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Text File  |  1993-04-13  |  223KB  |  23,643 lines

  1. %OP%VS4.13 (28-Apr-92), Gerald L Fitton, R4000 5966 9904 9938 
  2. %OP%WRN
  3. %OP%DP0
  4. %OP%IRY
  5. %OP%PL0
  6. %OP%HM0
  7. %OP%FM0
  8. %OP%BM0
  9. %OP%LM4
  10. %OP%PT1
  11. %OP%PDPipeLine
  12. %OP%WC686,2062,68,1748,0,0,0,0
  13. %CO:A,27,80%
  16. %R%French to
  18.  Compiled by:
  19.  Jack Wright
  20.  7 Berkley Close
  21.  Hellesdon
  22.  Norwich
  26. Abaiss/er
  27. Abajoue
  28. Abandon
  29. Abandonn/er
  30. Abatage
  31. Abαard/ir
  32. Abatis
  33. Abats
  34. Abattement
  35. Abatteur
  36. Abattoir
  37. Abattre
  38. Abattu
  39. Abbaye
  40. AbbΘ
  41. AbcΘs
  42. Abdiquer
  43. Abdom/en
  44. Abeille
  45. Aberration
  46. AΘt/ir
  47. Abhorrer
  48. Abφme
  49. Abφmer
  50. Abject
  51. Abjur/er
  52. Ablation
  53. Ablette
  54. Ablution
  55. AbnΘgation
  56. Aboi
  57. Aboiement
  58. Abol/ir
  59. abolition
  60. Abominable
  61. Abomin/er
  62. Abondance
  63. Abonder
  64. AbonnΘ
  65. Abonn/er
  66. Abord
  67. Abord/er
  68. AborigΘne
  69. Aboucher
  70. Aboulie
  71. About/ir
  72. Aboy/er
  73. AbrΘg/er
  74. Abreuver
  75. Abreuvoir
  76. Abricot
  77. Abriter
  78. Abrog/er
  79. Abrupt
  80. Abrut/ir
  81. Absence
  82. Absent
  83. Absenter
  84. Abside
  85. Absinthe
  86. Absolu
  87. Absolument
  88. Absolution
  89. Absolutisme
  90. Absorber
  91. Absorption
  92. Absoudre
  93. Absous
  94. Absten/ir
  95. Abstinence
  96. Abstinent
  97. Abstraction
  98. Abstraire
  99. Abstrait
  100. Abstrus
  101. Absurde
  102. AbsurditΘ
  103. Abus
  104. Abuser
  105. Abus/if,-ive
  106. Acabit
  107. AcadΘmicien
  108. AcadΘm/ie
  109. Acajou
  110. Acanthe
  111. Acarißtre
  112. Accablement
  113. Accabler
  114. Accaimie
  115. Accapar/er
  116. AccΘder
  117. AccΘlΘr/er
  118. Atrice
  119. Accent
  120. Accentu/er
  121. Acceptable
  122. Accept/er
  123. Acception
  124. AccΘs
  125. Accession
  126. Accessoire
  127. Accident
  128. Accidental
  129. Accidenter
  130. Accise
  131. Acclam/er
  132. Acclimat/er
  133. Acccoint/er
  134. Accommod/er
  135. Accompagna/teur
  136. Accompagn/er
  137. Accompl/ir
  138. Accord
  139. Accordailles
  140. AccordΘon
  141. Accorder
  142. Accordeur
  143. Accore
  144. Accorer
  145. accort
  146. Accoster
  147. Accotement
  148. AccouchΘe
  149. Accouchement
  150. Accouchcher
  151. Accouder
  152. Accoudoir
  153. Accoupl/er
  154. Accourir
  155. Accoutr/er
  156. Accoutumance
  157. Accountum/er
  158. AccrΘditer
  159. Accroc
  160. Accroch/er
  161. Accroire
  162. Accr⌠itre
  163. Accrossement
  164. Accroup/ir
  165. Acceil
  166. Accueill/ir
  167. Acculer
  168. Accumul/er
  169. Ateur
  170. Ation
  171. Accus/er
  172. Ateur-Atrice
  173. Acerbe
  174. AcΘer
  175. AΘtique
  176. AcΘtylΘne
  177. Achalandage
  178. Achalander
  179. Acharn/Θ
  180. Acharner
  181. Achat
  182. Ache
  183. Achemin/er
  184. Achet/er
  185. Achev/er
  186. AchΘvement
  187. Achopp/er
  188. Acid/e
  189. Aciduler
  190. Acier
  191. Aierer
  192. AcΘrie
  193. Acompte
  194. Aconit
  195. A-c⌠te
  196. A-coup
  197. Acoustique
  198. AcquΘ/ir
  199. Acquiesc/er
  200. Acquis
  201. Acquistion
  202. Acquit
  203. Acquitt/er
  204. ┴cre
  205. Acrimon/ie
  206. Accrobat/e
  207. Acte
  208. Ateur,-trice
  209. Action
  210. Actionner
  211. Activ/er
  212. Actualite
  213. Actuel
  214. Adage
  215. Adapt/er
  216. Able
  217. Addition
  218. Additionner
  219. Adduction
  220. AdΘqual
  221. AdhΘr/ence
  222. AdhΦrer
  223. AhΘs/ion
  224. Adieu
  225. Adjacent
  226. Adjectif
  227. Adjoindre
  228. Adjoint
  229. Adjonction
  230. Adjudant
  231. Adjudicataire
  232. Adjudication
  233. Adjuger
  234. Adjurer
  235. Admettre
  236. Adminstr/atteur
  237. Aministrer
  238. Admirable
  239. Admirateur
  240. Admir/er
  241. Admis
  242. Amiss/ible
  243. Admission
  244. Admonester
  245. Admonition
  246. Adolescence
  247. Adolescent
  248. Adonn/er
  249. Aopter
  250. Adoptif
  251. Adoption
  252. Adorable
  253. Adora/teur-trice
  254. Adorer
  255. Adosser
  256. Adouc/ir
  257. Adresse
  258. Adresser
  259. Adroit
  260. Adul/ateur,-trice
  261. Aduler
  262. Aulate
  263. AdultΘer
  264. Advenir
  265. Adventice
  266. Adverb/e
  267. Aversaire
  268. Adverse
  269. AdversitΘ
  270. AΘr/er
  271. AΦrodrome
  272. AΘrolithe
  273. AΘronaute
  274. Aeroplane
  275. AΘoport
  276. AΘrostat
  277. AΘrostation
  278. Affable
  279. Affad/ir
  280. Affaire
  281. Affair/er
  282. Affaiss/er
  283. Affaler
  284. Affam/er
  285. Affect/er
  286. Affection
  287. Affectu/eux,-euse
  288. Affermer
  289. Afferm/ir
  290. AffΘtΘ
  291. Afficher
  292. Afficheur
  293. Affil/er
  294. Affiliation
  295. Affil/er
  296. AffinitΘ
  297. Affirmatif
  298. Affirmirm
  299. Affixe
  300. Affleurer
  301. Affliction
  302. Afflig/er
  303. Affuence
  304. Affluent
  305. Affluer
  306. Afflux
  307. Affol/er
  308. Affranch/ir
  309. Affres
  310. AffrΘt/er
  311. Affreux-euse
  312. Affront
  313. Affronter
  314. Affubler
  315. Aff√t
  316. Aff√t/er
  317. Afin
  318. Agac/er
  319. Agacant
  320. ┴ge
  321. Agence
  322. Agenc/er
  323. Agender
  324. Agenouiller
  325. Agenouilloir
  326. Agent
  327. AgglomΘr/er
  328. Aggraver
  329. Agile
  330. Agio
  331. Agiot/er
  332. Age
  333. Agir
  334. Agissant
  335. Agitateur
  336. Agit/er
  337. Agneau
  338. Agneler
  339. Agonie
  340. Aonir
  341. Agonis/er
  342. Agrafe
  343. Agrafer
  344. Araire
  345. Agrand/ir
  346. AgrΘable
  347. AgrΘer
  348. Agregat
  349. AgrΘgation
  350. AgrΘger
  351. AgrΘment
  352. AgrΘmenter
  353. Agress/eur
  354. Agreste
  355. Agricole
  356. Agricult/eur
  357. Agriipper
  358. Agronom/e
  359. Aguerr/ir
  360. Aguets
  361. Ahur/ir
  362. Aide
  363. Aider
  364. Aieul
  365. Aigle
  366. Aigre
  367. Aigrelet -ette
  368. Aigrelett
  369. Aigreur
  370. Aigr/ir
  371. Aigu
  372. Aigue-marine
  373. AiguiΘre
  374. Aiguill/e
  375. Aiguiller
  376. Aiguilleter
  377. Aiguillette
  378. Aiguilleur
  379. Aiguillon
  380. Aiguillonner
  381. Aiguis/er
  382. Aileron
  383. Ailleurs
  384. Aimable
  385. Aimant
  386. Aimanter
  387. AimΘ
  388. Aimer
  389. Aine
  390. AεnΘ
  391. Aεnesse
  392. Ainsi
  393. Air
  394. Airain
  395. Aire
  396. Airelle
  397. Ais
  398. Aisance
  399. Aise
  400. AisΘ
  401. Aisselle
  402. Aftres
  403. Ajonc
  404. Ajour
  405. Ajourn/er
  406. Ajout/er
  407. Ajust/er
  408. Ajutage, agutoir
  409. Alambic
  410. Alarme
  411. Alarm/er
  412. Albßtre
  413. Albatros
  414. Albinos
  415. Album
  416. Albumen
  417. Abumin/e
  418. Alcali
  419. Alcalin,-e
  420. Alchim/ie
  421. Alcool
  422. Alc⌠ve
  423. AlΘa
  424. AlΘne
  425. Alentour
  426. Alerte
  427. Allerter
  428. AlΘs/er
  429. Alezan
  430. Algarde
  431. AlgΘbre
  432. AlgΘbrique
  433. AlgΘbriste
  434. Algue
  435. Alias
  436. Alibi
  437. Alidade
  438. AliΘnΘ
  439. AliΘn/er
  440. Align/er
  441. Aliment
  442. Aliment/er
  443. AlinΘa
  444. Aliquote
  445. Alise, alize
  446. Allit/er
  447. AlizΘ
  448. Allait/er
  449. Allant,-ante
  450. AllΘch/er
  451. AllΘe
  452. AllΘgation
  453. AllΘgeance
  454. AllΘg/er
  455. AllΘgor/ie
  456. AllΘgre
  457. AllΘgro
  458. AllΘguer
  459. Alleluia
  460. Allemand,-ande
  461. Aller
  462. Alliage
  463. Alli/er
  464. Alligator
  465. AllitΘration
  466. Allocation
  467. Allocution
  468. Allonge
  469. Allong/er
  470. Allouer
  471. Allume-feu
  472. Allum/er
  473. Allumette
  474. Allumeur,-euse
  475. Allure
  476. Allusion
  477. Alluvial,-ale
  478. Alluvion
  479. Almanach
  480. AloΘs
  481. Aloi
  482. Alors
  483. Alose
  484. Alouette
  485. Alourd/ir
  486. Aloyau
  487. Alpaca, alpaga
  488. Alpe
  489. Alpha/bet
  490. Altercation
  491. AltΘr/er
  492. Aternance
  493. Alternant
  494. Altern/er
  495. Altesse
  496. Altier
  497. Altitude
  498. Alto
  499. Aluminium
  500. Alun
  501. AlvΘole
  502. AlmabilitΘ
  503. Amadou
  504. Amadouer
  505. Aaigr/ir
  506. Amalgam/er
  507. Amand/e
  508. Amant
  509. Amarante
  510. Amarre
  511. Amarr/er
  512. Amas
  513. Amasser
  514. Amateur
  515. Amazone
  516. Ambassade
  517. Ambassadeur, -drice
  518. Ambi/ant
  519. Ambidextre
  520. Ambigu
  521. Ambit/ion
  522. Amble
  523. Ambre
  524. Ambroisie
  525. Ambulance
  526. Ambulant
  527. Ambulatoire
  528. ┴me
  529. AmΘlior/er
  530. AmΘnag/er
  531. Amende
  532. Amend/er
  533. Amener
  534. AmΘnitΘ
  535. Amenuiser
  536. Am/er,-Θre
  537. AmΘricain
  538. Amertume
  539. AmΘthyste
  540. Ameublement
  541. Ameublir
  542. Ameuter
  543. Ami,-ie
  544. Amiable
  545. Amiante
  546. Amical,-e
  547. Amidon
  548. Amincir
  549. Amiral
  550. AmirautΘ
  551. Amitie
  552. Ammoniaque
  553. AmnΘsie
  554. Amnist/ie
  555. Amoindrir
  556. Amoll/ir
  557. Amoncel/er
  558. Amont
  559. Amorce
  560. Amorcer
  561. Amort/ir
  562. Amour
  563. Amcher(s)
  564. Amovi/ble
  565. AmpeΦre
  566. Amphibie
  567. Amphibologie
  568. AmphithΘßtre
  569. Amphitryon
  570. Amphore
  571. Ampl/e
  572. Amplifacateur
  573. Amplifi/er
  574. Amplitude
  575. Ampoule
  576. AmpoulΘ
  577. Amput/er
  578. Amulette
  579. Amure
  580. Amus/er
  581. Amygdale
  582. AnchorΘte
  583. Anachron/ique
  584. Anagramme
  585. Analogue
  586. Analy/sen
  587. Anarch/ie
  588. Ana/thΘme
  589. Anatom/ie
  590. AncΘtre
  591. Anchois
  592. Ancien,-ne
  593. Ancr/e
  594. Andain
  595. Andouille
  596. Andouillette
  597. ┴ne
  598. AnΘant/ir
  599. Anecdot/e
  600. AnΦm/ie
  601. AnΘmone
  602. ┴nerie
  603. ┴nesse
  604. AnesthΘs/ie
  605. AnΘvrisme
  606. Anfract/eux
  607. Ange
  608. AngΘlique
  609. AngΘlus
  610. Angine
  611. Anglais,-e
  612. Angle
  613. Anglican
  614. Anglicisme
  615. Anglo/mane
  616. Angoiss/e
  617. Angora
  618. Anguille
  619. Angulaire
  620. Anguleux,-euse
  621. Anicroche
  622. ┴nier
  623. Animadversion
  624. Animal
  625. Anim/er
  626. AnimostitΘ
  627. Anis
  628. Anklos/e
  629. Annnal
  630. Anneau
  631. AnnΘe
  632. Annex/e
  633. Annihil/er
  634. Anniversaire
  635. Annonc/e
  636. Annot/er
  637. Annuaire
  638. Annuel,-le
  639. AnnuitΘ
  640. Annulaire
  641. Annuler
  642. Anobl/ir
  643. Anodin
  644. Anomal
  645. ┴non
  646. ┴nonner
  647. Anonyme
  648. Anormal
  649. Antagon/isme
  650. Antarctique
  651. AntΘcΘd/ence
  652. AntΘdiluvien
  653. Antenne
  654. AntΘrieur
  655. Anthologie
  656. Anthracite
  657. Anthropoide
  658. Anthropologie
  659. AntiaΘrien
  660. Antichambre
  661. Anticiper
  662. Antidater
  663. Antidote
  664. Antienne
  665. Antilope
  666. Antipath/ie
  667. Antipode
  668. Antiquare
  669. Antiqu/e
  670. Antireligieux
  671. Antisep/sie
  672. Anti/thΘse
  673. Antre
  674. Anuiter
  675. Anxi/ΘtΘ
  676. Aorte
  677. Ao√t
  678. Apais/er
  679. Apange
  680. ApartΘ
  681. Apath/ie
  682. Apercevoir
  683. Apercu
  684. ApΘritif,-ive
  685. ApeurΘ
  686. Aphone
  687. Aphorisme
  688. Aphte
  689. Apicult/eur
  690. Apitoyer
  691. Aplan/ir
  692. Aplat/ir
  693. Aplomb
  694. Apocalypse
  695. Apocryphe
  696. ApogΘe
  697. Apolog/ie
  698. Apologue
  699. Apo/plexie
  700. Apostas/ie
  701. Apostat
  702. Aposter
  703. Apostill/e
  704. Apostol/at
  705. Apostroph/e
  706. ApothΘose
  707. Apothicaire
  708. Ap⌠tre
  709. Apparaftre
  710. Apparat
  711. Appareil
  712. Appareill/er
  713. Appareiller
  714. Apparemment
  715. Appar/ence
  716. Apparenter
  717. Appari/er
  718. Appariteur
  719. Apparition
  720. Appartement
  721. Apparten/ir
  722. Appas
  723. Appauvr/ir
  724. Appeau
  725. Appel
  726. Appendice
  727. Appendicite
  728. Appentis
  729. Appesant/ir
  730. AppΘtence
  731. AppΘtissant
  732. AppΘtit
  733. Applaud/ir
  734. Applique
  735. Appli/que
  736. Appoint
  737. Appointments
  738. Appointer
  739. Appontements
  740. Apport
  741. Apporter
  742. Appos/er
  743. ApprΘci/er
  744. ApprΘhen/der
  745. Apprendre
  746. Apprent/i,-e
  747. ApprΘt
  748. ApprΘtage
  749. ApprΘter
  750. Apprivois/er
  751. Approbat/eur
  752. Approche
  753. Approcher
  754. Approfond/ir
  755. Appropri/er
  756. Approuver
  757. Approvisionn/er
  758. Approxima/tif
  759. Appui
  760. Appuyer
  761. Apre
  762. AprΘs
  763. ┴-propos
  764. Apte
  765. Apurer
  766. Aquarell/e
  767. Aquatique
  768. Aqueduc
  769. Aqueux, -euse
  770. Aquilin, -e
  771. Arabe
  772. Arabesque
  773. Arable
  774. Arachide
  775. AraignΘe
  776. Aratoire
  777. ArbalΘe
  778. Arbitrage
  779. Arbitraire
  780. Arbitr/e
  781. Arborer
  782. Arboricult/ure
  783. Arbre
  784. Abrisseau
  785. Arbuste
  786. Arc
  787. Arcade
  788. Areau
  789. Archa/ique
  790. Archal
  791. Archange
  792. Arche
  793. AchΘolg/ie
  794. ArchΘologue           
  795. Archer
  796. Archet
  797. Arch/evΘque
  798. Archi/duc
  799. ArchiΦpisopal
  800. Archipel
  801. Architect/e
  802. Architrave
  803. Archiv/es
  804. Arcon
  805. Arctique
  806. Ard/ent
  807. Ardois/e
  808. Ardu
  809. Are
  810. ArΘne
  811. ArΘte
  812. Argent
  813. Argil/e, -eux, -euse
  814. Argonaute
  815. Argot
  816. Arguer
  817. Argument
  818. Argus
  819. Argutie
  820. Aride/e
  821. Arien, -ne
  822. Aristocrat/e
  823. ArithmΘtique
  824. ArithmΘticien
  825. Arlequin
  826. Armateur
  827. Armature
  828. Arm/e
  829. Armoire
  830. Armoires
  831. Arm/orial
  832. Armur/e
  833. Arnica
  834. Aromat/e
  835. Ar⌠me
  836. Arpent
  837. Arpent/er
  838. Arquebus/e
  839. Arquer
  840. Arrach/er
  841. Arraisonner
  842. Arrang/er
  843. ArrΘrages
  844. Arrestation
  845. ArrΘt
  846. Arrhes
  847. ArriΘre
  848. Arrier/er
  849. Arrim/er
  850. Arriv/er
  851. Arrog/ance
  852. Arroger (s')
  853. Arrondir
  854. Arrondissement
  855. Arros/er
  856. Arsenal
  857. Arsenic
  858. Art
  859. ArtΘre
  860. ArtΘriel
  861. Arthrit/e
  862. Artichaut
  863. Article
  864. Articul/er
  865. Artif/e
  866. Artill/erie
  867. Artimon
  868. Artisan
  869. Artist/e
  870. As
  871. Ascend/ance
  872. Ascenseur
  873. Ascension
  874. AscΘte
  875. AscΘtique
  876. AscΘtisme
  877. Aseptique
  878. Asiaque
  879. Asie
  880. Asile
  881. Apect
  882. Asperge  
  883. Asper/ger
  884. AspΘritΘ
  885. Asphalt/e
  886. Asphyxi/er
  887. Aspirail
  888. Aspirant
  889. Aspir/er
  890. Aspirine
  891. Assafoetida
  892. Assagir
  893. Assaill/ir
  894. Assain/ir
  895. Assaisonn/er
  896. Assassin
  897. Assaut
  898. As/sΘcher
  899. Assembl/er
  900. AssΘner
  901. Asseoir
  902. Asserment/er
  903. Assertion
  904. Asserv/ir
  905. Assesseur
  906. Assez
  907. Assid/u
  908. AssiΘg/er
  909. Assiet/te
  910. Assignat
  911. Assign/er
  912. Assimil/er
  913. Assis
  914. Assise
  915. Assist/er
  916. Associ/er
  917. Assol/er
  918. Assombrir
  919. Assomm/er
  920. Assomption
  921. Asson/ance
  922. Assort/ir
  923. Assoup/ir
  924. Assoupl/ir
  925. Assourd/ir
  926. Assouv/ir
  927. Assujett/ir
  928. Assumer
  929. Assur/er
  930. Able
  931. AstΘrisque
  932. Asthm/e
  933. Atique
  934. Asticcot
  935. Astiquer
  936. Astre
  937. Astreindre
  938. Astring/ence
  939. Astrolabe
  940. Astro/logie
  941. Astronom/e
  942. Astuc/e
  943. AsymΘtrie
  944. Atelier
  945. Aterm/oyer
  946. AthΘ/e
  947. AthlΘte
  948. AthlΘt/ique
  949. Atlantique
  950. Atlas
  951. Atmo/sphere
  952. Atoll
  953. Atom/e
  954. Atone
  955. Aton/ie
  956. Atour
  957. Atout
  958. Atrabilaire
  959. ┴tre
  960. Atroc/e
  961. Atroph/ie
  962. Attabler
  963. Attache
  964. Attach/er
  965. Attaqu/e
  966. Attard/er
  967. Atteindre
  968. Atteinte
  969. Atteler
  970. Attelle
  971. Attenant
  972. Attendant
  973. Attendre
  974. Attendr/ir
  975. Attendu
  976. Attentat
  977. Attentaoire
  978. Attente
  979. Aenter
  980. Attent/if
  981. Attention
  982. AttΘnu/er
  983. Atterrer
  984. Atterr/ir
  985. Attest/er
  986. Atticisme
  987. AttΘd/ir
  988. Attifer
  989. Atttir/er
  990. AttitrΘ
  991. Attitude
  992. Attouchement
  993. Attract/if
  994. Attrait
  995. Attrape
  996. Attraper
  997. Attrayant
  998. Attribu/er
  999. Attribut
  1000. Attrist/er
  1001. Attrition
  1002. Attroup/er
  1003. Aubaine
  1004. Aube
  1005. AubΘpine
  1006. Auberg/e
  1007. Aubergine
  1008. Aubier
  1009. Aucun
  1010. Audace
  1011. Audaci/eux, -euse
  1012. Au-dessous
  1013. Au-dessus
  1014. Au-devant
  1015. Audience
  1016. Auditeur, trice
  1017. Audition
  1018. Auditoire
  1019. Aug/e
  1020. Augment/er
  1021. Augure
  1022. Augurer
  1023. Auguste
  1024. Aujour'hui
  1025. Aum≤n/e
  1026. Aune
  1027. Aun/e
  1028. Auparavant
  1029. AuprΘs
  1030. Auquel
  1031. AurΘole
  1032. Auriculaire
  1033. AurifΘre
  1034. Aurifier
  1035. Aurore
  1036. Auscult/er
  1037. Auspice
  1038. Aussi
  1039. AussiΘre
  1040. Aussit⌠t
  1041. AustΘre
  1042. AustΘritΘ
  1043. Austral
  1044. Autant
  1045. Autel
  1046. Auteur
  1047. Authentique
  1048. Athentiquer
  1049. Auto
  1050. Autobiographie
  1051. Autobus
  1052. Autocrat/e
  1053. Autograph/e
  1054. Automate/e
  1055. Automn/e
  1056. Automobile/e
  1057. Auto/nome
  1058. Autopsie
  1059. Autoris/er
  1060. Autorite
  1061. Autour
  1062. Autre
  1063. Autruche
  1064. Autrui
  1065. Auvent
  1066. Aux
  1067. Auxilaiare
  1068. Aval
  1069. Avalanche
  1070. Avaler
  1071. Avance
  1072. Avanc/er
  1073. Avanie
  1074. Avant
  1075. Avantag/e
  1076. Avare
  1077. Avaric/e
  1078. Avar/ie
  1079. ┴ vau-l'eau
  1080. Avec
  1081. Aveline
  1082. Avenant
  1083. Avδnement
  1084. Avenir
  1085. Avent
  1086. Aventur/e
  1087. Avenue
  1088. AvΘr/er
  1089. Aversion
  1090. Avert/ir
  1091. Aveu
  1092. Aveugl/e
  1093. Aveulir
  1094. Aviateur, -trice
  1095. Aviation
  1096. Avid/e
  1097. Avil/ir
  1098. Avion
  1099. Aviron
  1100. Avis
  1101. AvisΘ
  1102. Aviser
  1103. Avitaill/er
  1104. Aviver
  1105. Avocat
  1106. Avoine
  1107. Avoir
  1108. Avoisin/er
  1109. Avort/er
  1110. AvouΘ
  1111. Avou/er
  1112. Avril
  1113. Axe
  1114. Axiome
  1115. Ayant
  1116. AzalΘe
  1117. Azimut
  1118. Azotate
  1119. Azot/e
  1120. Azur
  1121. Azyme
  1122. Baba
  1123. Babel
  1124. Babil
  1125. Babine
  1126. Babiole
  1127. Bßbord
  1128. Babouche
  1129. Babouin
  1130. Bac
  1131. BaccalaaurΘat
  1132. Baccara
  1133. Bacchanale
  1134. Bßch/e
  1135. Bachelier
  1136. Bachique
  1137. Bachot
  1138. Bacille
  1139. Ba#cl/er
  1140. Badaud,- aude
  1141. Badigeon
  1142. Badin, -e
  1143. Badine
  1144. Bafouer
  1145. Bafouiller
  1146. Bagage
  1147. Bagarre
  1148. Bagasse
  1149. Bagatelle
  1150. Bagne
  1151. Bagout
  1152. bagu/e
  1153. Baguenauder
  1154. Baguenaudier
  1155. Baguette
  1156. Bahut
  1157. Bai, baie
  1158. Baie
  1159. Baign/er
  1160. Bail
  1161. Bailleur
  1162. Bailli
  1163. Ba#illon
  1164. Bain
  1165. Baionnette
  1166. Baiser
  1167. Baiss/e
  1168. Bajoue
  1169. Bal
  1170. Baladin
  1171. Balafr/e
  1172. Bafr/e
  1173. Balai
  1174. Balance
  1175. Balay/er
  1176. Balbuti/er
  1177. Balcon
  1178. Baldaquin
  1179. Balein/e
  1180. Balis/e
  1181. Baliverne
  1182. Ballade
  1183. Ballant
  1184. Balllast
  1185. Balle
  1186. Ballle
  1187. Ballet
  1188. Ballon
  1189. Ballonn/er
  1190. Ballot
  1191. Ballott/er
  1192. Balourd
  1193. Balsam/ine
  1194. Balustre
  1195. Balzan
  1196. Bambin
  1197. Bambou
  1198. Ban
  1199. Banal
  1200. Banan/e
  1201. Banc
  1202. Bancal
  1203. Bancroche
  1204. Bandage
  1205. Bande
  1206. Bandeau
  1207. Bandelette
  1208. Band/er
  1209. Banderole
  1210. Bandit
  1211. BanouliΘre
  1212. Bandoulieue
  1213. Bann/e
  1214. BanniΘre
  1215. Bann/ir
  1216. Banqu/e
  1217. Banquerout/e
  1218. Banquet
  1219. Banquette
  1220. Banquise
  1221. BaptΘme
  1222. Baquet
  1223. Baragouin
  1224. Baraqu/e
  1225. Baratte
  1226. Barbar/e
  1227. Barbe
  1228. Barbeau
  1229. Barbeau
  1230. BarbelΘ
  1231. Barbet,-te
  1232. Barbette
  1233. Barbiche
  1234. Barbier
  1235. Barbot/er
  1236. Barbouill/er
  1237. Barbu
  1238. Barbue
  1239. Barcarolle
  1240. Barcelonnette
  1241. Barde
  1242. Bardeau
  1243. Barder
  1244. BarΘme
  1245. Baril
  1246. Barillet
  1247. Bariol/er
  1248. Baro/mΘtre
  1249. Baron
  1250. Baroque
  1251. Barque
  1252. Barrage
  1253. Barr/e
  1254. Barrette
  1255. Barricad/e
  1256. BarriΘre
  1257. Barrique
  1258. Barrir
  1259. Baryte
  1260. Baryton
  1261. Baryum
  1262. Bas, -se
  1263. Basalt/e
  1264. Basan/er
  1265. Bascul/e
  1266. Bas/e
  1267. Basilic
  1268. Basilique
  1269. Basin
  1270. Basque
  1271. Baset
  1272. Bassin
  1273. Bassine
  1274. Bassin/er
  1275. Basson
  1276. Bastingage
  1277. Bastion
  1278. Bßt
  1279. Bataill/e
  1280. Batailon
  1281. Bßtard
  1282. Bat/eau
  1283. Batel/er
  1284. Batifol/er
  1285. Bßtiment
  1286. Bßtir
  1287. Bßtir
  1288. Batiste
  1289. Bßton
  1290. Batte
  1291. Batterie
  1292. Batt/re
  1293. Baudet
  1294. Baudrier
  1295. Baudruche
  1296. Bauge
  1297. Baume
  1298. Bvard, -e
  1299. Bav/e
  1300. Bavochure
  1301. Bayer
  1302. Bazar
  1303. BΘant
  1304. BΘat, -e
  1305. Beatifi/er
  1306. BΘatitude
  1307. Beau (bel), belle
  1308. Beaucoup
  1309. BeautΘ
  1310. BΘbΘ
  1311. Bec
  1312. BΘcasse
  1313. BΘcassine
  1314. BΘch/e
  1315. Bcqu/Θe
  1316. Bedaine
  1317. Bedeau
  1318. BΘdouin, -ouine
  1319. Beffroi
  1320. BΘg/ayer
  1321. BΘgue
  1322. BΘgule
  1323. Beiguin
  1324. Beignet
  1325. Bel
  1326. BΘl/er
  1327. Belette
  1328. Belge
  1329. BΘier
  1330. Belle
  1331. BelligΘr/ance
  1332. Belliqueux, -ouse
  1333. BelvΘdΘre
  1334. BΘmol
  1335. BΘnΘdicite
  1336. BΘnΘdictin
  1337. BΘnediction
  1338. BΘnΘfic/e
  1339. BenΘt
  1340. BΘnΘvole
  1341. BΘn/in, igne
  1342. BΘ/ir
  1343. Benne
  1344. Benzine
  1345. Benzol
  1346. BΘquill/e
  1347. Ber
  1348. Bercail
  1349. Berceau
  1350. Bercelonnette
  1351. Berc/er
  1352. BΘret
  1353. Bergamote
  1354. Berge
  1355. Berg/er
  1356. Bergeronnette
  1357. Berlue
  1358. Berne
  1359. Berber
  1360. Beryl
  1361. Bessace
  1362. Besicles
  1363. Besogn/e
  1364. Besogneux,-euse
  1365. Besoin
  1366. Bestial, -e
  1367. Bestiaux
  1368. BΘtail
  1369. BΘte
  1370. BΘton
  1371. Bette
  1372. Betterave
  1373. Beugler
  1374. Beurr/e
  1375. Beuverie
  1376. BΘvue
  1377. Bey
  1378. Biais
  1379. Bibelot
  1380. Biberon
  1381. Bible
  1382. Biblique
  1383. Bibliophile
  1384. Biblio/thΘque
  1385. Bich/e
  1386. Bichon
  1387. Bicoque
  1388. Bicorne
  1389. Bicycl/e
  1390. Bidon
  1391. Bief
  1392. Bielle
  1393. Bien
  1394. Bienfais/ance
  1395. Bien/fait
  1396. Bienheureux, -euse
  1397. Biennal
  1398. BiensΘ.ance
  1399. Bient≤t
  1400. Bienveill/ance
  1401. Bienvenu, -e
  1402. BiΘre
  1403. Biffer
  1404. Bifur/quer
  1405. Bigßm/e
  1406. Bigarr/er
  1407. Bigle
  1408. Bigorn/e
  1409. Bigot
  1410. Bijou
  1411. Bilan
  1412. Bil/e
  1413. Bilingue
  1414. Billard
  1415. Bille
  1416. Billet
  1417. BillevesΘe
  1418. Billion
  1419. Billon
  1420. Billot
  1421. Bimbelot
  1422. Bimensuel
  1423. Bi-moteur
  1424. Bin/er
  1425. Binocle
  1426. Bin≤me
  1427. Biograph/e
  1428. BipΘde
  1429. Bis, -e
  1430. Bis
  1431. Bisafeul, -e
  1432. Bisannuel
  1433. Biscornu
  1434. Biscotte
  1435. Biscuit
  1436. Bise
  1437. Biseau
  1438. Bismuth
  1439. Bison,-ne
  1440. Bisqu/e
  1441. Bissac
  1442. Bisser
  1443. Bissextil,-e
  1444. Bistouri
  1445. BistournΘ
  1446. Bistr/e
  1447. Bitte
  1448. Bitum/e
  1449. Bivouac
  1450. Bivouaquer
  1451. Bizarr/e
  1452. Blafard,arde
  1453. Blagu/e
  1454. Blaireau
  1455. Blßm/e
  1456. Blan/c, blanche
  1457. Blanchiss/age
  1458. Blanquette
  1459. Blaser
  1460. Blason
  1461. Blas/phΘme
  1462. BlΘmatoire
  1463. BlΘ
  1464. BlΘm/e
  1465. BlΘsser
  1466. Bless/er
  1467. Blet, -te
  1468. Bleu
  1469. Blind/er
  1470. Bloc
  1471. Blocus
  1472. Blond
  1473. Bloquer
  1474. Blottir
  1475. Blouse
  1476. Bluet
  1477. Bluff
  1478. Blut/er
  1479. Boa
  1480. BobΘche
  1481. Bobin/e
  1482. Bobo
  1483. Bocag/e
  1484. Bocal
  1485. Bock
  1486. BoeufΘ
  1487. Bogie, boggie
  1488. BohΘme
  1489. BohΘmien
  1490. Boire
  1491. Bois
  1492. Bois/er
  1493. Boiss/eau
  1494. Boisselier
  1495. Boisson
  1496. Bofte
  1497. Boit/er
  1498. Boftier
  1499. Boi
  1500. Bolide
  1501. Bombance
  1502. Bombard/er
  1503. Bombe
  1504. Bpomb/er
  1505. Bonbonne
  1506. Bon, bonne
  1507. Bonace
  1508. Bonasse
  1509. Bonbon
  1510. Bond
  1511. Bonde
  1512. Bond/er
  1513. Bond/ir
  1514. Bondon
  1515. Bonheur
  1516. Bon/homie
  1517. ni
  1518. Bonifi/er
  1519. Bonjour
  1520. Bonnet
  1521. Bonnet/erie
  1522. Bonnette
  1523. Bonsoir
  1524. BontΘ
  1525. Boqueteau
  1526. Borax
  1527. Bord
  1528. Bordage
  1529. Bordeaux
  1530. Bordereau
  1531. BorΘal, -e
  1532. Borgne
  1533. Borique
  1534. Born/e
  1535. Bosquet
  1536. Bosse
  1537. Bossel/er
  1538. Bossoir
  1539. Bossu, -e
  1540. Bossuer
  1541. Bot, bote
  1542. Botan/ique
  1543. Bott/e
  1544. Botte
  1545. Bottier
  1546. Bottine
  1547. Bouc
  1548. Boucaner
  1549. Boucanier
  1550. Bouch/e
  1551. Bouch/er
  1552. Bouchon
  1553. Boucl/e
  1554. Bouclier
  1555. Bouddha
  1556. Boud/er
  1557. Boudin
  1558. Boudoir
  1559. Bou/e
  1560. BouΘe
  1561. Bouffer
  1562. Bouff/ir
  1563. Bouffon
  1564. Bouge
  1565. Bougeoir
  1566. Bouger
  1567. Bougie
  1568. Bougon
  1569. Bouill/ir
  1570. Bouilloire
  1571. Bouillon
  1572. Bouillonn/er
  1573. Bouillotte
  1574. Boulang/er, -Θre
  1575. Boule
  1576. Bouleau
  1577. Bouledogue
  1578. Boulet
  1579. Boulette
  1580. Boulevard
  1581. Boulevers/er
  1582. Bouline
  1583. Boulingrin
  1584. Boulin
  1585. Boulot
  1586. Bouquet
  1587. Bouquin
  1588. Bourb/e
  1589. Bourde
  1590. Bourdon
  1591. Bourg
  1592. Bourgeois
  1593. Bourgeon
  1594. Bourgeron
  1595. Bourgmestre
  1596. Bourgogne
  1597. Bourrache
  1598. Bourrade
  1599. Bourrasque
  1600. Bourre
  1601. Bourreau
  1602. BourrΘe
  1603. Bourreler
  1604. Bourrelet
  1605. Bourrel/ier
  1606. Bourrer
  1607. Bourriche
  1608. Bourriqu/e
  1609. Bourru
  1610. Bours/e
  1611. Boursoufl/er
  1612. Bouscul/er
  1613. Bousiller
  1614. Boussole
  1615. Bout
  1616. Boutade
  1617. Boute-en-train
  1618. Bouteille
  1619. Bouter
  1620. Boute-selle
  1621. Bouutiqu/e
  1622. Boutoir
  1623. Bouton
  1624. Boutur/e
  1625. Bouvier, -iΘre
  1626. Bouvillon
  1627. Bovin
  1628. Box
  1629. Box/e
  1630. Boyard
  1631. Boyau
  1632. Boycotter
  1633. Bracelet
  1634. Braconn/er
  1635. Brahmane
  1636. Brai
  1637. Braill/er
  1638. Braire
  1639. Braiment
  1640. Brais/e
  1641. Bran
  1642. Brancard
  1643. Branch/e
  1644. Branchies
  1645. Brande
  1646. Brandelbourg
  1647. Brandir
  1648. Brandon
  1649. Branl/e
  1650. Branle-bas
  1651. Braquer
  1652. Bras
  1653. Braser
  1654. Brasier
  1655. Brasill/er
  1656. Brassard
  1657. Brasse
  1658. BrassΘe
  1659. Brass/er
  1660. Brasser
  1661. BrassiΘre
  1662. Bravache
  1663. Bravade
  1664. Brave
  1665. Braver
  1666. Bravo
  1667. Bravoure
  1668. Brebis
  1669. BrΘche
  1670. Bredouille
  1671. Bredouill/er
  1672. Bref, brΘve
  1673. Breloque
  1674. BrΘme
  1675. Bretelle
  1676. Breton, -ne
  1677. Breuvage
  1678. Brevet
  1679. BrΘvaire
  1680. Bribe
  1681. Bric-ß-brac
  1682. Brick
  1683. Bricol/e
  1684. Brid/e
  1685. BriΘvement
  1686. BriΘvetΘ
  1687. Brigade
  1688. Brigadier
  1689. Brigand
  1690. Brigu/e
  1691. Brillant
  1692. Brillamment
  1693. Brillantine
  1694. Briller
  1695. Brimborion
  1696. Brimer
  1697. Brin
  1698. Brioche
  1699. Brique
  1700. Briquer
  1701. Briquet
  1702. Bris
  1703. Brissant
  1704. Brise
  1705. Bris/er
  1706. Britannique
  1707. Broc
  1708. Brocant/er
  1709. Brocard
  1710. Brocart
  1711. Broch/e
  1712. Brochet
  1713. Brocheter
  1714. Brocoli
  1715. Brodequin
  1716. Brod/er
  1717. Bronch/e
  1718. Broncher
  1719. Bronz/e
  1720. Broquette
  1721. Bross/e
  1722. Brou
  1723. Brouette
  1724. Brouhaha
  1725. Brouilliard
  1726. Brouille
  1727. Brouillon, -ne
  1728. Brourir
  1729. Broussaill/es
  1730. Brousse
  1731. Brouter
  1732. Broutille
  1733. Broy/er
  1734. Bru
  1735. Bruin/e
  1736. Bruire
  1737. Bruissement
  1738. Bruit
  1739. Bru$le
  1740. Br·l/er
  1741. Bru$lot
  1742. Brum/e
  1743. Brun
  1744. Brunir
  1745. Bruniss/age
  1746. Brusque
  1747. Brusqu/er
  1748. Brut
  1749. Bruy/ant
  1750. BruyΘre
  1751. Buand/erie
  1752. Buccal
  1753. Buccin
  1754. B·ch/e
  1755. Bucolique
  1756. Budget
  1757. BuΘe
  1758. Buffet
  1759. Buffle
  1760. Bugle
  1761. Buis
  1762. Buusson
  1763. Bulbe
  1764. Bulle
  1765. Bulletin
  1766. Buraliste
  1767. Bure
  1768. Bureau
  1769. Burette
  1770. Burin
  1771. Burlesque
  1772. Burnous
  1773. Busard
  1774. Busc
  1775. Buse
  1776. BusquΘ
  1777. Buste
  1778. But
  1779. But/er
  1780. Butin
  1781. Butor
  1782. Butte
  1783. Butter
  1784. Buvable
  1785. Buvard
  1786. Buvette
  1787. Buveur, -euse
  1788. Cabal/e
  1789. Cabane
  1790. Cabanon
  1791. Cabaret
  1792. Cabas
  1793. Cabestan
  1794. Cabillaud
  1795. Cabine
  1796. Cabinet
  1797. Cßbl/e
  1798. Caboche
  1799. Cabochon
  1800. Cabot/er
  1801. Cabotin
  1802. Cabrer
  1803. Cabriol/e
  1804. Cabriolet
  1805. Cacao
  1806. CacatoΘs
  1807. Cacatois
  1808. Cachalot
  1809. Cache
  1810. Cachectique
  1811. Cachemire
  1812. Cacher
  1813. Cachet
  1814. Cachette
  1815. Cachot
  1816. Cachott/erie
  1817. Cacophonie
  1818. Catus
  1819. Cadastr/e
  1820. Cadav/re
  1821. Cadeau
  1822. Cadenas
  1823. Cadenc/e
  1824. Cadet
  1825. Cadran
  1826. Cadr/e
  1827. Caduc, -uque
  1828. Cafard
  1829. CafΘ
  1830. Cage
  1831. Cagneux,-euse
  1832. Cagot
  1833. Cagoule
  1834. Cahier
  1835. Cahin-caha
  1836. Cahot
  1837. Cahute
  1838. Caille
  1839. Cailebotte
  1840. Calille-lait
  1841. Cailler
  1842. Caillot
  1843. Caillou
  1844. Cafman
  1845. Caiss/e
  1846. Caisson
  1847. Cajol/er
  1848. Cal
  1849. Calamine
  1850. Calamite/e
  1851. Caland/re
  1852. Calcaire
  1853. Calcifier
  1854. Calciner
  1855. Calcium
  1856. Calcul
  1857. Cal/e
  1858. Calebasse
  1859. CalΘche
  1860. Calecon
  1861. Calembour
  1862. Calendes
  1863. Calandier
  1864. Calepin
  1865. Calfat
  1866. Calfeutrer
  1867. Calibr/e
  1868. Calaice
  1869. Calicote
  1870. Calife
  1871. Califourchon
  1872. Calin
  1873. Call/eux, -euse
  1874. Calligraph/e
  1875. Calm/e
  1876. Callomel
  1877. Calomn/ie
  1878. Calorie
  1879. CalorifΘre
  1880. Calorique
  1881. Calott/e
  1882. Calqu/e
  1883. Calvaire
  1884. Calvin/isme
  1885. Calvitie
  1886. Camafeu
  1887. Camail
  1888. Camarad/e
  1889. Camard
  1890. Cambouis
  1891. Cambrer
  1892. Cambriol/er
  1893. CamΘe
  1894. CamΘlΘon
  1895. CamΘlia
  1896. Camelot
  1897. Camelote
  1898. Camion
  1899. Camisole
  1900. Camomille
  1901. Camoufl/er
  1902. Camp
  1903. Campagn/e
  1904. Campagnol
  1905. Campanile
  1906. Campanule
  1907. Camphr/e
  1908. Camus
  1909. Canadien, -ienne
  1910. Canaille
  1911. Canal
  1912. CanapΘ
  1913. Canard
  1914. Canari
  1915. Cancan
  1916. Canc/er
  1917. Cancre
  1918. CandΘlabre
  1919. Cand/i
  1920. Cand/ide
  1921. Cane
  1922. Canette
  1923. Canevas
  1924. Caniche
  1925. Canicul/e
  1926. Canif
  1927. Cannin
  1928. Caniveau
  1929. Cannamelle
  1930. Cann/e
  1931. Cannel/er
  1932. Cannelle
  1933. Cannibal/e
  1934. CanoΘ
  1935. Canon
  1936. Canot
  1937. Cantate
  1938. Cantatrice
  1939. Cantharide
  1940. Cantin/e
  1941. Cantique
  1942. Canton
  1943. Cantonn/er
  1944. Cantonniere
  1945. Canule
  1946. Caoutchou/c
  1947. Cap
  1948. Capable
  1949. Capacite
  1950. Cape
  1951. Capeler
  1952. Capeline
  1953. Capharau#m
  1954. Capill/aire
  1955. Capitaine
  1956. Capital
  1957. Capitation
  1958. Capiteux, -euse
  1959. Capitonner
  1960. Capitul/er
  1961. Capon, -ne
  1962. Caporal
  1963. Capote
  1964. Capoter
  1965. Cßpre/e
  1966. Caprice/e
  1967. Capsule
  1968. Capt/er
  1969. Capti/eux, -euse
  1970. Captif, -ive
  1971. Captiv/er
  1972. Captur/e
  1973. Capuchon
  1974. Capucin, -ine
  1975. Capucine
  1976. Caqu/e
  1977. Caquet
  1978. Car
  1979. Carabin/e
  1980. CarabinΘ
  1981. Caracol/e
  1982. Carac/tΘre
  1983. Carafe
  1984. Carafon
  1985. Carambol/er
  1986. Caramel
  1987. Carapace
  1988. Carat
  1989. Caravane
  1990. CaravansΘrail
  1991. Carbonate
  1992. Carbon/e
  1993. Carboniser
  1994. Carburant
  1995. Carburateur
  1996. Carcan
  1997. Carcasse
  1998. Carde/e
  1999. Cardiaque
  2000. Cardinal
  2001. Cardon
  2002. CarΘme
  2003. CarΘn/e
  2004. Caress/e
  2005. Caraison
  2006. Cargo
  2007. Carguer
  2008. Cariatide
  2009. Caricature
  2010. Car/ie
  2011. Carillion
  2012. Carlin
  2013. Carlingue
  2014. Carme
  2015. CarmΘlite
  2016. Carmin
  2017. Carnage
  2018. Carnassier, -iΘre
  2019. Carnation
  2020. Carnaval
  2021. CarnΘ, -e
  2022. Carnet
  2023. Carnier
  2024. Carnivore
  2025. Carotide
  2026. Carott/e
  2027. Caroube
  2028. Carpe
  2029. Carpette
  2030. Carquois
  2031. Carre
  2032. CarrΘ
  2033. Carreau
  2034. Careiour
  2035. Carrel/er
  2036. Carrelet
  2037. Carrer
  2038. Carr/iΘre
  2039. CarriΘre
  2040. Carross/e
  2041. Carrousel
  2042. Carrure
  2043. Cartable
  2044. Carte
  2045. Cartel
  2046. Carter
  2047. Cartilag/e
  2048. Cartomanc/ie
  2049. Carton
  2050. Cartouche
  2051. Cartouch/e
  2052. Carvi
  2053. Caryatide
  2054. Cas
  2055. Casanier, -iΘre
  2056. Casaque
  2057. Cascade
  2058. Cas/e
  2059. CasΘ/ine
  2060. Casement
  2061. Casern/e
  2062. Casier
  2063. Casino
  2064. Casoar
  2065. Casqu/e
  2066. Casquette
  2067. Casse
  2068. Casss/e
  2069. Casserole
  2070. Cassette
  2071. Cassis
  2072. Cassolette
  2073. Cassonade
  2074. Castagnettes
  2075. Caste
  2076. Castel
  2077. Castor
  2078. Casuel
  2079. Casuiste
  2080. Cataclysme
  2081. Catacombes
  2082. Catafalque
  2083. Catalepsie
  2084. Catalog/ue
  2085. Cataplasme
  2086. Catapulte
  2087. Cataracte
  2088. Catarrh/e
  2089. Catastrophe
  2090. CatΘch/iser
  2091. CatΘgor/ie
  2092. CatheΘrale
  2093. Cathode
  2094. Catholi/que
  2095. Cat/ir
  2096. Cauchemar
  2097. Cause/e
  2098. Caus/er
  2099. Caust/ique
  2100. Caut/Θre
  2101. Caution
  2102. Cavalcade
  2103. Cavale
  2104. Caval/erie
  2105. Caveau
  2106. Caver
  2107. Cavern/e
  2108. Caviar
  2109. Cavite
  2110. Ce
  2111. Ce, cette
  2112. Ceci
  2113. CΘcitΘ
  2114. CΘder
  2115. CΘdille
  2116. CΘdrat
  2117. CΘdre
  2118. Ceindre
  2119. Ceintur/e
  2120. Cenla
  2121. CΘlΘbr/ant
  2122. CΘlΘbre
  2123. CΘler
  2124. CΘleri
  2125. CΘlΘrite
  2126. CΘeste
  2127. CΘlbat
  2128. Celle, celles, celle-ci
  2129. Cellier
  2130. Cellul/e
  2131. Celluloid
  2132. Celtique
  2133. Celui, celle
  2134. CΘmenter
  2135. CΘnacle
  2136. Cendr/e
  2137. CΘne
  2138. CΘnobite
  2139. CΘnotaphe
  2140. CensΘ, -e
  2141. Censeur
  2142. Censur/e
  2143. Centaure, -esse
  2144. CentaurΘe
  2145. Centi
  2146. CentiΘme
  2147. Centtime
  2148. Central
  2149. Centr/e
  2150. Centrifuge
  2151. CentripΘte
  2152. Centupl/e
  2153. Centurion
  2154. Cep
  2155. CΘpe
  2156. CΘpΘe
  2157. Cependant
  2158. CΘramique
  2159. Cerceau
  2160. Cercl/e
  2161. Cercueil
  2162. CΘrΘale
  2163. CΘrΘbral
  2164. CΘrΘmon/ie
  2165. Cerf
  2166. Cerfeuil
  2167. Ceris/e
  2168. Cerne
  2169. Cerneau
  2170. Cerner
  2171. Certain
  2172. Certes
  2173. Certifi/cat
  2174. Certitude
  2175. CΘrumen
  2176. CΘruse
  2177. Cerveau
  2178. Cervelas
  2179. Cervelle
  2180. CΘsarien
  2181. Cessation
  2182. Cess/e
  2183. Ceession
  2184. C'est-ß-dire
  2185. Cesure
  2186. CΘtace
  2187. Chacal
  2188. Chacun
  2189. Chafouin
  2190. Chagrin
  2191. Chah
  2192. Chai, chis
  2193. Chain/e
  2194. Chair
  2195. Chaire
  2196. Chaise
  2197. Chaland
  2198. Chaland
  2199. Chßle
  2200. Chalet
  2201. Chaleur
  2202. Chßlit
  2203. Chaloupe
  2204. Chalumeau
  2205. Chalut
  2206. Chamade
  2207. Chamailler
  2208. Chamarr/er
  2209. Chambellan
  2210. Chambranle
  2211. Chambr/e
  2212. ChambriΘre
  2213. Cham/eau
  2214. Chamois
  2215. Champ
  2216. Chamagne
  2217. Champignon
  2218. Champion
  2219. Chanc/e
  2220. Chancel/er
  2221. Chancel/ier
  2222. ChanceliΘre
  2223. Chancr/e
  2224. Chandail
  2225. Chandeleur
  2226. Chandelier
  2227. Chandelle
  2228. Chanfrein
  2229. Chanfrein
  2230. Chang/e
  2231. Chanson
  2232. Chant
  2233. Chanterelle
  2234. Chantier
  2235. Chantonner
  2236. Chantourner
  2237. Chantre
  2238. Chanvr/e
  2239. Chaos
  2240. Chaotique
  2241. Chape
  2242. Chap/eau
  2243. Chapelain
  2244. Chapelet
  2245. Chapelle
  2246. Chapelure
  2247. Chaperon
  2248. Chapiteau
  2249. Chapitr/e
  2250. Chapon
  2251. Chaque
  2252. Char
  2253. Charade
  2254. Charancon
  2255. Charbon
  2256. Charcut/er
  2257. Chardon
  2258. Chardonneret
  2259. Charg/e
  2260. Chariot
  2261. Charit/e
  2262. Charivari
  2263. Charlatan
  2264. Charme
  2265. Chßrm/e
  2266. charmille
  2267. Charnel
  2268. Charnier
  2269. CharniΘrs
  2270. Charnu
  2271. Charogne
  2272. Charpent/e
  2273. Charpie
  2274. Char/rette
  2275. Charrier
  2276. Charr/ol
  2277. Charron
  2278. Charrue
  2279. Charte
  2280. Chartreux, -eous
  2281. Chas
  2282. Chass/e
  2283. Chßsse
  2284. Chasselas
  2285. chassieux, -euse
  2286. Chßssis
  2287. Chaste
  2288. Chauble
  2289. Chat, -te
  2290. Chßtaign/e
  2291. Chßtain
  2292. Chßt/eau
  2293. Chßti/er
  2294. Chaton
  2295. Chatouill/er
  2296. Chat/oyer
  2297. Chßtr/er
  2298. Chatterton
  2299. Chaud
  2300. ChaudiΘre
  2301. Chaudron
  2302. Chauff/e
  2303. Chaufour
  2304. Chaufour
  2305. Chaler
  2306. Chaum/e
  2307. Chauss/e
  2308. Chausser
  2309. Chausson
  2310. Chassure
  2311. Chauve
  2312. Chaux
  2313. Chavirer
  2314. Chef
  2315. Chemin
  2316. Chemineau
  2317. CheminΘe
  2318. Cheminot
  2319. Chemis/e
  2320. Chenal
  2321. Chenpan
  2322. ChΘn/e
  2323. ChΘneau
  2324. Chenet
  2325. Chenapan
  2326. ChΘn/e
  2327. ChΘneau
  2328. Chenet
  2329. Chenil
  2330. Chenille
  2331. Chenu
  2332. Cheptel
  2333. ChΩque
  2334. ChΘquir
  2335. ChΘrement
  2336. Cherch/er
  2337. ChΘre
  2338. ChΘrubin
  2339. ChΘt/i, -ive
  2340. Cheval
  2341. Chevalet
  2342. Cheval/ier
  2343. Chevaucher
  2344. Chevel/u, -e
  2345. Chavet
  2346. Cheveu
  2347. Chevill/e
  2348. Cheviote
  2349. ChΘvre
  2350. ChΘvrefeuille
  2351. Chevrette
  2352. Chevreuil
  2353. Chevron
  2354. Chevrot/er
  2355. Chevrotin
  2356. Chevrotine
  2357. Chez
  2358. Chic
  2359. Chican/e
  2360. Chiche
  2361. ChicorΘe
  2362. Chien, -ne
  2363. Chiendent
  2364. Chiffon
  2365. Chiffonn/er
  2366. Chiffr/e
  2367. Chignole
  2368. Chignon
  2369. ChimΘre
  2370. ChimΘrique
  2371. Chim/ie
  2372. ChimpanzΘ
  2373. Chinoiserie
  2374. Chinourme
  2375. Chipot/er
  2376. Chiqu/e
  2377. Chiquenaude
  2378. Chiromanc/ie
  2379. Chirurg/ie
  2380. Chlorate
  2381. Chlor/e
  2382. Chloroform/e
  2383. Chlorose
  2384. Chlorure
  2385. Choc
  2386. Chocolat
  2387. ChoeurΘ
  2388. Choir
  2389. Chois/ir
  2390. Choix
  2391. CholΘr/a
  2392. Ch≤m/er
  2393. Chope
  2394. Chopine
  2395. Choqu/er
  2396. Choral
  2397. ChorΘgraphie
  2398. Choriste
  2399. Chorus
  2400. Chose
  2401. Chou
  2402. Choucas
  2403. Choucrout
  2404. Chouette
  2405. Choyer
  2406. ChrΘtien, -ne
  2407. Christ
  2408. Chistian/iser
  2409. Chromatique
  2410. Chrom/e
  2411. Chromolithographie
  2412. Chronique
  2413. Chroniqu/e
  2414. Chronolog/ie
  2415. Chrono/mΘtre
  2416. Chrysalide
  2417. ChrysanthΘme
  2418. Chu, -e
  2419. Chuchot/er
  2420. Chut
  2421. Ci
  2422. Cible
  2423. Ciboir
  2424. Cicatri/ce
  2425. Cicerone
  2426. Cidre
  2427. Ciel
  2428. Cierge
  2429. Cigale
  2430. Cigarette
  2431. Cigogne
  2432. CiguΘ
  2433. Cil
  2434. Cilice
  2435. Cime
  2436. Ciment
  2437. Cimeterre
  2438. CimetiΘre
  2439. Cimier
  2440. Cinabre
  2441. CinΘ
  2442. CinΘma
  2443. Cingler
  2444. Cinq
  2445. Cinquant/e
  2446. Cintr/e
  2447. Cirage
  2448. Circon/cire
  2449. CirconfΘrence
  2450. Circonflexe
  2451. Circonscription
  2452. Circonscire
  2453. Circonspect
  2454. Circonstanc/e
  2455. Circonvenir
  2456. Circonvolution
  2457. Circuit
  2458. Circul/er
  2459. Circunavigat/eur
  2460. Cir/e
  2461. Cirque
  2462. Cirrus
  2463. Cisaill/e
  2464. Cisalpin, -ine
  2465. Cis/eau
  2466. Citadelle
  2467. Citadin
  2468. CitΘ
  2469. Cit/er
  2470. Citerne
  2471. Cithare
  2472. Citoyen
  2473. Citron
  2474. Citronnelle
  2475. Citrouille
  2476. Civet
  2477. Civette
  2478. CiviΘre
  2479. Civil
  2480. Civilis/er
  2481. Civi/que
  2482. Claise
  2483. Clair
  2484. Claire-voie
  2485. ClaiiΘrer
  2486. Clairon
  2487. ClairsemΘ, -e
  2488. Clairvoy/ance
  2489. Clam/er
  2490. Clan
  2491. Clapet
  2492. Clapier
  2493. Clapir
  2494. Clapot/er
  2495. Clapper
  2496. Claqu/e
  2497. Claque
  2498. Claquemurer
  2499. Clarifi/er
  2500. Clarinette
  2501. ClartΘ
  2502. Class/e
  2503. Classifi/er
  2504. Classique
  2505. Clause
  2506. Claustr/er
  2507. Clavecin
  2508. Clavet/te
  2509. Clavicule
  2510. Clavier
  2511. ClΘ, chef
  2512. ClΘmatite
  2513. ClΘm/ence
  2514. Clerc
  2515. ClergΘ
  2516. ClΘrical
  2517. Clich/Θ
  2518. Client
  2519. ClientΘle
  2520. Clign/er
  2521. Clignot/er
  2522. Climat
  2523. ClimatΘrique
  2524. Clin
  2525. Clinique
  2526. Clinquant,-e
  2527. Clique
  2528. Cliquet
  2529. Cliquet/er
  2530. Cliss/e
  2531. Cloaque
  2532. Cloch/e
  2533. Cloche-pied 
  2534. Cloch/er
  2535. Clocher
  2536. Cloison
  2537. Cloftr/e
  2538. Clopin-clopant
  2539. Clopiner
  2540. Cloporte
  2541. Cloque
  2542. Clo/re
  2543. Cl≤tur/e
  2544. Clou
  2545. Clouter
  2546. Clown
  2547. Club
  2548. ClystΘre
  2549. Coadgul/er
  2550. Coali/ser
  2551. Coaltar
  2552. Coss/er
  2553. Cobalt
  2554. Cobaye
  2555. Cocagne
  2556. Cocarde
  2557. Coccinelle
  2558. Coccyx
  2559. Coche
  2560. Cochelet
  2561. Cochenill/e
  2562. Cocher
  2563. Coochon
  2564. Cochonn/er
  2565. Coco
  2566. Cocon
  2567. Cocorico
  2568. Cocotte
  2569. Code
  2570. Codex
  2571. Codicille
  2572. Coefficient
  2573. Coercit/if, -ive
  2574. C¢ur
  2575. Coexist/ant, -e
  2576. Coffr/e
  2577. Cognac
  2578. Cognassier
  2579. CognΘe
  2580. Cogner
  2581. Cohabit/er
  2582. CohΘr/ence
  2583. CohΘritier
  2584. CohΘ/if, -ive
  2585. Cohorte
  2586. Cohue
  2587. Coi,coite
  2588. Coiffe
  2589. Coin
  2590. Coincer
  2591. Coincid/ence
  2592. Coing
  2593. Coke
  2594. Col
  2595. ColΘoptΘre
  2596. Col/Θre
  2597. Colibri
  2598. Colifichet
  2599. Colimaτon
  2600. Colin-maillard
  2601. Colique
  2602. Colis
  2603. Collabor/ateur
  2604. Collage
  2605. Collant
  2606. CollatΘral, -le
  2607. Collation
  2608. Colle
  2609. Collect/e
  2610. CollectivitΘ
  2611. Col/lΘge
  2612. CollΘgue
  2613. Collerette
  2614. Collet
  2615. Collier
  2616. Colline
  2617. Collision
  2618. Collodion
  2619. Colloqu/e
  2620. Collusion
  2621. Collutoire
  2622. Collyre
  2623. Colmater
  2624. Colomb/e
  2625. Colon
  2626. Colonel
  2627. Coloni/e
  2628. Colonn/e
  2629. Colophane
  2630. Color/er
  2631. Colori/er
  2632. Coloss/e
  2633. Colport/er
  2634. Colza
  2635. Coma
  2636. Combat
  2637. Combien
  2638. Combin/er
  2639. Combl/e
  2640. Combusti/ble
  2641. ComΘ/die
  2642. Comestible
  2643. ComΘte
  2644. Comique
  2645. ComitΘ
  2646. Commandant
  2647. Command/e
  2648. Commandit/e
  2649. Comme
  2650. CommΘmor/er
  2651. Commen/cer
  2652. Commensal
  2653. Commensurable
  2654. Comment
  2655. Comment/er
  2656. Commer/ce
  2657. Com/mΘre
  2658. Commettant
  2659. Commettre
  2660. Comminatoire
  2661. Commis
  2662. CommisΘration
  2663. Commissa/ire
  2664. Commission
  2665. Commissure
  2666. Commod/e
  2667. Commotion
  2668. Commu/er
  2669. Commune
  2670. Communiant
  2671. Communic/able
  2672. Communication
  2673. Communier
  2674. Communion
  2675. CommuniquΘ
  2676. Communiquer
  2677. Commun/isme
  2678. Commutateur
  2679. Commutat/if, -ive
  2680. Compact, -e
  2681. Compagne
  2682. Compagnie
  2683. Compagnon
  2684. Compar/er
  2685. Comparse
  2686. Compartiment
  2687. Comparution
  2688. Compas
  2689. CompassΘ, -e
  2690. Compassion
  2691. Compati/ble
  2692. Compat/ir
  2693. Compatriote
  2694. Compendium
  2695. Compens/er
  2696. CompΘre
  2697. CompΘre-loriot
  2698. CompΘt/ence
  2699. CompΘtit/eur, -trice
  2700. Compil/er
  2701. Complainte
  2702. Complaire
  2703. Complais/ance
  2704. ComplΘment
  2705. Comp/let
  2706. Complex/e
  2707. Complexion
  2708. Complication
  2709. Complice/e
  2710. Compliment
  2711. Comliqu/er
  2712. Complot
  2713. Componction
  2714. Comporter
  2715. Compos/er
  2716. Compot/e
  2717. Compound
  2718. Com/predre
  2719. Compresse
  2720. Compressi/ble
  2721. Comprim/er
  2722. Compromett/re
  2723. Compromis
  2724. Compromission
  2725. Compt/able
  2726. Comptant
  2727. Compt/e
  2728. Compulser
  2729. Comt/e
  2730. Concass/er
  2731. Concav/e
  2732. ConcΘder
  2733. Concentr/er
  2734. Concentrique
  2735. Concept
  2736. Concern/er
  2737. Concert
  2738. Concerto
  2739. Concession
  2740. Concessionnaire
  2741. Concetti
  2742. Concevoir
  2743. Concierge
  2744. Concile
  2745. Concil/ier
  2746. Concis
  2747. Concitoyen, -ne
  2748. Conclave
  2749. Conclu/re
  2750. Concombre
  2751. Concomit/ance
  2752. Concordat
  2753. Concorde
  2754. Concord/er
  2755. Concour/ir
  2756. Concours
  2757. Concr/et
  2758. Concupiscence
  2759. Concurremment
  2760. Concurr/ence
  2761. Concussion
  2762. Condamn/er
  2763. Condens/er
  2764. Conescend/re
  2765. Condiment
  2766. Condisciple
  2767. Condition
  2768. CondolΘance
  2769. Condor
  2770. Conducteur
  2771. Conduire
  2772. Conduit
  2773. Conduite
  2774. C≤ne
  2775. Confection
  2776. ConfΘdΘr/er
  2777. ConfΘr/er
  2778. Confess/er
  2779. Confi/ance
  2780. Confiden/ce
  2781. Confier
  2782. Configuration
  2783. Confin/er
  2784. Confins
  2785. Confire
  2786. Confirm/er
  2787. Confis/erie
  2788. Confis/quer
  2789. Confit, -e
  2790. Confitur/e
  2791. Conflagration
  2792. Conflu/er
  2793. Confondre
  2794. Conformation
  2795. Conformer
  2796. Confort
  2797. Con/frΘre
  2798. Confront/er
  2799. Confus
  2800. CongΘ
  2801. CongΘdi/er
  2802. Con/geler
  2803. CongΘnΘre
  2804. CongΘnital, -e
  2805. Congestion
  2806. ConglomΘr/er
  2807. Congratul/er
  2808. Congre
  2809. CongrΘgation
  2810. CongrΘs
  2811. Congruite
  2812. Conique
  2813. Conjectur/e
  2814. Conjoin/dre
  2815. Conjoncteur
  2816. Conjonctif, -tive
  2817. Conjonction
  2818. Conjonctivite
  2819. Conjoncture
  2820. Conjugal, -e
  2821. Conjug/uer
  2822. Conjur/er
  2823. Connaissable
  2824. Connaissance
  2825. Connaisseur
  2826. Connaisseur, -euse
  2827. Connaεtre
  2828. ConnΘtable
  2829. Connex/e
  2830. Connivence
  2831. Conque
  2832. ConquΘr/ir
  2833. ConquΘte
  2834. Consacr/er
  2835. Consign/er
  2836. Consanguin, -e
  2837. Consci/ence
  2838. Con/script
  2839. ConsΘcration
  2840. Conseil
  2841. Consent/ir
  2842. ConsΘqu/ence
  2843. Conserv/e
  2844. ConsidΘrable
  2845. ConsidΘr/er
  2846. Consign/er
  2847. Consist/ance
  2848. Consister
  2849. Consistoire
  2850. Copnsole
  2851. Consol/er
  2852. Consolid/er
  2853. ConsommΘ, -e
  2854. Consomption
  2855. Conson/ance
  2856. Consonne
  2857. Consort
  2858. Conspir/er
  2859. Conspuer
  2860. Constamment
  2861. Constat/er
  2862. Constell/er
  2863. Constern/er
  2864. Constip/er
  2865. Constitu/er
  2866. Constitution
  2867. Constru/ire
  2868. Consul
  2869. Consult/er
  2870. Consum/er
  2871. Contact
  2872. Contag/ieux, -ieuse
  2873. Contamin/er
  2874. Conte
  2875. Contempl/er
