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││ ┌┬───────────────────────┬┐ ││
││ ││ Mandelbrot Microscope ││ ││
││ └┴───────────────────────┴┘ ││
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││ VERSION 1.1 ││
││ ││
││ May 27, 1993 ││
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││ Copyright 1993, by William Joseph Johnson ││
││ ││
││ All Rights Reserved. ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ Avocation Technologies, 2455 Laurel Lane, Sycamore, IL 60178 ││
││ Mandelbrot Microscope ││
││ Copr. 1992-93 by William Joseph Johnson, all rights reserved ││
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Shareware Licensing And Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Public Domain And Shareware Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Vendor Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
What You Should Have Received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Support and updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Distribution sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
What's new? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
││ Avocation Technologies, 2455 Laurel Lane, Sycamore, IL 60178 ││
││ Mandelbrot Microscope ││
││ Copr. 1992-93 by William Joseph Johnson, all rights reserved ││
1.) I N T R O D U C T I O N
The Mandelbrot Microscope is a vehicle that explores the Mandelbrot set.
It is written in a screen saver type format and functions very well as
one. However, it was not originally written for this purpose. It was
developed for the purpose of examining the beauty of the Mandelbrot set.
It scans the contour of the set at random magnification and captures the
intricate details of the set.
. Supports standard 320x200x256 color MCGA graphics mode.
. Supports VESA compliant 640x480x256 color graphics mode.
. Supports VESA compliant 800x600x256 color graphics mode.
. Supports VESA compliant 1024x768x256 color graphics mode.
. Supports VESA compliant 1280x1024x256 color graphics mode.
. Offers quiet mode of operation where instructions screen is not displayed.
. Optionally can display the entire mandelbrot set before scanning.
. A timer displays the average length of time taken to display each picture.
You see the result when you quit the program.
. MM.EXE does not require the math coprocessor hardware to be present.
. MMMC.EXE requires the math coprocessor hardware to be present and will not
run in a machine that does not have a math coprocessor installed.
Thanks for trying this shareware version of Avocation Technologies
Mandelbrot Microscope!
This software and documentation is protected by both United States copyright
law and international treaty provisions. This "Shareware" version of the
Mandelbrot Microscope is not public domain and it is not free software. I
am not going to go to the trouble of providing registrations for this
software package. However, if you like it and use it please show a little
support for it. I only ask that if you benefit from the use of this software
you show some support for it by sending five ($5) dollars or whatever to:
Avocation Technologies, 2455 Laurel Lane, Sycamore, IL 60178
Operators of electronic bulletin boards (Sysops) are encouraged to post
the Mandelbrot Microscope for downloading by their users.
The Mandelbrot Microscope may be uploaded to and downloaded from commercial
systems such as CompuServe, and others, as long as the only charge paid by
the subscriber is for on-line time and there is no charge for the program.
Those copying, sharing, and / or electronically transmitting the program are
required not to delete or modify the copyright notice and restrictive notices
from the program or documentation.
If you are passing this program on to others, uploading it to a bulletin board
system, or including it in a users group library, do not separate the files
contained in the distribution archive - pass the entire archive on to the
intended party. This ensures that those who receive the program will have all
the correct configuration utilities and documentation necessary to get
the Mandelbrot Microscope up and running quickly. A listing of what files you
should have and the purpose of each is listed later in this manual.
The Mandelbrot Microscope documentation and program files may not be modified
by users. The program may not be separated from the documentation when
distributed. Printed or Photocopied ("Xeroxed") copies of the Mandelbrot
Microscope documentation (i.e., this manual) may not be distributed or sold
without the written permission of Avocation Technologies.
No person other than the author, William Joseph Johnson, may accept payment
or royalties for this program.
││ Avocation Technologies, 2455 Laurel Lane, Sycamore, IL 60178 ││
││ Mandelbrot Microscope ││
││ Copr. 1992-93 by William Joseph Johnson, all rights reserved ││
Avocation Technologies and the Mandelbrot Microscope's author William Joseph
Johnson specifically disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, including
but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose with respect to defects in the software and documentation,
and the program license granted herein in particular, and without limiting
operation of the program license with respect to any particular application,
use, or purpose. In no event shall Avocation Technologies or the author be
liable for any loss of profit or damage, including but not limited to special,
incidental, or consequential damages. This statement shall be construed,
interpreted, and governed by the laws of the State of Illinois.
