Archive Magazine 1996
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%CO:A,12,72%%H2%Ned Abell
%H2%Hollywell Lane
%H2%Bayton Common
N%H2%r. Kidderminster
%H2%DY14 9NR
%H4%029922-249 @D@
Dear Gerald, %H2%Archive Column
First of all "Good Luck" and thanks for taking on the task of writing
the column. I thought you might be interested in my experiences of
Pipedream in case they are of use to others.
Its a very good programme and I agree with you that it will become more
important than FW+ in that it is a very versatile programme and
also because of its portabillity.
I'm operating an upgraded 305 with twin 3.5" and an external 5.25" and
even with 1MB am having problems with lack of memory so will probably
go to 2MB. Having used the programme on a Z88 I was impressed by your
review and wanted to be able to port files to both machines.
Looking at specifics:
%H2%1] RISC OS Printer driver.%H2% If you are trying to load the RISC-OS
printer driver and also Pipedream on a 310 the error message of
"Application needs 56K to start up" appears. Its possible to rewrite
the !run file (see manual page 388) to %H2%decrease%H2% the WimpSlot memory
allocation by 16k to 472k and 440k as well as removing unused modules.
Copy your Risc OS printer driver onto your working Pipedream disc and
then you can install both !Pipedream %H2%and%H2% !PrinterDM on the icon bar.
%H2%2] Z88 use %H2%The Z88 must have "PClink" running and the lead
connected for the file transfer to work, otherwise an error message
appears and the Arc hangs. The file transfer to and from the Z88 works
very well but there are problems with the Z88 itself. I'm on my second
which has just failed after the batteries got low then it's unable to
restart or accept keyboard input or switch off. There is a problem with
early machines on the keyboard membrane. Insist on the machine being
fixed as some dealers will exchange computers to get the machine
working so that the same fault will reappear later when the machine is
out of warranty!
%H2%3] File Names %H2% On saving a file with V3.04R for the first time, if
you get a long filenamepath wrong the computer will show "Bad filename"
and hang. This is always after an hour or mores work and I havn't found
a way to resave the file! Colton have fixed this on later versions
but its still better to give the file a short simple name such as
"Archive" not using the filenamepath. This way you are prompted to drag
the icon into the directory. You don't get that wrong or at least its
easier to correct. %H2%Beware%H2% that you can allocate a name to a file i.e
"Christmas_let", it will be named but if you try and save it by icon
dragging the computer throws a wobbly because the name is too %H2%long.
%H2%4] Disc Space %H2% The use of fonts and printer drivers can be made
quicker and need less disc swops if the maximum useful infomation is
placed on the working disc. I have:
Put !Fonts and !System on the working disk
Put !PrinterDM " (see above)
Removed !Chars & PD123 to a documents file
Deleted most of the information in the !pipedream.!help
file replacing it with a message that it can be found on
the document disc.
Removed Juki, FX80 and laser pipedream printer drivers
replacing them with Citizen120
This gives about 30k free on the working disc for more fonts.
%H2%5] Citizen 120 D%H2% I've attached a driver for this machine to add to
your collection plus Cit_readme documentation. They are good little
machines with an IBM mode as well so good value for a first printer.
If you decide to do a special Pipedream shareware I'm interested as I
am in any extra Fonts...
Besters, and thank you for your hard work.