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/ HomeWare 14 / HOMEWARE14.bin / windows / ttfonts / neusansl.arj / NEUSANSL.TTF (.png)
TrueType Font  |  1994-05-05  |  53KB
Labels: door | earth | fence | person | reckoner | road | shelf | sky
OCR: abcde ghi jkimnopgr stuvwxuz ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRS 0123 156789 -!0#$% <.(]{}\ ::/? The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dos. The quick brown fox sdwn? over the lazy dos. 36 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 60 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy The quick brown fox jumps over abcdefghi stuvwxyz TUVWXYZ 0123456789 sdwnf