  2876. Contemporain, -aine
  2877. Contempteur, -trice
  2878. Conten/ance
  2879. Contenir
  2880. Content
  2881. Contentieux, -ieuse
  2882. Contention
  2883. Contenu
  2884. Cont/er
  2885. Contest/er
  2886. Contexture
  2887. Contigu, -Θ
  2888. Contin/ence
  2889. Continent
  2890. Conting/ence
  2891. Continu, -e
  2892. Continu/er
  2893. Contondant, -e
  2894. Contorsion
  2895. Contour
  2896. Contourn/er
  2897. Contractant
  2898. Contact/er
  2899. Contradict/ion
  2900. Contrain/dre
  2901. Contraire
  2902. Contralto
  2903. Contrai/er
  2904. Contrast/e
  2905. Contrat
  2906. Contravention
  2907. Contre
  2908. Contreband/e
  2909. Contrecarrer
  2910. Contre/dire
  2911. ContrΘe
  2912. Countrefacon
  2913. Countrefact/eur
  2914. Countre/faire
  2915. Contrefort
  2916. Countremaεtre
  2917. Countremander
  2918. Countremarque
  2919. Contrepoids
  2920. Coutrer
  2921. Contresens
  2922. Contresigner
  2923. Contretemps
  2924. Contreven/ir
  2925. Contrevent
  2926. Contribuable
  2927. Contribu/er
  2928. Contrister
  2929. Contrit
  2930. Contr≤le
  2931. Controuv/er
  2932. Contumace
  2933. Controvers/e
  2934. Contus, -e
  2935. Convainc/re
  2936. Convalesc/ence
  2937. Conven/ir
  2938. Convention
  2939. Converg/er
  2940. Convers/er
  2941. Conver/tir
  2942. Convex/e
  2943. Conviction
  2944. Convi/er
  2945. Convive
  2946. Convocation
  2947. Con/voi
  2948. Convoit/er
  2949. Convoler
  2950. Convoquer
  2951. Convuls/er
  2952. Coolie
  2953. CoopΘr/er
  2954. Coord/onner
  2955. Copeau
  2956. Copi/e
  2957. Copieu/x, -ieuse
  2958. Coq
  2959. Coque
  2960. Coquelicot
  2961. Coqueluche
  2962. Coquet, -te
  2963. Coquetier
  2964. Coquillage
  2965. Coquille
  2966. Coquin
  2967. Cor
  2968. Cor/ail
  2969. Coran
  2970. Corbeau
  2971. Corbillard
  2972. Cordage
  2973. Cord/e
  2974. Cordeau
  2975. Cordeler
  2976. Cordelette
  2977. Cordelier
  2978. CordeliΘre
  2979. Cordial, -e
  2980. Cordon
  2981. Cordonn/erie
  2982. Cordonnet
  2983. Cordeligionnaire
  2984. Coriace
  2985. Cormoran
  2986. Cornac
  2987. Cornaline
  2988. Corn/e
  2989. CornΘe
  2990. Corneille
  2991. Cornemuse
  2992. Cornet
  2993. Cornette
  2994. Corniche
  2995. Corichon
  2996. Cornouill/e
  2997. Corollaire
  2998. Corolle
  2999. Coronal
  3000. Corporatif, -tive
  3001. Corporation
  3002. Corporel
  3003. Corps
  3004. Corpul/ence
  3005. Corpuscul/e
  3006. Correct
  3007. Correctionnel, -le
  3008. Correspond/re
  3009. Corridor
  3010. Corrig/er
  3011. Corrobor/er
  3012. Corrod/er
  3013. Corroi
  3014. Corromp/re
  3015. Corros/if, -ive
  3016. Corroy/er
  3017. Corrupt/ion
  3018. Corsage
  3019. Corsaire
  3020. Corselet
  3021. Corser
  3022. Corset
  3023. CortΘge
  3024. CorvΘe
  3025. Corvette
  3026. CoryphΘe
  3027. Coryza
  3028. Cosaque
  3029. CosmΘtique
  3030. Cosmique
  3031. Cosmograph/e
  3032. Cosmopolite
  3033. Cosse
  3034. Costal, -e
  3035. Costum/e
  3036. Cote
  3037. C≤te
  3038. C≤telΘ
  3039. C≤telette
  3040. Coter
  3041. Coterie
  3042. C≤tier, -Θre
  3043. Cotillon
  3044. Cotis/er 
  3045. Coton
  3046. C≤toyer
  3047. Cotre
  3048. Cotte
  3049. Cou
  3050. Couard
  3051. Couch/e
  3052. Couci-couci
  3053. Couci-couß
  3054. Coucou
  3055. Coud/e
  3056. Coud/er
  3057. Coudr/e
  3058. Coudre
  3059. Couenn/e
  3060. Coul/er
  3061. Dactyle
  3062. Dactylograph/e
  3063. Dada
  3064. Dadais
  3065. Dague
  3066. Dahlia
  3067. Daigner
  3068. Daim
  3069. Daine
  3070. Dais
  3071. Dall/e
  3072. Dalot
  3073. Damas
  3074. Damasquiner
  3075. DamassΘ, -e
  3076. Damasser
  3077. Dam/e
  3078. Damier
  3079. Damn/er
  3080. Damoiselle
  3081. Dandiner
  3082. Dandy
  3083. Danger
  3084. Dans/e
  3085. Dard
  3086. Dartr/e
  3087. Datif
  3088. Datt/e
  3089. Daube
  3090. Dauphin
  3091. Dauphine
  3092. Davantage
  3093. Davier
  3094. D.C.A.
  3095. DΘambuler
  3096. DΘbßcl/e
  3097. DΘball/er
  3098. DΘband/er
  3099. DΘbaptiser
  3100. DΘbarouill/er
  3101. DΘbarcaddΘre
  3102. DΘbard/er
  3103. DΘbarqu/er
  3104. DΘbarras
  3105. DΘbat
  3106. DΘbßtir
  3107. DΘbattre
  3108. DΘbauch/e
  3109. DΘbaucher
  3110. DΘbil/e
  3111. DΘbit
  3112. DΘbial
  3113. DΘblatΘrer
  3114. DΘboire
  3115. DΘboiser
  3116. DΘbft/er
  3117. DΘbonder
  3118. DΘbonnaire
  3119. DΘbord
  3120. DΘosseler
  3121. DΘbotter
  3122. DΘbouch/Θ
  3123. DΘboucler
  3124. DΘboulonner
  3125. DΘbourber
  3126. DΘbourrer
  3127. DΘbours
  3128. Debout
  3129. DΘboutonner
  3130. DΘbraillΘ, -e
  3131. DΘbrancher
  3132. DΘbrayer
  3133. DΘbrider
  3134. DΘbris
  3135. DΘbrouillard
  3136. DΘbrouiller
  3137. DΘbroussailler
  3138. DΘbucher
  3139. DΘbusquer
  3140. DΘut
  3141. Decß
  3142. DΘcacheter
  3143. DΘcade
  3144. DΘcad/ence
  3145. DΘcaler
  3146. DΘcalqu/e, decalqu/age
  3147. DΘcamper
  3148. DΘcanat
  3149. DΘcanter
  3150. DΘcaper
  3151. DΘcapit/er
  3152. DΘcarreler
  3153. DΘcatir
  3154. DΘcΘd/er
  3155. DΘceler
  3156. DΘcembre
  3157. DΘc/ence
  3158. DΘcennal, -e
  3159. DΘcentralis/er
  3160. DΘception
  3161. DΘcerner
  3162. DΘcΘs
  3163. DΘce/voir
  3164. DΘchafn/er
  3165. DΘcharg/e
  3166. DΘcharn/er
  3167. DΘchaumer
  3168. DΘchausser
  3169. DΘchΘnce
  3170. DΘchet
  3171. DΘchiffonner
  3172. DΘchiffr/er
  3173. DΘchiquet/er
  3174. DΘchir/er
  3175. DΘch/oir
  3176. DΘcid/er
  3177. DΘcigramme
  3178. DΘcilitre
  3179. DΘcimal, -e
  3180. DΘcime
  3181. DΘcimer
  3182. DΘcis/if, -ive
  3183. DΘcision
  3184. DΘlam/er
  3185. DΘclar/er
  3186. DΘclass/er
  3187. DΘclencher
  3188. DΘclic
  3189. DΘclin
  3190. DΘclinable
  3191. DΘlin/er
  3192. DeclivitΘ
  3193. DΘclore
  3194. DΘclouer
  3195. DΘcocher
  3196. DΘcoction
  3197. DΘcoiffer
  3198. DΘcoll/er
  3199. DΘcollet/er
  3200. DΘcolor/er
  3201. DΘcombres
  3202. DΘcommander
  3203. DΘcompos/er
  3204. DΘcompt/e
  3205. DΘconcerter
  3206. DΘcon/fire
  3207. DΘongestionner
  3208. DeconsidΘrer
  3209. DΘcontenancer
  3210. DΘconvenue
  3211. DΘcor
  3212. DΘcor/er
  3213. DΘcorner
  3214. DΘcortiquer
  3215. DΘcorum
  3216. DΘcoucher
  3217. DΘcoudre
  3218. DΘcouler
  3219. DΘcoup/er
  3220. DΘcoup/er
  3221. DΘcouplΘ, -e
  3222. Decourag/er
  3223. DΘouronner
  3224. DΘcousu, -e
  3225. DΘcouvert, -e
  3226. DΘcouvrir
  3227. DΘcrasser
  3228. DΘcrΘditer
  3229. DΘcrΘpir
  3230. DΘcrΘpit, -e
  3231. DΘcr/et
  3232. DΘcri
  3233. DΘcrire
  3234. DΘcrocher
  3235. DΘ/croεtre
  3236. DΘcrott/er
  3237. DΘcrue
  3238. DΘcu, -e
  3239. DΘcupl/e
  3240. DΘdaign/er
  3241. DΘdain
  3242. DΘdale
  3243. Dedans
  3244. DΘdic/ace
  3245. DΘdier
  3246. De/dire
  3247. DΘdommag/er
  3248. DΘdorer
  3249. DΘdouaner
  3250. DΘdoubl/er
  3251. DΘ/duire
  3252. DΘesee
  3253. DΘfaill/ir
  3254. DΘ/faire
  3255. DΘfal/quer
  3256. DΘfaut
  3257. DΘfaveur
  3258. Defavorable
  3259. DΘfectif, -ive
  3260. DΘfection
  3261. DΘfectu/eux, -euse
  3262. Defend/re
  3263. DΘfens/e
  3264. DΘference
  3265. DΘfΘrent, -e
  3266. DΘfΘrer
  3267. DΘferler
  3268. Deferrer
  3269. DΘfeuiller
  3270. DΘfi
  3271. DΘi/ance
  3272. DΘficeler
  3273. DΘficit
  3274. DΘfigurer
  3275. DΘfil/Θ
  3276. DΘfiler
  3277. DΘfin/i, -e
  3278. DΘflagr/er
  3279. DΘflation
  3280. DΘflΘchir
  3281. DΘfleur/ir
  3282. DΘflor/er
  3283. DΘon/cer
  3284. DΘform/er
  3285. DΘfraεch/ir
  3286. DΘfrayer
  3287. DΘfricher
  3288. DΘfriser
  3289. DΘfroncer
  3290. DΘfroquer
  3291. DΘfunt, -e
  3292. DΘgag/er
  3293. DΘgaine
  3294. DΘainer
  3295. DΘganter
  3296. DΘgarn/ir
  3297. DΘgßt
  3298. DΘgauchir
  3299. DΘgel
  3300. DΘelΘe
  3301. DΘgΘnΘr/er
  3302. DΘgingandΘ, -e
  3303. DΘglit/ir
  3304. DΘgommer
  3305. DΘgonfl/er
  3306. DΘgorger
  3307. DΘgour/ir
  3308. DΘgo·t
  3309. DΘgoutt/er
  3310. Degrad/er
  3311. DΘgrafer
  3312. DΘgrasiss/er
  3313. DΘgrΘ
  3314. DΘgΘer
  3315. DΘ/grever
  3316. DΦgringol/er
  3317. DΘgriser
  3318. DΘgrossir
  3319. DΘguenill/er
  3320. DΘguerpir
  3321. DΘguis/er
  3322. DΘgust/er
  3323. DΘhaler
  3324. DΘhanch/er (se)
  3325. DΘharnacher
  3326. DΘhors
  3327. DΘifi/er
  3328. DΘiste
  3329. DΘite
  3330. DΘjß
  3331. DΘjection
  3332. DΘjet/er
  3333. DΘjeuner
  3334. DΘjouer
  3335. DΘjuger (se)
  3336. Delß
  3337. DΘlabr/er
  3338. DΘlacer
  3339. DΘlai
  3340. DΘaiss/er
  3341. DΘlass/er
  3342. DΘlat/eur
  3343. DΘlav/er
  3344. DΘlayer
  3345. DΘlect/er
  3346. DΘlΘg/uer
  3347. DΘlester
  3348. DΘlΘtΘre
  3349. DΘlibΘr/er
  3350. DΘlicat, -e
  3351. DΘlic/e
  3352. DΘliΘ, -e
  3353. DΘlier
  3354. DΘlimiter
  3355. DΘlinΘation
  3356. DΘlinquant, -e
  3357. DΘliquescence
  3358. DΘlir/e
  3359. DΘlit
  3360. DΘlivr/er
  3361. DΘloger
  3362. DΘloy/al, -ale
  3363. Delta
  3364. DΘluge
  3365. DΘlurΘ, -e
  3366. DΘmagog/ie
  3367. DΘmailloter
  3368. DΘmanch/er
  3369. Demand/e
  3370. DΘang/er
  3371. DΘmanteler
  3372. DΘmarcation
  3373. DΘmarche
  3374. DΘmarquer
  3375. DΘmarr/er
  3376. DΘmasquer
  3377. DΘmßter
  3378. DΘmΘlΘ
  3379. DΘmΘl/er
  3380. DΘmembr/er
  3381. DΘmΘnag/er
  3382. DΘm/ence
  3383. DΘmenter (se)
  3384. DΘment/i
  3385. DΘmΘrit/e
  3386. DemesurΘ, -e
  3387. DΘmettre
  3388. DΘmeubl/er
  3389. Demeur/e
  3390. Demi, -e
  3391. DΘmis, -e
  3392. DΘmission
  3393. DΘmobiliser
  3394. DΘmocrat/e
  3395. DΘmodΘ, -e
  3396. DΘmoiselle
  3397. DΘmol/ir
  3398. DΘmon
  3399. DΘmonΘtiser
  3400. DΘmonstrateur
  3401. DΘmonstration
  3402. DΘmont/er
  3403. DΘmontrer
  3404. DΘmordre
  3405. DΘmunir
  3406. DΘmurer
  3407. DΘnantir
  3408. DΘnationaliser
  3409. DΘnatur/er
  3410. DΘnΘgation
  3411. DΘni
  3412. DΘnicher
  3413. Denier
  3414. DΘnigr/er
  3415. DΘnivel/er
  3416. DΘnombr/er
  3417. DΘnominateur
  3418. DΘnomination
  3419. DΘnommer
  3420. DΘnonc/er
  3421. DΘnoter
  3422. DΘ/nouer
  3423. DenrΘe
  3424. Dens/e
  3425. Dent
  3426. Denteler
  3427. Dentell/e
  3428. DΘnud/er
  3429. DΘnu/er
  3430. DΘn·ment
  3431. DΘpanner
  3432. DΘpaqueter
  3433. DΘpareill/er
  3434. DΘarer
  3435. DΘpart
  3436. DΘpartager
  3437. DΘpartement
  3438. DΘpartir
  3439. DΘpasser
  3440. DΘpaver
  3441. DΘpays/er
  3442. DΘpecer
  3443. DΘpΘche
  3444. DΘpΘcher
  3445. DΘpeignΘ, -e
  3446. DΘpeindre
  3447. DΘpenaillΘ, -e
  3448. DΘpendre
  3449. DΘpend/re
  3450. DΘens
  3451. DΘens/e
  3452. DΘperdition
  3453. DΘpΘr/ir
  3454. DΘΘtrer
  3455. DΘpeupl/er
  3456. DΘpiΘcer
  3457. DΘpiler
  3458. DΘpister
  3459. DΘpit
  3460. DΘplac/er
  3461. DΘplai/re
  3462. DΘplaisir
  3463. DΘplanter
  3464. DΘpliant
  3465. DΘplier
  3466. DΘplorer
  3467. DΘplo/yer
  3468. DΘplum/er
  3469. DΘpol/ir
  3470. DΘpopulation
  3471. DΘportement
  3472. DΘport/er
  3473. DΘpos/er
  3474. DΘposs/Θder
  3475. DΘposter
  3476. DΘp⌠t
  3477. DΘpoter
  3478. DΘouill/e
  3479. DΘpourvu, -e
  3480. DΘprav/er
  3481. DΘprΘci/er
  3482. DΘprΘda/tion
  3483. DΘprendre
  3484. DΘpression
  3485. DΘprim/er
  3486. Depuis
  3487. DΘpur/er
  3488. DΘput/er
  3489. DΘraciner
  3490. DΘraidir, dΘroidir
  3491. DΘraill/er
  3492. DΘraision
  3493. DΘrang/er
  3494. DΘraper
  3495. DΘrechef
  3496. DΘrΘgl/er
  3497. DΘrΘglement
  3498. DΘrider
  3499. DΘris/ion
  3500. DΘriv/e
  3501. DΘiv/er
  3502. Derme
  3503. Derni/er
  3504. DΘrobΘ, -e
  3505. DΘob/er
  3506. DΘrog/er
  3507. DΘrouiller
  3508. DΘrouler
  3509. DΘroute
  3510. DΘrouter
  3511. DerriΘre
  3512. Deerviche, dervis
  3513. Des
  3514. DΘs
  3515. DΘsabuser
  3516. DΘsaccord
  3517. DΘsaccoutumer
  3518. DΘsaffictionner
  3519. DΘsaffranchir
  3520. DΘsagrΘable
  3521. DΘsagrΘer
  3522. DΘsagrΘment
  3523. DΘsajuster
  3524. DΘsallier
  3525. DΘsaltΘr/er
  3526. DΘsappoint/er
  3527. DΘsapprendre
  3528. DΘsap/prouver
  3529. DΘsarconner
  3530. DΘsargenter
  3531. DΘsarm/er
  3532. DΘsarrimer
  3533. DΘsarroi
  3534. DΘsarticul/er
  3535. DΘsassocier
  3536. DΘsassortir
  3537. DΘsastr/e
  3538. DΘsavantag/e
  3539. DΘsav/eu
  3540. DΘsaxer
  3541. Desceller
  3542. Descendance
  3543. Descendant, -e
  3544. Descendre
  3545. Descente
  3546. Descriptible
  3547. Descriptif, -ive
  3548. DΘsemballer
  3549. DΘsembarqu/er
  3550. DΘsempar/er
  3551. DΘsemplir
  3552. DΘsenchafner
  3553. DΘsenchant/er
  3554. DΘsencombrer
  3555. DΘsenfler
  3556. DΘsengager
  3557. DΘsenivrer
  3558. DΘsennuyer
  3559. DΘsenrouer
  3560. DΘsenterrer
  3561. DΘsentortiller
  3562. DΘsentraver
  3563. DΘsΘquilibr/e
  3564. DΘsert
  3565. DΘsert/er
  3566. DΘsespΘr/er
  3567. DΘsespoir
  3568. DΘshabiller
  3569. DΘshabite
  3570. DΘshabituer
  3571. DΘshΘriter
  3572. DΘshonnΘte
  3573. DΘshonneur
  3574. DΘshonor/er
  3575. DΘsign/er
  3576. DΘsillusion
  3577. DΘsincorporer
  3578. DΘsinence
  3579. DΘsinfatuer
  3580. DΘsinfect/er
  3581. DΘsintΘgrer
  3582. DΘsintΘress/er
  3583. DΘsinvolt/e
  3584. DΘsir
  3585. DΘsister  (se)
  3586. DΘsobΘ/ir
  3587. DΘsoblig/er
  3588. DΘsobstruer
  3589. DΘsoeuvr/er 
  3590. DΘsol/er
  3591. DΘsopil/er
  3592. DΘsord/re
  3593. DΘsorganis/er
  3594. DΘsorient/er
  3595. DΘsormais
  3596. DΘsosser
  3597. DΘsoxyder
  3598. Despot/e
  3599. Desquamer
  3600. Dessai/sir
  3601. Dessaler
  3602. Dessangler
  3603. DessΘch/er
  3604. Dessein
  3605. Desseller
  3606. Desserrer
  3607. Dessert
  3608. Desserte
  3609. Desserv/ir
  3610. Desservir
  3611. Dessin
  3612. Dessouder
  3613. Dessous
  3614. Dessus
  3615. Destin
  3616. Destinataire
  3617. Destination
  3618. DestinΘe
  3619. Destiner
  3620. Destitu/er
  3621. Destruc/teur, -trice
  3622. DΘsuΘtude
  3623. DΘsun/ir
  3624. DΘtach/er
  3625. DΘtacher
  3626. DΘtail
  3627. DΘtaler
  3628. DΘtective
  3629. DΘteindre
  3630. DΦteler
  3631. DΘten/dre
  3632. DΘten/ir
  3633. DΘtΘrior/er
  3634. DΘtermin/er
  3635. DΘterr/er
  3636. DΘtersif, -ive
  3637. DΘtest/er
  3638. DΘtirer
  3639. DΘton/er
  3640. DΘtonner
  3641. DΘtordre
  3642. DΘtortiller
  3643. DΘtour
  3644. DΘtourn/er
  3645. DΘtrac/teur, -trice
  3646. DΘtraqu/er
  3647. DΘtrempe
  3648. DΘtremp/er
  3649. DΘtresse
  3650. DΘtresser
  3651. DΘtriment
  3652. DΘtritus
  3653. DΘtroit
  3654. DΘtromper
  3655. DΘtro√/er
  3656. DΘtrouss/er
  3657. DΘtruire
  3658. Dette
  3659. Deuil
  3660. Deux
  3661. DΘvaler
  3662. DΘvalisiser
  3663. DΘvaloriser
  3664. Devanc/er
  3665. Devant
  3666. Devanture
  3667. Devast/er
  3668. DΘvelopp/er
  3669. Devenir
  3670. DΘvergond/er (se)
  3671. DΘverrouiller
  3672. Devers
  3673. DΘvers/er
  3674. DΘvΘtir
  3675. DΘvider
  3676. DΘvi/er
  3677. Devin, -eresse
  3678. Devin/er
  3679. Devis
  3680. DΘvisager
  3681. Devise
  3682. Deviser
  3683. DΘvoiler
  3684. DΘvoir
  3685. DΘvolu
  3686. DΘvolution
  3687. Devor/er
  3688. DΘvot, -e
  3689. DΘvou/er
  3690. DΘvoy/er
  3691. DextΘritΘ
  3692. DiabΘte
  3693. Diable
  3694. Diabolique
  3695. Dia/cre
  3696. DiadΘme
  3697. Diagnos/tic
  3698. Diagonal, -e
  3699. Diagramme
  3700. Dialecte
  3701. Dialectique
  3702. Dialogu/e
  3703. Diamant
  3704. DiamΘtral
  3705. DiamΘtre
  3706. Diane
  3707. Diapason
  3708. Diaphane
  3709. Diaphragme
  3710. Diapr/er
  3711. DiarrhΘe
  3712. Diatribe
  3713. Dicta/teur
  3714. Dict/Θe
  3715. Diction
  3716. Dictionnaire
  3717. Dicton
  3718. Didactique
  3719. DiΘse
  3720. Diesel
  3721. DiΘte
  3722. Dieu
  3723. Diffam/er
  3724. DiffΘr/ence
  3725. DiffΘr/er
  3726. Diffi/cile
  3727. Difform/e
  3728. Diffract/er
  3729. Diffus, -e
  3730. Di/gΘrer
  3731. Digital, -e
  3732. Dign/e
  3733. Digress/er
  3734. Digue
  3735. Dilapid/er
  3736. Dilat/er
  3737. Dilatoire
  3738. Dilemme
  3739. Dilig/ence
  3740. Dilu/er
  3741. Diluvien, -ne
  3742. Dimanche
  3743. Dime
  3744. Dimension
  3745. Diminu/er
  3746. Dinanderie
  3747. Dind/e
  3748. Dεn/er
  3749. DiocΘse
  3750. Diorama
  3751. DiphtΘrie
  3752. Diphtongue
  3753. Diplomat/e
  3754. Dipl⌠me
  3755. Dire
  3756. Direct, -e
  3757. Direc/teur
  3758. Directoire
  3759. Dirigeable
  3760. Dirig/er
  3761. Discern/er
  3762. Disciple
  3763. Disciplin/e
  3764. Discontinu/er
  3765. Disconven/ir
  3766. Discord/ance
  3767. Disour/s
  3768. Discourtois, -oise
  3769. Discredit
  3770. Discr/et, -Θte
  3771. Disculp/er
  3772. Discussion
  3773. Discut/er
  3774. Disette
  3775. Diseur, -euse
  3776. Disgrßc/e
  3777. Disjoindre
  3778. Disjonction
  3779. Dislocation
  3780. Disloqu/er
  3781. Disparaεtre
  3782. Disparate
  3783. DisparitΘ
  3784. Disparition
  3785. Dispendieux, -euse
  3786. Dispensaire
  3787. Dispense
  3788. Dispens/er
  3789. Dispers/er
  3790. Disponi/ble
  3791. Dispos
  3792. Dispos/er
  3793. Disproportion
  3794. Disput/e
  3795. Disqualifier
  3796. Disque
  3797. Disquistion
  3798. Dis/sΘquer
  3799. Dissembla/ble
  3800. DissΘmin/er
  3801. Dissension
  3802. Dissentiment
  3803. DissΘrt/er
  3804. Dissidence
  3805. Dissident, -e
  3806. Dissimil/aire
  3807. Dissimul/er
  3808. Dissip/er
  3809. Dissoci/er
  3810. Dissolu, -e
  3811. Dissoluble
  3812. Dissolution
  3813. Dissolvant, -ante
  3814. Disson/ance
  3815. Dissoudre
  3816. Dissous, -te
  3817. Dissuader
  3818. Dissyllab/e
  3819. DissymΘtr/ie
  3820. Distan/ce
  3821. Disten/dre
  3822. Distill/er
  3823. Distinct, -e
  3824. Distingu/er
  3825. Distors, -e
  3826. Distraction
  3827. Distraire
  3828. Distrait, -e
  3829. Distrayant, -e
  3830. Distribu/er
  3831. District
  3832. Dit, dite
  3833. Diurne
  3834. Divag/uer
  3835. Divan
  3836. Diverg/er
  3837. Divers, -e
  3838. Diversifier
  3839. Divert/ir
  3840. Diversion
  3841. Dividende
  3842. Divination
  3843. Divis/er
  3844. Divorc/e
  3845. Divulg/uer
  3846. Dix
  3847. Dizaine
  3848. Do
  3849. Docil/e
  3850. Dock
  3851. Docte
  3852. Doct/eur
  3853. Doctrin/e
  3854. Document
  3855. Dodu, -e
  3856. Dogm/e
  3857. Dogue
  3858. Doigt
  3859. Dol
  3860. DolΘance
  3861. Dolent, -e
  3862. Dolman
  3863. Dolmen
  3864. Dolmaine
  3865. D⌠me
  3866. Domest/ique
  3867. Domicoil/e
  3868. Domin/er
  3869. Dominicain, -e
  3870. Domino
  3871. Dommage
  3872. Dompt/er
  3873. Don
  3874. Donc
  3875. Donjon
  3876. DonnΘ, -e
  3877. Donn/er
  3878. Dont
  3879. Dorade
  3880. DorΘnavant
  3881. Dor/er
  3882. Dorique
  3883. Dorloter
  3884. Dorm/ir
  3885. Dorsal, -e
  3886. Dortoir
  3887. Dos
  3888. Dos/e
  3889. Dossier
  3890. Dot
  3891. Douair/e
  3892. Douan/e
  3893. Double
  3894. Doubler
  3895. Douceßtre
  3896. Doucement
  3897. Doucereux, euse
  3898. Douceur
  3899. Douch/e
  3900. Dou/er
  3901. Douille
  3902. Douillet, -e
  3903. Doul/eur
  3904. Dout/e
  3905. Douve
  3906. Doux, douce
  3907. Douz/e
  3908. Doyen, -ne
  3909. Draconien, -ne
  3910. DragΘe
  3911. Dragon
  3912. Dragonne
  3913. Drain
  3914. Dram/e
  3915. Drap
  3916. Drapeau
  3917. Dress/er
  3918. Dressoir
  3919. Drill/e
  3920. Drogu/e
  3921. Droit
  3922. Droit
  3923. Dr⌠l/e
  3924. Dru, -e
  3925. Druide
  3926. Dryade
  3927. D·, due
  3928. Dubitatif, -ive
  3929. Ducat
  3930. DuΘgne
  3931. Duel
  3932. D·ment
  3933. Dune
  3934. Duo
  3935. Dup/e
  3936. Duplicat/e
  3937. DuplicitΘ
  3938. Duquel
  3939. Dur, -e
  3940. Durant
  3941. Dur/Θe
  3942. Durillon
  3943. Duv/et
  3944. Dynam/ique
  3945. Dynamite
  3946. Dynamo
  3947. DynamomΘtre
  3948. Dynast/ie
  3949. Dysenterie
  3950. Dysep/sie
  3951. Eau
  3952. ╔bah/ir
  3953. ╔barber
  3954. ╩bat/s
  3955. ╔baubir (s')
  3956. ╔baudir
  3957. ╔b/Θne
  3958. ╔nier
  3959. ╩niste
  3960. ╔nisterie
  3961. ╔blou/ir
  3962. ╔bonite
  3963. ╔borgner
  3964. ╔boul/er
  3965. ╔bouriff/er
  3966. ╔branch/er
  3967. ╔branl/er
  3968. ╔brΘcher
  3969. ╔briΘtΘ
  3970. ╔brouer (s')
  3971. ╔bruiter
  3972. ╔bullition
  3973. ╔caill/e
  3974. ╔cal/e
  3975. ╔carlate
  3976. ╔carquill/er
  3977. ╔cart
  3978. ╔carteler
  3979. ╔cclΘsiastique
  3980. ╔cervelΘ
  3981. ╔chafaud
  3982. ╔chalas
  3983. ╔chal(l)ier, Θchalis
  3984. ╔chalote
  3985. ╔chancr/er
  3986. ╚chang/e
  3987. ╔chanson
  3988. ╔chantillon
  3989. ╔chappatoire
  3990. ╔chapp/er
  3991. ╔charde
  3992. ╔chardonner
  3993. ╩charp/e
  3994. ╔chasse
  3995. ╔chassier
  3996. ╔chaud/er
  3997. ╔chauff/er
  3998. ╔chauffourΘe
  3999. ╔chΘance
  4000. ╔chΘant
  4001. ╔chec
  4002. ╔chelle
  4003. ╔chelon
  4004. ╔chenill/er
  4005. ╔cheveau
  4006. ╔chevel/er
  4007. ╔chevin
  4008. ╔chin/e
  4009. ╔chiquier
  4010. ╔cho
  4011. ╔choir
  4012. ╔choppe
  4013. ╔chouer
  4014. ╔chu
  4015. ╔clabouss/er
  4016. ╔clair
  4017. ╔clairage
  4018. ╔claircie
  4019. ╔clairc/ir
  4020. ╔clair/er
  4021. ╔clat
  4022. ╔clat/er
  4023. ╚lect/ique
  4024. ╔clips/e
  4025. ╔cliptique
  4026. ╔cliss/e
  4027. Ecloper
  4028. ╔clo/re
  4029. ╔clus/e
  4030. ╔coeur/er
  4031. ╔col/e
  4032. ╔conduire
  4033. ╔conom/e
  4034. ╔conom/ie
  4035. ╔coper
  4036. ╔corc/e
  4037. ╔corch/er
  4038. ╔corner
  4039. ╔cornifi/er
  4040. ╔cossais
  4041. ╔cosser
  4042. ╔cot
  4043. ╔oul/er
  4044. ╔courter
  4045. ╔cout/e
  4046. ╔coutille
  4047. ╔cran
  4048. ╔cras/er
  4049. ╔crΘmer
  4050. ╔crevisse
  4051. ╔crier (s')
  4052. ╔crin
  4053. ╔cri/re
  4054. ╔criteau
  4055. ╔critoire
  4056. ╔crivass/er
  4057. ╔crou
  4058. ╔crrouell/es
  4059. ╔croul/er
  4060. ╔cru,-e
  4061. ╔cu
  4062. ╔cueil
  4063. ╔cuelle
  4064. ╔culer
  4065. ╔cum/e
  4066. ╔curer
  4067. ╔cureuil
  4068. ╔curie
  4069. ╔cusson
  4070. ╔cuyer
  4071. ╔czΘma
  4072. Eden
  4073. Edent/Θ, -e
  4074. ╔dicter
  4075. ╔difice
  4076. ╔difi/er
  4077. ╔dile
  4078. ╔dit
  4079. ╔dit/er
  4080. ╔dredon
  4081. ╔dulcor/er
  4082. ╔du/quer
  4083. Effa/cer
  4084. Effar/er
  4085. Effaroucher
  4086. Effect/if, -ive
  4087. Effectuer
  4088. EffΘmin/er
  4089. Effervesc/ence
  4090. Effet
  4091. Effeuiller
  4092. Efficac/e
  4093. Efficient, -e
  4094. Effil/er
  4095. Effilocher
  4096. Effanqu/er
  4097. Effleur/er
  4098. Effloraison
  4099. Efflorescence
  4100. Effluve
  4101. Effondr/er
  4102. Efforcer (s')
  4103. Effort
  4104. Effraction
  4105. Effraie
  4106. Effranger
  4107. Effray/er
  4108. EffrΘnΘ, -e
  4109. Effriter
  4110. Effroi
  4111. Effront/Θ, -e
  4112. Effroyable
  4113. Effusion
  4114. Egal, -Θ
  4115. ╔gard
  4116. ╔gar/er
  4117. ╔gayer
  4118. ╔glantine
  4119. ╔glise
  4120. ╔glogue
  4121. ╔go/isme
  4122. ╔gorg/er
  4123. ╔gosiller (s')
  4124. ╔gotiste
  4125. ╔gout
  4126. ╔goutt/er
  4127. ╔gratign/er
  4128. ╔grener
  4129. ╔grillard, -e
  4130. ╔grisΘe
  4131. ╔gruger
  4132. Eh
  4133. ╔hontΘ, -e
  4134. ╔jacul/er
  4135. ╔ject/er
  4136. ╔labor/er
  4137. ╔lagu/er
  4138. ╔lan
  4139. ╔lancΘ, -e
  4140. ╔lanc/er
  4141. ╔larg/ir
  4142. ╔lasti/que
  4143. ╔ect/eur, -trice
  4144. ╔lectric/ite
  4145. ╔lectrifi/er
  4146. ╔lectrique
  4147. ╔lectris/er
  4148. ╔lectro-aimant
  4149. ╔lectrcuter
  4150. ╔lectrode
  4151. Electrodynamique
  4152. ╔lectrolys/e
  4153. ╔lectromagnΘt/ique
  4154. ╔lectromΘtre
  4155. ╔ectrostatique
  4156. ╔lΘg/ance
  4157. ╔lΘgiaue
  4158. ╔lΘgie
  4159. ╔lement
  4160. ╔lphant
  4161. ╔lΘvateur, -trice
  4162. ╔lΘvation
  4163. ╔lΘve
  4164. ╔lev/er
  4165. ╔ligi/bl
  4166. ╔lim/er
  4167. ╔limin/er
  4168. ╔lire
  4169. ╔lision
  4170. ╔ite
  4171. ╔ixir
  4172. Elle
  4173. EllΘbore
  4174. Ellip/se
  4175. ╔locution
  4176. ╔og/e
  4177. ╔loign/er
  4178. ╔longation
  4179. ╔loqu/ence
  4180. ╔lu, -e
  4181. ╔lucid/er
  4182. ╔lucubr/er
  4183. ╔luder
  4184. ElysΘe
  4185. ╔maci/er (s')
  4186. ╔mail
  4187. ╔mancip/er
  4188. ╔man/er
  4189. ╚marger
  4190. Emball/er
  4191. EmbarcadΘre
  4192. Embarcation
  4193. EmbardΘe
  4194. Embargo
  4195. Embarqu/er
  4196. Embarras
  4197. Embauch/er
  4198. Embauchoir
  4199. Embaum/er
  4200. Embell/ir
  4201. EmbΘt/er
  4202. Emblaver
  4203. EmblΘe
  4204. Embl/Θme
  4205. Emboεt/er
  4206. Embolie
  4207. Embonpoint
  4208. Embouch/er
  4209. Embourber
  4210. Embourser
  4211. Embouteill/er
  4212. Embranch/er
  4213. Embras/er
  4214. Embrass/er
  4215. Embrasure
  4216. Embray/er
  4217. Embrocher
  4218. Embrouill/er
  4219. Embrum/er
  4220. Emrun
  4221. Embrunir
  4222. Embryon
  4223. Emb·che
  4224. Embuer
  4225. Embus/quer
  4226. ╔meraude
  4227. ╔merger
  4228. ╔meri
  4229. ╔mΘrite
  4230. ╔mersion
  4231. ╔merveill/er
  4232. ╔mΘtique
  4233. ╔mett/re
  4234. ╔meut/e
  4235. ╔mietter
  4236. ╔migr/er
  4237. ╔mincer
  4238. ╔min/ence
  4239. ╔mir
  4240. ╔missaire
  4241. ╔mission
  4242. Emmagasin/er
  4243. Emmailloter
  4244. Emmancher
  4245. Emmanchure
  4246. EmmΘler
  4247. EmmΘnag/er
  4248. Emmener
  4249. Emmitoufler
  4250. ╔moi
  4251. ╔mollient, -e
  4252. ╔molument
  4253. ╔mond/er
  4254. ╔motion
  4255. ╔mouchet
  4256. ╔mouleur
  4257. ╔mou/dre
  4258. ╔mouss/er
  4259. ╔moustiller
  4260. ╔mouv/oir
  4261. Empaill/er
  4262. ╔mpal/er
  4263. ╔man
  4264. ╔mpanacher
  4265. ╔mpaqueter
  4266. ╔mparer
  4267. ╔mpßt/er
  4268. Empaumer
  4269. EmpΩch/er
  4270. Empeigne
  4271. Empereur
  4272. Empester
  4273. EmpΩtrer
  4274. Empha/se
  4275. Empierrer
  4276. EmpiΩt/er
  4277. Empiffrer
  4278. Empiler
  4279. Empire
  4280. Empirer
  4281. Empir/ique
  4282. Emplacement
  4283. EmplΓtre
  4284. Emplette
  4285. Emplir
  4286. Emplo/i
  4287. Emplummer
  4288. Empocher
  4289. Empoigner
  4290. Empois
  4291. Empoisonn/er
  4292. Empoisser
  4293. Emport/er
  4294. Empoter
  4295. Empourprer
  4296. Empreindre
  4297. Empreinte
  4298. Empress/er (s')
  4299. Emprise
  4300. Emprisonn/er
  4301. Emprunt
  4302. EmpyrΘe
  4303. ╔mu, -e
  4304. ╔mul/e
  4305. ╔muls/ion
  4306. ╔mamour/er (s')
  4307. Encablure
  4308. Encadr/er
  4309. Encaisse
  4310. Encaiss/er
  4311. Encan
  4312. Encapuchonner
  4313. En-cas
  4314. Encastrer
  4315. Encaustiqu/e
  4316. Encein/dre
  4317. Enceinte
  4318. Encens
  4319. Encercler
  4320. Enchafn/er
  4321. Enchant/er
  4322. En/chΘre
  4323. EnchevΩtr/er
  4324. Enclav/e
  4325. Enclencher
  4326. Enclin, -e
  4327. Enclore
  4328. Enclos
  4329. Enclume
  4330. Encoch/e
  4331. Encoffer
  4332. Encoignure
  4333. Encoller
  4334. Encolure
  4335. Encombr/e
  4336. Encontre
  4337. Encorbellement
  4338. Encore
  4339. Encourag/er
  4340. Encourir
  4341. Encrasser
  4342. Encr/e
  4343. Encro√t/er
  4344. Encuver
  4345. Encyclique
  4346. EncyclopΘd/ie
  4347. EndΘmique
  4348. Endent/er
  4349. Endett/er
  4350. EndiablΘ, -e
  4351. Endiguer
  4352. Endimancher
  4353. Endive
  4354. Endoctriner
  4355. Endolor/ir
  4356. Endommag/er
  4357. Endormorm/ir
  4358. Endos
  4359. Endroit
  4360. Enduire
  4361. Enduit
  4362. Endurc/ir
  4363. Endur/er
  4364. ╔nerg/ie
  4365. ╔nergumΘne
  4366. ╔nerv/er
  4367. Enfance
  4368. Enfant
  4369. Enfarin/er
  4370. Enfer
  4371. Enferm/er
  4372. Enferrer
  4373. EnfiΘvrer
  4374. Enfilade
  4375. Enfiler
  4376. Enfin
  4377. Enflamm/er
  4378. Enfl/er
  4379. Enfonc/er
  4380. Enfou/ir
  4381. Enfreindre
  4382. Enfuir
  4383. Enfum/er
  4384. Engag/er
  4385. Engainer
  4386. Engazonner
  4387. Engeance
  4388. Engelure
  4389. Engendrer
  4390. Engin
  4391. Englober
  4392. Englout/ir
  4393. Engluer
  4394. Engorg/er
  4395. Engou/er
  4396. Engouffrer
  4397. Engourd/ir
  4398. Engrais
  4399. Engraiss/er
  4400. Engranger
  4401. Engren/er
  4402. EnguenillΘ, -e
  4403. Enhardir
  4404. Eharnacher
  4405. ╔nigm/e
  4406. Enivr/er
  4407. Enjamb/Θe
  4408. Enjeu
  4409. Enjoindre
  4410. Enj⌠l/er
  4411. Enjoliv/er
  4412. Enjou/Θ, -e
  4413. Enlac/er
  4414. Enlaid/ir
  4415. En/lever
  4416. Enliser (s')
  4417. Enlumin/er
  4418. Ennemi,-e
  4419. Ennobl/r
  4420. En/nui
  4421. ╔nonc/Θ
  4422. Enorgueillir
  4423. ╔norm/e
  4424. EnquΘrir (s')
  4425. EnqΘt/e
  4426. Enracin/er
  4427. Enrag/er
  4428. Enray/er
  4429. EnrΘgimenter
  4430. Eregistr/er
  4431. Enrhumer
  4432. Enrich/ir
  4433. Enr⌠l/er
  4434. Enrou/er
  4435. Enroul/er
  4436. Ensanglanter
  4437. Enseigne
  4438. Enseign/er
  4439. Ensemble
  4440. Ensemencer
  4441. Enserrer
  4442. Ensevel/ir
  4443. EnsoleillΘ, -e
  4444. Ensorcel/er
  4445. Ensuite
  4446. Ensuivre (s')
  4447. Entablement
  4448. Entacher
  4449. Entaill/e
  4450. Entam/e
  4451. Entass/er
  4452. Entend/re
  4453. Entente
  4454. EntΘrite
  4455. Enterr/er
  4456. En-tΩte
  4457. EntΩt/er
  4458. Enthousias/me
  4459. Entich/er
  4460. Enti/er, -iΘr
  4461. EntitΘ
  4462. Entoil/er
  4463. Entomolog/ie
  4464. Entonner
  4465. Entonnoir
  4466. Entorse
  4467. Entortill/er 
  4468. Entour/er
  4469. Entournure
  4470. Entracte
  4471. Entraid/e
  4472. Entrailles
  4473. Entrain
  4474. Enttraεn/er
  4475. Entrav/e
  4476. Entre
  4477. rebßill/er
  4478. Entrechat
  4479. Entrechoquer
  4480. Entrec⌠te
  4481. Entrecouper
  4482. Entrecroiser
  4483. Entre-dΘchirer (s')
  4484. Entre-deux
  4485. Entre-dΘvorer
  4486. EntrΘe
  4487. Entrefaite
  4488. Entregent
  4489. Entre-jambes
  4490. Entrelac/er
  4491. Entrelarder
  4492. EntremΘler
  4493. Entremets
  4494. Entremett/re (s')
  4495. Entremise
  4496. Entre-nuire (s')
  4497. Entrepont
  4498. Entrepos/er
  4499. Entrep⌠t
  4500. Entrepren/dre
  4501. Entrer
  4502. Entresol
  4503. Entre-temple, entretemps
  4504. Entre/tenir
  4505. Entrevoir
  4506. Entrevue
  4507. Entr'ouv/ror
  4508. EnumΘr/er
  4509. Envah/ir
  4510. Envelopp/e
  4511. Envenimer
  4512. Envergure
  4513. Envers
  4514. Envi
  4515. Envi/e
  4516. Environ
  4517. Environ/s
  4518. Envisager
  4519. Envoi
  4520. Envoy/er
  4521. ╔pagneul
  4522. ╔pais, -se
  4523. ╔panch/er
  4524. ╔pandre
  4525. ╔panou/ir
  4526. ╔parg±/e
  4527. ╔pßriller
  4528. ╔pars, -e
  4529. ╔pat/er
  4530. ╔paul/e
  4531. ╔pave
  4532. ╔pΘe
  4533. ╔pel/er
  4534. ╔perdu, -e
  4535. ╔perlan
  4536. ╔peron
  4537. ╔ervier
  4538. ╔phΘmΘre
  4539. ╩phΘmΘride
  4540. ╔pi
  4541. ╔pic/e
  4542. ╔picur/ien, -ne
  4543. ╔pidΘm/ie
  4544. ╔piderme
  4545. ╔pier
  4546. ╔pieu
  4547. ╔pigastre
  4548. ╔pigramm/e
  4549. ╔pigraphe
  4550. ╔ilep/sie
  4551. ╔piler
  4552. ╔pilogu/e
  4553. ╔pinard
  4554. ╔pin/e
  4555. ╔pinette
  4556. ╔pingl/e
  4557. ╔piniΘre
  4558. ╔pinoche
  4559. Epiphanie
  4560. ╔piscopal, -e
  4561. ╔piscopat
  4562. ╔pisod
  4563. ╔piss/er
  4564. ╔pitaphe
  4565. ╔pithΘte
  4566. ╔pitre
  4567. ╔pizootie
  4568. ╔plore, -e 
  4569. ╔pluch/er
  4570. ╔pong/e
  4571. ╔popΘe
  4572. ╔poque
  4573. ╔pousailles
  4574. ╔pous/e
  4575. ╔pousseter
  4576. ╔pouvant/e
  4577. ╔poux
  4578. ╔prendre (s')
  4579. ╔preuve
  4580. ╔pris, -e
  4581. ╔prouver
  4582. ╔prouvette
  4583. ╩puis/er
  4584. ╔puisette
  4585. ╔pure
  4586. ╔per/er
  4587. ╔quarr/ir
  4588. ╔qat/eur
  4589. ╔quation
  4590. ╔querr/e
  4591. ╔quidistant, -e
  4592. ╔quillatΘral
  4593. ╔quilibr/e
  4594. ╔quin, -e
  4595. ╔quinox/e
  4596. Equipage
  4597. ╔quip/e
  4598. ╔quipΘe
  4599. ╔quitation
  4600. ╔quit/Θ
  4601. ╔quival/ence
  4602. ╔quivoqu/e
  4603. ╔rable
  4604. ╔rafl/er
  4605. ╔aill/er
  4606. ╩re
  4607. ╔rection
  4608. ╔reint/er
  4609. Ergot
  4610. Ergoter
  4611. ╩riger
  4612. ╩rmit/e
  4613. ╩rosion
  4614. Erratique
  4615. Erre
  4616. Err/er
  4617. ╔rudit, -e
  4618. ╔rupt/ion
  4619. ╔rysipΘle
  4620. ╔s
  4621. Escabeau
  4622. Escadre
  4623. Escadrille
  4624. Escadron
  4625. Escalad/e
  4626. Escale
  4627. Escalier
  4628. Escalope
  4629. Escamot/er
  4630. Escampette
  4631. Escapade
  4632. Escarbille
  4633. Escarbot
  4634. Escargot
  4635. Escarmouch/e
  4636. Escarole
  4637. Escarp/er
  4638. Escarpolette
  4639. Escient
  4640. Escandre
  4641. Esclav/e
  4642. Escompt/e
  4643. Escopette
  4644. Escort/e
  4645. Escouade
  4646. Escrim/e
  4647. Escro/c
  4648. Espac/e
  4649. Espadrille
  4650. Espagnol, -e
  4651. Espagnolette
  4652. Espalier
  4653. EspΘce
  4654. EspΘr/er
  4655. EspiΘgl/e
  4656. Espion, -ne
  4657. Esplanade
  4658. Espoir
  4659. Espirit
  4660. Esquif
  4661. Esquille
  4662. Esquiss/e
  4663. Esquiver
  4664. Ess/ai
  4665. Essaim
  4666. Essen/ce
  4667. Essieu
  4668. Essor
  4669. Essouffl/er
  4670. Essuie
  4671. Essuyer
  4672. Est
  4673. Estacade
  4674. Estafilade
  4675. Estaminet
  4676. Estamp/e
  4677. Estampill/e
  4678. Es/thΘte
  4679. Estim/e
  4680. Estival, -e
  4681. Estomac
  4682. Estomp/e
  4683. Estrade
  4684. Estropi/er
  4685. Estuaire
  4686. Esturgeon
  4687. Et
  4688. ╔tabl/e
  4689. Establi
  4690. Establ/ir
  4691. ╔tag/e
  4692. ╔tai
  4693. ╔tain
  4694. ╔tal
  4695. ╔talag/er
  4696. ╔tale
  4697. ╔taler
  4698. ╔talon
  4699. ╔tam/er
  4700. ╔tamine
  4701. ╔tanch/e
  4702. ╔ite
  4703. ╔tancher
  4704. ╔tang
  4705. ╔tant
  4706. ╔tape
  4707. ╔tat
  4708. ╔tau
  4709. ╔tayer
  4710. ╔TΘ
  4711. ╔teignoir
  4712. ╔tein/dre
  4713. ╔tendard
  4714. ╔tend/re
  4715. ╔ternel, -le
  4716. ╔terniser
  4717. ╔ternite
  4718. ╔ternu/er
  4719. ╔th/er
  4720. ╔thique
  4721. ╔thn/ique
  4722. ╩tiage
  4723. ╔tincel/le
  4724. ╔tiol/er
  4725. ╔tiqu/ette
  4726. ╔tirer
  4727. ╔toffe
  4728. ╔toil/e
  4729. ╔tonn/er
  4730. ╔touff/er
  4731. ╩toup/e
  4732. ╔tourd/ir
  4733. ╔tourneau
  4734. ╔trang/e
  4735. ╔trangl/er
  4736. ╔trave
  4737. ╔tre
  4738. ╔trei/dre
  4739. ╔trenne
  4740. ╔trenner
  4741. ╔trier
  4742. ╔trill/e
  4743. Etriper
  4744. ╔triquΘ
  4745. ╔triviΘre
  4746. ╔troit, -e
  4747. ╔tud/e
  4748. ╔tui
  4749. ╔tuv/e
  4750. ╔tymolog/ie
  4751. Eucharist/ie
  4752. Euh
  4753. Eunuque
  4754. EuphΘmisme
  4755. Euphon/ie
  4756. Evacu/er
  4757. ╔vader (s')
  4758. ╔valu/er
  4759. ╔vanescent
  4760. ╔vang/ile
  4761. ╔vanou/ir (s')
  4762. ╔vapor/er
  4763. ╔vas/er
  4764. ╔vasif, -ive
  4765. ╔vasion
  4766. ╔vΘchΘ
  4767. ╔veil
  4768. ╔vΘnement
  4769. ╔ventail
  4770. ╩ventaire
  4771. ╔venter
  4772. ╔ventr/er
  4773. ╔ventualitΘ
  4774. ╔ventuel
  4775. ╔vΩque
  4776. ╔vertuer (s')
  4777. ╩viction
  4778. ╔videmment
  4779. ╔vidence
  4780. ╔vider
  4781. ╔vier
  4782. ╔vincer
  4783. ╔vit/er
  4784. ╔vosation
  4785. ╔volu/er
  4786. ╔voquer
  4787. ╔xacerbΘ, -e
  4788. ╔xact, -e
  4789. Exaction
  4790. ExagΘr/er
  4791. Exalt/er
  4792. Exam/en
  4793. ExaspΘr/er
  4794. Exaucer
  4795. Excavation
  4796. ExΘd/er
  4797. Excell/er
  4798. Excentri/que
  4799. Except/er
  4800. Ex/cΘs
  4801. Exciper
  4802. Excit/er
  4803. Exclam/er (s')
  4804. Exclu/re
  4805. Excommuni/er
  4806. Excori/er
  4807. ExcrΘment
  4808. Excursion
  4809. Excus/e
  4810. ExΘcr/er
  4811. ExΘcu/ter
  4812. Exemplaire
  4813. Exemple
  4814. Exempt, -e
  4815. Exerc/er
  4816. Exhal/er
  4817. Exhausser
  4818. Exhaustion
  4819. Exhib/er
  4820. Exhort/er
  4821. Exhumer
  4822. Exig/er
  4823. Exigu, -ⁿe
  4824. Exil
  4825. Exist/er
  4826. Exode
  4827. ExonΘr/er
  4828. Exorbitant, -e
  4829. Exor/ciser
  4830. Exotique
  4831. Expatri/er
  4832. Expect/ant, -e
  4833. Expector/er
  4834. ExpΘdient, -e
  4835. ExpΘdi/er
  4836. ExpΘrience
  4837. ExpΘriment/er
  4838. Expert, -e
  4839. Expi/er
  4840. ExplΘtif
  4841. Explicite
  4842. Expli/quer
  4843. Exploit
  4844. Exploit/er
  4845. Explor/er
  4846. Explos/er
  4847. Export/er
  4848. Expos/er
  4849. ExprΘs, -esse
  4850. Express
  4851. Express/if
  4852. Exprim/er
  4853. Exptopri/er
  4854. Expuls/er
  4855. Expurg/er
  4856. Exquis
  4857. Exsangue
  4858. Exsuder
  4859. Exta/se
  4860. Extens/ion
  4861. ExtΘnu/er
  4862. ExtΘrieur, -e
  4863. ExtΘrioriser
  4864. Extermin/er
  4865. Externat
  4866. Externe
  4867. Extinc/tion
  4868. Extrip/er
  4869. Extor/quer
  4870. Extra
  4871. Extrac/tion
  4872. Extrad/er
  4873. Ex/traire
  4874. Extraordinaire
  4875. Extravaser (s')
  4876. ExtrΘme
  4877. ExtrinsΘque
  4878. ExubΘr/ance
  4879. Exult/er
  4880. Ex-voto
  4881. Fabri/que
  4882. Fabuleux, -euse
  4883. Faτade
  4884. FacΘtie
  4885. Facette
  4886. Fßch/er
  4887. Facial, -e
  4888. Facil/e
  4889. Facon  
  4890. Faconde
  4891. Fac-similΘ
  4892. Factage
  4893. Facteur, trice
  4894. Factice
  4895. faction
  4896. Factorerie
  4897. Factum
  4898. Factur/e
  4899. Faculate/if, -tive
  4900. FacultΘ
  4901. Fadaise
  4902. Fad/e
  4903. Fagot
  4904. Fagoter
  4905. Faibl/e
  4906. Faεence
  4907. Faill/ir
  4908. Faim
  4909. Faεne
  4910. FainΘant, -e
  4911. Faire
  4912. Faisable
  4913. Faisan, -e
  4914. Faisceau
  4915. fait, faite
  4916. Faftage
  4917. Faεte
  4918. Faix
  4919. Falaise
  4920. Falbala
  4921. Fallacieux, -euse
  4922. Falloir
  4923. Falot
  4924. Falsifi/er
  4925. FamΘ, -e
  4926. FamΘlique
  4927. Fameux, -euse
  4928. Familiariser
  4929. Famili/er, -iΘre
  4930. Famille
  4931. Famine
  4932. Fanal
  4933. Fanat/ique
  4934. Fane
  4935. Fan/er
  4936. Fanfare
  4937. fanfaron, ne
  4938. Fanfreluche
  4939. Fang/e
  4940. Fanon
  4941. Fantaisie
  4942. Fantasmagorie
  4943. Fantastique
  4944. Fantassin
  4945. Fant⌠me
  4946. Faon
  4947. Farandole
  4948. farc/e
  4949. Fard
  4950. Fardeau
  4951. Fardier
  4952. Farfouiller
  4953. Faribole
  4954. Farin/e
  4955. Farouche
  4956. Fascicule
  4957. Fascine
  4958. Fascin/er
  4959. Fasc/isme
  4960. Fast/e
  4961. Fastes
  4962. Fastidieux, euse
  4963. Fatal, -e
  4964. Fatidique
  4965. Fatig/ue
  4966. Fatras
  4967. FatuitΘ
  4968. Faubert
  4969. Faubour/g
  4970. Fauch/er
  4971. Faucille
  4972. Faucillon
  4973. Faucon
  4974. Faufiler
  4975. Faune
  4976. Faussaire
  4977. Fusser
  4978. FaussetΘ
  4979. Faut/e
  4980. Fauteuil
  4981. Fauve
  4982. Fauvette
  4983. Faux, fausse
  4984. Faux
  4985. Fav/eur
  4986. FΘbrifuge
  4987. FΘbril/e
  4988. FΘcond, -e
  4989. FΘcul/e
  4990. FΘdΩr/al, -e
  4991. FΘ/e
  4992. Fein/dre
  4993. FΘl/er
  4994. FΘlicitΘ
  4995. FΘlicit/er
  4996. FΘlin, -ine
  4997. FΘlon, -ne
  4998. Femelle
  4999. FΘmin/in, -e
  5000. Femme
  5001. FΘmur
  5002. Fenaison
  5003. Fend/re
  5004. FenΘtre
  5005. Fenouil
  5006. FΘodal
  5007. Fer
  5008. Ferblan/terie
  5009. FΘriΘ
  5010. FΘrir
  5011. Ferler
  5012. Ferme
  5013. Ferm/e
  5014. Ferment
  5015. Ferm/er
  5016. FΘroc/e
  5017. Ferraille
  5018. Ferr/er
  5019. Ferret
  5020. Ferronnerie
  5021. Ferrugineux, -euse
  5022. Fertil/e
  5023. FΘru, -e
  5024. FΘrule
  5025. Ferv/ent, -e
  5026. Fess/e
  5027. Festin
  5028. Festival
  5029. FestivitΘ
  5030. Feston
  5031. Festoyer
  5032. FΘt/e
  5033. FΘtich/e
  5034. FΘtid/e
  5035. FΘtu
  5036. Feu
  5037. Feudataire
  5038. Feuill/e
  5039. Feuillette
  5040. Feutr/e
  5041. FΘve
  5042. Feverolle
  5043. FΘvier
  5044. Fi
  5045. Fiacre
  5046. Fianc/er
  5047. Fiasco
  5048. Fibr/e
  5049. Fibrille
  5050. Fibrine
  5051. Fic/elle
  5052. Fich/e
  5053. Fichu
  5054. Fict/if, -ive
  5055. Fid/Θle
  5056. Fiduciaire
  5057. Fief
  5058. FieffΘ, -e
  5059. Fiente
  5060. Fier
  5061. Fier-ß-bras
  5062. Fi/Θvre
  5063. Fig/er
  5064. Figu/e
  5065. Figur/e
  5066. Filament
  5067. Filandreux, -euse
  5068. Filasse
  5069. File
  5070. Filet
  5071. Fileter
  5072. Fili/al, -e
  5073. FiliΘre
  5074. Filiforme
  5075. Filigrane
  5076. Filin
  5077. Fill/e
  5078. Filleul, -e
  5079. Film
  5080. Filon
  5081. Filoselle
  5082. Filou
  5083. Fils
  5084. Filtr/e
  5085. Fin
  5086. Final, -e
  5087. Financ/e
  5088. Finaud, -e
  5089. Finesse
  5090. Finette
  5091. Fin/ir
  5092. Fiole
  5093. Fiord
  5094. Firmament
  5095. Firme
  5096. Fisc
  5097. Fissile
  5098. Fissur/e
  5099. Fistul/e
  5100. Fix/e
  5101. Flacon
  5102. Flagell/er
  5103. Flageoler
  5104. Flageolet
  5105. Flagorner
  5106. Flagrant, -e
  5107. Flair
  5108. Flamant
  5109. Flambeau
  5110. Flamb/er
  5111. Flamberge
  5112. Flamb/oyer
  5113. Flamme
  5114. FlammΘche
  5115. Flan/c
  5116. Flandrin
  5117. Flaelle
  5118. Flßn/er
  5119. Flatter
  5120. FlΘau
  5121. FlΘche
  5122. FlΘchette
  5123. FlΘch/ir
  5124. Flegm/e
  5125. FlΘtr/ir
  5126. Fleur
  5127. Fleuret
  5128. Fleureter
  5129. Fleuron
  5130. Fleuve
  5131. Flexi/ble
  5132. Flexion
  5133. Flibust/er
  5134. Flocon
  5135. Floraison
  5136. Flor/e
  5137. Florissant, -e
  5138. Flot
  5139. Flotte
  5140. Flotille
  5141. Flou, -e
  5142. Fluctu/er
  5143. Fluet, -te
  5144. Fluid/e
  5145. Fl√t/e
  5146. Fluvial, -e
  5147. Flux
  5148. Fluxion
  5149. Foi
  5150. Foie
  5151. Foin
  5152. Foire
  5153. Fois
  5154. Foison
  5155. Fol
  5156. Folßtr/e
  5157. Folie
  5158. Foll/e
  5159. Foment/er
  5160. Fonc/er
  5161. Foncier, -iΘre
  5162. Fonction
  5163. Fond
  5164. Fondamental
  5165. Fond/er
  5166. Fond/re
  5167. FondriΘre
  5168. Fonds
  5169. Fountain/e
  5170. Fonte
  5171. Fonts
  5172. For
  5173. Forain
  5174. Forban
  5175. Forτat
  5176. Force
  5177. ForcenΘ, -e
  5178. Forc/er
  5179. Forces
  5180. Forer
  5181. Forestier
  5182. ForΘt
  5183. Forfaire
  5184. Forfait
  5185. Forfanterie
  5186. Forg/e
  5187. Formaliser (se)
  5188. Formal/iste
  5189. Format
  5190. Form/e
  5191. Formel, -le
  5192. Formidable
  5193. Formul/e
  5194. Fors
  5195. Fort, -e
  5196. Fortiut, -e
  5197. Fortun/e
  5198. Fosse
  5199. Fossette
  5200. Fossile
  5201. Fossoy/er
  5202. Fou, fol, folle
  5203. Foud/re
  5204. Fouet
  5205. FougΘre
  5206. Fougu/e
  5207. Fouill/e
  5208. Fouillis
  5209. Fouir
  5210. Foulant, -ante
  5211. Foulard
  5212. Foule
  5213. FoulΘe
  5214. Foul/er
  5215. Four
  5216. Fourb/e
  5217. Fourbir
  5218. Fourbu, -e
  5219. Fourch/e
  5220. Fourg/on
  5221. Fourgon
  5222. Fourm/i
  5223. Fournaise
  5224. Fourneau
  5225. Fourniment
  5226. Fourn/ir
  5227. Fourrag/e
  5228. Fourreau
  5229. Fourr/er
  5230. Fourrier
  5231. FourriΘre
  5232. Four/voyer
  5233. Foyer
  5234. Frac
  5235. Fracas
  5236. Fraction
  5237. Fractur/e
  5238. Fragement
  5239. Frai
  5240. Frais, fraεche
  5241. Frais
  5242. Frais/e
  5243. Frambois/e
  5244. Franc
  5245. Fran/τais, -e
  5246. Franchir
  5247. Franciscain, -e
  5248. Fracisque
  5249. Franc-maτon
  5250. Franco
  5251. Frang/e
  5252. Frangipane
  5253. Franquette
  5254. Frapp/er
  5255. Frasqern/el, -le
  5256. Fraud/e
  5257. Frayer
  5258. Frayeur
  5259. Fredonner
  5260. FrΘgate
  5261. Frein
  5262. Frelater
  5263. FrΘle
  5264. Frelon
  5265. Freluquet
  5266. FrΘm/ir
  5267. FrΘne
  5268. FrΘnΘ/sie
  5269. FrΘqu/ence
  5270. FrΘre
  5271. Fresque
  5272. Fret
  5273. FrΘtill/er
  5274. Fretin
  5275. Fria/ble
  5276. Friand, -e
  5277. Fricass/er
  5278. Friction
  5279. FrigiditΘ
  5280. Frigori/fier
  5281. Frileux, -euse
  5282. Frimas
  5283. Fringale
  5284. Fring/uer
  5285. Frip/er
  5286. Frip/erie
  5287. Fripon, -ne
  5288. Fri/re
  5289. Frise
  5290. Fris/er
  5291. Frisson
  5292. Frivol/e
  5293. Froc
  5294. Froid, -e
  5295. Froiss/er
  5296. Fr⌠l/er
  5297. Fromag/e
  5298. Froment
  5299. Fronc/e
  5300. Frondaison
  5301. Frond/e
  5302. Front
  5303. FrontiΘre
  5304. Frontispice
  5305. Fronton
  5306. Frott/er
  5307. Fructifi/er
  5308. Fructueux, -euse
  5309. Frugal, -e
  5310. Fruit
  5311. Fruste
  5312. frustr/er
  5313. Fugace
  5314. Fugitif, -ive
  5315. Fugue
  5316. Fui/r
  5317. Fulgurant, -e
  5318. Fulminer
  5319. Fum/er
  5320. Fumet
  5321. Fumeterre
  5322. Fumig/er
  5323. Fumist/e
  5324. Funambule
  5325. FunΘbre
  5326. FunΘr/ailles
  5327. Funeste
  5328. Funiculaire
  5329. Fur
  5330. Furet
  5331. Fur/ie
  5332. Furoncle
  5333. Furtif, -ive
  5334. Fusain
  5335. Fuseau
  5336. Fus/Θe
  5337. Fuselar
  5338. Fusil
  5339. Fusion
  5340. Fustig/er
  5341. F√t
  5342. Futaie
  5343. Futaine
  5344. FutΘ, -e
  5345. Futil/e
  5346. Futur, -e
  5347. Fuyant, -e
  5348. Fuyard
  5349. Gabardine
  5350. Gabare
  5351. Gabarit
  5352. Gabegie
  5353. Gπche
  5354. Gπch/er
  5355. Gπchette
  5356. Gaff/e
  5357. Gag/e
  5358. Gagn/er
  5359. Gai, -e
  5360. Gaillard
  5361. Gain
  5362. Gain/e
  5363. Gala
  5364. Galant, -e
  5365. Galantine
  5366. Galaxie
  5367. Gal/e
  5368. Gal/Θre
  5369. Galerie
  5370. Galet
  5371. Galetas
  5372. Galette
  5373. Galimatias
  5374. GallinacΘ, -e
  5375. Gallois
  5376. Galoche
  5377. Galon
  5378. Galop
  5379. Galopin, -ine
  5380. Galvan/iser
  5381. Galvauder
  5382. Gambad/e
  5383. Gamelle
  5384. Gamin, -e
  5385. Gamme
  5386. Ganache
  5387. Gangr/Θne
  5388. Ganse
  5389. Gant
  5390. Garage
  5391. Garance
  5392. Garant, -e
  5393. Garcon
  5394. Garde
  5395. Gard/er
  5396. Gardon
  5397. Gare
  5398. Garenne
  5399. Garer
  5400. Gargar/iser (se)
  5401. Gargouill/e
  5402. Gargousse
  5403. Garnement
  5404. Garni/r
  5405. Garnison
  5406. Garrott/e
  5407. Gars
  5408. Gascon, -ne
  5409. Gaspill/er
  5410. Gastr/ique
  5411. Gßteau
  5412. Gπt/er
  5413. Gßteux, -euse
  5414. Gauch/e
  5415. Gaudriole
  5416. Gaufre
  5417. Gaufrer
  5418. Gaule
  5419. Gaulois, -oise
  5420. Gausser (se)
  5421. Gaver
  5422. Gavotte
  5423. Gaz
  5424. Gaze
  5425. Gazelle
  5426. Gazette
  5427. Gazon
  5428. Gazouill/er
  5429. Geai
  5430. GΘant, -e
  5431. Geindre
  5432. GΘlatin/e
  5433. Gel/er
  5434. GΘm/ir
  5435. Gemme
  5436. Gencive
  5437. Gendarm/e
  5438. Gendre
  5439. GΘn/e
  5440. GΘnΘalog/ie
  5441. GΘneral, -e
  5442. GΘnΘra/tion
  5443. GΘnΘse
  5444. GenΩt
  5445. GΘnie
  5446. Gen/iΘvre
  5447. GΘnisse
  5448. Genou
  5449. Genre
  5450. Gens
  5451. Gentiane
  5452. Gent/il, -le
  5453. Gentilhomm/e
  5454. GΘnuflexion
  5455. GΘograph/ie
  5456. Ge⌠l/e
  5457. GΘolo/gie
  5458. GΘo/mΘtre
  5459. GΘranium
  5460. Gerb/e
  5461. Ger/cer
  5462. GΘr/er
  5463. Germain, -e
  5464. Germ/e
  5465. GΘsier
  5466. Gesir
  5467. Gestation
  5468. Gest/e
  5469. Gestion
  5470. Geyser
  5471. Gibbon
  5472. GibeciΘre
  5473. Gibelotte
  5474. Giberne
  5475. Gibet
  5476. Giber
  5477. GiboulΘe
  5478. Giboyeux, -euse
  5479. Gibus
  5480. Gicer
  5481. Gifi/e
  5482. Gigantesque
  5483. Gigot
  5484. Gigue
  5485. Gilet
  5486. Gin
  5487. Girafe
  5488. Girofle
  5489. GiroflΘe
  5490. Giron
  5491. Girouette
  5492. Gisant, -e
  5493. Gisement
  5494. Gitane
  5495. Gεt/e
  5496. Givre
  5497. Glabre
  5498. Gla/ce
  5499. Gladiateur
  5500. Gra∩l/e
  5501. Glaieul
  5502. Glair/e
  5503. Glaise
  5504. Glaive
  5505. Gland
  5506. Glande
  5507. Glan/er
  5508. Glap/ir
  5509. Glas
  5510. Glauque
  5511. GlΘbe
  5512. Gliss/er
  5513. Glob/e
  5514. Glo/ire
  5515. Glos/e
  5516. Glotte
  5517. Glouglou
  5518. Glouss/er
  5519. Glouton, ne
  5520. GlycΘrine
  5521. Glycine
  5522. Gnome
  5523. Goblet
  5524. Gobelin
  5525. Gobe-mouches
  5526. Gober
  5527. Goder
  5528. Godet
  5529. Godill/e
  5530. GoΘland
  5531. GoΘlette
  5532. GoΘmon
  5533. Goguenard, -e
  5534. Goguette
  5535. Goinfr/e
  5536. Goitre
  5537. Golf
  5538. Golfe
  5539. Gomm/e
  5540. Gond
  5541. Gondol/e
  5542. Gondoler
  5543. Gonfl/er
  5544. Gong
  5545. Gorg/e
  5546. Gorille
  5547. Goiser
  5548. Gothique
  5549. Gouache
  5550. Gouaill/er
  5551. Goudron
  5552. Gouffre
  5553. Goug/e
  5554. Goujat
  5555. Goujon
  5556. Goulet
  5557. Goulot
  5558. Goulu, -e
  5559. Goupill/e
  5560. Goupillon
  5561. Gourd, -e
  5562. Gourdin
  5563. Gourmand, -e
  5564. Gourmander
  5565. Gourme
  5566. GourmΘ, -e
  5567. Gourmer
  5568. Gourmet
  5569. Gourmette
  5570. Gousse
  5571. Gousset
  5572. Go·t
  5573. Goutt/e
  5574. Gouvernail
  5575. Gouvern/e
  5576. Grabat
  5577. Grßc/e
  5578. Grad/e
  5579. Gradin
  5580. Grain
  5581. Graine
  5582. Graiss/e
  5583. GraminΘe
  5584. Gramma/ire
  5585. Gramme
  5586. Gramophone
  5587. Grand, -e
  5588. Grange
  5589. Granit
  5590. Granul/e
  5591. Graphique
  5592. Graphite
  5593. Grapp/e
  5594. Grappin
  5595. Gras, -se
  5596. Gratifi/er
  5597. Gratin
  5598. Gratis
  5599. Gratitude
  5600. Gratte
  5601. Gratt/er
  5602. Gratuit, -e
  5603. Grav/e
  5604. Graveleux, -euse
  5605. Gravelle
  5606. Grav/er
  5607. Gravier
  5608. Gravir
  5609. Grait/er
  5610. GrΘ
  5611. Grec, -que
  5612. Gredin, -e
  5613. GrΘ/er
  5614. Greff/e
  5615. GrΘgaire
  5616. GrΘge
  5617. GrΘgeois
  5618. GrΘgues
  5619. GrΘle
  5620. Grelin
  5621. Grelot
  5622. Grenad/e
  5623. Gren/aille
  5624. Grenat
  5625. Gren/er
  5626. Grenier
  5627. Grouill/e
