Dream 48
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Text File
293 lines
* Header name : Global definitions
* Symbol prefix: nkc
* Author : Harald Siegmund (HS)
* Co-Authors : -
* Write access : HS
* Notes : -
* Things to do : -
* History:
* 1990:
* May 23-24/26: creation of file
* Jul 09: nkc_kstate()
* Aug 03: nkc_cmp();NK_MASK
* Sep 15: BE_...
* Sep 16: nkc_timer()
* Oct 03: nkc_vlink()/vunlink(); NKXM_...
* Oct 07: removing NK_MASK (use nkc_cmp() for key code comparism!)
* Oct 13: NK_LEFT and NK_RIGHT exchanged
* Dec 11: MU_XTIMER
* 1991:
* Apr 13: nkc_conv() renamed to nkc_tconv()
* nkc_gconv()
* May 29: nkc_toupper, nkc_tolower
* Aug 22: NKS_DEADKEY changed
* NKS_D_...
* Aug 26: NK_INVALID
* Sep 07: NK_TERM
* Sep 14: NKF?_IGNUM
* Nov 16: NKS?_CTRL
* Dec 29: NK_RVD...
* source documentation syntax now in extra file
* 1992:
* Jan 03: redefining BE_...
* NKI_...
* first parameter of nkc_init() is now of type 'unsigned long'
* Feb 28: NKCOWNPB switch
* 1993:
* Dec 11: new file header
* keys NKCNOGEM and NKCOWNPB replaced by key NKCGEM
* Dec 12: new: nkc_n2tos, nkc_n2gem
* 1995:
* Nov 09: some of the reserved key codes are defined now; they are used for
* the additional keys on the Macintosh keyboard
*KEY _NAME="Global NKCC definitions (assembly language)"
* define this symbol on the assembler's command line
* =0 create TOS-version of NKCC (without GEM part)
* =1 create GEM-version of NKCC
* For details consult the header of the file NKCC.S
; functions
.globl nkc_init ; init NKCC
.globl nkc_exit ; exit NKCC
.globl nkc_set ; set special key flags
.globl nkc_conin ; NKCC key input via GEMDOS
.globl nkc_cstat ; console input status via GEMDOS
.globl nkc_tconv ; TOS key code converter
.globl nkc_gconv ; GEM key code converter
.globl nkc_n2tos ; NKC to TOS key code converter
.globl nkc_n2gem ; NKC to GEM key code converter
.globl nkc_kstate ; return shift key state
.globl nkc_timer ; return 200 Hz system clock
.globl nkc_cmp ; compare two key codes
.globl nkc_vlink ; link function to XBRA vector list
.globl nkc_vunlink ; unlink function from XBRA list
.globl nkc_toupper ; convert character to upper case
.globl nkc_tolower ; convert character to lower case
.if NKCGEM=1
.globl nkc_multi ; NKCC multi event handler
.globl nkc_amulti ; multi event, assembler binding
.globl nkc_contrl ; GEM parameter arrays
.globl nkc_intin
.globl nkc_intout
.globl nkc_adrin
.globl nkc_adrout
.globl nkc_ptsin
.globl nkc_ptsout
.endif ; .if NKCGEM=1
* flags for NKCC initialization
NKIb_BUTHND = 0 ; install button event handler
NKIb_BHTOS = 1 ; additional flag: only if TOS has
; mouse click bug
NKIb_NO200HZ = 2 ; don't install 200 Hz clock
; interrupt (this flag is ignored
; if the button event handler is
; being activated)
NKIf_BUTHND = $00000001
NKIf_BHTOS = $00000002
NKIf_NO200HZ = $00000004
* flag combinations for compatibility with old versions of NKCC
BE_OFF = 0
* flags for special key code handling
NKSb_ALTNUM = 0 ; Alt + numeric pad -> ASCII
NKSb_CTRL = 1 ; Control key emulation
; deadkey management:
NKSb_D_CIRCUM = 16 ; ^ accent circumflex
NKSb_D_TILDE = 17 ; ~ accent tilde
NKSb_D_AGUI = 18 ; ' accent agui
NKSb_D_GRAVE = 19 ; ` accent grave
NKSb_D_UMLAUT = 20 ; ╣ umlaut
NKSb_D_QUOTE = 21 ; " quote, synonym for umlaut
NKSb_D_SMOERE = 22 ; ° smoerebroed
NKSb_D_CEDIL = 23 ; , cedil
NKSb_D_SLASH = 24 ; / slash, for scandinavian chars
NKSf_ALTNUM = $00000001
NKSf_CTRL = $00000002
NKSf_D_CIRCUM = $00010000
NKSf_D_TILDE = $00020000
NKSf_D_AGUI = $00040000
NKSf_D_GRAVE = $00080000
NKSf_D_UMLAUT = $00100000
NKSf_D_QUOTE = $00200000
NKSf_D_SMOERE = $00400000
NKSf_D_CEDIL = $00800000
NKSf_D_SLASH = $01000000
NKSf_DEADKEY = $ffff0000 ; all deadkeys
* NKCC key flags
NKFb_FUNC = 15 ; function
NKFb_RESVD = 14 ; reserved, ignore it!
