Archive Magazine 1997
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Text File
299 lines
> PrData *** dot matrix printer configuration ***
version: 1 ;Don't change this. It is used to detect
; incompatible old "PrData" files.
Default resolutions
pxres: 180 ; dots per inch
pyres: 180
pxres_halftone: 180/8
pyres_halftone: 180/8
features: 16_00000000 ; doesn`t support arbitrary transformation
dump_depth: 24
interlace: 0
line_prologue: ""
line_epilogue: ""
line_interlace: ""
job_epilogue: ""
job_prologue: ""
Real printer definitions
printer_name: EPSON LQ compatible (180 by 180 dpi)
printer_number: 0
pxres: 180 ; dots per inch
pyres: 180
pxres_halftone: 180/8
pyres_halftone: 180/8
dump_depth: 24 ; 24 pin printer
line_prologue: "<27>*<39>" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>$<0><0><27>J<24>" ; move down 24/180 inch
printer_name: EPSON LQ compatible (360 by 180 dpi)
printer_number: 1
pxres: 360 ; dots per inch
pyres: 180
pxres_halftone: 360/8
pyres_halftone: 180/8
dump_depth: 24 ; 24 pin printer
line_prologue: "<27>*<40>" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>$<0><0><27>J<24>" ; move down 24/180 inch
printer_name: EPSON LQ compatible (90 by 180 dpi)
printer_number: 2
pxres: 90 ; dots per inch
pyres: 180
pxres_halftone: 90/4
pyres_halftone: 180/8
dump_depth: 24 ; 24 pin printer
line_prologue: "<27>*<38>" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>$<0><0><27>J<24>" ; move down 24/180 inch
printer_name: EPSON LQ compatible (120 by 180 dpi)
printer_number: 3
pxres: 120 ; dots per inch
pyres: 180
pxres_halftone: 120/8
pyres_halftone: 180/8
dump_depth: 24 ; 24 pin printer
line_prologue: "<27>*<33>" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>$<0><0><27>J<24>" ; move down 24/180 inch
printer_name: EPSON LQ compatible (60 by 60 dpi)
printer_number: 4
pxres: 60 ; dots per inch
pyres: 60
pxres_halftone: 60/4
pyres_halftone: 60/4
dump_depth: 8 ; 8 pin mode
line_prologue: "<27>K" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>$<0><0><27>J<24>" ; move down 24/180 inch
printer_name: EPSON LQ compatible (120 by 60 dpi)
printer_number: 5
pxres: 120 ; dots per inch
pyres: 60
pxres_halftone: 120/8
pyres_halftone: 60/4
dump_depth: 8 ; 8 pin mode
line_prologue: "<27>L" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>$<0><0><27>J<24>" ; move down 24/180 inch
printer_name: EPSON FX compatible (60 by 72 dpi)
printer_number: 6
pxres: 60 ; dots per inch
pyres: 72
pxres_halftone: 60/4
pyres_halftone: 72/4
dump_depth: 8 ; 8 pin printer
line_prologue: "<27>K" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>A<0><13><27>2<27>J<24>"
; move down 8*3/216 inch
job_epilogue: "<27>@"
printer_name: EPSON FX compatible (90 by 72 dpi)
printer_number: 7
pxres: 90 ; dots per inch
pyres: 72
pxres_halftone: 90/8
pyres_halftone: 72/4
dump_depth: 8 ; 8 pin printer
line_prologue: "<27>*<6>" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>A<0><13><27>2<27>J<24>"
; move down 8*3/216 inch
job_epilogue: "<27>@"
printer_name: EPSON FX compatible (120 by 144 dpi)
printer_number: 8
pxres: 120 ; dots per inch
pyres: 144 ; not regularly spaced
pxres_halftone: 120/8
pyres_halftone: 144/8
dump_depth: 16 ; 8 pin printer, interlaced
line_prologue: "<27>Y" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>A<0><13><27>2<27>J<22>"
; move down (8*3-2)/216 inch
interlace: 1
line_interlace: "<27>A<0><13><27>2<27>J<2>"
; move down 2/216 inch: note accuracy not guaranteed on this.
job_epilogue: "<27>@"
printer_name: EPSON FX compatible (240 by 144 dpi)
printer_number: 9
pxres: 240 ; dots per inch
pyres: 144 ; not regularly spaced
pxres_halftone: 240/8
pyres_halftone: 144/8
dump_depth: 16 ; 8 pin printer, interlaced
line_prologue: "<27>Z" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>A<0><13><27>2<27>J<22>"
; move down (8*3-2)/216 inch
interlace: 1
line_interlace: "<27>A<0><13><27>2<27>J<2>"
; move down 2/216 inch: note accuracy not guaranteed on this.
