field.
1183 The two passwords do not match. Please type them again.
1184 You must enter a display name in order to add a new card to the Payment Selector.
1185 This display name is already used by another card. Please enter a different display name.
1186 You have chosen to pay with your '%2' card. Enter the password for this card to approve the payment.\n\nCard: %2\nAmount: %1
1187 Every credit card has the cardholder's name printed on the front. This name must be entered in the "Name on card" field.
1188 Do you want to save the changes you made to the card information?
1189 You must select a billing address for this credit card. You can create a new address by clicking the "New address" button.
1190 Unknown error. Cannot delete this card. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services.
1191 The password you have entered is not correct. Please try again.
1192 Credit Card Validation Problem
1193 Every credit card has an expiration date printed near the card number. This date must be entered in the "Expiration date" field.
1194 You must enter the credit card number in the "Card number" field.
1195 The billing address used for this credit card has been deleted. Please choose a new billing address.
1196 You must enter a display name for this credit card.
1197 This merchant does not accept the '%1' payment method. Do you still want to add it?%0
1198 There is no billing address associated with the selected credit card. You must assign a valid billing address before you can use this card.
1199 The selected credit card is not accepted by this merchant.\nPlease select another card to use for payment.
1200 The '%1' payment method no longer exists; '%2' has been deleted.
1201 In order to read or write receipt data, the Microsoft Wallet needs your receipts password.
1202 Support for encryption is not installed on this machine. Receipt data will be written but not encrypted.
1203 This Java method cannot be called on this object.
1204 You must enter a password. A password is required for receipts.
1205 The protocols accepted by this merchant are not installed in your wallet.\n\nPlease contact the merchant for a payment alternative.\n
1206 The "Expiration date" %1 must be later than today's date.
1207 The DisplayManagementUI method is no longer implemented. Access Add/Edit/Delete operations from the PaymentPicker button or right-click menu.
1208 No payment types were found in the Payment Selector. The Payment Selector will not function properly.
1209 Your Payment Selector may have been corrupted. Attempting to restore your data. You may need to reenter your payment information.
1210 The credit card you are attempting to use has an expired date of %1. If you have received a new card you can update the expiration date by editing the credit card information. To edit the card, click the "Change Card" button and select "Edit %2..." from the menu.
1211 Your Payment Selector has reached the maximum of 40 cards. You must delete a card before you can enter another.
1212 None of the payment protocols supported by this merchant are installed on your machine.
1213 This merchant does not accept %1.
1214 The Microsoft Wallet only allows you to edit data in one instance. Please close all other Microsoft Wallet instances to continue.
1215 The credit card control mask cannot be more than 24 characters.
1216 Accepted type buffer length exceeded. The accepted type buffer will be truncated.
1217 Microsoft
1218 New Credit Card Method Install
1219 Support for the %1 Card in your wallet has been upgraded.
1220 The %1 card was not found on the system.
1221 Unable to find the Java Runtime Library. Creating the Payment and/or Address Control will fail. Please use the down-level page.
1222 Java is turned off in the browser. The payment and/or address control will not work. You must turn Java on and then restart the browser in order to use the controls.
1223 There is no card selected. You must select a card from the list or add a new card.
1224 Your credit card number appears to be incorrect. The first digit of the card does not match the card type. Please reenter the number exactly as it appears on the credit card or choose the correct type for your card.
1225 Payment Method Error
1226 You must choose one of the payment methods to enable. The other payment method will be disabled. You can change these settings at any time from the options page.
1227 You must select a valid card or click Cancel.
1228 According to your computer's date, the %1's Authenticode certificate has expired. To correct this problem, visit a site that uses a more recent version of the Wallet, or contact this merchant.
1229 Please enter the password of the card you have selected to delete. The card will be retained if you cancel.
1230 Uninstall is removing all %1 cards. Please enter the password for this card.
1231 You will be asked to enter this password before using this credit card for a purchase and before editing the credit card information.
1232 My Home
1233 Add card failed.
1234 Could not load the %1 payment method.
1235 The wallet is unable to check the status of the receipt.\n\nPlease check with the merchant.
1236 The wallet is unable to save the receipt because there are missing required fields.\n\nPlease check with the merchant.
1237 Receipts are sho&wn below for purchases made at participating sites.
1238 Purchases made at participating sites will appear below.
1304 Are you sure you want to delete the address '%1'?%0
1305 <none selected>
1306 Delete Address
1307 This page is requesting the address '%1'.
1309 Proprietary Address Book
1310 Business
1311 The Wallet requires you to select a country or region from its list for the address '%1'..\n\nChoose OK to edit the address or Cancel to stop the operation.