  5628. Grenu, -ue
  5629. GrΘs
  5630. GrΘsil
  5631. GrΘv/e
  5632. Grever
  5633. Gribouill/er
  5634. Grief
  5635. GriΘvement
  5636. Griff/e
  5637. Griffon
  5638. Griffonn/er
  5639. Grignoter
  5640. Grigou
  5641. Gril
  5642. Ha
  5643. Habile
  5644. Habilit/er
  5645. Habill/er
  5646. Habit   
  5647. Habit/er
  5648. Habitu/de
  5649. Hßbl/er
  5650. Hach/e
  5651. Hachure
  5652. Hagard, -e
  5653. Haie
  5654. Haillon
  5655. Hain/e
  5656. Ha/εr
  5657. Hßl/e
  5658. Haleine
  5659. Haler
  5660. Halet/er
  5661. Halle
  5662. Hallrbard/e
  5663. hallier
  5664. Hallucin/er
  5665. Halo
  5666. Halte
  5667. HaltΘre
  5668. Hamac
  5669. Hameau
  5670. Hameτon
  5671. Hampe
  5672. Hanche
  5673. Handicaper
  5674. Hanger
  5675. Hanneton
  5676. hant/er
  5677. Hanpper
  5678. Haquet
  5679. Harangu/e
  5680. Haras
  5681. Harass/er
  5682. Har/celer
  5683. Hardes
  5684. Hardi, -e
  5685. Harem
  5686. Hareng
  5687. Hargneux, -euse
  5688. Haricot
  5689. Haridelle
  5690. Harmonica
  5691. Harmon/ie
  5692. Harnach/er
  5693. Harnais
  5694. Harpagon
  5695. Harp/e
  5696. Harpie
  5697. Harpon
  5698. Hassard
  5699. Hßt/e
  5700. Hauban
  5701. Haubert
  5702. Hauss/e
  5703. HaussiΘre
  5704. Haut, -e
  5705. Hautain, -e
  5706. Hautbois
  5707. Hßve
  5708. Havre
  5709. Havresac
  5710. Hebdomadaire
  5711. HΘberg/er
  5712. HΦbΘt/er
  5713. HΘbr/eu
  5714. HΘcatombe
  5715. Hectare
  5716. Hecto/gramme
  5717. HΘgΘmonie
  5718. HΘlas
  5719. HΘler
  5720. HΘlice
  5721. HΘliotrope
  5722. Hell/Θne
  5723. HΘmisphΘre
  5724. hΘmistiche
  5725. HΘmorragie
  5726. HΘmorroεde
  5727. Henn/ir
  5728. HΘpatique
  5729. HΘraldique
  5730. HΘraut
  5731. Herbag/e
  5732. Herb/e
  5733. HerculΘen, -ne
  5734. HΘre
  5735. HΘrΘdit/e
  5736. HΘrΘ/sie
  5737. HΘrisser
  5738. HΘrisson
  5739. HΘrit/er
  5740. HermΘtique
  5741. Hermine
  5742. Herni/e
  5743. HΘroεne
  5744. HΘroεque
  5745. HΘro/s
  5746. Here/e
  5747. HΘsit/er
  5748. HΘtΘroclite
  5749. HΘtΘrogΘne
  5750. HΘtre
  5751. Heur
  5752. Heur/eux, -euse
  5753. Heurt
  5754. Hexagone
  5755. Hiatus
  5756. Hiberner
  5757. Hibou
  5758. Hic
  5759. Hid/eur
  5760. Hier
  5761. HiΘarch/ie
  5762. HiΘroglyph/e
  5763. Hilar/e
  5764. Hipp/ique
  5765. Hippodrome
  5766. Hirpndelle
  5767. Hisser
  5768. Histo/ire
  5769. Histrion
  5770. Hiver
  5771. Hocher
  5772. Hochet
  5773. Hollandais, -aise
  5774. Hollande
  5775. Holocauste
  5776. Homard
  5777. HomΘlie
  5778. HomΘopath/e
  5779. HomΘrique
  5780. Homicide
  5781. Hommage
  5782. Homme
  5783. Homo/gΘne
  5784. Homologu/e
  5785. Homonyme
  5786. Hongre
  5787. HonnΘte
  5788. Honneur
  5789. Honnir
  5790. Honor/er
  5791. Honte
  5792. H≤spital
  5793. Hoquet
  5794. Horaire
  5795. Horde
  5796. Horion
  5797. Horizon
  5798. Horlog/e
  5799. Hormis
  5800. Horoscope
  5801. Horr/eur
  5802. Hortensia
  5803. Horti/cole
  5804. Hospice
  5805. Hospital/ier
  5806. Hostie
  5807. Hostil/e
  5808. H≤t/e
  5809. H⌠tel
  5810. Hott/e
  5811. Houblon
  5812. Hou/e
  5813. Houill/e
  5814. Houl/e
  5815. Houlette
  5816. Houpp/e
  5817. Houppelande
  5818. Houspiller
  5819. Housse
  5820. Houssine
  5821. Houx
  5822. Hublot
  5823. Huche
  5824. Hu/Θe
  5825. Huil/e
  5826. Huis
  5827. Huit
  5828. Huftre
  5829. Humain, -e
  5830. Human/iser
  5831. Humble
  5832. Humect/er
  5833. Humer
  5834. Humeur
  5835. Humid/e
  5836. Humili/er
  5837. Humor
  5838. Hune
  5839. Hupp/e
  5840. Hure
  5841. Hurl/er
  5842. Hussard
  5843. Hutt/e
  5844. Hyacinthe
  5845. Hybride
  5846. Hydrate
  5847. Hydraulique
  5848. Hydravion
  5849. Hydre
  5850. HydrogΘne
  5851. Hydrographie
  5852. Hydromel
  5853. HydromΘtre
  5854. Hydrophob/e
  5855. Hydrop/ique
  5856. Hydrostatique
  5857. HydrothΘrapie
  5858. HyΘne
  5859. Hygi/Θne
  5860. Hymen
  5861. Hymne
  5862. Hyperbole
  5863. Hyperbolique
  5864. Hypertrophie
  5865. Hypno/se
  5866. Hypocondri/aque
  5867. Hypocri/si
  5868. HypogΘe
  5869. HypotΘnuse
  5870. Hypo/thΘque
  5871. Hypo/thΘse
  5872. Hysope
  5873. HystΘr/ie
  5874. ╬amb/e
  5875. Ici
  5876. Iconoclas/me
  5877. IctΘre
  5878. IdΘal, -e
  5879. IdΘe
  5880. Iser
  5881. Ident/itΘ
  5882. IdΘologie
  5883. Ides
  5884. Idiom/e
  5885. Idiosycraasie
  5886. Idiot, -e
  5887. Idoine
  5888. Idol/e
  5889. Idylle
  5890. If
  5891. Ignare
  5892. IgnΘ, -e
  5893. Ignoble
  5894. Ignomin/ie
  5895. Ignor/ance
  5896. Ignor/er
  5897. Il
  5898. ╬le
  5899. Illegal
  5900. IllΘgitim/e
  5901. IllettrΘ, -e
  5902. Illicte
  5903. IllimitΘ, -e
  5904. Illisible
  5905. Illog/ique
  5906. Illumin/er
  5907. Illusion
  5908. Illustr/e
  5909. ╬lot
  5910. Ilote
  5911. Imag/e
  5912. imagin/er
  5913. Imbattable
  5914. ImbΘcil/e
  5915. Imberbe
  5916. Imbiber
  5917. Imbroglio
  5918. Imbu, -e
  5919. Imbuvable
  5920. Imit/er
  5921. ImmaculΘ, -e
  5922. Imman/ence
  5923. Immangeable
  5924. Immanquabuable
  5925. ImmatΘriel, -le
  5926. Immatricul/er
  5927. ImmΘdiat
  5928. ImmΘmorial
  5929. Immens/e
  5930. Immerger
  5931. ImmΘritΘ
  5932. Immersion
  5933. Immeuble
  5934. Immigr/er
  5935. Immin/ence
  5936. Immi/scer
  5937. Immobil/e
  5938. Immobilier, -iΘre
  5939. ImmodΘrΘ, -e
  5940. Immodest/e
  5941. Immol/er
  5942. Immond/e
  5943. Immoral
  5944. Immortal/iser
  5945. Immortel.-le
  5946. Immuable
  5947. Immun/itΘ
  5948. ImmutabilitΘ
  5949. Impact
  5950. Impair, -e
  5951. Impalpable
  5952. Impardonnable
  5953. Imoarfait, -e
  5954. Impartial
  5955. Impartir
  5956. Impassable
  5957. Impasse
  5958. Impassi/ble
  5959. Impati/ence
  5960. Impayable
  5961. ImpayΘ, -e
  5962. Impecca/ble
  5963. ImpΘnΘtra/ble
  5964. ImpΘnit/ence
  5965. ImpΘratif
  5966. ImpΘratrice
  5967. Imperceptible
  5968. Imperfection
  5969. ImpΘrial
  5970. ImpΘrieux, -euse
  5971. ImpΘrissable
  5972. ImpΘritie
  5973. ImpermΘale
  5974. Impersonnel, -le
  5975. Impertin/ence
  5976. Imperturbable
  5977. ImpΘrant
  5978. ImpΘtu/eux, -euse
  5979. Impitoyable
  5980. Implaca/ble
  5981. Implant/er
  5982. Implicite
  5983. Impli/quer
  5984. Implor/er
  5985. Impoli, -ie
  5986. Impolitique
  5987. ImpondΘrable
  5988. Impopul/aire
  5989. Import/ance
  5990. Import/er
  5991. Importun, -e
  5992. Imposant, -e
  5993. Impos/er
  5994. Impossi/ble
  5995. Imposte
  5996. Impost/eur
  5997. Imp⌠t
  5998. Impot/ence
  5999. Impraticable
  6000. ImprΘcation
  6001. ImprΘcis, -e
  6002. ImprΘgn/er
  6003. Imprenable
  6004. Imprescripti/ble
  6005. Imppression
  6006. ImprΘvisible
  6007. ImprΘvoy/ance
  6008. ImprΘvoy/ance
  6009. ImprΘvu, -e
  6010. Improba/ble
  6011. Improbant, -e
  6012. Improbateur, -trice
  6013. Improbite
  6014. Improduct/if, -ive
  6015. Impromptu
  6016. Imprononτable
  6017. Impropr/e
  6018. Improvis/er
  6019. Improviste
  6020. Imprud/ence
  6021. Impud/eur
  6022. Impud/ence
  6023. Impuiss/ant, -e
  6024. Impun/i, -ie
  6025. Impur, -e
  6026. Imput/er
  6027. Inabordable
  6028. Inacceptable
  6029. Inaccessi/ble
  6030. Inaccompli, -e
  6031. inaccoutumΘ, -e
  6032. InachevΩ, -e
  6033. Inact/if -ive
  6034. InadΘquate, -e
  6035. Inadmissible
  6036. Inadvertance
  6037. InaliΘnable
  6038. Inalterable
  6039. InaltΘrΘ, -e
  6040. Inamical, -e
  6041. InanimΘ, -e
  6042. InanitΘ
  6043. Inantition
  6044. Inaperτu
  6045. Inapplicable
  6046. InapprΘciable
  6047. Inapprivoisable
  6048. InapproppriΘ, -e
  6049. Inapt/e
  6050. InarticulΘ, -e
  6051. Inassouvi, -e
  6052. Inattaquable
  6053. Inattendu, -e
  6054. Inattent/if, -ive
  6055. Inaudible
  6056. Inaugur/er
  6057. Incalcuable
  6058. Incandesc/ence
  6059. Incanttation
  6060. Incapable
  6061. IncapacitΘ
  6062. IncarcΘr/er
  6063. Incarnat, -e
  6064. Incarn/er
  6065. Incartade
  6066. Incassable
  6067. Incend/ie
  6068. Incertain, -e
  6069. Intertitude
  6070. Incessant, -e
  6071. InchangΘ, -e
  6072. Incid/emce
  6073. IncinΘ/er
  6074. Incis/er
  6075. Inci/ter
  6076. Incivil, -e
  6077. Inclin/er
  6078. Inclu/re
  6079. Incoercible
  6080. IncohΘr/ence
  6081. Inclore
  6082. Incomber
  6083. Incombustible
  6084. Incomestible
  6085. Incommensurable
  6086. Incommod/e
  6087. Incommunicable
  6088. Incompati/ble
  6089. IncompΘt/ence
  6090. Incomplet, -Θte
  6091. IncomprΘhensi/ble
  6092. Incompressi/ble
  6093. Incompris, -e
  6094. Inconcevable
  6095. Inconciliable
  6096. Inconditionnel, -le
  6097. Inconduite
  6098. Incongru, -e
  6099. Inconnaissable
  6100. Inconnu, -e
  6101. Inconsci/ence
  6102. InconsΘqu/ence
  6103. InconsidΘr/ation
  6104. Inconsist/ance
  6105. Inconsolable
  6106. Inconst/ance
  6107. Inconstitutionnel
  6108. Incontest/able
  6109. Incontin/ence
  6110. Incontinent
  6111. Inconven/ance
  6112. IncconvΘnient
  6113. IncorporΘl, -le
  6114. Incorpor/er
  6115. Incorrect, -e
  6116. Incorrigi/ble
  6117. Incorrupti/ble
  6118. IncrΘdul/e
  6119. Incrimin/er
  6120. Incrochetable
  6121. Incroyable
  6122. Incroyance
  6123. Incruster
  6124. Incubation
  6125. Inculp/er
  6126. Inculquer
  6127. Incult/e
  6128. Incurable
  6129. Incurie
  6130. Incursion
  6131. IndΘc/ence
  6132. IndΘchiffrable
  6133. IndΘchirable
  6134. IndΘcis, -e
  6135. IndΘclinable
  6136. IndΘcrottable
  6137. IndΘfendable
  6138. IndΘfin/i, -e
  6139. IndΘfrisable
  6140. IndΘlΘbile
  6141. IndΘlicat, -e
  6142. Indemme
  6143. Indemn/iser
  6144. IndΘmontrable
  6145. IndΘniable
  6146. IndΘpend/ance
  6147. IndΘracinable
  6148. Indescriptible
  6149. IndΘsirable
  6150. Indestructible
  6151. IndΘtermin/ation
  6152. Index
  6153. Indic/e
  6154. Indicible
  6155. Indien, ne
  6156. IndiffΘr/ence
  6157. Indig/ence
  6158. IndigΘne
  6159. Indigeste
  6160. Indigest/ible
  6161. Indign/ation
  6162. Indigne
  6163. Indigo
  6164. Indiqu/er
  6165. Indirect, -e
  6166. Indiscernable
  6167. Indisciplin/e
  6168. Indiscr/et, -Θte
  6169. Indisutable
  6170. Indispensable
  6171. Indisponible
  6172. Indispos/er
  6173. Indisputable
  6174. Indissoluble
  6175. Indistinct, -e
  6176. Individu
  6177. Indivis, -e
  6178. Indocil/e
  6179. Indol/ence
  6180. Indolore
  6181. Indompt/able
  6182. Ind/u, -e
  6183. Indubitable
  6184. Induction
  6185. Indui/re
  6186. Indulg/ence
  6187. Indurer
  6188. Industri/e
  6189. InΘbranlable
  6190. InΘdit, -e
  6191. Ineffale
  6192. Ineffacable
  6193. Inefficac/e
  6194. InΘgal, -e
  6195. InΘlΘg/ance
  6196. InΘligible
  6197. InΘluctable
  6198. InΘnarrable
  6199. InΘpt/e
  6200. InΘpuisable
  6201. Inert/e
  6202. InespΘre, -e
  6203. Inestimable
  6204. InΘvitable
  6205. Inexact, -e
  6206. Inexcusable
  6207. Inexistant, -e
  6208. Inexorable
  6209. InexpΘrience
  6210. InexpΘrimentΘ, -e
  6211. Inexpert, -e
  6212. Inexpiable
  6213. Inexplicable
  6214. InedexpliquΘ, -e
  6215. Inexploitable
  6216. InexplorΘ, -e
  6217. Inexpressif, -ive
  6218. Inexprimable
  6219. Inexpugnable
  6220. Inextinguible
  6221. inextricable
  6222. Infailli/ble
  6223. Infaisable
  6224. In/fßme
  6225. Infant, -e
  6226. Infanterie
  6227. Infanticide
  6228. Infantile
  6229. Infatigable
  6230. Infatu/er
  6231. InfΘcond, -e
  6232. Infect, -e
  6233. Infect/er
  6234. InfΘr/er
  6235. InfΘri/eur, -e
  6236. Infernal, -e
  6237. Infertil/e
  6238. Infester
  6239. Infid/Θle
  6240. Infiltrer (s')
  6241. Infime
  6242. Infin/i, -e
  6243. Infinitif, -ive
  6244. Infirm/e
  6245. Infirmer
  6246. Inflamma/ble
  6247. Inflammation
  6248. Inflammatoire
  6249. Inflation
  6250. InflΘchir
  6251. Inflexi/ble
  6252. Inflexion
  6253. Infli/ger
  6254. Inflorescence
  6255. Influen/ce
  6256. Influenza
  6257. Influer
  6258. Informe
  6259. Inform/er
  6260. Infortune/e
  6261. Infraction
  6262. Infranchissable
  6263. Infructueux, -euse
  6264. Infus, -e
  6265. Infus/er
  6266. Infusoire
  6267. Ingambe
  6268. IngΘnier (s')
  6269. IngΘnieur
  6270. IngΘni/eux, -euse
  6271. IngΘnu, -e
  6272. IngΘr/er
  6273. Inglorieux, euse
  6274. Ingouvernable
  6275. Ingrat, -e
  6276. IngrΘdient
  6277. IngueΘrissable
  6278. Ingurgiter
  6279. Inhabil/e
  6280. Inhabit/able
  6281. Inhabituel, -le
  6282. Inhaler
  6283. InhΘrent, -e
  6284. Inhiber
  6285. Inhospialier
  6286. Inhum/ain, -e
  6287. Inhum/er
  6288. Inimaginable
  6289. Inimitable
  6290. InimitiΘ
  6291. Inintellig/ence
  6292. Inintelligi/ble
  6293. Ininterrompu, -e
  6294. Iniqu/e
  6295. Initial, -e
  6296. Initi/er
  6297. Injectu/er
  6298. Injonction
  6299. Injouable
  6300. Injudicieux, -euse
  6301. Injust/e
  6302. Injustifiable
  6303. Inlassable
  6304. InnΘ, -e
  6305. Innoc/ence
  6306. InnocuitΘ
  6307. Innombrable
  6308. Innov/er
  6309. Inobservation
  6310. InoccupΘ
  6311. Inocul/er
  6312. Inodore
  6313. Inoffensif, -ive
  6314. Inond/er
  6315. InopΘrable
  6316. InopinΘ
  6317. Inopportun, -e
  6318. Inoubliable
  6319. Inouε, -e
  6320. Inoxydable
  6321. Inqualifiable
  6322. Inqui/et, -Θte
  6323. Inquisti/teur
  6324. Insasaisissable
  6325. Insalubr/e
  6326. InsanitΘ
  6327. Insatia/ble
  6328. Insatisfait, -e
  6329. In/scrire
  6330. Insecte
  6331. InsΘcuritΘ
  6332. InsensΘ, -e
  6333. Insensi/ble
  6334. InsΘparable
  6335. InsΘr/er
  6336. Insidieux, -euse
  6337. Insigne
  6338. Insignifi/ance
  6339. Insinu/er
  6340. Insipid/e
  6341. Insist/er
  6342. Insociable
  6343. Insolation
  6344. Insol/ence
  6345. Insolite
  6346. Insolu/ble
  6347. Insolva/ble
  6348. Insomnie
  6349. Insondable
  6350. Insonore
  6351. Insouci/ance
  6352. Insoumis, -e
  6353. Insoupτonn/able
  6354. Insoutenblr
  6355. Insec/ter
  6356. Inspir/er
  6357. Install/er
  6358. Inst/ance
  6359. Instant
  6360. Instar
  6361. Instaurer
  6362. Instiga/teur, -trice
  6363. Instinct
  6364. Institu/t
  6365. Instru/ire
  6366. Instument
  6367. Insu
  6368. Insbmersible
  6369. Insubor/donnΘ, -e
  6370. InsuccΘs
  6371. Insuffis/ance
  6372. Insul/aire
  6373. Insult/e
  6374. Insupportable
  6375. Insurg/er (s')
  6376. Insurmontable
  6377. Insurpassable
  6378. Insurrection
  6379. Intact, -e
  6380. Inaille
  6381. Intangi/ble
  6382. Intarissable
  6383. Int/Θgre
  6384. IntΘgr/er
  6385. Intellect
  6386. Intellig/ence
  6387. Intelligi/ble
  6388. IntempΘr/ance
  6389. IntempΘrie
  6390. Intempestif, -ive
  6391. Intenable
  6392. Intendance
  6393. Intendant, -e
  6394. Intens/e
  6395. Intenter
  6396. Intention
  6397. InteralliΘ, -e
  6398. Intercal/er
  6399. Inter/cΘder
  6400. Intercept/er
  6401. Interchangeable
  6402. Inter/dire
  6403. Inter-diction
  6404. IntΘr/Θt
  6405. IntΘrieur, -e
  6406. IntΘrim
  6407. Interjeter
  6408. Interlign/e
  6409. InterlinΘaire
  6410. Interlocu/teur
  6411. Interlope
  6412. Interloquer
  6413. Interlude
  6414. Inter/mΘde
  6415. Interminable
  6416. Intermission
  6417. Intermitt/ence
  6418. International, -e
  6419. Interern/e
  6420. Interpell/er
  6421. Interpoler
  6422. Interposer
  6423. Interpr/Θte
  6424. Interpr/Θte
  6425. InterrΘgne
  6426. Interrog/er
  6427. Inter/rompre
  6428. Intersect/er
  6429. Interstice
  6430. Intervalle
  6431. Interven/ir
  6432. Interver/tir
  6433. Interview
  6434. Interstat
  6435. Intestin, -e
  6436. Intim/e
  6437. Intim/er
  6438. Intimid/er
  6439. Intitul/Θ
  6440. IntolΘr/able
  6441. Intonation
  6442. Intoxi/quer
  6443. Intraduisible
  6444. Intraitable
  6445. Intransige/ance
  6446. Intarsitif
  6447. Intansportable
  6448. IntrΘpid/e
  6449. Intrig/ue
  6450. IntrinsΩque
  6451. Intro/duire
  6452. Introniser
  6453. Introspection
  6454. Introuvable
  6455. Intrus, -e
  6456. Intuit/if, -ive
  6457. Inusable
  6458. InusitΘ, -e
  6459. Inutil/e
  6460. Invaincu, -e
  6461. Invalide
  6462. Invaria/ble
  6463. Invasion
  6464. Invectiv/e
  6465. Invend/able
  6466. Invent/aire
  6467. Inven/ter
  6468. Invers/e
  6469. InvertΘbrΘ, -e
  6470. Invertir
  6471. Invest/ir
  6472. InvΘtΘr/Θ
  6473. Invinci/ble
  6474. Inviol/able
  6475. Invisi/ble
  6476. Invit/er
  6477. Involontaire
  6478. Involution
  6479. Invo/quer
  6480. Invraisembl/able
  6481. InvulnΘra/ble
  6482. Iode
  6483. Iota
  6484. Ipecacuuana
  6485. Irasci/ble
  6486. Iris
  6487. Iron/ie
  6488. Ique
  6489. Iquement
  6490. Irradi/er
  6491. IrraisonnΘ, -e
  6492. Irrationnel, -le
  6493. IrrΘalisable
  6494. Irrecevable
  6495. IrrΘconciliable
  6496. IrrΘcouvrable
  6497. IrrΘcusable
  6498. IrrΘducti/ble
  6499. IrrΘel, le
  6500. IrrΘ/flΘchi, -e
  6501. IrrΘfragable
  6502. IrrΘfutable
  6503. IrrΘgul/ier
  6504. IrrΘligi/on
  6505. IrrΘmΘdiable
  6506. IrrΘmissible
  6507. Irremplaτable
  6508. IrrΘparable
  6509. IrrΘprΘhensible
  6510. IrrΘpressible
  6511. IrrΘprochable
  6512. IrrΘsistible
  6513. IrrΘsolu
  6514. Irrespect
  6515. Irrespirable
  6516. Irresponsa/ble
  6517. IrrΘtrΘcissable
  6518. IrrΘvΘr/ence
  6519. IrrΘvocable
  6520. Irrig/er
  6521. Interuption
  6522. Isabelle
  6523. Isard
  6524. IsocΘle
  6525. Isol/er
  6526. IsraΘtite
  6527. Issu, -e
  6528. Isthme
  6529. Italien
  6530. Italique
  6531. Item
  6532. ItinΘraire
  6533. Ivoire
  6534. Ivraie
  6535. Ivr/e
  6536. Jabot
  6537. Jaboter
  6538. Jacass/e
  6539. Jacent, -e
  6540. JachΘre
  6541. Jacinthe
  6542. Jack
  6543. Jacobin
  6544. Jacquet
  6545. Jactance
  6546. Jadis
  6547. Jaguar
  6548. Jais
  6549. Jalon
  6550. Jalou/x, -se
  6551. Jamais
  6552. Jambage
  6553. Jamb/e
  6554. Janissaire
  6555. Janot
  6556. Jante
  6557. Janvier
  6558. Japp/er
  6559. Jaquette
  6560. Jardin
  6561. Jargon
  6562. Jarre
  6563. Jarret
  6564. Jarretelle
  6565. JarretiΘre
  6566. Jars
  6567. Jas/er
  6568. Jasmin
  6569. Jasp/e
  6570. Jatt/e
  6571. Jaug/e
  6572. Jaun/e
  6573. Jaunisse
  6574. Javeline
  6575. Javelle
  6576. Javelot
  6577. Jazz
  6578. Je
  6579. JΘsuit/e
  6580. JΘsus
  6581. Jet
  6582. JetΘe
  6583. Jeton
  6584. Jeu
  6585. Jeudi
  6586. Jeau (ß)
  6587. Jeun/e
  6588. Je√n/e
  6589. Jockey
  6590. Joie
  6591. Joindre
  6592. Joint
  6593. Jooli, -e
  6594. Jonc
  6595. Jonch/er
  6596. Jonglaie
  6597. Jongl/er
  6598. Jonque
  6599. Jonquille
  6600. Joue
  6601. Jou/er
  6602. Jouflu, -e
  6603. Joug
  6604. Jou/ir
  6605. Joujou
  6606. Jour
  6607. Journal
  6608. Jout/e
  6609. Jouvenc/e
  6610. Jovial, -e
  6611. Joyau
  6612. JobΘ
  6613. Jubil/Θ
  6614. Junch/er
  6615. Juda/εque
  6616. Judas
  6617. Judicature
  6618. Judiciarie
  6619. Judicieux, -euse
  6620. Jug/e
  6621. Juguler
  6622. Juif, -ve
  6623. Juillet
  6624. Juin
  6625. Jujube
  6626. Jun/eau, -elle
  6627. Jument
  6628. Jungle
  6629. Jupe
  6630. Jupon
  6631. Jur/er
  6632. Juridiction
  6633. Juridique
  6634. Jurisconsulte
  6635. Juriste
  6636. Jury
  6637. Jus
  6638. Jusant
  6639. Jusque, jusqu'ß
  6640. Jusquiame
  6641. Justaucorps
  6642. Just/e
  6643. Justic/e
  6644. Justifi/er
  6645. Jute
  6646. Juteux, -euse
  6647. JuvΘnil/e
  6648. Juxtapos/er
  6649. KakatoΘs
  6650. Kaki
  6651. KalΘidoscope
  6652. Kangourou
  6653. Kermesse
  6654. Kilogramme
  6655. Kilolitre
  6656. KilomΘtre
  6657. Kilowatt
  6658. Kiosque
  6659. Kolback
  6660. Krach
  6661. Kyrielle
  6662. Kyste
  6663. La
  6664. Labeur
  6665. Labial, -e
  6666. Laboratoire
  6667. Labori/eux, -euse
  6668. labour
  6669. Labyrinthe
  6670. Lac
  6671. LacΘrer
  6672. Lac/et
  6673. Lßch/e
  6674. Lacon/ique
  6675. Lacymal, -e
  6676. Lacs
  6677. LactΘ, -e
  6678. Lacune
  6679. Ladr/e
  6680. Lagune
  6681. Lai, -e
  6682. Laid, -e
  6683. Laie
  6684. Lain/e
  6685. La/εque
  6686. Laisse
  6687. Laisser
  6688. Laissez-passer
  6689. Lait
  6690. Laitier
  6691. Laiton
  6692. Laitue
  6693. Laize
  6694. Lama
  6695. Lambeau
  6696. Lambin, -e
  6697. Lambourde
  6698. Lambrequin
  6699. Lambris
  6700. Lame
  6701. Lament/er
  6702. Lamin/er
  6703. Lampadaire
  6704. Lamp/e
  6705. Lamp/er
  6706. Lampion
  6707. Lamproie
  6708. Lance
  6709. Lancer
  6710. Lancin/er
  6711. Landau
  6712. Lande
  6713. Language
  6714. Lange
  6715. Langour/eux, -euse
  6716. Langous/e
  6717. Langu/e
  6718. Langu/eur
  6719. LaniΘre
  6720. Langquenet
  6721. Lanterne
  6722. Lanterner
  6723. Laper
  6724. Lapereau
  6725. Lapidaire
  6726. Lapid/er
  6727. Lapin, -e
  6728. Laps
  6729. Laquais
  6730. Laqu/e
  6731. Larcin
  6732. Lard
  6733. Larg/e
  6734. Largesse
  6735. Largu/e
  6736. Larm/e
  6737. Larron
  6738. Larve
  6739. Laryn/x
  6740. Lasc/if, -ive
  6741. Lasso
  6742. Latent, -e
  6743. LatΘral, -e
  6744. Latin, -e
  6745. Latitude
  6746. Latitudinaire
  6747. Latt/e
  6748. Laudanum
  6749. Laudatif, -ive
  6750. LaurΘat, -e
  6751. Laurier
  6752. Lavabo
  6753. Lavande
  6754. LavabdiΘre
  6755. Lave
  6756. Lav/er
  6757. Lavis
  6758. Laxatif, -ive
  6759. Layette
  6760. Lazzi
  6761. Le
  6762. LΘchefrite
  6763. Lecher
  6764. Leτon
  6765. Lec/ture
  6766. LΘgat
  6767. LΘgataire
  6768. LΘgation
  6769. LΘgend/e
  6770. LΘg/er, -Θre
  6771. LΘgifΘrer
  6772. LΘgis/te
  6773. LΘgitim/e
  6774. Legs
  6775. LΘgum/e
  6776. Lendemain
  6777. LΘni/fier
  6778. Lent, -e
  6779. Lentille
  6780. LΘpard
  6781. LΘpre
  6782. LΘpreux, -euse
  6783. Lequel, laquelle
  6784. Les
  6785. LΘse
  6786. LΘs/er
  6787. LΘsin/e
  6788. Lessiv/e
  6789. Lest
  6790. Leste
  6791. LΘtharg/ie
  6792. Lettr/e
  6793. Leur
  6794. Leurr/e
  6795. Levain
  6796. Levant
  6797. Lev/er
  6798. LΘviathan
  6799. Levier
  6800. Levraut
  6801. LΘvrier
  6802. Levure
  6803. Lex/ique
  6804. LΘzard
  6805. LΘzard/e
  6806. Liaison
  6807. Liane
  6808. Liasse
  6809. Libation
  6810. Libell/er
  6811. Libellule
  6812. LibΘral, -e
  6813. LibΘr/er
  6814. LibertΘ
  6815. Libertin, -e
  6816. Lirair/e
  6817. Libre
  6818. Lice
  6819. Licenc/e
  6820. Lichen
  6821. Licite
  6822. Licol
  6823. Licorne
  6824. Lie
  6825. LiΘge
  6826. Lien
  6827. Li/er
  6828. Lierre
  6829. Liesse
  6830. Lieu
  6831. Lieue
  6832. Lieutanant
  6833. LiΘvre
  6834. Ligament
  6835. Ligature
  6836. Lige
  6837. Liign/e
  6838. Ligneux, -euse
  6839. Lignite
  6840. Ligoter
  6841. Ligu/e
  6842. Lilas
  6843. Lilliputien, -ne
  6844. Limace
  6845. Limaτon
  6846. Limaille
  6847. Limande
  6848. Limbe
  6849. Liquid/er
  6850. Li/re
  6851. Lis
  6852. LisΘr/Θ, -e
  6853. Liseron
  6854. LisiΘre
  6855. Liss/e
  6856. Lisse
  6857. Liste
  6858. Lit
  6859. Litanie
  6860. Lithograph/e
  6861. LitiΘre
  6862. Litig/e
  6863. Litre
  6864. LittΘra/ire
  6865. LittΘral, -e
  6866. Littoral
  6867. Liturgie
  6868. Livid/e
  6869. Livre
  6870. Livr/e
  6871. LivΘe
  6872. Livr/er
  6873. Lobe
  6874. Local, -e
  6875. Locat/if, -ive
  6876. Loch
  6877. Loche
  6878. Locomo/teur, trice
  6879. Locution
  6880. Logarithme
  6881. Loge
  6882. Log/er
  6883. Log/ique
  6884. Logis
  6885. Loi
  6886. Loin
  6887. Loir
  6888. Loisible
  6889. Loisir
  6890. Lombago
  6891. Lombes
  6892. Lombric
  6893. Long, -eu
  6894. Longanim/e
  6895. Longe
  6896. Longer
  6897. Longitud/e
  6898. Longtemps
  6899. Loquac/e
  6900. Loque
  6901. Loquet
  6902. Lorgner
  6903. Lorgnette
  6904. Loriot
  6905. Lors
  6906. Lorsque
  6907. Losange
  6908. Lot
  6909. Loterie
  6910. Lotion
  6911. Lotte
  6912. Louange
  6913. Louch/e
  6914. Louche
  6915. Louer
  6916. Lou/er
  6917. Loueur, -euse
  6918. Lougre
  6919. Louis
  6920. Loup
  6921. Loupe
  6922. Lourd, -e
  6923. Lourdaud, -e
  6924. Loutre
  6925. Louve
  6926. Louvoyer
  6927. Loy/al, -e
  6928. Loyer
  6929. Lubie
  6930. Lubrifi/er
  6931. Lubrique
  6932. Lucarne
  6933. Lucid/e
  6934. Luciole
  6935. Lucr/e
  6936. Luette
  6937. Lueur
  6938. Lugubre
  6939. Lui
  6940. Lumbago
  6941. Lum/iΘre
  6942. Lunatique
  6943. Lundi
  6944. Lun/e
  6945. Lunett/e
  6946. Lupin
  6947. Lurette
  6948. Luron
  6949. Lustral, -e
  6950. Lustre
  6951. Lustrine
  6952. Lut
  6953. luter
  6954. luth
  6955. Lutin, -e
  6956. Lutrin
  6957. Lutt/e
  6958. Lux/e
  6959. Lux/er
  6960. Luxuri/ance
  6961. Luxur/e
  6962. Luzerne
  6963. LycΘe
  6964. Lymph/e
  6965. Lyncher
  6966. Lynx
  6967. Lyr/e
  6968. Ma
  6969. Macabre
  6970. Macadam
  6971. Macaron
  6972. Macaroni
  6973. MacΘdoine
  6974. MacΘr/er
  6975. Mßche
  6976. Mßchecoulis, mßchicoulis
  6977. Mßchefer
  6978. Mßcher
  6979. MachiavΘl/ique
  6980. Machin/e
  6981. Machin/er
  6982. Mßchoire
  6983. Mßchonner
  6984. Mßchur/e
  6985. Maτon
  6986. Macul/e
  6987. Madame
  6988. Mademoiselle
  6989. Madone
  6990. MadrΘ, -e
  6991. Madrier
  6992. Madrigal
  6993. Maestria
  6994. Magasin
  6995. Magazine
  6996. Mage
  6997. Mag/ie
  6998. Magistral, -e
  6999. Magistral, -e
  7000. Magnanerie
  7001. Magnanim/e
  7002. Magnat
  7003. MagnΘsie
  7004. MagnΘt/ique
  7005. MagnΘto
  7006. Magni/ficence
  7007. Magot
  7008. MahomΘt/an, -e
  7009. Mai
  7010. Maie
  7011. Maigr/e
  7012. Mail
  7013. Maill/e
  7014. Maillechort
  7015. Mailloche
  7016. Maillot
  7017. Maillot
  7018. Main
  7019. Mainmise
  7020. Maint, -e
  7021. Maintentant
  7022. Maintenir
  7023. Maintien
  7024. Mair/e
  7025. Maεs
  7026. Maison
  7027. Maεtre, -resse
  7028. Maεtris/e
  7029. Majest/Θ
  7030. Majeu, -er
  7031. Major
  7032. Majordome
  7033. Major/er
  7034. MajoritΘ
  7035. Majuscule
  7036. Mal
  7037. Malad/e
  7038. Mala/droit, -e
  7039. Malaise
  7040. MalaisΘ, -e
  7041. Malappris, -e
  7042. MalavisΘ, -e
  7043. Malaxer
  7044. Malchance, malechance
  7045. Mßle
  7046. MalΘdiction
  7047. MalΘfice
  7048. Malencontreux, -euse
  7049. Malentendu
  7050. Malfaτon
  7051. Malfaiteur,  -trice
  7052. MalfamΘ, -e
  7053. Malformation
  7054. MalgrΘ
  7055. Malhabile
  7056. Malheur
  7057. MalhonnΩte
  7058. Malic/e
  7059. Mal/in, -igne
  7060. Malines
  7061. Malingre
  7062. MalintentionnΘ, -e
  7063. Malle
  7064. MallΘa/ble
  7065. Malmener
  7066. Malodorant
  7067. Malotru, -e
  7068. Malpropre
  7069. Malsain
  7070. MalsΘ/ance
  7071. Malsonnant, -e
  7072. Malt
  7073. Maltraiter
  7074. Malveill/ance
  7075. Malvenu, -e
  7076. Malversation
  7077. Maman
  7078. Mamelle
  7079. Mamelon
  7080. MammifΘre
  7081. Mammon
  7082. Mammouth
  7083. Manant
  7084. Manche
  7085. Manchon
  7086. Manchot, -te
  7087. Mandarine
  7088. Mandat
  7089. Mandement
  7090. Mander
  7091. Mandibule
  7092. Madoline
  7093. Mandragore
  7094. Mandrin
  7095. Manucation
  7096. ManΘge
  7097. Manette
  7098. MangenΘse
  7099. Mang/er
  7100. Manglier
  7101. Mangouste
  7102. Mani/e
  7103. Mani/Θre
  7104. Manifeste
  7105. Manifest/er
  7106. Manigance
  7107. Manipul/er
  7108. Manivelle
  7109. Manne
  7110. Mannequin
  7111. Man¢uvre/e 
  7112. Manoir
  7113. ManomΘtre
  7114. Manouvrier
  7115. Manqu/e
  7116. Mansarde
  7117. MansuΘtude
  7118. Manteau
  7119. Mantelet
  7120. Mantille
  7121. Manucure
  7122. Manuel, -le
  7123. Manufactur/e
  7124. Manuscrit. -e
  7125. Manutention
  7126. Mappemonde
  7127. Maquereau
  7128. Maquette
  7129. Maquignon
  7130. Maquill/er
  7131. Maquis
  7132. Maraεcher, -Θre
  7133. Marais
  7134. Marasme
  7135. MarΓtre
  7136. Maraud
  7137. Maraud/e
  7138. Marbr/e
  7139. Marc
  7140. Marchand, -e
  7141. Marchand/er
  7142. Marche
  7143. March/Θ
  7144. Marchepied
  7145. Mardi
  7146. Mare
  7147. MarΘcag/e
  7148. MarΘchal
  7149. MarΘe
  7150. Margarine
  7151. Marg/e
  7152. Margelle
  7153. Margotin
  7154. Margrave
  7155. Marguerite
  7156. Marguillier
  7157. Mari
  7158. Mari/er
  7159. Marin, -e
  7160. Marin/er
  7161. Marionnette
  7162. Maritime
  7163. Marjolaine
  7164. Mark
  7165. Marmaille
  7166. Marmelade
  7167. Marmit/e
  7168. Marmonner
  7169. Marmot
  7170. Marmotte
  7171. Marmotter
  7172. Marn/e
  7173. Maroquin
  7174. Marotte
  7175. Marqu/e
  7176. Marquet/er
  7177. Marquis
  7178. Marraine
  7179. Marron
  7180. Mars
  7181. Marsouin
  7182. Marte
  7183. Mareau
  7184. Martel
  7185. Martel/er
  7186. Martial, -e
  7187. Martin
  7188. Martinet
  7189. Martingale
  7190. Martre
  7191. Martryr, -e
  7192. Mascarade
  7193. Mascaret
  7194. Mascotte
  7195. Mascullin, -e
  7196. Masqu/e
  7197. Massacr/e
  7198. Mass/e
  7199. Mass/er
  7200. Massue
  7201. Masti/c
  7202. Maasti/quer
  7203. Mastodonte
  7204. Masure
  7205. Mat, -e
  7206. MΓt
  7207. Matamore
  7208. Matcher
  7209. Matelas
  7210. Matelot
  7211. MatΘrial/iser
  7212. MatΘriau
  7213. MatΘriaux
  7214. MatΘriel, -le
  7215. Maternel, -le
  7216. MaternitΘ
  7217. MathΘmat/ique
  7218. MatiΘre
  7219. Matin
  7220. MΓtin
  7221. Matois, -e
  7222. Matou
  7223. Matraque
  7224. Matrice
  7225. Matricide
  7226. Matricule
  7227. Matrimonial, -e
  7228. Matrone
  7229. Matur/ation
  7230. MΓture
  7231. Matutinal, -e
  7232. Maud/ire
  7233. MaugrΘer
  7234. MausolΘe
  7235. Maussade
  7236. Mauvais, -e
  7237. Mauve
  7238. Mauviette
  7239. Maxillaire
  7240. Maxime
  7241. Me
  7242. MΘchanicien
  7243. Mecan/ique
  7244. MΘchan/t, -e
  7245. MΘche
  7246. Mecompte
  7247. MΘcon/nΓtre
  7248. MΘcontent, -e
  7249. MΘcrΘant, -e
  7250. MΘdaill/e
  7251. MΘdecin
  7252. MΘdicinal, -e
  7253. MΘdian, -e
  7254. Media/teur, -trice
  7255. MΘdical, -e
  7256. MΘdicament
  7257. MΘdiΘval, -e
  7258. MΘdiocr/e 
  7259. MΘdi/re
  7260. MΘdit/er
  7261. MΘditerranΘ, -e
  7262. MΘdium
  7263. MΘdius
  7264. MΘdullaire
  7265. MΘduse
  7266. MΘ/faire
  7267. MΘfi/er (se)
  7268. MΘgalomanie
  7269. MΘgarde
  7270. MΘgΘre
  7271. MΘgir
  7272. Melleur, -e
  7273. MΘjuger
  7274. MΘlancol/ie
  7275. MΘlasse
  7276. MΘl/er
  7277. MΘlΘze
  7278. MΘlisse
  7279. MΘlod/ie
  7280. MΘlodram/e
  7281. MΘloman/e
  7282. Melon
  7283. Membran/e
  7284. Membr/e
  7285. MΘme
  7286. MΘmento
  7287. MΘ/moire
  7288. MΘmoire
  7289. MΘmorandum
  7290. MΘmorial
  7291. Mena/ce
  7292. MΘnag/e
  7293. MΘnag/er
  7294. MΘnagerie
  7295. Mendi/er
  7296. Meneau
  7297. MenΘe
  7298. Men/er
  7299. MΘnΘtrier
  7300. MΘning/e
  7301. Menotte
  7302. Mensong/e
  7303. Mensu/el, -le
  7304. Mensurable
  7305. Mental, -e
  7306. Menthe
  7307. Mention
  7308. Ment/ir
  7309. Menton
  7310. Menu. -e
  7311. Menuet
  7312. Menuis/er
  7313. MΘphitique
  7314. MΘplacer
  7315. MΘplat, -e
  7316. MΘ/prendre (se)
  7317. MΘpris
  7318. Mer
  7319. Mercantile
  7320. Merci
  7321. Merc/ier, -Θre
  7322. Mercredi
  7323. Mercure
  7324. Mercuriale
  7325. MΘre
  7326. MΘidien, -ner
  7327. MΘridional, -e
  7328. Meringue
  7329. MΘrinos
  7330. MΘrit/e
  7331. Merlan
  7332. Merle
  7333. Merluche
  7334. Merveill/e
  7335. Mes
  7336. MΘsalli/ance
  7337. MΘsanger
  7338. MΘsaventure
  7339. MΘsentente
  7340. MΘsestimer
  7341. MΘsintelligence
  7342. Mesquin, -e
  7343. Mess
  7344. Message
  7345. Messe
  7346. Mess/eoir
  7347. Messie
  7348. MΘsuser
  7349. MΘtairie
  7350. MΘtal
  7351. MΘtamorphos/e
  7352. MΘtaphor/e
  7353. MΘtaphys/ique
  7354. MΘtay/er, -Θre
  7355. MΘtempsycose
  7356. MΘteor/e
  7357. MΘthod/e
  7358. MΘthodiste
  7359. MΘticul/eux, -euse
  7360. MΘtier
  7361. MΘtis, -se
  7362. MΘtre
  7363. MΘtreur
  7364. MΘtrique
  7365. MΘtropole
  7366. Mets
  7367. Mett/re
  7368. Meubl/e
  7369. Meugl/er
  7370. Meul/e
  7371. Meunier, Θre
  7372. Meurt-de-faim
  7373. Meurtr/e
  7374. Meurtr/ir
  7375. Meute
  7376. Mi
  7377. Miasme
  7378. Miaul/er
  7379. Mica
  7380. Miche
  7381. Microb/e
  7382. Miicrocosme
  7383. Microscop/e
  7384. Midi
  7385. Mie
  7386. Miel
  7387. Mien, -ne
  7388. Miette
  7389. Mieux
  7390. MiΘvr/e
  7391. Mignard, -e
  7392. Mignon, -ne
  7393. Migraine
  7394. Migra/tion
  7395. Mijoter
  7396. Mil
  7397. Milic/e
  7398. Milieu
  7399. Milit/aire
  7400. Mille
  7401. Millard
  7402. Million
  7403. Mim/e
  7404. Mimosa
  7405. Minable
  7406. Minaud/er
  7407. Minc/e
  7408. Mine
  7409. Minerai
  7410. MinΘral, -e
  7411. Mineur, -e
  7412. Miniatur/e
  7413. Minime
  7414. Minimum
  7415. Minist/re
  7416. MinoritΘ
  7417. Minot/erie
  7418. Minuit
  7419. Minuscule
  7420. Minut/e
  7421. Minut/ie
  7422. Mirabelle
  7423. Mira/cle
  7424. Mirage
  7425. Mire
  7426. Mirer
  7427. Mirifique
  7428. Mirliton
  7429. Mirobolant
  7430. Miroi/r
  7431. Mis, -e
  7432. Misaine
  7433. Misanthrop/e
  7434. Mis/e
  7435. Mis/Θre
  7436. Misogyne
  7437. Missel
  7438. Mission
  7439. Missive
  7440. Mitaine
  7441. Mit/e
  7442. Mitig/er
  7443. Mitonner
  7444. Mitoyen, -ne
  7445. Mitraill/e
  7446. Mitr/e
  7447. Mitron
  7448. Mixt/e
  7449. Mobil/e
  7450. Mobilier
  7451. Mobilis/er
  7452. Mocassin
  7453. Mod/e
  7454. Mode
  7455. Mod/Θle
  7456. ModΘrer
  7457. Modern/e
  7458. Modest/e
  7459. ModicitΘ
  7460. Modifi/er
  7461. Modique
  7462. Modiste
  7463. Modul/er
  7464. Moelle
  7465. Moelleux, -euse
  7466. Moelon
  7467. M¢urs 
  7468. Moi
  7469. Moidre
  7470. Moine
  7471. Moineau
  7472. Moins
  7473. Moir/e
  7474. Mois
  7475. Mois/ir
  7476. Moisson
  7477. Moit/e
  7478. MoitiΘ
  7479. Moka
  7480. Mol, -le
  7481. Molaire
  7482. M⌠le
  7483. MolΘcul/e
  7484. Molest/er
  7485. Mollet
  7486. Molleton
  7487. Mollusque
  7488. Moment
  7489. Momerie
  7490. Momi/e
  7491. Mon, ma, mes
  7492. Monacal, -e
  7493. Monar/que
  7494. Monas/tΘre
  7495. Monceau
  7496. Mond/e
  7497. Monder
  7498. MonΘt/aire
  7499. Moniteur, -trice
  7500. Monn/aie
  7501. Monochrome
  7502. Monocle
  7503. Monogram/e
  7504. Monogramme
  7505. Monographie
  7506. Monolithe
  7507. Monologu/e
  7508. Monomanie
  7509. Monoplace
  7510. Monoplan
  7511. Monopol/e
  7512. Monosyllab/e
  7513. MonothΘisme
  7514. Monoton/e
  7515. Monseigneur
  7516. Monsieur
  7517. Monstr/e
  7518. Mont
  7519. Montagn/e
  7520. Mont/er
  7521. Monticule
  7522. Montoir
  7523. Montre
  7524. Montr/er
  7525. Monture
  7526. Monument
  7527. Moqu/er (se)
  7528. Moraine
  7529. Moral, -e
  7530. Moratoire
  7531. Morc/eau
  7532. Mordorer
  7533. Mord/re
  7534. Moreau, -elle
  7535. Morfil
  7536. Morfondre
  7537. Morgue
  7538. Moribond
  7539. Moricaud, -e
  7540. MorigΘner
  7541. Morne
  7542. Moros/e
  7543. Morphine
  7544. Mors
  7545. Morse
  7546. Morsure
  7547. Mort, -e
  7548. Mortadelle
  7549. Mortaise
  7550. Mortalite
  7551. Mortier
  7552. Mortifi/er
  7553. Mortuaire
  7554. Mourue
  7555. Morv/e
  7556. Mosaεque
  7557. MosquΘe
  7558. Mot
  7559. Motet
  7560. Moteur, -trice
  7561. Mot/if, -ive
  7562. Motion
  7563. Motocy/clette
  7564. Motoriser
  7565. Motte
  7566. Mou
  7567. Molle
  7568. Mouchard
  7569. Mouche
  7570. Mouch/er
  7571. Mouchet/er
  7572. Mou/dre
  7573. Moue
  7574. Mouette
  7575. Moufle
  7576. Mouflon
  7577. Mouill/er
  7578. Moul/e
  7579. Moule
  7580. Moulin
  7581. Moulu, -e
  7582. Moulure
  7583. Mour/ir
  7584. Mouron
  7585. Mousquet
  7586. Mousse
  7587. Mouss/e
  7588. Mousse
  7589. Mousseline
  7590. Mousson
  7591. Moustache
  7592. Moustique
  7593. Mo√t
  7594. Moutard/e
  7595. Mouton
  7596. Mouture
  7597. Mouv/er
  7598. Mouv/oir
  7599. Moyen, -ne
  7600. Moyen
  7601. Moyette
  7602. Moyeu
  7603. Mo√, -e
  7604. Muable
  7605. Mucilage
  7606. MucositΘ
  7607. Mue
  7608. Muer
  7609. Muet, -te
  7610. Mufle
  7611. Mug/ir
  7612. Muguet
  7613. MulΓtre
  7614. Mul/e
  7615. Mule
  7616. Mulot
  7617. Multicolore
  7618. multimoteur, -trice
  7619. Multi/ple
  7620. Multitude
  7621. Municipal, -e
  7622. Munific/ence
  7623. Munir
  7624. Munition/s
  7625. Muqueux, -euse
  7626. Mur
  7627. M√r, -e
  7628. Muraille
  7629. M√r/e
  7630. Murmur/e
  7631. Musard, -e
  7632. Musc
  7633. Muscade
  7634. Muscat
  7635. Musc/le
  7636. Mus/eau
  7637. MusΘe
  7638. Musette
  7639. MusΘum
  7640. Mus/ique
  7641. Musqu/er
  7642. Musulman, -e
  7643. Mut/er
  7644. Mutil/er
  7645. Mutin,-e
  7646. Mutisme
  7647. Mutu/el, -le
  7648. Myop/e
  7649. Myosotis
  7650. Myriade
  7651. Myrrhe
  7652. Myrte
  7653. Myrtille
  7654. Myst/Θre
  7655. Mystifi/er
  7656. Myst/ique
  7657. Myth/e
  7658. Nabab
  7659. Nabot
  7660. Nacelle
  7661. Nacr/e
  7662. Nadir
  7663. Nag/e
  7664. Nageoire
  7665. NaguΘre
  7666. Naεade
  7667. Na/εf, -ive
  7668. Nain, -e
  7669. Naεtre
  7670. Naissance
  7671. Nankin
  7672. Nant/ir
  7673. Naphaline
  7674. Naphte
  7675. NapolΘon
  7676. Napp/e
  7677. Narcisse
  7678. Narcotique
  7679. Nard
  7680. Narine
  7681. Narquois, -e
  7682. Narr/er
  7683. Narval
  7684. Nas/al, -e
  7685. Naseau
  7686. Nasse
  7687. Natal, -e
  7688. Natation
  7689. Natatoire
  7690. Natif, -ive
  7691. Nation
  7692. NativitΘ
  7693. Natt/e
  7694. Natural/iser
  7695. Natur/e
  7696. Naufrag/e
  7697. NausΘabond, -e
  7698. NausΘ/e
  7699. Nautique
  7700. Naval
  7701. Navet
  7702. Navette
  7703. Naviga/ble
  7704. Navig/uer
  7705. Navire
  7706. Navr/er
  7707. Neanmoins
  7708. NΘant
  7709. NΘbul/eux, -euse
  7710. Necess/aire
  7711. NΘcrolog/ie
  7712. NΘcromanc/ie
  7713. NΘcropole
  7714. Nectar
  7715. Nef
  7716. NΘfaste
  7717. NΘfle
  7718. NΘflier
  7719. NΘgat/if, -ive
  7720. NΘglig/er
  7721. NΘgoc/e
  7722. NΘgoci/er
  7723. NΘgre,nΘgresse
  7724. Neig/e
  7725. NΘnuphar
  7726. NΘolithique
  7727. NΘologisme
  7728. NΘophyte
  7729. NΘphralgie
  7730. NΘ/phrite
  7731. NΘpotisme
  7732. NΘrΘide
  7733. Ner/f
  7734. Net, -te
  7735. Nettoy/er
  7736. Neu/f
  7737. Neuf, -ve
  7738. NeurasthΘn/ie
  7739. Neutralis/er
  7740. Neutr/e
  7741. Neveu
  7742. NΘvralg/ie
  7743. NΘvros/e
  7744. nez
  7745. Niais, -e
  7746. Niche
  7747. Nich/er
  7748. Nickel
  7749. Nicotine
  7750. Nid
  7751. NiΘce
  7752. Niell/e
  7753. Niell/nielloe
  7754. Ni/er
  7755. Nigaud, -e
  7756. Nihil/isme
  7757. Nimbe
  7758. Nim
  7759. Nippes
  7760. Nitrate
  7761. Nitre
  7762. Niv/eau
  7763. Nob/le
  7764. Noce
  7765. Noc/if, -ive
  7766. Noctambu/le 
  7767. Nocture
  7768. No¢l
  7769. N¢ud 
  7770. Noir, -e
  7771. Noise
  7772. Nois/etier
  7773. Noix
  7774. Nom
  7775. Nomade
  7776. Nombr/e
  7777. Nombril
  7778. Nomenclature
  7779. Nominal
  7780. Nominat/if, -ive
  7781. Nomination
  7782. Nomm/er
  7783. Non
  7784. NonagΘnaire
  7785. Nonce
  7786. Nonchal/ance
  7787. Non-lieu
  7788. Nonne
  7789. Nonobstant
  7790. Non-sense
  7791. Nord
  7792. Normal, -e
  7793. Normand
  7794. Nostalg/ie
  7795. Nota
  7796. Nota/ble
  7797. Not/aire
  7798. Notamment
  7799. Not/e
  7800. Notice
  7801. Notif/er
  7802. Notion
  7803. Not/oire
  7804. Notre
  7805. Nou/er
  7806. Nougat
  7807. Nouilles
  7808. Nourric/e
  7809. Nourr/ir
  7810. Nous
  7811. Nouv/eau, -elle
  7812. Nouvell/e
  7813. Novateur, -trice
  7814. Novembre
  7815. Novic/e
  7816. Noyau
  7817. Noyer
  7818. Noy/er
  7819. Nu, -e
  7820. Nuag/e
  7821. Nuanc/e
  7822. Nubile
  7823. NuditΘ
  7824. Nue
  7825. NuΘe
  7826. Nui/re
  7827. Nuit
  7828. Nul, -le
  7829. NumΘraire
  7830. NumΘr/al, -e
  7831. NumΘr/o
  7832. Numismat/e
  7833. Nuptial, -e
  7834. Nuque
  7835. Nutrit/if, ive
  7836. Nymphe
  7837. Oasis
  7838. ObΘir
  7839. ObΘiss/ance
  7840. ObΘlisque
  7841. O/Θse
  7842. Obituaire
  7843. Object/er
  7844. Ob/jet
  7845. Objurgation
  7846. Oblat
  7847. Oblation
  7848. Obligataire
  7849. Oblig/er
  7850. Obliqu/e
  7851. OblitΘr/er
  7852. Oblong, -ue
  7853. Obole
  7854. Obsc/Θne
  7855. Obscur, -e
  7856. ObsΘd/er
  7857. Obsession
  7858. ObsΘques
  7859. ObsΘqui/eux, -euse
  7860. Observ/er
  7861. Obstacle
  7862. Obstin/er
  7863. Ob/struer
  7864. ObtempΘrer
  7865. Obten/ir
  7866. Obtur/er
  7867. Obtus, -e
  7868. Obus
  7869. Obvers, obverse
  7870. Obvier
  7871. Occasion
  7872. Occident
  7873. Occiput
  7874. Occire
  7875. Occlusion
  7876. Occulte
  7877. Occup/er
  7878. Occurrence
  7879. OcΘan
  7880. OcΘanie
  7881. Ocre
  7882. Octave
  7883. Octobre
  7884. OctogΘnaire
  7885. Octogon/e
  7886. Octr/oi
  7887. Ocul/aire
  7888. Ode
  7889. Od/eur
  7890. Odieux, -euse
  7891. OdyssΘe
  7892. ÜcumΩnique 
  7893. ÜdΘme
  7894. Üil
  7895. Üillet
  7896. Üillete 
  7897. Üillette 
  7898. Üsophage
  7899. Üuf 
  7900. Üuvre
  7901. Offens/e
  7902. Offertoire
  7903. Offic/e
  7904. Official
  7905. Offici/el, -e
  7906. Officier
  7907. Officine
  7908. Offrande
  7909. Offr/e
  7910. Offusquer
  7911. Ogiv/e
  7912. Obre, ogresse
  7913. Oh
  7914. Oi/e
  7915. Oignon
  7916. Oindre
  7917. Ois/eau
  7918. Oiseux, -euse
  7919. Ois/if, ive
  7920. OlΘagineux, -euse
  7921. Olfactif, -ive
  7922. Oligarch/ie
  7923. Oliv/e
  7924. Olographe
  7925. Olymp/e
  7926. Ombr/e
  7927. Omelette
  7928. Omettre
  7929. Omission
  7930. Omnibus
  7931. Omnipot/ence
  7932. Omnisci/ence
  7933. Omnivore
  7934. Omnoplate
  7935. On
  7936. Once
  7937. Oncle
  7938. Onct/ion
  7939. Ondain
  7940. Ondin, -ine
  7941. Ond/oyer
  7942. Oyant, -e
  7943. Ondul/er
  7944. OnΘreux, -euse
  7945. Ongl/e
  7946. Onguent
  7947. Onyx
  7948. Onz/e
  7949. Opal/e
  7950. Opaque
  7951. OpacitΘ
  7952. OpΘr/er
  7953. Ophtalm/ie
  7954. Opi/at
  7955. Opiner
  7956. OpiniΓtr/e
  7957. Opinion
  7958. Opium
  7959. Opossum
  7960. Opportun, -e
  7961. Oppos/er
  7962. Oppress/er
  7963. Opprim/er
  7964. Opprobre
  7965. Optim/isme
  7966. Opti/que
  7967. Opul/ence
  7968. Opuscule
  7969. Or
  7970. Oracle
  7971. Orag/e
  7972. Oraison
  7973. Oral/e
  7974. Orang/e
  7975. Orang-outang
  7976. Orat/eur
  7977. Oratoire
  7978. Oratrio
  7979. Orbe
  7980. Orbite
  7981. Orchestr/e
  7982. OrchidΘe
  7983. Ordinaire
  7984. Ordinal, -e
  7985. Ordonn/er
  7986. Ordre
  7987. Ordur/e
  7988. OrΘe
  7989. Oreill/e
  7990. OreillΘre
  7991. Oreillons
  7992. Ores
  7993. OrfΘvre/e
  7994. Organdi
  7995. Organ/e
  7996. Organis/er
  7997. Orge
  7998. Orgeat
  7999. Orgie
  8000. Org/ue
  8001. Orgueil
  8002. Orient
  8003. Orient/er
  8004. Orifice
  8005. Oriflamme
  8006. Original, -e
  8007. Origin/e
  8008. Oripeau
  8009. Ornement
  8010. Orn/er
  8011. OrniΘre
  8012. Ornitholog/ie
  8013. Orphelin,-e
  8014. Orteil
  8015. Orthodox/e
  8016. Orthograph/e
  8017. OrthopΘd/ie
  8018. Ortie
  8019. Ortolan
  8020. Os
  8021. Oscill/er
  8022. Oseille
  8023. Osier
  8024. Ostensible
  8025. Ostentation
  8026. Ostrac/iser
  8027. Otage
  8028. Otarie
  8029. ╓ter
  8030. Otite
  8031. Ottomane
  8032. Ou
  8033. Ouailles
  8034. Ouat/e
  8035. Oubli
  8036. Ouest
  8037. Ou/Θr
  8038. Ouragan
  8039. Ourd/ir
  8040. Ourl/er
  8041. Ours, -e
  8042. Oursin
  8043. Ourtarde
  8044. Outil
  8045. Outrag/e
  8046. Outranc/e
  8047. Outre
  8048. Outrecuid/ance
  8049. Outremer
  8050. Outrepasser
  8051. Ouvert, -e
  8052. Oment
  8053. Ouvrag/e
  8054. Ouv/er
  8055. Ouvrier, -Θre
  8056. Ouvrir
  8057. Ouvoir
  8058. Ovaire
  8059. Ovale
  8060. Ovation
  8061. Ovin, -e
  8062. Ovipare
  8063. Ovoεd/e
  8064. Oxyg/Θne
  8065. Ozone
  8066. Pacag/e
  8067. Pacha
  8068. Pachyderme
  8069. Pacifi/er
  8070. Paci/fique
  8071. Pacotille
  8072. Pact/e
  8073. Pag/aie
  8074. Paganisme
  8075. Pag/e
  8076. Pagne
  8077. Pagode
  8078. Paie
  8079. Paεen,ne
  8080. Paillard,e
  8081. Paillasse
  8082. Paillasson
  8083. Paill/e
  8084. Pailler
  8085. Paill/ette
  8086. Pain
  8087. Pair
  8088. Paire
  8089. Paεtre
  8090. Paix
  8091. Palabre
  8092. Paladin
  8093. Palais
  8094. Palanquin
  8095. Pale
  8096. Pßl/e
  8097. Palefrenier
  8098. Palet
  8099. Paletot
  8100. Palette
  8101. Palier
  8102. Palinodie
  8103. Pßlir
  8104. Palissad/e
  8105. Palissandre
  8106. Palisser
  8107. Palli/er
  8108. Palm/e
  8109. PalmΘ, -e
  8110. PalmipΘde
  8111. Palombe
  8112. Palonnier
  8113. Palpe
  8114. Palp/er
  8115. Palpit/er
  8116. Paludisme
  8117. Pßm/er
  8118. Pampa
  8119. Pamph/et
  8120. Pamplemousse
  8121. Pampre
  8122. Pan
  8123. PanacΘe
  8124. Panach/e
  8125. Panade
  8126. Panais
  8127. Panama
  8128. Panaris
  8129. Pancarte
  8130. PancrΘas
  8131. PanΘgry/ique
  8132. Paner
  8133. PanetiΘre
  8134. Panier
  8135. Panifi/er
  8136. Panique
  8137. Panne
  8138. Panneau
  8139. Panoplie
  8140. Panoram/a
  8141. Pans/e
  8142. Pans/er
  8143. Pantaloon
  8144. Pantel/er
  8145. PanthΘ/isme
  8146. PanthΘre
  8147. Pantin
  8148. Pantois, -e
  8149. Pantomine
  8150. Pantoufle
  8151. Paon
  8152. Papa
  8153. Papegai
  8154. Papelard, -e
  8155. Paperass/e
  8156. Pap/ier
  8157. Papille
  8158. Papillon
  8159. Papillotte
  8160. papillot/er
  8161. Papoter
  8162. Papyrus
  8163. Pßque
  8164. Paquebot
  8165. Pßquerette
  8166. Paquet
  8167. Par
  8168. Parabole
  8169. Parachever
  8170. Parachut/e
  8171. Parad/e
  8172. Paradis
  8173. Paradoxe
  8174. Paraf/e
  8175. Parages
  8176. Paragraphe
  8177. Parall/Θle
  8178. Paraly/ser
  8179. Parangon
  8180. Parapet
  8181. Paraphe, parapher
  8182. Parapluie
  8183. Parasit/e
  8184. Parasol
  8185. Paratonnerre
  8186. Paravent
  8187. Parc
  8188. Parcage
  8189. Parcelle
  8190. Parce que
  8191. Parchemin
  8192. Parcimon/ie
  8193. Parcourir
  8194. Parcours
  8195. Pardessus
  8196. Pardon
  8197. ParΘgorique
  8198. Pareil, -le
  8199. Parement
  8200. Parent, -e
  8201. ParenthΘse
  8202. Parer
  8203. Paress/e
  8204. Parfaire
  8205. Parfait, -e
  8206. Parfiler
  8207. Parfois
  8208. Parfum
  8209. Pari
  8210. Paria
  8211. Paris
  8212. ParitΘ
  8213. Parjur/e
  8214. Parlement
  8215. Parlement/er
  8216. Parl/er
  8217. Parmesan, -e
  8218. Parmi
  8219. Parod/ie
  8220. Paroi
  8221. Paroiss/e
  8222. Parole
  8223. Paroxysme
  8224. Parquer
  8225. Parquet
  8226. Parrain
  8227. Parricide
  8228. Parsemer
  8229. Part
  8230. Partag/e
  8231. Partance
  8232. Partant
  8233. Partenaire
  8234. Parterre
  8235. Parti
  8236. Partial. -e
  8237. Participe
  8238. Particip/er
  8239. Particulariser
  8240. Particule
  8241. Particul/ier
  8242. Parti/e
  8243. Partir
  8244. Partisan
  8245. Partout
  8246. Parturition
  8247. Paure
  8248. Parution
  8249. Parven/ir
  8250. Pas
  8251. Pascal, -e
  8252. Passable
  8253. Passage
  8254. Passager, -Θre
  8255. Passant, -e
  8256. Passe
  8257. PassΘ, -e
  8258. Passementer
  8259. Passeport
  8260. Passer
  8261. Passereau
  8262. Passerelle
  8263. passeur, -euse
  8264. Pass/ible
  8265. Pass/if, -ive
  8266. Passion
  8267. Passoire
  8268. Pastel
  8269. Past/eur
  8270. Pasteuriser
  8271. Pastiche
  8272. Pat
  8273. Patate
  8274. Patatras
  8275. Pataud, -e
  8276. Pataug/er
  8277. PΓt/e
  8278. PßtΘe
  8279. Patelin, -e
  8280. PatΘne
  8281. Paten⌠tre
  8282. Patent, -e
  8283. Patent/e
  8284. Pater
  8285. Patern/el, -le
  8286. PathΘtique
  8287. Patholog/ie
  8288. Pathos
  8289. Patibulaire
  8290. Pati/ence
  8291. Patin
  8292. PΓtir
  8293. PΓtiss/er
  8294. Patois
  8295. Patraque
  8296. PΓtre
  8297. Patriar/che
  8298. Patricien, -ne
  8299. Patri/e
  8300. Patri/moine
  8301. Patron, -ne
  8302. Patronymique
  8303. Patrouill/e
  8304. Patte
  8305. PΓtur/e
  8306. Paume
  8307. PΓupΘrisme
  8308. PaupiΘre
  8309. Paus/e
  8310. Pauvre
  8311. Pavaner (se)
  8312. Pavillon
  8313. Pavoiser
  8314. Pavot
  8315. Paye
  8316. Pay/er
  8317. Paysag/e
  8318. Paysan, -ne
  8319. PΘg/e
  8320. Peau
  8321. Peccadille
  8322. PΩch/e
  8323. PΘch/Θ
  8324. Pectoral, -e
  8325. PΘculateur
  8326. PΘcule
  8327. PΘcuniaire
  8328. PΘdagog/ie
  8329. PΘdal/e
  8330. PΩdant. -e
  8331. PΘdestre
  8332. PΘdicure
  8333. Peign/e
  8334. Peindre
  8335. Pein/e
  8336. Peint/re
  8337. PΘnkin
  8338. Pelade
  8339. Pelage
  8340. PΘl-mΘle
  8341. Pel/er
  8342. PΘlerin
  8343. PΘlican
  8344. Pelisse
  8345. Pelle
  8346. Peεlet/erie
  8347. Pellicule
  8348. Pellucide
  8349. Pelot/e
  8350. Pelouse
  8351. Peluch/e
  8352. Pelure
  8353. PΘnal, -e
  8354. PΘnates
  8355. Penaud, -e
  8356. Pench/er
  8357. Pend/re
  8358. Pendule
  8359. PΘne
  8360. PΘnible
  8361. PΘniche
  8362. PΘninsul/e
  8363. Peniten/ce
  8364. Penn/e
  8365. Pennon
  8366. PΘnombre
  8367. Pens/er
  8368. Pension
  8369. Pensum
  8370. Pentagon/e
  8371. Pentateuque
  8372. Pente