All prices, terms and discount plans are subject to change without notice.
Discounts are not cumulative, they apply to single orders of like products
only. Unit prices are the same as for individual users.
││ Avocation Technologies, 2455 Laurel Lane, Sycamore, IL 60178 ││
││ Mandelbrot Microscope ││
││ Copr. 1992-93 by William Joseph Johnson, all rights reserved ││
In order to distribute the Mandelbrot Microscope, a dealer or disk vendor
must comply with the following conditions:
1.) You must obtain written permission from Avocation Technologies to
distribute . Please use the vendor application supplied in the program
file 'VENDOR.TXT'. If you receive no reply, write again. Silence does
not constitute permission, and you may not distribute "pending" receipt
of permission.
2.) A maximum disk fee of $5.00 as set by Avocation Technologies in the
vendor contract must not be exceeded. The Mandelbrot Microscope may not
be included on any disk sold for more than this maximum. Major CD-ROM or
optical disk libraries are exempt from this restriction, provided that
they have Avocation Technologies permission to distribute.
3.) Vendors may not modify or delete ANY files on the disk. Vendors may add
a "GO" program, and/or a reasonable number of small text files designed
to assist or provide a service to the user, but these added files must be
easily identifiable and end-users must be allowed to delete the added
4.) Vendors must make a reasonable effort to distribute only the most recent
versions of Mandelbrot Microscope. All vendors who have requested and received
written permission to distribute the Mandelbrot Microscope will receive
new major releases as they are issued.
Vendors must make an attempt to educate users on the nature of Shareware.
Catalogs, advertisements, order forms, and all disks sold should contain
wording describing the nature of shareware, and should explicitly state that
no part of disk sale revenues are paid to the programs' authors. When vendor
catalogs or advertisements carry both Shareware and PD programs, the Shareware
programs must be differentiated from the public domain programs in some way
(in the description, with an asterisk, by listing the registration fee, etc.).
││ Avocation Technologies, 2455 Laurel Lane, Sycamore, IL 60178 ││
││ Mandelbrot Microscope ││
││ Copr. 1992-93 by William Joseph Johnson, all rights reserved ││
2.) G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
The Mandelbrot Microscope package is distributed in the form of a compressed
*.ZIP file. This file should contain five (5) files and a total checksum of
113,690 bytes after decompression. A complete listing of the files follows:
MM.EXE - The Mandelbrot Microscope executable program file.
MMMC.EXE - The Mandelbrot Microscope math coprocessor program file.
MM.DOC - This documentation file.
VENDOR.DOC - Vendor application form.
FILEID.DIZ - PC Board program description file.
. IBM PC/XT/AT or PS/2 or true IBM compatible computer.
. DOS versions greater than 2.0.
. 53K of available conventional RAM memory.
. VGA video hardware and monitor capable of a 320x200x256 display minimum.
VESA standard support required for other higher display resolutions.
The Mandelbrot Microscope is supported via Avocation Technologies Conference
#1 on the Not So Perfect BBS and anyone may call DATA there. Any and all
program inquiries will be responded to and program support will be provided
there. Free program upgrades are offered to registered users, and can be
downloaded from the BBS.
Please take responsibility for using this program if you choose to do so.
Support the software authors and companies that produce the software you want
and use.
If you do have a question, or a bug report, or whatever, in your
correspondence, please indicate the following:
1.) The version of the Mandelbrot Microscope that you are using.
2.) The version of DOS that you are using.
3.) Your hardware configuration (Computer model, memory size, printer, etc.)
4.) Any resident software that you have loaded in memory at the time.
(i.e. Sidekick, DOSkey, Disk Caches, Print Spoolers, Ramdisks, etc.)
5.) Any comments or suggestions that pertain to the situation.
