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════╣ NIFTIES 1.1 ╠════
This package contains four useful utilities, following is a summary of
each program's capabilities along with a few examples of how to use them.
** DOSCOLOR is a program that allows you to set the foreground, background,
and border to any combination of colors DOS is capable of showing. And if you
have a particular set of colors that is your favorite, you can save them as
your default colors and recall them on subsequent uses by passing a single
switch (/d) to the program. The data are arbitrarily saved under the file
C:\DOSCOLOR.DEF. Note that this program requires ANSI.SYS to work! Make sure
to load ANSI.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS file by adding DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS or
DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS (if UMBs are available) if you don't have it in
there already.
Usage: DOSCOLOR foreground background [border] [hi|low] [/d]
hi|low - High or low intensity foreground color. Low is the default.
/d - Saves the colors specified as default colors. When passed to the
program by itself, it changes the screen to the previously assigned
default colors.
Ex: DOSCOLOR blue white green hi
(intensified blue text on white background with green border.)
DOSCOLOR black cyan /d
(black text on cyan background and save them as default colors.)
(set screen to last saved default colors.)
** FFINDER is a capable and flexible file finder. It can locate mutiple sets
of files across multiple drives or directory trees. If you would like a
hardcopy of the output, you may redirect the output to a file or printer by
using the > symbol. Just make sure that a file with the same name does not
already exist and the /p switch is not used!
Usage: FFINDER [option] filespec [filespec]...
filespec - File(s) to locate. Wildcards * and ? may be used.
/p - Pause (display information one screenful at a time).
/x - Exclude hidden and system files from the search.
/t - Terse output (display only file's name, path, and attributes.
/c - Search only the specified directory, skip its subdirectories.
/sxxxxxxxx - Find the files whose names contain the string xxxxxxxx.
/n[d:][path] - Drive and directory to begin the search. The program will
search this directory and its descendant subdirectories.
Use mutiple /n's to search mutiple drives/directories.
If only the drive is specified, the search will begin in that
drive's root directory.
Ex: FFINDER /nc: /p *.bak *.tmp
(find all *.BAK and *.TMP files on drive C, display the result one
screenful at a time.)
FFINDER /nc: /nb:\data /t *.bak *.tmp *.$$$
(find all *.BAK, *.TMP, and *.$$$ files on drive C and B:\DATA
subdirectory and its children directories, display the result in
terse format.)
FFINDER /c /nc:\dos /nd:\data\tax *.txt
(find all *.TXT files in C:\DOS and D:\DATA\TAX only, excluding their
children directories.)
FFINDER /stomcat /nc: /na: *.exe *.com
(find all *.COM and *.EXE files on drive C and A whose names contain
the string 'TOMCAT', note that FFINDER automatically convert the
specified string to uppercase.)
FFINDER /x /na: *.gam > output.txt
(find all non-system, non-hidden *.GAM files on drive A and output
the result to file OUTPUT.TXT.)
** MDEL is a flexible file deleter, you can think of it as a muscular
replacement for DOS's own DEL (ERASE) internal command. In fact, I first
wrote this program with just that purpose in mind! MDEL's output can also be
redirected to a file or printer with the > symbol. Unless you are
absolutely sure about what you are about to delete from the disk, always use
the safeguard /p command! Reckless usage of this program may wipe out every
single file on your hard disk! Always be heedful!
Usage: MDEL [option] filespec [filespec]...
filespec - File(s) to delete. Of course, wildcards * and ? may be used.
/a - Delete hidden and read-only files as well.
/p - Enable the confirmation prompt before every deletion.
/s - Purge the directory's descendant subdirectories as well.
/n[d:][path] - Drive and directory to purge. Use mutiple /n's to purge mutiple
drives/directory trees. If only the drive is specified, that
drive's current working directory will be used.
/d1mm-dd-yy \_ Delete the files whose date stamps are between these two dates
/d2mm-dd-yy / (d1=beginning date and d2=ending date).
Ex: MDEL /p /nc:\paint *.pic *.gem
(delete all *.PIC and *.GEM files in C:\PAINT only, MDEL will prompt
you for confirmation.)
MDEL /p /nc:\ /nd:\ /s *.bak *.$$$ *.tmp
(delete all *.BAK, *.$$$, and *.TMP files on drive C and D.)
MDEL susan.txt mary.txt irene.txt
(delete SUSAN.TXT, MARY.TXT, and IRENE.TXT in current directory.)
MDEL /p *.tmp *.bak *.$$$
(delete all *.TMP, *.BAK, and *.$$$ files in current directory, MDEL
will prompt you for confirmation.)
MDEL /p /na:\ /s /d101-01-90 /d201-01-93 *.txt
(delete all *.TXT files created between 01/01/90 and 01/01/93 on
drive A, MDEL will prompt you for confirmation.)
** SDEL is a program that will cycles through all the files in a certain
directory, which allows you to selectively delete them, update their stamps,
and modify their attributes.
Usage: SDEL [[d:][path]] [filespec]
d:path - Drive and directory to read the files from. If only the drive is
specified, that drive's current working directory will be used.
filespec - File filter (e.g. *.txt, sr?.doc).
Ex: SDEL \data *.txt
(cycle through all *.TXT files in directory \DATA.)
Each program has its own help screen, when you are in doubt, type the
program's name followed by /? to call up the help screen.
You may use these programs freely for non-commercial purposes. But they can
only be distributed as a package, along with this READ.ME file, provided no
profit is made from the distribution.
If you find these programs useful and would like to reward the author, please
send your contribution to address below.
These programs are provided as-is, with no warranties, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the author, James S. Kao,
be liable for any indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out
of the use or misuse of these programs.
If you have any questions or comments about these programs or anything else,
feel free to contact me via one of the following ways...
America Online - "Cadash"
CompuServe - 73527,2526
US MAIL - James S. Kao
50070 Balboa St.
Coachella, CA 92236-3313
** 07/18/93 **