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299 lines
;; A clone of a famous game.
;; clone.ccl - The clone configuration language.
;; (c) Copyright 1998,1999 by Lutz Sammer
;; $Id: clone.ccl,v 1.22 2000/02/25 00:56:43 root Exp $
(display "clone config file loading ...");
(define nil () )
;; Config-Part
;; Edit the next sections to get your look and feel.
;; Enter your default title screen.
(title-screen "ale-title.png")
;; Define mana-sprite.
;; (mana-sprite file hotx hoty width height)
;(mana-sprite "mana.png" 7 7 7 7)
;; Define health-sprite.
;; (mana-sprite file hotx hoty width height)
;(health-sprite "health.png" 0 7 7 7)
;; Uncomment next, to get a health bar to the left of the unit
;; Uncomment next, to get a health dot to the left of the unit
;; Uncomment next, to get a mana bar to the right of the unit
;; Uncomment next, to get a mana dot to the right of the unit
;; Uncomment next, to get no full bars or dots.
;; Uncomment next, to show always bars or dots.
;; Uncomment next, to show bars and dots always on top.
;; Uncomment next, to show the sight range of the selected unit on map.
;; Uncomment next, to show the react range of the selected unit on map.
;; Uncomment next, to show the attack range of the selected unit on map.
;; Uncomment next, to show the orders of the selected unit on map.
;; Change next, for the wanted mouse speed.
(mouse-adjust 15)
;; Uncomment next, to reverse middle mouse button map move direction.
;; Uncomment next, to reveal the complete map.
;; Uncomment next, to disable the fog of war.
(define (no-fog) (no-fog-of-war)) ; SHORTCUT
;; Uncomment next, to enable the fog of war.
;; Choose your default for minimap with/without terrain.
;; Choose your default for the fog of war style.
;; If you use gray style fog of war set the contrast,brightness,saturation
(fog-of-war-contrast 30)
(fog-of-war-brightness 10)
(fog-of-war-saturation 100)
;; Edit next to increase the speed, for debugging.
;; Decrease the mining time by this factor.
(speed-mine 10)
;; Decrease the time in a gold deposit by this factor.
(speed-gold 10)
;; Decrease the time for chopping a tree by this factor.
(speed-chop 10)
;; Decrease the time in a wood deposit by this factor.
(speed-wood 10)
;; Decrease the time for haul oil by this factor.
(speed-haul 10)
;; Decrease the time in an oil deposit by this factor.
(speed-oil 10)
;; Decrease the time to build a unit by this factor.
(speed-build 10)
;; Decrease the time to train a unit by this factor.
(speed-train 10)
;; Decrease the time to upgrade a unit by this factor.
(speed-upgrade 10)
;; Decrease the time to research by this factor.
(speed-research 10)
;; You can do all the above with this
(speeds 1)
;; Definitions-Part
;; Tileset names for slots
(define TilesetSummer 0)
(define TilesetWinter 1)
(define TilesetWasteland 2)
(define TilesetSwamp 3)
;; Missile names for slots
(define MissileLightning 0)
(define MissileGriffonHammer 1)
(define MissileDragonBreath 2)
(define MissileFireball 3)
(define MissileFlameShield 4)
(define MissileBlizzard 5)
(define MissileDeathDecay 6)
(define MissileBigCannon 7)
(define MissileExorcism 8)
(define MissileHealEffect 9)
(define MissileTouchOfDeath 10)
(define MissileRune 11)
(define MissileWhirlwind 12)
(define MissileCatapultRock 13)
(define MissileBallistaBolt 14)
(define MissileArrow 15)
(define MissileAxe 16)
(define MissileSubmarineMissile 17)
(define MissileTurtleMissile 18)
(define MissileSmallFire 19)
(define MissileBigFire 20)
(define MissileImpact 21)
(define MissileNormalSpell 22)
(define MissileExplosion 23)