  8373. Pentec⌠te
  8374. PΘnurie
  8375. PΘpier
  8376. PΘpin
  8377. PΘpin/iere
  8378. PΘpite
  8379. Pepsine
  8380. Percal/e
  8381. Perce
  8382. Percepteur
  8383. Percep/tible
  8384. Perception
  8385. Perc/er
  8386. Perce/voir
  8387. Perche
  8388. Perch/er
  8389. Perclus, -e
  8390. Percu/ter
  8391. Perdition
  8392. Perd/re
  8393. Perdreau
  8394. Perdix
  8395. PΘre
  8396. PΘrΘgrin/er
  8397. PΘremptoire
  8398. PΘrennitΘ
  8399. Perfectible
  8400. Perfection
  8401. Perfid/e
  8402. Perfor/er
  8403. Performance
  8404. PΘriclit/er
  8405. PΘril
  8406. PΘrimer
  8407. PΘrimΘtre
  8408. PΘrintΘe
  8409. PΘriod/e
  8410. PΘripΘtie
  8411. PΘriphΘr/ie
  8412. PΘriphrase
  8413. PΘr/ir
  8414. PΘriscope
  8415. PΘrissoire
  8416. PΘri/toine
  8417. Perl/e
  8418. Perman/ence
  8419. Permanganate
  8420. PermΘable
  8421. Per/mettre
  8422. Permut/er
  8423. Pernicieux, -euse
  8424. PΘronΘ
  8425. PΘronnelle
  8426. PΘroraison
  8427. PΘrorer
  8428. Perpendiculaire
  8429. PerpΘtr/er
  8430. PerpΘtuel, -le
  8431. PerpΘtu/er
  8432. Perplex/e
  8433. Perquistion
  8434. Perroquet
  8435. Perruche
  8436. Perruqu/e
  8437. Pers, -e
  8438. PersΘcu/ter
  8439. PersΘvΘr/er
  8440. Persienne
  8441. Persil
  8442. Persist/er
  8443. Personnage
  8444. Personnali/tΘ
  8445. Personn/e
  8446. Perspectif, -ive
  8447. Perspicac/e
  8448. Persua/der
  8449. Perte
  8450. Pertinacite
  8451. Pertin/ence
  8452. Perturba/teur, -trice
  8453. Pervenche
  8454. Perver/s, -e
  8455. Pes/er
  8456. PΘse-lettre
  8457. Peseta
  8458. Peson
  8459. Pessim/isme
  8460. Pest/e
  8461. Pet
  8462. PΘtale
  8463. PΘtar/d
  8464. PΘtill/er
  8465. Petiot, -e
  8466. Petit, -e
  8467. PΘtition
  8468. PΘtrel
  8469. PΘtrifi/er
  8470. PΘtrin
  8471. PΘtr/ir
  8472. PΘtrol/e
  8473. PΘtul/ance
  8474. Peu
  8475. Peuplade
  8476. Peupl/e
  8477. Peuplier
  8478. Peur
  8479. Peut-Ωtre
  8480. PhaΘton
  8481. Phalange
  8482. PhalΘne
  8483. Phare
  8484. Pharis/ien
  8485. Pharmac/ie
  8486. Pharyn/x
  8487. Phase
  8488. PhΘnique
  8489. PhΘnixenix
  8490. PhΘno/mΘne
  8491. Philanthrop/e
  8492. Philharmonique
  8493. Philistin, -e
  8494. Philog/ie
  8495. Philosophale
  8496. Philosoph/e
  8497. Philtre
  8498. PhlΘbite
  8499. Phlegmon
  8500. Phobie
  8501. PhonΘt/ique
  8502. Phonograph/e
  8503. Phoque
  8504. Phoshate
  8505. Phosphor/e
  8506. Photo
  8507. Phras/e
  8508. PhrΘno/logie
  8509. Phtis/ie
  8510. Physiolog/ie
  8511. Physionom/ie
  8512. Physi/que
  8513. Piaff/er
  8514. Piaill/er
  8515. Pian/o
  8516. Piauler
  8517. Pic
  8518. Picorer
  8519. Picot/er
  8520. Pie
  8521. PiΘce
  8522. Pied
  8523. Piedestal
  8524. Piege
  8525. Pierraille
  8526. Pierr/e
  8527. Pierrot
  8528. PiΘtΘ
  8529. PiΘtin/er
  8530. Pietisme
  8531. PiΘton, -ne
  8532. Pietre
  8533. Pieu
  8534. Pieuvre
  8535. Pieu/x, -euse
  8536. Pigeon, -ne
  8537. Pignon
  8538. Pilastre
  8539. Pile
  8540. Piler
  8541. Pileux, -euse
  8542. Pillier
  8543. Pill/er
  8544. Pilon
  8545. Pilori
  8546. Pilot
  8547. Pilot/e
  8548. Pilule
  8549. Piment
  8550. Pimpant, -e
  8551. Pimrenelle
  8552. Pin
  8553. Pinacle
  8554. Pin/ce
  8555. Pinceau
  8556. Pineraie
  8557. Pingre
  8558. Pinson
  8559. Pintade
  8560. Pinte
  8561. Pioch/e
  8562. Piolet
  8563. Pion
  8564. Pionnier
  8565. Pipe
  8566. Pip/eau
  8567. Pique
  8568. Pique-niqu/e
  8569. Piq/uer
  8570. Piquet
  8571. Pirat/e
  8572. Pire
  8573. Pirogue
  8574. Pirouett/e
  8575. Pis
  8576. Piscine
  8577. Pissenlit
  8578. Pistache
  8579. Pist/e
  8580. Pistil
  8581. Pistole
  8582. Pistolet
  8583. Piston
  8584. Pitance
  8585. Pit/eux, -euse
  8586. PitiΘ
  8587. Piton
  8588. Pitoyable
  8589. Pitre
  8590. Pittoresque
  8591. Pituite
  8592. Pivert
  8593. Pivoine
  8594. Pivot
  8595. Placage
  8596. Placard
  8597. Plac/e
  8598. Placenta
  8599. Placid/e
  8600. Plafon/d
  8601. Plage
  8602. Plagi/aire
  8603. Plaid/er
  8604. Plaie
  8605. Plain, -e
  8606. Plain/dre
  8607. Plaine
  8608. Plaire
  8609. Plais/ant
  8610. Plaisir
  8611. Plan, -e
  8612. Planch/e
  8613. Plan/er
  8614. Plan/Θte
  8615. PlanisphΘre
  8616. Plant
  8617. Plantain
  8618. Plante
  8619. Planter
  8620. Planton
  8621. Plantureux, -euse
  8622. Plaqu/e
  8623. Plast/ique
  8624. Plastron
  8625. Plat, -e
  8626. Platane
  8627. Plateau
  8628. PlatΘe
  8629. Platine
  8630. Platitude
  8631. PlΓtr/e
  8632. Plausi/ble
  8633. PlΘbe
  8634. Plein, -e
  8635. PlΘnier, -Θre
  8636. PlΘnipotentiare
  8637. PlΘnitude
  8638. PlΘnonasme
  8639. PlΘthore
  8640. Pleur
  8641. Pleurnich/er
  8642. Pleuvoir
  8643. PlΘvre
  8644. Pli
  8645. Plie
  8646. Plinthe
  8647. Pliss/er
  8648. Plomb
  8649. Plombagine
  8650. Plong/er
  8651. Plot
  8652. Ploutocrate
  8653. Ployer
  8654. Pluie
  8655. Plum/e
  8656. Plupart (la)
  8657. Pluralite
  8658. Pluriel, -le
  8659. Plus
  8660. Plusieurs
  8661. Plut⌠t
  8662. Pluvial
  8663. Pluvier
  8664. Pluvieux, -euse
  8665. Pneumatique
  8666. Pnemon/ie
  8667. Poch/e
  8668. Pocher
  8669. Poτl/e
  8670. PoΘme
  8671. PoΘsie
  8672. Po/Θte
  8673. Poids
  8674. Poignant
  8675. Poignard
  8676. Poigne
  8677. PoignΘe
  8678. Poignet
  8679. Poil
  8680. Poinτon
  8681. Poindre
  8682. Poing
  8683. Point
  8684. Pointe
  8685. Pointeau
  8686. Point/er
  8687. Pointill/e, -e
  8688. Pointilleux, -euse
  8689. Pointu, -e
  8690. Pointure
  8691. Poir/e
  8692. Poireau
  8693. Pois
  8694. Poison
  8695. Poissard, -e
  8696. Poiss/er
  8697. Poisson
  8698. Poitrail
  8699. Poitrin/e
  8700. Poirv/e
  8701. Poix
  8702. Pol/aire
  8703. P⌠le
  8704. PolΘm/ique
  8705. Polic/e
  8706. Polichinelle
  8707. Pol/ir
  8708. Polisson, -ne
  8709. Politesse
  8710. Politique
  8711. Polka
  8712. Pollen
  8713. Pollu/er
  8714. Poltron, -ne
  8715. Polchrome
  8716. Polygam/e
  8717. Polyglotte
  8718. Polygone
  8719. Polype
  8720. Polysyllab/e
  8721. Polytechni/que
  8722. Pommad/e
  8723. Pomm/e
  8724. Pommeau
  8725. Pommel/er (se)
  8726. Pommette
  8727. Pommpe
  8728. Pomp/e
  8729. Pompeux, -euse
  8730. Pompon
  8731. Ponc/e
  8732. Ponceau
  8733. Ponction
  8734. Ponctu/el, -le
  8735. Ponctu/er
  8736. PondΘr/er
  8737. Pon/dre
  8738. Pont
  8739. Pontet
  8740. Pontif/e
  8741. Ponton
  8742. Popeline
  8743. Populac/e
  8744. Poul/aire
  8745. Poulation
  8746. Populeux, -euse
  8747. Porc
  8748. Porcher, -Θre
  8749. Porcherie
  8750. Porcelaine
  8751. Porche
  8752. Por/e, -ositΘ
  8753. Porphyre
  8754. Port
  8755. Portail
  8756. Porte
  8757. Portefaix
  8758. Portefeuille
  8759. Portemanteau
  8760. Port/er
  8761. Portier, -Θre
  8762. Portion
  8763. Portique
  8764. Porto
  8765. Portrait
  8766. Pos/e
  8767. Posit/if, -ive
  8768. Position
  8769. Poss/Θder
  8770. Possi/ble
  8771. Postdater
  8772. Post/e
  8773. PostΘri/eur, -e
  8774. PostΘrite
  8775. Posthume
  8776. Postiche
  8777. Post-scriptum
  8778. Postul/er
  8779. Posture
  8780. Pot
  8781. Potable
  8782. Potag/e
  8783. Potasse
  8784. Poteau
  8785. PotelΘ, -e
  8786. Potence
  8787. Potentat
  8788. Potentiel, -le
  8789. Poterne
  8790. Potiche
  8791. Pot/ier
  8792. Potion
  8793. Potiron
  8794. Pou
  8795. Poubelle
  8796. Poucettes
  8797. Pouding
  8798. Poudr/e
  8799. Pouffer
  8800. Pouilles
  8801. Poulaill/e
  8802. Poulain
  8803. Poularde
  8804. Poul/e
  8805. Pouliche
  8806. Poulie
  8807. Poulin/er
  8808. Poulpe
  8809. Pouls
  8810. Poumon
  8811. Poupe
  8812. Poup/Θe
  8813. Poupon, -ne
  8814. Pour
  8815. Pourboire
  8816. Pourceau
  8817. Pourcentage
  8818. Pourchasser
  8819. Pourfen/re
  8820. PourlΘcher
  8821. Pourparler
  8822. Pourpoint
  8823. Poupr/e
  8824. Pourquoi
  8825. Pourr/ir
  8826. Poursui/vre
  8827. Pourant
  8828. Poutour
  8829. Pourvoi
  8830. Pour/voir
  8831. Pourvu,-e
  8832. Pousse
  8833. Pouss/er
  8834. Poussi/Θre
  8835. Poussif, -ive
  8836. Poussin
  8837. Poutr/e
  8838. Pouvoir
  8839. Pragmatique
  8840. Prairial, -e
  8841. Prairie
  8842. Pralin/e
  8843. Practicable
  8844. Praticien, -ne
  8845. Pratiquer
  8846. PrΘ
  8847. PrΘable
  8848. PrΘambule
  8849. PrΘau
  8850. PrΘavis
  8851. PrΘbend/e
  8852. PrΘcaire
  8853. PrΘcaution
  8854. PrΘcΘd/ent, -e
  8855. PrΘcΘder
  8856. PrΘcept/e
  8857. PrΘch/e
  8858. PΘci/eux, -euse
  8859. PrΘcipice
  8860. PrΘcipit/er
  8861. PrΘcis, -e
  8862. PrΘcitΘ, -e
  8863. PrΘcoc/e
  8864. PrΘcompter
  8865. PrΘcon/cevoir
  8866. PrΘconiser
  8867. PrΘcurseur
  8868. PrΘdΘcΘcesseur
  8869. PrΘdestin/er
  8870. PrΘdΘtermin/er
  8871. PrΘdicable
  8872. PrΘdicament
  8873. PrΘdicat
  8874. PrΘdica/teur, -trice
  8875. PrΘdilection
  8876. PrΘd/dire
  8877. PrΘdispos/er
  8878. PrΘdomin/er
  8879. PrΘemin/ence
  8880. PrΘempt/er
  8881. PrΘetablir
  8882. PrΘexist/er
  8883. PrΘfac/e
  8884. PrΘfΘr/er
  8885. PrΘfet
  8886. PrΘfixe
  8887. PrΘhensible
  8888. PrΘhis/toire
  8889. PrΘjudic/e
  8890. PrΘjug/Θ
  8891. PrΘlart
  8892. PrΘlasser (se)
  8893. PrΘlat
  8894. PrΘ/lever
  8895. PrΘliminaire
  8896. PrΘlud/e
  8897. PrΘmature, -e
  8898. PrΘmΘdit/er
  8899. PrΘmices
  8900. Premi/er, -Θre
  8901. PrΘmisse
  8902. PrΘmoni/tion
  8903. PrΘmunir
  8904. Pren/dre
  8905. PrΘnom
  8906. PrΘoccup/er
  8907. PrΘordonner
  8908. PrΘpar/er
  8909. PrΘponΘr/ance
  8910. PrΘpos/er
  8911. PrΘposition
  8912. PrΘpotence
  8913. PrΘrogative
  8914. PrΘs
  8915. PrΘsag/e
  8916. Presbyt/e
  8917. PresbytΘre
  8918. Presci/ent, -e
  8919. Pre/scrire
  8920. PrΘsΘance
  8921. PrΘs/ence
  8922. PrΘsent
  8923. PrΘsent/er
  8924. PrΘserv/er
  8925. PrΘsid/er
  8926. PrΘsomptif, -ive
  8927. PrΘsomp/tion
  8928. Presque
  8929. Presse
  8930. Pressent/ir
  8931. Press/er
  8932. Pressurer
  8933. Perstance
  8934. Prestation
  8935. Prest/e
  8936. Prestidigita/teur, -trice
  8937. Prestig/e
  8938. Presto
  8939. PrΘsumer
  8940. PrΘsuppose/er
  8941. PrΘsure
  8942. PrΩt
  8943. PrΘtend/re
  8944. PrΘten/tion
  8945. PrΘtΘrition
  8946. PrΘtext/e
  8947. PrΘ/toire
  8948. PrΩtr/e
  8949. Preuve
  8950. Preux
  8951. PrΘvaloir
  8952. PrΘvari/quer
  8953. PrΘven/ir
  8954. PrΘ/voir
  8955. PrΘv⌠t
  8956. Prie-Dieu
  8957. Pri/er
  8958. Prieur, -e
  8959. Primaire
  8960. Primat
  8961. PrimautΘ
  8962. Prime
  8963. Primer
  8964. Primerose
  8965. Primesautier, -iΘre
  8966. Primeur
  8967. PrimevΘre
  8968. Primidi
  8969. Primit/if, -ive
  8970. Primo
  8971. PrimogΘniture
  8972. Primordial, -e
  8973. Princ/e
  8974. Princip/e
  8975. Prin/temps
  8976. PrioritΘ
  8977. Pris, -e
  8978. Pris/er
  8979. Priser
  8980. Prism/e
  8981. Prison
  8982. Priv/er
  8983. Privi/lΘge
  8984. Prix
  8985. Proba/ble
  8986. Probant, -e
  8987. Probation
  8988. Prob/e
  8989. Prob/lΘme
  8990. Proboscide
  8991. ProcΘd/Θ
  8992. ProcΘs
  8993. Procession
  8994. Processus
  8995. Prochain
  8996. Proche
  8997. Proclam/er
  8998. Proconsul
  8999. ProcrΘ/er
  9000. Procurateur
  9001. Procuration
  9002. Procurer
  9003. Procureur
  9004. Prodig/e
  9005. Prodigu/e
  9006. Pro/duire
  9007. ProΘmin/ent, -e
  9008. Profane
  9009. Profan/er
  9010. ProfΘrer
  9011. Profess/er
  9012. Profil
  9013. Profit
  9014. Profond, -e
  9015. Profus/ion
  9016. ProgΘniture
  9017. Prognostique
  9018. Programme
  9019. Pro/grΘs
  9020. Prohib/er
  9021. Proie
  9022. Projecteur
  9023. Projectile
  9024. Projection
  9025. Projet
  9026. ProlΘt/aire
  9027. ProlifΘrer
  9028. Prolifique
  9029. Prolix/e
  9030. Prolong/er
  9031. Promen/er
  9032. Promesse
  9033. Promett/re
  9034. PromiscuitΘ
  9035. Promontoire
  9036. Promoteur, -trice
  9037. Prom/mouvoir
  9038. Prompt, -e
  9039. Promulg/uer
  9040. Pr⌠ner
  9041. Pronom
  9042. Prononc/er
  9043. Pronost/ic
  9044. Propagand/e
  9045. Propag/er
  9046. Propension
  9047. Proph/Θte, -Θtesse
  9048. Propice
  9049. Propiti/er
  9050. Proportion
  9051. Propos
  9052. Propos/er
  9053. Propre
  9054. PropriΘt/Θ
  9055. Propuls/er
  9056. Prorata
  9057. Prorog/er
  9058. Pro/scrire
  9059. Pros/e
  9060. Prosecteur
  9061. ProsΘlyt/e
  9062. Prosodie
  9063. Prospect/er
  9064. Propectus
  9065. Pros/pΘre
  9066. Prostern/er
  9067. Prostitu/er
  9068. Prostr/Θ
  9069. Protagoniste
  9070. Pro/tΘger
  9071. Protestant, -e
  9072. Protest/er
  9073. ProtΩt
  9074. ProthΘse
  9075. Protocol/e
  9076. Prototype
  9077. ProtubΘr/ance
  9078. Proue
  9079. Prouv/er
  9080. Provende
  9081. Proven/ir
  9082. Proverb/e
  9083. Providen/ce
  9084. Provinc/e
  9085. Proviseur
  9086. Provision
  9087. Provisoire
  9088. Provo/quer
  9089. ProximitΘ
  9090. Prud/e
  9091. Prud/ent, -e
  9092. Prud'homme
  9093. Pruine
  9094. Prun/e
  9095. Pruneau
  9096. Prunelle
  9097. Purit
  9098. Psalmod/ie
  9099. Psaume
  9100. Psautier
  9101. Pseudonyme
  9102. Psychique
  9103. Psycholog/ie
  9104. Puant, -e
  9105. Pub/Θre
  9106. Publ/ic, ique
  9107. Publi/er
  9108. Puceau, -elle
  9109. Puceron
  9110. Puddl/er
  9111. Pud/eur
  9112. Pudibond, -e
  9113. Pu/er
  9114. PuΘril, -e
  9115. PuerpΘral, -e
  9116. Pugil/at
  9117. PugnacitΘ
  9118. PuεnΘ, -e
  9119. Puis
  9120. Puis/er
  9121. Puisque
  9122. Puiss/ance
  9123. Puits
  9124. Pullul/er
  9125. Pulmonaire
  9126. Pulp/e
  9127. PulvΘris/er
  9128. Puma
  9129. Punaise
  9130. Pun/ir
  9131. Pupille
  9132. Pupitre
  9133. Pur, -e
  9134. PurΘe
  9135. Purgatoire
  9136. Purg/e
  9137. Purifi/er
  9138. Purin
  9139. Pur/isme
  9140. Puri/tain, -e
  9141. Purpurin, -e
  9142. Purul/ence
  9143. Pus
  9144. Pusillanim/e
  9145. Pustul/e
  9146. Putatif, -ive
  9147. Putois
  9148. PutrΘ/fier
  9149. Putrid/e
  9150. Pyl⌠ne
  9151. Pyramid/e
  9152. Pyrite
  9153. Pyrogravure
  9154. Pyrotechnie
  9155. Pyth/ie
  9156. Python
  9157. QuadragΘnaire
  9158. Quadrangulaire
  9159. Quadrant
  9160. Quadrature
  9161. Quadrienal
  9162. Quadriennal, -e
  9163. Quadrill/e
  9164. Quadrimoteur, -trice
  9165. Quadrumane
  9166. QuadrupΘde
  9167. Quai
  9168. Qualite
  9169. Quand
  9170. QuantΘ
  9171. QuantiΘme
  9172. QuantitΘ
  9173. Quarant/e
  9174. Quart
  9175. Quarteron, -ne
  9176. Quaridi
  9177. Quartier
  9178. Quarto
  9179. Quartz
  9180. Quasi
  9181. Quasimodo
  9182. Quaternaire
  9183. Quatorz/e
  9184. Quatrain
  9185. Quatr/e
  9186. Quatuor
  9187. Que
  9188. Quel, -le
  9189. Quelconque
  9190. Quelque
  9191. Quelque chose
  9192. Quelqefois
  9193. Quelque part
  9194. Quelqu'un, une
  9195. QuΘmand/er
  9196. Quenouille
  9197. Querell/e
  9198. QuΘrir
  9199. Quest/eur
  9200. Question
  9201. QuΩt/e
  9202. Queue
  9203. Qui
  9204. Quiconque
  9205. Quidam
  9206. QuiΘtude
  9207. Quille
  9208. Quincaill/erie
  9209. Quinine
  9210. QuinquagΘnaire
  9211. QuinquagΘsime
  9212. Quinquet
  9213. Quinquina
  9214. Quintal
  9215. Quinte
  9216. Quintessence
  9217. Quintette
  9218. Quinteux, -euse
  9219. Quintidi
  9220. Quintuple
  9221. Quinz/e
  9222. Quiproquo
  9223. Quittance
  9224. Quitte
  9225. Quitter
  9226. Qui-vive
  9227. Quoi
  9228. Quoique
  9229. Quolibet
  9230. Quorum
  9231. Quote-part
  9232. Quotidien, -ne
  9233. Quotient
  9234. Quotite
  9235. RabΓch/er
  9236. Rabais
  9237. Rabat
  9238. Rabatt/re
  9239. Rabbin
  9240. RΓble
  9241. Rabot
  9242. Rabougr/ir
  9243. Rabouter
  9244. Rabrouer
  9245. Racaille
  9246. Racommod/er
  9247. Raccompagner
  9248. Raccord
  9249. Raccourc/ir
  9250. Raccoutumer
  9251. Raccrocher
  9252. Rach/at
  9253. Rach/is
  9254. Rachit/ique
  9255. Racin/e
  9256. Racl/e
  9257. Racontar
  9258. Racont/er
  9259. Racornir
  9260. RacquΘrir
  9261. Rade
  9262. Radeau
  9263. Radical, -e
  9264. Radier
  9265. Radi/er
  9266. Radieux, -euse
  9267. Radio
  9268. Radiodiffus/er
  9269. Radiolog/ie
  9270. Radis
  9271. Radium
  9272. Radot/er
  9273. Radoub
  9274. Radouc/ir
  9275. Rafale
  9276. Rafferm/ir
  9277. Raεfin/er
  9278. Raffoler
  9279. Rafistoler
  9280. Rafle
  9281. Rafl/e
  9282. Rafraεch/ir
  9283. Ragaillardir
  9284. Rag/e
  9285. Ragot, -e
  9286. Ragot
  9287. Rago√t
  9288. Ragraεer
  9289. Raid
  9290. Raid/e
  9291. Raie
  9292. Raifort
  9293. Rail
  9294. Raill/er
  9295. Rain/er
  9296. Rainette
  9297. Rais
  9298. Raisin
  9299. Raison
  9300. Rajeun/ir
  9301. Rajouter
  9302. Rajust/er
  9303. RΓl/e
  9304. RΓle
  9305. Ralent/ir
  9306. Rallier
  9307. Rallonge
  9308. Rallong/er
  9309. Rallumer
  9310. Ramage
  9311. Ramaigrir
  9312. Ramass/er
  9313. Rame
  9314. Ram/e
  9315. RamΘal, -e
  9316. Rameeau
  9317. Ramener
  9318. Ramier
  9319. Ramifi/er (se)
  9320. Ramoll/ir
  9321. Ramon/er
  9322. Rampe
  9323. Ramp/er
  9324. Ramure
  9325. Rancart
  9326. Ranc/e
  9327. Ranc¢ur
  9328. Ranτon
  9329. RandonnΘe
  9330. Rang
  9331. Ranimer
  9332. Rapac/e
  9333. Rapatri/er
  9334. RΓp/e
  9335. Rapetass/er
  9336. Rapetisser
  9337. Rapid/e
  9338. RapiΘ/cer
  9339. rapiΘre
  9340. Rapine
  9341. Rappareiller
  9342. Rappel
  9343. Rapport
  9344. Rapprendre
  9345. Rapproch/er
  9346. Rapprovisionner
  9347. R(h)apsod/e
  9348. Rapt
  9349. RΓpure
  9350. Raquette
  9351. Rar/e
  9352. Ras, -e
  9353. Ras
  9354. Rasade
  9355. Ras/er
  9356. Rassasi/er
  9357. Rassembl/er
  9358. Rasseoir
  9359. RassΘrΘner
  9360. Rassis, -e
  9361. Rassort/ir
  9362. Rassur/er
  9363. Rat, -e
  9364. Ratatin/er (se)
  9365. Rate
  9366. RΓt/eau
  9367. RΓtelier
  9368. Rat/er
  9369. Ratifi/er
  9370. Ration
  9371. Ration/nel, -le
  9372. Ratiss/er
  9373. Raton
  9374. Ratteindre
  9375. Ratteler
  9376. Rattraper
  9377. Ratur/e
  9378. Rauque
  9379. Ravag/e
  9380. Raval/er
  9381. Ravaud/er
  9382. Rav/e
  9383. Ravigot/e
  9384. Ravil/ir
  9385. Ravin
  9386. Ravin/e
  9387. Rav/ir
  9388. Raviser (se)
  9389. Ravitaill/er
  9390. Raviver
  9391. Ravoir
  9392. Ray/er
  9393. Rayon
  9394. Rayonne
  9395. Raz
  9396. Razzia
  9397. RΘct/if, -ive
  9398. RΘad/mettre
  9399. RΘaεfirmer
  9400. RΘagir
  9401. RΘalis/er
  9402. RΩal/isme
  9403. RΘalitΘ
  9404. RΘappar/aεtre
  9405. RΘapprovisionner
  9406. RΘarm/er
  9407. RΘbarbatif, -ive
  9408. RΘbΓtir
  9409. Rebatt/re
  9410. Rebell/e
  9411. Rebiffer (se)
  9412. Rebond
  9413. Rebondi, -e
  9414. Rebond/ir
  9415. Rebord
  9416. Reboucher
  9417. Rebours
  9418. Rebouteur, -euse
  9419. Robrouss/e
  9420. Robuff/er
  9421. RΘus
  9422. Rebut
  9423. Rebuter
  9424. RΘcalcitr/er
  9425. RΘcapitul/er
  9426. RecΘder
  9427. Rec/el, recΘlement
  9428. Recens/er
  9429. RΘc/ent, -e
  9430. Receper
  9431. RΘcΘpissΘ
  9432. RΘcep/teur, -trice
  9433. Recette
  9434. Recev/oir
  9435. Rechange
  9436. RΘchapp/er
  9437. Recharg/er
  9438. RΩchaud
  9439. RΘchauff/er
  9440. Rechausser
  9441. RΩche
  9442. Recherch/e
  9443. Rechign/er
  9444. Rechut/e
  9445. RΘcidiv/e
  9446. RΘcif
  9447. RΘcipiendaire
  9448. RΘcipient
  9449. RΘciproque
  9450. RΘcit
  9451. RΘclame
  9452. RΘclam/er
  9453. Reclasser
  9454. Reclu/re
  9455. Recoiffer
  9456. Recoin
  9457. Recoller
  9458. Recollet, -te
  9459. RΘcolt/e
  9460. Recommand/er
  9461. Recommencer
  9462. RΘcompens/e
  9463. Recomposer
  9464. Recompter
  9465. RΘconcili/er
  9466. Recondui/re
  9467. RΘconfort
  9468. Recon/naεtre
  9469. Reconqu/Θrir
  9470. RecosidΘrer
  9471. Reconstituer
  9472. Recon/struire
  9473. Reconvention
  9474. Recopier
  9475. Record
  9476. Recorder
  9477. Recoucher
  9478. Recoudre
  9479. Recouper
  9480. Recourb/er
  9481. Recourir
  9482. Recouvr/er
  9483. Recouvr/ir
  9484. RΘcrΘ/er
  9485. RecrΘpir
  9486. RΘcrier (se)
  9487. RΘcrimin/er
  9488. RΘcrire
  9489. Recroqueviller
  9490. Recrudesc/ence
  9491. Recru/e
  9492. Rectan/gle
  9493. Rect/eur
  9494. Rectifi/er
  9495. Rectitude
  9496. Recto
  9497. Rectum
  9498. Reτueil
  9499. Recueill/ir
  9500. Re/cuire
  9501. Recul
  9502. RΘcupΘr/er
  9503. RΘcurer
  9504. RΘcurrent, -e
  9505. RΘcus/er
  9506. RΘdact/eur, -trice
  9507. Reddition
  9508. Redemander
  9509. RΘdemp/teur, -trice
  9510. Redescendre
  9511. Redevable
  9512. Redevenir
  9513. Redevoir
  9514. RΘdiger
  9515. Redingote
  9516. Redire
  9517. Redond/ance
  9518. Redonner
  9519. Redorer
  9520. Redoubl/er
  9521. Redoute
  9522. Redress/er
  9523. RΘ/duire
  9524. RΘduit
  9525. RΘΘl, -e
  9526. RΘΘli/re
  9527. RΘexpΘdi/er
  9528. Refaire
  9529. RΘfect/ion
  9530. Refen/dre
  9531. RΘfΘr/er
  9532. Refermer
  9533. RΘflΘch/ir
  9534. Refl/et
  9535. Refleurir
  9536. RΘflexe
  9537. RΘflexion
  9538. Re/fluer
  9539. Re/fondre
  9540. Reformer
  9541. RΘform/e
  9542. Refoul/er
  9543. RΘfractaire
  9544. RΘfract/er
  9545. Refrain
  9546. RΘfrangible
  9547. RefrΘner
  9548. RΘfigΘr/er
  9549. RΘfring/ence
  9550. Refroid/ir
  9551. Refuge
  9552. RΘfug/ier (se)
  9553. Refus
  9554. RΘfut/er
  9555. Regagner
  9556. RΘgal
  9557. Regard
  9558. Regarnir
  9559. RΘgate
  9560. Regeler
  9561. RΘg/ence
  9562. RΘgΘnΘr/er
  9563. RΘgicide
  9564. RΘgie
  9565. Regimber
  9566. RΘgime
  9567. RΘgiment
  9568. RΩgion
  9569. RΘg/ir
  9570. RΘgistre
  9571. RΘgle
  9572. RΘgl/er
  9573. RΘl/ementaire
  9574. RΘlisse
  9575. RΘgne
  9576. RΘgner
  9577. Regonfler
  9578. Regrg/er
  9579. Regrat
  9580. RΘgress/if, -ive
  9581. Regret
  9582. RΘgularis/er
  9583. RΘgul/ier, iΘre
  9584. RΘhabilit/er
  9585. Rehauss/er
  9586. RΘim/primer
  9587. Rein
  9588. RΘincarner
  9589. RΘincorporer
  9590. Reine
  9591. Reinette
  9592. RΘintΘgrer
  9593. RΘitΘr/er
  9594. Rejaill/ir
  9595. Rejet
  9596. Rejeton
  9597. Rejoindre
  9598. Rejouer
  9599. RΘjou/ir
  9600. RelΓch/e
  9601. Relais
  9602. Relancer
  9603. Relaps, -e
  9604. Relater
  9605. Relat/if, ive
  9606. Relation
  9607. Relax/er
  9608. Relayer
  9609. RelΘg/uer
  9610. Relent
  9611. Re/lever
  9612. Relief
  9613. Reli/er
  9614. Religi/on
  9615. Reliquat
  9616. Reliqu/e
  9617. Relire
  9618. Relui/re
  9619. RemΓcher
  9620. Remani/er
  9621. Remarier
  9622. Remaequ/e
  9623. Remballer
  9624. Rembarqu/er
  9625. Rembl/ai
  9626. Remboεter
  9627. Rembourr/er
  9628. Rembourer
  9629. Rembrunir
  9630. Re/mΘde
  9631. RemΩler
  9632. RemΘmor/er
  9633. Remerci/er
  9634. Re/mettre
  9635. Remeubler
  9636. RΘminiscence
  9637. Remis/e
  9638. RΘmissi/on
  9639. Remmener
  9640. Remonte
  9641. Remonter
  9642. Remontoir
  9643. Remontrance
  9644. Remontrer
  9645. Remordre
  9646. Remords
  9647. RΘmouleur
  9648. Rempaill/er
  9649. Rempart
  9650. Rempla/cer
  9651. Rempl/ir
  9652. Remployer
  9653. Remplumer
  9654. Remporter
  9655. Remu/er
  9656. RΘmunΘr/er
  9657. RenΓcler
  9658. Renaissance
  9659. Re/naεtre
  9660. RΘnal, -e
  9661. Renard
  9662. Rencaisser
  9663. RenchΘr/ir
  9664. Rencogner
  9665. Rencontr/e
  9666. Rendement
  9667. Rendez-vous
  9668. Rendormir
  9669. Rend/re
  9670. RΩne
  9671. RenΘgat,-e
  9672. Renferm/er
  9673. Renfiler
  9674. Renfi/er
  9675. Renflour
  9676. Renfonc/er
  9677. Renforce/er
  9678. Renfort
  9679. Renfrogn/er
  9680. Rengag/er
  9681. Rengainer
  9682. Rengorger (se)
  9683. Rengraisser
  9684. Reni/er
  9685. Reifi/er
  9686. Renne
  9687. Renom
  9688. Renommer
  9689. Renonc/e
  9690. Renoncule
  9691. Renouer
  9692. Renouveau
  9693. Renouv/eler
  9694. RΘnov/er
  9695. Renseign/er
  9696. Rent/e
  9697. Rent/er
  9698. Renvers/e
  9699. Rev/oi
  9700. RΘorganis/er
  9701. RΘouverture
  9702. Repaire
  9703. Repaεtre
  9704. RΘpand/re
  9705. Reparaεtre
  9706. RΘpar/er
  9707. Repartir
  9708. RΘpart/ir
  9709. Repas
  9710. Repass/er
  9711. Repaver
  9712. RepΩcher
  9713. Repeindre
  9714. Repenser
  9715. Repent/ir
  9716. RΘper/cuter
  9717. Re/pΘre
  9718. RΘpert/oire
  9719. RΘpΘt/er
  9720. RΘpeupl/er
  9721. Repiquer
  9722. RΘpit
  9723. Replac/er
  9724. Replanter
  9725. ReplΓtr/er
  9726. Replet, -Θte
  9727. ReplΘtion
  9728. Repli
  9729. RΘpliqu/e
  9730. Replonger
  9731. Repolir
  9732. RΘpond/re
  9733. Report
  9734. Reporter
  9735. Report/er
  9736. Repos
  9737. Repouss/er
  9738. RΘprΘhensi/on
  9739. Reprendre
  9740. ReprΘsailles
  9741. ReprΘsent/er
  9742. RΘpress/if, -ive
  9743. RΘprimand/e
  9744. RΘprim/er
  9745. Repris, -e
  9746. Repris/e
  9747. RΘproba/teur, -trice
  9748. Reproch/e
  9749. Repro/duire
  9750. RΘprouv/er
  9751. Reptation
  9752. Reptile
  9753. Repu, -e
  9754. RΘpubli/que
  9755. RΘpudi/er
  9756. RΘpugn/er
  9757. RΘpuls/if, -ive
  9758. RΘput/er
  9759. RequΘr/ir
  9760. Requis, -e
  9761. Requτte
  9762. Requiem
  9763. Requin
  9764. Requinquer
  9765. RΘqistion
  9766. RΘquisitoire
  9767. RescapΘ, -e
  9768. Res/cinder
  9769. Rescrit
  9770. RΘseau
  9771. RΘsΘda
  9772. RΘservation
  9773. RΘserv/e
  9774. RΘsid/er
  9775. RΘsidu
  9776. RΘsign/er
  9777. RΘsilience
  9778. RΘsili/er
  9779. RΘsin/e
  9780. RΘsipiscence
  9781. RΘsist/er
  9782. RΘolu,-e
  9783. RΘsoluble
  9784. RΘsolutif, -ive
  9785. RΘsolvant, -e
  9786. RΘsonance
  9787. RΘsonner
  9788. RΘsorber
  9789. RΘsoudre
  9790. Respect
  9791. Respectif, -ive
  9792. Respir/er
  9793. Resplend/ir
  9794. Responsa/ble
  9795. Ressac
  9796. Ressaisir
  9797. Ressasser
  9798. Ressaut
  9799. Ressembl/er
  9800. Ressemeler
  9801. Ressemer
  9802. Ressent/ir
  9803. Resserre
  9804. Resserr/er
  9805. Ressort
  9806. Ressortir
  9807. Ressort/ir
  9808. Ressource
  9809. Ressouven/ir (se)
  9810. Ressuer
  9811. Ressusciter
  9812. Restant, -e
  9813. Restaur/er
  9814. Rest/e
  9815. Restitu/er
  9816. Restein/dre
  9817. RΘsult/er
  9818. RΘsum/e
  9819. RΘsurrection
  9820. Retable, rΘtable
  9821. RΘtabl/ir
  9822. Retailler
  9823. Retard
  9824. Retendre
  9825. Reten/ir
  9826. Retent/ir
  9827. RΘtic/ence
  9828. RΘticul/e
  9829. RΘtif, -ive
  9830. RΘtne
  9831. Retir/er
  9832. Retomb/er
  9833. Retordre
  9834. RΘtorquer
  9835. Retors, -e
  9836. Retouch/e
  9837. Retour
  9838. Retourne
  9839. Retracer
  9840. RΘtract/er
  9841. Retraduire
  9842. Retrait
  9843. Retrait/e
  9844. Retranch/er
  9845. RΘtrΘc/ir
  9846. Retemp/e
  9847. RΘtribu/er
  9848. RΘtroactif, -ive
  9849. RΘtrocΘder
  9850. RΘtrograd/e
  9851. RΘtrospectif, -ive
  9852. Retrouss/er
  9853. Retrouver
  9854. Rets
  9855. RΘun/ir
  9856. Reunion
  9857. RΘuss/ir
  9858. Revaloriser
  9859. Revanche
  9860. RΘv/e
  9861. RevΩche
  9862. RΘveil
  9863. RΘvΘl/er
  9864. Revenant, -e
  9865. Revendi/quer
  9866. Reven/dre
  9867. Revenir
  9868. Revenu
  9869. RΘverb/Θre
  9870. Reverdir
  9871. RΘvΘren/ce
  9872. RΘvΘrer
  9873. Revers
  9874. Revers/er
  9875. RevΩt/ir
  9876. Revient
  9877. Revir/er
  9878. Revis/er, rΘviser
  9879. Revivre
  9880. RΘpoca/ble
  9881. Revoir
  9882. RΘvolt/e
  9883. RΘvolu, -e
  9884. RΘvolution
  9885. Revolver
  9886. RΘvoquer
  9887. Revue
  9888. Rez-de-chaussΘe
  9889. Rhabill//er
  9890. RhΘostat
  9891. RhΘtor/ique
  9892. RhinocΘros
  9893. Rhododendron
  9894. Rhombe
  9895. Rhubarbe
  9896. Rhum
  9897. Rhumat/isme
  9898. Rhume
  9899. Riant, -e
  9900. Ribambelle
  9901. Rican/er
  9902. Rich/e
  9903. Ricin
  9904. Ricoch/et
  9905. Rid/e
  9906. Rideau
  9907. Ridicul/e
  9908. Rien
  9909. Rieur, -euse
  9910. Rigid/e
  9911. Rigole
  9912. Rig/ueur
  9913. Rim/e
  9914. Rinceau
  9915. Rin/cer
  9916. Ripaill/e
  9917. Ripost/e
  9918. Risqu/e
  9919. Rissol/e
  9920. Rire
  9921. Ris
  9922. RisΘe
  9923. Ristourne
  9924. Rit, rite
  9925. Ritournelle
  9926. Rituel, le
  9927. Rivage
  9928. Rival, -e
  9929. Rive
  9930. Riverain, -e
  9931. Riv/et
  9932. RiviΘre
  9933. Rixe
  9934. Riz
  9935. Robe
  9936. Robinet
  9937. Robust/e
  9938. Roc
  9939. Rocaille
  9940. Rocailleux, -euse
  9941. Roch/e
  9942. Rocher
  9943. Rochet
  9944. Rococo
  9945. Roder
  9946. R⌠d/er
  9947. Rogations
  9948. Rogatoire
  9949. Rogatons
  9950. Rogn/er
  9951. Rogneux, -euse
  9952. Rogue
  9953. Roi
  9954. R⌠le
  9955. Romain, -e
  9956. Romaine
  9957. Romaεque
  9958. Roman, -e
  9959. Roman
  9960. Romance
  9961. Romarin
  9962. Romp/re
  9963. Ronce
  9964. Rond, -e
  9965. Rondeau
  9966. Ronfl/er
  9967. Rong/er
  9968. Ronron-nement
  9969. Roqu/e
  9970. Roquefort
  9971. Roquet
  9972. Rosace
  9973. RosacΘ
  9974. Rosaire
  9975. Rosbif
  9976. Ros/e
  9977. Roseau
  9978. RosΘe
  9979. Rosee
  9980. Rossignol
  9981. Rostre
  9982. R⌠t
  9983. Rotateur, -trice
  9984. Rotat/if, -ive
  9985. Rotin
  9986. Rotond/e
  9987. Rotule
  9988. Rotur/e
  9989. Rouan, -ne
  9990. Roublard, -e
  9991. Roucoule/r
  9992. Rou/e
  9993. RouΘ, -e
  9994. Rouelle
  9995. Rouennerie
  9996. Roug/e
  9997. Rougeole
  9998. Rouget
  9999. Rouill/e
  10000. Rou/ir
  10001. Roulade
  10002. Rouleau
  10003. Roul/er
  10004. Roulette
  10005. Roulis
  10006. Roulotte
  10007. Rousse
  10008. RoussΓrtre
  10009. Rousseur
  10010. Rouss/ir
  10011. Rout/e
  10012. Routin/e
  10013. Rouvrir
  10014. Roux, -sse
  10015. Royal, -e
  10016. Royaume
  10017. Royaute
  10018. Ruade
  10019. Ruban
  10020. RubΘfier
  10021. RubΘole
  10022. Rubicond, -e
  10023. Rubis
  10024. Rubrique
  10025. Ruch/e
  10026. Rud/e
  10027. Rudiment
  10028. Rudoyer
  10029. Ru/e
  10030. Ru/er
  10031. Rug/ir
  10032. Rug/ueux, -euse
  10033. Ruin/e
  10034. Ruiss/eau
  10035. Ruissel/er
  10036. Rumeur
  10037. Rumin/er
  10038. Run/e
  10039. Rupture
  10040. Rural, -e
  10041. Rus/e
  10042. Russe
  10043. Rustaud
  10044. Rustique
  10045. Rustre
  10046. Rutil/er
  10047. Rythm/e, rhythm/e
  10048. Sabbat
  10049. Sabl/e
  10050. Sable
  10051. Sablon
  10052. Sabord
  10053. Sabot
  10054. Sabr/e
  10055. Sac
  10056. Saccad/e
  10057. Saccharin, -e
  10058. Sacerdo/ce
  10059. Sachet
  10060. Sacoche
  10061. Sacr/e
  10062. Sacr/ement
  10063. Sacrifi/ce
  10064. SacrilΘge
  10065. Sacripant
  10066. Sacrist/ie
  10067. Sadique
  10068. Safran
  10069. Sagac/e
  10070. Sagaie
  10071. Sag/e
  10072. Sagittaire
  10073. Sagou
  10074. Sagouin
  10075. Saign/er
  10076. Saill/ie
  10077. Sain, -e
  10078. Saindoux
  10079. Saint, -e
  10080. Saisie
  10081. Sais/ir
  10082. Saison
  10083. Salad/e
  10084. Sal/aire
  10085. Salaison
  10086. Salamandre
  10087. Sale
  10088. Sal/er
  10089. Salicoque
  10090. Salin, -e
  10091. Sal/ir
  10092. Saliv/e
  10093. Salle
  10094. Salmis
  10095. Saloir
  10096. Salon
  10097. SalpΘtr/e
  10098. Salsifis
  10099. Saltimbanque
  10100. Salubr/e
  10101. Saluer
  10102. Salure
  10103. Salut
  10104. Salve
  10105. Sanatorium
  10106. Sanctifi/er
  10107. Sanction
  10108. Sanctuaire
  10109. Sandow
  10110. Sandwich
  10111. Sang
  10112. Sanglade
  10113. Sangl/e
  10114. Sanglier
  10115. Sanglot
  10116. Sangsue
  10117. Sanitaire
  10118. Sans
  10119. Sansonnet
  10120. Santal
  10121. SantΘ
  10122. Sap/e
  10123. Saphir
  10124. Sapin
  10125. Saponifier
  10126. Sarabande
  10127. Sarbacane
  10128. Sarcas/me
  10129. Sarcelle
  10130. Sarcl/er
  10131. Sarcophage
  10132. Sardin/e
  10133. Sardoine
  10134. Sardonic
  10135. Sarigue
  10136. Sarment
  10137. Sarrazin
  10138. Sarrau
  10139. Sas
  10140. Sage
  10141. Sas
  10142. Satan
  10143. Satellite
  10144. SatiΘtΘ
  10145. Satin
  10146. Satir/e
  10147. Satis/εaire
  10148. Satur/er
  10149. Satyr/e
  10150. Sauc/e
  10151. Sauciss/e
  10152. Sauf
  10153. Sauf, sauve
  10154. Sauge
  10155. Saugrenu, -e
  10156. Saul/e
  10157. SaumΓtre
  10158. Saumon
  10159. Saumure
  10160. Saun/er
  10161. Saupoudrer
  10162. Saur
  10163. Saure
  10164. Saurien
  10165. Saut
  10166. Saute
  10167. Sauterelle
  10168. Sautill/er
  10169. Sautoir
  10170. Sauvage
  10171. Sauvegard/e
  10172. Sauve-qui-peut
  10173. Sauv/er
  10174. Savane
  10175. Savant
  10176. Savate
  10177. Saveur
  10178. Savoie
  10179. Savoir
  10180. Savon
  10181. Savour/er
  10182. Scabieux, -euse
  10183. Scalp
  10184. Scalpel
  10185. Scandal/e
  10186. Scander
  10187. Scaphandr/e
  10188. Scapulaire
  10189. ScarabΘe
  10190. Scarifier
  10191. Scarlatine
  10192. Sceau
  10193. ScΘlΘrat, -e
  10194. Scell/er
  10195. ScΘnario
  10196. ScΘne
  10197. Scept/ique
  10198. Sceptre
  10199. Schah
  10200. SchΘma
  10201. Schiste
  10202. Sci/e
  10203. Sciemment
  10204. Scien/ce
  10205. Scinder
  10206. Scintill/er
  10207. Scission
  10208. SclΘrose
  10209. Scol/aire
  10210. Scoliose
  10211. Scorbut
  10212. Scorie
  10213. Scorifier
  10214. Scorpion
  10215. Scoutisme
  10216. Scribe
  10217. Scrofule
  10218. Scrotum
  10219. Scrupul/e
  10220. Scrut/er
  10221. Scrutin
  10222. Sculpt/er
  10223. SΘance
  10224. SΘant, -e
  10225. Seau
  10226. SΘbile
  10227. Sec, sΘche
  10228. SΘchoir
  10229. SΘcateur
  10230. SΘcession
  10231. Second, -e
  10232. Secou/er
  10233. Secour/s
  10234. Secr/et, -Θte
  10235. SecrΘt/aire
  10236. SΘcrΘt/er
  10237. Sect/e
  10238. Secteur
  10239. Section
  10240. SΘculaire
  10241. Secundo
  10242. SΘcuritΘ
  10243. SΘdatif, -ive
  10244. SΘdentaire
  10245. SΘdiment
  10246. SΘditi/on
  10247. SΘ/duire
  10248. Segment
  10249. SΘgrΘgat/if, -ive
  10250. Seiche
  10251. Seigle
  10252. Seigneur
  10253. Sein
  10254. Sein/e
  10255. Seing
  10256. SΘisme
  10257. Seiz/e
  10258. SΘjour
  10259. Sel
  10260. SΘlect
  10261. Selle
  10262. Sellette
  10263. Selon
  10264. Seltz
  10265. Semaille
  10266. Semaine
  10267. SΘmaphore
  10268. Semblable
  10269. Semelle
  10270. Sem/er
  10271. Semestr/e
  10272. Semi
  10273. SΘmillant, -e
  10274. SΘmin/aire
  10275. Semis
  10276. Semonc/e
  10277. Semoule
  10278. Sempiternel, -le
  10279. SΘnat
  10280. SΘnatus-consulte
  10281. SΘnΘ
  10282. SΘnΘchal
  10283. Sens
  10284. Sensation
  10285. SensΘ, -e
  10286. Sensi/ble
  10287. Sensiblerie
  10288. Sensitif, ive
  10289. Sensoriel, le
  10290. Sensu/el, -le
  10291. Sentanc/e
  10292. Senteur
  10293. Sentier
  10294. Sentinelle
  10295. Sentir
  10296. Seoir
  10297. SΘpar/er
  10298. Sepia
  10299. Sept
  10300. Septembre
  10301. Septentrional, -e
  10302. Septidi
  10303. SeptugΘnaire
  10304. SeptuagΘsime
  10305. Septupl/e
  10306. SΘpulture
  10307. SΘquelle
  10308. SΘquence
  10309. SΘquestr/e
  10310. Sequin
  10311. SΘrail
  10312. SΘrancer
  10313. SΘraph/in
  10314. Serbe
  10315. Serbie
  10316. Serein, -e
  10317. SΘrΘnitΘ
  10318. Serein
  10319. SΘrΘnade
  10320. SΘreux, -euse
  10321. Serf, -ve
  10322. Serfouette
  10323. Serge
  10324. Sergent
  10325. SΘici/cole
  10326. SΘri/e
  10327. SΘrieux, se
  10328. Serin, -e
  10329. Seringu/e
  10330. Serment
  10331. Sermon
  10332. SΘrositΘ
  10333. Serpe
  10334. Serpent
  10335. Serpette
  10336. SerpilliΘre
  10337. Serpolet
  10338. Serr/e
  10339. Serrur/e
  10340. SΘrum
  10341. Servage
  10342. Servant, -e
  10343. Servia/ble
  10344. Service
  10345. Serviette
  10346. Servil/e
  10347. Servir
  10348. Serviteur
  10349. Servitude
  10350. SΘsame
  10351. Session
  10352. Sesterce
  10353. SΘacΘ, -e
  10354. Seul, -e
  10355. SΘve
  10356. SΘvΘre
  10357. SΘv/ir
  10358. Sever
  10359. SexagΘnaire
  10360. SexagΘsimal, -e
  10361. SexagΘsime
  10362. Sexe
  10363. Sextant
  10364. Sextidi
  10365. Sextupl/e
  10366. Sexuel, -le
  10367. Seyant, -e
  10368. Shako
  10369. ShΘrif
  10370. Si
  10371. Sibylle
  10372. Siccatif, ive
  10373. SidΘral, -e
  10374. SidΘrer
  10375. SiΘcle
  10376. Sieg/e
  10377. SiΘger
  10378. Sien, -ne
  10379. Sieste
  10380. Sieur
  10381. Siffl/er
  10382. Signal
  10383. Signat/ure
  10384. Sign/e
  10385. Signet
  10386. Signifi/catif, -ive
  10387. Silenc/e
  10388. Silex
  10389. Silhoutte
  10390. Sillage
  10391. Sillon
  10392. SimagrΘe
  10393. Simil/aire
  10394. Similitude
  10395. Similor
  10396. Simonie
  10397. Simoun
  10398. Simpl/e
  10399. Simulacre
  10400. Simul/er
  10401. SimultanΘ,-e
  10402. Sinapisme
  10403. SincΘre
  10404. SinΘcure
  10405. Sing/e
  10406. Singula/riser
  10407. Singuli/er, -Θre
  10408. Sinistr/e
  10409. Sinon
  10410. Sinu/eux, -euse
  10411. Siphon
  10412. Sire
  10413. SirΘne
  10414. Siroco
  10415. Sirop
  10416. Siroter
  10417. Sis, -sise
  10418. Site
  10419. Sit⌠t
  10420. Situ/er
  10421. six
  10422. Sixte
  10423. Slip
  10424. Sloop
  10425. Sobr/e
  10426. Sobrquet
  10427. Soc
  10428. Socia/ble
  10429. Social, -e
  10430. Soci/ΘtΘ
  10431. Socle
  10432. Socque
  10433. Soda
  10434. Sodium
  10435. S¢ur
  10436. Sofa
  10437. Soi
  10438. Soi
  10439. Soif
  10440. Soign/er
  10441. Soin
  10442. Soir
  10443. Soit
  10444. Soixant/e
  10445. Sol
  10446. Solaire
  10447. Soldat
  10448. Solde
  10449. Sold/e
  10450. Sole
  10451. Soleil
  10452. Solenn/el, le
  10453. SolfΘge
  10454. Solid/aire
  10455. Solid/e
  10456. Soliloque
  10457. Solit/aire
  10458. Soliv/e
  10459. Sollicit/er
  10460. Sol/o
  10461. Solstic/e
  10462. Solu/ble
  10463. Solva/ble
  10464. Solvant
  10465. Sombre
  10466. Sombrer
  10467. Sommaire
  10468. Sommation
  10469. Somme
  10470. Sommeil
  10471. Sommer
  10472. Sommet
  10473. SommitΘ
  10474. Sommambule
  10475. Somnambulisme
  10476. SomnifΘre
  10477. Somnol/ence
  10478. Somptuaire
  10479. Somptu/eux, -euse
  10480. Son,  sa, ses
  10481. Son
  10482. Sonate
  10483. Sond/e
  10484. Song/e
  10485. Sonn/er
  10486. Sonnet
  10487. Sonor/e
  10488. Soph/isme
  10489. Sophistiquer
  10490. SoporifΘre, soporifique
  10491. Soprano
  10492. Sorb/e
  10493. Sorbet
  10494. Sorbonne
  10495. Sor/cier, -Θre
  10496. Sorid/e
  10497. Sornette
  10498. Sort
  10499. Sortable
  10500. Sorte
  10501. SortilΘge
  10502. Sort/ir
  10503. Sosie
  10504. Sot, -te
  10505. Sou
  10506. Soubassement
  10507. Soubresaut
  10508. Soubrette
  10509. Souche
  10510. Souci
  10511. Soucoupe
  10512. Soudain, -ne
  10513. Soudard
  10514. Soude
  10515. Soud/er
  10516. Soudoyer
  10517. Souffl/e
  10518. Soufflet
  10519. Souffrance
  10520. Souffr/ir
  10521. Soufr/e
  10522. Souhait
  10523. Souill/er
  10524. So√l, -e
  10525. Soulag/er
  10526. Sou/lever
  10527. Soulier
  10528. Souligner
  10529. Soulte, soute
  10530. Sou/mettre
  10531. Soupape
  10532. Soupτon
  10533. Soup/e
  10534. Soupente
  10535. Soup/er
  10536. Soupeser
  10537. Soupir
  10538. Soupirail
  10539. Soupl/e
  10540. Source
  10541. Sourcil
  10542. Sourd, -e
  10543. Sourdine
  10544. Sourdre
  10545. Souri/re
  10546. Souri/s
  10547. Sournois, -e
  10548. Sous
  10549. Sou/scrire
  10550. Soussigner
  10551. sous/traire
  10552. Soutach/e
  10553. Soutane
  10554. Soute
  10555. souten/ir
  10556. Soutien
  10557. Souterrain
  10558. Soutirer
  10559. Souven/ir
  10560. Souvent
  10561. Souverain
  10562. Soyeux, -euse
  10563. Spacieux, -euse
  10564. Spahi
  10565. Sparterie
  10566. Spasm/e
  10567. Spatule
  10568. SpΘcial, -e
  10569. SpΘcieux, -ieuse
  10570. SpΘcifl/er
  10571. SpΘcimen
  10572. Specta/cle
  10573. Spectre
  10574. SpΘculaire
  10575. SpΘcul/er
  10576. SphΘre
  10577. ShΘricitΘ
  10578. SpΘrique
  10579. Sphinx
  10580. Spiral, -e
  10581. Spirante
  10582. Spirit/e
  10583. Spiritu/el, le
  10584. Spiritueux, -euse
  10585. Spleen
  10586. Splend/eur
  10587. Spoli/er
  10588. Spongieux, -euse
  10589. SpontanΘ, -e
  10590. Sporadique
  10591. Sport
  10592. Squale
  10593. Squameux, -euse
  10594. Square
  10595. Squelett/e
  10596. Sta/ble
  10597. Stag/e
  10598. Stagn/er
  10599. Stalacite
  10600. Stalagmite
  10601. Stalle
  10602. Stance
  10603. Stand
  10604. Standard
  10605. Station
  10606. Statique
  10607. Statist/ique
  10608. Statu/e
  10609. Statuer
  10610. Statuette
  10611. Stature
  10612. Statut
  10613. StΘnograph/e
  10614. StΘnotype
  10615. Steppe
  10616. StΘrΘogrphie
  10617. StΘrΘotyper
  10618. StΘril/e
  10619. Sternum
  10620. StΘthoscope
  10621. Stigmat/e
  10622. Stimul/er
  10623. Stipend/ier
  10624. Stipul/er
  10625. Stock
  10626. Stoε/cien, -ne
  10627. Stomacal, -e
  10628. Stopper
  10629. Sropp/er
  10630. Store
  10631. Strabisme
  10632. Stranguler
  10633. Strapontin
  10634. Strat/Θdge
  10635. Stratifi/er
  10636. Strid/ence
  10637. Stri/e
  10638. Strophe
  10639. Structur/e
  10640. Strychnine
  10641. Stuc
  10642. Studi/eux, euse
  10643. Studio
  10644. StupΘ/fler
  10645. Stupeur
  10646. Stupid/e
  10647. Styl/e
  10648. Styler
  10649. Stylet
  10650. Stylographe
  10651. Sqaire
  10652. Suav/e
  10653. Subalterne
  10654. Subdivis/er
  10655. Subir
  10656. Subit, -e
  10657. Subjectif, -ive
  10658. Subjonctif, -ive
  10659. Subjug/uer
  10660. Sublim/e
  10661. Submer/ger
  10662. Subordonn/er
  10663. Suborn/er
  10664. Subreptice
  10665. Subrog/er
  10666. SubsΘqu/ence
  10667. Subsid/e
  10668. Subsist/er
  10669. Substan/ce
  10670. Substantif, -ive
  10671. Substitu/t
  10672. Substruction
  10673. Substructure
  10674. Subterfuge
  10675. SuterrannΘ, -e
  10676. Subtil, -e
  10677. Subven/ir
  10678. Subver/tir
  10679. Suc
  10680. SuccΘdanΘ, -e
  10681. Suc/cΘder
  10682. Seur
  10683. Sible
  10684. succinct, -e
  10685. Succombre
  10686. Succul/ence
  10687. Succursale
  10688. Su/cer
  10689. Sucr/e
  10690. Sud
  10691. Suda/tion
  10692. Su/er
  10693. Suεfi/re
  10694. Suffixe
  10695. Suffo/quer
  10696. Suffrage
  10697. Sugg/Θrer
  10698. Suicid/e
  10699. Suie
  10700. Suif
  10701. Suint
  10702. Suinter
  10703. Suite
  10704. Suiv/re
  10705. Sujet, -te
  10706. SujΘtion
  10707. Sulfate
  10708. Sulfite
  10709. Sulfur/e
  10710. Sultan
  10711. Sulmac
  10712. Superbe
  10713. Supercherie
  10714. Superficie
  10715. Superficiel, -e
  10716. Superflue, -e
  10717. SupΘrieur
  10718. SupΘriorite
  10719. Superlatif, -ive
  10720. Superposer
  10721. Superstit/ieux, -euse
  10722. Superstructure
  10723. Supplanter
  10724. SupplΘ/er
  10725. SupplΘment
  10726. Supplic/e
  10727. Suppli/er
  10728. Supplique
  10729. Support
  10730. Suppos/er
  10731. Suppositoire
  10732. Sup/primer
  10733. Suppur/er
  10734. Supputer
  10735. SuprΘme
  10736. SuΘr, -e
  10737. Surabond/er
  10738. Suraigu,-e
  10739. Surajouter
  10740. suralimenter
  10741. SurannΘ, -e
  10742. SurbaissΘe, -e
  10743. Surcharge
  10744. Surchauffer
  10745. Surclasser
  10746. Surcouper
  10747. Surcroissance
  10748. Surcroft
  10749. SurditΘ
  10750. Surdos
  10751. Sureau
  10752. SurΘlever
  10753. Surench/Θra
  10754. SurΘroga/tion
  10755. Surestarie
  10756. Surestimer
  10757. SurΘvaluation
  10758. Surexcit/er
  10759. Surface
  10760. Surfaire
  10761. Surfin, -e
  10762. Surge
  10763. Surgeon
  10764. Surgir
  10765. Surhausser
  10766. Surhomme
  10767. Surhumain, -e
  10768. Superimposer
  10769. Supintend/ance
  10770. Surjet
  10771. Surlendemain
  10772. Surlier
  10773. Surmen/er
  10774. Surmont/er
  10775. Surnager
  10776. Surnaturel,-le
  10777. Surnom
  10778. SurnumΘraire
  10779. Suroεt
  10780. Surpasser
  10781. SurpeuplΘ, -e
  10782. Surplis
  10783. Surplomb
  10784. Surplus
  10785. Surpoids
  10786. Sur/prendre
  10787. Sur/seoir
  10788. Surtaux
  10789. Surtax/e
  10790. Surten/dre
  10791. Surtout
  10792. Surtout
  10793. Surveill/er
  10794. Survendre
  10795. Surven/ir
  10796. Survente
  10797. Surviv/re
  10798. Survol
  10799. Sus
  10800. Susceptible
  10801. Susciter
  10802. Susdit, -e
  10803. Suspect, -e
  10804. Suspen/dre
  10805. Suspens
  10806. Susseyer
  10807. Sustent/er
  10808. Susurrer
  10809. Sutur/e
  10810. Suzerain, -e
  10811. Svelt/e
  10812. Sycomore
  10813. Syllabl/e
  10814. Sylphe
  10815. Sylvestre
  10816. Symbol/e
  10817. SymΘtr/ie
  10818. Sympath/ie
  10819. Symphon/ie
  10820. Sympt/⌠me
  10821. Synagogue
  10822. Sychroniser
  10823. Syncope
  10824. Syndic
  10825. Syndi/cal, -e
  10826. Synonymie
  10827. Synovie
  10828. Syn/taxe
  10829. Synth/Θse
  10830. Syntonie
  10831. Sys/tΘme
  10832. Tabac
  10833. Tabatier, -Θre
  10834. Tabellion
  10835. Tabernacle
  10836. Tabl/e
  10837. Tableau
  10838. Tabler
  10839. Tabouret
  10840. Tach/e
  10841. TΓche
  10842. Tactite
  10843. Taciturn/e
  10844. Tact
  10845. Tact/ique
  10846. Taffetas
  10847. Taie
  10848. Taillad/e
  10849. Taillanderie
  10850. Taill/e
  10851. Tailleur, -euse
  10852. Taillis
  10853. Tailloir
  10854. Tain
  10855. Taire
  10856. Talc
  10857. Talent
  10858. Talion
  10859. Talismen
  10860. Talle
  10861. Talon
  10862. Talu/s
  10863. Tamaris
  10864. Tambour
  10865. Tamis
  10866. Tampon
  10867. Tan
  10868. Tancer
  10869. Tanche
  10870. Tandis
  10871. Tangent, -e
  10872. Tangible
  10873. Tang/uer
  10874. TaniΘre
  10875. Tanin
  10876. Tank
  10877. Tanne
  10878. Tann/er
  10879. Tant
  10880. Tante
  10881. Tantinet
  10882. Tant⌠t
  10883. Taon
  10884. Tapage
  10885. Tapageur, -euse
  10886. Tap/e
  10887. Tapioca
  10888. Tapir
  10889. Tapis
  10890. Tapiss/er
  10891. Tapoter
  10892. Taquet
  10893. Taquin, -e
  10894. Taraud
  10895. Tard
  10896. Tar/e
  10897. Tarentule
  10898. Targuer (se)
  10899. TariΘre
  10900. Tarir
  10901. Tarmac
  10902. Tartan
  10903. Tarte
  10904. Tartre
  10905. Tartufe
  10906. Tas
  10907. Tasse
  10908. Tasseau
  10909. Tasser
  10910. TΓter
  10911. Tatillon, -ne
  10912. TΓtonn/er
  10913. TΓtons (Γ)
  10914. Tatou/er
  10915. Taaudis
  10916. Taup/e
  10917. Taureau
  10918. Tautologie
  10919. Taux
  10920. Taveler
  10921. Taverne
  10922. Tax/e
  10923. Taxi
  10924. Taxidermie
  10925. Te
  10926. Techn/ique
  10927. Teign/e
  10928. Teiller
  10929. Teindre
  10930. Teint
  10931. Teint/e
  10932. Teintur/e
  10933. Tel, -le
  10934. TΘlΘgramme
  10935. TΘlΘgraph/e
  10936. TΘlΘphon/e
  10937. TΘlescop/e
  10938. TΘmΘr/aire
  10939. TΘmoi/n
  10940. Tempe
  10941. TempΘrement
  10942. TempΘrance
  10943. TempΘrature
  10944. TempΘr/er
  10945. Temp/Ωte
  10946.  emple
  10947. Temporis/er
  10948. Temp/s
  10949. Tenable
  10950. Tenac/e
  10951. Tenaill/e
  10952. Tenancier, -iΘre
  10953. Tennant, -e
  10954. Tendance/e
  10955. Tender
  10956. Tendeur
  10957. Tendon
  10958. Tendr/e
  10959. Tendron
  10960. TΘnΘbres
  10961. TΘnΘbreux, -euse
  10962. Teneur
  10963. TΘnia
  10964. Tenir
  10965. Tenon
  10966. TΘnor
  10967. Tension
  10968. Tente
  10969. Tent/er
  10970. Tenture
  10971. Tenu, -e
  10972. TΘnu, -e
  10973. TΘrΘbenthine
  10974. Tergivers/er
  10975. Term/e
  10976. Termite
  10977. Ternaire
  10978. Terne
  10979. Tern/ir
  10980. Terrain
  10981. Terrass/e
  10982. Terr/e
  10983. Ter/eur
  10984. Terrier
  10985. Terrifier
  10986. Terrine
  10987. Territ/oire
  10988. Terroir
  10989. Terror/iser
  10990. Tertre
  10991. Tesson
  10992. Test
  10993. Testa/ment
  10994. Testimonial, -e
  10995. TΘt
  10996. TΘtanos
  10997. TΘtard
  10998. TΘte
  10999. TΘt/er
  11000. Tette
  11001. TΘtu, -e
  11002. Text/e
  11003. Texture
  11004. ThΘ
  11005. ThΘme
  11006. ThΘocrat/e
  11007. ThΘodolite
  11008. ThΘolog/ie
  11009. ThΘorΘme
  11010. ThΘor/ie
  11011. ThΘrapeutique
  11012. Therm/es
  11013. Theridor
  11014. ThemomΘtre
  11015. ThΘsauriser
  11016. ThΘse
  11017. Thon
  11018. Thor/ax
  11019. Thym
  11020. Tiare
  11021. Tibi/a
  11022. Ticket
  11023. Tic-ta/c
  11024. TiΘde
  11025. Tien, -ne
  11026. Tiers, tierce
  11027. Tige
  11028. Tigr/e, -esse
  11029. Tilleul
  11030. Timbal/e
  11031. Timbr/e
  11032. Timid/e
  11033. Timon
  11034. TimorΘ, -e
  11035. Tinctorial, -e
  11036. Tin/e
  11037. Tintamarre
  11038. Tint/er
  11039. Tique
  11040. Tinquer
  11041. Tir
  11042. Tirade
  11043. Tirage
  11044. Tirant
  11045. Tire
  11046. Tirelire
  11047. Tirelirer
  11048. Tir/er
  11049. Tiret
  11050. Tiroir
  11051. Tisane
  11052. Tison
  11053. Tisonn/er
  11054. Tiss/er
  11055. Tissu, -e
  11056. Tissure
  11057. Titanesque, titanique
  11058. Titanium
  11059. Titi
  11060. Titiller
  11061. Titr/e
  11062. Tituber
  11063. Titula/ire
  11064. Toast
  11065. Tocsin
  11066. Toge
  11067. Tohu-bohu
  11068. Toi
  11069. Toil/e
  11070. Toilette
  11071. Tois/e
  11072. Toison
  11073. Toit
  11074. T⌠le
  11075. TolΘr/er
  11076. Tolle