This information will help in identifying and suggesting reasonable solutions
or alternatives to your problem. Send your correspondence to:
Avocation Technologies, 2455 Laurel Lane, Sycamore, IL 60178
The 'Not So Perfect' computer bulletin board system in Chicago Illinois, which
may be reached (DATA) at (312) 237-8365, 24 hrs. a day. No fee is required
and the latest shareware version can be downloaded immediately on the first
call. The Mandelbrot Microscope is supported via Avocation Technologies
Conference #1 on the BBS and anyone may call DATA there. Any and all program
inquiries will be responded to and program support will be provided there.
Thanks George...
║ 300 TO 14,400 BAUD HST V.32 V.42 V.42bis ║
║ ╓─╥╥─╖ ╥ ╥ ╔═══╗ Phones ║
║ ║║ ╠╗ ║ ║ 312-237-8365 HST ║
║ 7 DAYS ║╟╥ ╥╥─╖ ║╚╗║╔═╗─╥─ ╚═══╗╔═╗ 312-237-8366 D/S- ║
║ 24 HOURS ║║╠═╣╟─ ║ ╚╣║ ║ ║ ║║ ║ V.32 V.42 V.42bis ║
║ ╨╨╨ ╨╨─╜ ╨ ╨╚═╝ ╙ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ║
║ ╥───╖ ╒╦═══╗ ╒╦═══╗ ╔═══╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╟───╜╥─╖╔═╗╥─╖╥─╖╔═╗─╥─ ╟───╢ ╟───╢ ╚═══╗ ║
║ ║ ╟─ ╠╦╝╟─ ╟─ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╨ ╨─╜╨╚ ╨ ╨─╜╚═╝ ╙ ╘╩═══╝ ° ╘╩═══╝ ° ╚═══╝ ° ║
║ ╥ ╥ ╥ ╥ ╥ ║
║ ║ ╔╬╗ ║ Over 70,000 Files ╚╗ ╔╝ 7.0 Gigs ║
║ ║╔╝╨╚╗║╥─╖╥ ╔═╗╔═╗╥╖╓╥╥─╖╔═╗ ╚╦╝╔═╗╖ ╓ ONLINE + ║
║ ╠╝ ╚╣╟─ ║ ║ ║ ║║╙╜║╟─ ╚═╗ ║ ║ ║║ ║ 7 CDROMs ║
║ ╨ ╨╨─╜╨─╜╚═╝╚═╝╨ ╨╨─╜╚═╝ ╨ ╚═╝╚═╝ ║
║ SYStem OPerator: GEORGE KEDRA ║
║ ║
The 'The Higher Powered BBS' computer bulletin board system in Sunnyvale
California, which may be reached (DATA) at (408) 737-7040, 24 hrs. a day. No
fee is required and the latest shareware version can be downloaded immediately
on the first call. Thanks Bob...
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░░THE░▒▒▒▒▒▒██████ ░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░
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Distribution Site for: ░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒██████ ░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒███████
░USR 16.8K Modems█ ░░░░ OF FILES █████
ARJ, Commo, ImagiSoft ░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒██████ ░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒███████
░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓███████████ ░░░FREE ACCESS█████
1.) After testing v.1.0 on an IBM PS2 model 30 286 machine, and a couple
of 386 machines I was very surprised. None of them in my opinion
were capable of running the program at an acceptable speed. The 286
took about an hour to draw the first screen! This was not what I
had in mind for this software. I realized it would be slow on a 286,
but I had hoped it would at least be useable.
I went back and recoded the program again for speed. It was originally
coded with speed of execution in mind, but I pulled out all the stops
this time to make it run faster. Short of rewriting the program in
assembler, which I may do later, this is about as fast as it can be
coded to run. I will test it further, but I hope this release will at
least run ok on 386 machines. Let me know...
2.) "-m" switch added to optionally display the entire mandelbrot set before
scanning through the set. I did this because it takes a long time to
draw this picture on slower systems.
3.) Added a timer to display the average length of time taken to display
each picture. You see the result when you quit the program. Screen
pauses and full screen displays of course will increase this result.
It starts running after the entire mandelbrot set is displayed, if it
is, beginning with the first scanned picture and stops when the last
picture is finished drawing.
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││ ┌┬───────────────────────┬┐ ││
││ ││ Mandelbrot Microscope ││ ││
││ └┴───────────────────────┴┘ ││
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││ Copyright 1993, by William Joseph Johnson ││
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││ All Rights Reserved. ││
││ ││
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