(define MissileSmallCannon 24)
(define MissileCannonExplosion 25)
(define MissileCannonTowerExplosion 26)
(define MissileDaemonFire 27)
(define MissileGreenCross 28)
(define MissileNone 29)
;; Unit-type names for slots
(define UnitFootman 0)
(define UnitGrunt 1)
(define UnitPeasant 2)
(define UnitPeon 3)
(define UnitBallista 4)
(define UnitCatapult 5)
(define UnitKnight 6)
(define UnitOgre 7)
(define UnitArcher 8)
(define UnitAxethrower 9)
(define UnitMage 10)
(define UnitDeathKnight 11)
(define UnitPaladin 12)
(define UnitOgreMage 13)
(define UnitDwarves 14)
(define UnitGoblinSappers 15)
(define UnitAttackPeasant 16)
(define UnitAttackPeon 17)
(define UnitRanger 18)
(define UnitBerserker 19)
(define UnitAlleria 20)
(define UnitTeronGorefiend 21)
(define UnitKurdanAndSky_ree 22)
(define UnitDentarg 23)
(define UnitKhadgar 24)
(define UnitGromHellscream 25)
(define UnitTankerHuman 26)
(define UnitTankerOrc 27)
(define UnitTransportHuman 28)
(define UnitTransportOrc 29)
(define UnitElvenDestroyer 30)
(define UnitTrollDestroyer 31)
(define UnitBattleship 32)
(define UnitJuggernaught 33)
(define UnitNothing 34)
(define UnitDeathwing 35)
(define UnitNothing1 36)
(define UnitNothing2 37)
(define UnitGnomishSubmarine 38)
(define UnitGiantTurtle 39)
(define UnitGnomishFlyingMachine 40)
(define UnitGoblinZeppelin 41)
(define UnitGryphonRider 42)
(define UnitDragon 43)
(define UnitTuralyon 44)
(define UnitEyeOfKilrogg 45)
(define UnitDanath 46)
(define UnitKorgathBladefist 47)
(define UnitNothing3 48)
(define UnitCho_gall 49)
(define UnitLothar 50)
(define UnitGul_dan 51)
(define UnitUtherLightbringer 52)
(define UnitZuljin 53)
(define UnitNothing4 54)
(define UnitSkeleton 55)
(define UnitDaemon 56)
(define UnitCritter 57)
(define UnitFarm 58)
(define UnitPigFarm 59)
(define UnitBarracksHuman 60)
(define UnitBarracksOrc 61)
(define UnitChurch 62)
(define UnitAltarOfStorms 63)
(define UnitScoutTowerHuman 64)
(define UnitScoutTowerOrc 65)
(define UnitStables 66)
(define UnitOgreMound 67)
(define UnitGnomishInventor 68)
(define UnitGoblinAlchemist 69)
(define UnitGryphonAviary 70)
(define UnitDragonRoost 71)
(define UnitShipyardHuman 72)
(define UnitShipyardOrc 73)
(define UnitTownHall 74)
(define UnitGreatHall 75)
(define UnitElvenLumberMill 76)
(define UnitTrollLumberMill 77)
(define UnitFoundryHuman 78)
(define UnitFoundryOrc 79)
(define UnitMageTower 80)
(define UnitTempleOfTheDamned 81)
(define UnitBlacksmithHuman 82)
(define UnitBlacksmithOrc 83)
(define UnitRefineryHuman 84)
(define UnitRefineryOrc 85)
(define UnitOilPlatformHuman 86)
(define UnitOilPlatformOrc 87)
(define UnitKeep 88)
(define UnitStronghold 89)
(define UnitCastle 90)
(define UnitFortress 91)
(define UnitGoldMine 92)
(define UnitOilPatch 93)
(define UnitStartLocationHuman 94)
(define UnitStartLocationOrc 95)
(define UnitGuardTowerHuman 96)
(define UnitGuardTowerOrc 97)
(define UnitCannonTowerHuman 98)
(define UnitCannonTowerOrc 99)
(define UnitCircleofPower 100)
(define UnitDarkPortal 101)
(define UnitRunestone 102)
(define UnitWallHuman 103)
(define UnitWallOrc 104)
(define UnitDeadBody 105)
(define UnitDestroyed1x1Place 106)
(define UnitDestroyed2x2Place 107)
(define UnitDestroyed3x3Place 108)
(define UnitDestroyed4x4Place 109)
(define UnitPeasantWithGold 110)
(define UnitPeonWithGold 111)
(define UnitPeasantWithWood 112)
(define UnitPeonWithWood 113)
;; Tables-Part
(primitive-load "data/ccl/tilesets.ccl")
(primitive-load "data/ccl/sound.ccl")
(primitive-load "data/ccl/missiles.ccl")
(primitive-load "data/ccl/units.ccl")
(display "... ready!") (newline)