1350 New Address Validation Problem
1351 The "Name" field cannot be empty. You must enter a name in order to add this address.
1352 The "Name" field cannot be empty. You must enter a name for this address.
1355 This display name is already used by another address. Please enter a different display name.
1356 The "Display name" field cannot be empty. You must enter a display name in order to add this address.
1357 Address Validation Problem
1358 The "Display name" field cannot be empty. You must enter a display name for this address.
1360 You cannot use the '|', '=' or ']' characters in the display name. Please reenter the display name.
1361 The "Address", "City", "State/Province", and "Postal code" fields cannot all be empty. You must enter a value in at least one of these fields to add this address.
1362 The "Address", "City", "State/Province", and "Postal code" fields cannot all be empty. You must enter a value in at least one of these fields.
1363 A shipping address is required and no shipping address has been entered.\n\nWould you like to add a shipping address now?
1364 The Microsoft Wallet only allows you to edit data in one instance. Please close all other Microsoft Wallet instances to continue.
1365 Not yet implemented.
1366 Error storing addresses in Windows Address Book.
1367 The ""Country/Region"" field cannot be empty. Please select a country or region.
1368 There is no address selected. You must select an address from the list or add a new address.
1369 The wallet log file, '%s' is invalid. The wallet will not be able to process receipts.
1370 The wallet is unable to get the system date.\n\nPlease check to make sure it is correct.
1371 The log file '%s' is locked by another application.\n\nPlease exit the other application and try the action again.
1372 The receipt was too large to be saved.\n\nPlease check with the merchant
1373 There is already a receipt with that name.\n\nPlease check with the merchant
1374 You do not have the required rights to write a receipt.\n\nPlease check with your system administrator
1375 The receipt name was invalid.\n\nPlease check with the merchant
1376 An unexpected error occurred while trying to write the receipt. The receipt will not be saved.
1377 The merchant is trying to create a new receipt before saving the previous one.\n\nPlease check with the merchant
1378 The merchant is trying to write to a receipt before creating one.\n\nPlease check with the merchant.
1380 Receipts cannot be used on this machine because Microsoft CryptoAPI is not installed.
1500 Change Card
1501 Selected Card
1502 Wallet Options...
1503 &Add new card
1504 &Edit %1...
1505 &Delete %1...
1509 Add card
1510 Click the "Add" button to add your first card...
1511 No accepted cards, click "Add" to add a new one.
1512 To manage your credit cards, click the "Manage" button below.
1513 Paying with card %1!d! of %2!d!
1514 Add a new %1...
1515 Microsoft« Payment Selector
1516 All cards...
1517 Payments
1518 (Select a payment method)
1519 Microsoft« Wallet
1520 &About...
1521 &Close
1550 Add address...
1551 Wallet Options...
1552 &Add a new address...
1553 &Edit %1...
1554 &Delete %1...
1555 %1 %3
1556 %1\n%2\n%3%7 %4 %5\n%6
1557 ,
1558 Microsoft« Address Selector
1559 All addresses...
1560 Select address
1561 Addresses
1562 (Select an Address)
1600 Version %1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!
1601 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
1602 and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
1604 Microsoft Selector
1605 The field %1 is not found in the post return for this control.
1700 Do you want to keep your address and credit card data?
1701 Removing Microsoft Wallet
1702 This will remove Microsoft Wallet. Do you wish to continue?
1703 Microsoft Wallet uninstall is now complete.
1704 You must be a local administrator to uninstall Microsoft Wallet.
1800 The '%1 - %2' wallet extension cannot be loaded into the wallet because it is not digitally signed by it's publisher.
1801 Digital signature verified.
1802 Warning: The Microsoft Wallet is unable to verify if this wallet extension has been digitally signed by it's publisher. Please make sure you trust the source of the wallet extension.\n\nUpdate your browser to IE4.0 or greater to increase your protection.
1803 Please make sure that you trust the source of this wallet extension before choosing to install it.\n\nUpdate your browser to IE4.0 or greater to automatically check for a digital signature each time you load a wallet extension.
1900 Payment Protocol
1901 Warning
10101 Certificate Request
10102 '%s' is a required field
10103 There is not enough memory to perform this operation.
10104 An unsupported error occurred.
10105 Wizard
10106 You have successfully obtained a certificate for this card. It is now configured properly for Secure Electronic Transactions.
10107 The following error was encountered while trying to obtain a digital certificate for this card:
10108 The Certificate Authority (CA) has indicated that your certificate request is pending. Please submit a Certificate Inquiry at a later time.
