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/ Archive Magazine 1996 / ARCHIVE_96.iso / discs / mag_discs / volume_9 / issue_06 / pocketbook / calc3a / COMMA.EQN (.txt) < prev    next >
Psion Database  |  1995-12-17  |  3KB  |  129 lines

  1. OPLDatabaseFile
  2. example of sine degrees
  3. SIN(RAD(alfa))H
  4. directivity index wall DI-MAX(MIN(3-(10*LOG((0,4*(beta-90))+3));3);-10)J
  5. directivity index roof DI/MAX(MIN(3-(10*LOG((0,4*(beta-93,6))+3));3);-10).
  6. meteo correction cm
  7. 5-(50*((hb+ho)/distance))@
  8. reflection factor cylinder Rf!(diameter*SIN(RAD(fi)/2))/(2*rbm)"
  9. density (mass/volume)
  10. mass/volumeU
  11. loan payment(PV,i,n)?loanbalance*interestrate/(1-((1+interestrate)**(-numofmonths)))G
  12. area of right circular cone*PI*diameter*SQR((diameter**2)+(height**2))
  13. force
  14. mass*accleration
  15.     natural e
  16. EXP(1)
  17. accleration g m/s
  18. 9,813
  19. law of snellius, braking index
  20. SIN(alfa)/SIN(beta)/
  21. electric power
  22. voltage*current*COS(phaseangle)
  23. absolute zero point 0K
  24. -273,16
  25. colog
  26. LOG(1/x)
  27. voltage 
  28. current*resistance7
  29. geometric noise atten. Dgeo
  30. 10*LOG(4*PI*(distance**2))O
  31. term(FV,PV,i) investment incr./LN(futurevalue/currentvalue)/LN(1+annualintrst)b
  32. loan payment%(PV,i,n)Kloanbalance*(interestrate/100)/(1-((1+(interestrate/100))**(-numofmonths)))*
  33. convert nautmiles to miles
  34. nautmiles/0,87
  35. convert km/h to knots
  36. kmh*0,45'
  37. convert hectares to acres
  38. hectares/0,4#
  39. convert ounces to pounds    ounces/16#
  40. convert acres to hectares
  41. acre*0,4)
  42. convert degrees to kelvin
  43. degrees-273,15(
  44. convert kelvin to degrees
  45. kelvin+273,150
  46. Dground 250 hz -1+(Bb*((0,9*(1-EXP(-r/50)))+1))D
  47. DI correction510*LOG(1+(((Rp**2)+(Hb-Ho)**2)/((Rp**2)+(Hb-Ho)**2)))M
  48. Dground fequency independend/MAX(4,8-(((2*((Hb+Ho)/2))/r)*(17+(300/r)));0,0)5
  49. sum of elements 1+2+3...+n
  50. 0,5*Elements*(Elements+1)/
  51. seq. search avg # comparisons
  52. 0,5*(Elements+1)4
  53. bin search avg # comparisons
  54. LOG(Elements+1)/LOG(2).
  55. speed of sound c
  56. 331,4*SQR(1+(Kelvin/273,15))Y
  57. min freq. Fc for reflections;((2*c)/((Length*COS(RAD(Angle)))**2))*((Rbr*Ror)/(Rbr+Ror))1
  58. convert Fahrenheit to celsius
  59. (farenheit-32)/1,8/
  60. convert celsius to Fahrenheit
  61. (celcius*1,8)+32
  62. convert inches to mm    inch*25,4
  63. convert yards to m
  64. yard*0,9144
  65. convert miles to m
  66. mile*1609,3
  67. convert mm to inches
  68. mm/25,4
  69. convert m to yards
  70. m/0,9144
  71. convert m to miles
  72. m/1609,3
  73. convert feet to inches
  74. feet*12
  75. convert feet to yards
  76. feet/3 
  77. convert mile to yards    mile*1760 
  78. convert feet to miles    feet/5280 
  79. convert miles to feet    mile*5280 
  80. convert yard to miles    yard/1760
  81. convert yards to feet
  82. yard*3
  83. convert inches to feet
  84. inch/12'
  85. convert calorie to Joule
  86. calory*4,1868&
  87. convert Joule to calorie
  88. joule/4,1868=
  89. frequency LC combination#1/(2*PI*SQR(inductance/capacitanc))
  90. ((x)**2)+((y)**2)-1
  91. wavelength
  92. velocity/frequency.
  93. area of sector of circle
  94. 0,5*alfa*(radius**2)#
  95. convert feet to meters
  96. feet*0,3048 
  97. convert meters to feet
  98. m/0,3048/
  99. convert horsepower to kilowatt
  100. horsepower/1,36-
  101. convert kilowatt to horsepower
  102. kilowatt*1,36
  103. convert bars to Pa's
  104. bar*10e5
  105. convert Pa's to bars
  106. pa/10e5%
  107. convert miles to nautmiles    mile*0,87!
  108. convert kilos to pounds
  109. kilo*2,2"
  110. convert pounds to kilos    pound/2,2"
  111. convert pounds to ounces
  112. pound*16A
  113. root 2 (x2) of f(x)=ax
  114. +bx+c#((-1,0*b)+SQR((b*b)-(4*a*c)))/(2*a)A
  115. root 1 (x1) of f(x)=ax
  116. +bx+c#((-1,0*b)-SQR((b*b)-(4*a*c)))/(2*a)!
  117. convert knots to km/h
  118. knots/0,45-
  119. square root f(x)=ax
  120. +bx+c
  121. (a*(x**2))+(b*x)+c.
  122. discriminator of f(x)=ax
  123. +bx+c
  124. (b**2)-(4*a*c)$
  125. area of circle
  126. (PI*(diameter**2))/4.
  127. Stirlings factorial
  128. SQR(2*PI*n)*(n**n/EXP(n))