Archive Magazine 1996
Text File
94 lines
presentation and help with disc space.
I notice that in many of the function slots you use the function sum to
prefix any simple sum, difference or division, for example
sum(firstslot-secondslot). This makes the spreadsheet bigger and slows
down operation. You can enter firstslot-secondslot (without brackets)
and the sheet will be smaller and recalculate more quickly.
The sheets with and without an outline font appear the same on my
system because PipeDream reverts to system font if it can not find the
specified font. Hence I am considering publishing only one copy of the
spreadsheet, the one without the font.
Having studied it, I wonder if it might be better to split the
spreadsheet into two, one for the standard rate and a separate sheet
for the night rate?
Finally (on the spreadsheet), I think that it is unnecessary to enclose
both the blank sheet as well as an example. I'm not sure what is the
best way of dealing with this sort of think but often the best approach
is to fill in the first few rows as a worked example and later rows
with the general formulae in such a form that they can be replicated
easily down (or across) the sheet.
Now to your other problems.
In PipeDream it is not possible to selectively delete the grid. In the
past I have used a separate graphic to produce a grid but this is a
very fiddly job and I don't recommend it. Of course, it would be
possible to use a combination of Wordz and PipeDream to do exactly what
you want but PipeDream and Wordz are not hot linked! Resultz will be
hot linked to Wordz and the PipeDream spreadsheet should be easily
'ported' into Resultz. Maybe that is the long term solution!
Your question about 'screen print' and your use of the sum() function
make me wonder if you are more familiar with the 'PC world' rather than
the 'Archimedes world'? To 'screen print' from the Archimedes first
you need to capture your screen as a sprite. You do this by loading
the application !Paint and 'grabbing' the whole screen as a sprite.
You do this by clicking the menu - middle - mouse button with the
pointer placed over the installed (on the icon bar) !Paint icon. The
sprite can then be printed from the !Paint application or, if you wish,
loaded into a different application (such as PipeDream) and printed
from the other application.
So far as printing in colour is concerned you need a colour RISCáOS
printer driver suitable for your printer. Generally these are provided
by the suppliers of the printer but, if you have RISCáOSá3, then you
may find that one of the printer drivers supplied by Acorn will 'work'
with your printer. Many people have had problems setting up RISCáOSá3
monochrome printer drivers (I think there is something about that
subject on the disc you have) so I'm not going to embark on that
subject right now!
I do hope that this helps. Please let me know how you get on.
FileDataéELECTRIC ╨ D▐² IVKê └e%OP%VS4.12 (10-Feb-92), Mr B.R.Merridan, R4000 5026 4443 5539