Iconbar:|MClick on this icon with MENU to change preferences. \Sopen the data entry \w. To load data, drag a GraphDraw file onto this icon.
GrafW:\Tgraph \w.|MClick MENU in this \w for a range of options to change the way the graph is plotted, and to make a draw or multiplot file.
InfoW2:This application allows up to %0 data points to be fitted to various types of curve or line and plotted on a graph.
InfoW3:The author, Chris Johnson, can be contacted at :-|M7, Lovedale Grove, Balerno, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS.
InfoW4:\Tversion number and the date it was produced.|MRegistered users can obtain the latest version at any time by sending a disc together with return postage to the author.
InfoW1:\TGraphDraw application.
H8:Enter the name for the file you wish to save. If the full path name is entered you may then click on OK or press <RETURN>. If you just enter the filename then you must drag the file icon to a directory viewer.
H9:\Ssave the data in %0 format.|MThe full path name must be set up in the writable icon for this to work.
H15:\Sposition the caret and type in the text to label the %0.|MUse TAB or èarrow to move on to the next writable box.
LabelW3:\Sposition the caret and type in the text to title the graph.|MClick on the display icon to put the text on to the graph.
LabelW6:\Sdisplay the text labels on the graph.|MThe text labels may be dragged to your preferred position in the usual way.
LabelW7:Text labels may be removed from the graph by clicking \s here.|MThe text is still remembered, and may be redisplayed by clicking on DISPLAY.
LabelW8:The y-axis text label may be displayed as conventional horizontal text or in a vertical rotated format.|M\Suse
LabelW8A:vertical format.
LabelW8B:horizontal format.
LabelW9:\Smove following text up half a line.
LabelW10:\Smove following text down half a line.
LabelW11:\Schange following text to normal style.
LabelW12:\Schange following text to bold style.
LabelW13:\Schange following text to italic style.
LabelW14:\Schange following text to symbol style.
LabelW:This \w allows you to label the axes of the graph and to give the graph a title. Enter the text into the writable icons and then click on display.|MThe labels may be repositioned by dragging to your chosen position.
LabelW15/SaveW3/DefaultM1/LayW33:\Sclose this \w and cancel any changes you have made.
LayW0:This group of icons controls the layout of pips on the axes.|M
LayW1a:Pips are now inside the body of the graph.
LayW1b:\Sput the pips inside the body of the graph.
LayW2a:Pips are now outside the body of the graph.
LayW2b:\Sput the pips outside the body of the graph.
LayW3a:Pips are now across the axis lines of the graph.
LayW3b:\Sput the pips across the axis lines of the graph.
LayW6:\Sdecrease the length of the axis pips.|MThe minimum value you can set is 10 os units.
LayW7:\Sincrease the length of the axis pips.|MThe maximum value you can set is 40 os units.
LayW8:Click \s in this writable icon and enter the length of the axis pips.|MThe range of values allowed is 10 - 40 os units.
LayW11:This icon controls whether the graph is enclosed by a box.|MThe box may be toggled on and off by clicking \s on this icon.
LayW12:\Sclose this window and cancel any changes you have made.
LayW17:If the graph is enclosed by a box, then it may be plotted with or without axis pips. \Sswitch the pips on or off.|MThis icon can only be toggled if the box outline is \sED.
LayW31:If the graph is enclosed by a box, then it may be plotted with or without a superimposed grid. \Sswitch the grid on or off.|MThis icon can only be toggled if the box outline is \sED.
LayW14:\Stoggle the plotting of the data points on or off.|MThe lines cannot be turned OFF. Use the option "Plot points" from the edit \w menu instead.
LayW22:When this choice is selected, the program will choose the axis ranges for you. \Stoggle the automatic axis range facility.|MWhen automatic is deselected, you may enter values in the writable icons below this icon.
H35:When automatic range selection is disabled, you may enter your choice of %0 value here.
H36:|MNote the program will still select a rounded value close to your choice when it plots the graph.
LayW18:You may choose to plot the axis labels to the side of the axis pips.|M\Stoggle the x-axis offset.
LayW19:You may choose to plot the axis labels to the side of the axis pips.|M\Stoggle the y-axis offset.
LayW9:\Sreplot the graph with any changes you have made to the layout implemented.
LayW:This \w allows a range of options controlling the way the graph is displayed to be changed.
DefaultW:This \w allows you to select various default options for plotting the graphs.
DefaultW9x:The name of the %0 font that is used to label the graph is shown here.
DefaultW21/DefaultW22/DefaultW23:\Schange the text size.
DefaultW25/DefaultW26/DefaultW27/DefaultW28:\Sshow a menu of all the installed fonts.|MChoose a different font from the menu in the usual way.
DefaultW5x:The size of the font (in points) used to %0 is shown here.
DefaultW5:title the graph
DefaultW6:title the graph axes
DefaultW7:label the graph axes
DefaultW29/DefaultW30/DefaultW31:The line widths (in points) used when printing are shown here.
DefaultW33/DefaultW34/DefaultW35:\Schange the printer line widths (in points).
DefaultW40/DefaultW41/DefaultW42:The line widths (in points) used in exported drawfiles are shown here.
DefaultW44/DefaultW45/DefaultW46:\Schange the line widths (in points) in exported drawfiles.
DefaultW52:Selecting this option will automatically kern text for fonts which support text kerning.
DefaultW49:This group of icons selects how the grid lines are plotted when displayed.|M\Suse continuous lines for the grid.