  11077. Tomate
  11078. Tombe
  11079. Tomb/re
  11080. Tombereau
  11081. Ton,ta
  11082. Ton
  11083. Tond/re
  11084. Tonn/e
  11085. Tonneau
  11086. Tonnelle
  11087. Tonner
  11088. Tonnerre
  11089. Tonsille
  11090. Tonsur/e
  11091. Tont/e
  11092. Topaze
  11093. Topinambour
  11094. Topique
  11095. Topograph/ie
  11096. Toquade
  11097. Toque
  11098. Toque (se)
  11099. Torche
  11100. Torcher
  11101. TorchΘre
  11102. Torchis
  11103. Torchon
  11104. Tordre
  11105. Tornade
  11106. Torp/eur
  11107. Torpill/e
  11108. TorrΘfier
  11109. Torrent
  11110. Torride
  11111. Tors, -e
  11112. Torsade
  11113. Torse
  11114. Torsion
  11115. Tort
  11116. Torticolis
  11117. Tortill/er
  11118. Tortionnaire
  11119. Torttu, -e
  11120. Tortue
  11121. tortur/e
  11122. Torve
  11123. T⌠t
  11124. Total
  11125. Toton
  11126. Touche
  11127. Touch/er
  11128. Tou/e
  11129. Touff/e
  11130. Toujours
  11131. Toup/et
  11132. Toupie
  11133. Tour
  11134. Tourbe
  11135. Tourb/e
  11136. Tourbillon
  11137. Tourillon
  11138. Touriste
  11139. Tourment
  11140. Tourmente
  11141. Tournailler
  11142. Tourne-Γ-gauche
  11143. Tournebroche
  11144. Tournedos
  11145. TournΘe
  11146. Tourn/er
  11147. Tounesol
  11148. Tournevis
  11149. Tourniquet
  11150. Tournoi
  11151. Tourn/oyer
  11152. Tournure
  11153. Tourte
  11154. Tourter/eau
  11155. Toussaint (la)
  11156. Tousser
  11157. Tout, toute
  11158. Toutefois
  11159. Toux
  11160. Toxicologie
  11161. Tox/ine
  11162. Tracas
  11163. Trace
  11164. Tra/cer
  11165. TrachΘ/e
  11166. Tract
  11167. Tractation
  11168. Tracteur
  11169. Traction
  11170. Tradition
  11171. Tradui/re
  11172. Trafi/c
  11173. TragΘd/ie
  11174. Tragique
  11175. Trah/ir
  11176. Train
  11177. Traεne
  11178. Traεneau
  11179. TraεnΘe
  11180. Traεn/er
  11181. Traire
  11182. Trait
  11183. Traite
  11184. TraitΘ
  11185. Trait/er
  11186. Traεtr/e, -euse
  11187. Trajactoire
  11188. Trajet
  11189. Tramail
  11190. Tram/e
  11191. Tramway
  11192. Tranch/e
  11193. Tranquill/e
  11194. Transaction
  11195. Transatlantique
  11196. Transbord/er
  11197. Transcend/ance
  11198. Tran/scrire
  11199. Transe
  11200. Transept
  11201. Trans/fΘrer
  11202. Transdfigur/er
  11203. Transform/er
  11204. Transfuge
  11205. Transfus/er
  11206. Transbress/er
  11207. Transiger
  11208. Trans/ir
  11209. Trasit
  11210. Transitif, -ive
  11211. Translation
  11212. Translucid/e
  11213. Trans/mettre
  11214. Transmigrer
  11215. Transmu/er
  11216. Transpar/aεtre
  11217. Transpercer
  11218. Transpir/er
  11219. Transplant/er
  11220. Transport
  11221. Transpo/ser
  11222. Transsubstantiation
  11223. Transsudation
  11224. Transvaser
  11225. Transversal,-e
  11226. Transverse
  11227. TrapΘze
  11228. Trapp/e
  11229. Trapu,-e
  11230. Traqu/e
  11231. Traquenard
  11232. Traquet
  11233. Travail
  11234. TravΘe
  11235. Travers
  11236. Traverse
  11237. Traverse/er
  11238. Traversin
  11239. Travest/ir
  11240. Trayon
  11241. TrΘbuch/er
  11242. TrΘbuchet
  11243. TrΘfiler
  11244. TrΘfle
  11245. TrΘfonds
  11246. Treillage
  11247. Treille
  11248. Treillis
  11249. Treiz/e
  11250. Trembl/e
  11251. Trembl/er
  11252. Trembloter
  11253. TrΘmie
  11254. TrΘmousser
  11255. Tremp/e
  11256. Tremplin
  11257. Trent/e
  11258. TrΘpan
  11259. TrΘpas
  11260. TrΘpid/er
  11261. Trepied
  11262. TrΘpign/er
  11263. TΘsor
  11264. Tressaill/ir
  11265. Tressauter
  11266. Tress/e
  11267. TrΘteau
  11268. Treuil
  11269. TrΘve
  11270. Tri
  11271. Triangle
  11272. Tribord
  11273. Tribu
  11274. Tribulation
  11275. Tribun
  11276. Tribune
  11277. Tribut
  11278. Trich/er
  11279. Tricolore
  11280. Tricorne
  11281. Tricot
  11282. Trident
  11283. Tridi
  11284. Triennal,-e
  11285. Tri/er
  11286. TrigonomΘtrie
  11287. Trill/e
  11288. Trillion
  11289. Trimer
  11290. Trimestr/e
  11291. Tringl/e
  11292. TrinitΘ
  11293. Trinquer
  11294. Trio
  11295. Triomph/e
  11296. Tripartition
  11297. Trip/e
  11298. Tripl/e
  11299. Tripoli
  11300. Triporteur
  11301. Tripot
  11302. Tripot/er
  11303. Trique
  11304. Trisaεeul, -e
  11305. Trisyllabe
  11306. Trist/e
  11307. Triturer
  11308. Trivial, -e
  11309. Troc
  11310. Trogne
  11311. Trognon
  11312. Trois
  11313. Trombe
  11314. tromblon
  11315. trombone
  11316. Tromp/e
  11317. Tromp/er
  11318. Tronc
  11319. Tronchet
  11320. Tronτon
  11321. Tr⌠n/e
  11322. Tronquer
  11323. Trop
  11324. TrophΘe
  11325. Trop/ique
  11326. Troquer
  11327. Trot
  11328. Trottoir
  11329. Trou
  11330. Troubadour
  11331. Troubl/e
  11332. Trou/er
  11333. Troup/e
  11334. Troupeanu
  11335. Trouss/e
  11336. Trouss/er
  11337. Trouv/er
  11338. Truchement
  11339. Trucider
  11340. Trucul/ence
  11341. Truelle
  11342. Truff/e
  11343. Truie
  11344. Truite
  11345. Trumeau
  11346. Truquer
  11347. Tu
  11348. Tub/e
  11349. Tubercul/e
  11350. TubΘreux, -euse
  11351. Tuil/e
  11352. Tulip/e
  11353. Tulle
  11354. TumΘ/fier
  11355. Tumeur
  11356. Tumult/e
  11357. Tumulus
  11358. TungstΘne
  11359. Tunique
  11360. Tunnel
  11361. Tunrban
  11362. Turbine
  11363. Turbot
  11364. Turbul/ence
  11365. Turf
  11366. Turgide
  11367. Turquoise
  11368. Tussore
  11369. TutΘlaire
  11370. Tutelle
  11371. Tut/oyer
  11372. Tuyau
  11373. Tympan
  11374. Typ/e
  11375. Typhoεde
  11376. Typhon
  11377. Tyhus
  11378. Tyograph/e
  11379. Tyran
  11380. Tzigane
  11381. Ubiquite
  11382. UdomΘtre
  11383. Ukase
  11384. Ul/cΘre
  11385. UltΘrieur, -e
  11386. Ultimatum
  11387. Ultime
  11388. Ultramarine
  11389. Ultramontain, -e
  11390. Ululer
  11391. Un, une
  11392. Unanim/e
  11393. Uni, -e
  11394. Unifier
  11395. Uniform/e
  11396. UnilatΘral, -e
  11397. Union
  11398. Unique
  11399. Unir
  11400. Unisson
  11401. Unitaire
  11402. UnitΘ
  11403. Univers
  11404. Universite/Θ
  11405. Urb/ain, -e
  11406. UrbanitΘ
  11407. UrΘe
  11408. UrΘmie
  11409. Urg/ence
  11410. Urin/e
  11411. Urique
  11412. Urne
  11413. Ursin, -e
  11414. Urticaire
  11415. Us
  11416. Usag/e
  11417. User
  11418. Usin/e
  11419. UsitΘ, -e
  11420. Ustensile
  11421. Usuel, -le
  11422. Usufruit
  11423. Usur/e
  11424. Usure
  11425. Usurp/er
  11426. Ut
  11427. UtΘr/us
  11428. Util/e
  11429. Utop/ie
  11430. Va
  11431. Vac/ance
  11432. Vacarme
  11433. Vaccin
  11434. Vach/e
  11435. Vacill/er
  11436. VacuitΘ
  11437. Vacuum
  11438. Vade-mecum
  11439. Vagabonde
  11440. Vag/in
  11441. Vag/ir
  11442. Vague
  11443. Vaguer
  11444. Vaill/ance
  11445. Vaillant
  11446. Vain, -e
  11447. Vainc/re
  11448. Vainqueur
  11449. Vairon
  11450. Vaaisseau
  11451. Vaisselle
  11452. Val
  11453. Valable
  11454. ValΘriane
  11455. Valet
  11456. ValΘtudinaire
  11457. Valeur
  11458. Valeureux, -euse
  11459. Valid/e
  11460. Valise
  11461. VallΘe
  11462. Vallon
  11463. Valoir
  11464. Valoriser
  11465. Vals/e
  11466. Valv/e
  11467. Vampire
  11468. Van
  11469. Vandal/e
  11470. Vanille
  11471. Vanit/e
  11472. Vanne
  11473. Vannneau
  11474. Vann/erie
  11475. Vantail
  11476. Vanter
  11477. Vap/eur
  11478. Vaquer
  11479. Varech
  11480. Vareuse
  11481. Varice
  11482. Varicelle
  11483. Vari/er
  11484. Variole
  11485. Varlope
  11486. Vase
  11487. Vas/e
  11488. Vaseline
  11489. Vasistas
  11490. Vasque
  11491. Vassel,-e
  11492. Vassselage
  11493. Vaste
  11494. Vasu-l'eau (α)
  11495. Vaudeville
  11496. Vaurien, -ne
  11497. Vautour
  11498. Vautrer (se)
  11499. Veau
  11500. VΘcu, -e
  11501. VΘgΘtal, -e
  11502. VΘgΘtarien
  11503. VΘgΘtation
  11504. VΘgΘter
  11505. VΘhΘm/ence
  11506. VΘhicul/e
  11507. Veill/e
  11508. Vein/e
  11509. VΩler
  11510. VΘlin
  11511. VellΘite
  11512. VΘloc/e
  11513. VΘlodrome
  11514. Velou/rs
  11515. Velu, -e
  11516. VΘlum
  11517. Venaison
  11518. VΘnal, -e
  11519. Venant, -e
  11520. Vendang/e
  11521. VendΘmiaire
  11522. Vend/re
  11523. Vendredi
  11524. VΘnΘneux
  11525. VΘnΘr/er
  11526. VΘnerie
  11527. Veng/er
  11528. VΘniel, -le
  11529. veeni/n
  11530. Venir
  11531. Vent
  11532. Vente
  11533. Ventil/er
  11534. Vent⌠se
  11535. Ventous/e
  11536. Ventr/e
  11537. Ventricule
  11538. Venu, -e
  11539. VΩpre
  11540. Ver
  11541. VΘracitΘ
  11542. VΘranda
  11543. Verb/e
  11544. VerdΓtre
  11545. Verdet
  11546. Verdeur
  11547. Verdict
  11548. Verdier
  11549. Verd/ir
  11550. VΘreux, -euse
  11551. Verge
  11552. VergΘ, -e
  11553. Verger
  11554. Verget/er
  11555. Vergette
  11556. Verglas
  11557. Vergogne
  11558. Vergue
  11559. VΘridique
  11560. VΘrifi/er
  11561. VΘrin
  11562. vΘrit/e
  11563. Verjus
  11564. Vermeil, -le
  11565. Vermicel (le)
  11566. Vermifuge
  11567. Vermillon
  11568. Vermine
  11569. Vermisseau
  11570. Vermoul/er (se)
  11571. Vermout
  11572. Vernaculaire
  11573. Vernal, -e
  11574. Vernier
  11575. Vern/is
  11576. VΘrole
  11577. VΘronique
  11578. Verrat
  11579. Verr/e
  11580. Verrou
  11581. Verrue
  11582. Vers
  11583. Versant, -e
  11584. Versant
  11585. Versatil/e
  11586. Verse
  11587. VersΘ, -e
  11588. Vers/er
  11589. Versifi/er
  11590. Version
  11591. Verso
  11592. Vert, -e
  11593. Vert/Θbre
  11594. Vertical, -e
  11595. Vertig/e
  11596. Vertigo
  11597. Vertu
  11598. Verve
  11599. Verveine
  11600. Vesce
  11601. VΘsicatoire
  11602. VΘsicule
  11603. VespΘral, -e
  11604. Vessie
  11605. Vastale
  11606. Veste
  11607. Vestiare
  11608. Vestibule
  11609. Vestige
  11610. Vestimentaire
  11611. Veston
  11612. VΘtement
  11613. VΘtΘran
  11614. VΘtΘrinaire
  11615. VΘtill/e
  11616. VΩt/ir
  11617. VΘto
  11618. VΘtust/e
  11619. Veuf, -ve
  11620. Veule
  11621. Vex/er
  11622. Vexille
  11623. Via/ble
  11624. Viaduc
  11625. Viager, -Θre
  11626. Viande
  11627. Viatique
  11628. Vibr/er
  11629. Vica/ire
  11630. Vic/e
  11631. Vice
  11632. Vicinal, -e
  11633. Vicissitude
  11634. Vicomt/e
  11635. Victime
  11636. Victo/ire
  11637. Victuailles
  11638. Vidang/e
  11639. Vid/e
  11640. Vie
  11641. Vielle
  11642. Vierge
  11643. Vieux, viel, vielle
  11644. Vif, -vive
  11645. Vigie
  11646. Vigil/ance
  11647. Vigile
  11648. Vign/e
  11649. Vignette
  11650. Vigogne
  11651. Vig/ueur
  11652. Vil, -e
  11653. Vil/ain, -e
  11654. Vilebrequin
  11655. Vilipendrer
  11656. Villa
  11657. Village
  11658. Ville
  11659. VillΘgiature
  11660. Vin
  11661. Vinaigr/e
  11662. Vindicattif
  11663. Vingt
  11664. Viol
  11665. Viole
  11666. Viol/ence
  11667. Viol/er
  11668. Viol/et, -te
  11669. Violon
  11670. VipΘre
  11671. Virago
  11672. Virelai
  11673. Vir/er
  11674. Virgin/itΘ
  11675. Virgule
  11676. Viril, -e
  11677. Virole
  11678. Virtuel, -le
  11679. Virtuos/e
  11680. Virul/ence
  11681. Virus
  11682. Vis
  11683. Vis/a
  11684. Visage
  11685. Vis-Γ-vis
  11686. ViscΘre
  11687. Viscos/e
  11688. Visi/ble
  11689. VisiΘre
  11690. Vision
  11691. Visitation
  11692. Visit/e
  11693. Vison
  11694. Visqueux, -euse
  11695. Visss/er
  11696. Visuel, le
  11697. Vital, -e
  11698. Vitamine
  11699. Vit/e
  11700. Viticult/eur
  11701. Vitr/e
  11702. Vitrine
  11703. Vitriol
  11704. VitupΘrer
  11705. Vivace
  11706. VivacitΘ
  11707. Vivandier, -Θre
  11708. Vivat
  11709. Vivement
  11710. Vivier
  11711. Vivifier
  11712. Vivipare
  11713. Viv/re
  11714. Vizir
  11715. Vocable
  11716. Vocabulaire
  11717. Vocal, -e
  11718. Vocatif
  11719. Vocation
  11720. VocifΘr/er
  11721. V¢u
  11722. Vouge
  11723. Voguer
  11724. Voici
  11725. Voie
  11726. Voilß
  11727. Voil/e
  11728. Voir
  11729. Voire
  11730. Voirie
  11731. Voisin, -e
  11732. Voitur/e
  11733. Voix
  11734. Vol
  11735. Volage
  11736. Volaille
  11737. Volatil, -e
  11738. Vol-au-vent
  11739. Volcan
  11740. Vol/er
  11741. Voilet
  11742. VoliΘre
  11743. Volition
  11744. Volont/Θ
  11745. Volt
  11746. Volte-face
  11747. Voltig/er
  11748. Volubilis
  11749. VolubilitΘ
  11750. Volum/e
  11751. Volupt/Θ
  11752. Volute
  11753. Vomique
  11754. Vom/ir
  11755. Vorac/e
  11756. Vot/e
  11757. Votif, -ive
  11758. Votre
  11759. V⌠tre
  11760. Vouer
  11761. Voul/oir
  11762. Vous
  11763. Vo√t/e
  11764. Voyag/e
  11765. Voyant, -e
  11766. Voyelle
  11767. Voyer
  11768. Voyou
  11769. Virac
  11770. Vrai, -e
  11771. Vraisemgl/able
  11772. Vrille
  11773. Vrombir
  11774. Vu, -e
  11775. Vulcaniser
  11776. Vulga/ire
  11777. Vulgate (la)
  11778. VulΘra/ble
  11779. Wagon
  11780. Warrant
  11781. Waterproof
  11782. Watt
  11783. Wattman
  11784. Whig
  11785. Whisky, whiskey
  11786. Whist
  11787. Wigwam
  11788. Wolfram
  11789. XΘnophile
  11790. XΘnophobe
  11791. XΘrΘs
  11792. Xylographie
  11793. Xylophone
  11794. Yacht
  11795. Yack, yak
  11796. Yahourt
  11797. Yeuse
  11798. Yeux
  11799. Yole
  11800. Youyou
  11801. Zagaie
  11802. ZΘbre
  11803. ZΘbrer
  11804. ZΘle
  11805. ZΘlΘ, -e
  11806. ZΘnith
  11807. ZΘphire, zΘphyre, zΘphr
  11808. Zeppelin
  11809. ZΘro
  11810. Zest
  11811. ZΘz/ayer
  11812. Zibeline
  11813. Zigzag
  11814. Zin/c
  11815. Zizanine
  11816. Zodia/que
  11817. Zona
  11818. Zone
  11819. Zoolith/e
  11820. Zoolog/ie
  11821. Zoophyte
  11822. Zouave
  11823. Zygama
  11824. %CO:B,53,0%
  11827.  English Dictionary
  11837. to abate, to lower, to humiliate
  11838. check-pouch
  11840. to abandon, give up
  11841. felling, hewing, slaughtering
  11842. to deteriorate
  11843. felling, giblets
  11844. offal
  11845. prostration, despondency
  11846. wood-cutter, slaughterer
  11848. to pull down, to fell, to slaughter
  11849. exhausted, downcast
  11850. abbey, monastery
  11851. abbot
  11852. abscess
  11853. to abdicate
  11854. abdomen
  11855. bees
  11857. to stupefy, to make dull
  11858. to abhor, to abominate, to loath
  11859. abyss
  11860. to overwhelm, to damage
  11862. to abjure, to renounce
  11864. ablet
  11867. bark(ing)
  11868. bark(ing), yelp
  11869. to abolish
  11872. to abominate
  11873. abundance, plenty
  11874. ro abound
  11875. subscriber
  11876. to take out a subscription for
  11877. access
  11878. to approach, to address
  11879. aboriginal, native
  11880. to bring together
  11881. loss of will power
  11882. to abut, to end
  11883. to bark, to howl
  11884. to bridge, to curtail, to shorten
  11885. to water, to season, to soak
  11886. watering place, watering-trough
  11888. to shelter, to take shelter
  11889. to abrogate, to repeal
  11891. to brutify
  11894. to absent oneself
  11895. apse
  11896. absinth, wormwood
  11897. absolute, positive
  11898. absolutely, positively
  11900. absolutism
  11901. to absorb, to soak up
  11903. to absolve, to forgive
  11904. absolved
  11905. to abstain
  11906. abstinence
  11907. abstemious, temperate
  11909. to abstract
  11910. abstracted
  11913. absurdity
  11914. abuse
  11915. to misuse, to take too much (of)
  11916. deceitful, wrong
  11917. stamp
  11919. academy
  11920. mahogany
  11921. acanthus
  11922. peevish, cantankerous, crabbed
  11923. dejection, prostration
  11924. to overload, to weigh down
  11925. lull
  11926. to buy up, to engross, to monopolize
  11927. to reach, to comply (with)
  11928. accelerate
  11929. Accelerating
  11931. to lay stress on
  11933. to accept
  11935. access
  11940. to break up, to lend variety to
  11941. excise
  11942. to acclaim
  11943. to acclimatize
  11944. to become friendly (with)
  11945. accommodate
  11946. accompanist
  11947. to accompany
  11948. to accomplish
  11949. concord
  11950. betrothal
  11951. accordion
  11952. to reconcile
  11953. tuner
  11954. sheer
  11955. to shore up
  11956. sprightly
  11957. to accost
  11958. road side
  11959. woman in childhood
  11960. confinement
  11961. deliver
  11962. to lean ones elbow (on)
  11963. elbow rest
  11964. to couple up, pair
  11965. to run up
  11966. to accoutre
  11967. custom
  11968. to accustom (to)
  11969. to accredit
  11970. rent, tear, hitch
  11971. to hang
  11972. to make
  11973. to increase
  11974. increase
  11975. to crouch
  11976. welcome
  11977. to welcome
  11978. to bring to bay
  11979. to accumulate
  11980. accumulator
  11981. accumulation
  11982. to accuse
  11983. accuser
  11984. sour, tart
  11985. steeled
  11986. acetic
  11987. acetylene
  11988. connexion, custom, customer
  11989. to draw customers
  11990. bitter
  11991. to bait
  11992. purchase
  11993. wild celery
  11994. to send to
  11995. to buy (from)
  11996. to finnish
  11997. finishing
  11998. to stumble (over)
  11999. acid, sour
  12000. to acidulate
  12001. steel
  12002. to accierate
  12003. steel works
  12004. part payment
  12005. aconite
  12006. side issue
  12007. jar
  12008. accoustice
  12009. to buy purchase
  12010. to acquiesce
  12011. acquired
  12013. acquittance
  12014. to acquit,to pay
  12015. acrid
  12016. acrimony
  12017. acrobat
  12018. action
  12019. actress
  12021. to work, to operate
  12022. to hasten
  12023. actuality
  12024. actual
  12025. adage
  12026. to adapt
  12027. adaptable
  12029. to add up
  12030. bringing
  12035. farewell
  12037. adjective
  12038. to give as an assistant (to)
  12042. contractor
  12043. awarding of a contract
  12044. to adjudge, to award
  12045. to adjure
  12046. to admit
  12047. administration
  12048. to administer
  12051. to admire
  12052. accepted
  12055. to admonish, to reprimand
  12059. to devote oneself
  12060. to adopt
  12061. adoptive
  12064. adorer
  12065. to adore
  12066. to rest
  12067. to sweeten
  12068. address
  12069. to address
  12070. dextrous
  12071. flatterer
  12072. adulator, flatterer
  12073. adult
  12074. to adulterate
  12075. to happen
  12076. adventitious
  12077. adverb
  12078. adversary, opponent
  12080. adversity, misfortune
  12081. to ventilate
  12083. aerolite, aerolith
  12087. areostat, balloon
  12090. to make insipid
  12091. affair
  12092. to bustle about
  12093. to bend ou bow down
  12094. to let oneself drop
  12095. to starve
  12096. to affect
  12098. affectionate, loving
  12099. to lease
  12100. to make steady
  12101. affected
  12102. bill, poster
  12103. bill sticker
  12104. to sharpen
  12106. to affiliated
  12107. to refine
  12108. affinity
  12109. affirmative
  12110. affixed
  12111. to make ou be level with
  12113. to afflict
  12116. to flow
  12118. to drive mad
  12119. to emancipate
  12120. throes
  12121. to freight, to charter
  12122. horrible, frightful
  12124. to face, meet
  12125.  to dress up (in)
  12126. gun carriage
  12127. to sharpen
  12128. (in order) to
  12129. to set on edge
  12130. tiresome, annoying
  12132. agency
  12133. to fit up
  12134. agenda, memorandum book
  12135. to kneel down
  12136. hassock
  12139. to aggravate
  12141. agio, speculation
  12142. to speculate
  12143. stock-jobbing
  12144. to act
  12145. active
  12146. agitator
  12147. to agitate
  12148. lamb
  12149. to lamb
  12150. agony
  12151. to abuse
  12152. to be dying, to be at the last gasp
  12153. hook(and eye)
  12154. to hook
  12156. to enlarge
  12158. to accept
  12159. agragate
  12160. aggregation
  12161. to aggregate
  12162. consent, charm, ornament
  12163. to adorn, to deck
  12164. aggressor
  12165. country
  12166. agricultural
  12168. to grasp, to clutch
  12169. agronomist
  12170. to inure
  12171. to be on the watch
  12172. to bewilder, to flurry
  12173. help, relief
  12174. to aid
  12175. grandfather
  12176. eagle, standard
  12177. sour, tart
  12178. sourish
  12179. tuft
  12180. sourness
  12181. to sour
  12182. pointed sharp
  12183. aquamarine
  12184. jug
  12185. needle
  12186. to switch
  12187. to tag
  12188. aiglet, tag
  12189. pointsman, switchman
  12190. sting
  12191. to goad
  12192. to sharpen
  12194. elsewhere
  12195. loveable, amiable, affable, kindly
  12196. magnet
  12197. to magnetizer
  12198. beloved
  12199. to love
  12200. groin
  12201. elder
  12202. primogeniture
  12203. so, thus
  12205. bronze
  12206. threshing floor, floor surface
  12207. whortleberry, bilberry
  12208. board, plank
  12209. ease,easiness
  12210. ease
  12211. easy
  12212. armpit
  12213. ins & outs
  12214. furze, whin, gorse
  12215. opening
  12216. to adjourn, to put off
  12217. to add
  12218. to adjust
  12219. nozzle
  12220. still
  12221. alarm
  12222. to alarm
  12223. alabaster
  12230. alkaline
  12231. alchemy
  12232. alcohol
  12234. risk, hazard
  12235. awl
  12236. around, round about
  12237. alert
  12238. to call to arms
  12239. to bore
  12240. chestnut
  12241. dressing room
  12242. algebra
  12243. algebraic
  12244. algebrist
  12245. algae, seaweed
  12246. alias
  12248. sight-bar
  12249. mad, insane
  12250. to alienate
  12251. to aline
  12253. to feed
  12254. paragraph
  12255. aliquot
  12256. sorb apple
  12257. to confine to bed
  12258. the trade winds
  12259. to suckle
  12260. active
  12261. to attract, tempt
  12262. comings and goings
  12265. to alleviate
  12266. allegory
  12267. brisk, cheerful
  12269. to allege, to plead
  12271. German
  12272. to go
  12273. alloying
  12274. to ally
  12278. address, speech
  12279. extension
  12280. to lengthen
  12281. allocate, to allot
  12282. kindlings
  12283. to light
  12284. match
  12285. lighter
  12286. air
  12290. almanac
  12291. aloe
  12292. alloy
  12293. at that time
  12294. shad
  12295. lark
  12296. to make heavy
  12297. sirloin (of beef)
  12300. alphabet
  12302. to alter
  12303. alternation
  12304. alternating
  12305. to alternate
  12306. highness
  12307. proud, arrogant, haughty
  12309. viola
  12311. alum
  12313. amiability
  12315. to coax
  12316. to make thin
  12317. to amalgamate
  12318. almond
  12319. lover
  12321. mooring line
  12322. to moor
  12323. heap, pile, mass
  12324. heap up, to pile up
  12327. embassy
  12328. ambassador
  12329. ambient
  12330. ambidextrous
  12331. ambiguous
  12332. ambition
  12334. amber
  12337. itinerant, travelling
  12338. itinerant
  12339. soul
  12340. to ameliorate, to improve
  12341. to fit up
  12342. fine, penalty
  12343. to amend
  12344. to bring
  12345. amenity
  12346. to fine ou plane down
  12347. bitter
  12348. American
  12349. bitterness
  12351. furnishing
  12352. to loosen
  12353. to make (dogs)into pack
  12354. friend
  12356. asbestos
  12357. amicable
  12358. starch
  12359. to plane down
  12360. admiral
  12361. admiralty
  12362. friendship
  12363. ammonia
  12365. amnesty
  12366. to diminish
  12367. to soften
  12368. to heap up
  12369. above
  12370. bait, lure
  12371. to bait
  12372. to dreading
  12373. love
  12374. to fall in love
  12375. removable
  12377. amphibious
  12381. amphora
  12382. loose fitting
  12383. magnifier
  12384. to amplify
  12386. ampoule
  12387. turgid
  12388. to amputate
  12390. tack
  12391. to amuse
  12392. tonsil
  12393. anchorite
  12394. anachronistic
  12395. anagram
  12397. analysis
  12398. anarchy
  12400. anatomy
  12401. ancestor
  12402. anchovy
  12403. old, ancient
  12404. anchor
  12405. swath
  12406. chittering
  12407. sausage made of chitterlings
  12408. donkey
  12409. to annihilate
  12411. to make anaemic
  12413. gross ignorance, asininity
  12414. she ass
  12415. anaesthetize
  12416. aneurism
  12417. anfractuons, windy
  12418. angle
  12421. angina, quinsy
  12422. English
  12426. anglomaniac
  12427. anguish, agony
  12429. eel
  12430. angular
  12431. angular
  12432. hitch, snag
  12433. donkey driver
  12436. to animate
  12437. animostity
  12438. anisette
  12439. anchylosis
  12440. annual, for the year
  12441. ring
  12442. year
  12444. to annihilate
  12445. anniversary
  12446. announcement
  12447. to annotation
  12448. annual, year book
  12449. anual, yearly
  12450. annuity
  12451. annular
  12452. to annul
  12453. to ennoble
  12454. anodyne
  12455. anomalous
  12456. ass's foal
  12457. to drawl out
  12458. anonymous
  12461. antarctic
  12466. anthology
  12469. anthropology
  12470. anti-aircraft
  12471. antechamber, waiting-room
  12472. to anticipate
  12473. to antedate
  12475. anthem
  12477. antipathy
  12479. antiquary
  12480. antique, ancient
  12481. antireligious
  12482. antisepis
  12484. cavern, cave
  12485. to get benighted
  12486. anxiety
  12487. aorta
  12488. August
  12489. to appease, to pacify
  12491. aside
  12492. apathy
  12493. to perceive
  12494. glimpse
  12496. frightened
  12497. voiceless
  12498. aphorism
  12499. apathy
  12500. apiculturist
  12501. to excite pity in
  12502. to level
  12503. to flatten
  12504. perpendicularity
  12510. apoplexy
  12511. apostasy
  12513. to post
  12514. marginal note
  12518. apothecary
  12519. apostle
  12520. to appear
  12521. pomp, state
  12522. preparation
  12523. to prepare
  12524. to match, to pair
  12525. apparently
  12526. appearance
  12527. to connect
  12528. to match
  12529. apparitor
  12530. appearance
  12532. to belong (to)
  12533. charms
  12534. to impoverish
  12535. bird call
  12536. call
  12537. appendix
  12538. appendicitis
  12539. pent house
  12540. to weigh down
  12541. appetence
  12542. appetizing
  12543. appetite
  12544. to applaud
  12545. sconce
  12546. to apply
  12547. amount necessary to make up a sum
  12549. to give a salary to
  12550. wharf
  12551. partner's share
  12552. to bring
  12553. to put
  12554. to appraise
  12555. to apprehend
  12556. to learn
  12557. apprentice
  12558. preparations
  12559. dressing
  12560. to prepare
  12561. to tame
  12562. approver
  12563. approach
  12564. to draw ou ring up ou near
  12565. to deepen
  12566. to adapt
  12567. to approve (of)
  12568. to provision, to furnish with supplies
  12569. approximate
  12570. support
  12571. to support
  12572. rough
  12573. after
  12574. apropos, appropriateness
  12575. qualified
  12576. to audit
  12577. water colour
  12578. aquatic
  12579. aqueduct
  12580. aqueous, watery
  12581. aquiline
  12582. Arab(ian)
  12585. arachis, ground nut
  12586. spider
  12587. ploughing, tilling
  12588. cross bow
  12590. arbitrary
  12591. arbiter
  12592. to fly
  12594. tree
  12595. shrub
  12596. shrub, bush
  12597. bow
  12599. arch
  12600. archaic
  12601. brass wire
  12602. archangel
  12603. Noah's ark
  12604. archaeology
  12607. bow
  12608. archbishop
  12609. archduke
  12611. archipelago
  12614. archives
  12615. saddle tree
  12616. arctic
  12618. slate
  12619. arduous
  12620. one hundred square metres
  12621. sand
  12622. fish bone
  12623. silver
  12624. clay, clayey
  12625. argonaut
  12626. slang
  12627. to prove
  12629. argus, sharp eyed person
  12630. quibble
  12631. parched
  12634. arithmetic
  12635. arithmetician
  12636. harliquin
  12637. ship owner
  12638. iron frame work
  12639. arm
  12640. wardrobe
  12641. arms, coat of arms
  12643. armour
  12645. aromatic substance
  12646. aroma, flavour
  12647. (between 3/4 & 5/4 of an) acre
  12648. to survey, to measure
  12649. arquebus
  12650. to arch
  12651. to root up
  12652. to hail
  12653. to arrange
  12654. arrears
  12655. arrest
  12656. stop
  12657. earnest money
  12658. backwards
  12659. to delay
  12660. to stow
  12661. to arrive
  12663. to arogate to oneself, to claim
  12664. to round
  12665. making round
  12666. to water, to sprinkle
  12670. artery
  12672. arthritis
  12673. artichoke
  12675. to articulate
  12676. artifice, device
  12677. artillery
  12678. mizzen
  12680. artist
  12681. ace
  12682. ascent
  12683. lift
  12685. ascetic
  12686. ascetic
  12687. asceticism
  12688. aseptic
  12689. asiatic
  12690. Asia
  12691. asylum, refuge
  12693. asparagus
  12694. to (be) sprinkle (with)
  12695. asperity
  12698. air hole
  12699. suckling
  12700. to inspire
  12703. to sober, make wiser
  12704. to assail
  12705. to make healthy
  12706. to season, to flavour
  12708. assault, attack
  12709. to dry
  12711. to strike, to deal
  12712. to seat
  12713. to swear in
  12715. to enslave
  12716. assessor
  12717. enough, sufficiently
  12718. punctual
  12719. to besiege
  12720. seat
  12722. to assign
  12723. to assimilate
  12724. seated, sitting
  12725. seated, sitting
  12726. to assist
  12727. to take
  12728. to rotate crops on
  12729. to darken, spread gloom
  12730. to knock down
  12731. assumption
  12733. to assort, to match
  12734. to make sleepy
  12735. to make supple
  12736. to deafen
  12737. to sate, to satiate, to glut
  12738. to subdue
  12739. to assume
  12740. to fasten
  12741. insurable
  12743. asthma
  12744. asthmatic
  12745. maggot, grub
  12746. to polish
  12747. star
  12748. to compel
  12749. astringency
  12751. astrology
  12752. astronomer
  12753. astuteness
  12754. asymmetry
  12755. workshop
  12756. to defer
  12757. atheistic
  12759. athletic
  12760. atlantic
  12764. atom
  12765. atonic
  12766. atony
  12767. attire
  12768. trump
  12769. atrabilious
  12770. hearth
  12771. atrocious
  12772. atrophy
  12773. to seat at table
  12774. leash
  12775. to attach
  12776. attack
  12777. to delay
  12778. to reach
  12779. attack
  12780. to harness
  12781. hame
  12782. contiguous
  12783. in the meantime
  12784. to wait for
  12785. to make tender
  12786. seeing, considering
  12787. criminal attack, attempt
  12788. prejudicial (to)
  12789. expectation
  12790. to make an attempt
  12791. attentive
  12793. to attenuate
  12794. to dismay
  12795. to make  a land fall
  12796. to attest, to bear witness to
  12798. to cool
  12799. to dress up
  12800. to draw
  12801. appointed
  12803. touch
  12805. attraction, charm
  12806. trap
  12807. to catch
  12808. attractive, engaging
  12809. to allot (to)
  12811. to sadden
  12813. to gather
  12814. windfall, godsend
  12815. dawn, daybreak
  12816. hawthorn
  12817. inn
  12818. eggplant
  12819. alburn
  12820. no; any
  12821. audacity
  12822. audacious, bold, daring
  12823. below
  12824. above
  12825. to (go to) meet
  12827. hearer, listener
  12830. thoughtful
  12831. to augment
  12834. August, majestic
  12835. to day
  12836. alms
  12837. alder
  12838. ell
  12839. before, previously
  12840. close to
  12841. voir
  12842. aureola, halo, glory
  12843. auricular
  12845. to stop with gold
  12846. dawn, day break
  12847. to osculate, to sound
  12848. auspices
  12849. too
  12850. hawser
  12851. at once, immediately
  12853. austerity
  12855. as much
  12856. altar
  12857. author
  12858. authentic
  12859. to authenticate
  12861. autobiography
  12866. autumn
  12868. autonomist
  12869. autopsy
  12870. to authorize
  12871. authority
  12872. around
  12873. different
  12874. ostrich
  12875. others, other people
  12876. penthouse
  12879. guarantee
  12881. to swallow
  12882. projection
  12883. to advance
  12884. insult
  12885. before
  12887. miserly
  12889. damage
  12890. with the stream
  12891. with
  12892. filbert
  12893. prepossessing
  12894. advent
  12895. future
  12896. advent
  12899. to establish
  12901. to warn (of)
  12902. acknowledgement
  12903. blind
  12904. to enervate
  12905. aviator
  12907. hungry
  12908. to degrade
  12909. aeroplane
  12910. oar
  12911. opinion
  12912. circumspect
  12913. to notice
  12914. to victual
  12915. to stir up
  12916. barrister
  12917. oats
  12918. to have
  12919. to be close to
  12920. to miscarry
  12921. solicitor
  12922. to acknowledge
  12923. April
  12924. axle, shaft
  12926. cause
  12927. azalea
  12928. azimuth
  12929. nitrate
  12930. nitrogen
  12931. azure, blue
  12932. unleavened
  12933. sponge cake steeped in sugared rum
  12935. babble
  12936. chaps
  12937. bauble
  12938. port
  12939. bauche, Turkish slipper
  12940. baboon
  12941. ferry boat
  12942. bachelor ship
  12944. bacchanal, revel
  12945. tarpaulin
  12946. bachelor
  12947. bacchic
  12948. punt, wherry
  12949. bacillus
  12950. to bolt
  12951. lounger, idler
  12952. (white) wash, distemper
  12953. playful, gay
  12954. switch, light cane
  12955. to flout, to scoff at
  12956. to splutter
  12957. luggage
  12958. scuffle
  12959. bagasse,cane-thrash
  12960. trifle
  12961. convict prison
  12962. gab
  12963. to put a ring on
  12964. to fool about
  12965. bladder-senna
  12966. rod
  12967. clothes chest
  12968. bay (horse)
  12969. bay, berry
  12970. to (give a) bath (to)
  12971. lease
  12972. lessor
  12973. bailiff
  12974. gag
  12975. foot bath
  12976. bayonet
  12977. to kiss
  12978. falling
  12979. chaps
  12980. ball
  12981. buffoon, mountebank
  12982. gash, scar
  12983. gash, scar
  12984. broom,besom
  12986. to sweep
  12987. to stammer, to stutter
  12988. balcony
  12989. canopy
  12990. whale
  12991. beacon
  12992. idle story
  12993. ballade
  12994. swinging
  12996. ball
  12997. husks
  12999. balloon
  13000. to swell, to inflate
  13001. bale, bundle
  13002. to shake
  13003. diltish
  13005. bulustrade
  13006. white stockinged
  13007. brat
  13008. bamboo
  13009. roll of the drums
  13010. trivial
  13011. banana
  13012. bench
  13013. bandy legged (person)
  13015. bandaging
  13016. band
  13017. fillet, head band
  13018. small band
  13019. to bandage
  13020. banderole, streamer
  13022. bandoleer
  13023. suburbs, outskirts
  13024. tarpaulin
  13025. banner
  13026. to banish
  13027. bank
  13028. bankruptcy
  13030. bench, seat
  13031. ice field, ice pack
  13032. baptism, christening
  13033. tub
  13034. jargon
  13035. hut
  13036. churn
  13037. barbarous, cruel
  13038. beard
  13039. barbel
  13040. cornflower
  13041. barbed
  13042. brabet
  13043. wimple
  13044. goatee
  13045. barber
  13046. to paddle, to dabble
  13047. to daub
  13048. bearded man
  13049. brill
  13050. baracarole
  13052. bard
  13053. shingle
  13054. to bard
  13055. ready reckoner
  13056. barrel, cask, keg
  13057. small keg
  13058. to paint in different colours
  13059. barometer
  13063. barrier
  13064. bar
  13065. biretta, small bar
  13067. barrier
  13068. barrel
  13069. to trumpet (elephant)
  13070. baryta
  13071. baritone
  13072. barium
  13073. low
  13075. to tan
  13076. see saw
  13077. basis
  13078. basilsk, cockatrice
  13079. basilica
  13080. dimity
  13081. tail, skirt
  13082. basset
  13083. water basin
  13084. preserving pan
  13085. to bathe
  13087. netting
  13088. bastion
  13089. pack-saddle
  13090. battle
  13092. bastard
  13093. boat
  13094. to juggle
  13095. to romp, to frolic
  13096. building
  13097. to build
  13098. to tack together
  13099. batiste, cambric
  13100. stick, staff
  13101. beetle
  13102. battery
  13103. to beat
  13104. ass
  13105. baldric
  13106. gold beater's skin
  13107. wallow
  13108. balm, balsam
  13109. talkative, garrulous
  13110. slaver
  13111. blur
  13112. to gape
  13113. bazaar
  13114. gaping
  13115. quite
  13116. to beautify
  13117. beatitude
  13118. beautiful, lovely
  13119. much
  13120. beauty
  13121. baby
  13122. bill
  13123. wood cock
  13124. snipe
  13125. to dig
  13126. beakful
  13127. belly paunch
  13128. verger, beadle
  13129. Bedouin
  13130. belfry, bell tower
  13131. to stammer, to stutter
  13132. stammering
  13133. prude, prudish woman
  13134. babies bonnet
  13135. fritter
  13136. voir  beau
  13137. to bleat
  13138. weasel
  13139. Belgian
  13140. ram
  13141. voir beau
  13143. bellicose
  13145. flat
  13146. grace, benedisite
  13149. benefit, profit, advantage
  13150. silly, stupid
  13151. kind
  13152. benign, benignant
  13153. to bless
  13154. benzoin
  13155. hamper
  13157. crutch
  13158. cradle
  13159. fold (sheep)
  13160. cradle
  13161. cradle, cot
  13162. to rock
  13163. beret
  13165. bank
  13166. shepherd
  13167. wagtail
  13168. not to see clearly
  13169. at half mast
  13170. to toss in a blanket
  13172. wallet
  13173. spectacles, goggles
  13174. work
  13175. needy, poor
  13176. want
  13177. beastly, beastial
  13178. cattle
  13179. cattle, live stock
  13180. beast, animal
  13181. concrete
  13182. beet
  13183. beetroot
  13184. to low
  13185. butter
  13186. drinking bout
  13187. blunder, mistake
  13189. skew, oblique
  13190. knick knack, trinket
  13191. bottle
  13193. biblical
  13195. library
  13196. doe, hind
  13197. lap dog
  13198. hut, shanty
  13199. cocked hat
  13201. can,tin
  13202. mill race
  13203. connecting rod
  13204. well
  13206. benefit, flavour
  13207. happy, blessed
  13209. decency, propriety, decorum
  13210. soon, shortly
  13212. welcome
  13213. beer, coffin
  13214. to erase
  13215. to bifurcate
  13216. bigamous
  13217. to checker
  13218. squint eyed (person)
  13219. beak iron
  13220. bigoted
  13221. jewel
  13222. balance sheet
  13223. bile, gall
  13224. bilingual
  13226. marble
  13227. note
  13228. idle story
  13230. copper nickel coins
  13231. chopping block
  13232. toy
  13233. fortnightly
  13234. twin engine
  13235. to hoe
  13236. pincenez
  13237. binomial
  13239. biped
  13240. brownish-grey
  13241. once more
  13242. great grandfather
  13243. biennial
  13244. queerly shaped
  13245. rusk
  13247. bise, north wind
  13248. bevel
  13250. buffalo, bison
  13252. wallet, canvas bag
  13253. to encore
  13254. leap year
  13255. bistoury
  13256. crooked, twisted
  13257. browned
  13258. bitt
  13262. queer, odd
  13263. pale, wan
  13264. tobacco
  13265. badger
  13266. blame
  13267. white
  13268. washing
  13270. to cloy, to blunt
  13271. blazon
  13272. blasphemy
  13274. corn
  13275. ghastly
  13276. to lisp
  13277. to wound
  13278. over ripe
  13279. blue
  13280. to make shell proof
  13281. block
  13282. blockade
  13284. to blockade
  13285. to crouch down
  13286. smock-frock
  13287. cornflower
  13289. small spark
  13291. candle ring
  13292. reel, spool
  13293. hurt, score, pain
  13294. grove
  13295. glass jar
  13296. beer glass
  13297. plur
  13300. gipsy
  13301. to drink
  13302. wood
  13303. to afforest
  13304. bushel
  13305. copper
  13306. drink
  13307. box
  13308. to limp, to halt
  13309. watch case
  13310. bowl, basin
  13311. bolide, meteorite
  13312. feast
  13313. to bombard, to shell
  13314. bomb
  13315. to make convex
  13316. carboy
  13317. good
  13318. calm
  13319. easy going
  13320. sweet meat, sweet
  13321. bound
  13322. sluice
  13323. to fill top full
  13324. to bound
  13325. bung
  13326. happiness
  13327. good nature
  13328. bonus
  13329. to improve
  13330. good morning
  13332. hosiery
  13333. studding sail
  13334. good evening
  13335. goodness
  13336. copse
  13338. edge
  13339. boarding, edging
  13341. memorandum
  13342. boreal
  13343. one eyed
  13344. boric
  13345. landmark
  13346. thicket, grove
  13347. hump
  13348. to dent
  13349. earthed
  13350. hunchbacked
  13351. to bruise
  13352. club
  13354. boot
  13355. thrust, lunge
  13356. bootmaker
  13357. half boot, ankle boot
  13358. he goat
  13359. to boucan, to smoke dry
  13360. buccaneer
  13361. mouth
  13362. to stop
  13363. cork
  13364. buckle
  13365. bucller
  13367. to sulk
  13368. black pudding
  13370. dirt
  13371. buoy
  13372. to pull out
  13373. to swell
  13374. jester
  13375. sty, hovel, dirty hole
  13376. flat, candlestick
  13377. to budge
  13378. (wax) candle
  13379. surly
  13380. to boil
  13381. kettle
  13382. bubble
  13383. to bubble up, to seethe
  13384. hot water bottle
  13385. baker
  13386. ball
  13387. birch tree
  13388. bulldog
  13389. cannon ball
  13390. small ball
  13391. bulwark, rampart
  13392. to overthrow, to overturn
  13393. bowline
  13394. lawn
  13395. bolt
  13396. dumpy
  13397. bunch of flowers
  13398. old he goat
  13399. mud, mire
  13400. lie
  13401. bumble bee
  13402. borough
  13403. burgess, freeman
  13404. bud
  13405. blouse
  13406. burgomaster
  13407. Burgundy wine
  13408. borage
  13409. cuff
  13410. gust (of wind), squall
  13411. hair
  13412. hang man, executioner
  13413. faggot
  13414. to torment
  13415. pad, cushion
  13416. harness maker
  13417. to pad, to stuff
  13418. hamper, basket
  13419. she ass
  13420. rough
  13421. purse
  13422. to puff up, to swell
  13423. to toss about
  13424. to make with cob
  13425. compass
  13426. end
  13427. whim
  13428. invar, jovial
  13429. bottle
  13430. drive out
  13431. boot & saddle
  13432. shop
  13433. snout
  13434. bud
  13435. slip, cutting
  13436. cowherd
  13437. young ox, steer
  13438. bullfinch
  13440. boxing
  13441. boyar
  13442. bowel, guts
  13443. to boycott
  13445. to poach
  13446. brahmin
  13447. pitch
  13448. to bawl, yell
  13449. to bray
  13450. bray
  13451. embers
  13453. shaft
  13455. gills
  13456. heather
  13457. frog
  13458. brandish, to flourish
  13459. fire brand
  13460. swing
  13461. quarters
  13462. to point
  13463. arm
  13464. braze
  13466. to briol
  13467. badge, armlet
  13468. fathom
  13469. armful
  13470. to stir
  13471. to brace
  13472. child's vest
  13473. swashbuckler
  13474. bravado
  13476. to brave
  13478. bravery
  13479. ewe
  13480. breach, gap
  13481. lurch
  13482. to gabble, to splutter
  13483. brief, short
  13484. trinket, charm
  13485. bream
  13486. sling
  13488. beverage
  13489. certificate
  13490. breviary
  13491. scrap, odds and ends
  13493. brig
  13494. breast harness
  13495. bridle
  13496. briefly
  13497. brevity
  13501. intrigue
  13503. brilliantly
  13505. to shine
  13506. bauble
  13507. to bully
  13508. blade
  13510. brick
  13511. to holystone
  13512. tinder box,flint & steel
  13513. breaking
  13514. breaker
  13515. breeze
  13516. to break, to shatter
  13517. British
  13518. pitcher, jug
  13519. to deal in second hand goods
  13520. taunt
  13521. brocade
  13522. broach
  13523. pike
  13524. to skewer
  13526. buskin
  13527. to embroider
  13528. bronchitis
  13529. to stumble
  13530. bronze
  13531. tack
  13532. brush
  13533. green husk
  13534. wheelbarrow
  13535. hubbub
  13536. fog mist
  13537. disagreement
  13538. disorderly, slovenly
  13539. to burn, to wither
  13540. brushwood
  13541. bush
  13542. to browse
  13543. small branch, twig
  13544. to crush
  13545. daughter in law
  13546. drizzle, Scottish mist
  13547. to rustle
  13548. rustling
  13549. noise
  13550. cutty, short stemmed pipe
  13551. to burn
  13552. fire ship
  13553. fog, mist
  13554. brown
  13555. to brown
  13556. burnishing
  13558. to treat bluntly
  13560. noisy
  13561. heath
  13562. wash house
  13564. whelk
  13565. dolt
  13566. bucolic, pastorial
  13569. side board
  13570. buffalo
  13572. box (tree)
  13573. bush
  13574. bulb
  13575. bubble
  13577. local revenue-office keeper
  13578. coarse woollen cloth
  13580. cruet
  13584. buzzard
  13585. busk, whalebone
  13586. buzzard, nose, nozzle
  13587. roman, aquiline
  13588. bust
  13589. target
  13590. to about
  13591. booty
  13592. bittern, lout
  13593. mound
  13594. to earth up
  13595. drinkable
  13596. blotter
  13597. refreshment bar
  13598. drinker
  13599. intrigue
  13600. hut cabin, shanty
  13601. padded cell
  13602. tavern
  13603. plaited market basket
  13604. capstan
  13605. fresh cod
  13606. cabin
  13607. small room
  13608. cable
  13609. hobnail
  13611. to coast
  13612. strolling player
  13613. to nose lift
  13614. caper
  13618. cockatoo
  13620. hiding place
  13621. cachemire
  13622. cashmere
  13623. to hide
  13624. seal
  13625. hiding place
  13626. dungeon
  13627. secrecy
  13628. cacophony
  13630. cadastral survey
  13631. dead body
  13632. present, gift
  13633. padlock
  13634. cadence, rhythm
  13636. (sun) dial
  13637. frame
  13638. decrepit
  13639. hypocrite, cock roach
  13641. bird cage
  13642. knock kneed 0person)
  13643. sanctimonious
  13644. cowl
  13645. copy book, exercise book
  13646. so so
  13647. bump
  13648. hut, hovel
  13649. quail
  13650. curds, curdled milk
  13651. rennet
  13652. to curdle, to clot
  13653. clot
  13654. plur
  13655. caiman, cayman
  13656. box, chest
  13657. ammo waggon
  13658. to cajole, to wheedle, to coax
  13659. callosity
  13661. calamity
  13662. calender
  13663. calcareous (sol) chalky, limy
  13664. to calcify
  13665. to calcine, to burn
  13667. calculation
  13668. bilge, wedge
  13669. calabash, gourd
  13671. drawers
  13672. pun
  13673. calends,kalends
  13674. calender, almanac
  13675. pocket ou note book
  13676. caulker
  13677. to stop up
  13678. calibre, bore
  13679. calyx
  13680. calico
  13681. caliph
  13682. locut
  13683. wheedling, coaxing
  13684. callous
  13686. calm
  13688. calumney, slander
  13690. (furnace of, central heating system
  13691. caloric, heat
  13692. skull cap
  13693. tracing
  13694. calvary
  13695. galvinism
  13696. baldness
  13697. camaieu, cameo
  13699. comrade
  13700. flat nosed, snub nosed
  13701. grease
  13702. to camber, to bend
  13703. to burgle
  13704. cameo
  13705. chameleon
  13706. camelia
  13707. camelot 
  13708. shoddy, trash
  13709. lorry
  13710. loose jacket
  13712. to disguise
  13714. country
  13715. vole
  13717. campanula
  13718. camphor
  13719. snub nosed
  13720. Canadian
  13721. rabble
  13723. sofa
  13724. duck
  13725. canary
  13726. tittle tattle
  13728. crab
  13730. candied
  13731. pure, innocent
  13732. duck
  13733. duckling
  13734. canvas
  13735. poodle
  13736. dog star
  13737. penknife
  13738. canine
  13739. kennel stone
  13740. sugar cane
  13741. cane
  13742. to flute
  13743. cock, tap,cinnamon
  13744. cannibal
  13747. boat
  13748. cantata
  13750. cantharis, Spanish fly
  13751. canteen
  13752. canticle
  13753. canton, district
  13754. to canton, to quarter
  13755. valance
  13756. nozzle
  13757. rubber
  13758. from head to foot
  13760. capacity
  13761. cape, cloak
  13762. to rig
  13763. hood
  13764. lumber room
  13765. for the hair
  13766. captain
  13768. capitation, poll tax
  13769. intoxicating, heady
  13770. to pad
  13771. to capitulate
  13772. cowardly
  13773. corporal
  13774. hooded great coat
  13776. caper
  13777. caprice, whim, freak
  13779. to win (by under hand means)
  13780. captious, fallacious
  13782. to captivate
  13784. hood, cowl
  13787. barrel, keg
  13788. cackle
  13789. for because
  13791. strong, stiff
  13792. spiral, staircase
  13793. character, type
  13794. water bottle
  13795. decanter
  13796. to canon
  13800. caravan
  13801. caravanserai
  13803. carbon
  13804. to carbonize
  13805. motor fuel
  13807. iron collar
  13808. carcase
  13809. card
  13810. cardiac
  13813. lent
  13814. bottom
  13815. caress
  13816. cargo, freight
  13818. to take in
  13819. caryatid
  13821. carries, decay
  13823. pug dog
  13824. keelson
  13825. Carmelite friar
  13826. Carmelite nun
  13829. carnivorous
  13830. complexion
  13832. flesh coloured
  13833. memorandum book
  13834. game bag
  13836. cartiod
  13837. carrot
  13838. carob, locust
  13839. carpus
  13840. rug
  13841. quiver
  13842. cross section
  13843. square
  13844. small square
  13845. cross road
  13846. to tile
  13847. plaice
  13848. to square
  13849. quarry, stone pit
  13850. race course
  13851. coach
  13853. breadth across the shoulders
  13854. satchel
  13855. cardboard
  13856. cartel, challenge, wall clock
  13857. gear case
  13859. cartomancy
  13860. board
  13862. cartridge
  13863. caraway
  13865. event
  13866. home loving
  13867. musketeer's cloak
  13869. hut, cabin
  13872. barracks
  13873. canterbury
  13875. casowary
  13877. cap
  13878. breakneck place
  13879. breakage
  13882. black currant
  13883. purfume-burner
  13884. brown sugar
  13885. castanets
  13887. manor