10109 The server reported an unspecified failure.
10110 The server doesn't support this operation.
10111 The server reported a failure while decoding the message sent to it.
10112 The server reported that your digital certificate is invalid.
10113 The server reported that your digital certificate is expired.
10114 The server reported that your digital certificate has been revoked.
10115 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (missing certificate)
10116 The server reported that your digital signature failed.
10117 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (bad message header)
10118 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (wrapper message mismatch)
10119 The server only supports newer versions of SET.
10120 The server only supports older versions of SET.
10121 The server doesn't support an extension to SET that you are utilizing.
10122 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (message too big)
10123 The server requires you to have a digital certificate for this operation.
10124 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (message too old)
10125 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (message too new)
10126 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (thumbs mismatch)
10127 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (unknown rrpid)
10128 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (unknown xid)
10129 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (unknown lid)
10130 The server reported an error in the message sent to it. (challenge mismatch)
10132 Failed to make payment.
10133 Sending Payment Initiation Request.
10134 Receiving Payment Initiation Response.
10135 Sending Payment Request.
10136 Receiving Payment Response.
10138 Failed to make inquiry.
10139 Sending Payment Inquiry Request.
10140 Receiving Payment Inquiry Response.
10141 Your request for a certificate for this card succeeded.
10142 The Certificate Authority (CA) reported that your certificate request was rejected because the language sent in the initiation message is invalid
10143 The Certificate Authority (CA) reported that your certificate request was rejected because the BIN is invalid
10144 The Certificate Authority (CA) rejected your certificate request because of a digital signature validation failed
10145 The Certificate Authority (CA) rejected your certificate request because of decryption error
10146 The Certificate Authority (CA) reported that your certificate request is in progress. Please inquire later about the status of your request
10147 The Certificate Authority (CA) reported that the certificate request was rejected by the card issuer
10148 The Certificate Authority (CA) reported that your certificate request is pending. Please inquire later about the status of your request
10149 The Certificate Authority (CA) reported that the certificate request was reject by the card acquirer
10150 The Certificate Authority (CA) rejected your certificate request because the registration form entries are invalid
10151 The Certificate Authority (CA) rejected your certificate request
10152 The Certificate Authority (CA) reject your certificate request because it is unable to encrypt a response
10153 Failed to acquire a digital certificate for this card.
10154 Sending Registration Initiation Request.
10155 Receiving Registration Initiation Response.
10156 Sending Registration Form Request.
10157 Receiving Registration Form Response.
10158 Sending Certificate Request.
10159 Receiving Certificate Response.
10160 Sending Certificate Inquiry Request.
10161 Receiving Certificate Inquiry Response.
10162 Payment failed: meaningless ratio!
10163 Payment failed: order rejected!
10164 Order received!
10165 Payment failed: order not received!
10166 Authorization is performed with the following result:
10167 Capture is performed with the following result:
10168 Credit is performed with the following result(s):
10169 B0770558B2442185E841E110D7CA164F9443378B
10170 C857444FD791563EC6F3E0E6082E9AAF6111435D
10171 7A88A710674DA781B2710FABBBEE3344E73CF2AF
10172 C8F76C3BEC7184F7A05DCC317A3BF1ACE28AFADC
10173 0DFAFAB5FA445A9F749C682192D72FB706FB94B2
10174 D6A9CE099EB093465614AB3E031D0264C906908D
10175 F48445348CBF4243D1A41907BDB628B6FF880484
10176 A071329C5341CCF8BA5FB3817C1CE6E06D25CDC1
10177 7EF3B35C7366232A1191C845E30E3E92C23A99CD
10178 1EDD3595F4EF22501848DE4FE0062D2036D4E8AC
10179 SET protocol compatible
10180 You have chosen to pay with your '%2' card. Enter the password for this card to approve the payment.\n\nCard: %2\nAmount: %1\nProtocol: %3
10181 Your change to card number will result in removal of the associated SET certificate and it will operate in certless state. You will have to get a new SET certificate from the CA website of this card.
