{S:X;X;0;2;The Templates{ITR-X}{ITR-X}The file [ZLineT] is the template file which I am using for all the [ReadMe] files and as a basis for many of the other files I am using on the ZLine discs. I would like you to use it as your template for the [ReadMe] part of any contributions to ZLine you send in. The template [ZLSheeT] is the one which I would like you to use for spreadsheet applications.}
{S:X;X;0;4;If you don\æt want to use my standard [ZLineT] template then have a look in the directory Style01 on the ZL9303 or ZIntro disc and work through the tutorial before making up your mind exactly how to proceed. I would like subscribers to be able to create a favourite template for the way in which they want to see the [ReadMe] files on the ZLine discs and, by the simple process of dragging their favourite template into the [ReadMe] file, the file will reformat to their preference.}
{S:X;X;0;5;What you can do is to name a set of styles called ZLHeadFoot, ZLBase, ZLHeading, ZLByLine, ZLSubHead, etc for your document and define them however you like. What I would like to happen is that when I take your file and drag into it the template [ZLineT], the file will reformat to the ZLine disc standard.}
{S:X;X;0;6;The template file [ZLine2T] is an example I have created so that you can see how it works. Drag the template [ZLine2T] into this [ReadMe] file and you will see it reformat. Drag [ZLineT] in and all the styles revert to the original.}