  13888. beaver
  13890. casuist
  13894. catalepis
  13897. catapult
  13898. cataract, waterfall
  13901. to catechize
  13905. catholic
  13906. gloss
  13907. nightmare
  13908. cause
  13909. to chat, to talk (with)
  13910. caustic
  13911. cautery
  13912. bail
  13914. mare
  13915. cavalry horse
  13916. small wine cellar
  13917. to hollow, to undermine
  13920. cavity, hole
  13921. sing
  13922. this
  13923. this
  13924. blindness
  13925. to cede (to)
  13926. cedilla
  13927. citron
  13928. cedar
  13929. to surround
  13930. belt
  13931. like that
  13933. to celebrate
  13934. to conceal
  13935. celery
  13936. celerity, swiftness
  13937. celestial, heavenly
  13939. voir celui
  13940. wine cellar
  13941. cell
  13943. Celtic
  13944. he, (him), she (her), the one
  13945. to cement
  13946. upper chamber, club
  13947. ash
  13948. last supper
  13951. reputed, considered, supposed
  13953. censorship
  13954. centiare
  13955. centaury
  13957. hundredth
  13960. centre
  13962. centripetal
  13965. stock
  13966. mushroom
  13967. shoots rising from a tree stump
  13968. in the meantime
  13969. ceramic
  13970. hoop
  13971. circle
  13972. coffin
  13973. cereal
  13975. ceremony
  13976. deer, stag, hart
  13977. chervil
  13978. cherry
  13979. dark ring
  13980. green walnut
  13981. to ring
  13983. certainly, sure
  13984. certification
  13985. certainly
  13986. ear wax
  13987. white lead
  13988. brain
  13989. saveloy
  13990. brain, brains
  13991. caesarian
  13993. ceasing, cease
  13995. that is to say
  13996. caesura
  13997. cetacean
  13998. jackal
  13999. each
  14000. weasel faced, mean looking (person)
  14001. grief, sorrow
  14002. Shah
  14003. shed, store room
  14004. chain
  14005. flesh
  14006. chair
  14007. chair
  14008. lighter, barge
  14009. customer
  14010. shawl
  14012. heat, warmth
  14013. bedstead
  14014. launch
  14015. reed
  14016. trail net
  14017. to sound a parley
  14018. to squabble, to wrangle
  14019. to bedizen
  14020. chamberlain
  14021. casing frame
  14022. room
  14023. chambermaid
  14024. camel
  14026. edge, field
  14028. mushroom
  14031. to totter
  14032. chancellor
  14033. foot-muff
  14034. canker
  14035. jersey, sweater
  14036. candlemas
  14037. candlesticks
  14038. candle, tallow-candle
  14039. to chamfer
  14040. chanfrin, forehead
  14042. song
  14043. singing song
  14044. string  (of a violin)
  14045. wood, coal
  14046. to hum
  14047. to jigsaw
  14048. chorister
  14049. hemp
  14051. chaotic
  14052. cope
  14053. hat
  14054. chaplain
  14055. chaplet, beads
  14056. chapel
  14057. bread crumbs
  14058. hood
  14059. capital
  14060. chapter
  14061. capon
  14062. each
  14063. car, chariot
  14064. charade
  14065. weevil
  14066. coal
  14067. to hack, to mangle
  14068. thistle
  14069. goldfinch
  14070. load
  14071. waggon
  14072. charity
  14073. decadent music
  14075. hornbeam
  14076. charm
  14077. hornbeam hedge
  14078. carnal
  14079. charnel-house
  14080. hinge
  14081. fleshy
  14082. carrion
  14083. frame
  14084. lint
  14085. cart
  14086. to cart
  14087. carriage, cartage
  14088. wheel wright
  14089. plough
  14090. charter
  14091. carthusian
  14092. eye
  14093. shooting
  14094. shrine, reliquary
  14095. chaselas
  14096. gummy
  14097. door frame
  14098. modest
  14100. cat, tomcat
  14101. chestnut
  14102. chestnut, brown
  14103. castle
  14104. to chastise
  14105. kitten
  14106. to tickle
  14107. to play
  14108. to castrate
  14109. insulating tape
  14110. hot
  14111. copper, boiler
  14113. heating
  14114. lime kiln
  14115. to lime
  14116. thatch
  14117. shoulder knot
  14118. embankment
  14119. to put on
  14120. list slipper
  14121. footware
  14122. bald
  14123. lime
  14124. to capsize
  14125. head
  14126. way
  14127. tramp
  14128. fireplace
  14129. railwayman
  14130. shirt
  14131. channel, fairway
  14132. scamp, rascal, blackguard
  14133. oak
  14134. gutter
  14135. fire dog, andiron
  14136. hempseed
  14137. kennel
  14138. gutter
  14139. fire dog, andiron
  14140. kennel
  14141. caterpillar
  14142. white, hoarsy
  14143. live stock
  14145. cheque book
  14146. dearness
  14147. to look for
  14148. cheer, farer
  14149. cherub
  14150. weakly
  14151. horse
  14152. rack
  14153. knight
  14154. to ride
  14155. long haired
  14156. bed head
  14157. hair
  14158. peg
  14159. cheviot
  14160. goat, nanny goat
  14161. honeysuckle, woodbine
  14162. kid, young goat
  14163. roebuck, roe deer
  14164. rafter
  14165. to quaver
  14166. musk deer
  14167. buck shot
  14168. to (the house of)
  14169. knack
  14170. chicanery
  14171. stingy, chick pea
  14172. chicory
  14173. dog
  14174. couch grass
  14175. rag
  14176. to crumple (up), to crease
  14177. cipher, figure, number
  14178. drill
  14179. back hair
  14181. chimerical
  14182. chemistry
  14184. Chinese curio
  14185. gang of galley slaves
  14186. to trifle, to toy with one's food
  14187. to chew quid
  14188. fillip
  14189. chiromancy, palmistry
  14190. surgery
  14192. chlorine
  14194. chlorosis
  14195. chloride
  14196. shock
  14197. chocolate
  14198. chorus
  14199. to fall
  14200. to choose, to select
  14201. choice
  14203. to be without work, unemployed
  14204. tankard mug
  14205. half-litre measure
  14206. to knock ou strike
  14209. chorister
  14210. to chime in
  14211. thing
  14212. cabbage
  14213. jackdaw
  14214. sauerkraut
  14215. barn owl
  14216. to coddle, to fondle
  14217. christian
  14220. chromatic
  14221. chromium
  14223. chronic
  14227. chrysalis
  14229. part
  14230. to whisper
  14231. hush
  14232. here and there
  14233. target
  14234. ciborium, pyx
  14235. scar
  14237. cider
  14238. heaven(s)
  14239. taper, wax candle
  14240. cicada
  14242. stork
  14243. hemlock
  14244. (eye) lash
  14245. cilice, hair shirt
  14246. top, summit
  14247. cement
  14248. scimitar
  14249. cemetery, grave yard
  14250. crest
  14252. film producer
  14254. to lash, to cut
  14255. five
  14256. fifty
  14257. arch
  14258. polishing
  14259. to circumcise
  14260. circumference
  14261. circumflex
  14263. to circumscribe
  14264. circumspect
  14265. circumstance
  14266. to circumvent
  14269. to circulate
  14271. wax
  14272. circus
  14274. clipping
  14276. scissors
  14277. citadel
  14278. citizen
  14279. city
  14280. to quote
  14281. cistern
  14282. cithara
  14283. citizen
  14284. lemon
  14285. southernwood
  14286. pumpkin
  14287. stew
  14288. civet
  14289. (hand) barrow
  14291. to civilize
  14292. civic
  14293. wattle
  14294. clear
  14295. lattice
  14296. clearing
  14297. bugle
  14298. thinly sown
  14299. clear sightedness
  14300. to clamour
  14302. clack
  14303. rabbit warren
  14304. to squeal
  14305. to splash
  14306. to smack ones tongue
  14307. slap, smack
  14308. squash
  14309. to confine, to imprison
  14311. clarinet
  14312. light
  14313. class
  14314. to classify
  14315. classical
  14317. to cloister, to continue
  14318. harpsichord
  14319. cotter, key pin
  14320. clavicle, collar bone
  14321. key board, fingerboard
  14322. key
  14323. clematis
  14324. clemency
  14325. clerk
  14326. clergy
  14327. clerical
  14328. stereotype
  14331. to wink, blink
  14332. to blink
  14333. climate
  14334. climacteric
  14335. wink
  14336. clinic(al)
  14337. showy, gaudy
  14339. catch, click
  14340. to click
  14341. wicker (-work)
  14342. cloaca, sewer
  14343. bell
  14344. to hop off away
  14345. belfry
  14346. to limp
  14347. partition
  14348. cloister
  14349. limpingly
  14350. to hobble along
  14351. wood louse
  14352. blister
  14353. to close, to shut
  14354. enclosure
  14355. nail
  14356. to stud with nails
  14359. enema, injection
  14360. to coadjutor
  14361. to form in coalition
  14362. coaltar
  14363. to croak
  14365. guineapig
  14366. feast
  14367. cockade
  14368. ladybird
  14370. stagecoach
  14371. cockerel
  14372. cochineal
  14373. coachman,, to notch
  14374. hog, pig
  14375. to farrow
  14377. cocoon
  14378. cock-a-doodle-do
  14379. stew pan
  14381. pharmacopoeia
  14382. codicil
  14384. coercive
  14385. heart
  14387. coffer, chest
  14388. liqueur brandy
  14389. quince tree
  14390. wood cutters axe
  14391. to knock
  14392. to cohabit
  14394. co-heir
  14395. cohesive
  14397. crowd
  14398. quite
  14399. coif, cap, to cover
  14400. corner
  14401. to wedge
  14403. quince
  14405. collar
  14407. anger
  14408. humming bird
  14409. trinket, gew-gaw
  14410. snail
  14411. blind mans buff
  14412. colic, stomach ache
  14413. parcel, package
  14414. collaborator
  14415. gluing, sticking
  14416. gluey, sticky
  14419. gum
  14420. collection
  14425. collar
  14426. necklace
  14427. hill
  14430. to stick 
  14432. gargle
  14433. eye wash
  14434. to stop up, to close
  14435. pigeon
  14436. colonist
  14438. colony
  14439. column
  14440. colophany
  14441. colour
  14442. to colour, to tint
  14443. colossus
  14444. to hawk, to peddle
  14445. colza, rape seed
  14448. how, how much
  14449. to combine
  14450. heaped measure
  14452. comedy
  14453. eatable, edible
  14454. comet
  14455. comic
  14456. committee
  14458. order
  14460. since
  14461. to commemorative
  14462. to commence
  14463. fellow boarder
  14465. how
  14466. to comment upon
  14468. godmother of one's godchild
  14469. constituent
  14470. to commit
  14471. threatening
  14472. clerk
  14474. commissary
  14477. convenient
  14479. commute
  14481. communicate
  14484. to communicate
  14487. to communicate
  14489. commutative
  14492. companion, consort
  14493. company
  14494. companion
  14495. to compare with
  14496. confederate
  14498. appearance
  14499. compasses
  14500. stilted
  14503. to sympathize
  14504. compatriot
  14506. compensate for
  14507. godfather
  14508. style
  14510. competitor
  14511. to compile
  14512. complaint
  14513. to please
  14514. complacency
  14519. complexity
  14520. accomplice
  14521. compliment
  14522. to complicate
  14523. plot
  14524. compunction
  14525. to allow of
  14526. to compose
  14527. fruit dish
  14529. comprehend
  14532. to compress
  14533. to compromise
  14534. compromise
  14535. compromising
  14536. accountant
  14537. ready money
  14538. calculation
  14539. to look through, to examine
  14540. earldom
  14541. to pound, crush
  14543. to concede
  14544. to concentrate
  14553. to conceive
  14554. door keeper
  14555. council
  14556. to reconcile
  14558. fellow citizen
  14560. to conclude
  14561. cucumber
  14562. attendant
  14564. concord, harmony
  14565. to agree
  14566. to converge
  14568. concrete 
  14570. concurrently
  14571. competition
  14572. peculation
  14573. to condemn
  14575. to condescend
  14577. school fellow
  14581. driving
  14582. conduct, to lead
  14584. leading
  14587. to confederate
  14588. to collate
  14589. to confess
  14590. confidence
  14592. to confide
  14594. to boarder
  14595. confines, boarders
  14596. to preserve
  14598. preserving
  14599. confiscate
  14600. preserve
  14601. preserve, jam
  14603. to run into each other
  14604. to confound
  14606. to (con) form, to shape
  14607. comfort
  14609. to confront
  14610. confused
  14611. leave
  14612. to discharge
  14613. to congeal, to freeze
  14614. congeneric
  14615. congenital
  14617. to conglomerate
  14618. to congratulate
  14619. conger (eel)
  14623. conic(al)
  14625. to join in marriage
  14626. circuit-closer
  14627. conjunctive
  14632. to conjugate
  14633. to conjure
  14634. cognizable
  14635. knowledge
  14636. bill of landing
  14638. to know
  14639. constable
  14640. connected
  14642. conquest
  14643. to conquer
  14644. conquest
  14645. to consecrate
  14646. to consign
  14648. conscience
  14650. consecration
  14651. counsel
  14652. to consent (to)
  14656. to consider
  14657. to consign, to deposit
  14658. consist/ance
  14659. to consist (in)
  14660. consistory
  14661. console, bracket
  14662. to console
  14663. to consolidate
  14664. to consummate
  14667. consonant
  14670. to boo, to hoot
  14671. steadfastly
  14672. to notice
  14673. to constellate
  14674. to dismay
  14675. to constipate
  14676. to constitute
  14678. to construct
  14680. to consult
  14681. to consume
  14683. contagious
  14684. to contaminate
  14685. tale, story
  14686. to contemplate
  14687. contemporary
  14688. despiser
  14689. capacity
  14690. to contain
  14692. contentious
  14693. application
  14694. pent up
  14695. to tell, to relate
  14696. to contest
  14698. contiguous, adjacent
  14701. contingency
  14702. continual, ceaseless
  14703. to continue
  14704. contusive, blunt
  14707. to shape
  14708. contracting
  14709. to contract
  14710. contradiction
  14711. to constrain
  14712. contrary
  14714. to oppose
  14716. contract
  14718. against
  14719. contraband
  14720. to frustrate
  14721. to contradict
  14722. country, region
  14723. counterfeiting
  14724. counterfeiter
  14725. to imitate
  14727. foreman
  14728. to countermand
  14729. countermark
  14730. counterpoise
  14731. to counter
  14732. wrong way
  14733. to countersign
  14734. unfortunate event
  14735. to contravene
  14736. outside shutter
  14737. ratepayer, taxpayer
  14738. to contribute (to)
  14739. to sadden
  14740. contrite
  14741. register
  14742. to invent
  14743. contumacy
  14745. contused, bruised
  14746. to convince
  14748. to fit, to suit
  14755. to invite
  14756. guest
  14758. convoy
  14759. to covet
  14760. to re-marry
  14761. to convoke
  14762. to convulse
  14764. co-operate
  14765. to co-ordinate
  14766. chip
  14767. copy
  14768. copious
  14769. clock
  14770. egg shell
  14771. poppy
  14772. (w)hooping cough
  14773. smart
  14774. egg cup
  14775. shell fish
  14776. shell
  14777. rogue, rascal
  14778. horn
  14779. coral
  14780. Koran
  14781. raven
  14782. hearse
  14783. rope
  14785. tracing line
  14786. to twist into a cord
  14787. small cord
  14789. girdle
  14790. stimulating
  14791. cord
  14792. shoemaking
  14793. braid
  14794. coreligionist
  14795. tough, leathery
  14797. mahout
  14799. horn
  14800. cornea
  14801. crow
  14802. bag pipes
  14803. small horn
  14804. cornet
  14805. cornice
  14806. gherkin
  14807. cornel berry
  14808. corollary
  14811. corporate
  14813. corporal
  14814. body
  14818. court of petty sessions
  14819. to correspond (to)
  14821. to correct
  14823. to corrode, to eat away
  14824. currying
  14825. to corrupt
  14826. corrosive
  14827. to curry
  14829. bust
  14832. to give body to
  14835. statute labour
  14838. cold (in the head)
  14839. Cossack
  14840. cosmetic
  14841. comic
  14843. cosmopolitan
  14844. pod, shell, husk
  14847. quota, share
  14848. rib
  14849. ribbed
  14850. cutlet
  14851. to assess
  14852. set, clique, circle
  14853. costal
  14854. petticoat
  14855. to subscribe, to club together
  14857. to coast along
  14858. cutter
  14859. tunic
  14860. neck
  14861. cowardly
  14862. couch, bed
  14864. so so
  14865. cuckoo
  14866. elbow
  14867. to bend
  14868. hazel
  14869. to sew, to stitch
  14870. rind
  14871. to run
  14873. typist
  14874. hobby horse
  14875. bobby
  14876. dagger
  14878. to deign, to condescend
  14879. fallow deer
  14880. doe
  14881. canopy
  14882. flag (stone)
  14883. scupper
  14884. Damascus
  14885. to damescene
  14886. damask
  14887. to damask
  14888. dame, lady
  14889. draught board
  14890. to damn
  14891. damsel
  14892. to dandle
  14895. dance
  14896. dart
  14897. dartre
  14898. dative
  14899. date
  14900. stewed meat
  14902. dauphiness
  14903. more
  14904. forceps
  14905. ant aircraft defence
  14906. from, thimble
  14907. to walk along
  14909. to unpack
  14910. to unbind
  14911. to rename
  14912. to wash the face of
  14913. landing stage
  14914. to unload
  14915. to disembark, to land
  14916. riddance
  14917. discussion
  14918. to demolish
  14919. to debate
  14921. to debauch
  14922. weakly
  14923. sale
  14924. clearing away
  14925. to yell, to hurl
  14926. after-taste
  14927. to clear of wood
  14928. to dislocate
  14929. to relive
  14930. gentle
  14931. rim
  14932. to take out the dints of
  14933. to pull the boots off of
  14934. mouth, opening, issue
  14935. to unbuckle
  14936. to unbolt
  14937. to clear (of mud)
  14938. to pull out the stuffing ou padding of
  14939. outgoings
  14940. standing
  14941. to unbutton
  14942. untidy
  14943. to disconnect
  14944. to throw out of gear
  14945. to unbridle
  14947. keen witted
  14948. to unravel
  14949. to clear of brush wood
  14950. to break cover
  14951. to dislodge
  14952. first play
  14953. on this side
  14954. to unseal
  14956. decadence, decay
  14957. to unwedge
  14958. transfer
  14959. to decamp
  14960. deanship
  14961. to decant
  14962. to pickle
  14963. to decapitate
  14964. to untile
  14965. to unglaze
  14966. to decease
  14967. to disclose
  14968. December
  14969. decency
  14970. decennial
  14971. to decentralize
  14973. to award
  14974. decease, demise, death
  14975. to deceive, to mislead
  14976. to unchain
  14977. unloading
  14978. to strip the flesh off
  14979. to plough in the stubble of
  14980. to remove the shoes of
  14981. (down) fall
  14982. waste (-product)
  14983. to smooth out the creases of
  14984. to decipher, to make out
  14985. to slash, to cut to shreds ou ribbons
  14986. to tear
  14987. to fall
  14988. to decide
  14989. decigram
  14993. to decimate
  14994. decisive
  14996. to disclaim
  14997. to declare
  14998. to throw out of order
  14999. to disconnect
  15000. decline
  15001. decline
  15002. declinable
  15003. to decline
  15004. declivity, slope
  15005. to throw open
  15006. to unnail
  15007. to shoot
  15009. to take off the head dress ou hat of
  15010. to decollate
  15011. to cut low
  15012. to discolour
  15013. rubbish
  15014. to countermand
  15015. to decompose
  15016. itemized account
  15017. to disconcert, to embarrass
  15018. to discomfit, to disconcert
  15019. to decongest
  15020. to discredit
  15021. to dicountennance, to put out of countenance
  15022. unexpected disappointment
  15023. decoration
  15024. to decorate
  15025. to dishorn
  15026. to decorticate
  15028. to sleep away from home
  15029. to unstitch
  15030. to flow, to run
  15031. to carve
  15032. active and well built
  15033. to discourage
  15034. to discourage
  15035. to uncrown, to depose
  15036. unsewn, unstitched
  15037. bare
  15038. to uncover
  15039. to clean
  15040. to discredit
  15041. to take the rough cast off
  15042. decrepit
  15043. decree
  15044.  to cry down
  15045. to describe
  15046. to unhook
  15047. to decrease
  15048. to clean
  15049. fall
  15050. disappointed
  15051. decuple
  15052. to disdain, to scorn, to despise
  15053. disdain, scorn, contempt
  15054. labyrinth, maze
  15055. in, inside
  15056. dedication
  15057. to dedicate
  15058. to disavow
  15059. to indemnify (for)
  15060. to take the gilt off
  15061. to clear
  15062. to unline
  15063. to deduce (from)
  15064. goddess
  15065. to fail
  15066. to undo
  15067. to deduct
  15068. want
  15069. disfavour
  15070. unfavourable
  15071. defection
  15072. defection
  15073. defective, faulty
  15074. to defend
  15075. defence
  15076. deference
  15077. deferential, respectful
  15078. to confer
  15079. to unfurl
  15080. to take off the shoes of
  15081. to strip of its leaves
  15082. defiance
  15083. distrust
  15084. to undo
  15086. to disfigure
  15087. defile, pass
  15088. to unstring
  15089. definite, precise
  15090. to deflagrate
  15091. deflation
  15092. to deflect
  15093. to lose its blossom
  15094. to deflower
  15095. to stave in
  15096. to deform, to distort
  15097. to deprive of its freshness
  15098. to defray, to pay the expenses of
  15099. to clear
  15100. to uncurl
  15101. to take the gathers out of
  15102. to unfrock
  15103. deceased
  15104. to redeem, to take out of pawn
  15105. awkward, ungainly walk ou bearing
  15106. to unsheath
  15107. to take the glove off, to unglove
  15108. to remove the furniture ou fittings ou trimmings of
  15109. damage
  15110. to dress
  15111. thaw
  15112. hail
  15113. to degenerate
  15114. gawky, awkward, ungainly
  15115. to swallow to swallow
  15116. to ungum, to unstick
  15117. to deflate, to let the air out of
  15118. to disgorge
  15119. to work the stiffness off
  15120. disgust, dislike
  15121. to drip, to trickle
  15122. to degrade
  15123. to unhook, to unfasten
  15124. to remove the fat of
  15125. degree, step
  15126. to dismantle
  15127. to reduce the taxes of ou on
  15128. to tumble down
  15129. to sober
  15130. to rough hew
  15131. to tear to tatters
  15132. to clear out
  15133. to disguise
  15134. to taste
  15135. to warp out
  15136. to break one's hip
  15137. to unharness
  15138. out
  15139. to deify
  15140. deistic
  15141. deity
  15142. already
  15144. to bend
  15145. to breakfast
  15146. to baffle, to foil, to thwart
  15147. to reverse ones decision
  15148. beyond
  15149. to dilapidate
  15150. to unlace
  15151. delay
  15152. to abandon
  15153. to rest, to refresh
  15154. delator, informer
  15155. to make washy ou watery
  15156. to water down, to dilute
  15157. to delicate, to delight
  15158. to delegate
  15159. to unballast
  15160. deleterious
  15161. to deliberate
  15162. delicate
  15163. delight
  15164. slender, fine
  15165. to untie, to unfasten
  15166. to delimit
  15168. delinquent
  15169. deliquescence
  15170. delirium, raving
  15171. misdemeanour, offence
  15172. to deliver
  15173. to move out, to remove
  15174. disloyal, false
  15176. deluge
  15177. quick,sharp, sprightly
  15179. to unswathe
  15180. to take off the handle of
  15181. request
  15182. to itch
  15183. to dismantle
  15185. step
  15186. to unmark
  15187. to unmoor, to cast off
  15188. to unmask
  15189. to dismast
  15190. dispute, quarrel, discussion
  15191. to disentangle
  15192. to dismember
  15193. to remove
  15194. madness, insanity
  15195. to struggle
  15196. lie
  15197. demerit
  15198. immoderate, excessive
  15199. to dislocate, to put out (of joint)
  15200. to unfurnish
  15201. dwelling
  15202. half
  15203. out of joint, dislocated
  15204. resignation
  15205. to demobilize
  15206. democratic
  15207. out of fashion
  15208. spinster
  15209. to demolish, to pull down
  15211. demonetize
  15212. demonstrator
  15213. demonstrative
  15214. demonstration
  15215. to dismount
  15216. to demonstrate, to prove
  15217. to take the munitions away from
  15218. to open a walled up (door ou window)
  15219. to deprive of a security
  15220. to denationalize
  15221. to denature
  15222. denial
  15223. refusal
  15224. to take out of the nest
  15226. to denigrate, to defame, to disparaging
  15227. to make uneven
  15228. to number, to count
  15229. denominator
  15230. denomination
  15231. to denominate
  15232. to declare
  15233. to denote
  15234. to unknot, to untie
  15235. commodity
  15236. dense
  15237. tooth
  15238. to indent, to jag
  15239. lace
  15240. to denude
  15241. to strip (oneself)
  15242. destitution
  15243. to repair and set going
  15244. to unpack
  15245. to spoil a pair of
  15246. to spoil
  15247. departure
  15248. to give the casting vote
  15250. distribute, to share out
  15251. to pass
  15252. to unpave
  15253. to send abroad ou other surroundings
  15254. to cut up
  15255. dispatch
  15256. to dispatch
  15257. dishevelled
  15258. to depict, to picture
  15259. ragged
  15260. to take down
  15261. to depend (on)
  15262. cost
  15263. expense
  15264. leakage, waste
  15265. to waste away
  15266. to extricate, to disentangle
  15267. to depopulate
  15269. to depilate
  15270. to track
  15271. spite
  15272. to displace
  15273. to displease
  15274. displeasure, vexation
  15275. to pull up and transplant
  15276. folder
  15277. to unfold
  15278. to deplore
  15279. to unfurl
  15280. to pluck
  15281. to take the polish off
  15283. misconduct
  15284. to deport
  15285. to put ou lay down
  15286. to dispossess
  15287. to dislodge
  15289. to unpot
  15290. slough
  15291. devoid (of)
  15292. to deprave
  15293. to depreciate
  15294. depredation
  15295. to part
  15297. to depress
  15298. lately
  15299. to depurate
  15300. to depute
  15301. to deracinate, to uproot
  15302. to make less stiff
  15303. to run off the rails
  15304. unreasonableness
  15305. to disarrange, to disorder
  15306. to drag
  15307. once more
  15308. to put out of order
  15309. irregularity
  15310. to take out the wrinkles
  15311. derision
  15312. drift
  15313. to divert
  15314. derm
  15315. last
  15316. secret
  15317. to steal
  15318. to derogate
  15319. to take the rust off
  15320. to unroll
  15321. rout, defeat
  15322. to send astray
  15323. behind
  15324. dervish
  15325. contract
  15326. from
  15327. to disabuse
  15328. disagreement
  15329. to disaccustom
  15330. to disaffect
  15331. to disfranchise
  15332. disagreeable, unpleasant
  15333. to disaggregate
  15334. annoyance
  15335. to disadjust
  15336. to disunite
  15337. to quench the thirst of
  15338. to disappoint
  15339. to unlearn
  15340. to disapprove of
  15341. to unseat
  15342. to desilver
  15343. to disarm
  15344. to break
  15345. disarray, disorder
  15346. to disarticulate
  15347. to disassociate
  15348. to break ou lose part of
  15349. disaster
  15350. disadvantage
  15351. disavowal
  15352. to throw out of truth
  15353. to unseal
  15354. descent, linage
  15355. descending
  15356. to descend, to go ou come down
  15357. descent, going ou coming down
  15358. describable
  15359. descriptive
  15360. to unpack
  15361. to disembark
  15362. to disable
  15363. to empty part of
  15364. to unchain
  15365. to disenchant
  15366. to disencumber
  15367. to reduce the swelling of
  15368. to disengage
  15369. to sober
  15370. to enliven
  15371. to cure of hoarsness
  15372. to disinter
  15373. to disentangle
  15374. to unfetter
  15375. want of balance
  15377. to desert
  15378. to despair
  15379. despair
  15380. to undress
  15381. forsaken
  15382. to break the habit (of)
  15383. to disinherit
  15384. immodest
  15385. dishonour
  15386. to dishonour
  15387. to designate
  15389. to disincorporate
  15390. ending, termination
  15391. to disinfatuate
  15392. to disinfect
  15393. to disintegrate
  15394. to buy out
  15395. free and easy
  15396. desire
  15397. withdraw
  15398. to disobey
  15399. to disoblige
  15400. to unstop
  15401. to deprive of work
  15402. to desolate, to devastate
  15403. to split one's side with laughter
  15404. disorder
  15405. to disorganize
  15406. to disorientate
  15407. henceforth, from now on
  15408. to bone
  15409. to deoxidate, to deoxidize
  15411. to scale
  15412. to disseize
  15413. to soak ou take the salt out of
  15414. to ungirth
  15415. to dry up
  15416. design
  15417. to unsaddle
  15418. to loosen
  15420. remains (of a meal)
  15421. to serve
  15422. to clear
  15423. drawing
  15424. to unsolder
  15425. underneath
  15426. on ou upon
  15427. destiny
  15428. addressee
  15429. destination
  15430. destiny
  15431. to destine
  15432. to dismiss
  15433. destructive
  15434. desuetude
  15435. disunite
  15436. to detach
  15437. to take out stains
  15438. detail
  15439. to clear ou scamper off
  15441. to take the colour out of
  15442. to take out
  15443. to relax (un cordage) to slacken
  15444. to hold ou be in possession of
  15445. to deteriorate
  15446. to determine, to decide
  15447. to disinter, to exhume
  15448. detersive
  15449. to detest, to hate
  15450. to stretch
  15451. to detonate, to explode
  15452. to sing out of tune
  15453. to untwist, to entwine
  15454. to untwist
  15456. to turn aside
  15457. detractor
  15458. to throw out of order
  15459. distemper
  15460. to soak
  15461. distress
  15462. to unplait
  15463. detriment
  15464. detritus
  15465. straits
  15466. to undeceive
  15467. to dethrone
  15468. to let down
  15469. to destroy
  15470. debt
  15471. mourning
  15472. two
  15473. run down
  15474. to rob
  15475. to devalorize
  15476. to go before
  15477. before
  15478. shop front
  15479. to devastate
  15480. to unfold
  15481. become
  15482. to lose all sense of shame
  15483. to unbolt
  15484. towards
  15485. to flow, to discharge
  15486. to undress
  15487. to wind (into a skein)
  15488. to deviate
  15489. soothsayer
  15490. to guess
  15491. estimate
  15492. to stare at
  15493. device
  15494. to chat
  15495. to unveil
  15496. to owe
  15497. devolving ou devolved
  15499. devouring
  15500. devout
  15501. to devout (oneself)
  15502. to mislead
  15503. dexterity
  15504. diabetes
  15505. devil
  15506. diabolic
  15507. deacon
  15508. diadem
  15512. dialect
  15513. dialectic
  15515. diamond
  15516. diametral
  15517. diameter
  15518. reveille
  15519. pitch, diapason
  15520. diaphanous
  15521. diaphragm
  15523. diarrhoea
  15525. dictator
  15526. dictation
  15528. dictionary
  15529. saying, proverb
  15530. didactic
  15531. sharp
  15533. to be on allow diet
  15534. God
  15535. to defame
  15537. to defer
  15538. difficult, hard
  15539. deformed
  15540. to detract
  15541. diffuse
  15542. to digest
  15544. worthy
  15545. to digress
  15546. dyke, sea wall
  15547. to dilapidate
  15548. to dilate
  15549. dilatory
  15550. dilemma
  15552. dilute
  15553. diluvian
  15554. Sunday
  15555. tithe
  15557. to diminish
  15558. copper ou brass kitchen utensils
  15559. turkey hen
  15560. to dine
  15561. diocese
  15563. diphtheria
  15564. diphthong
  15566. diploma
  15567. to tell
  15570. directory
  15571. dirigible (balloon)
  15572. to direct, to guide
  15573. to discern, to distinguish
  15576. to discontinue
  15577. to deny
  15578. discordance
  15579. talk
  15580. discourteous
  15582. discreet
  15583. to disculpate
  15585. to discuss
  15586. dearth
  15587. teller
  15589. disjoin
  15590. disjunction
  15592. dislocate
  15593. to disappear
  15595. disparity
  15596. disappearance
  15597. expensive
  15598. dispensary
  15599. exemption
  15600. to dispense
  15601. to disperse
  15602. available
  15603. fresh, active
  15604. to dispose
  15606. discussion
  15607. to disqualify
  15608. discus
  15610. to dissect
  15611. dissimilar, unlike
  15612. disseminate
  15614. dissent
  15615. to dissert, to expatiate
  15618. dissimilar
  15619. to dissimulate
  15620. to dissipate
  15621. dissociate
  15622. dissolute
  15623. dissolvable
  15625. dissolvent
  15627. to dissolve
  15628. dissolved
  15629. to dissuade
  15630. dissyllabic
  15631. dissymmetry
  15633. to distend
  15634. to distil
  15636. to distinguish
  15637. distorted
  15639. to separate
  15640. absent minded, inattentive
  15641. diverting
  15642. to distribute
  15644. fixed, settled
  15645. diurnal
  15646. to wander
  15648. to diverge
  15649. diverse, different
  15650. to diversify
  15651. to divert
  15655. to divide
  15656. divorce
  15657. to divulge
  15658. ten  (10)
  15659. ton or (so)
  15660. do
  15661. docile
  15663. learned
  15664. doctor
  15667. plump
  15668. dogma
  15669. watch dog
  15670. finger
  15671. deceit
  15672. complaint
  15673. doleful
  15674. dolmen
  15675. dolmens, cromlech
  15676. domain
  15677. dome
  15678. domestic
  15679. domicile, home
  15680. to denominate
  15681. Dominican
  15683. damage
  15684. to subdue
  15685. donation
  15686. then
  15687. keep, donjon
  15688. given
  15689. to give
  15690. whose
  15691. dorado
  15692. henceforth, henceforward
  15693. to gild
  15694. doric
  15695. to coddle
  15696. to sleep
  15697. dorsal
  15698. dormitory
  15699. back
  15700. quantity
  15701. back
  15702. dowry
  15703. jointure
  15704. customs
  15706. to double
  15707. sweetish
  15708. gently, lightly
  15709. sweetish
  15710. sweetness
  15711. showerbath
  15712. to gift, to endow
  15713. socket
  15714. soft
  15715. pain
  15716. doubt
  15717. stave
  15718. sweet
  15719. twelve (12)
  15720. dean
  15721. Draconian
  15722. sugared
  15724. sword knot
  15726. drama
  15727. cloth
  15728. flag
  15729. to lift
  15730. dresser
  15731. hand drill
  15732. drug
  15733. right
  15734. law
  15735. droll, laughable, funny
  15736. thick
  15737. druid
  15738. wood nymph
  15739. owing, overdue
  15740. dubitative
  15742. duenna
  15744. duly
  15746. duet, duo
  15747. dupe
  15748. duplicate
  15749. duplicity
  15750. of ou from whom
  15751. hard
  15752. during
  15753. duration
  15754. callus, callosity
  15755. down
  15756. dynamic
  15759. dynamometer
  15760. dynasty
  15761. dysentery
  15762. dyspepsia, indigestion
  15763. water
  15764. to amaze, to astound
  15765. to pare, to clip, to trim
  15766. sport, frolic
  15767. to be amazed
  15768. to amuse
  15769. ebony
  15770. ebony tree
  15771. cabinet maker
  15772. cabinet work
  15773. to dazzle
  15775. to put
  15776. to crumble down
  15777. to dishevel
  15778. to lop
  15779. to shake
  15780. to notch
  15781. ebriety, drunkenness
  15782. to snort
  15783. to bruit about
  15784. ebullition
  15785. scale
  15786. shell, pod
  15787. scarlet
  15788. to open wide
  15789. step aside
  15790. to quarter, to draw with wild horses
  15791. ecclesiastic(al)
  15792. giddy, hare-brained, thoughtless
  15793. stage
  15794. prop
  15795. dead fence
  15796. shallot
  15797. to hollow out
  15798. exchange, interchange
  15799. cupbearer
  15800. sample
  15801. shift
  15802. to escape
  15803. splinter
  15804. to clear of thistles
  15805. sash
  15806. stilt
  15807. wader
  15808. to scald
  15809. to warm
  15810. affray, skirmish
  15811. expiration
  15812. if need be
  15813. check
  15814. ladder
  15815. rung, round
  15816. to clear of caterpillars
  15817. skein, hank
  15818. dishevel
  15819. alderman
  15820. backbone, spine
  15821. chess board
  15823. to fall (to)
  15824. small workshop
  15825. to run aground
  15826. part
  15827. to splash ou bespatter (with)
  15828. lightning, flash of lightning
  15829. lighting
  15830. glade, opening, clearing
  15831. to lighten
  15832. to light (up)
  15833. splinter
  15834. to shiver
  15835. eclectic
  15836. eclipse
  15837. ecliptic
  15838. splint
  15839. to lame
  15840. to hatch
  15841. sluice
  15842. to turn sick
  15843. school
  15844. to show out
  15845. economical, thrifty
  15846. economy
  15847. to bail out
  15848. rind, peel
  15849. to flay
  15850. to dehorn
  15851. to sponge on
  15852. Scotch
  15853. to shell
  15854. share, score
  15855. to sell off
  15856. to curtail
  15857. listening post
  15858. hatchway
  15859. screen
  15860. to crush
  15861. to skim
  15862. cray fish, crawfish
  15863. to cry out,  to exclaim
  15864. jewel case
  15865. to write
  15866. notice
  15867. writing desk
  15868. to scribble
  15869. nut
  15870. scrofula
  15871. to fall
  15872. unbleached
  15873. shield
  15874. reef
  15875. basin, bowel
  15876. to wear
  15877. froth, foam
  15878. to scour
  15879. squirrel
  15880. stable
  15881. escutcheon, shield
  15882. squire
  15885. toothless
  15886. to decree
  15887. building, edifice
  15888. to build
  15889. aedile
  15890. decree
  15891. to edit
  15892. eider down
  15893. to sweeten
  15894. to bring up
  15895. to efface
  15896. to scare
  15897. to scare away
  15898. effective
  15899. to effect
  15900. to render effeminate
  15902. effect
  15903. to strip of its leaves
  15904. efficacious
  15905. efficient
  15906. effigy
  15907. to ravel out
  15908. to make lean
  15909. to graze
  15910. flowering
  15912. effluvium
  15913. to plough deep
  15914. to make an effort
  15915. effort
  15916. breaking open
  15917. barn owl, screech owl
  15918. to fray
  15919. to frighten, to scare
  15920. unbridled
  15921. to crumble
  15922. fear, fright
  15923. impudent
  15924. frightful, dreadful
  15926. equal
  15927. regard, respect, consideration
  15928. to lead astray
  15929. to enliven, to cheer
  15930. dogrose bush
  15931. church
  15932. eclogue
  15933. selfishness, egoism
  15934. to cut the throat of
  15935. to shout oneself hoarse
  15937. eaves
  15938. to drain
  15939. to scratch
  15940. to shell
  15941. loose
  15942. diamond dust
  15943. to pound, to grind
  15944. hey
  15945. shameless, barefaced
  15946. to ejaculate
  15947. to eject
  15948. to elaborate
  15949. to lop
  15950. spring
  15951. slender
  15952. to shoot
  15953. to widen
  15954. elastic
  15955. elector
  15956. electricity
  15957. electrify
  15958. electric
  15959. to electrify
  15960. electromagnet
  15961. to electrocute
  15963. electrodynamic
  15964. electolysis
  15965. electromagnetic
  15966. electrometer
  15967. electrostatic
  15969. elegiac
  15970. elegy
  15971. element
  15973. lifting
  15974. elevation, raising
  15975. pupil
  15976. to raise
  15977. eligible
  15978. to wear threadbare
  15979. to eliminate
  15980. to elect
  15981. elizion
  15984. she
  15985. hellebore
  15987. elocution
  15988. eulogy
  15989. to remove
  15992. elected member
  15993. to elucidate
  15994. to write
  15995. to elude, to evade
  15996. elysium
  15997. to become thin
  15998. enamel
  15999. to emancipate
  16000. to emanate (from)
  16001. to cut down the margins of
  16002. to pack up
  16003. wharf
  16004. craft
  16005. yaw
  16007. to embark
  16008. obstruction
  16009. to engage, to hire
  16010. boot tree
  16011. to embalm
  16012. to embellish, to adorn
  16013. to annoy
  16014. to sow with wheat
  16015. at once, directly
  16016. emblem
  16017. to fit in
  16018. embolism
  16019. stoutness
  16020. to put in one's mouth
  16021. to bog
  16022. to pocket
  16023. to bottle
  16024. to branch
  16025. to set on fire
  16026. to embrace
  16028. to throw into gear
  16029. to put on the spit
  16030. to tangle
  16031. to cover with fog
  16032. haze, mist
  16033. to embrown
  16034. embryo
  16035. ambush
  16036. to mist
  16037. to place in ambush
  16038. emerald
  16039. to emerge
  16040. emery
  16041. retired
  16042. emersion
  16043. to amaze
  16044. emetic
  16045. to emit, to send
  16046. riot
  16047. to crumble
  16048. to emigrate
  16049. to slice thin
  16050. eminence
  16052. emissary
  16054. to warehouse, to store
  16055. to swaddle
  16056. to helve
  16057. sleeve hole
  16058. to tangle
  16059. to move in
  16060. to lead ou away ou off
  16061. to wrap up, to muffle up
  16062. emotion, stir
  16063. emollient
  16065. to trim
  16067. kestrel
  16068. knife grinder
  16069. to whet
  16070. to blunt
  16071. to excite, to liven up
  16072. to move to displace
  16073. to stuff
  16074. to impale
  16075. span
  16076. to plume
  16077. to pack up
  16078. to take possession (of)
  16079. to lay paste over
  16080. to strike with the hand ou a racket
  16081. to prevent
  16082. vamp
  16083. to feather
  16084. to infect
  16085. to hobble
  16086. pompousness
  16087. to metal
  16088. to encroach (on, upon)
  16089. to cram
  16090. to pile up, to stack
  16092. to make worse
  16093. empiric(al)
  16095. plaster
  16096. purchase
  16097. to fill (up)
  16098. use
  16099. to feather
  16100. to pocket
  16101. to grasp
  16102. starch
  16103. to poison
  16104. to pitch
  16105. to carry away
  16106. to pot
  16107. to tinge with purple
  16108. to imprint
  16109. print
  16110. to hasten (to)
  16111. hold (on)
  16112. to imprison
  16113. loan
  16114. empyrean
  16115. moved, affected, touched
  16116. emulator, competitor, rival
  16118. to fall in love with
  16119. cable's length
  16120. to frame
  16121. cash in hand
  16122. to pack in a case
  16123. auction
  16124. to hood
  16125. anything kept for emergency
  16126. to house
  16127. encaustic
  16128. to surround, to enclose
  16129. pregnant, with child
  16130. incense
  16131. to encircle
  16132. to chain (to)
  16133. to enchant
  16134. bid, bidding
  16135. to halter
  16136. enclave
  16137. to lock
  16138. inclined
  16139. to enclose, to fence in
  16140. enclosure. close
  16141. anvil
  16142. notch
  16143. to lock in a coffer
  16144. corner
  16145. to glue
  16146. neck and withers
  16147. without difficulty
  16148. in opposition
  16149. corbel
  16150. again
  16152. to incur
  16153. to soil, to dirty
  16154. Indian ink
  16155. to (en)crust
  16156. to vat
  16157. encyclic
  16159. endemic
  16160. to tooth
  16161. to get into debt
  16162. reckless
  16163. to dam up, to bank up
  16164. to dress in (her, their) Sunday best
  16165. chicory
  16166. to supply with information
  16167. to make painful
  16168. to damage, to injure
  16169. to lull to sleep
  16170. endorsement
  16171. place, spot
  16172. to smear (with)
  16173. coat, coating
  16174. to harden
  16175. to endure, to bear
  16176. energy
  16177. fanatic
  16178. to unnerve
  16179. infancy
  16180. infant, child
  16181. to flour
  16182. the nether, regions
  16183. to shut up
  16184. to run through
  16185. to fever
  16186. row
  16187. to thread
  16188. at length ou last
  16189. to set on fire
  16190. to swell
  16191. to drive in
  16192. to bury
  16193. to infringe
  16194. to flee
  16195. to fill with smoke
  16196. to pawn
  16197. to sheathe
  16198. to turf
  16199. race
  16200. chilblain
  16201. to beget
  16202. snare
  16203. to comprise
  16204. to swallow
  16205. to lime
  16206. to stop ou choke up
  16207. to obstruct
  16208. to engulf, to swallow up
  16209. to benumb
  16210. fatten
  16211. to fatten
  16212. to house, to store in barn
  16213. to feed grain
  16214. tattered
  16215. to embolden
  16216. to harness
  16217. enigma, riddle, puzzle
  16218. to intoxicate
  16219. stride
  16220. stake
  16221. to enjoin
  16222. to wheedle
  16223. to embellish
  16224. sportive, playful
  16225. to interlace
  16226. to make ugly
  16227. to raise
  16228. to be caught ou to sink in a quicksand
  16229. to colour
  16230. enemy
  16231. to ennoble, to elevate
  16232. tediousness
  16233. statement
  16234. to make proud, to elate
  16235. enormous, huge
  16236. to enquire (about, after)
  16237. inquiry, investigation
  16238. to root
  16239. to be angry, to be enraged
  16240. to lock
  16241. to register
  16242. to register
  16243. to give a cold to
  16244. to enrich
  16245. to enrol
  16246. to make (oneself) hoarse
  16247. to roll up
  16248. to cover with blood
  16249. sign, signboard
  16250. to teach
  16251. together
  16252. to sow
  16253. to enclose
  16254. to lay out, to shroud
  16255. sunny
  16256. to bewitch
  16257. afterwards
  16258. result, to ensure, to follow
  16259. entablature
  16260. to taint
  16261. notch
  16262. first cut
  16263. to heap up
  16264. to hear
  16265. meaning
  16266. enteritis
  16267. to bury
  16268. heading, headline
  16269. to give a headache to
  16270. enthusiasm
  16271. to infatuate
  16272. entire, whole
  16273. entity
  16274. to mount on canvas
  16275. entomology
  16276. to intone
  16277. funnel
  16278. sprain
  16279. to twist ou twine
  16280. to surround
  16281. arm hole
  16282. interval
  16283. mutual assistance
  16284. entrails, bowels
  16285. spirit, go
  16286. to pull ou carry away ou along
  16287. hobble
  16288. between
  16289. to set ajar
  16290. caper
  16291. to knock against one another
  16292. rib of beef
  16293. to intersect
  16294. to cross
  16295. to tear one another
  16296. interval
  16297. to devour one another
  16298. entry
  16299. interval
  16300. tact
  16301. length of the leg from the fork
  16302. to interlace
  16303. to lard
  16304. to (inter)mingle
  16305. sweet
  16306. to interpose, to intervene
  16307. intervention
  16308. to harm each other
  16309. between-decks
  16310. to warehouse
  16311. repository
  16312. to undertake
  16313. to enter
  16314. mezzanine floor
  16315. meantime, meanwhile
  16316. to keep (up)
  16317. to catch a glimpse of
  16318. interview
  16319. to half open, to set ajar
  16320. to enumerate
  16321. to invade
  16322. envelope
  16323. to envenom
  16324. spread
  16325. towards, to
  16326. with emulation
  16327. envy
  16328. about
  16330. to envisage
  16331. sending,  forwarding
  16332. to send
  16333. spaniel
  16334. thick
  16335. to pour out
  16336. to spread
  16337. to cause to open
  16338. saving, thrift
  16339. to scatter
  16340. scattered
  16341. to cripple
  16342. to shrug
  16343. waif
  16344. sword
  16345. to spell
  16346. distracted
  16347. smelt
  16348. spur
  16349. sparrow hawk
  16350. ephemeral
  16351. ephemeris
  16352. ear
  16353. spice
  16354. luxurious
  16355. epidemic
  16356. epidermis
  16357. to spy upon
  16358. spear
  16359. epigastrium
  16360. epigram
  16361. epigraph
  16362. epilepsy
  16363. to depilate
  16364. epilogue
  16365. spinach
  16366. thorn, prickle
  16367. spinet
  16368. pin
  16369. spinal cord
  16370. stickleback
  16371. epiphany
  16372. episcopal
  16373. bishopric, episcopate
  16375. to splice
  16376. epitaph
  16377. epithet
  16378. epistle
  16379. epizootic, disease, murrain
  16380. in tears, weeping
  16381. to pick
  16382. sponge
  16384. epoch, age
  16385. espousals
  16386. wife
  16387. to dust
  16388. fright
  16389. husband
  16390. to fall in love (with)
  16391. trial
  16392. in love ou smitten (with)
  16393. to try
  16394. test tube
  16395. to drain
  16396. landing net
  16397. working drawing
  16398. to purify
  16399. to square up
  16400. equator
  16402. square
  16403. equidistant
  16405. equilibrium
  16406. equine
  16409. train (of boats)
  16410. prank, frolic, lark
  16411. equitation, horesmanship
  16412. equity, justice
  16413. equivalence
  16414. equivocal, ambiguous
  16415. maple (-tree)
  16416. to graze, to scratch
  16417. to fray
  16418. era
  16420. to jade
  16421. spur
  16422. to cavil (at, about)
  16423. to erect, to raise
  16424. hermit
  16426. erratic
  16427. headway
  16428. to wander
  16429. erudite. learned, scholarly
  16431. erysipelas
  16432. Bachelor of Arts, of science
  16433. stool
  16434. squadron
  16435. flotilla
  16436. squadron
  16437. escalade
  16438. call
  16439. staircase
  16440. collop, cutlet
  16441. to juggle away
  16442. to clear out
  16444. cinder
  16445. beetle
  16446. snail
  16447. skirmish
  16448. endive
  16449. to escarp
  16450. swing
  16451. deliberately, wittingly
  16452. scandal
  16453. slave
  16454. discount
  16455. blunderbuss
  16456. escort
  16457. squad
  16458. fencing
  16459. sharper, swindler
  16460. space
  16461. canvas sandal with cord sole
  16462. Spanish
  16463. espagnolette 
  16464. espalier, fruit-wall
  16465. species
  16466. to hope, to trust
  16467. frolicsome
  16468. spy
  16470. hope
  16471. spirit
  16472. skiff
  16473. splinter
  16474. sketch
  16475. to evade
  16476. try
  16477. swarm
  16479. axle tree, axle
  16480. flight
  16481. to wind
  16482. screen wiper
  16483. to wipe (off)
  16484. eastern, easterly
  16485. stockade
  16486. gash
  16487. tavern
  16488. print
  16489. stamp
  16490. aesthete
  16491. esteem
  16492. festival*
  16493. stomach
  16494. stump
  16495. platform
  16496. to cripple, to maim
  16497. estuary
  16498. sturgeon
  16499. both.. and..
