Amiga Format 135
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320 lines
; This script installs the GUIFront library and preferences editor on your
; harddisk. Use Commodore's Installer utility to execute.
; Modified by Doug Dyer for generic amiCheck installation needs.
; Default source- and destination files
(set prefs-source "//prefs/GUIFront")
(set prefs-source020 "//prefs/GUIFront.020")
(set prefs-dest "SYS:Prefs/")
(set prefscat-source "Locale/Catalogs/")
(set prefscat-dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/")
(set lib-source "//libs/guifront.library")
(set lib-source020 "//libs/guifront.library.020")
(set lib-dest "LIBS:")
(set lib-destname "guifront.library")
(set er-source "//libs/easyrexx.library")
(set er-dest "LIBS:")
(set er-destname "easyrexx.library")
(set ac-source "//storage/amiCheck.68000")
(set ac-source020 "//storage/amiCheck.68020")
(set ac-destname "amiCheck")
(set ac-dest "//")
; English strings
; Translation: Native
(set default_lang 1)
(set oldlevel @user-level)
(set wrongkickstart "amiCheck requires at least Kickstart 2.04")
(set prefs-where (cat "In which directory do you want to install the "
"preferences editor?"))
(set prefs-where-help (cat "The preferences editor allows you to "
"customize the visual appearance of "
"the application.\n\n"
(set prefs-cpu (cat "Which CPU version of the software "
"do you want to install?"))
(set prefs-cpu-help (cat "Two versions of some software have been"
"provided. One version runs on any Amiga, "
"while the other requires a 68020 or better.\n\n"
"Select the version which closest matches "
"your hardware. If you do not know what type of "
"CPU your Amiga has, simply accept what the "
"Installer suggests\n\n"
(set cpu000 "68000")
(set cpu020plus "68020 or better")
(set er-where (cat "In which directory do you want to install "
(set er-where-help (cat "This library is used by amiCheck to provide "
"arexx support. It is not required, but "
"highly recommended.\n\n"
(set lib-where (cat "In which directory do you want to install "
(set lib-where-help (cat "This library is used by every GUIFront "
"application, and is absolutely necessary "
"to install.\n\n"
(set which-lang "Which languages should be installed? (GUIfront Prefs)")
(set which-lang-help (cat "The Amiga can be operated in many different "
"languages. If you want the GUIFront preferences "
"editor to use the same language as your Amiga "
"Workbench, then a catalog file must be copied "
"to your LOCALE: directory for each language supported.\n\n"
"To reduce the amount of space consumed by the "
"language files, you can select to have only the "
"files of specific languages copied.\n\n"
"Please check the boxes of the languages you "
"wish to have available on your system.\n\n"
(set copying-lib "Copying guifront.library to ")
(set copying-prefs "Copying GUIFront preferences editor to ")
(set copying-er "Copying easyrexx.library to ")
(set copying-ac "Copying amiCheck.680X0 to ")
; Make sure we are running under a 2.04 ROM
(complete 0)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort wrongkickstart)
; Determine which CPU the user has
(set thiscpu (database "cpu"))
(set n 0)
(set ch 1)
(set cpuvers 2)
(set cpuselstr
(select n
(if (= thiscpu cpuselstr) (set cpuvers ch))
(set n (+ n 1))
(set ch (* 2 ch))
; Ask user which CPU version of the software to install
(user 2)
(set whatvers
(prompt prefs-cpu)
(help prefs-cpu-help)
(default cpuvers)
(user oldlevel)
;(complete 5)
; copy the app
;(set copyver ac-source)
;(if (IN whatvers 1)
; (set copyver ac-source020))
; (prompt (cat copying-ac ac-dest "..."))
; (source copyver)
; (dest ac-dest)
; (help @copyfiles-help)
; (infos)
; (newname ac-destname)
(complete 10)
; Ask user where he wants the GUIFront library
(set lib-dest
(prompt lib-where)
(help lib-where-help)
(default lib-dest)
; Copy guifront.library (the correct CPU version of course)
(set n 0)
(set copyver
( select n
(if (IN whatvers n)
(prompt (cat copying-lib (tackon lib-dest lib-destname) "..."))
(help @copylib-help)
(source copyver)
(dest lib-dest)
(newname lib-destname)
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete 30)
; Ask user where he wants the easyrexx library
(set er-dest
(prompt er-where)
(help er-where-help)
(default er-dest)
; Copy easyrexx.library
(prompt (cat copying-er (tackon er-dest er-destname) "..."))
(help @copylib-help)
(source er-source)
(dest er-dest)
(newname er-destname)
(complete 50)
; Ask user where he wants the GUIFront preferences editor
(set prefs-dest
(prompt prefs-where)
(help prefs-where-help)
(default prefs-dest)
; Copy the preferences editor (the correct CPU version of course)
(set n 0)
(set copyver
(select n
(if (IN whatvers n)
(prompt (cat copying-prefs prefs-dest "..."))
(source copyver)
(dest prefs-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete 75)
; Attempt to install catalog files for preferences editor
(if (exists "LOCALE:")
(set lang
(prompt which-lang)
(help which-lang-help)
(default default_lang)
(user oldlevel)
(set n 0)
(set language
(select n
(if (IN lang n)
(if (<> 0 n)
(makedir (cat prefscat-dest language))
(source (cat prefscat-source language))
(dest (cat prefscat-dest language))
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete 100)