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- Hints and Tips
- 9.12
- C++ Operator Summary Ö Itæs a bit late to go with my series, but C++
- programmers who read Archive will probably find this information handy.
- Itæs a cut down version of the table that appears in Bjarne Stroustrupæs
- ÉThe C++ Programming Languageæ (2nd Edn) 1994, Addison Wesley.
- 9.12
- :: scope resolution
- 9.12
- :: global
- 9.12
- . member selection
- 9.12
- -> member selection
- 9.12
- [] subscripting
- 9.12
- () function call
- 9.12
- () value construction
- 9.12
- ++ post increment
- 9.12
- ÿ post decrement
- 9.12
- sizeof size of object
- 9.12
- sizeof size of type
- 9.12
- ++ pre increment
- 9.12
- ÿ pre decrement
- 9.12
- ~ complement
- 9.12
- ! not
- 9.12
- - unary minus
- 9.12
- + unary plus
- 9.12
- & address of
- 9.12
- * dereference
- 9.12
- new create (allocate)
- 9.12
- delete destroy (de-allocate)
- 9.12
- delete[] destroy array
- 9.12
- () cast (type conversion)
- 9.12
- .* member selection
- 9.12
- ->* member selection
- 9.12
- * multiply
- 9.12
- / divide
- 9.12
- % remainder
- 9.12
- + add
- 9.12
- - subtract
- 9.12
- << shift left
- 9.12
- >> shift right
- 9.12
- < less than
- 9.12
- > greater than
- 9.12
- <= less than or equal
- 9.12
- >= greater than or equal
- 9.12
- == equal
- 9.12
- != not equal
- 9.12
- & bitwise AND
- 9.12
- ^ bitwise exclusive OR
- 9.12
- | bitwise inclusive OR
- 9.12
- && logical AND
- 9.12
- || logical inclusive OR
- 9.12
- ?: conditional expression
- 9.12
- = simple assignment
- 9.12
- *= multiply and assign
- 9.12
- /= divide and assign
- 9.12
- %= modulo and assign
- 9.12
- += add and assign
- 9.12
- -= subtract and assign
- 9.12
- <<= shift left and assign
- 9.12
- >>= shift right and assign
- 9.12
- &= AND and assign
- 9.12
- |= inclusive OR and assign
- 9.12
- ^= exclusive OR and assign
- 9.12
- throw throw exception
- 9.12
- , comma (sequencing)
- 9.12
- Each box holds operators with the same precedence and has higher
- precedence than the box below.
- 9.12
- Unary and assignment operators are right associative.
- 9.12
- All other operators are left associative.
- 9.12
- Tony Houghton, <tonyh@tcp.co.uk>
- 9.12
- Bitfolio clipart Ö The Bitfolio Edition 7 CD¡ROM, reviewed in Archive
- 9.6 p9, has quite rightly come in for many plaudits. The high quality of
- the images and the sheer value for money, in my view, really puts all
- other collections well in the shade. Some problems have come to light
- but, fortunately, aásimple workround seems to apply to nearly all cases.
- A few drawfiles on the CD wonæt load (a few out of 10,000? I think we
- can live with that!). However, others hit problems when dropped directly
- into applications such as Artworks, Impression, Ovation, etc.
- 9.12
- Fortunately, applying what appears to be a universal workround, is a
- trivial task. Simply double-click on the drawfile icon to load the image
- into Draw, call up a Save...File dialogue box and drag the Save as icon
- to its destination (Artworks, Impression etc). Hey presto! Ö no Artworks
- crashes, and the graphic loads into the DTP frame at exactly 100% scale;
- problem solved.
- 9.12
- Jim Nottingham <toms@ndirect.co.uk>
- 9.12
- Cumana SCSI 2 upgrades Ö Whilst browsing on Acornæs FTP site, I
- discovered two upgrades for the Cumana SCSIá2 card, versions 2.00 and
- 2.01. I tried version 2.00 first and then 2.01 Ö dated 7 June 96. Both
- worked fine. However, when Iácame to use the SCSI manager program to
- format and partition a new 650Mb Panasonic cartridge for my ProTeus
- drive, I discovered, to my amazement, that I could obtain 8 (yes eight!)
- partitions Ö the original SCSI4 to 7 plus SCSI0 to 3. There is no
- mention of this in the read me files. I phoned Cumana support, who
- confirmed that eight partitions were now available, in spite of !Help
- and other documentation still insisting that, because of RISCáOS
- restrictions, only four partitions out of a possible 64 can be obtained
- with this card. Anyway, Iáhad a device, partitioned into eight sections,
- running for several days without any problems.