DefaultW50:This group of icons selects how the grid lines are plotted when displayed.|M\Suse a sequence of dashes for the lines.|MThere is no way of changing the dot-dash pattern.
DefaultW51:If this is selected, then when you save a new set of default options, some of the current graph layout options will also be saved and will be remembered the next time MultiPlot is started.
DefaultM0:Click \s or \a here to save a new set of default options which will be used the next time MultiPlot is started. These options will also be used in the current session.
DefaultM2:Click \s or \a here to replot the graph using the new options you have selected. If you wish the changed parameters to become the new default parameters then you must also click on SAVE.
DefaultM:This \w displays the default settings used when Multiplot is started. You may change the settings, and save the new settings to be used next time Multiplot is started.
H61:\Da directory viewer to save the data in %0 format.
H62:This \w allows you to save your data in %0 format.
EditW:This \w allows you to enter x,y data for plotting and curve fitting. Up to %0 data point pairs can be entered. Click MENU for a wide range of data processing options.
EditW3:\Splace caret here. Enter your %0 and press RETURN to move to %1. Use the ARROW keys, with or without SHIFT or CTRL (or PAGE UP/DOWN) to scroll through data.
EditW5:\Splace caret here. Enter your %0 y data and press RETURN. Use the ARROW keys, with or without SHIFT or CTRL (or PAGE UP/DOWN) to scroll through data.
EditW7:You may plot the graph with or without error bars.|M
EditW7a:\Sremove error bars
EditW7b:\Senter limits for error bars
EditW12:\Senter a constant fraction error for all data points.
EditW13:\Splace caret here and enter fractional error.
H70:Enter the degree of smoothing of the splined curve and press return. A value close to unity will force the line through all the points, while a value near zero, will use a smooth curve. You MUST NOT use 0 or 1.
DataW:This \w shows the results of the %0 fit. Click with MENU for options to display graph or save or print data. (To print - drag icon to Printer Driver icon on iconbar)
IntGen1:You cannot interpolate values outside the x range of data points.
IntGen2:\Splace caret here.
IntSW:Enter the value of x. Press RETURN to display the corresponding value of y.|M
IntSW3:This icon shows the interpolated value of y.
IntMW:You may enter a range of x values and an increment. \Sbegin the interpolation.
IntMW3:Enter the start (low) value of x.
IntMW4:Enter the end (high) value of x.
IntMW5:Enter the value to increment x.
IntMW6:\Sbegin the interpolation. Drag the resulting "Save as" icon to a filer window, an editor, or a printer driver.
IntMW7:\Sclose the window.
FormatW0a:Files loaded must have %0 as data separator.
FormatW0b:\Sload files with %0 as data separator.
FormatW5:Enter the ASCII value to use as data separator.
FormatW7:\Simplement the new setting.
E1:Data Transfer Failed! Receiver died
E2:Applications should not save data to themselves! Drag the icon to a different application or directory viewer
FontErr1:Internal error. %0 font not found. Double click on !Fonts and rerun application
FontErr2:Internal error. %0 font not found. %1 font substituted
E6:Data points in excess of maximum allowed were discarded
E8:No data points have been read in
E11:You do not appear to have loaded/entered any data!
E12:To save, drag the icon to a directory viewer
E13:Error in converting x data
E14:Error in converting y data
E15: - You cannot take the logarithm of zero or a negative number
E16:Bad no. of axis intervals
E17:Bad graph axis range
E18:Out of indirect memory for icon. Application terminated
E23:Smoothness parameter must lie BETWEEN 0 and 1. It must not equal either of the limits.
E24:You have not entered data for %0
E25:This file is not of type GraphDraw, but is a %0. Do you wish to continue?
E26:Do you wish to save the current file? Click on OK to quit program immediately. Click on CANCEL to return to program to save file
E27:Printer is not on-line! Switch on-line before continuing
E28:Not enough data for this data treatment method
E29:Data point %0 has insufficient data.
E30:You cannot take the reciprocal of ZERO
E31:You cannot take the square root of a negative number
E32:Not enough data for analysis. You need at least %0 data points.
E33:Printer off-line or busy. Print operation aborted
E34:All the X-coordinates are the same. Calculation terminated
E35:This spline algorithm fails if two x values are equal. Check and modify the data if necessary.
E36:Sorry, but a division by zero error has occurred during spline matrix operations. The graph plotting has been abandoned.
E37:X value outwith range of data. Operation aborted
E38:Increment larger than x range.
E39:Sorry, but a division by zero error has occurred. Calculation has been abandoned
E40:Warning - all data is about to be deleted!
E41:Drag the "save as" icon to a directory viewer or to the installed printer driver icon
E42:Interpolation involves %0 steps. Do you wish to continue with this many steps?
WarnClear:You are about to delete all data. This cannot be undone.
WarnUnsaved:GraphDraw has some unsaved data. Do you wish to save it before quitting?
# Printer driver errors
PE1:Printer not available
PE2:You must have a printer driver loaded to produce hard copy
# Draw module errors
DE3:Cannot increase slot size to claim memory for draw file buffer. Quit non-essential applications and try again.
# Graphing errors
GE1:Bad no. of axis intervals
GE2:Bad graph axis range
GE3: - You cannot take the logarithm of zero or a negative number
UC1:The help file has not been found in the application. I am sorry but full on-line help will not be available.
FontErr1:Internal error. %0 font not found. Double click on !Fonts and rerun application
FontErr2:Internal error. %0 font not found. %1 font substituted