CD-ROM Magazin 1996 October
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Text File
204 lines
; cdc 1.7 (19 Apr 1996)
; CAT Catalog Emitter $Revision: 1.4 $
; Catalog definitions for module "TextAuth" (TextAuth.Book)
; ======================================================================
; This catalog was generated based on the previous translation
; of textauth.msg, revision 1.33.
; - 21 translations were kept, since the English text did not change.
; - 10 translations were identical to the English text.
; Please verify that no translations were forgotten.
; Note: you *must* use a Latin-1 (ISO 8859) editor. If you are, the following
; line will contain three accented versions of each vowel, in order:
; ßΓα ΘΩΦ φε∞ ≤⌠≥ ·√∙
; ======================================================================
; ======================================================================
; The following translations have been kept, since the English text
; did not change since the previous translation.
; (If needed, you may make any corrections or adjustments
; to your translation.)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; The hotkeys for the Bold button in the text menu.
; English: "B"
MSG 0x0f500800 "G"
; ----------
; The text for the BoldWeight button in the text menu.
; English: "Bold Weight"
MSG 0x0f500c00 "Peso grassetto"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_CharacterSpacing
; The text for the CharacterSpacing button in the text menu.
; English: "Character Spacing"
MSG 0x0f501000 "Spaziatura caratteri"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_ItalicSlant
; The text for the ItalicSlant button in the text menu.
; English: "Italic Slant"
MSG 0x0f501400 "Inclin. corsivo"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_LineSpacing
; The text for the LineSpacing button in the text menu.
; English: "Line Spacing"
MSG 0x0f501800 "Interlinea"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_UnderlineAir
; The text for the Underline Air button in the text menu.
; English: "Underline Air"
MSG 0x0f501c00 "Spazio sottolineato"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_UnderlinePos
; The text for the Underline Pos button in the text menu.
; English: "Underline Position"
MSG 0x0f502000 "Pos. sottolineato"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_UnderlineSize
; The text for the Underline Size button in the text menu.
; English: "Underline Thickness"
MSG 0x0f502400 "Spessore sottolineato"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_KerningNormal
; The text for the Kerning cycle button in the styles menu. Alpha only
; English: "Normal"
MSG 0x0f504c00 "Normale"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_KerningNormalDigits
; The text for the Kerning cycle button in the styles menu. Alpha +
; digits
; English: "Normal and Digits"
MSG 0x0f505000 "Normale e cifre"
; ----------
; This text is used as heading on the font requester.
; English: "Select Font"
MSG 0x0f500400 "Seleziona font"
; ----------
; This text is used as heading on the text menu.
; English: "Design Text"
MSG 0x0f503c00 "Composizione Testo"
; ----------
; This text is used for the text design panel in the design popup.
; English: "Text"
MSG 0x0f504000 "Testo"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_Alignment
; The text for the multiline alignment cycle button in the styles menu.
; English: "Multi-line Text Alignment: "
MSG 0x0f503400 "Allineamento righe: "
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_AlignmentLeft
; The text for the multiline alignment cycle button in the styles menu.
; Left
; English: "Left"
MSG 0x0f503800 "A sinistra"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_AlignmentCenter
; The text for the multiline alignment cycle button in the styles menu.
; Center
; English: "Center"
MSG 0x0f505400 "Centrato"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_AlignmentRight
; The text for the multiline alignment cycle button in the styles menu.
; Right
; English: "Right"
MSG 0x0f505800 "A destra"
; ----------
; The text for the word wrap cycle button in the styles menu.
; English: "Word Wrap: "
MSG 0x0f506400 "A capo: "
; ----------
; The text for the word wrap cycle button in the styles menu. On
; English: "On "
MSG 0x0f506c00 "On"
; ----------
; The text for the word wrap width button in the styles menu.
; English: "Word Wrap Width"
MSG 0x0f507400 "Largh. a capo"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_ExportFileMenuHeader
; Text used as header in the filemenu that is used when saving text.
; English: "Export Text"
MSG 0x0f507800 "Esporta testo"
; ======================================================================
; The following translations are identical to the English text.
; Please check that this is intentional!
; If any messages were missed, please translate them now.
; (If it is correct that the translation is identical to the English text,
; you do not need to do anything for that message.)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Name of the module as presented to the user:
; English: "TextAuth"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_FontColonEmpty
; Default text for the Font button in the text menu
; English: "Font"
MSG 0x0f506000 "Font"
; ----------
; The text for the Font button in the text menu.
; English: "Font: %1 %2..."
MSG 0x0f502802 "Font: %1 %2..."
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_FontColonHotKeys
; The hotkeys for the Font button in the text menu.
; English: "F"
MSG 0x0f502c00 "F"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_ItalicsHotKeys
; The hotkeys for the Italics button in the text menu.
; English: "I"
MSG 0x0f503000 "I"
; ----------
; The text for the Kerning cycle button in the styles menu.
; English: "Kerning: "
MSG 0x0f504400 "Kerning: "
; ----------
; The text for the Kerning cycle button in the styles menu. Off
; English: "Off"
MSG 0x0f504800 "Off"
; ----------
; TEXTAUTHOR_AlignmentLocked
; The text for the multiline alignment cycle button in the styles menu.
; Auto
; English: "Auto"
MSG 0x0f505c00 "Auto"
; ----------
; The text for the word wrap cycle button in the styles menu. Auto
; English: "Auto "
MSG 0x0f506800 "Auto "
; ----------
; The text for the word wrap cycle button in the styles menu. Off
; English: "Off"
MSG 0x0f507000 "Off"
; ======================================================================