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!QZap 0.20 November 1994
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
QZap is copyright ⌐ 1994 Kevin F. Quinn. It is distributed in good
faith, but without any warranty, even without any implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
QZap 0.20 is free. No charge may be made for the software itself,
however reasonable charges may be made to cover handling, distribution
and media costs.
Source code is available.
Comments, suggestions and bug reports to qzap@banana.demon.co.uk.
QZap is a simple disassembler for the Risc OS Wimp environment.
It displays code disassembly in scrolling windows. It provides
facilities to write the disassembly to a file, in various formats.
The most useful feature is that it only uses up 64K of memory. It
disassembles from disk, and doesn't attempt to load the file in
question into RAM. It never needs any more RAM - all memory
allocation is static. It should also run under Risc OS 2.0. This
is a simple application and as such does not need anything offered
by Risc OS 3 that is not available under Risc OS 2.0.
Instructions for use
1) To launch !QZap, double-click on the QZap icon in the filer window.
An icon should appear on the icon bar, showing a spanner and a
screwdriver. This is the QZap icon.
2) To disassemble a file, drag it from a filer window onto the QZap
icon. A disassembly window should open.
3) Click SELECT (left mouse button) on the icon bar to open another
disassembly window - currently up to 16 may be open at one time.
Once a file has been dragged to the QZap icon, even if all the
disassembly windows are closed, the application remembers which
file was dragged and will still open a new window when SELECT
is clicked on the QZap icon.
4) In the main viewer window, use the drag bars as normal to scroll
around the disassembly.
5) If a double-click SELECT is made on an instruction with a suitable
address in it (e.g. BL &8064) then a new window will be opened,
showing that address at the top.
6) Clicking MENU in a viewer window will bring up the viewer menu.
This consists of several items as follows:
Save Leads to the save window (see below)
Select Has a submenu which leads to:
Start Leads to a writeable menu entry in which the start
address of the selection can be entered.
End Leads to a writeable menu entry in which the end
address of the selection can be entered.
Save Leads to the save window (see below)
Goto line Leads to a writeable menu entry in which an address
may be entered, at which point the viewer window
will move to the address entered.
New view Leads to a writeable menu entry in which an address
may be entered, at which point a new viewer will
be opened at the address entered.
Set base Leads to a writeable menu entry in which an address
may be entered, at which point all viewers will be
redrawn using the entered address as the base load
address of the file.
Display Has a submenu which leads to:
Invert Swaps the foreground and background in all windows.
Foreground Leads to a colour selection menu, which is used to
change the colour of the foreground writing in the
viewer window (also the background colour for
the selected area).
Background Leads to a colour selection menu, which is used to
change the colour of the background writing in the
viewer window (also the foreground colour for
the selected area).
Quit Quits the application.
7) The save window is brought up in two ways. The first is from the
first item in the viewer window, and the second is from the save
option in the "Selection" submenu. Both perform very similarly to
each other, the only difference being that the Selection->save
only saves the portion of the disassembly currently selected,
whereas the other will save the whole file.
By clicking on the boxes on the left of the save window, the order
in which the parts of disassembled instructions are written can be
set. The numbers on the right indicate the current order.
To save the disassembly, either a full file and pathname can be
entered into the writeable icon, or just the file leafname may be
entered and the text icon dragged to a filer window.
8) There is a file inside the !QZap directory called "Addresses".
This defines the start address that is assumed for various file
types. The pseudo-filetype "default" defines the start address
for any filetypes not listed in the file. Any lines starting
with "|" are considered to be comments, and are ignored.
Any file that does not have a filetype will be loaded using the
load address of the file.