10182 Microsoft Wallet: SET Protocol Compatible
10183 No Certificate
10184 Bad Certificate
10185 Pending Certificate
10186 Expired Certificate
10187 Soon-to-expire Certificate
10188 Valid Certificate
10189 This card is not configured with a certificate for this payment protocol
10190 The certificate associated with this card is bad
10191 The certificate request for this card is being processed by the CA
10192 The certificate associated with this card has expired
10193 The certificate associated with this card will expire within a month
10194 This card has a valid certificate
10195 &New Certificate
10196 &Get Certificate
10197 &Renew Certificate
10198 http://
10199 Export a SET-Protocol compatible certificate
10200 Import a SET-Protocol compatible certificate
10202 You are about to delete the certificate for this card! Are you sure?
10203 The capture item was successfully processed by the Payment Gateway. Capture amount =
10204 Capture failed with unspecified reason.
10205 A capture request has already been processed for this transaction.
10206 The authorization request was processed too long ago.
10207 The authorization information was not present in the capture request.
10208 The authorization information is not valid for this transaction.
10209 The CapToken necessary to process this item was not present in the capture request.
10210 The CapToken is not valid for this transaction.
10211 The batch for this item is unknown to the Payment Gateway.
10212 The batch for this item has already been closed.
10213 The XID is not recognized.
10214 The LID is not recognized.
10215 The authorization request was approved with amount =
10216 Authorization failed with unspecified reason.
10217 The authorization request was declined.
10218 The issuer did not respond to the authorization request.
10219 The issuer requests a telephone call from the Merchant.
10220 The transaction amount could not be processed by an upstream system(acquirer, financial network, Issuer, etc.).
10221 The card has expired.
10222 The request could not be processed by an upstream system(acquirer, financial network, Issuer, etc.) because the type of transaction is not allowed.
10223 The request could not be processed by an upstream system(acquirer, financial network, Issuer, etc.) because data in the request is invalid.
10224 The Payment Instructions in the authorization request have been used for a prior authorization request(Payment Gateway generated response).
10225 The minimum time between authorizations has not elapsed for a recurring transaction(Payment Gateway generated response).
10226 The expiration date for a recurring transaction has passed(Payment Gateway generated response).
10227 The data in the PI from the Cardholder does not correspond with the data in the OD from the Merchant.
10228 InstallRecurData in the PI from the Cardholder does not correspond with InstallRecurData in the OD from the Merchant.
10229 The Payment Gateway does not support capture.
10230 The unsigned PI option is not supported by the Payment Gateway for this brand.
10231 The brand in the cardholder signature certificate does not match with the brand of the payment gateway encryption certificate.
10232 Your payment request succeeded! The merchant returned the following information about your payment:
10233 The merchant returned the following information upon your payment inquiry:
10234 Message of the day from the acquirer:
10235 Information about the account:
10236 Please call customer service:
10237 You are about to get a SET certificate for your '%1' credit card. To authorize this, you must enter the credit card's password.
10238 The password you have entered is not correct. Please try again.
10239 Microsoft Wallet
10240 Storing a Certificate
10241 The Wallet will now store the root certificate for this payment protocol. This may cause the system to show a dialog asking you to confirm a write to the Root Certificate Store. You must choose Yes at the Root Certificate Store dialog.
10242 On Date:
10243 Amount:
10300 Afghanistan
10301 Albania
10302 Algeria
10303 Andorra
10304 Angola
10305 Antigua and Barbuda
10306 Argentina
10307 Armenia
10308 Australia
10309 Austria
10310 Azerbaijan
10311 Bahamas
10312 Bahrain
10313 Bangladesh
10314 Barbados
10315 Belarus
10316 Belgium
10317 Belize
10318 Benin
10319 Bhutan
10320 Bolivia
10321 Bosnia and Herzegovina
10322 Botswana
10323 Brazil
10324 Brunei
10325 Bulgaria
10326 Burkina Faso
10327 Myanmar
10328 Burundi
10329 Cambodia
10330 Cameroon
10331 Canada
10332 Cape Verde
10333 Central African Republic
10334 Chad
10335 Chile
10336 China
10337 Colombia