- 9.12
- Later, however, I encountered a small problem when switching on my
- machine. It started to hang, and Iáneeded to switch on and off two or
- three times before I could get the !Boot running from my ADFS HardDisc4.
- After a lot of trial and error, I found a small item in the Read Me file
- mentioning that some SCSI hard drives did not like SCSI resets on power
- up. From the SCSI manager screen, I selected the Host and then clicked
- on Set Host ID. Under SCSI Reset, I changed the selected button from
- Enabled to Delayed Ö problem solved.
- 9.12
- The upgrades can be found on the Acorn FTP site ftp://ftp.acorn.co.uk/
- pub/riscos/thirdparty/cumana. Any members, who are not on the Net, can
- get a copy from me at 50 Cornwall Road, Southampton, SO18 2QZ, sending a
- blank formatted disc and return postage.
- 9.12
- Ted Lacey <tedell@argonet.co.uk>
- 9.12
- New TurboDrivers Ö Following an email exchange between James Taylor of
- NCS and Kate Moir of Computer Concepts weæve acquired the following
- information about the new versions of the TurboDrivers:
- 9.12
- New versions of Computer Conceptsæ TurboDrivers have recently been
- released.
- 9.12
- The latest shipping version of TurboDriver (4.05) will only install to
- versions 1.45, 1.52 and 1.53 of !Printers. The TurboDriver installer has
- to upgrade the !RunImage file of !Printers, and Computer Concepts are
- limited Ö by disc space Ö to the number of replacement !RunImages they
- can offer. They decided that as versions 1.45Ö1.53 constituted the
- latest versions of !Printers, it made more sense to support them and
- drop support of the previous versions.
- 9.12
- The TurboDriver uses !Printers as a öfront endò but uses its own
- rendering and queueing system. The rendering system is quite different
- from the standard Acorn system, and the queueing system complements and
- interacts with the Acorn system, actually improving printout times from
- applications which do not use the Acorn graphics output mode (i.e. Edit,
- First Word Plus, etc).
- 9.12
- As to a comparison of quality, Computer Concepts feel that the
- TurboDriver is better, and certainly, the full control of halftone
- angles, that the TurboDriver offers, provides the user with much greater
- control over the output quality. However, assessing quality of output is
- very subjective.
- 9.12
- All the TurboDrivers have been upgraded (Epson, Canon and HP). An
- existing user of, say, the Canon TurboDriver can purchase the Epson and/
- or HP printer engines and definition files for an additional ú11.75each
- (inclusive) from Computer Concepts.
- 9.12
- It is possible to have two (or more) different types of TurboDriver
- resident in !Printers at one time. The only requirement is that the
- TurboDriver definitions be the same version, i.e. Epson TurboDriver 4.05
- and Canon TurboDriver 4.05. Epson TurboDriver 4.04 will not work with
- Canon TurboDriver 4.05.
- 9.12
- When using a non-TurboDriver printer definition files with a copy of
- !Printers which has had the TurboDrivers installed into it, RISCáOS
- printing is via Acorn code, and queueing via TurboDriver code.
- 9.12
- Recent improvements in speed and quality have been made to !Printers.
- There has been speculation that !Printers has closed the gap, or even
- overtaken, the TurboDrivers in terms of speed.
- 9.12
- Speed of output is dependent upon too many variables to quote specifics.
- An additional 100Kb of free memory can make a significant difference in
- the time to output.
- 9.12
- Computer Concepts claim that the TurboDriver is still significantly
- faster than !Printers 1.53 in most areas of printing. Multiple copies of
- multi-page documents will always be faster via the TurboDriver, as will
- ArtWorks images and RISC OS text documents. Single bitmap (and JPEG
- bitmaps) may be faster via the standard Acorn drivers.
- 9.12
- Alex Allen <tech.NCS@paston.co.uk>
- 9.12
- Upgrading PC cards Ö Readers who install 486-100 or pentium processors
- may like to be warned; if you have already upgraded your software to
- !PCx86, do not be tempted to skip installing this when you receive your
- new processor package. There are bits and pieces in the latest version
- without which you will have trouble, so install the lot (!PCx86, PCDos7
- and all).
- 9.12
- Colin Buckland <colin.buckland@ci.educ.lu>
- 9.12