job_epilogue: "<27>@"
printer_name: EPSON FX compatible (240 by 216 dpi)
printer_number: 10
pxres: 240 ; dots per inch
pyres: 216
pxres_halftone: 240/8
pyres_halftone: 216/8
dump_depth: 24 ; 8 pin printer, doubly interlaced
line_prologue: "<27>Z" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>A<0><13><27>2<27>J<22>"
; move down (8*3-2)/216 inch
interlace: 2
line_interlace: "<27>A<0><13><27>2<27>J<1>"
; move down 1/216 inch: note accuracy not guaranteed on this.
job_epilogue: "<27>@"
printer_name: EPSON LQ-850 compatible (360 by 360 dpi)
printer_number: 11
pxres: 360 ; dots per inch
pyres: 360
pxres_halftone: 360/8
pyres_halftone: 360/8
dump_depth: 48 ; 24 pin printer, interlaced
line_prologue: "<27>*<40>" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<27>+<47><10><27>2<27>$<0><0>"
; move down 47/360 inch
interlace: 1
line_interlace: "<27>+<1><10><27>2<27>$<0><0>"
; move down 1/360 inch
job_epilogue: "<27>@"
printer_name: NEC PinWriter P6 plus (360 by 360 dpi)
printer_number: 12
pxres: 360 ; dots per inch
pyres: 360
pxres_halftone: 360/8
pyres_halftone: 360/8
dump_depth: 48 ; 24 pin printer, interlaced
line_prologue: "<27>*<40>" ; select appropriate mode
line_epilogue: "<28>3<47><10><27>2<27>$<0><0>"
; move down 47/360 inch
interlace: 1
line_interlace: "<28>3<1><10><27>2<27>$<0><0>"
; move down 1/360 inch
job_epilogue: "<27>@"
Page size settings
These are written back to this file when the "Save" entry is clicked;
therefore they are all fixed size fields.
page_number: 0 ; the number of the page size table entry we want to do
; don't need to write this back!
page_name: A4 paper;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pad names to 80 characters with ;
page_width: 0000575505; Pad (decimal) numbers to 10 chars with leading 0s
page_height: 0000694575
page_bottom: 0000000000
page_top: 0000694575
page_left: 0000000000
page_right: 0000575505
page_number: 1
page_name: Letter;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
page_width: 0000612000
page_height: 0000792000
page_bottom: 0000002880
page_top: 0000789120
page_left: 0000018000
page_right: 0000594000
page_number: 2
page_name: Legal;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
page_width: 0000612076
page_height: 0001008126
page_bottom: 0000036004
page_top: 0000972122
page_left: 0000064071
page_right: 0000548005
Configured options
start_page_number: 00 ;page description - pad to two chars with 0
printer: 07 ;printer number - pad to two chars with 0
location: 1 ;1 - parallel, 2 - serial, 4 - net
baud: 3 ; 0 - 75, 1 - 150, 2 - 300 , 3 - 1200
; 4 - 2400, 5 - 4800, 6 - 9600 , 7 - 19200
; 8 - 50, 9 - 110, 10 - 134.5, 11 - 600
;12 - 1800, 13 - 3600, 14 - 7200
data: &24 ;serial data format - pad to two chars with 0
;b0-b1 0,1,2,3 => 8,7,6,5 bits
;b2 0=>1 stop bit, 1=>2 stop bits OR 1.5 stop bits if 5 bits
;without parity, OR 1 stop bit if 8 bits with parity
;b3 0/1 => parity off/on
;b4-b5 0,1,2,3 => parity odd, even, 1 on Tx, 0 on Tx
xon: 0 ;XON/XOFF 0 off 1 on
server: 0.235;;; either [<net>.]<station> eg `235;;;;;` or `123.235;`
;or up to 6 char name eg `blue;;;;` or `yellow;;`
;must be padded to 8 chars with ; in either case
file: ADFS::ProjectDrw.$.PrintTemp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;filename to use, padded to 80 characters.
line: 0 ;0/1 1=>convert CR or LF to CR,LF
mono: 0 ;0/1 1=>use monochrome output buffer. Sprites/fonts will
; not be greyscaled.