10338 Comoros
10339 Congo
10340 Costa Rica
10341 Cote d'Ivoire
10342 Croatia
10343 Cuba
10344 Cyprus
10345 Czech Republic
10346 Denmark
10347 Djibouti
10348 Dominica
10349 Dominican Republic
10350 Ecuador
10351 Egypt
10352 El Salvador
10353 Equatorial Guinea
10354 Eritrea
10355 Estonia
10356 Ethiopia
10357 Fiji
10358 Finland
10359 France
10360 Gabon
10361 Gambia
10362 Georgia
10363 Germany
10364 Ghana
10365 Greece
10366 Grenada
10367 Guatemala
10368 Guinea
10369 Guinea-Bissau
10370 Guyana
10371 Haiti
10372 Vatican City
10373 Honduras
10374 Hungary
10375 Iceland
10376 India
10377 Indonesia
10378 Iran
10379 Iraq
10380 Ireland
10381 Israel
10382 Italy
10383 Jamaica
10384 Japan
10385 Jordan
10386 Kazakstan
10387 Kenya
10388 Kiribati
10389 Democratic People's Republic of Korea
10390 Republic of Korea
10391 Kuwait
10392 Kyrgyzstan
10393 Laos
10394 Latvia
10395 Lebanon
10396 Lesotho
10397 Liberia
10398 Libya
10399 Liechtenstein
10400 Lithuania
10401 Luxembourg
10402 FYROM
10403 Madagascar
10404 Malawi
10405 Malaysia
10406 Maldives
10407 Mali
10408 Malta
10409 Marshall Islands
10410 Mauritania
10411 Mauritius
10412 Mexico
10413 Micronesia
10414 Moldova
10415 Monaco
10416 Mongolia
10417 Morocco
10418 Mozambique
10419 Namibia
10420 Nauru
10421 Nepal
10422 Netherlands
10423 New Zealand
10424 Nicaragua
10425 Niger
10426 Nigeria
10427 Norway
10428 Oman
10429 Pakistan
10430 Palau
10431 Panama
10432 Papua New Guinea
10433 Paraguay
10434 Peru
10435 Philippines
10436 Poland
10437 Portugal
10438 Qatar
10439 Romania
10440 Russia
10441 Rwanda
10442 St. Kitts and Nevis
10443 St. Lucia
10444 St. Vincent and the Grenadines
10445 San Marino
10446 Sao Tome and Principe
10447 Saudi Arabia
10448 Senegal
10449 Seychelles
10450 Sierra Leone
10451 Singapore
10452 Slovakia
10453 Slovenia
10454 Solomon Islands
10455 Somalia
10456 South Africa
10457 Spain
10458 Sri Lanka
10459 Sudan
10460 Suriname
10461 Swaziland
10462 Sweden
10463 Switzerland
10464 Syria
10465 Taiwan
10466 Tajikistan
10467 Tanzania
10468 Thailand
10469 Togo
10470 Tonga
10471 Trinidad and Tobago
10472 Tunisia
10473 Turkey
10474 Turkmenistan
10475 Tuvalu
10476 Uganda
10477 Ukraine
10478 United Arab Emirates
10479 United Kingdom
10480 United States
10481 Uruguay
10482 Uzbekistan
10483 Vanuatu
10484 Venezuela
10485 Vietnam
10486 Yemen
10487 Yugoslavia
10488 Zaire
10489 Zambia
10490 Zimbabwe
10491 American Samoa
10492 Aruba
10493 Bermuda
10494 Cayman Islands
10495 Falkland Islands
10496 Faroe Islands
10497 French Guiana
10498 French Polynesia
10499 French Southern and Antarctic Lands
10500 Gibraltar
10501 Greenland
10502 Guadeloupe
10503 Guam
10504 Heard Island and McDonald Islands
10505 Hong Kong
10506 Jan Mayen
10507 Macao
10508 Martinique
10509 Montserrat
10510 Netherlands Antilles
10511 New Caledonia
10512 Niue
10513 Norfolk Island
10514 Northern Mariana Islands
10515 Pitcairn Islands
10516 Puerto Rico
10517 Reunion
10518 Saint Helena
10519 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
10520 Svalbard
10521 Tokelau
10522 Turks and Caicos Islands
10523 Virgin Islands
10524 Virgin Islands, British
10525 Wallis and Futuna
10526 Western Sahara
10527 Dscvr 1.0 Object
10528 Diners 1.0 Object
10530 Jcb 1.0 Object
11000 Microsoft Wallet Credit Card CPC
11001 Microsoft Wallet Payment Manager Object
11002 Microsoft Wallet Address Manager Object
11003 Microsoft Wallet Receipt Manager Object
11004 Microsoft Wallet Log Entry Object
11005 Microsoft Wallet Log Manager Object
11006 Microsoft Wallet Receipt Entry Object
12101 &About Microsoft Wallet: SET Protocol Compatible...
12102 SET Initialization message processing failed(No payment was made)
12103 SET payment processing failed
12104 Dialog creation failed, make sure Microsoft Wallet is installed properly(No payment was made)
19234 WalletStorageTyeLib
19235 IEnumStorageTypeLib
19236 This action failed because the Wallet has not yet been displayed.
19237 According to your computer's date, the Wallet's Authenticode certificate has expired. To correct this problem, visit a site that uses a more recent version of the Wallet, or contact this merchant. A code signing error has occurred, the return code is: 0x%x
19238 Support for the %1 payment technique is not present on your machine. This Merchant can only accept this card when %1 is present.
19239 If you change this display name, you may need to edit any payment cards in your wallet which are linked to this address (for example, as a billing address).
19240 The '%1' no longer exists; it has been deleted.
57344 Microsoft Wallet: SET Protocol Compatible
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.