<li><a href="http://www.davav.demon.co.uk/tony.htm" target="_top">Aargh!</a> <i>Simple freeware game. Need to check this link.</i>
<li><a href="http://www.swallows.demon.co.uk/angband/" target="_top">Angband/Sangband</a> <i>Freeware ports of the classic textual graphics adventure games</i>
<li><a href="http://www.argonet.co.uk/armdanddangerous" target="_top">ARMed and Dangerous</a> <i>Authors of a prolifera of free games, including some good ones!</i>
<li><a href="http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~parkinsj/" target="_top">Artemis</a> <i>Vertical scrolling shoot-em-up, originally released as part of Quantum's </i>New Dawn<i> disc magazine.
<li><a href="http://www.brookes.ac.uk/~95149919/arv.html" target="_top">ARV</a> <i>Armed Robbery With Violence. A fun and occasionally amusing text adventure. Just try and RIDE THE BIKE!</i>
<li><a href="http://www.fortunecity.com/lavendar/clint/40/bits.html" target="_top">Cavern Duel</a> <i>Full release of the game</i>
<LI><a href="http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/5927/ord.html" target="_top">Darren Green</a> <i>Information on games which are due to be released as shareware and budgetware 'very soon'.</i>
<li><a href="http://www.forwiss.tu-muenchen.de/~dehmel/DIY.html" target="_top">Doom-It-Yourself</a> <i>This controversial compile-it-yourself Doom port runs almost as fast as the commercial version and has a number of features and improvements over its kosher rival.</i>
<li><a href="http://www.snowdrop.u-net.com" target="_top">Hopper</a> <i>RISC OS version of the classic BBC game, by Simon Foster</i>
<LI><a href="http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/rfredw" target="_top">R Fred Williams</a> <i>Information and downloads from the author of <A HREF="http://www.argonet.co.uk/acorngaming/reviews/ip.html#pushy" target="_top">Pushy II</A> and QBuild, a useful Quake utility. Also the home of the coding group Fishnet.</i>
<li><a href="http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~ulkesh/peter/acorn/frogger.htm" target="_top">Frogger</a> <i>Based on the same game as <i>Hopper</i>; some may prefer this implementation.</i>
<li><a href="http://gerph.home.ml.org" target="_top">Justin Fletcher</a> <i>The prolific coder's pages, with huge amounts of useful programs, including libraries for running network games.</i>
<li><a href="http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/kicking.fish/demo.htm" target="_top">Kicking Fish Chess</a> <i>Demos of some shareware chess games</i>
<LI><a href="http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~csaszar/download/freedoom" target="_top">FreeDoom</a> <i>This port of Doom by David Csaszar was attacked by R-Comp on release but can still be downloaded, as R-Comp's legal position is unknown even with regard to executables.</i>
<li><A HREF="http://www.greyhaven.demon.co.uk" target="_top">The Grey Havens</a> <i>Home of Holocaust, the shareware Scorched Earth clone... by me!</i>
<LI><a href="http://people.netcom.co.uk/i.bell/elite/Default.html" target="_top">Ian Bell's Elite pages</a> <i>Home of all the different versions of Elite for various computer systems. From here you can download the full game of Elite Gold - get it now if you'venever played it!</i>
<LI><a href="http://freespace.virgin.net/john-paul.stanford/" target="_top">John-Paul Stanford</a> <i>Two shareware games, a Tetris clone <i>Bricks</i> and a 'tron-type game', <i>Worm</i>.
<LI><a href="http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/leenoar" target="_top">Lee Noar</a> <i>Author of the PD and commercial ports of the PC game <A HREF="http://www.argonet.co.uk/acorngaming/reviews/ip.html#pushy">Abuse</A>, and the <i>Deth</i> DOOM level editor.</i>
<LI><a href="http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/lgraham" target="_top">Luke Graham</a> <i>Author of numerous programs including an excellent Aliens TC DOOM/DOOM II installer for Acorn DOOM.</i>
<li><A HREF="http://www.soup-kitchen.demon.co.uk" target="_top">Matthew Bloch</a> <i>Author of Swarm, amongst other things.</i>
<li><A HREF="http://rcswww.urz.tu-dresden.de/~teich-p/acorn.html" target="_top">Peter Teichmann</a> <i>Lord Master of free Quake conversions! Peter maintains the only playable free port of Quake available for the Acorn. Only runs acceptably on StrongARM.</i> (New Link 20/5/98)
<li><a href="http://www.mygale.org/08/f2d/acorn/downld.htm" target="_top">ShPlouc</a> <i>A great little shufflepuck game with a very good computer opponent</i>
<LI><a href="http://www.eganc.demon.co.uk/skullsoft/" target="_top">Skullsoft</a> <i>The games programming group's web pages, maintained by Chris Egan.</i>
<li><a href="http://www.softrock.co.uk" target="_top">Soft Rock Software</a> <i>You can download Soft Rock's previously budget commercial Acorn games here, as freeware. Includes some previously reviewed in Acorn User.</i>
<li><A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/3873/index2.html" target="_top">VOTI - Visions of the Impossible</A> <i>Super Foul Egg is this coding group's latest triumph; check out what else they have to offer.</i>