  16500. cow-shed, byre
  16501. bench
  16502. to establish
  16503. story, floor
  16504. prop, shore, stay
  16505. pewter
  16506. stall
  16507. to display for sale
  16508. slack
  16509. to display for sale
  16510. stallion
  16511. to tin, to silver
  16512. stamen
  16513. impermeable
  16514. impermeability
  16515. to stanch
  16516. pool, pond
  16517. being
  16518. halting place
  16519. state
  16520. vice
  16521. to prop up
  16522. summer
  16523. extinguisher
  16524. to extinguish
  16525. standard
  16526. to extend
  16527. eternal
  16528. to eternize
  16529. eternity
  16530. to sneeze
  16531. ether
  16532. ethics
  16533. ethnic
  16534. low water mark
  16535. spark
  16536. to etiolate
  16537. label
  16538. to stretch
  16539. stuff
  16540. star
  16541. to amaze
  16542. to suffocate
  16543. tow
  16544. to stun
  16545. starling
  16546. strange
  16547. to strangle
  16548. stem
  16549. to be
  16550. to clasp
  16551. New Years gift
  16552. to give
  16553. stirrup
  16554. curry comb
  16555. to gut
  16556. scanty
  16557. stirup-leather
  16558. narrow
  16559. study
  16560. case
  16561. drying room
  16562. etymology
  16563. eucharist
  16564. hum
  16565. eunuch
  16566. euphemism
  16567. euphony
  16568. to evacuate
  16569. to escape
  16570. to value
  16571. everescent
  16572. gospel
  16573. to faint
  16574. to evaporate
  16575. to widen
  16576. evasive
  16577. escape
  16578. bishopric
  16579. awakening
  16580. event
  16581. fan
  16582. tray, basket
  16583. to fan
  16584. to disembowel
  16585. eventuality
  16586. eventual
  16587. bishop
  16588. to exert oneself
  16590. evidently
  16592. to hollow out
  16593. sink
  16594. to oust
  16595. to avoid
  16597. to move
  16598. to evoke, to call up
  16599. exacerbated
  16602. to exaggerate
  16603. to exalt
  16604. examination
  16605. to exasperate
  16606. to hearken to
  16608. to exceed, to go beyond
  16609. to excel
  16610. eccentric
  16611. to except
  16612. excess
  16613. to plead
  16614. to excite
  16615. to exclaim
  16616. to exclude
  16617. to excommunicate
  16618. to excoriate
  16622. to execrate
  16623. to execute
  16624. exemplary
  16625. example
  16626. exempt (from)
  16627. to train
  16628. to exhale
  16629. to raise
  16631. exhibit
  16632. to exhort
  16633. to exhume
  16634. to exact, to damage
  16635. exiguous
  16636. exile, banish
  16637. to exist
  16638. exodus
  16639. to exonerate, to exempt
  16640. exorbitant
  16641. to exorcize
  16642. expansion
  16643. to expatriate
  16644. expectant
  16645. to expectorate
  16646. expedient, advisable
  16647. to forward
  16649. to make experiments
  16651. to expiate
  16652. expletive
  16653. explicit, clear
  16654. to explain
  16660. to expose
  16661. express, explicit
  16664. to express
  16665. to expropriate
  16666. to expel
  16667. to expurgate
  16668. exquisite
  16669. bloodless
  16670. to exude
  16671. ecstasy, rapture
  16673. to exhaust, to wear ou tire out
  16674. exterior, external
  16675. to manifest
  16676. to exterminate
  16677. day school
  16678. external
  16679. extinction
  16680. extirpate
  16681. to extort (from)
  16684. to extradite
  16685. to extract from
  16686. extraordinary
  16687. to extravasate
  16688. extreme
  16689. extrinsic
  16690. exuberance
  16691. exult
  16693. factory
  16694. fabulous
  16696. joke
  16697. facet
  16698. to offend
  16699. facial
  16700. easy
  16701. make
  16702. fluency of speech
  16703. facsimile
  16704. carriage
  16705. manufacture
  16706. artificial
  16707. factious (person)
  16708. guard, sentry duty
  16709. factum, memorial
  16710. invoice
  16711. facultative, optional
  16712. faculty
  16713. twaddle
  16714. tasteless
  16715. faggot
  16716. to faggot
  16717. feeble
  16718. faεence, earthenware
  16719. to fail
  16720. hunger
  16721. beech- mast
  16722. idler
  16723. to make
  16724. feasible
  16725. pheasant
  16726. bundle
  16727. done, maker
  16728. ridge pole ou -tree
  16729. top, at the pinnacle of greatness
  16730. burden
  16731. cliff
  16732. furbelow
  16733. fallacious
  16734. to be necessary
  16735. lantern
  16736. to falsify
  16737. of good, evil repute
  16738. hungry, starving
  16739. famous
  16740. familiarize
  16741. familiar
  16742. family
  16743. famine
  16744. lantern
  16745. fanatic
  16746. dried leaves
  16747. to ted
  16748. flourish, fanfare
  16749. swaggering, blustering
  16750. fal-lal (plur.) frills and furbelows
  16751. mire, mud
  16752. whalebone
  16753. fancy
  16754. phantasmagoria
  16755. capricious, whimsical
  16756. foot soldier, infantryman
  16757. phantom, ghost
  16758. fawn 
  16759. farandole
  16760. practical joke, jest
  16761. paint, rouge
  16762. burden, load
  16763. truck
  16764. to rummage
  16765. balder dash
  16766. flour
  16767. shy
  16770. to fascinate
  16771. fascism
  16772. pomp, show
  16773. fasti
  16774. irksome
  16775. fatal
  16776. fatidical
  16777. fatigue
  16778. trash
  16779. self conceit, complacency
  16780. swab
  16781. suburb
  16782. to cut, to mow
  16783. sickle, reaping-hook
  16784. small sickle
  16785. falcon
  16786. to baste
  16787. faun, fauna
  16788. forger
  16789. to bend
  16790. falseness
  16791. lack, need, deficiency
  16792. armchair
  16793. tawny
  16794. warbler
  16795. false
  16796. scythe
  16797. favour
  16799. feverishness
  16800. fecound, fruitful
  16801. starch
  16802. federal
  16803. fairyland
  16804. to feign
  16805. to crack
  16806. felicity
  16807. to congratulate (on)
  16808. feline
  16809. disloyal
  16810. female
  16811. feminine
  16812. woman
  16813. femur, thighbone
  16814. haymaking
  16815. to split
  16816. window
  16817. fennel
  16818. feudal
  16819. iron
  16820. tinware
  16821. public holiday
  16822. without striking a blow
  16823. to furl
  16824. firm
  16825. lease
  16826. ferment
  16827. to shut
  16828. ferocious, fierce
  16829. scrap iron, old iron
  16830. to iron
  16831. tag
  16832. iron works, foundry
  16833. ferruginous
  16834. fertile
  16835. wounded
  16836. ferula
  16838. buttock
  16839. banquet
  16841. festivity
  16842. festoon
  16843. to feast
  16844. feast day
  16845. fetish
  16846. fetid
  16847. straw
  16848. fire
  16849. feudatory
  16850. leaf
  16851. quarter cask
  16852. felt
  16853. bean
  16854. horse bean
  16855. February
  16856. for shame
  16857. cab
  16858. to engage
  16861. fibril
  16863. string
  16864. slip
  16866. fiction
  16867. faithful
  16868. fiduciary
  16870. arrant
  16871. dung
  16872. to entrust
  16873. fire eater
  16874. fever
  16875. to congeal
  16876. fig tree
  16877. figure, form
  16879. stringy
  16880. tow
  16881. one after another
  16882. netting, small thread
  16883. to draw
  16884. filial
  16885. deplete
  16887. filigree
  16888. rope
  16889. daughter
  16890. godson
  16892. lode, vein
  16893. filoselle, floss-silk
  16894. thief
  16895. son, boy
  16896. filter, strainer
  16897. end
  16900. tricky, artful, sly, wily (person)
  16901. fineness
  16902. flannelette
  16903. to finish
  16904. phial, flask
  16907. firm
  16908. Treasury, Exchequer
  16909. fissile
  16911. fistula
  16912. fixed
  16913. flagon, flask
  16914. to flagellate, to scourge
  16915. to shake, to tremble
  16917. to flatter
  16918. flagrant
  16919. scent, nose
  16920. flamingo
  16921. torch
  16922. to single
  16923. sword
  16924. to blaze
  16925. flame
  16926. spark, flake of fire
  16927. flank
  16928. long, lanky lout
  16929. flannel
  16930. to loiter
  16932. flail
  16933. arrow
  16934. flitch
  16935. dart
  16936. phlegm
  16937. to fade, to wither
  16938. flower
  16939. foil
  16940. to flirt
  16941. floret
  16942. great river
  16943. flexible, supple
  16946. flake
  16947. flowering, blossoming
  16948. floral
  16949. flourishing, prosperous
  16950. wave
  16951. fleet
  16952. flotilla
  16953. loose
  16954. to fluctuate
  16955. slim, slender
  16956. fluid
  16957. flutist
  16958. fluvial
  16961. good, ill faith
  16962. liver
  16963. hay
  16964. fair
  16965. time
  16966. abundance
  16967. voir
  16968. frolicsome, playful
  16969. madness
  16971. to foment
  16972. to deepen
  16973. land
  16975. bottom
  16977. to lay the foundation of
  16978. to melt
  16979. pot hole
  16980. estate
  16981. spring
  16982. melting
  16983. font
  16984. the conscience
  16985. foreign
  16986. pirate
  16987. convict
  16989. furious
  16990. to force
  16991. (spring) shears
  16992. to drill
  16993. forest
  16994. drill
  16995. to be false (to)
  16996. crime
  16997. boasting
  16998. forge
  16999. to take offence (at)
  17000. formalist
  17003. formal
  17006. except, save
  17007. strong
  17008. fortuitous
  17010. hole
  17011. small hole
  17012. fossil
  17013. to ditch
  17014. mad, insane
  17015. lightning, thunderbolt
  17016. whip
  17017. fern
  17018. mettle
  17019. excavating
  17020. confusion
  17021. to grub, to dig
  17022. fulling
  17024. crowd, throng
  17025. track, rail
  17026. to full
  17027. oven
  17028. deceitful, underhand
  17029. to furbish
  17030. foundered
  17031. fork
  17032. poker. fire rake
  17033. truck, waggon
  17034. ant
  17035. furnace
  17036. furnace, kitchen range
  17037. equipment
  17038. to furnish
  17039. fodder
  17040. scabbard, sheath
  17041. to fur
  17042. quarter master sergeant
  17043. pound
  17044. to mislead, to lead astray
  17045. hearth, fireplace
  17046. dress coat
  17047. din
  17051. spawning
  17052. fresh
  17053. expenses
  17054. strawberry plant
  17055. raspberry
  17057. French
  17058. to clear
  17059. franciscan
  17060. Frankish battle axe
  17061. freemason
  17062. post paid
  17063. fringe
  17065. simply, in a homely way
  17066. to strike
  17067. fraternal
  17068. fraud
  17069. to rub
  17070. fear, fright
  17071. to hum
  17072. frigate
  17073. bit, brake
  17074. to adulterate
  17075. frail
  17076. hornet
  17077. fop
  17078. to rustle
  17079. ash
  17080. frenzy
  17082. brother
  17083. fresco
  17084. freight
  17085. to frisk about
  17086. fry
  17087. friable
  17088. fond (of)
  17092. to refrigerate
  17093. chilly
  17094. rime, hoar frost
  17095. hunger
  17096. prance, to frisk
  17097. to crease, to (c)rumple
  17099. rouge, cheat
  17100. to fry
  17101. frieze
  17102. to curl
  17103. shiver, shudder
  17104. frivolous
  17105. cowl
  17106. cold
  17107. to strain
  17108. to graze, to brush
  17109. cheese
  17110. wheat
  17111. crease
  17112. foliage
  17113. sling
  17114. forehead, brow
  17115. frontier
  17117. fronton,pediment
  17118. to rub
  17119. to fructify
  17120. fruitful
  17121. frugal
  17123. defaced
  17124. to frustrate
  17125. fugacious, fugitive
  17126. fugitive
  17128. to flee, to run away
  17129. flashing
  17130. to fulminate
  17131. to smoke
  17132. smell
  17133. fumitory
  17134. fumigate
  17135. chimney sweep ou builder
  17136. funambulist, tight-rope walker
  17137. funeral
  17138. funeral, burial
  17139. fatal
  17140. funicular
  17141. in succession
  17142. ferret
  17143. fury, rage
  17144. furuncle
  17145. furtive
  17146. spindle tree
  17147. spindle bobbin
  17148. rocket
  17149. to taper
  17150. steel
  17152. to fustigate, to flog
  17153. shaft
  17154. wood
  17155. fustian
  17156. sly, crafty
  17157. trifling
  17158. future
  17159. flying
  17160.  fugitive
  17161. twill
  17162. lighter
  17163. gauge
  17164. bungling
  17165. staple
  17166. to mix
  17167. trigger
  17168. boat hook
  17169. pawn
  17170. to gain
  17171. gay, lively
  17172. vigorous
  17174. sheath, case
  17176. elegant
  17179. scab,  mange
  17180. galley
  17181. gallery
  17182. pebble
  17183. garret
  17184. flat cake
  17185. nonsense
  17187. Welch
  17188. clog
  17189. lance, tape
  17190. gallop
  17191. scamp, rouge
  17193. to botch
  17194. gambol
  17195. tin can
  17196. street arab
  17197. gamut
  17198. edge of lower jaw
  17199. gangrene, mortification
  17200. braid
  17201. glove
  17203. madder
  17204. guarantee, surety
  17205. boy
  17206. keeping, custody
  17207. to guard
  17208. roach
  17209. look out
  17210. warren
  17211. to get out of the way
  17212. to gargle
  17213. gargoyle
  17214. cartridge case
  17215. scamp, rascal
  17216. to furnish
  17217. garrison
  17219. lad, boy
  17220. Gascon
  17221. to waste
  17222. gastric
  17223. cake
  17224. to spoil
  17225. doting
  17226. warped
  17227. coarse joke
  17228. waffle
  17229. to goffer
  17230. pole
  17231. Gallic
  17232. to jeer
  17233. to cram
  17235. gas
  17236. gauze
  17239. grass
  17240. to chirp, to twitter
  17241. jay
  17242. giant
  17243. to complain
  17245. imp
  17246. to groan
  17247. gem
  17248. gum
  17250. son in law
  17251. (financial) difficulty
  17252. genealogy
  17255. genesis
  17256. broom
  17258. juniper
  17259. heifer
  17260. knee
  17261. genus
  17262. people, folk
  17264. of gentle birth
  17265. gentleman
  17268. goal, jail
  17270. geometrician
  17271. geranium
  17272. bunch
  17273. to chap
  17274. to manage
  17275. German
  17276. germ
  17277. gizzard
  17278. to lie
  17280. gesture
  17281. management
  17282. geyser
  17284. game bag
  17285. rabbit stew
  17286. cartridge pouch
  17287. gibbet, gallows
  17288. game
  17289. (April) shower
  17290. abounding in game
  17291. opera hat
  17292. to spirit
  17293. box on the ear, slap on the face
  17294. gigantic
  17295. hind leg
  17296. haunch
  17297. wist coat
  17300. clove
  17301. gilly flower
  17302. lap
  17303. weathercock
  17304. lying
  17305. bed
  17306. Spanish gipsy
  17307. home
  17308. hoar frost, rime
  17309. smooth skinned
  17310. ice
  17311. gladiator
  17313. gladiolus
  17314. glair, white of egg
  17315. clay, loam
  17316. glaive
  17317. acorn
  17319. to glean
  17320. to yelp
  17321. knell
  17322. glaciouse, sea green
  17323. clod
  17324. to slip
  17326. glory
  17327. gloss
  17328. glottis
  17329. gurgle, gurgling
  17330. to cluck
  17333. wistaria
  17337. fly catcher
  17338. to swallow
  17339. to pucker
  17340. small mug
  17341. scull
  17342. (sea) gull
  17343. schooner
  17344. sea weed
  17345. bantering, jeering
  17346. to be on the spree
  17347. glutton
  17350. gulf
  17351. gum
  17352. hinge
  17353. gondola
  17354. to warp
  17355. to inflate
  17356. gong
  17357. throat
  17358. gorilla
  17359. throat, gullet
  17360. gothic
  17362. to jeer
  17363. tar
  17364. gulf, abyss
  17365. gouge
  17366. camp follower
  17367. gudgeon
  17368. bottle neck
  17369. neck
  17370. glutinous
  17371. cotter pin
  17372. sprinkler
  17373. numb
  17374. bludgeon, cudgel
  17375. greedy
  17376. to scold
  17377. strangles
  17378. stiff, stuck up
  17379. to knock about
  17380. epicure, gourmet
  17381. curb
  17382. pod, husk, shell
  17383. gusset
  17384. savour
  17385. drop
  17386. rudder
  17387. guidance
  17388. pallet
  17389. grace
  17390. grade, degree
  17391. ledge
  17393. seed
  17394. fat, grease
  17395. gramineous plant
  17396. grammar
  17397. gram
  17399. great
  17400. barn
  17401. granite
  17403. graphic
  17404. graphite, plumbago
  17405. cluster, bunch
  17406. grapnel
  17407. fat
  17408. to gratify
  17410. gratis, free (of charge)
  17412. scraper
  17413. to scratch
  17414. gratuitous
  17415. grave, solemn
  17416. gravelly
  17417. gravel
  17418. to engrave
  17419. gravel
  17420. to climb
  17421. to gravitate
  17422. will
  17423. Greek
  17424. scoundrel, scamp
  17425. to rig
  17426. clerks office
  17427. gregarious
  17428. raw
  17429. Greek fire
  17430. galli-gaskins
  17431. thin, slender
  17432. warp, hawser
  17433. small bell
  17434. pomegranate
  17435. pellets
  17436. garnet
  17437. to grain
  17438. loft
  17439. frog
  17440. grainy
  17441. sandstone
  17442. sleet
  17443. strand, beech
  17444. to burden, to encumber
  17445. to scrawl
  17446. grievance
  17447. grievously
  17448. claw, nail
  17449. griffin
  17450. to scribble, to scrawl
  17451. to nibble, to peck
  17452. screw, skinflint, curmudgeon
  17453. Gridiron
  17454. ah
  17455. able, clever, skilful
  17456. to capacitate, to qualify
  17457. to dress
  17458. dress
  17459. to live, to reside, to dwell
  17460. habit
  17461. to brag, to boast
  17462. to chop
  17463. hatching, hatch
  17464. haggard
  17465. hedge (row)
  17466. rag
  17467. hatred
  17468. to hate
  17469. sunburn, tan
  17470. breath
  17471. to haul
  17472. to paint
  17473. market hall
  17474. halberd
  17475. thicket
  17476. haullucinate
  17478. halt
  17479. dumb bell
  17480. hammock
  17481. hamlet
  17482. fish hook
  17483. staff
  17484. hip
  17485. to handicap
  17486. shed
  17487. cockchafer
  17488. to haunt (in ou about)
  17489. to snap up
  17490. dray
  17492. stud farm
  17493. to exhaust
  17494. to harass
  17495. garment, cloths
  17496. bold, daring
  17497. harem
  17498. herring
  17499. snappish
  17500. bean
  17501. old hack
  17502. harmonica
  17503. harmony
  17504. to harness
  17505. harness, armour, mail
  17506. miser, skinflint
  17507. harp
  17508. harpy
  17510. hazard
  17511. haste
  17512. shroud
  17513. hauberk
  17514. rise
  17515. hawser
  17516. high
  17517. haughty
  17518. hautboy
  17519. pale, wan
  17520. harbour, haven
  17521. knapsack
  17522. hullo
  17523. weekly
  17524. to lodge
  17525. to hebetate, to stupefy
  17526. Hebrew
  17527. hecatomb
  17530. hegemony
  17531. alas
  17532. to hail, to call
  17533. helix
  17534. heliotrope
  17535. Hellenic
  17538. haemorrhage
  17540. to neigh, to whinny
  17541. hepatic
  17542. heraldic
  17543. herald
  17544. herbage, grass, grass land
  17545. grass
  17546. Herculean
  17547. wretch
  17548. heredity
  17549. hearsay
  17550. to ruffle up
  17551. hedge hog
  17552. to inherit
  17553. hermetic
  17554. ermine
  17555. hernia, rupture
  17556. heroine
  17557. heroic
  17558. hero
  17559. harrow
  17560. to hesitate
  17562. heterogeneous
  17563. beech
  17564. luck, chance
  17565. happy
  17566. shock
  17567. hexagonal
  17568. hiatus
  17569. to hibernate
  17570. owl
  17571. rub
  17572. hideousness
  17573. yesterday
  17574. hierarchical
  17575. hieroglyph
  17576. hilarious
  17577. hippic
  17579. swallow
  17580. to hoist
  17581. history
  17582. histrion, stage player
  17583. winter
  17585. rattle
  17586. Dutch
  17587. Holland
  17588. holocaust
  17589. lobster
  17590. homily
  17591. homoeopathic
  17592. homeric
  17594. homage
  17595. man
  17596. homogeneous
  17597. homologous
  17598. homonymous
  17599. gelded
  17600. honest
  17601. honour
  17602. to shame
  17603. to honour
  17604. shame, disgrace
  17606. hiccough, hiccup
  17607. honorary
  17609. thwack
  17611. clock
  17612. except, save, but
  17614. horror
  17615. hydrangea
  17616. horticultural
  17618. hospitable
  17619. victim
  17620. hostile
  17621. host
  17623. basket
  17624. hop(s)
  17625. to hoe
  17626. coal
  17627. swell, surge
  17628. shepherds's crook
  17629. tuft, crest
  17630. rough greatcoat
  17631. to pull about, to maul
  17632. cover
  17633. switch
  17634. holly
  17635. porthole
  17636. kneading trough
  17637. howl, hoot
  17638. olive oil
  17639. "in camera"
  17640. eight
  17641. oyster
  17642. human
  17643. to humanize
  17645. to wet
  17646. to suck
  17647. humour
  17648. humid
  17649. to humiliate
  17651. top
  17652. tuft, crest
  17653. head
  17654. to howl
  17655. hussar
  17656. cabin
  17657. hyacinth
  17658. hybrid
  17660. hydraulic
  17661. sea plane
  17662. hydra
  17663. hydrogen
  17664. hydrography
  17666. hydrometer
  17667. hydrophobic  (patient)
  17668. dropsical (patient)
  17669. hydrostatic
  17670. hydrotherapy
  17671. hyena
  17672. hygiene
  17673. marriage
  17674. hymn
  17675. hyperbola
  17676. hyperbolic
  17677. hypertrophy
  17678. hypnosis
  17679. hypochondriac
  17680. hypocrisy
  17681. hypogeum
  17682. hypotenuse
  17683. mortgage
  17684. hypothesis
  17685. hyssop
  17686. hysteria
  17687. iambus
  17688. here
  17690. jaundice
  17692. idea
  17693. idealize
  17694. identity
  17698. idiosyncrasy
  17700. fit, proper
  17701. to idolize
  17703. yew
  17704. ignorant
  17705. igneous
  17706. ignoble, low
  17707. ignominy
  17709. to be ignorant ou unaware of
  17710. he
  17711. island
  17713. illegitimate
  17714. illiterate
  17715. illicit
  17716. unlimited
  17717. illegible
  17718. illogical
  17719. to illuminate
  17721. illustrious, famous
  17722. islet
  17723. helot
  17724. image
  17725. to imagine, to fancy
  17726. unbeatable
  17727. imbecile
  17728. beardless
  17729. to soak
  17731. imbued
  17732. undrinkable
  17733. to imitate
  17734. immaculate
  17736. uneatable
  17737. inevitable
  17738. immaterial
  17739. to register
  17740. immediate
  17741. immemorial
  17743. to immerse
  17744. unmerited, undeserved
  17746. real, immovable
  17747. to immigrate
  17748. imminence
  17749. to mix up, to involve
  17750. motionless
  17751. real, landed (estate)
  17752. immoderate
  17754. to immolate
  17755. unclean
  17757. immortalize
  17758. immortal
  17759. immutable
  17760. immunity
  17761. immutability
  17763. odd
  17765. unpardonable, unforgivable
  17766. imperfect
  17768. to grant
  17771. impassible
  17773. priceless
  17774. unpaid
  17778. imperious
  17779. empress
  17783. imperious
  17784. imperishable
  17785. incompetence
  17790. grantee
  17791. impetuous
  17792. pitiless, merciless
  17794. to implant
  17796. to implicate
  17797. to implore
  17798. impolite, rude (person)
  17799. impolitic
  17801. unpopular
  17803. to import
  17804. importunate (person)
  17805. imposing
  17806. to lay on
  17808. impost
  17809. impostor
  17810. tax
  17812. impracticable
  17814. vague, indefiniteness
  17815. to impregnate (with)
  17816. impregnable
  17819. unforeseeable
  17820. improvidence
  17821. improvidence
  17822. unforeseen
  17824. unsatisfactory
  17825. disapproving
  17826. improbability, dishonesty
  17827. unproductive
  17829. unpronounceable
  17830. unfit, unsuitable (for)
  17831. to improvise
  17832. suddenly, unexpectedly
  17834. immodesty
  17836. powerless, helpless
  17837. unpunished
  17838. impure
  17839. to impute
  17840. unapproachable
  17841. unacceptable
  17842. inaccessible
  17843. unaccomplished
  17844. unaccustomed
  17845. unfinished
  17846. inactive
  17850. inalienable
  17852. unimpaired
  17853. unfriendly
  17854. inanimate
  17855. inanity
  17857. unperceived
  17860. untamable
  17862. inapt
  17863. inarticulate
  17864. unappeased
  17865. unassailable
  17866. unexpected
  17867. inattentive
  17869. to inaugurate
  17872. incantation
  17874. incapacity
  17875. incarcerate
  17876. incarnate
  17877. to incarnate
  17878. insult
  17879. unbreakable
  17880. fire, conflagrations
  17881. uncertain
  17882. uncertainty
  17883. ceaseless, unceasing
  17884. unchanged
  17886. to incinerate
  17887. to incise
  17888. to incite
  17889. uncivil, impolite
  17890. to incline
  17891. to enclose
  17894. colourless
  17895. to be incumbent (on)
  17897. inedible
  17899. inconvenient
  17902. incompetence
  17903. incomplete
  17906. misunderstood
  17907. inconceivable
  17909. unconditional
  17910. misconduct
  17911. incongruous
  17912. incognizable
  17913. unknown
  17914. ignorance of what one is doing, etc
  17915. inconsistencies
  17919. inconstancy
  17920. unconstitutional
  17922. incontinence
  17923. immediately
  17924. impropriety, unsuitableness
  17926. incorporeal
  17927. incorporate
  17929. incorrigible
  17931. incredulous
  17932. to incriminate
  17933. unpickable
  17934. incredible
  17935. unbelief
  17936. to incrust
  17938. to inculpate
  17939. to inculcate
  17940. uncultivated
  17942. carelessness, negligence
  17944. indecency
  17945. indecipherable
  17946. untearable
  17947. undecided
  17949. uncleanable
  17950. indefensible
  17951. indefinite
  17952. that cannot come out of curl
  17953. indelible
  17954. indelicate
  17955. uninjured, undamaged
  17956. to indemnify
  17957. undemonstrable
  17962. undesirable
  17966. indication
  17967. unspeakable
  17968. Indian
  17969. indifference
  17970. indigence, poverty
  17971. indigenous
  17972. indigestible
  17973. indigestible
  17975. unworthy
  17977. to indicate
  17981. indiscreet
  17989. individual
  17990. undivided
  17991. indocile, unmanageable
  17993. painless
  17994. unconquerable
  17998. to induce
  18000. to indurate
  18001. industry
  18002. unshakably
  18003. unpublished
  18007. unequal
  18011. unspeakable
  18012. inept
  18013. inexhaustible
  18014. inert
  18015. unhoped-for
  18020. non-existent
  18024. inexpert
  18027. unexplained
  18028. unworkable
  18029. unexplored
  18030. inexpensive
  18031. inexpressible
  18033. inextinguishable
  18036. unfeasible
  18037. infamous
  18039. infantry
  18042. indefatigable, tireless
  18044. barren
  18045. noisome, foul
  18046. to infect
  18047. to infer, to conclude
  18048. lower
  18051. to infest
  18052. infidel
  18053. to infiltrate
  18054. very small
  18055. infinite
  18058. to invalidate
  18061. inflammatory
  18063. to inflect
  18066. to inflict
  18070. influence
  18071. formless, shapeless
  18072. to inform
  18073. misfortune
  18075. impassable
  18076. unfruitful
  18077. infused
  18078. to infuse
  18079. infusorium
  18080. active
  18081. to rack ones brains, to exercise one's wits
  18082. engineer
  18083. ingenuity
  18084. ingenuous (person)
  18085. to ingest
  18086. inglorious
  18087. ungovernable
  18088. ungrateful
  18089. ingredient
  18090. incurable
  18091. to swallow
  18092. unskilled
  18093. uninhabitable
  18100. to inhume, to bury
  18101. unimaginable
  18102. inimitable
  18103. enmity, hostility
  18104. stupidity
  18105. unintelligible
  18106. uninterrupted
  18107. iniquitous
  18108. initial
  18109. to initiate
  18110. to inject
  18111. injunction
  18112. unplayable
  18113. injudicious
  18114. unjust
  18115. unjustifiable
  18116. indefatigable, tireless
  18117. innate
  18118. innocence
  18119. innocuity
  18120. innumerable
  18121. to introduce
  18123. unoccupied
  18124. to inoculate
  18125. inodorous
  18126. inoffensive
  18127. to inundate, to flood
  18128. inoperable
  18129. unexpected
  18130. inopportune
  18131. unforgettable
  18132. unheard of
  18133. inoxidizable
  18134. unqualifiable
  18135. restless
  18136. inquisitor
  18137. unseizable
  18138. insalubrious
  18139. insanity
  18140. insatiable
  18141. unsatisfied
  18142. to inscribe
  18143. insect
  18144. insecurity
  18145. insane
  18146. insensible
  18147. inseparable
  18148. insert
  18149. insidious
  18150. remarkable
  18151. insignificance
  18152. to insinuate
  18156. insolation, sunstroke
  18160. insolvent 
  18161. insomnia
  18162. fathomless
  18163. soundproof
  18164. unconcerned
  18165. unsubdued
  18166. above suspicion
  18167. indefensible
  18168. to inspect
  18169. to inspire
  18170. to install
  18171. instancy
  18173. like
  18174. to establish
  18175. instigator
  18177. institute
  18178. to instruct
  18180. unknown to
  18182. insubordinate
  18183. success
  18184. insufficiency
  18185. insular
  18186. insult
  18187. unbearable
  18188. to rise (against)
  18193. intaglio
  18194. intangible
  18195. inexhaustible
  18196. honest, upright
  18197. to integrate (into)
  18199. intelligence, intellect
  18202. inclemency
  18203. unseasonable
  18204. untenable
  18205. administration
  18206. intendant
  18207. intense
  18208. to bring
  18209. intention, purpose
  18210. interallied
  18211. to intercalate
  18212. intercede
  18215. to forbid
  18217. interest
  18218. interior
  18219. interim
  18220. to lodge
  18221. space between two lines (of print)
  18223. interlocutor
  18224. unauthorized, illegal
  18225. to disconcert
  18227. intermediate
  18232. inner
  18233. to call to
  18234. to interpolate
  18235. to interpose
  18236. to interpose
  18237. interpreter
  18238. interregnum
  18239. to interrogate
  18240. to interrupt
  18241. to intersect
  18243. interval, interspace
  18244. to intervene
  18245. to invert, to reverse
  18247. intestate
  18248. intestine
  18249. intimate
  18250. to intimate, to notify
  18251. to intimidate
  18252. title
  18255. to poison
  18257. intractable
  18258. intransigence
  18259. intransitive
  18263. intrinsic
  18264. to introduce
  18265. to enthrone
  18267. undiscoverable
  18268. intruder
  18270. they will wear for ever
  18271. not in use
  18272. useless
  18273. unconquered, unvanquished
  18274. invalid
  18275. invairable
  18278. unsaleable
  18279. inventory
  18280. to invent
  18282. invertebrate
  18283. to reverse
  18284. to invest
  18285. inverterate
  18289. to invite
  18290. involuntary
  18292. to invoke
  18293. improbable
  18294. invulnerable
  18295. iodine
  18296. iota,(fig) jot
  18299. iris
  18300. irony
  18301. ironic, ironical
  18302. alley
  18303. to radiate
  18304. unreasoned
  18305. irrational
  18306. unrealizable
  18307. unreceivable
  18309. irrecoverable
  18312. unreal
  18313. inconsiderate, thoughtless
  18320. irreplaceable
  18322. irreprehensible
  18326. irresolute
  18327. disrespect
  18329. irresponsible
  18330. unshrinkable
  18333. to irrigate
  18335. light-bay (horse)
  18336. lizard
  18337. isosceles
  18338. to isolate
  18339. Israelite, Jew
  18340. issue
  18341. isthmus
  18342. Italian
  18343. italic
  18344. item, ditto
  18345. itinerary
  18346. ivory
  18347. darnel, tare
  18348. drunk, drunken, inebriated, intoxicated
  18349. crop
  18350. to jabber
  18351. magpieú
  18352. in abeyance
  18353. fallow (land)
  18354. hyacinth
  18356. Jacobin (monk ou nun)
  18357. backgammon
  18358. boast (fullness)
  18359. formerly, once
  18361. jet
  18362. staff
  18363. jealous
  18364. ever
  18365. down stroke
  18366. leg
  18367. janissart
  18368. simpleton
  18369. felloe
  18370. January
  18371. to yelp
  18372. (d'homme) morning coat
  18373. garden
  18374. jargon, gibberish
  18375. jar
  18376. ham
  18377. (stocking) suspender
  18378. garter
  18379. gander
  18380. to chatter
  18381. jasmine
  18382. jasper
  18383. bowl
  18384. gauge
  18385. yellow
  18386. jaundice
  18388. loose sheaf
  18389. light javelin
  18391. pron. pers. sujet I
  18392. Jesuit
  18394. throw(ing), cast(ing)
  18395. jetty, pier
  18396. counter
  18397. game
  18398. Thursday
  18399. fasting
  18400. young
  18401. fast
  18403. joy
  18404. to join
  18406. pretty
  18407. keeper
  18408. to strew
  18409. rush bed
  18410. juggle
  18411. junk
  18412. jonquil
  18413. cheek
  18414. to play
  18415. chubby
  18416. yoke
  18417. to enjoy
  18418. toy, plaything
  18419. day, daylight
  18420. diary
  18421. joust
  18422. youth
  18424. jewel
  18425. rod-screen
  18426. jubilee
  18427. to roast
  18428. Judaic
  18431. judicial
  18432. judicious
  18433. judge
  18434. to jugulate, to strangle
  18435. Jewish
  18436. July
  18437. June
  18439. twin
  18440. mare
  18442. skirt
  18443. petticoat, underskirt
  18444. to swear
  18445. jurisdiction
  18446. juridical, judicial
  18451. ebb (tide)
  18452. till, until
  18453. henbane
  18454. jerkin
  18455. honest
  18456. justice
  18457. to justify
  18459. juicy
  18461. to juxtapose
  18462. cockatoo
  18463. khaki
  18465. kangaroo
  18466. kermis
  18471. summer house
  18472. busby
  18473. crash, smash
  18474. litany
  18475. cyst
  18476. the
  18477. labour
  18479. laboratory
  18480. laborious
  18481. ploughing
  18482. labyrinth
  18483. lake
  18484. lace-rate, to tear
  18485. lace
  18486. loose
  18487. laconic
  18488. lachrymal
  18489. noose, snare
  18490. lacteous, milky
  18492. leprous
  18493. lagoon
  18494. lay
  18495. ugly
  18496. sow
  18497. wool
  18498. lay
  18499. leash, lead
  18500. to leave
  18501. pass
  18502. milk
  18503. slag
  18504. brass
  18505. lettuce
  18506. width
  18508. rag
  18509. dawdling
  18510. joist
  18511. valance
  18512. wainscot, panelling
  18513. (de mΘtal)sheet
  18514. to lament
  18515. to laminate
  18516. lamp-stand
  18517. lamp
  18518. to guzzle
  18520. lamprey
  18521. spear
  18522. to throw
  18523. to shoot
  18525. heath
  18527. baby's napkin
  18528. languorous, languishing
  18529. spiny lobster
  18530. tongue
  18532. throng
  18534. lantern
  18535. to dally
  18536. to lap
  18537. young rabbit
  18538. lapidary
  18539. lapidate
  18540. rabbit
  18541. a lapse of time
  18542. lackey
  18543. lacquer
  18544. larceny
  18545. fat, bacon
  18546. broad wide
  18547. bounty
  18548. loose
  18549. tear
  18550. thief
  18551. larva
  18553. lascivious
  18560. to lath
  18562. laudative
  18563. laureate
  18564. laurel
  18565. lavatory
  18566. lavender
  18567. washerwoman, laundress
  18568. lava
  18569. to wash
  18570. washing
  18572. small chest ou packing case
  18573. buffoonery
  18574. the
  18575. breadth
  18576. dipping pan
  18577. to lick
  18578. lesson
  18579. reading
  18580. legate
  18581. legatee, heir
  18583. legend
  18584. light
  18585. to legislate
  18586. legist
  18587. legitimate
  18588. legacy, bequest
  18589. vegetable
  18590. next day, tomorrow
  18591. to soothe
  18592. slow
  18593. lentil
  18595. leprosy
  18596. leprous
  18597. who
  18599. lese-majesty
  18600. to wrong
  18601. stinginess
  18602. lye
  18603. ballast
  18604. brisk, nimble
  18606. letter
  18607. to them
  18608. lure
  18609. leaven
  18610. rising
  18611. to raise
  18613. lever
  18614. leveret
  18615. greyhound
  18616. yeast
  18617. lexicon
  18618. lizard
  18619. crack, crevice
  18620. joining, union, connection
  18621. liane
  18622. bundle
  18624. to word
  18625. dragonfly
  18626. liberal, generous
  18627. to liberate
  18628. liberty, freedom
  18629. libertine
  18630. book seller
  18631. free
  18632. lists
  18633. licence
  18635. lawful, legal
  18636. halter
  18637. unicorn
  18638. dregs
  18639. cork tree
  18640. bond, tie
  18641. to bind, to tie
  18642. ivy
  18643. joy
  18644. place
  18645. league
  18647. hare
  18650. liege
  18651. line
  18652. ligneous
  18654. to bind
  18655. league
  18656. league
  18657. Lilliputian
  18659. small
  18661. dab
  18663. to liquidate
  18665. lily
  18667. bindweed, convolvulus
  18669. smooth
  18671. list
  18673. litany
  18675. litter
  18678. literary
  18679. literal
  18681. liturgy
  18682. livid
  18683. pound
  18684. book
  18685. livery
  18686. to deliver, to give up
  18688. local
  18689. rental, value
  18690. log
  18691. loach
  18692. locomotor
  18694. logarithm
  18695. cabin
  18696. to lodge
  18697. logical
  18698. house, dwelling
  18699. law
  18700. far
  18701. dormouse
  18702. permissible
  18703. leisure
  18705. loins
  18706. earth worm
  18707. long
  18708. long-suffering
  18709. lounge, loin
  18710. go along gevity
  18711. longitude
  18712. long, along time
  18713. loquacious
  18714. rag
  18715. latch
  18716. to look at out of the corner of one's eye
  18717. opera glass
  18718. oriole
  18719. at the time of
  18720. when
  18722. portion
  18723. lottery
  18725. eel-pout
  18726. praise, commendation
  18727. squint eyed
  18728. soup ladle
  18729. to hire out
  18730. to praise
  18731. praiser
  18732. lugger
  18733. louis, twenty frank piece
  18734. wolf
  18735. magnifying glass
  18736. heavy
  18737. clumsy, heavy
  18738. otter
  18739. she-wolf
  18740. to tack (about)
  18741. loyal, true
  18742. rent
  18743. whim
  18744. to lubricate, to oil
  18745. lewd
  18746. attic-window
  18748. fire-fly
  18749. lucre
  18750. uvula
  18751. gleam, glimmer
  18752. lugubrious, dimal, gloomy
  18753. he, it
  18755. light
  18756. capricious
  18757. Monday
  18758. moon
  18759. telescope
  18760. lupine
  18761. a long time ago
  18762. jolly fellow
  18763. lustral
  18764. lustrum
  18765. lustrine, lutestring
  18766. lute
  18767. to lute
  18768. lute
  18769. mischievous
  18770. lectern
  18771. wrestling
  18772. luxury
  18773. to luxate
  18775. lust
  18776. lucerne
  18777. lyceum
  18779. to lynch
  18782. my
  18783. gruesome
  18785. macaroon
  18787. macedoine, hotpotch
  18788. to macerate
  18789. lamb's lettuce
  18790. machicolation
  18791. dross, slag
  18792. to masticate, to chew
  18793. Machiavellian
  18794. machine
  18795. to machinate
  18796. jaw
  18797. to munch
  18798. rough place
  18799. mason
  18800. stain
  18802. Miss
  18803. madonna
  18804. spotted
  18805. plank, beam
  18807. materliness
  18808. shop
  18810. magus
  18811. magic
  18812. masterly
  18813. magistrate
  18814. silkworm breeding
  18815. magnanimous
  18816. magnate
  18817. magnesia
  18818. magnetic
  18820. magnificence
  18823. May
  18824. kneading trough
  18825. lean
  18826. maul
  18827. stitch
  18828. German silver
  18829. maul, heavy mallet
  18830. swadling-cloths
  18831. tights
  18832. hand (writing)
  18833. hold (on)
  18834. many
  18835. now
  18836. to maintain
  18837. maintenance, preservation
  18838. mayor
  18839. maize, Indian corn
  18840. house
  18841. master
  18842. mastership
  18843. majesty
  18844. major
  18845. adjutant
  18847. to put up
  18848. majority
  18849. capital (letters)
  18850. taking one year with another
  18851. sick
  18852. awkward
  18853. indisposition
  18854. difficult
  18855. ill mannered (person)
  18856. ill advised
  18857. to knead
  18858. mischance, bad luck
  18859. male, bull, cock
  18862. unlucky, unfortunate
  18863. misunderstanding
  18864. bungling, botching
  18865. malefactor
  18866. ill-famed
  18868. not withstanding,in spite of
  18869. unskilful
  18870. misfortune
  18871. dishonest
  18873. malignant
  18874. mechlin
  18875. puny, weakly, sickly
  18876. ill-intentioned
  18877. trunk, box
  18879. to ill treat
  18880. malodorous
  18881. coarse, ill-bred
  18882. slovenly, dirty, filthy
  18883. unhealthy
  18884. impropriety
  18885. disagreeably, offensive
  18887. to ill-treat, to ill-use
  18888. malevolence
  18889. ill-advised
  18890. embezzlement
  18891. mamma
  18892. mamma
  18893. teat, nipple
  18894. mammiferous
  18897. rustic
  18898. sleeve
  18899. handle
  18900. one armed (person)
  18902. mandate
  18903. charge
  18904. to send word
  18907. mandragora, mandrake
  18908. mandrel
  18909. mastication
  18910. breaking
  18911. lever
  18912. manganese
  18913. to eat
  18914. mangrove-tree
  18915. mongoose
  18916. mania
  18917. manner, way
  18918. manifesto
  18919. to manifest
  18920. underhand dealing
  18921. to manipulate
  18922. handle
  18923. manna
  18924. manikin
  18925. working
  18926. manor
  18927. manometer
  18928. day labour
  18929. lack, want
  18930. attic, garret
  18932. cloak
  18933. mantelet, mantlet
  18935. manicure
  18936. manual
  18938. manuscript
  18939. management
  18940. map of the world
  18941. mackerel
  18942. model
  18943. horse dealer
  18944. to make up
  18946. market gardener
  18947. marsh
  18948. marasmus, wasting
  18949. stepmother
  18950. rascal
  18951. marauding
  18952. marble
  18954. merchant, shopkeeper
  18955. to bargain for
  18956. march, boarder
  18957. walk(ing)
  18958. step, foot board
  18959. Tuesday
  18960. pond
  18961. marsh
  18962. marshal (mil)
  18963. flood (tide)
  18965. border, edge
  18966. curb
  18967. bundle of small firewood
  18969. daisy
  18970. church warden
  18971. husband
  18972. to marry
  18973. marine
  18974. to marinade
  18977. majoram
  18979. brats
  18980. stewed apples
  18981. to cook
  18982. to mutter to mumble
  18983. brat
  18984. marmot
  18985. to mumble, to mutter
  18986. marl
  18987. Morocco (leather)
  18988. hobby, fad
  18989. mark
  18990. to spot
  18992. godmother
  18993. chestnut
  18994. March
  18995. porpoise
  18996. marten, sable
  18997. hammer
  18998. hammer
  18999. to hammer
  19002. whip
  19003. martlet
  19004. martingale
  19006. martyred, suffering
  19007. masquerade
  19008. mascot
  19009. masculine
  19010. mask
  19011. massacre
  19012. mass
  19013. massage
  19014. club
  19015. mastic
  19016. to masticate
  19017. mastodon
  19018. hovel, hut
  19020. mast, greased pole
  19021. swashbuckler
  19022. to match
  19023. mattress
  19024. sailor
  19025. materialize
  19026. material
  19027. materials
  19028. material
  19029. maternal
  19030. maternity, motherhood
  19032. matter
  19033. morning
  19034. mastiff
  19035. cunning, deep (person)
  19036. tom cat
  19038. matrix
  19042. matron
  19043. maturation, ripening
  19044. masts
  19046. to curse
  19047. to grumble, to growl, to curse
  19048. mausoleum
  19049. sullen, sulky
  19050. bad, evil
  19051. mallow
  19052. lark
  19053. maxillary
  19054. maxim, saying
  19056. mechanic
  19057. mechanical
  19058. bad, wicked
  19059. wick
  19060. gloomy, dull misreckoning
  19061. not to recognize
  19062. displeased
  19063. miscreant
  19064. medal
  19065. doctor
  19066. medicinal
  19067. median
  19068. meditator
  19069. medical
  19071. medieval
  19072. mediocre
  19073. to speak ill (of)
  19074. to meditate (on)
  19075. Mediterranean (le mere)
  19077. middle finger
  19078. medullar
  19079. medusa,  jelly fish
  19080. to do ill
  19081. to mistrust, to distrust
  19083. inadvertently
  19084. vixen
  19085. to taw
  19086. better
  19087. to misjudge
  19088. melancholy
  19089. molasses, treacle
  19090. to mix, to blend
  19091. larch
  19093. melody
  19095. melomaniac
  19097. membrane
  19098. member
  19099. same
  19101. memory
  19102. memorial
  19105. menace
  19106. houskeeping
  19107. to spare
  19109. to beg
  19110. mullion
  19111. track
  19112. to lead
  19113. fiddler
  19114. meningitis
  19115. tiny hand
  19116. lie, faleshood
  19117. monthly
  19119. mentality
  19120. mint
  19122. to lie
  19123. chin
  19126. to cut ou thin down
  19127. mephitic
  19128. to misplace
  19129. thicker on one side than the other
  19130. be mistaken (about)
  19131. contempt, scorn
  19132. sea
  19134. mercy, thank you
  19135. haberdasher
  19136. Wednesday
  19137. mercury, quicksilver
  19138. price list
  19139. mother
  19140. meridian
  19141. south, southern
  19143. merino
  19144. merit
  19145. whiting
  19146. blackbird
  19147. hake
  19148. marvel, wonder
  19150. misalliance
  19151. titmouse, tomtit
  19152. misadventure
  19153. misunderstanding
  19154. to underrate
  19155. misunderstanding
  19156. stingy, mean
  19159. mass
  19160. to misbecome
  19161. Messiah
  19163. small farm
  19167. metaphysics
  19168. metaphysics
  19169. metamphysics
  19170. meteor
  19171. method
  19172. Methodist
  19173. meticulous
  19174. trade
  19175. half-breed, cross-bred
  19177. surveyor
  19178. metric
  19179. metropolis
  19180. dish ou article (food)
  19181. to put
  19182. loose
  19183. to low
  19184. mill-stone
  19185. miller
  19186. starveling
  19187. murder
  19188. to bruise
  19189. pack of hounds
  19190. half-mid-Lent
  19192. to miaow, to mew
  19194. loaf
  19196. microcosm
  19198. midday
  19199. crumb
  19200. honey
  19201. mine
  19202. crumb, scrap, bit
  19203. better
  19204. daintily affected
  19205. delicately, and affectedly
  19206. delicate, dainty
  19207. sick headache
  19209. to simmer
  19210. thousand
  19211. militia
  19212. middle
  19213. military
  19214. mile
  19217. mime, mimic
  19219. shabby, seedy looking
  19220. to simper, to smirk
  19221. thin, slender
  19222. look
  19223. ore
  19225. minor
  19227. very small, trifling
  19229. minister
  19230. minority
  19231. flour mill
  19232. midnight
  19233. small, minute
  19234. minute
  19235. trifle
  19237. miracle
  19238. mirage, illusion
  19239. aiming
  19240. to look at
  19242. toy flute
  19243. stunning
  19244. mirror
  19245. dressed
  19246. foresail
  19248. putting, placing
  19249. misery
  19250. misogynic
  19254. mitten
  19255. cheese-mite
  19256. to mitigate
  19257. to let simmer
  19258. party wall
  19259. grape shot
  19261. baker's boy
  19262. mixed
  19264. movable
  19265. to mobilizer
  19267. mood
  19268. way,manner
  19269. model
  19270. to moderate
  19272. moderate
  19273. moderateness
  19274. to modify
  19275. small
  19276. milliner
  19277. modulate
  19278. marrow
  19279. marrowy
  19280. rubble, undressed stone
  19281. morals, manner
  19282. help
  19283. less, smaller
  19284. monk
  19285. sparrow
  19286. less
  19287. watered silk
  19288. month
  19289. to make mouldy
  19290. harvest
  19291. moist
  19292. half
  19293. mocha (coffee)
  19294. to soften
  19295. molar
  19296. mole, breakwater
  19298. to molest
  19299. calf (of the leg)
  19300. thick soft flannel ou cotton
  19301. molosse
  19303. mummery
  19304. mummy
  19305. my
  19306. monac(h)al
  19307. monarch
  19308. monastery
  19309. heap
  19310. world
  19311. to husk
  19312. monetary
  19313. monitor
  19314. money
  19316. monocle, eye-glass
  19317. monogamous
  19318. monogram
  19319. monography
  19320. monolith
  19323. single-seat
  19325. monopoly
  19326. monosyllable
  19328. monotonous
  19329. (Your, His)Royal Highness
  19330. Mr, Sir, gentlemen
  19331. monster
  19332. mount, mountain
  19333. mountain
  19334. to go up
  19335. hillock
  19336. horse-block
  19337. shop window
  19338. to show
  19339. mount
  19341. to laugh (at)
  19345. bit, morsel
  19346. to bronze
  19347. to bite
  19348. jet black
  19349. wire-edge
  19350. to chill ou freeze to the bone
  19351. arrogance
  19352. dying (person)
  19353. dark skinned
  19354. to scold
  19355. gloomy, dismal
  19356. morose, sullen
  19358. bit
  19360. bite, nip
  19361. he has died of hunger
  19362. Bologna sausage
  19363. mortise
  19364. mortality
  19365. mortar
  19366. to cause to mortify
  19367. mortuary
  19368. cod
  19369. glanders
  19370. mosaic
  19372. word
  19373. motel
  19374. driving
  19375. motive
  19377. motor-(bi)cycle
  19378. to motorize
  19379. lump, clod
  19381. soft
  19382. police spy
  19383. beauty spot
  19384. to wipe ou blow
  19385. to speckle
  19386. to grind
  19387. face, pout
  19388. gull, sea mew
  19389. mitt, mitten
  19391. to wet, to damp
  19392. mould
  19393. mussel
  19394. water mill
  19395. ground
  19396. moulding
  19397. to die
  19398. chickweed
  19399. musket
  19400. ship's boy
  19401. moss
  19402. blunt
  19403. muslin
  19406. mosquito
  19407. must
  19408. mustard
  19409. sheep
  19410. grinding
  19411. to stir
  19412. to move
  19413. medium
  19414. means
  19415. shock
  19416. nave
  19417. moved
  19418. mutable, changeable
  19420. muscosity
  19421. moult(ing)
  19422. to moult
  19423. dumb
  19424. muzzle
  19425. to bellow
  19426. lilly of the valley
  19428. mule
  19429. slipper
  19430. field mouse
  19432. multi engined
  19437. to provide (with)
  19438. munitions
  19439. muscous
  19440. wall
  19441. ripe
  19442. wall
  19443. mullberry
  19444. murmur
  19445. dawdling, loitering
  19446. musk
  19447. nutmeg
  19449. muscle
  19450. muzzle
  19451. museum
  19452. musette, bagpipes
  19453. Natural History museum
  19454. music
  19455. to musk
  19457. to transfer
  19458. to mutilate
  19459. rebellious
  19460. muteness, dumbness
  19461. mutual
  19462. myopic
  19463. forget-me-not
  19464. myraid
  19466. myrtle
  19467. whortleberry
  19468. mystery
  19469. to mystify
  19470. mystical
  19472. nabob
  19473. dwarf
  19475. nacre, mother of pearl
  19477. rowing
  19478. float
  19479. not long since
  19480. water-nymph
  19481. naive, artless, innocent
  19482. dwarf
  19483. to be born (of)
  19484. birth, extraction
  19485. nankeen
  19486. to give as a guarantee ou security
  19489. napolean
  19490. table cloth
  19492. narcotic
  19493. nard, spike-nard
  19494. nostril
  19495. sneering
  19496. to narrate, to relate, to recount
  19497. narwhal
  19498. nasal
  19499. nostril
  19500. eel-basket
  19501. native
  19502. natation, swimming
  19503. natatory, natatorial
  19506. nativity
  19507. mat
  19508. to naturalize
  19510. (ship) wreck
  19511. nauseous
  19512. nausea
  19513. nautical
  19515. turnip
  19516. shuttle
  19518. to navigate
  19519. ship, boat
  19520. to distress
  19521. nevertheless, notwithstanding
  19522. nothingness
  19523. nebulous
  19524. necessary
  19525. necrology, obituary notice
  19526. necromancy
  19527. necropolis
  19529. nave
  19530. ill fated, ill-omened
  19531. medlar
  19532. medlar-tree
  19534. to neglect
  19535. trade
  19536. to negotiate
  19537. negro
  19538. snow
  19539. nenuphar, water lilly
  19540. neolithic
  19541. neologism
  19544. nephritis
  19546. nereid
  19547. nerve
  19548. neat
  19549. to clean
  19550. nine
  19551. new
  19552. neurasthenia
  19553. to neutralization
  19554. neutral
  19555. nephew
  19556. neuralgia
  19557. neurosis
  19558. nose
  19559. silly, simple
  19561. nest
  19564. nest
  19566. corn cockle
  19568. to deny
  19569. simpleton
  19571. nimbus, halo
  19573. cloths
  19575. saltpetre
  19576. level
  19578. wedding
  19579. noxious
  19580. noctambulant
  19581. nocturnal, nightly
  19582. Christmas
  19583. knot
  19584. black
  19585. to pick a quarrel with
  19586. hazel (tree)
  19587. walnut
  19588. in the name of
  19589. nomadic
  19590. number
  19591. navel
  19594. nominal
  19595. mention
  19596. to name
  19597. no
  19599. nuncio
  19601. no true bill
  19602. nun
  19603. notwithstanding
  19604. nonsense
  19605. north
  19607. Norman
  19608. nostalgia
  19609. footnote, marginal note
  19611. notary, notary public
  19612. notably, especially
  19615. to notify
  19617. notorious
  19618. our
  19619. to knot
  19621. noodles
  19622. nurse
  19623. to nourish
  19624. us
  19625. new
  19626. news
  19627. innovator
  19628. November
  19629. novice
  19630. stone, kernal
  19631. walnut
  19632. to drown
  19633. bare
  19634. cloud
  19635. shade, hue, tint
  19636. nubile, marriageable
  19637. nudity, nakedness
  19638. cloud, clouds
  19639. heavy cloud
  19640. to harm, to injure
  19641. night
  19642. none
  19643. coined
  19645. number
  19646. numismatist
  19647. nuptial, bridal
  19648. nape (of the neck)
  19649. nutritious, nutritive
  19652. to obey
  19653. obedience
  19654. obelisk
  19655. obese (person)
  19657. to object (to)
  19658. object
  19662. bond-holder
  19663. to oblige
  19664. oblique, slanting
  19665. to obliterate
  19670. to obsess
  19672. obsequies
  19673. obsequious
  19674. to observe
  19676. to make obstinate
  19677. to obstruct
  19678. to obey
  19679. to obtain
  19680. to obturate
  19681. obtuse
  19682. shell
  19684. obviate
  19688. to kill, to slay
  19690. occult
  19691. to occupy
  19694. oceania
  19695. ochre
  19697. October
  19698. octogenarian
  19699. octogon
  19700. grant
  19701. ocular
  19703. odour
  19704. odious, hateful
  19705. odyssey
  19706. ¢cumenical
  19708. eye
  19709. carnation
  19710. eyelet (-hole)
  19711. oil poppy
  19712. ¢ophaguse, gullet
  19713. spawn
  19714. work
  19715. offense, insult, affront
  19716. offertory
  19720. officer
  19721. chemist's shop and laboratory
  19722. offertory
  19723. to offer
  19724. to obscure
  19726. orge
  19728. goslin
  19729. onion
  19730. to anoint
  19731. bird
  19732. idle
  19733. unoccupied
  19734. oleaginous
  19736. oligarchy
  19738. holograph(ic)
  19739. Olympus
  19740. shade
  19742. to omit
  19747. omnivorous
  19748. omniplate, shoulder blade
  19749. some one
  19750. once
  19751. uncle
  19752. unction
  19753. swathe
  19754. water-sprite
  19755. to wave
  19756. undulating
  19757. to undulate
  19758. onerous
  19759. nail
  19760. ointment,unguent
  19762. eleven (11)
  19764. opaque
  19765. opaqueness
  19766. to operate
  19767. ophtalmia
  19768. opiate
  19769. to opine
  19770. stubborn, obstinate
  19774. opportune
  19775. to oppose
  19776. to oppress
  19777. to oppress
  19778. opprobrium
  19779. optimism
  19780. optic
  19781. opulence, wealth
  19783. now
  19785. storm
  19786. oration, speech
  19790. orator
  19791. oratory
  19793. orb
  19794. orbit
  19795. orchestra
  19796. orchid
  19797. ordinary
  19799. to order
  19800. order
  19801. filth, dirt, fefuse
  19802. skirt, edge
  19803. ear
  19804. earwig
  19805. mumps
  19806. henceforward, from now on
  19807. goldsmith
  19808. organdie
  19809. organ
  19810. to organize
  19811. barley
  19813. orgy, debauchery
  19814. organ
  19815. pride
  19816. east
  19817. to orientate
  19821. origin
  19822. tinsel
  19823. ornament
  19824. to adorn, to decorate
  19825. rut
  19826. ornithology
  19827. orphan
  19828. toe
  19830. orthography, spelling
  19832. nettle
  19834. bone
  19835. to oscilliate
  19836. sorrel
  19837. osier, willow
  19838. apparent, open, obvious
  19840. to ostracize
  19841. hostage
  19842. otary, sea lion
  19843. to remove
  19844. otitis
  19845. ottoman
  19846. or
  19847. flock
  19848. wadding, padding
  19849. forgetting
  19850. west
  19851. to hear
  19852. hurricane
  19853. to warp
  19854. to hem
  19855. bear
  19856. echinus, sea-headghog
  19857. bustard
  19858. tool, implement
  19860. to the utmost
  19861. beyond
  19862. presumption
  19863. ultamarine
  19864. to go beyond, to overstep
  19865. to read at sight
  19866. opening
  19867. work
  19868. to work
  19869. workman
  19870. to open
  19871. workroom, sewing-room
  19872. ovary
  19873. oval
  19875. ovine
  19876. oviparous
  19877. oxide
  19880. pasture
  19881. pasha
  19882. pachydermatous
  19883. to pacify
  19884. peaceful, pacific
  19885. shoddy
  19886. pact, , compact, covenant
  19887. paddle
  19888. paganism
  19889. page
  19890. pagne, loin-cloth
  19891. pagoda
  19892. paye, etc
  19893. pagan, heathen
  19894. ribald, lecherous
  19895. straw mattress
  19896. (door) mat
  19897. straw
  19898. barnyard
  19899. float gold
  19900. bread
  19901. peer
  19902. pair
  19903. to graze
  19904. peace
  19905. palaver
  19907. palace
  19909. blade
  19910. pale
  19911. groom, ostler
  19912. quoit
  19915. landing
  19916. palinode
  19917. to pale
  19918. palissade
  19919. rosewood
  19920. to train
  19921. to palliate
  19923. palmate
  19924. web-footed (bird)
  19925. ring dove, wood pigeon
  19926. swingle tree
  19927. palpus
  19928. to palpate
  19930. imppaludism
  19931. to swoon
  19932. pampas
  19933. pamphlet
  19934. shaddock
  19935. vine branch
  19936. skirt, bang
  19937. panacea
  19938. panache, plume
  19939. panada
  19940. parsnip
  19942. whitlow
  19943. placard, poster
  19945. panegyric
  19946. to cover with bread crumbs
  19947. side board
  19948. pannier, basket
  19949. to make into bread
  19950. panic
  19951. lard, claw
  19952. panel
  19953. panoply
  19955. paunch
  19956. to groom
  19957. (pair of) trousers
  19958. to paint
  19959. pantheism
  19960. panther
  19961. jumping jack, puppet
  19962. flabbergasted
  19964. slipper
  19965. peacock
  19967. popinjay
  19968. hypocrite
  19969. old papers
  19970. paper
  19972. butterfly
  19973. curl-paper
  19974. to winkle
  19975. to gossip
  19977. passover
  19978. packet boat
  19979. daisy
  19980. packet
  19981. by
  19982. parable
  19983. to finnish
  19986. paradise
  19988. to initial
  19989. regions
  19990. paragraph
  19993. comparison
  19995. paraphrase
  19996. umbrella
  19997. parasite
  19999. lighting-conductor
  20000. screen
  20001. park
  20002. parking
  20003. parcel, bit
  20004. because
  20005. parchment
  20006. parsimony
  20007. to go through ou over
  20008. length
  20009. overcoat
  20010. pardon, forgiveness
  20011. paregoric
  20012. alike
  20013. adorning
  20014. relation
  20015. parenthesis
  20016. to adorn
  20017. laziness
  20018. to perfect, to finish
  20019. perfect
  20020. to unravel
  20021. some times, now and then, occasionally
  20022. perfume
  20023. bet, wager
  20024. pairah
  20026. parity
  20027. purgury
  20029. to parley (with)
  20030. to speak
  20031. Parmesan
  20032. among, amongst
  20033. parody
  20034. wall, partition-wall
  20035. parish
  20036. speech
  20037. paroxysm
  20038. to pen
  20039. floor between the bar and the bench
  20040. god father
  20042. to strew (with), to sprinkle )with)
  20044. division
  20045. moment of departure
  20046. consequently, therefore
  20047. partner
  20048. parterre, flower bed
  20049. party
  20051. participle
  20052. to participate (in, to share (in))
  20053. to particularize
  20054. particle
  20055. particular
  20056. part, portion
  20057. to set off
  20058. partisan, adherent
  20059. everywhere
  20060. parturition
  20061. ornamenting
  20062. publication, coming out
  20063. to attain, to reach
  20064. pace
  20065. paschal
  20066. passable, tolerable
  20068. passing
  20069. busy
  20070. passing
  20071. past
  20072. to trim with passementerie
  20073. passport
  20074. to pass
  20075. sparrow
  20076. foot bridge
  20077. ferryman
  20078. liable (to)
  20079. passive
  20081. colander, strainer
  20083. shepherd
  20084. to pasteurize
  20086. stalemated
  20087. batata, sweet potato
  20088. crash
  20089. clumsy, awkward
  20090. to flounder
  20091. paste
  20092. chicken food
  20093. wheedling, fawning
  20094. paten
  20095. paternoster, Lords prayer
  20096. patent, evident
  20097. licence
  20098. Lords prayer
  20099. paternal, fatherly
  20100. pathetic
  20101. pathology
  20103. to have a gallows look
  20104. patience, endurance
  20105. skate
  20106. to suffer
  20107. to make pastry
  20108. patois, dialect
  20109. broken down
  20110. herdsman, shepherd
  20111. patriarch
  20112. partician
  20113. native country, fatherland
  20114. patrimony
  20116. patronymic
  20117. patrol
  20118. paw
  20119. pasture, fodder
  20120. palm
  20121. pauperism
  20122. eye lid
  20123. pause
  20124. poor
  20125. to strut
  20127. to dress
  20128. poppy
  20129. pay
  20130. to pay
  20131. landscape
  20132. peasant
  20133. toll
  20134. skin
  20135. peccadillo
  20136. peach
  20137. sin
  20139. peculator
  20140. gratuity
  20141. pecuniary
  20142. pedagogy
  20143. pedal
  20145. pedestrian
  20146. chiropodist
  20147. comb
  20148. to paint
  20149. penalty, punishment
  20150. painter
  20151. civilian
  20152. scab
  20153. coat, hair
  20154. pell-mell
  20155. to dilapidate, to peel
  20156. pilgrim
  20159. shovel
  20160. peltry
  20161. thin skin
  20163. ball
  20164. lawn, grass plot
  20165. plush
