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  325.         </tr>
  326.         <tr> 
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  346.   <tr> 
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  355.             <a href="../Sections/analog/analog.htm">Analog</a></td>
  356.         </tr>
  357.         <tr> 
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  359.         </tr>
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  375.       the mag<b> <br>
  376.       .masterclass</b></td>
  377.     <td width=1 bgcolor=000000 height="10"><img src="../images/space1.gif"></td>
  378.   </tr>
  379.   <tr> 
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  382.   <tr> 
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  390.         <tr> 
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  404.   <tr> 
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  406.     <td align=center bgcolor=#FF6633 class=columnlink width="177" height="20" valign="middle">In 
  407.       the mag<b> <br>
  408.       .free browsing tools</b></td>
  409.     <td width=1 bgcolor=000000 height="10"><img src="../images/space1.gif"></td>
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  413.   </tr>
  414.   <tr> 
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  420.             <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk1.htm">Daves Quick 
  421.             <br>
  422.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">Search <br>
  423.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">Deskbar 
  424.             3.14</a><br>
  425.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk1.htm#2">Wordz 
  426.             Toolbar 1.0</a><br>
  427.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk1.htm#3">Pop-Up 
  428.             Stopper 2.6</a><br>
  429.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk1.htm#4">IE_KILL 
  430.             2.0</a><br>
  431.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk1.htm#5">Ad-Aware 5.83</a><br>
  432.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk1.htm#6">CrocBar 
  433.             v6.1 </a><br>
  434.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk2.htm">AdShield 
  435.             1.2</a><br>
  436.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk2.htm#2">JtFlashManager</a><br>
  437.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk2.htm#3">SearchBoss 
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  440.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"><a href="../Sections/mag/phptk2.htm#4"> 
  441.             Memobook panel  <br>
  442.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">for IE 6</a><br>
  443.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk2.htm#5">Multibrowser 
  444.             bar 
  445.             <br>
  446.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">0.5</a><br>
  447.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"><a href="../Sections/mag/phptk2.htm#6"> 
  448.             Browser Buddy  </a><br>
  449.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk3.htm">Addabutton 
  450.             3.0</a><br>
  451.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="16"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk3.htm#2">Resize 
  452.             Browser 
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  454.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">1.01</a><br>
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  456.             Remover for <br>
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  459.             0.11</a><br>
  460.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="16"> <a href="../Sections/mag/phptk3.htm#5">AI 
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  462.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="16"><a href="../Sections/mag/phptk3.htm#6"> 
  463.             DzSoft Favorites <br>
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  465.             1.03</a><br>
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  468.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">Explorer 
  469.             1.3</a><br>
  470.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="16"> <a href="../Sections/mag/section4.htm#2">Advanced 
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  473.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">Properties <br>
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  508.         </tr>
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  555.             1.54</a><br>
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  633.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">Copier 3.22-3</a><br>
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  635.             Accelerator 2.01</a><br>
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  637.             BEEE </a><br>
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  639.             DocServer 2.1</a><br>
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  642.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/picks/picks2.htm#2">GFI 
  643.             WebMonitor</a><br>
  644.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/picks/picks2.htm#3">Flash 
  645.             Saver 4.0</a><br>
  646.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/picks/picks2.htm#4">eClean 2000 
  647.             2.1.0</a><br>
  648.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/picks/picks2.htm#5">PestPatrol 
  649.             4</a></td>
  650.         </tr>
  651.         <tr> 
  652.           <td height="1"><img src="../images/space2.gif"></td>
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  666.     <td align=center bgcolor=#FF6633 class=columnlink width="177" height="20" valign="middle">Additional 
  667.       Software<b> <br>
  668.       .online gaming</b></td>
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  680.             <p> <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> <a href="../Sections/gaming/onlinegaming.htm">Medal 
  681.               of Honor <br>
  682.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="20" height="8" border="0">Spearhead</a></p>
  683.             </td>
  684.         </tr>
  685.         <tr> 
  686.           <td height="1"><img src="../images/space2.gif"></td>
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  699.   <tr> 
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  701.     <td align=center bgcolor=#FF6633 class=columnlink width="177" height="20" valign="middle"><b>Key</b></td>
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  711.         <tr> 
  712.           <td height="13"><img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/xp.GIF" width="16" height="14"> 
  713.             Windows compatible<br>
  714.             <img src="../SuperCD/IMAGES/apple.GIF" width="16" height="16"> Macintosh 
  715.             compatible</td>
  716.         </tr>
  717.         <tr> 
  718.           <td height="1"><img src="../images/space2.gif"></td>
  719.         </tr>
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  724.   <!--END section-->
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  741.         <tr> 
  742.           <td height="1"> <img src="../images/arrow1.gif"> <a href="../SuperCD/help.htm#start">Starting 
  743.             the Disc </a><br>
  744.             <img src="../images/arrow1.gif"> <a href="../SuperCD/help.htm#install">Installing<br>
  745.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="13" height="8" border="0">software 
  746.             </a><br>
  747.             <img src="../images/arrow1.gif"> <a href="../SuperCD/help.htm#netscape">Netscape</a><br>
  748.             <img src="../images/arrow1.gif"> <a href="../SuperCD/help.htm#cookies">Turning 
  749.             off <br>
  750.             <img src="../images/blank.gif" width="13" height="8" border="0">warnings</a><br>
  751.             <img src="../images/arrow1.gif"> <a href="../SuperCD/help.htm#support">Getting 
  752.             more help</a></td>
  753.         </tr>
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  786.             support</a><br>
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  861.                 <b>Price:</b> price here <br>
  862.                 <b>Minimum system requirements: </b>Windows xx, xx, xx, xx</p>
  863.               <span class="sectionheading">Installation</span><br>
  864.               <br>
  865.               <hr noshade width="100%" size="1" align="left">
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  884.                 <b>Price:</b> price here <br>
  885.                 <b>Minimum system requirements: </b>Windows xx, xx, xx, xx</p>
  886.               <span class="sectionheading">Installation</span><br>
  887.               <br>
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  897.                 text goes here Main body text goes here Main body text goes hern 
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  906.                 <b>Web:</b> web site here <br>
  907.                 <b>Price:</b> price here <br>
  908.                 <b>Minimum system requirements: </b>Windows xx, xx, xx, xx</p>
  909.               <span class="sectionheading">Installation</span><br>
  910.               <br>
  911.               <hr noshade width="100%" size="1" align="left">
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  928.               <p><b>Developed by: </b> company name here <br>
  929.                 <b>Web:</b> web site here <br>
  930.                 <b>Price:</b> price here <br>
  931.                 <b>Minimum system requirements: </b>Windows xx, xx, xx, xx</p>
  932.               <span class="sectionheading">Installation</span><br>
  933.               <br>
  934.               <hr noshade width="100%" size="1" align="left">
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  951.               <p><b>Developed by: </b> company name here <br>
  952.                 <b>Web:</b> web site here <br>
  953.                 <b>Price:</b> price here <br>
  954.                 <b>Minimum system requirements: </b>Windows xx, xx, xx, xx</p>
  955.               <span class="sectionheading">Installation</span><br>
  956.               <br>
  957.               <hr noshade width="100%" size="1" align="left">
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