NKFb_NUM = 13 ; numeric pad
NKFb_CAPS = 12 ; CapsLock
NKFb_ALT = 11 ; Alternate
NKFb_CTRL = 10 ; Control
NKFb_LSH = 9 ; left Shift key
NKFb_RSH = 8 ; right Shift key
NKFb_IGNUM = NKFb_RESVD ; special flag for nkc_cmp()
NKFf_FUNC = $8000
NKFf_RESVD = $4000
NKFf_NUM = $2000
NKFf_CAPS = $1000
NKFf_ALT = $0800
NKFf_CTRL = $0400
NKFf_LSH = $0200
NKFf_RSH = $0100
NKFf_SHIFT = $0300 ; both shift keys
* Special key codes for keys performing a function
NK_INVALID = $00 ; invalid key code
NK_UP = $01 ; cursor up
NK_DOWN = $02 ; cursor down
NK_RIGHT = $03 ; cursor right
NK_LEFT = $04 ; cursor left
NK_M_PGUP = $05 ; Mac: page up
NK_M_PGDOWN = $06 ; Mac: page down
NK_M_END = $07 ; Mac: end
NK_BS = $08 ; Backspace
NK_TAB = $09 ; Tab
NK_ENTER = $0a ; Enter
NK_INS = $0b ; Insert
NK_CLRHOME = $0c ; Clr/Home
NK_RET = $0d ; Return
NK_HELP = $0e ; Help
NK_UNDO = $0f ; Undo
NK_F1 = $10 ; function key #1
NK_F2 = $11 ; function key #2
NK_F3 = $12 ; function key #3
NK_F4 = $13 ; function key #4
NK_F5 = $14 ; function key #5
NK_F6 = $15 ; function key #6
NK_F7 = $16 ; function key #7
NK_F8 = $17 ; function key #8
NK_F9 = $18 ; function key #9
NK_F10 = $19 ; function key #10
NK_M_F11 = $1a ; Mac: function key #11
NK_ESC = $1b ; Esc
NK_M_F12 = $1c ; Mac: function key #12
NK_M_F14 = $1d ; Mac: function key #14
NK_RVD1E = $1e ; reserved!
NK_DEL = $1f ; Delete
; terminator for key code tables
* ASCII codes less than 32
NUL = $00 ; Null
SOH = $01 ; Start Of Header
STX = $02 ; Start Of Text
ETX = $03 ; End Of Text
EOT = $04 ; End Of Transmission
ENQ = $05 ; Enquiry
ACK = $06 ; positive Acknowledgement
BEL = $07 ; Bell
BS = $08 ; BackSpace
HT = $09 ; Horizontal Tab
LF = $0a ; Line Feed
VT = $0b ; Vertical Tab
FF = $0c ; Form Feed
CR = $0d ; Carriage Return
SO = $0e ; Shift Out
SI = $0f ; Shift In
DLE = $10 ; Data Link Escape
DC1 = $11 ; Device Control 1
XON = $11 ; XON: same as DC1
DC2 = $12 ; Device Control 2
DC3 = $13 ; Device Control 3
XOFF = $13 ; XOFF: same as DC3
DC4 = $14 ; Device Control 4
NAK = $15 ; Negative Acknowledgement
SYN = $16 ; Synchronize
ETB = $17 ; End of Transmission Block
CAN = $18 ; Cancel
EM = $19 ; End of Medium
SUB = $1a ; Substitute
ESC = $1b ; Escape
FS = $1c ; Form Separator
GS = $1d ; Group Separator
RS = $1e ; Record Separator
US = $1f ; Unit Separator
* XBRA vector link/unlink modes
NKXM_NUM = 0 ; by vector number
NKXM_ADR = 1 ; by vector address
* additional flag in event mask
MU_XTIMER = $100
* End Of File