  20166. peel, skin
  20167. penal
  20168. penates, house hold goods
  20169. crestfallen
  20170. to lean
  20171. to hang, to suspend
  20172. pendulum
  20173. bolt, latch
  20174. hard
  20175. cutter
  20176. peninsula
  20177. penitence, repentance
  20178. long wing ou tail-feather
  20181. to think
  20183. imposition
  20184. pentagon
  20185. pentateuch
  20186. slope
  20189. to chirp, to cheep
  20190. pip
  20191. nursery
  20192. nugget
  20193. pepsin
  20194. cambric
  20195. borer, drill
  20196. tax collector
  20199. to pierce
  20200. to perceive
  20201. pole,  perch
  20202. to perch
  20203. stiff (jointed)
  20204. to strike
  20205. perdition, ruin
  20206. to lose
  20207. young partridge
  20208. partridge
  20209. father
  20210. to peregrinate
  20211. peremptory
  20212. perennity
  20215. perfidious
  20216. to perforate
  20218. to be in danger
  20220. to lapse
  20221. perimeter
  20222. perineum
  20223. period, cycle
  20224. peripeteia
  20225. periphery
  20227. perish
  20229. canoe, skiff
  20230. peritoneum
  20231. pearl
  20232. permanence
  20234. permeable
  20235. to permit, to allow
  20236. to exchange
  20237. pernicious
  20238. fibula
  20239. pert little ass
  20240. peroration
  20241. to perorate, to orate
  20243. to perpetrate
  20244. perpetual
  20245. to perpetrate
  20246. perplexed
  20248. parrot
  20249. parakeet
  20250. wig
  20251. bluish-grey
  20252. to persecute
  20253. to persevere
  20254. Venetian blind
  20255. parsley
  20256. to persist
  20258. personality
  20259. person
  20260. perspective
  20261. perspicacious
  20262. to persuade
  20263. loss
  20264. pertinacity
  20266. disturbing
  20267. periwinkle
  20268. perverse
  20269. to weigh
  20270. letter balance
  20272. balance
  20274. pest, plague
  20275. to fart 
  20276. petal
  20277. petard
  20278. to crackle
  20279. tiny (person)
  20280. little, small
  20283. to petrify
  20284. to knead-ing-trough 
  20285. to knead
  20286. petroleum, oil
  20287. liveliness
  20288. little
  20289. small tribe
  20290. people, nation
  20291. popular
  20292. fear
  20293. perhaps
  20294. phaeton
  20295. phalanx
  20296. moth
  20297. light house
  20298. pharisee
  20299. pharmacy
  20300. pharynx
  20302. carbolic acid
  20304. phenomenon
  20305. philanthropist
  20306. philharmonic
  20307. philistine
  20308. philology
  20309. the philosopher's stone
  20310. philosopher
  20312. phlebitis
  20314. morbid fear
  20315. phonetic
  20317. seal
  20318. phosphate
  20319. phosphorus
  20321. phrase
  20323. phthisis; consumption
  20324. physiology
  20325. physiognomy
  20326. physical
  20327. to paw the ground
  20328. to chirp
  20330. to cheep
  20331. pickaxe, woodpecker
  20332. to maraud
  20333. to prick
  20334. magpie, pious
  20336. leg
  20337. pedestal
  20338. trap
  20339. rubble
  20340. stone
  20341. clown, sparrow
  20342. piety
  20343. to tread on, to trample on
  20345. foot-passenger, pedestrian
  20346. poor, paltry
  20347. post, stake
  20348. octopus, devil fish
  20349. pious
  20351. gable
  20352. pilaster
  20353. pile, heap
  20354. to pound, to crush
  20355. pilous, pilose
  20356. pillar
  20357. to plunder
  20358. pestle
  20359. pillory
  20360. pile
  20361. pilot
  20362. pill
  20363. pimento, Jamaican pepper
  20364. spruce, smart
  20365. pimpernel
  20366. pine (tree)
  20368. grip
  20369. brush, paint brush
  20370. pine ou fir-wood
  20371. naggardly, stingy
  20372. chaffinch
  20373. guineafowl
  20374. pint
  20375. pickaxe
  20376. ice axe
  20377. cheesman
  20378. pioneer
  20380. shepherd,s pipe
  20381. pike
  20382. picnic
  20383. to prick
  20384. stake
  20386. worse
  20388. pirouette
  20389. teat, worse
  20391. dandelion
  20392. pistachio 
  20393. track
  20396. pistol
  20398. pittance
  20399. piteous, pitable
  20400. pity
  20401. eye bolt
  20402. pitiful
  20403. clown
  20404. picturesque
  20405. gastric catarrh
  20406. green woodpecker
  20407. peony
  20409. veneering
  20410. cupboard
  20411. place
  20413. placid
  20414. ceiling
  20415. beach
  20416. plagiary
  20417. plagiary
  20418. wound
  20419. in the open country
  20420. to pity
  20422. to please
  20423. pleasant
  20424. pleasure
  20425. plan, flat
  20426. plank board
  20427. to shave, to smooth
  20428. planet
  20432. sole
  20433. to plant
  20434. orderly
  20435. abundant
  20436. plaque, slab
  20437. plastic
  20438. breast plate
  20439. flat
  20440. plane tree
  20441. scale
  20442. dishful, mass of masonry
  20443. platinum, lock
  20445. plaster
  20447. plebians
  20448. full
  20449. plenary
  20454. weeping
  20455. to whimper
  20456. to rain
  20457. pleura
  20458. pleat, fold
  20459. plaice
  20460. plinth
  20461. to pleat, to fold
  20462. lead
  20463. plumbago, black lead
  20464. to plunge, to dive
  20465. contact-stud
  20466. plutocrat
  20467. to bend
  20468. rain
  20469. feather
  20470. the most
  20471. plurality
  20472. plural
  20473. more
  20474. several
  20475. rather
  20476. of rain
  20477. plover
  20478. wet, rainy
  20479. pneumatic
  20481. pocket
  20482. to poach
  20483. frying pan
  20485. poetry
  20486. poet
  20487. weight
  20489. dagger, poinard
  20490. grasp, grip
  20491. handful
  20492. wrist
  20493. hair
  20494. point
  20495. to prick
  20496. fist
  20497. point, not, not at all
  20498. point
  20499. centre punch
  20500. to prick, to point
  20501. slipped
  20502. punctilious
  20503. pointed
  20504. size
  20505. pear
  20506. leek
  20507. pea
  20509. vulgar
  20510. to pitch
  20511. fish
  20512. breast
  20513. breast, chest
  20514. peeper
  20515. pitch
  20516. polar
  20517. pole
  20518. polemic
  20520. punchinello
  20521. to polish
  20522. naughty, indecent
  20523. politeness
  20524. political
  20527. to pollute, to defile
  20528. cowardly, dastardly
  20530. polygamous
  20531. polyglot
  20534. polysyllabic
  20535. polytechnic
  20536. pomatum
  20537. apple
  20538. pommel
  20539. to dapple
  20540. little apple
  20541. pomp
  20542. pump
  20543. pompous
  20544. pompon, tassel
  20545. pumice stone
  20546. corn poppy, culvert
  20547. puncture
  20548. punctual
  20549. punctuate
  20550. to balance
  20551. to lay
  20552. bridge
  20553. trigger guard
  20555. pontoon (bridge)
  20556. poplin
  20558. popular
  20560. populous
  20561. pig
  20562. swineherd
  20563. pigsty
  20564. porcelain, china
  20565. porch
  20566. pore, porosity
  20569. door (way)
  20570. door
  20571. porter
  20572. portfolio
  20573. hat peg
  20574. to carry
  20575. keeper
  20577. portico
  20578. port (-wine)
  20580. laying
  20581. positive
  20583. to possess
  20585. to post date
  20586. post
  20587. posterior
  20588. posterity
  20589. posthumous
  20590. artificial
  20591. postscript
  20592. to solicit
  20593. posture
  20594. chamber pot
  20595. drinkable
  20596. potage
  20597. potash
  20598. post
  20599. plump
  20600. gallows
  20601. potentate
  20602. potential
  20603. postern
  20604. Chinese ou Japanese porcelain vase
  20605. potter
  20607. pumpkin
  20608. louse
  20609. dustbin
  20610. thumb-fetters
  20611. pudding
  20612. powder
  20613. to burst out laughing
  20614. to insult
  20615. poultry
  20616. colt, foal
  20617. fattened pullet
  20618. hen, fowl
  20619. filly
  20620. pulley
  20621. to foal
  20622. octopus
  20623. pulse
  20624. lung
  20625. stern, poop deck
  20626. doll
  20627. chubby little baby
  20628. for, on account of
  20629. tip
  20630. pig
  20631. percentage
  20632. to pursue, to follow eagerly
  20633. to cleave to the chin
  20634. to lick
  20635. pourarler, parley
  20636. doublet
  20637. purple
  20638. why
  20639. to rot
  20640. to pursue
  20641. however, nevertheless
  20642. circumference
  20643. appeal
  20644. to provide (for)
  20645. provided (with)
  20646. shooting, growth
  20647. to push
  20648. dust
  20649. short of breath
  20650. chicken
  20651. beam
  20652. to be able to
  20653. pragmatic
  20654. meadow
  20655. meadow
  20656. praline
  20657. practicable, feasible
  20658. practitioner, doctor
  20659. practice
  20660. meadow
  20661. previous
  20662. preamble
  20663. playground
  20664. previous advice
  20665. prebend
  20666. precarious
  20668. preceding
  20669. to proceed
  20671. sermon
  20672. precious
  20673. precipice
  20674. to precipitate
  20675. precise
  20676. above mentioned
  20677. precocious
  20678. deduct beforehand
  20679. to preconceive
  20680. to recognize, to recommend
  20681. precursor
  20682. predecessor
  20683. to predestine, to foreordain
  20684. to predetermine
  20685. predictable
  20687. predicate
  20688. preacher
  20692. to predominate
  20693. pre-eminence
  20694. pre-empt
  20695. to pre-establish
  20696. to pre-exist
  20697. to preface
  20698. to prefer
  20699. perfect
  20702. prehistory
  20703. prejudice
  20704. prejudice
  20705. tarpaulin
  20706. to loll
  20707. prelate
  20708. to deduct previously
  20709. preliminary
  20712. to premeditate
  20713. first-fruits
  20714. first
  20715. premise
  20716. premonition
  20717. to forwarn
  20718. to take
  20719. Christian name
  20720. to preoccupy
  20721. to preordain
  20722. to prepare
  20724. to set over
  20728. near
  20729. presage, omen
  20730. presbyopic
  20732. prescient
  20733. to prescribe
  20734. precedence
  20735. presence
  20737. to present
  20738. to preserve (from)
  20739. to preside, to be in the chair
  20740. presumptive
  20742. almost, nearly
  20743. press, crowd
  20744. to have a presentiment of
  20745. to press
  20746. to press, to squeeze
  20747. port, demeanour, bearing
  20748. taking (the oath)
  20749. nimble, agile
  20750. juggler, conjurer
  20751. prestige
  20753. to presume
  20755. rennet
  20756. ready
  20757. to pretend to, to claim to
  20758. pretension
  20761. praetorium
  20762. priest
  20763. proof
  20764. valiant (knight)
  20765. to prevail
  20766. to betray one's trust
  20767. to forestall
  20768. to foresee (le temps) to forecast
  20769. provost
  20771. to pray to
  20772. prior
  20773. primary, elementary
  20774. primate
  20775. primacy
  20776. premium
  20777. to take the lead
  20778. hollyhock
  20779. impulsive
  20780. freshness
  20781. primrose
  20782. first day of the decade(French Rep calender)
  20783. primitive
  20784. primo, firstly
  20788. principle
  20789. spring
  20790. priority
  20791. taken, caught
  20792. to appraise
  20793. to take snuff
  20796. to deprive (of)
  20798. price
  20799. probable, likely
  20800. probative, probatory
  20802. honest, upright
  20803. problem
  20804. proboscis
  20805. proceeding
  20806. law suit
  20808. process
  20809. next
  20810. near, close
  20811. to proclaim
  20813. to procreate
  20815. procuration, power of attorney
  20816. to procure, to get
  20817. procurator
  20818. prodigy
  20819. prodigal
  20820. to produce
  20821. prominent
  20823. to profane
  20824. to utter
  20825. to profess
  20826. profile
  20828. deep
  20831. prognostic
  20833. progress
  20834. to prohibit
  20835. prey
  20836. projector
  20840. proletarian
  20841. to proliferate
  20842. prolific
  20844. to prolong
  20845. to take out for a walk
  20846. promise
  20847. to promise
  20848. promiscuity
  20849. promontory
  20850. promotor
  20851. to promote
  20853. to promulgate
  20854. to recommend
  20855. pronoun
  20856. to pronounce
  20857. prognostic
  20858. propaganda
  20859. to propagate
  20860. propensity
  20861. prophet
  20862. propitious, favourable
  20863. to propitiate
  20865. table ou small talk
  20866. to propose
  20867. one's own
  20868. possession
  20869. to propel
  20870. proportional share
  20871. to prorogue
  20872. to proscribe
  20873. prose
  20874. prosecutor
  20876. prosody
  20877. to prospect
  20879. prosperous
  20880. to prostrate
  20881. to prostitute
  20882. prostrate
  20883. protagonist
  20884. to protect
  20886. to protest
  20887. protest
  20888. prosthesis
  20889. protocol
  20892. prow
  20893. to prove
  20894. provender
  20895. to proceed ou spring (from)
  20899. headmaster
  20901. provisional
  20902. to provoke
  20903. proximity
  20904. demure
  20906. member of the conciliation board
  20907. bloom
  20908. plum
  20909. prune, dried plumb
  20910. sloe
  20911. itch
  20912. psalmody
  20913. psalm
  20914. psalter
  20915. pseudonym
  20916. psychic
  20919. pubescent
  20920. public
  20921. publish
  20922. virgin
  20923. plant louse
  20924. to puddle
  20925. chastity, modesty
  20926. easily shocked
  20927. to stink
  20928. childish
  20929. puerperal
  20930. pugilism
  20931. pugnacity
  20932. younger (brother sister)
  20933. then, next
  20934. to draw
  20935. since,as
  20936. power
  20937. pit, shaft
  20938. pullulate
  20939. pulmonary
  20940. pulp
  20941. to pulverize
  20943. bug, drawing pin
  20944. to punish
  20945. pupil, ward
  20946. desk
  20947. pure
  20948. mash, purΘe
  20949. purgatory
  20951. to purify
  20952. liquid manure
  20955. purplish
  20957. matter
  20959. pustula
  20960. putative
  20961. polecat
  20962. to putrefy, to rot
  20964. pylon
  20967. poker work
  20968. pyrotechny
  20969. pythoness
  20971. quadragenarian
  20978. four engined
  20979. quadrumanous
  20980. quadrupted
  20981. quay
  20982. quality
  20983. when if
  20984. as to, for, as far as... is concerned
  20985. day of the month
  20986. quantity
  20987. forty
  20988. quarter
  20989. quadroon
  20990. (forth day of the republican decade)
  20991. quarter
  20992. fourthly
  20994. quasi, almost
  20995. Low Sunday
  20996. quaternary
  20997. fourteen
  20999. four
  21000. quatuor
  21001. whom, which
  21002. which
  21003. whatever
  21004. some
  21005. something
  21006. sometimes
  21007. somewhere
  21008. somebody
  21009. to beg (for)
  21010. distaff
  21011. quarrel
  21012. to fetch
  21013. quaestor
  21015. quest, search
  21016. tail
  21017. who
  21018. whoever, whosoever
  21019. certain person
  21021. skittle, ninepin, keel
  21022. ironmongery
  21025. shrove Sunday
  21026. Argand lamp
  21028. one hundredweight
  21029. fifth
  21032. fitful
  21033. (fifth day of the republican decade)
  21035. fifteen (15)
  21036. mistake
  21037. receipt, discharge
  21038. quits
  21039. to leave
  21040. who goes there
  21041. what
  21042. through, although
  21043. joke
  21045. quota, share
  21046. daily paper
  21048. quota
  21049. to say (the same thing) over and over again
  21050. reduction (in price), discount
  21051. bands
  21052. to beat down
  21053. Rabbi
  21054. back, rake
  21055. plane
  21056. to stunt
  21057. to join end to end
  21058. to snub
  21059. rabble
  21060. to mend
  21061. to go home with
  21062. joining, connection
  21063. to shorten
  21064. to reaccustom
  21065. to hook up again
  21066. redemption
  21068. rachitic
  21069. root
  21070. scraper
  21071. idle gossip
  21072. to relate
  21073. to harden
  21074. to get back
  21075. roads, roadstead
  21076. raft
  21078. floor
  21079. to strike out, to cross out
  21080. radiant
  21082. to broadcast
  21083. radiology
  21084. radish
  21086. to dote. to talk nonsense
  21087. repair, refit
  21088. to soften
  21089. squall
  21090. to harden again
  21091. to refine
  21092. to dote (on)
  21093. to patch up
  21094. stalk
  21095. double
  21096. to cool, to refresh
  21097. to invigorate, to cheer up
  21098. rabies, hydrophobia
  21099. dumpy (person)
  21100. tittle tattle
  21101. ragout, irish stew
  21102. to re-rig
  21104. stiff
  21105. skate, line
  21106. horse radish
  21108. to rally
  21109. to groove
  21110. tree frog
  21111. spoke
  21112. grape
  21113. reason
  21114. to make young again
  21115. to add more of
  21116. to readjust
  21117. death rattle
  21118. rail
  21119. to slacken, to slow down
  21120. to rally
  21121. extension leaf
  21122. to lengthen
  21123. to light again
  21124. flowered design
  21125. to grow lean again
  21126. to pick up
  21127. ream
  21128. to row, stick
  21130. bough
  21131. to take ou bring back
  21132. ring dove, wood pigeon
  21133. to ramify, to branch out
  21134. to soften
  21135. to sweep
  21136. slope
  21137. to creep, to crawl
  21138. antlers
  21139. to scrap
  21140. to get rancid
  21141. rancour
  21142. ransom
  21143. run, excursion, trip
  21144. row
  21145. to revive
  21146. rapacious
  21147. to repatriate, to send back to one's country
  21148. greater
  21149. to patch up
  21150. to lessen
  21151. rapid
  21152. to patch up
  21153. rapier
  21154. rapine, plundering
  21155. to re-match
  21156. recall
  21157. return, yield
  21158. to learn again
  21159. to draw near again
  21160. to reprovision
  21161. rhapsodist
  21162. abduction
  21163. raspings
  21164. racket, racquet
  21165. rare
  21166. close-shaven
  21167. floating stage
  21168. brimmer, bumper
  21169. to shave
  21170. to satisfy
  21171. to reassemble
  21172. to reseat
  21173. to clear up
  21174. re-seated
  21175. to rematch
  21176. to reassure
  21178. to shrivel up
  21179. spleen
  21180. rake
  21181. rack
  21182. to miss fire
  21183. to ratify
  21185. rational
  21186. to scrape
  21187. little rat
  21188. to catch again
  21189. to reharness
  21190. to catch again
  21191. erasure
  21192. hoarse
  21193. ravages
  21194. to swallow again
  21195. to mend
  21196. rape
  21197. ravigote sauce
  21198. to debase, to degrade
  21199. ravine
  21200. mountain
  21201. to ravish, to carry off, to tear away
  21202. to change one's mind
  21203. to revictual
  21204. to revive
  21205. to have again
  21206. to scratch
  21207. ray, (honey)comb
  21208. rayon
  21209. race
  21210. raid
  21211. reactive
  21212. to readmit
  21213. to reafirm
  21214. to react (on, against)
  21215. to realize
  21216. realism
  21217. reality
  21218. to reappear
  21219. to reprovision, to revictual
  21220. to rearm (un fusil) to re-cock
  21221. grim
  21222. to rebuild
  21223. to beat again
  21224. rebellious
  21225. to bridle up, to get one's back up
  21226. bounce
  21227. plump, chubby
  21228. to bounce
  21229. ledge
  21230. to fill up again
  21231. wrong way
  21232. bone setter
  21233. napping comb, to brush up
  21234. to rebuff, to snub
  21236. refuse, rubbish
  21237. to rebuff
  21238. to recalcitrate
  21239. to recapitulate
  21240. to return
  21241. receiving
  21242. to take a census of
  21243. recent
  21244. to cut close to the ground
  21245. receipt
  21246. receiving
  21247. returns
  21248. to receive
  21249. change
  21250. to escape
  21251. to recharge
  21252. gas ring ou cooker
  21253. to re-heat, to re-warm
  21254. to put shoes on again
  21255. rough, harsh
  21256. investigation
  21257. to look sour ou surly
  21258. relapse
  21259. second offence
  21260. reef
  21261. new member
  21262. recipient
  21263. reciprocal
  21264. recital
  21265. advertisement
  21266. to claim
  21267. to reclass
  21268. to imprison
  21269. to dress
  21270. snug corner, recess
  21271. to paste,ou glue together again
  21272. recollect
  21273. harvest, crop
  21274. to recommend
  21275. to recommence, to begin again
  21276. recompense
  21277. to recompose
  21278. to recount
  21279. to reconcile
  21280. to escort back home
  21281. comfort
  21282. to recognize
  21283. to reconquer
  21284. to reconsider
  21285. to reconstitute
  21286. to reconstruct
  21288. to recopy
  21290. to record, to get by heart
  21291. to put to bed again
  21292. to sew together ou on ou up again
  21293. to cut again
  21294. to curve (again)
  21295. to run again ou back
  21296. to recover
  21297. to cover again
  21298. to recreate
  21299. to rough cast again
  21300. to exclaim
  21301. to recriminate
  21302. to write again
  21303. to shrivel up
  21305. recruit
  21307. rector
  21308. to rectify
  21312. collection
  21313. to gather
  21314. to cook ou bake over again
  21315. recoil
  21316. to recover
  21317. scour
  21318. recurrent
  21319. to challenge
  21320. author, writer
  21321. surrender
  21322. to ask for again
  21323. redemption
  21324. to come ou go down again
  21325. to be indebted for
  21326. to become again..
  21327. to owe...still
  21328. to draw up
  21329. frock coat
  21330. to say again
  21331. redundance
  21332. to give again
  21333. to regild
  21334. to redouble
  21335. redoubt
  21336. to straighten
  21337. to reduce
  21338. tiny lodging
  21339. real
  21340. to reflect
  21341. to forward
  21342. to do (over) again
  21343. repair(ing)
  21344. to split
  21345. to refer
  21346. to shut ou close again
  21347. to reflect
  21348. reflection
  21349. to bloom ou flower again
  21350. reflex
  21352. to flow back
  21353. to melt again
  21354. to reform
  21355. reform, reformation
  21356. to press ou drive back
  21357. refractory
  21358. to refract
  21361. to restrain
  21362. refrigerate
  21363. refringency
  21364. to cool
  21366. to take refuge
  21367. refusal
  21368. to refute
  21369. to regain
  21370. treat
  21371. look, glance
  21372. to regarnish
  21373. regatta
  21374. to freeze again
  21375. regency
  21376. to regenerate
  21378. administration
  21379. to kick
  21383. to govern
  21384. register
  21385. rule
  21386. to rule
  21387. regular
  21388. liquorice
  21389. reign
  21390. to reign
  21391. to swell
  21392. to overflow
  21393. regrating
  21394. regressive
  21396. to regularize
  21397. regular
  21398. to rehabilitate
  21399. to raise
  21400. to reprint
  21401. kidney
  21402. to reincarnate
  21403. to reincorporate
  21404. queen
  21405. pippin
  21406. to reintergrate
  21407. to reiterate, to repeat
  21408. to gush out ou forth
  21409. rejection
  21410. shoot
  21411. to rejoin
  21412. to play again
  21413. to rejoice
  21414. to put into
  21415. relayú
  21416. to start again
  21417. relapsed
  21418. to relate
  21419. relative
  21421. to release
  21422. to change horses
  21423. to relegate
  21424. fust
  21425. to raise
  21429. balance
  21430. relic
  21431. re-read
  21432. to shine
  21433. to chew again
  21434. to re-shape
  21435. to re marry
  21436. remark
  21437. to repack
  21438. to re-embark
  21439. filling up
  21440. to put together again
  21441. to stuff, to pad
  21442. to reimburse, to refund
  21443. to darken
  21444. remedy
  21445. mix again
  21446. to recall (to)
  21447. to thank (for)
  21448. to put back (again)
  21449. to refurnish
  21451. putting back
  21453. to lead ou take back again
  21454. remount
  21455. to go up again
  21456. watch
  21458. to show again
  21459. to bite again
  21460. remorse
  21461. knife and scissors grinder
  21462. to rebottom
  21463. rampart
  21464. to replace
  21465. to fill
  21466. to re employ
  21467. to feather again
  21468. to take back again
  21469. to move
  21470. to remunerate
  21471. to snort
  21472. second birth
  21473. to be reborn
  21475. fox
  21476. to put into another box
  21477. to raise the price
  21478. to drive into a corner
  21479. meeting
  21480. produce
  21482. to send to sleep again
  21483. to give back, to return
  21484. rein
  21485. renegade
  21486. to shut up again
  21487. to restring
  21488. to swell
  21489. to float off
  21490. to knock in
  21491. to reinforce
  21492. reinforcement
  21493. to knit one's brows
  21494. to repawn
  21495. to sheathe
  21496. to bridle up
  21497. to fatten up again
  21498. to deny, to disown
  21499. to sniff
  21500. reindeer
  21501. renown
  21502. to re elect
  21504. ranunculus
  21505. to reknot
  21506. spring
  21507. to renew
  21508. to renovate
  21509. to teach again
  21510. (yearly) income, revenue
  21511. to re-enter
  21512. to fall backwards
  21513. sending back
  21514. to reorganise
  21515. reopening
  21516. lair
  21517. to fed (on)
  21518. to pour out
  21519. to reappear
  21520. to repair
  21521. to reply
  21522. to divide
  21523. repast, meal
  21524. to repass
  21525. to repave
  21526. to fish out ou up again
  21527. to repaint
  21528. think again
  21529. repentance
  21530. to reverberate
  21531. reference
  21532. repertory
  21533. to repeat
  21534. to repeople
  21535. to prick again
  21536. respite
  21537. to replace
  21538. to replant
  21539. to replaster
  21540. stoutish
  21541. repletion
  21542. fold
  21543. retort, reply
  21544. to plunge again
  21545. to repolish
  21546. to answer
  21547. carrying forward
  21548. to bring ou carry ou take back
  21549. reporter
  21550. repose
  21551. to push back
  21553. to take again
  21554. reprisals
  21555. to represent
  21556. repressive
  21557. reprimand
  21558. to repress
  21559. retaken
  21560. retaking
  21561. reproving
  21562. reproach
  21563. to reproduce
  21564. reprobrate
  21567. well filled
  21568. republic
  21569. to repudiate
  21570. to feel repugnance
  21571. repulsive
  21572. to repute
  21573. to require
  21574. required
  21575. request
  21576. requiem
  21577. shark
  21578. to do up
  21580. Public Prosecutor's charge
  21581. (person) rescued from a danger ou disaster
  21582. to rescind
  21583. rescript
  21584. net
  21585. mignontte
  21587. reserve
  21588. to reside
  21590. to resign
  21592. to cancel
  21593. resin
  21594. resipiscence
  21595. to resist
  21596. resolute
  21597. solvable
  21598. resolvent
  21601. to resound
  21602. to resorb
  21603. to resolve, to dissolve
  21605. respective
  21606. to respire, to breath
  21607. to be resplendent
  21609. undertow, underset
  21610. to seize again
  21611. to re-bolt
  21612. projection, offset
  21613. to resemble, to be like
  21614. to resole
  21615. to resow
  21616. to feel
  21617. storage
  21618. to put away again
  21619. spring
  21620. to go ou come out again
  21621. to be in the jurisdiction
  21623. to remember
  21624. to sweat
  21625. to ressuscitate, to revive
  21626. remaining, left
  21627. to restore
  21628. rest
  21629. to restitute, to return
  21630. to restrict
  21631. to result (from)
  21634. retable, reredos
  21635. to re-establish
  21636. to cut again
  21637. delay
  21638. restretch
  21639. to hold back
  21640. to resound (with)
  21643. restive
  21644. retina
  21645. to withdraw
  21646. to fall again
  21647. to twist (again)
  21648. to retort
  21649. twisted
  21650. retouch
  21651. turn
  21652. turn up
  21653. to retrace
  21654. to retract
  21655. to retranslate
  21656. shrinking
  21657. retiring
  21658. to retrench ou cut off
  21659. to straighten
  21660. retempering
  21661. to renumerate, to pay
  21662. retroactive
  21663. to retrocede
  21665. retrospective
  21666. to turn up
  21667. to find again
  21668. net
  21669. to (re)unite
  21671. to succeed (in)
  21672. to revalorise
  21673. return
  21674. dream
  21675. crabbed
  21676. awakening, waking
  21677. to reveal
  21678. taking, pleasing
  21679. to claim
  21680. to sell
  21681. to return
  21682. revenue
  21683. reflector
  21684. to make green again
  21685. reverence, respect
  21686. to revere, to reverence
  21687. back
  21688. to pour out ou back again
  21689. to clothe
  21690. cost price
  21691. to tack (about)
  21692. to revise
  21693. to live again
  21695. to see again
  21697. completed
  21700. to dismiss
  21701. review
  21702. ground floor
  21703. to dress again
  21705. rhetoric
  21709. rhubarb
  21710. rum
  21711. rheumatism
  21712. cold
  21713. smiling, pleasant
  21714. crowd, swarm
  21715. to snigger
  21716. rich
  21717. castor oil plant
  21718. ricochet, rebound
  21719. wrinkle
  21720. (window) curtain
  21721. ridiculous
  21722. anything
  21723. laughing, laughter-loving (person)
  21724. rigid
  21725. trench
  21726. rigour
  21727. rhyme, rime
  21728. scroll of fruit ou foliage
  21729. to rinse
  21730. feasting
  21731. riposte
  21732. risk
  21734. to laugh
  21735. laugh, reef, sweetbread
  21736. laughter
  21737. rebate
  21738. rite
  21740. ritual
  21741. shore, beach
  21742. rival
  21743. bank
  21744. river-side
  21745. rivet
  21746. river
  21747. scuffle
  21748. rice
  21749. robe, gown
  21750. cock, tap
  21751. robust
  21752. rock
  21753. rockwork
  21754. harsh
  21755. rock
  21756. rock
  21759. to run in
  21760. to prowl about
  21761. Rogation days
  21762. rogatory commission
  21763. broken meat
  21764. to clip
  21765. mangy
  21766. haughty, salted cod's roe
  21767. king
  21768. roll
  21769. Roman
  21770. cos (lettuce)
  21771. Romaic
  21772. romance
  21773. romance
  21775. rosemary
  21776. to break
  21777. bramble
  21778. round
  21779. rondo
  21780. to snore
  21781. to gnaw
  21782. purring
  21783. casting
  21784. Roquefort cheese
  21785. cur, mongrel
  21786. rosace
  21788. rosary
  21789. roast beef
  21790. rose window
  21791. reed
  21792. dew
  21793. miserable hack
  21794. nightingale
  21795. rostrum
  21796. to belch
  21797. rotatory, rotative
  21798. rotary
  21799. rattan
  21800. rotunda
  21801. knee cap
  21803. roan
  21804. foxy, artful, wily (person)
  21805. to coo
  21806. coil of rope
  21807. rake
  21808. round slice
  21809. printed cotton goods
  21810. to see red
  21811. measles
  21812. mullet
  21813. rust
  21814. to ret, to steep
  21815. roll(ing)
  21816. roller
  21817. to roll
  21818. small wheel
  21819. rolling
  21820. caravan
  21822. brownish
  21823. redness
  21824. to redden
  21825. road, way
  21826. routine
  21827. to open again
  21828. reddish-brown
  21829. royal
  21830. kingdom
  21831. royalty
  21832. kick
  21833. ribbon
  21834. to rubify
  21835. german measles
  21837. ruby
  21838. red chalk, ruddle
  21839. bee hive
  21840. rough
  21842. to treat roughly
  21843. street
  21844. to fling out
  21845. to roar
  21846. rugged
  21847. ruin
  21848. brook, stream
  21849. to stream (down)
  21850. uproar
  21851. to ruminate
  21852. rune
  21855. ruse
  21856. Russian
  21857. clownish
  21858. rustic
  21859. clownish
  21860. to glow ruddily
  21862. sabbath
  21863. sand
  21864. sable
  21865. fine sand
  21866. porthole
  21867. sabot, wooden shoe
  21869. sack
  21870. jerk
  21872. priesthood
  21873. small bag
  21874. satchel, small wallet
  21875. consecration
  21878. sacrilegious
  21879. rascal
  21880. sacristy, vestry
  21881. sadistic
  21882. saffron
  21883. sagacious
  21884. assegai
  21885. wise
  21886. sagittarius
  21887. sago
  21888. sloven
  21889. to bleed
  21890. spurt
  21891. healthy
  21892. lard
  21893. holy
  21894. seizure
  21895. to seize
  21896. season
  21897. salad
  21898. salary
  21899. salting
  21901. dirty, filthy
  21902. to cure
  21903. prawn
  21904. saline
  21905. to dirty, to soil
  21906. saliva, spittle
  21907. hall, room
  21908. salmi
  21909. salting tub
  21910. drawing room
  21911. saltpetre
  21912. salsify
  21913. mountebank
  21914. sulubrious
  21915. to salute
  21916. saltness
  21917. salute
  21918. salvo
  21920. to sanctify
  21922. sanctuary
  21923. chest expander
  21925. blood
  21926. lash
  21927. girth
  21928. wild boar
  21929. sob
  21930. leech
  21931. sanitary
  21932. without
  21933. starling
  21934. sandal tree
  21935. health
  21936. sapling
  21937. sapphire
  21938. fir (tree)
  21939. to saponfy
  21941. blow-pipe
  21943. teal
  21944. to weed
  21945. sarcophagus
  21946. pilchard
  21947. sard
  21950. vine shoot
  21951. buck wheat
  21952. smock (frock)
  21953. sieve
  21954. winnowing
  21955. lock
  21958. satiety
  21961. to satisfy
  21962. to saturate (with)
  21965. sausage
  21966. saving
  21967. safe-conduct
  21968. sage
  21969. absurd, ridiculous
  21970. willow
  21971. brackish, bitter
  21972. salmon
  21973. picking-brine
  21974. to make salt
  21975. to sprinkle
  21976. smoke dried
  21977. sorrel
  21979. leap, jump
  21980. shift, leap frog
  21981. grass hopper
  21982. to hop
  21983. cross-wise
  21984. wild
  21985. safeguard, safekeeping
  21986. invar, headlong flight
  21987. to save
  21988. savanna(h)
  21989. learned
  21990. old slipper
  21991. savour
  21992. savoy
  21993. to know
  21994. soap
  21995. to relish, to enjoy
  21996. scabious
  21999. stumbling block
  22000. scan
  22001. diving suit
  22002. scapular
  22003. scarabeus
  22004. scarify
  22006. seal
  22007. scoundrely
  22008. to seal
  22011. sceptical
  22013. shah
  22014. scheme
  22015. schist, shale
  22016. saw
  22017. knowingly
  22019. to split up
  22020. to scintillate
  22023. scholastic
  22025. scurvy
  22026. scoria, slag, dross
  22027. scorify
  22033. scruple
  22034. to scrutinize
  22035. poll
  22036. to sculpture
  22037. sitting, meeting
  22038. becoming
  22039. pail, bucket
  22040. wooden bowl
  22041. dry, dried
  22042. drying room
  22043. pruning shears ou scissors
  22044. secession
  22046. to shake
  22047. succour
  22048. secret
  22049. secretary
  22050. to secrete
  22051. sectarian
  22052. sector
  22054. secular
  22055. secondly
  22056. security
  22057. sedative
  22058. sedentary
  22061. to seduce
  22063. segregative
  22064. cuttle fish, sepia
  22065. rye
  22066. lord
  22067. breast, bosom
  22068. sein
  22069. sign manual
  22070. seism, earthquake
  22071. sixteen (16)
  22072. sojourn, stay
  22073. salt
  22075. saddle
  22076. stool
  22077. according as
  22078. seltzer-ou soda water
  22079. sowing
  22080. week
  22082. alike
  22083. sole
  22084. to sow
  22085. half year, 6 months
  22086. semi circle
  22087. lively, sprightly
  22088. seminary
  22089. sowing
  22090. reprimand, scolding
  22091. semolina
  22093. senate
  22095. senna
  22097. sense
  22099. sensible, judicious, wise
  22101. affected sentimentalism
  22102. sensitive
  22103. sensorial
  22106. scent, perfume
  22107. footpath
  22108. sentinel
  22109. to feel
  22110. to sit
  22111. to separate
  22113. seven (7)
  22114. September
  22116. seventh day (of Rep decade)
  22118. (sunday)
  22121. band set, gang
  22123. sequestration, embargo
  22125. seraglio
  22126. to heckle, to hackle
  22127. seraph
  22128. Serb, Serbian
  22129. Serbia
  22130. serene
  22131. serenity
  22132. twilight
  22134. serous
  22135. serf
  22136. hoe
  22138. sergeant
  22139. sericultural
  22140. series
  22141. serious, grave
  22142. canary
  22143. syringe
  22144. oath
  22146. serosity
  22147. billhook
  22149. pruning hook
  22150. sacking
  22151. wild thyme
  22152. pressing
  22153. lock
  22154. serum
  22155. serfage
  22156. servant (girl), lay (artillery)
  22157. serviceable
  22159. table napkin
  22160. servile
  22161. to serve
  22162. servant
  22163. servitude, bondage
  22167. setaceous
  22168. sole, only
  22169. sap
  22170. severe
  22171. to act harshly, severely
  22172. to wean
  22173. sexagenarian
  22176. sex
  22178. sixth day of the decade
  22180. sexual
  22181. becoming
  22183. sheriff
  22184. whether (or not), so, yes
  22185. sibyl
  22186. siccative
  22188. to strike
  22189. centaury
  22190. seat
  22191. to be in session
  22192. his, hers, its own, one's own
  22193. siesta, nap
  22195. to whistle
  22200. significant
  22202. silex, flint
  22204. wake
  22205. furrow
  22206. pretence
  22207. similar
  22210. simony
  22211. simoon
  22212. simple
  22213. image
  22214. to simulate
  22215. simultaneous
  22216. mustard plaster
  22219. monkey, ape
  22221. singular
  22223. if not
  22224. sinuous
  22228. sirocco
  22229. syrup
  22230. to sip
  22231. situated
  22232. beauty spot
  22233. as soon
  22234. to situate
  22235. six (6)
  22239. abstemious
  22240. sobriquel, nickname
  22241. ploughshare
  22244. society
  22246. sock
  22247. soda water
  22249. sister
  22251. oneself
  22252. silk
  22253. thirst
  22254. to look after
  22255. care
  22256. evening
  22257. very wellú
  22258. sixty (60)
  22259. soil, earth
  22260. solar
  22261. soldier
  22262. pay
  22263. balance
  22265. sun(shine)
  22266. solemn
  22267. solfeggio
  22268. joint and several
  22269. solid
  22271. solitary
  22272. joist
  22273. to solicit
  22274. soloist
  22277. solvent
  22278. solvent
  22280. to sink, to founder
  22281. summary
  22282. summons
  22283. beast of burden
  22284. sleep
  22285. summon
  22286. top, summit
  22287. spring, mattress
  22288. somnambulist
  22290. soporific
  22292. sumptuary
  22293. sumptuous
  22294. his, her, its
  22295. sound
  22296. sonata
  22297. (sounding) lead
  22298. dream
  22299. to sound
  22301. sonorous
  22302. sophism
  22303. sophisticated
  22304. soporific
  22307. sherbet
  22309. sorcerer
  22311. idle talk, bladerdash
  22312. lot
  22313. suitable
  22314. sort
  22315. spell, charm
  22316. to go out
  22317. double
  22318. silly, stupid, foolish
  22319. ha'penny
  22320. basement
  22321. start
  22323. stump, root
  22324. care
  22325. saucer
  22326. sudden, unexpected
  22327. rough old trooper
  22328. soda
  22329. solder
  22330. to hire
  22331. breath
  22332. box on the ear
  22333. suffering
  22334. to suffer
  22335. sulphur
  22336. wish, desire
  22337. to soil
  22338. gorged
  22339. to relieve
  22340. to lift, to raise
  22341. shoe
  22342. to underline
  22343. balance
  22344. to subdue
  22345. valve
  22346. suspicion
  22347. soup
  22348. closet
  22349. to sup
  22350. to feel the weight of
  22351. sigh
  22352. air hole
  22353. supple
  22355. eyebrow
  22356. deaf
  22357. mute, sordine
  22358. spring up
  22359. to smile
  22360. mouse
  22361. underhand(ed)
  22362. under
  22363. to subscribe
  22364. to undersign
  22365. to abstract
  22366. braid
  22367. cassock
  22368. storeroom
  22369. to sustain
  22370. support
  22371. subterranean
  22372. to draw off
  22373. memory
  22374. often
  22375. sovereign
  22376. silky
  22377. spacious
  22379. articles of esparto
  22380. spasm
  22383. specious, plausible
  22384. to specify
  22386. spectacle, sight
  22388. specular
  22389. to speculate
  22391. sphericity
  22392. spherical
  22397. spiritual
  22398. spirituous
  22401. to despoil (of)
  22402. spongy
  22403. spontaneous
  22404. sporadic
  22406. shark
  22407. squamous
  22409. skeleton
  22410. stable
  22411. term of probation
  22412. to stagnate
  22415. stall
  22416. stanza
  22420. static
  22421. statistical
  22422. statue
  22423. to order, to ordain
  22426. statute
  22428. shorthand typewriter
  22430. stereography
  22431. to stereotype
  22432. sterile, barren
  22433. sternum, breast bone
  22435. stigma
  22436. to stimulate
  22437. to hire, to keep in one's pay
  22438. to stipulate]
  22440. stoic
  22441. stomachal
  22442. to stop
  22443. to fine darn ou draw
  22444. roller blind
  22445. strabismus, squinting
  22446. to strangulate
  22447. folding seat, flip seat
  22448. strategist
  22449. to stratify
  22450. stridency
  22451. scratch, score
  22455. stucco
  22456. studious
  22458. to stupefy
  22459. stupor,stupefaction
  22460. stupid
  22461. style
  22462. to train
  22463. stiletto, style
  22464. fountain pen
  22465. shroud, winding sheet
  22466. suave, bland
  22468. to subdivide
  22469. to undergo
  22470. sudden
  22472. subjunctive
  22473. to subjugate, to subdue
  22475. to submerge
  22476. to subordinate
  22477. to suborn
  22478. subreptitious
  22479. to subrogate
  22480. subsequently
  22481. subsidy
  22482. to subsist
  22484. substantive
  22489. subterranean
  22491. to provide (for)
  22492. to subvert
  22493. juice
  22494. substitute
  22495. to succeed
  22496. successor
  22497. entitled to inherit ou secede
  22498. succinct, concise
  22499. to succumb, to yield
  22501. branch
  22502. to suck
  22503. sugar
  22504. south
  22506. to sweat
  22507. to suffice
  22509. to suffocate, to choke
  22511. to suggest
  22513. soot
  22514. tallow
  22515. suint, grease, yolk
  22516. to ooze
  22517. attendants, train, retinue
  22518. to follow
  22519. subject
  22520. subjection
  22521. sulphate
  22522. sulphite
  22523. sulphide
  22525. sumac(h)
  22526. superb
  22527. fraud, deceit
  22529. superficial
  22530. superfluous
  22531. superior
  22532. superiority
  22533. superlative
  22534. to superpose
  22535. superstitious
  22538. to supply
  22540. punishment
  22541. to supplicate
  22542. petition
  22544. to suppose
  22545. suppository
  22546. to suppress
  22547. to suppurate
  22548. to calculate, to compute
  22549. supreme
  22550. sure
  22551. to superbond
  22552. very high (pitched)
  22553. to superadd
  22554. to feed up
  22555. out of date
  22556. flattered
  22557. overloading
  22558. to overheat
  22559. to outclass
  22560. to overtrump
  22561. overgrowth
  22562. increase
  22563. deafness
  22564. backband
  22565. elder (tree)
  22566. to raise
  22567. higher bid
  22568. supererogation
  22569. demurrage
  22570. to over-estimate
  22571. over-evaluation
  22572. to excite
  22574. to charge too much for
  22575. superfine
  22576. raw wool
  22577. sucker
  22578. rise, to come up
  22579. to raise
  22580. superman
  22581. superhuman
  22584. overcasting
  22585. day after the morrow
  22586. to whip
  22587. to overwork
  22588. to rise above
  22589. to float, to swim
  22590. supernatural
  22591. surname
  22592. supernumerary
  22593. south west
  22594. to surpass, to overtop
  22595. overcrowded
  22596. surplice
  22597. overhang
  22599. over weight
  22600. to surprise, to astonish
  22601. to suspend
  22602. over assessment
  22604. to overstretch
  22605. especially
  22606. overcoat
  22607. to supervise, to superintend
  22608. to charge too dear for
  22609. to supervene
  22610. overcharge
  22611. to survive
  22612. flight over (a region)
  22613. on, upon
  22615. to create
  22616. above-mentioned
  22618. to suspend
  22619. suspicion
  22620. to lisp
  22621. to sustain
  22622. to murmer, to whisper
  22623. suture
  22624. suzerain, paramount
  22625. slender, slim
  22626. sycamore
  22629. stylvan, woodland
  22631. symetry
  22633. symphony
  22634. symptom
  22636. to synchronize
  22639. syndical
  22640. synonymy
  22641. synovia
  22642. syntax
  22643. synthet-thesis
  22644. syntony
  22645. system
  22646. tobacco
  22647. tobacco worker
  22648. scrivener
  22651. black board
  22652. to reckon ou count (on)
  22653. stool
  22654. spot
  22655. task
  22656. tactic
  22657. tactiturn, silent
  22658. feeling
  22659. tactical
  22660. taffeta
  22661. pillow case ou slip
  22662. slash, gash
  22663. edge tools
  22664. cutting
  22665. cutters, hewer
  22666. coppice
  22667. trencher
  22668. tinfoil, silvering
  22669. to keeping back, not to say ou tell
  22672. retaliation
  22674. sucker
  22675. heel
  22676. embankment
  22677. tamarisk
  22678. drum
  22679. sieve
  22680. plug
  22681. tan, bark
  22682. to scold
  22683. tench
  22684. while
  22687. to pitch
  22688. den, lair
  22689. tannin
  22691. spot
  22692. to tan
  22693. so much
  22694. aunt
  22695. tiny bit
  22696. just now
  22697. horse fly
  22698. noise
  22699. noisy
  22700. slap
  22703. carpet
  22704. to hang with tapestry
  22705. to pat
  22706. angle block
  22707. fond of teasing
  22708. screw tap
  22709. late
  22710. tare
  22711. tarantula 
  22712. to boast (of)
  22713. auger
  22714. to drain, to dry up
  22717. tart
  22718. tartar
  22720. heap, pile
  22721. cup
  22722. bracket
  22723. to pile up
  22724. to feel
  22725. fussy ou meddlesome person
  22726. to feel one's way, to grope
  22727. to grope along on one's way
  22728. to tattoo
  22729. hovel
  22730. mole
  22731. bull
  22732. tautology
  22733. price
  22734. to spot, to speckle 
  22736. fixed official price
  22738. taxidermy
  22739. you
  22740. tee
  22741. technical
  22742. moth
  22743. to scutch, to strip
  22744. to dye
  22745. complexion
  22746. tint, hue
  22747. dye
  22748. dye
  22749. telegram
  22753. foolhardy
  22754. evidence, proof
  22755. temple
  22756. temperament
  22758. temperature
  22759. to temper
  22760. tempest, storm
  22762. to temporize
  22763. time
  22765. tenacious
  22766. pincers
  22767. freeholder
  22768. during the sitting
  22769. tendency
  22771. stretcher
  22772. tendon, sinew
  22773. tender, to stretch
  22774. young shoot
  22775. darkness
  22776. dark, obscure
  22777. tenor
  22778. taenia, tape worm
  22779. to hold
  22781. tenor
  22783. tent
  22784. tempt
  22785. hangings
  22786. (well, badly) kept
  22787. tenuous, thin
  22788. turpentine
  22789. to tergiversate, to equivocate, to shuffle
  22790. term
  22792. ternary
  22793. dull
  22794. tarnish, to dull
  22795. ground
  22796. terrace
  22797. earth
  22798. terror, dread
  22799. burrow
  22800. terrify
  22801. earthenware vessel
  22802. territory
  22803. a tang  ou flavour of the soil
  22804. to terrorize
  22805. knoll, hillock
  22806. fragment, broken piece
  22807. test, shell
  22808. testament, will
  22809. by witness  
  22810. shell
  22811. tetanus, lock jaw
  22812. tadpole
  22813. head
  22814. to suck
  22815. dug, teat
  22816. obstinate, stubborn
  22817. text
  22819. tea (plant)
  22820. theme
  22821. theocrat
  22823. theology
  22825. theory
  22826. therapeutic
  22827. thermae
  22829. thermometer
  22830. to hoard up
  22831. thesis
  22832. funny
  22833. thorax
  22834. thyme
  22835. tiara
  22838. tick-tack
  22839. tepid, lukewarm
  22840. thine
  22841. third
  22842. stem, stalk
  22843. tiger
  22844. linden, lime tree
  22845. kettle drum
  22846. timbre, bell, tone
  22847. timid, shy
  22849. timorous
  22850. tinctorial
  22851. water tub
  22852. din, uproar
  22853. to ring, to toll
  22854. tick, cattle tick
  22855. to have a tic
  22856. shooting
  22858. drawing
  22859. purse string
  22860. pocket picking
  22861. money box
  22862. to carol
  22863. to draw, to pull
  22864. dash
  22865. drawer
  22866. tisane, tea
  22867. ember, brand
  22868. to poke ou stir (the fire)
  22869. to weave
  22870. part
  22871. texture, weave
  22872. titanic
  22874. smart, impudent
  22875. to titillate, to tickle
  22876. title
  22877. to stagger, to reel
  22878. titular
  22881. toga
  22882. chaos
  22883. thou
  22884. linen
  22886. fathom
  22887. fleece
  22888. roof
  22889. sheet iron
  22890. to tolerate
  22891. outcry
  22892. tomato
  22893. tomb
  22894. to fall
  22895. tip cart
  22896. possess
  22897. tone, manners
  22898. to clip
  22899. tun, ton
  22900. barrel, tun
  22901. hower,arbour
  22902. to thunder
  22903. thunder
  22904. tonsil
  22905. tonsure
  22906. shearing, clipping
  22907. topaze
  22908. Jerusalem artichoke
  22909. topical
  22910. topography
  22911. craze, fancy
  22913. to become infatuated (with)
  22914. torch, link
  22915. to wipe down ou out ou clean
  22916. candllabrum, torchΘrere
  22917. cob
  22918. dish cloth
  22919. to twist
  22920. tornado
  22921. torpor
  22922. torpedo
  22923. to terrify
  22925. torrid
  22926. twisted
  22927. twisted fringe
  22928. torso
  22930. wrong
  22931. stiff neck
  22932. to twist
  22933. of torture
  22934. crooked
  22935. tortoise
  22936. torture
  22937. menacing
  22938. soon
  22940. teetotum
  22941. touch
  22942. to touch
  22943. warping
  22944. tuft
  22945. always
  22946. lock, tuft
  22947. top, spinning top
  22948. tower
  22949. rabble
  22950. peat
  22951. whirlwind
  22952. pivot (pin)
  22953. tourist
  22954. torment
  22955. storm, tempest
  22956. to turn round and round
  22957. wrench
  22958. roasting jack
  22959. beefsteak
  22960. round
  22961. to turn
  22962. sunflower
  22963. screw driver
  22964. turnstile
  22965. tournament
  22966. to whirl ou eddy round (and round)
  22967. turning
  22968. pie dish
  22969. young turtle dove
  22970. all saints day
  22971. to cough
  22972. tut tut
  22973. yet, still, however, nevertheless
  22974. cough
  22975. toxicology
  22976. toxin
  22977. brother
  22979. to trace
  22980. trachea (windpipe)
  22982. dealing, bargaining
  22983. tractor
  22987. traffic
  22988. tragedy
  22989. tragic
  22990. to betray
  22993. sledge
  22994. train, trail
  22995. to drag, to pull (along)
  22996. to milk
  22997. gold ou silver wire
  22998. stage
  22999. treaty
  23000. to treat
  23001. treacherous
  23002. trajectory
  23003. journey
  23004. trammel, drag net
  23005. woof, weft
  23007. slice
  23008. tranquil
  23010. transatlantic
  23011. to tranship
  23013. transcribe
  23014. fright
  23016. to transfer
  23017. to transfigure
  23019. deserter
  23020. transfuse
  23021. to transgress
  23022. to compromise, to compound
  23023. to chill
  23025. transitive
  23026. removal, translation
  23027. translucent
  23028. to transmitter
  23029. to transmigrate
  23030. to translate (into)
  23031. to show through
  23032. to transpierce
  23033. to perspire
  23034. to transplant
  23036. to transpose
  23039. to decant
  23040. transversal
  23042. trapezium
  23043. trap (door)
  23044. thick set
  23045. beating
  23046. trap
  23047. mill clapper ou -clack
  23048. work
  23049. bay
  23050. breadth
  23051. cross bar
  23052. to cross
  23053. cross-piece
  23054. to travesty
  23055. teat, dug
  23056. to stumble
  23057. scales
  23058. wire drawn
  23059. trefoil, clover
  23060. subsoil (and minerals)
  23061. trellis (-work)
  23062. vine
  23063. trellis
  23064. thirteen (13)
  23065. aspen
  23066. to tremble
  23067. to tremble
  23068. hopper
  23069. to flutter
  23070. steeping
  23071. spring board
  23072. thirty (30)
  23073. trepan
  23074. death
  23075. to quiver
  23076. tripod
  23077. to prance
  23078. treasure
  23079. to start
  23080. to jump, to start
  23081. tress, plait
  23082. trestle
  23083. winch, windlass
  23084. truce
  23085. sorting
  23087. starboard
  23088. tribe
  23090. tribune
  23092. tribute
  23093. to cheat, to trick
  23094. tricoloured
  23095. three horned
  23096. knitting, cudgel
  23098. third day of (Rep calender)
  23100. to sort
  23102. trill
  23103. billion
  23104. to toil and moil
  23105. quarter
  23106. tringle, rod
  23107. trinity
  23108. to touch glasses
  23110. triumph
  23111. tripartition
  23113. triple
  23115. carrier-tricycle
  23116. gambling hell
  23117. to meddle ou mess with
  23118. cudgel
  23119. great grandmother
  23121. sorrowful
  23122. triturate
  23124. truck, barter
  23125. bloated face
  23126. core
  23127. three (3)
  23128. water spout
  23129. blunderbuss
  23131. horn
  23132. to deceive
  23133. trunk
  23134. block
  23135. stump
  23136. throne
  23137. to truncate
  23138. too much
  23139. trophy
  23140. tropic
  23141. to barter, to exchange
  23143. side walk
  23144. hole
  23146. muddy
  23147. to hole
  23148. troop
  23149. flock
  23150. bundle
  23151. to tuck up
  23152. to find
  23153. interpreter
  23154. to kill
  23156. trowel
  23157. truffle
  23158. sow
  23159. trout
  23160. pier
  23161. to fake
  23162. thou
  23163. tube
  23164. tuber
  23165. tuberose
  23166. nasty blow
  23167. tulip
  23169. to tumefy
  23170. tumour
  23173. tungsten
  23174. tunic
  23180. race course
  23181. turgid
  23183. tussore (silk)
  23184. tutelary
  23185. tutelage
  23186. to thee and thou (some one)
  23187. pip, tube
  23188. tympanum
  23189. typical
  23190. typhoid
  23191. typhoon
  23193. typographer, printer
  23194. tyrant
  23197. udometre, rain gauge
  23199. ulcer
  23200. ulterior
  23202. ultimate
  23203. lapis lazuli
  23204. ultramontane
  23205. to ululate, to hoot
  23206. one (1)
  23207. unanimous
  23208. united
  23209. to unify
  23214. to unite
  23215. unison
  23216. unitarian
  23217. unit
  23219. university
  23220. urban
  23221. urbanity
  23222. urea
  23223. uraemia
  23224. urgency
  23225. to urinate
  23226. uric
  23227. urn, ballot box
  23228. ursine
  23229. urticaria
  23230. usages
  23231. usage
  23232. to use
  23233. (manu)factory
  23234. to use, usual
  23235. untensil
  23236. usual
  23237. usufruct
  23238. usury
  23239. wear
  23240. to unsurp
  23241. invar (mus)
  23242. uterus
  23243. useful
  23244. utopia
  23245. coming and going
  23246. vacancy
  23247. tumult, din, uproar
  23248. vaccine
  23249. cow, cow hide
  23250. to vacillate
  23251. vacuity, emptiness
  23255. vagina
  23256. to wall
  23257. vague, wave
  23258. to wander
  23259. valour, gallentry
  23260. not to have a penny to one's name
  23261. vain
  23262. to vanquish, to conquer
  23263. vanquisher, victor
  23264. minnow
  23265. vessel
  23266. china, earthen ware
  23267. vale
  23268. valid
  23269. valerian
  23270. farm labourer
  23271. valetudinary
  23272. value, worth
  23273. valour, valiant
  23274. valid
  23275. valise, suit case
  23276. valley
  23277. small valley
  23278. to be worth
  23279. to valorize
  23280. to waltz
  23281. valve
  23283. van, winnowing basket
  23284. vandal
  23285. vanilla
  23286. vanity
  23287. sluice
  23288. lapwing
  23289. basket making
  23290. leaf
  23291. to vaunt
  23292. vapour
  23293. to be vacant
  23294. wrack, seaweed
  23295. reefer
  23296. varicose vein
  23297. chicken pox
  23298. to vary
  23299. variola, small pox
  23300. trying plane
  23302. mud, slime
  23303. vaseline
  23304. fan light
  23305. bowl
  23306. vassal
  23308. vast
  23309. down stream
  23311. good for nothing (person)
  23312. vulture
  23313. to wallow
  23314. calf, golden calf
  23315. true to life
  23316. vegetal
  23317. vegetarian
  23318. vegetation
  23319. to vegetates
  23320. vehemence
  23321. vehicle
  23322. watching
  23323. vein
  23324. to calve
  23325. vellum
  23326. velleity
  23327. swift
  23328. cycle racing track
  23329. velvet
  23330. shaggy, hairy
  23331. awning
  23332. venison
  23333. venal
  23334. thriving
  23335. grape gathering
  23336. (1st month of Rep calender)
  23337. for sale
  23338. Friday
  23339. poisonous
  23340. to venerate
  23341. venery
  23342. to avenge
  23343. venial
  23344. venom
  23345. to come
  23346. wind, weather
  23347. action room
  23348. to ventilate
  23349. (6th month of Rep calender)
  23350. cupping glass
  23351. belly
  23352. ventricle
  23353. to be welcome
  23354. evening
  23355. earthworm
  23356. truthfulness
  23357. veranda(h)
  23358. verb
  23359. greenish
  23360. verdigris
  23361. greeness
  23363. greenfinch
  23364. to make ou paint green
  23365. worm eaten
  23366. rod
  23367. streaky
  23368. orchard
  23369. to beat, to brush
  23370. brush
  23371. silver thaw
  23372. shame
  23373. yard
  23374. veracious
  23375. to verify
  23376. jack
  23377. truth
  23378. verjuice
  23379. vermilion
  23383. vermin
  23384. small worm
  23385. to become worm eaten
  23386. vermouth
  23389. sliding gauge
  23390. varnish
  23391. pox
  23392. veronuca, speedwell
  23393. boar
  23394. glass
  23395. bolt
  23396. wart
  23397. towards
  23398. liable to overturn
  23399. slope
  23400. versatile
  23401. its raining cats and dogs
  23402. versed (in), skilled (in)
  23403. to overturn
  23404. to versify
  23405. version
  23407. green
  23408. vertebra
  23409. vertical
  23410. giddiness, dizziness
  23411. staggers
  23412. virtu
  23413. verve, spirit
  23414. vervain
  23415. vetch, tare
  23417. vesicle
  23418. vespertine
  23419. bladder
  23420. vestal
  23421. jacket
  23422. cloak room
  23424. vestige, trace
  23426. (lounge) coat
  23427. garment, dress, cloths
  23428. veteran
  23429. veterinary
  23430. trifle
  23431. to clothe, to dress
  23432. veto
  23433. old, decayed
  23434. widowed
  23435. weak, weak willed
  23436. to vex
  23438. practicable
  23439. viaduct
  23440. life
  23441. meat
  23442. viateicum
  23443. to vibrate
  23444. vicar
  23445. defect
  23446. vice-admiral, chancellor
  23447. parish road
  23448. mutation
  23449. viscount
  23450. victim
  23451. victory
  23452. food
  23453. emptying
  23454. empty
  23455. to be alive
  23456. hurdy gurdy
  23457. virgin
  23458. old, aged, of long standing
  23459. alive, living
  23460. look out
  23461. vigilance
  23462. vigil
  23463. vine yard
  23465. vicu±a wood
  23466. vigour
  23467. vile, low base
  23468. villain
  23469. brace and bit
  23470. to vilipend, to vilify, to cry down
  23473. town, city
  23474. holiday in the country
  23475. wine
  23476. vinegar
  23477. vindictive
  23478. twenty (20)
  23479. rape
  23480. viola
  23481. violence
  23482. violate
  23483. violet
  23484. violin
  23485. viper
  23487. virelay
  23488. to turn
  23489. virginity
  23490. comma
  23491. virile
  23492. ferrule
  23493. virtual
  23497. screw
  23498. visa
  23499. face
  23500. opposite
  23501. viscus
  23502. viscose
  23503. visible
  23504. visor, vizor
  23507. visit, call
  23508. vision, mink
  23509. viscous
  23510. to screw in ou up ou down
  23511. visual
  23513. vitamin
  23514. quick, swift
  23515. wine grower
  23516. (window) pane
  23517. shop window
  23519. to vituperate
  23520. long lived
  23521. vivacity
  23522. vivandier
  23523. cheer
  23524. quickly
  23525. fish pond
  23526. to vivify
  23527. viviparous
  23528. to live
  23529. vizier
  23531. vocabulary
  23533. vocative
  23535. to vociferate, to bawl
  23536. vow
  23537. vogue, fashion
  23538. to row
  23539. here is, here are
  23540. way
  23541. there he is
  23542. veil, sail
  23543. to see
  23544. indeed 
  23545. public roads
  23546. neighbouring
  23547. carriage
  23548. voice
  23549. flight, theft
  23550. fickle, flighty
  23551. poultry
  23552. volatile
  23553. invar
  23554. volcano
  23555. to fly
  23556. shutter
  23557. aviary
  23559. will
  23562. to flutter
  23563. convolvulus
  23564. volubility
  23565. volume
  23566. voluptuousness
  23567. wreath
  23568. nux vomica
  23569. to vomit
  23570. voracious
  23571. vote
  23572. votive
  23573. your
  23574. yours
  23575. to devote
  23576. to will
  23577. you
  23578. vault
  23579. voyage, flight
  23580. seeing
  23581. vowel
  23582. road-surveyor
  23583. black guard
  23584. in bulk, loose
  23585. true
  23586. probable, likely
  23587. tendril
  23588. to hum, to whirr
  23589. considered
  23590. to vulcanize
  23591. vulgar, common
  23592. the vulgate
  23593. vulnerability
  23594. carriage
  23595. warrant
  23598. driver
  23604. xenophil
  23606. sherry
  23607. xylography
  23612. holmoak
  23613. voir
  23614. yawl
  23615. dinghy
  23616. spear, dart
  23617. zebra
  23618. to stripe ou streak
  23619. zeal, ardour
  23620. zealous
  23621. zenith
  23622. zephyr
  23623. zeppelin
  23624. zero, naught, cipher
  23625. peel
  23626. to lisp
  23627. sable
  23629. zinc
  23630. discord, quarrel
  23631. zodiac
  23632. zona
  23634. zoolite
  23635. zoology
  23638. zygoma, cheek bone