If you would like to buy extra levels to the ARM'd & dangerous
game Flood then email or write to-
E-Mail - deejay@stac.ac.uk
Address - David T. Johnston
70 Norse Road
Glasgow G14 9HT
At the moment there are two extra sets of levels available called "Flood:
The second coming" which is really a continuation of the original levels and "Trapped beneath the earth" which uses different graphics from the original
game and has different items in it. David plans to make more additional sets in the future.
These only cost ú1 each plus 50p for P&P. For a more up to date list of extra levels available E-mail or write to the address above.
When you are ordering extra levels write to the same address and remember to state what levels you want. Make any cheques or Postal orders payable to David Johnston
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This costs ú5. You control a blob you has to save Blobbykind after an attack
of aliens on their home planet. There are 15 levels for you to blob your
waythrough while morphing into a gun to destroy any enemies in your path.
It's not just about destroying enemies though, there are many puzzles in your
pathas well to halt your progress. If you would like a demo of the game it is
avaliable from most PD libraries or you can send a SAE to David Johnston at
the address above (in extra levels for Flood).
2121 Racing
This costs ú6. It is a racing game set in the future where each of the 6 levels have 3 difficulties and jumps, speed icons etc. around the huge track.
There are 4 different cars to choose from, each with their own strengths and
weaknesses. After playing a track you may save the tape of it and when you
are practicing on that track again you can play the tape at the same time to
compare how you are doing. If you would like a demo of the game it is
avaliable from most PD libraries or you can send a SAE to David Johnston at
the address above (in extra levels for Flood). _____________________________________________________________________________
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Anyone who can use Bulletin Boards should definately go onto Mossoft.
ARM'd & dangerous have their own area there, where you can upload any of
ARM'd & dangerous' games. You can also get our games as soon as they are
released. Their number is (01733) 701501.
Soon we'll have our own area up and properly running on Jolly Roger BBS and